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To understand the coastal upwelling system along the southern coast of Java, we investigated ocean temperature and salinity obtained from an Argo float. In 2008, a positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) event began to develop in early May and anomalously cool SST developed around south of Java from May to September. During the peak of the IOD, an Argo float successfully observed vertical structure of temperature and salinity within 90 km from Java. The float observed two intraseasonal-scale temperature cooling events in July and August, with significant upward movements of the thermocline more than 90 m. Concurrent with the signals, anomalous southeasterly alongshore winds, lowering of local SST and sea level, and upward expansion of high-salinity water were also observed. During the event in August, vertical velocity estimated by the anomalous wind stress agreed well with the observations. These results indicate that the Argo float observed the coastal upwelling, which was enhanced by the 2008 positive IOD, along the southern coast of Java.  相似文献   

This study analyses a 4.5 year (September 2009–March 2014) time-series of remotely-sensed data of altimeter significant wave heights to describe the temporal and spatial variability of ocean swells along the northern coast of the Gulf of Guinea. The NOAA WAVEWATCH III (NWW3) wave model data were used with altimeter data to determine the origin of the swells that occur along the coast of Côte d'Ivoire in West Africa. We show that the ocean swells along the northern coast of the Gulf of Guinea are generated in the Southern Ocean and then propagate from south to north in the South Atlantic Ocean, before turning south-west to north-east close to the coast. This finding corroborates previous studies in this area. The remotely-sensed and NWW3 significant wave height data captured the strong swells observed along the coast of Côte d'Ivoire from the period 28 August–3 September 2011, which were responsible for an extreme erosion event of more than 12?m along that country's coastline. This extreme event was triggered by a strong storm in the region between 40° and 60° S that occurred eight days previously in the South Atlantic. The waves propagated as swells at a speed of about 875?km day–1 before reaching the northern African coast.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variation of upwelling along the southern coast of Bali and in the Nusa Tenggara waters — Indonesia was studied by using satellite image data of sea surface temperatures and chlorophyll-a from September 1997 to December 2008. This study clearly reveals annual upwelling in the regions from June to October, associated with the southeast monsoon cycle, with the sea surface temperature (chlorophyll-a concentration) being colder (higher) than that during the northwest monsoon. In addition, this study also shows that the upwelling strength is controlled remotely by ENSO and IOD climate phenomena. During El Niño/positive IOD (La Niña/negative IOD) periods, the Bali — Nusa Tenggara upwelling strength increases (decreases).  相似文献   

Principal components analysis was used to examine monthly data on sea level obtained from tide-gauge records from the west coast of southern Africa over the period 1957—1975. After a simple correction had removed the effect of local atmospheric pressure, this statistical analysis revealed the structure of nearshore ocean variability over time periods of months to years. The first principal component, accounting for over 55 per cent of the variability in monthly mean sea level, was a near uniform rise and fall everywhere along the west coast of southern Africa. The spectrum of this large-scale structure showed a strong interannual trend, which correlated well with long-term trends of temperature anomaly over the entire South-East Atlantic, and a high-frequency term, which could not be resolved at a time period of one month. The second principal component showed the contrasting response of the northern and southern sites on a seasonal scale, and it could be correlated with seasonal wind data. These results compared well with similar analysis carried out in the North Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Estuaries along the Portuguese coast differ considerably in terms of their structure, geomorphologic and hydrologic characteristics. They play an important ecological role for different fish species, namely acting as important nursery areas. The fish assemblages of nine estuaries of the Portuguese coast were investigated in order to evaluate their main inter- and intra-estuarine variability patterns. Fish sampling surveys were conducted in May and July 2006, covering the full estuarine gradient. The different saline areas in each estuary were mapped using a Geographic Information System and fish assemblages’ were described and compared using a functional guilds approach. Generalized linear models were used to relate fish species richness to geomorphologic, hydrologic and environmental characteristics of the estuaries considered and correspondence analyses were performed to evaluate similarities in fish assemblages’ structure. At a large scale, river flow was the most important factor explaining the variability in species richness in estuaries along the Portuguese coast. At a regional scale, different abiotic factors explained the occurrence and abundance of fish species in the estuaries. Nonetheless, the overall role of the estuary was strongly related with the dominant saline zone within each estuary.  相似文献   

