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High-quality informations on sea level pressure and sea surface wind stress are required to accurately predict storm surges over the Korean Peninsula. The storm surge on 31 March 2007 at Yeonggwang, on the western coast, was an abrupt response to mesocyclone development. In the present study, we attempted to obtain reliable surface winds and sea level pressures. Using an optimal physical parameterization for wind conditions, MM5, WRF and COAMPS were used to simulate the atmospheric states that accompanied the storm surge. The use of MM5, WRF and COAMPS simulations indicated the development of high winds in the strong pressure gradient due to an anticyclone and a mesocyclone in the southern part of the western coast. The response to this situation to the storm surge was sensitive. A low-level warm advection was examined as a possible causal mechanism for the development of a mesocyclone in the generating storm surge. The low-level warm temperature advection was simulated using the three models, but MM5 and WRF tended to underestimate the warm tongue and overestimate the wind speed. The WRF simulation was closer to the observed data than the other simulations in terms of wind speed and the intensity of the mesocyclone. It can be concluded that the magnitude of the storm surge at Yeonggwang was dependent, not only on the development of a mesocyclone but on ocean effects as well.  相似文献   

Cyclones and storm surges in Bangladesh: Some mitigative measures   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Bangladesh, with its repeated cycle of floods, cyclones, and storm surges, has proved to be one of the most disaster-prone areas of the world. During the years from 1797 to 1991, Bangladesh has been hit by 60 severe cyclones (mostly accompanied by storm surges). This paper gives a brief account of these disasters with particular reference to the wind speed, surge height, loss of life, and damage to crops and properties, etc.In order to protect the coastal areas of Bangladesh from cyclonic storm surges and floods, a major system of embankments was constructed during the 1960s and 1970s, but this is now in need of rehabilitation. The Cyclone Protection Project, which was approved by the World Bank in 1989, would rehabilitate some of the existing embankments, build new embankments, and construct roads. Locally available materials, indigenous technology, and cheap surplus manpower should be used in this project. A variety of fruit trees should be planted along the dikes and roads.To the south-western part of Bangladesh bordering the Bay of Bengal, lies the world's largest single mangrove tract, known as the Sunderban, which covers a total area of 571 500 ha. This mangrove forest is of extreme importance since it provides efficient protection to life and property against cyclones and storm surges. But due to deforestation, the width of the mangrove belt is being rapidly diminished. The author therefore lays emphasis on coastal afforestation.Absolute security against cyclone hazard is probably out of the question, but an effective cyclone warning response can definitely reduce loss of life and damage to property. The author discusses the current conditions for cyclone forecasting and warning in Bangladesh, and then puts forward some proposals for improving the Cyclone Preparedness Programme.  相似文献   

This study investigated contributory factors to flood hazard around Scotland. There is a need to develop preliminary assessments of areas potentially vulnerable to flooding for compliance with the European Union Directive on the Assessment and Management of Flood Risks (2007/60/EC). Historical accounts of coastal flood events in Scotland, notably in a storm in January 2005, had shown that estimates of risk based on still water levels required further information to identify sites at which waves and surges could combine. Additionally, it was important to add the effect of future sea-level rise and other drivers from published sources. Analysis of multiple years’ tidal data at seven sites, including estuaries, compared recorded water levels at high-return periods to those derived from a spatially interpolated numerical model contained within a publicly available flood risk map. For gauges with the longest records, increases were seen over time that reflected rises in mean sea level. Exposure to wave energy was computed from prevailing wind strength and direction at 36 stations, related to wave fetch and incident wind direction. Although the highest wave exposure was at open coast locations exposed to the long Atlantic fetch, GIS analysis of coastal rasters identified other areas in or close to estuaries that also had high exposure. Projected sea-level change, when added to the surge and wave analyses, gives a spatially extensive structured variable flood risk assessment for future coastal flood hazard to complement the public flood risk map. Such tools can help fulfil the requirements of the EC Directive and may be a useful approach in other regions with high spatial variability in coastal flood risk related to exposure to waves and wind.  相似文献   

Disruption of segments of roads can have a significant impact on the vulnerability of the entire network. Natural disasters are frequent causes of disruptions of this kind. This article focuses on determining the risk of road disruptions due to landslides. Our approach is based on methodology widely used in the field of epidemiology. We had available data on the location of the landslides, the road network and a list of the disrupted road segments. With the use of a 2 × 2 table, we determined the relationship between landslide data and road segment disruptions and derived the risk coefficient based on the number of landslides in the vicinity of the road and its length. The result is a disruption risk map with risk coefficients ranging from 0 to 47.94. In order to distinguish the most risky segments, we calculated a threshold of 12.40 with the use of a risk breakdown in a group of segments without damage. Nineteen percentage (402 km) of the road network in the Zlín region (Czech Republic), where the methodology was applied, is located beyond this threshold. The benefits of this approach stem from its speed and potential to define the most risky areas on which a detailed geomorphologic analysis can be focused.  相似文献   

Through this paper we propose and test a GIS framework that addresses the issue of seismic risk due to urban road network failure. The approach relies on full GIS integration, on Monte Carlo simulations for generating potentially disrupted network configurations, considering also the damage probability due to direct earthquake implications, and on traffic considerations (both in typical and post-earthquake situations). The damage probability can be obtained using fragility functions for critical structures like bridges and tunnels or by determining empirically the possibility of affected buildings to generate debris leading to road obstruction. Multiple performance indicators such as travel time and distance under various conditions are combined, in order to quantify the risks inflicted by dysfunctionalities in the emergency intervention process. The framework considers at the same time temporal and spatial dimensions, being able to cope with traffic dynamics or reconfigurable network configurations. The ArcGIS Network Analyst Module is used for model integration, and full city scale analysis is performed in order to test the capabilities. Bucharest (capital of Romania) is selected for the case study; this 2 million inhabitant city is one of the most endangered in Europe, due to earthquakes that occur in the Vrancea Area, at intermediate depth, with moment magnitudes > 7, but also due to the vulnerable building stock. Beside this, it is one of Europe’s top cities when it comes to traffic congestion. The results of the study provide initial insights on the deficiencies of the city’s road network and connectivity limitations, showing the high impact of road obstructions and traffic congestion on intervention times, for ambulances and firefighters, in case of an earthquake.  相似文献   

北京的"沙尘暴"在地质学研究分类中应属于尘暴,且属含大量盐碱物质(水溶盐物质)的盐碱尘暴。盐碱尘暴对人体健康和经济发展造成严重威胁,已引起普遍关注。通过调查北京尘暴源区蒙古国东南部和中国内蒙古中部、河北省西部地区表土和部分降尘的理化特性,为探讨北京盐碱尘暴粉尘物质的来源提供新的证据。对尘源区农耕地、沙化土地、退化草地、撂荒地、沙漠、沙地等不同代表性区域的表土进行较系统的采样,收集北京和部分尘源区附近城镇的大气降尘,分析其水溶盐和水溶性元素或离子的含量、酸碱度、粒度、比重、起尘风速。结果表明,干盐湖盆区以高百分含量的细微粉尘物质(200目)、水溶盐含量和部分水溶性元素或离子(如Na、Cl-)为主要特征,其较高的pH值、极小的粒径、很大的比表面积、偏小的比重、偏低的起尘风速等,与北京及尘源区附近城镇大气降尘的特性相对应,明显不同于沙漠、沙地、沙堆和农耕地、撂荒地、退化草地等,因此推测干盐湖盆区是现阶段北京盐碱尘暴最主要、最关键的源区之一。而水溶盐含量、粒度大小、酸碱度、比重、起尘风速等,是判断北京盐碱尘暴粉尘物质来源的关键性指标。  相似文献   