基于江苏沿海连云港、吕四两个测点的验潮站多年的观测资料以及AVISO卫星高度计资料,利用统计分析方法和潮汐调和分析方法研究江苏沿海地区的海洋水位变化特征。结果表明:江苏沿海海平面和潮差均呈上升趋势,海平面上升速度达3.35 mm/a,高于全球和区域海平面的上升速度;对采样间隔为1 h的潮位连续观测数据作调和分析,各验潮站主要半日分潮的振幅呈上升趋势,全日分潮的振幅呈下降趋势,S_a分潮的周期性变化与El Nino现象有关。  相似文献   

During three summer surveys at Prince Edward Island (PEI), southern Indian Ocean (2001, 2004 and 2008), 416 southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina were inspected for identification tags. In all, 42 seals that had been tagged as weaned pups at their natal site were found on Marion Island (MI), 38 of which could be individually identified by resighting their tag numbers. The majority of the MI-tagged seals were yearlings or subadults, and all but one were hauled out at PEI for the annual moult. The attendance rate of the known individuals at their natal island during the annual moult was only 40%, based on their resighting histories. This was significantly lower than the 77 ± 6% moult attendance rate estimated for a random MI population sample drawn from the same cohorts (based on 10 000 replications). Annual resight probabilities (considering all haulout phases) was 58% per annum for the MI seals seen at PEI, and 80 ± 4% for the simulation. Seasonal and annual absences of seals from MI violate the ‘homogeneity of capture’ assumption of mark-recapture models. When multiple sightings during any year are treated as a single sighting, resights during other haulouts (e.g. breeding) compensate only partially for absences during the moult. Therefore, mark-recapture studies undertaken in archipelagos should ideally include both marking and resighting of individuals on all islands which will allow discrimination between mortality and local migration.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution of microphytoplankton, ciliates and mesozooplankton in relation to environmental factors in the coastal waters around the Kerkennah Islands. Diatom species were more abundant in winter, representing 74% of the total microphytoplankton abundance, whereas dinoflagellate abundance was higher in summer (58%). Naked ciliates dominated during the winter (73%) and loricate ciliates dominated during the summer (67%). Copepods were the most abundant mesozooplankton group present during the entire period of study, comprising 93%–98% of the total mesozooplankton community. The results indicate that (i) species distribution differed significantly between winter and summer, (ii) environmental factors such as temperature, salinity and nutrients influenced plankton assemblages; and (iii) the highest abundance of several pollution indicator species was due to direct exposure to the polluted coast of Sfax and the effect of tidal asymmetries generating nutrient‐rich inputs from the city.  相似文献   

莱州湾南岸浅层地下水特征的空间变异性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以整个莱州湾南岸区域作为研究对象,运用经典统计学和地统计学相结合的方法研究了该区2007-2009年浅层地下水埋深及矿化度的空间变异特征,并绘制了其空间分布图.结果表明:地下水矿化度和埋深在东西和南北两个方向都呈二阶趋势效应,具有强的空间自相关性,说明主要受自然因素影响;kriging插值表明:离海岸线距离越近地下水矿化度越大,地下水埋深表现为西南部较深,而东南部和西北部较浅,地质构造、河流及海水入侵等自然因素作用是形成该空间格局的重要因素.地下水特征的空间结构性和定量化研究对莱州湾南岸地区地下水资源评价和区域水盐迁移调控有着直接的现实意义.  相似文献   

Myanmar is tenth among the world’s fish-producing countries and third in ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). To understand the mechanisms underlying the high production, oceanographic and phytoplankton surveys, including primary productivity measurements based on pulse amplitude modulation fluorometry, were conducted near an active fishing ground near Myeik City. Three surveys, one in each of the representative seasons and covering the characteristic coastal environments, showed well-defined seasonality in primary production and phytoplankton occurrence. End of the dry season was the most productive, with productivity of 2.59 ± 1.56 g C m?2 day?1 and high concentration of chlorophyll a (3.14 ± 2.64 µg L?1). In this season, the phytoplankton population was dominated by high densities of the diatoms Bellerochea horologicalis and Chaetoceros curvisetus, whereas primary productivity was low at the onset of the dry season, 1.36 ± 0.77 g C m?2 day?1. However, this low primary production might be compensated by activation of microbial food chains originating from high dissolved organic carbon. The rainy season exhibited the lowest production, 6.6% of the end of the dry season, due to the extensive discharge of turbid water from the rivers which lowered euphotic layer depth and resulted in an unusually high diffuse attenuation coefficient of 2.30 ± 1.03 m?1. This incident of turbid water may be related to soil erosion from deforestation and mangrove deterioration. This research reveals the seasonal trend in Myanmar’s coastal productivity and its relationship to the tropical monsoon climate as well as emphasizing the importance of tropical coastal environments to the sustainability of the fisheries.  相似文献   

Using velocity profiles observed by bottom-mounted ADCPs, we identified strong intraseasonal variability in the Sunda Strait throughflow. This intraseasonal variability, with typical periods of 20–40 days and the strongest energy occurring in the boreal spring, can reverse the Sunda Strait throughflow. Further analysis showed this intraseasonal variability to be closely related to local zonal wind and the sea level gradient along the strait. These observations confirm for the first time the existence of Kelvin-wave-like signals in the Sunda Strait, propagating from the equatorial Indian Ocean. This study also provides new insights into the effects of Kelvin waves on the Sunda Strait throughflow.  相似文献   

海滩地形变化是复杂的地形动力过程作用的结果,包含着诸多的时间和空间尺度特征信息。本研究利用经验正交函数(Empirical Orthogonal Function, EOF),对2018年4月至2019年3月的琼州海峡南岸铺前湾、海口湾和澄迈湾海滩剖面数据进行了分析。结果表明:①前3个时空函数可以代表琼州海峡南岸海滩主要变化模态。其中第1模态都表现为淤积,铺前湾和海口湾海滩呈现夏秋淤 冬春冲的季节性特征,澄迈湾为夏秋冲 冬春淤的季节性特征。第2、3模态则可能是风暴作用、潮位影响下的沉积物在滩面上的迁移或波浪随潮位变化引起,与海湾区域地形、入射波向、泥沙来源、潮差、波高、风暴路径等有关。②铺前湾和海口湾海域建设的人工岛加剧了海湾的遮蔽程度,促进了海湾部分岸段海滩淤积,海滩还要一段时间才能达到新的平衡。③作为次控因素之一,观测期间台风对海滩的影响程度有限。同时,海滩对台风响应与台风强度、登陆距离、相对台风的方位以及当地地形遮蔽程度密切相关。  相似文献   

The diets of 20 species of smaller Odontoceti were investigated. The material was collected along the southern African coast between 1966 and 1990 and included 158 strandings, 29 animals killed incidentally and 49 animals caught under permit. In total, 57 species in 34 families of fish and 89 species in 24 families of cephalopods were identified from remains in the 236 stomachs investigated. Most Odontoceti fed on commercially unexploited cephalopods and fish, or on fish below commercially utilized sizes. However, the average sizes of anchovy and pilchard eaten by Delphinus delphis and Lagenorhynchus obscurus were larger than the sizes most frequently taken commercially. The species composition of the prey items reflected the onshore-offshore distribution (and possibly the foraging depths) of different Odontoceti. Tursiops truncatus and Cephalorhynchus heavisidii were closest to shore and D. delphis and L. obscurus over the continental shelf. The rest were distributed around the shelf-edge and just off the edge. A comparison of the stomach contents of stranded and non-stranded D. delphis, L. obscurus and C. heavisidii demonstrated that results from stranded animals are biased.  相似文献   

Results are presented about the changes in chlorophyll a density, carbon fixation and nutrient levels in the surface waters of three transects of the southern South China Sea (SCS), northern Java Sea (...  相似文献   

基于2013年9月底至10月初在印尼爪哇岛南部海域调查得到的碳酸盐参数和相关水文数据,首次报道了该海域pH的分布,并重点探讨了南爪哇上升流(季风上升流)对其影响。结果显示上升流影响区表层pH低于周围非上升流影响区。通过两端元混合模型,定量讨论了上升流的物理输运和生物活动对pH的影响。研究表明,上升流的物理输运至少造成了海表层盐度增加0.4个单位,溶解无机碳(DIC)增加110μmol/kg,pH降低约0.2个单位;同时,在上升流区,强烈的生物活动(叶绿素a浓度大于0.4mg/m3)使得DIC的降低量达70μmol/kg,pH的增加量达0.15个单位。总体来看,该研究区域的物理输运作用大于生物作用,综合效应表现为DIC的增加和pH的降低。另外,同上升流的物理输运作用和生物作用相比,上升流引起的表层冷却和增盐对pH的影响较小(热力学作用)。  相似文献   