The approach of tropical cyclone (TC) Juliette, in 2001, to the Baja California Peninsula triggered at least 419 landslides. Most of the landslides were shallow slips and debris slides of limited areal extent, which were converted rapidly into debris flows to be exported quickly out of the mountain areas towards the lowlands. Main factors affecting landslide occurrence were total storm rainfall and intensity, aspect, geology and vegetation association. Two processes can be distinguished as initiating slope failure. Accumulation of rainfall from exposed bedrock slopes, generating excess overland flow, was the main process linked to failures in concave topography. A combination of wind and excess overland flow in the more convex or planar upper slopes was a secondary process related to heterogeneity of vegetation associations in the oak-dry tropical forests ecotone, as uprooted trees dislodged large regolith and bedrock blocks, priming hillslopes for further runoff concentration. An estimative threshold curve for triggering landslides in this region is sketched. From the analysis of historical information, storms like Juliette approach the southern peninsula on average once every 100 years. Denudation estimates are in the higher end of the spectrum for a tectonically passive margin. These estimates should be considered when taking decisions regarding management of water resources in this area through damming of streams. The results emphasize the need for a more detailed representation of the spatial distribution of the rainfall and winds for this mountainous region affected by TCs.  相似文献   


Through this paper we propose and test a GIS framework that addresses the issue of seismic risk due to urban road network failure. The approach relies on full GIS integration, on Monte Carlo simulations for generating potentially disrupted network configurations, considering also the damage probability due to direct earthquake implications, and on traffic considerations (both in typical and post-earthquake situations). The damage probability can be obtained using fragility functions for critical structures like bridges and tunnels or by determining empirically the possibility of affected buildings to generate debris leading to road obstruction. Multiple performance indicators such as travel time and distance under various conditions are combined, in order to quantify the risks inflicted by dysfunctionalities in the emergency intervention process. The framework considers at the same time temporal and spatial dimensions, being able to cope with traffic dynamics or reconfigurable network configurations. The ArcGIS Network Analyst Module is used for model integration, and full city scale analysis is performed in order to test the capabilities. Bucharest (capital of Romania) is selected for the case study; this 2 million inhabitant city is one of the most endangered in Europe, due to earthquakes that occur in the Vrancea Area, at intermediate depth, with moment magnitudes > 7, but also due to the vulnerable building stock. Beside this, it is one of Europe’s top cities when it comes to traffic congestion. The results of the study provide initial insights on the deficiencies of the city’s road network and connectivity limitations, showing the high impact of road obstructions and traffic congestion on intervention times, for ambulances and firefighters, in case of an earthquake.


Loss of life and property caused by landslides triggered by extreme rainfall events demonstrates the need for landslide-hazard assessment in developing countries where recovery from such events often exceeds the country's resources. Mapping landslide hazards in developing countries where the need for landslide-hazard mitigation is great but the resources are few is a challenging, but not intractable problem. The minimum requirements for constructing a physically based landslide-hazard map from a landslide-triggering storm, using the simple methods we discuss, are: (1) an accurate mapped landslide inventory, (2) a slope map derived from a digital elevation model (DEM) or topographic map, and (3) material strength properties of the slopes involved. Provided that the landslide distribution from a triggering event can be documented and mapped, it is often possible to glean enough topographic and geologic information from existing databases to produce a reliable map that depicts landslide hazards from an extreme event. Most areas of the world have enough topographic information to provide digital elevation models from which to construct slope maps. In the likely event that engineering properties of slope materials are not available, reasonable estimates can be made with detailed field examination by engineering geologists or geotechnical engineers. Resulting landslide hazard maps can be used as tools to guide relocation and redevelopment, or, more likely, temporary relocation efforts during severe storm events such as hurricanes/typhoons to minimize loss of life and property. We illustrate these methods in two case studies of lethal landslides in developing countries: Tegucigalpa, Honduras (during Hurricane Mitch in 1998) and the Chuuk Islands, Micronesia (during Typhoon Chata'an in 2002).  相似文献   

依据粒度分析、电镜扫描、能谱分析、常温水溶盐检测、宏观表象特征研究和实地调查,证实北京2006年4月16日的所谓“沙尘暴”是尘暴,干涸盐湖是京津尘暴的重要源区。因此,要治理京津地区的尘暴,就必须修复干涸盐湖区的生态环境,而不能像过去那样去治理沙漠。要修复干涸盐湖区的生态环境,一定要用现代生态环境地质学的理论和方法去研究干涸盐湖区在地质历史时期植被演化的趋势,筛选出最适合当地生态环境的土著先锋植物种群,并用土著先锋植物种群对尘源区进行“地毯式”的覆盖,而不能用种树去阻挡它,因为再高的树林也挡不了从2000-3000m以上高空飘来的浮尘。  相似文献   