Since mesoscale features like meanders have great importance in nourishing the coastal fisheries, satellite data analyses and a numerical modeling study were carried out for the east coast of India during spring inter-monsoon time (March-May), when biological productivity is high. During this time, the East India Coastal Current (EICC) system appears as a northward flowing western boundary current of a seasonal subtropical gyre in the Bay of Bengal prior to the summer monsoon with a more intense upwelling in the coastal region. A relatively clear sky permits satellite remote sensing of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), whose patterns were verified against geostrophic velocity in altimeter data: i.e., phytoplankton grows in colder and nutrient richer water bounded by the seaward meanders. Progression of meanders in the coastal current was revealed and compared with an eddy-resolving Ocean General Circulation Model (OGCM), which is capable of modeling wind-driven general circulation and each stage of the meander growth. The numerical solutions provided the following results, in reasonable agreement with the linear stability theory using a two-and-a-half layer quasi-geostrophic model. Baroclinic instability plays a key role for the meander growth and eddy generation, while meanders in the coastal current are initiated by isolated mesoscale rotations propagating westward. The baroclinically unstable meanders have a wavelength of 500∼700 km, grow in one month and propagate downstream of the coastal current at several kilometers per day. The instability is not strong enough for the meanders to detach an eddy from the western boundary current.  相似文献   

Vagrant birds recorded ashore at Marion Island and Prince Edward Island from 1987 to 2009 are documented. In total, 101 observations (including multiple sightings of potentially the same individual) of 29 species were made. Palaearctic and Holarctic migrants (17 species), African species (n = 6) and pelagic species with a predominantly Southern Ocean distribution (n = 6) were observed. The number of observations peaked during the austral autumn, which corresponded to both the northward migration of Palaearctic species and maximum observer effort. Ruddy turnstones Arenaria interpres, barn swallows Hirundo rustica, common house-martins Delichon urbicum and cattle egrets Bubulcus ibis were most frequently observed; ruddy turnstones and common house-martins apparently increasing in occurrence over the past two decades.  相似文献   

根据中国第18次南极科学考察队2002年1~3月在南印度洋从中山站外普里兹湾到澳大利亚费里曼特尔断面的走航XBT/XCTD资料和CTD资料及1998年1月、1999年2月和2000年3月等其他航次的调查资料,分析了该航线上海洋锋的位置及其年际变化:(1)在75°~78°E南极陆坡锋的位置在645°~655°S;在84°~100°E范围极地锋在535°~543°S附近;在96°~103°E亚南极锋在46°S~470°S附近;在110°E附近亚热带锋在372~380°S之间;(2)在南极极锋区存在显著等温线、等盐线的上凸和下凹,不同年份发生位置有变化;(3)在亚南极锋北侧,等温线、等盐线呈垂直排列的状态,温度、盐度垂直方向上分布均匀一致;(4)与1979,1991和1992年该区域同期的资料相比,近4a观测到的极地锋显著偏南1个纬距以上.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the small meander of the Kuroshio, generated south of Kyushu and propagating eastward, was examined using sea level data collected during 1961–1995 along the south coast of Japan. Intra-annual variation of the sea level was expanded by the frequency domain empirical orthogonal function (FDEOF) modes, and it was found that the second and third modes are useful for monitoring the generation and propagation of the small meander. The third FDEOF for periods of 10–100 days has a phase reversal between Hosojima and Tosa-shimizu with significant amplitude west of Kushimoto, and the amplitude of its time coefficient is large during the non-large-meander (NLM) period and has a significant peak when the small meander exists southeast of Kyushu. The second FDEOF for periods of 20–80 days has a phase reversal between Kushimoto and Uragami, and the amplitude of its time coefficient is large when the small meander propagates to the south of Shikoku. The third FDEOF mode allowed us to conclude that the small meander occurred 42 times from July 1961 to May 1995, most of them (38) occurring during the NLM periods. The second FDEOF mode permits the conclusion that half of the 38 small meanders reached south of Shikoku. Of these, five small meanders influenced transitions of the Kuroshio path from the nearshore NLM path; one caused the offshore NLM path and four brought about the large meander. About one-tenth of the total number of small meanders are related to the formation of the large meander.  相似文献   

硅藻具有形态各异、结构复杂、精美绝伦的硅质细胞壁,是海洋中进行生物硅化最主要的生物体。硅质细胞壁的形成同样是一个错综复杂的过程,它涉及硅藻细胞将硅酸从胞外转运到胞内;硅酸在细胞内的转移;在硅沉积囊泡(SDV)中的浓缩沉积;最后合成具种类特异性的细胞壁。重点介绍硅酸转运基因(SITs)的分子特征与作用机制;与生物硅化相关的三种蛋白即硅体蛋白(frustulins)、亲硅蛋白(silaffins)和侧壁蛋白(pleuralins)的结构与功能;硅质结构如何在硅沉积囊泡内最终形成的模式。  相似文献   

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