In the last decades, floods have increased in frequency all over the world due to diverse phenomena such as climate change, extended urbanization, land use, etc. Their social, cultural, economic and environmental impacts have also grown significantly, highlighting the need for the development of further studies and improved methods to manage and mitigate flood risk, mainly in urban areas. Historic sites need particular attention in this field, not only because the high and irreplaceable cultural value of these areas, but also taking into account that the constructive typologies that they host are particularly vulnerable to natural hazards. In consequence of that, the analysis of the phenomena, the evaluation of their consequences and the adoption of adequate mitigation and preparedness measures are presently a fundamental societal challenge. Having this in mind, the present paper aims at proposing an innovative methodology focused on the assessment of flood vulnerability in historic sites through the evaluation of a set of exposure and sensitivity indicators. From the analysis of these indicators, it is possible to obtain a Flood Vulnerability Index capable of measuring the spread of flood vulnerability over an extended area. The historic centre of Guimarães, in Portugal, declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 2001, is used here as a pilot case study to apply and discusses the preliminary version of the approach. Although some improvements are still needed, this approach can be already used to provides preliminary vulnerability scenarios and to point the way to the definition of more efficient and customized strategies for managing and mitigating flood risk in historic sites. Moreover, with further improvements and calibrations resorting to larger and more diverse data, it will be possible to reduce some of the uncertainties currently involved in the assessment process and to make its application wider and more robust.


Storm Surge Hazard in Canada   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
Storm surges occur frequently in Canada mainlydue to extra-tropical cyclones (ETC'S) also referred to as winter storms. The hurricanes from the Gulf of Mexico can affect eastern Canada including Lakes Ontario and Erie regions, after they get modified and acquire some extra-tropical characteristics. Storm surges have occurred both on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, in the Gulf of St.Lawrence, St.Lawrence Estuary, Bay of Fundy, Hudson Bay, James Bay, Northwest Passage, Beaufort Sea, the Great Lakes and other large lakes such as Lake Winnipeg.Squall lines which are embedded in the largerscale synoptic systems like the ETC'S could also generate storm surges (referred to as edge waves) in Lakes Huron, Erie and Ontario (edge waves are most prominent in Lake Michigan, but Canada has no territory touching this lake). The effect of climate change on storm surges in the Canadian water bodies could be two-fold. First, there may be some possible intensification of the weather systems and the associated wind fields resulting in bigger surges. Second, and probably even more relevant, is an east-west and north-south shift in the tracks of the weather systems, which could expose certain new areas to storm surge activity.A high priority for proper assessment of storm surge hazard is the production of maps showing inundation zones for storm surges that might occur in populated coastal areas. Such maps can be used to improve public awareness of tsunamis and for planning purposes (i.e., to reduce or avoid the risk).  相似文献   

A tropical cyclone was formed over central northern Africa near Egypt, Libya and Crete, and it moved and deepened toward the north–northeast; meanwhile, the storm destroyed many regions in the west, southwest and central of Turkey. The cyclone carried huge dust from the north of Africa to Turkey and reduced the visibility to less than 1 km and raised the wind speed. As a result of severe storm, some meteorological stations have new extreme values that the strongest wind speed measured was 81 knots in the central region of Turkey. Medicane with wind speed 81 knots especially over Turkey is a rare event. This devastating cyclone carried exceptionally very strong winds (>80 kts) with favorable conditions to follow windstorm conceptual model. The cyclone caused adverse conditions such as excessive injuries, fatal incidents and forest fires. Mesoscale vortex formed and affected particularly the middle and western regions of Turkey. The vertical thermodynamic structure of storm is compared with April values of 40 years of datasets over Istanbul. Moreover, four different winds {measurement masts} of Istanbul Atatürk Airport are used for the microscale analysis of different meteorological parameters during deepened pressure level. In addition, divergence and vorticity of stormy weather are discussed in details during the effective time period of storm by solving equations and validated using ERA-40 reanalysis. We obtained many monitoring data sources such as ground base, radar, radiosonde and satellite display the values of the intensity of wind speed caused by cyclones of tropics have revealed similarities.  相似文献   

Hurricanes and tropical storms represent one of the major hazards in coastal communities. Storm surge generated by strong winds and low pressure from these systems have the potential to bring extensive flooding in coastal areas. In many cases, the damage caused by the storm surge may exceed the damage from the wind resulting in the total collapse of buildings. Therefore, in coastal areas, one of the sources for major structural damage could be due to scour, where the soil below the building that serves as the foundation is swept away by the movement of the water. The existing methodologies to forecast hurricane flood damage do not differentiate between the different damage mechanisms (e.g., inundation vs. scour). Currently, there are no tools available that predominantly focus on forecasting scour-related damage for buildings. Such a tool could provide significant advantages for planning and/or preparing emergency responses. Therefore, the focus of this study was to develop a methodology to predict possible scour depth due to hurricane storm surges using an automated ArcGIS tool that incorporates the expected hurricane conditions (flow depth, velocity, and flood duration), site-specific building information, and the associated soil types for the foundation. A case study from Monmouth County (NJ), where the scour damages from 2012 Hurricane Sandy were recorded after the storm, was used to evaluate the accuracy of the developed forecasting tool and to relate the scour depth to potential scour damage. The results indicate that the developed tool provides relatively consistent results with the field observations.  相似文献   

通过分析库赛湖近4000年来湖相沉积物粒度组成特征,对比人工俘获风成物粒度特征,表明库赛湖沉积物中粗颗粒组分(>64 μm)主要由风力搬运作用进入湖泊沉积,记录了该地区尘暴事件历史。重建的尘暴事件序列表明:2 500~800 cal aBP时段为该地区近4 000年来尘暴事件高频发生的阶段,4 000~2 500 cal aBP和800 cal aBP以来的时段尘暴事件发生频率较低;近千年来的尘暴事件主要发生于小冰期内的3次降温时段。与贵州董歌洞石笋氧同位素对比分析表明,库赛湖地区近4 000年来气候变化受亚洲季风的影响,尘暴事件多发生于夏季风较弱的气候干冷时段。  相似文献   

A very severe cyclonic storm with wind speeds of over 240 km/h struck the coastal areas of Bangladesh in the full moon night of 29 April 1991. The path of the eye, close to the shore, raised a storm surge of unusual height, reportedly more than 9 m above the mean sea level, which devastated the offshore islands and the mainland coast. The damage to the physical infrastructure of the port of Chittagong and adjoining industrial area has been colossal, and recovery will take years. Death tolls from the cyclone, storm surge and its aftermath exceeded 145 000 making it one of the world's major natural disasters of this century.This paper is concerned with examining the magnitude and intensity of the disaster. It analyses how the people of Bangladesh, and the environment in which they live, were affected by the cyclone. A brief account is presented of loss of life and of the damage suffered in various sectors, including agriculture, industry, and physical infrastructure.The paper lays emphasis on the need of building a sufficient number of multipurpose cyclone shelters in the disaster-prone coastal areas of Bangladesh. Adequate measures should be taken for evacuating people from vulnerable areas and putting them into these shelters in the event of a cyclonic storm. Simplification of the current cyclone warning system is recommended.The difficulties of providing relief to the survivors are discussed. And finally, the need for improvement of the communication infrastructure in the coastal areas is highlighted.  相似文献   

This study considers the impact of landslides on transportation pavements in rural road network of Cyprus using remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) techniques. Landslides are considered to be one of the most extreme natural hazards worldwide, causing both human losses and severe damages to the transportation network. Risk assessment for monitoring a road network is based on the combination of the probability of landslides occurrence and the extent and severity of the resultant consequences should the disasters (landslides) occur. Factors that can trigger landslide episodes include proximity to active faults, geological formations, fracture zones, degree and high curvature of slopes, water conditions, etc. In this study, the reliability and vulnerability of a rural network are examined. Initially, landslide locations were identified from the interpretation of satellite images. Different geomorphological factors such as aspect, slope, distance from the watershed, lithology, distance from lineaments, topographic curvature, land use and vegetation regime derived from satellite images were selected and incorporated in GIS environment in order to develop a decision support and continuous landslide monitoring system of the area. These parameters were then used in the final landslide hazard assessment model based on the analytic hierarchy process method. The results indicated good correlation between classified high-hazard areas and field-confirmed slope failures. The CA Markov model was also used to predict the landslide hazard zonation map for 2020 and the possible future hazards for transportation pavements. The proposed methodology can be used for areas with similar physiographic conditions all over the Eastern Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Obtaining information about tree species distribution in agricultural lands is a topic of interest for various applications, such as tree inventory, forest management, agricultural land management, crop estimation, etc. This information can be derived from images obtained from modern remote sensing technology, which is the most economical way as compare to field surveys covering large geographic areas. Therefore, in this study, a new method is proposed for extraction and counting of sparse and regular distributed individual pistachio trees from agricultural areas on large scale from high-resolution digital ortho-photo maps, which were obtained using an airborne sensor (Ultracam-X). The input images were first smoothed by applying Gaussian filter to reduce the impact of noise. Normalized difference vegetation indices (NDVI) were then derived to obtain vegetation areas followed by Otsu’s global thresholding algorithm to obtain candidate tree areas. Further, connected component (CC) analysis was applied to segregate each object. Morphological processing was performed to fill holes within tree objects and get smooth contours, which were obtained by using the Moore-neighbor tracing method (MNTM) for each CC, while geometrical constraints were applied to undermine possible non-tree elements from output image. To further improve the segmentation results for sparse trees, a new method was applied, called quadratic local analysis (QLA). QLA helped to segment the trees, which were missed by the Otsu method due to low contrast and resulted in improved accuracy (3–6%). The obtained results were compared with well-known support vector machine (SVM) classifier. Proposed method produced slightly better results (1–5%) than SVM for extraction of pistachio trees and obtained accuracy for QLA and SVM were 96 and 91% for region 1, while 91 and 90% for region 2 respectively.  相似文献   

Bian  Haifeng  Zhang  Jun  Li  Ruixue  Zhao  Huanhuan  Wang  Xuexue  Bai  Yiping 《Natural Hazards》2021,106(3):1771-1795

As the scale of the power grid becomes larger, the requirements for transmission reliability are getting higher. Due to the large geographical span and the harsh environment of the power transmission line, it has become the most severely affected equipment of the power grid by natural factors. However, the quantitative assessment of transmission line tripping accidents caused by multiple natural hazards has rarely been investigated. In this study, a risk analysis method to probabilistically analyze the tripping accidents of power transmission lines caused by wildfire, lightning, strong wind and ice storm was proposed. The analysis process consists of comprehensively identifying the risk of tripping accidents based on fault tree analysis and dynamically performing the predictive analysis of tripping accident evolution process in transmission line from causes to consequences based on Bayesian network. Critical risk evolution paths corresponding to four natural hazards are determined through a 72-node BN. The source risks of the four critical risk evolution paths are artificial ignition source from the wildfire path, aging from the lightning path, thoughtless of surrounding environment from the strong wind path and wind effect from the ice storm path. The countermeasures of tripping accidents are derived through the source risks and synergy between risks in three scenario analysis. This study is expected to examine the key challenges of risk management in power grid tripping accidents, which provides technical supports for accident preventing, handling and recovering of tripping accidents of the power transmission line according to “scenario–response”-based hazard response strategy.


中国沙尘暴天气的新特征及成因分析   总被引:65,自引:6,他引:65       下载免费PDF全文
2000~2002年,中国北方地区频频发生沙尘暴天气,给当地和广大下游地区工农业生产、交通运输、空气质量和人民的日常生活都带来了极大危害。沙尘暴天气呈现频次高、发生时间提前、发生期时间长、强度大、影响范围广等新特征。对气候变化和地理环境背景的分析研究表明,近年来中国北方沙尘暴频繁爆发的原因主要是:1)近两年处于反厄尔尼诺(拉尼娜)事件的高峰期,使东亚冬季风频繁,导致大风天气频繁发生;2)在沙尘暴发生季节,中国北方降水明显减少,气温回升迅速且温度偏高于往年,使解冻的地表土层疏松,为沙尘暴的发生提供了丰富的沙源;3)近年来中国北方干旱加剧、土地荒漠化严重,使原本广阔的戈壁沙漠面积更加扩大,有利于沙尘暴天气的发生,这与不合理的土地利用状况有关。  相似文献   

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