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论东亚大陆的构造翘变:燕山运动的全球意义 总被引:84,自引:3,他引:84
东亚大陆是在印支期(250~220Ma)由诸多微陆块拼接而成,曾形成巨型的岩石圈(根)其中陆块碰撞带岩石圈根可能深达200余千米或更深,俯冲的陆壳岩石曾深达约100km,并发生超高压变质作用。当时中国东部上升为高原(5000~6000m),西部为特提斯海,构成东高西低的地貌景观。大约在160~150Ma前后,亚洲东部岩石圈发生巨量减薄,山根垮塌,导致软流圈地幔侧向上涌补偿。形成巨量的火山岩和花岗岩 相似文献
利用地震滑动矢量、转换断层走向和洋中脊扩张速率反演出太平洋、菲律宾、北美、鄂霍茨克、阿穆利亚、南中国和日本本州块体相邻板块间的相对欧拉矢量,该结果与利用最近20年内空间技术实测速度场、国际地球参考架ITRF2000速度场、中国地壳运动GPS监测网以及日本GPS地球观测网(GEONet)的速度场等建立东亚构造块体运动模型基本一致,反映东亚构造块体现今运动特征,基于模型分析东亚构造块体相对运动,进一步揭示东亚构造块体现今运动规律。 相似文献
中国侏罗纪构造变革与燕山运动新诠释 总被引:125,自引:16,他引:125
随着一系列新构造观察资料和高精度同位素测年数据的累积,加深了对发生在中国东部晚侏罗世—早白垩世时期构造变革事件的认识,对燕山运动的性质、时限和动力学内涵有了新的诠释。中—晚侏罗世初期(165±5Ma)东亚多板块拼贴运动学发生重大调整,构造体制发生重大转换,启动了以中朝地块为中心、来自北、东、南西不同板块向东亚大陆"多向汇聚"的构造新体制,形成以陆内俯冲和陆内造山为特征的东亚汇聚构造体系。同时大陆地壳岩石圈发生显著增厚,并紧随早白垩世以剧烈的大陆岩石圈伸展和火山—岩浆活动为特征的岩石圈巨量减薄和克拉通破坏,导致燕辽生物群灭绝和热河生物群兴盛的重大生物群更替,成为中国大陆和东亚重大构造变革事件,这是燕山运动的基本内涵。本文依据燕山运动构造变形型式、动力学背景以及产生的深部过程,将"燕山运动"定义为起始于165±5Ma的"东亚多向汇聚"构造体制及其形成的广泛陆内造山和构造变革,并将中国东部岩石圈巨量减薄视作燕山期陆内造山和陆内变形的后效。 相似文献
俞 《四川地质科技情报》1994,(3):46-46
最近,赵越等人从现实主义原则和现代地质学理论,分析综合了东亚构造地质、古地磁、古生物地理、地质年代等方面的一些最新研究成果,提出东亚古亚洲洋构造系和古特提斯构造系向环太平洋主动陆缘的转变最终出现在中侏罗世,而不是印支期。 相似文献
燕山板内变形带侏罗纪主要构造事件 总被引:67,自引:8,他引:67
对燕山地区中生代板内变形的研究进展进行了总结,确定翁文灏75年前识别和提出的燕山运动A幕、B幕和中间幕发生在侏罗纪.侏罗纪的构造变形最终塑造了东西向燕山褶皱-冲断带的格架.通过对典型盆地的分析,燕山运动A幕以髫髻山组安山岩之下的角度不整合为标志,时限为160Ma±5Ma前,时期为中侏罗世龙门期-九龙山期,时代推测在175~160Ma之间.中间幕以髫髻山组和兰旗组火山岩为代表,时代约在165~156Ma之间.B幕强烈的冲断形成了土城子组和后城组的粗碎屑堆积,时限在135Ma±1Ma前,时代为156~139Ma.白垩纪早期,区域变形逐渐以伸展为主,古地理-古环境明显改变,火山喷发频繁、强烈,构造变形较弱.显然,早白垩世的构造发展已不属于燕山运动的范畴.燕山运动A幕是燕山板内变形带最主要的构造事件,也是东亚构造体制转变的标志. 相似文献
华北地区两个世代深部构造的识别及其意义——燕山运动与深部过程 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
通过对华北地区地震层析成像成果的研究,将其深部构造划分为三带:①大型软流圈上涌柱带,主要出现两个大型软流圈上涌柱;②过渡带,呈现4个小型软流圈上涌柱(软块)与岩石圈较厚区(硬块)相间的构造格局;③巨厚岩石圈带,为巨厚岩石圈(鄂尔多斯硬块)稳定区。依据岩石圈热力学衰减原理,一定体积的深部构造可存留200~300Ma之久,而传导人浅表的热量则扩散较快。故以大地热流值为主,结合浅层岩浆活动可将本区中生代与新生代的软流圈上涌柱区分开来:渤海湾柱、大同柱和南阳柱属新生代,邯郸柱、中条柱和吕梁柱则属于中生代燕山期。在此基础上,建立了燕山期深部构造与浅表岩浆构造活动关系的模式:在强大的分散热力作用下,软流圈上涌柱柱头中大量热浮物质向上熔蚀薄的岩石圈及下地壳,混染而主要形成中酸性岩及有关矿产;而在软流圈上涌柱与岩石圈的陡接触处,由于该处热力集中,致使幔源物质底侵下地壳,并再熔融上侵形成偏碱性-碱性杂岩及相应矿产。 相似文献
东亚及其大陆边缘新生代构造迁移与盆地演化 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9
构造迁移是盆地发展演化过程中十分普遍的地质现象,但西太平洋地区相关研究程度较低,本文基于近10年来对中国东部海域渤海湾盆地、南黄海盆地、东海陆架盆地和南海盆地等所开展的大量研究工作,并综合前人研究成果,对西太平洋地区中最具有代表性的中国东部及邻近海域的新生代构造迁移特征进行了系统讨论.西太平洋活动大陆边缘位于欧亚、太平洋和印度三大板块的交汇处,占据了全球板块汇聚中心的独特位置,并同时受到印度板块的挤入、太平洋板块的后退式俯冲、台湾造山带的楔入的联合作用,自新生代以来,形成了宽阔的自西向东后退式的沟弧盆体系.中国东部及邻区作为西太平活动大陆边缘的重要组成部分,在这个大地构造背景下,新生代的构造特征总体也表现出自西向东的迁移规律,具体表现在盆地的断裂活动性、沉积作用、断陷的萎缩与消亡等自西向东变新逐步演化,新生代的生、储、盖、圈、运、保六大油气成藏要素也表现出西早东晚、自西向东迁移的特征.这种成藏规律的识别对于中国东部油气、天然气水合物勘探具有非常重要的指导意义.最后,从板缘、板内和板下过程和机制,探讨了盆内和盆间的新生代构造迁移机制,这种构造-岩浆-成盆-成藏等的向洋变新迁移和跃迁是晚中生代以来挤出构造和新生代北西向壳内伸展、印度和欧亚板块碰撞诱发的软流圈向东流动的远程效应及太平洋俯冲带的跃迁式东撤的联合效应. 相似文献
北太平洋及东亚地区在始新世左右发生了一系列重大地质事件:日本海发生开裂;日本西南和中国板块北部发生顺时针旋转(>20°);NNW向运动的太平洋板块突然改变方向开始NWW向运动;郯庐断裂带由强烈断陷造成快速冷却事件;渤海湾盆地出现地幔热异常开始形成裂谷系;阿尔金断裂开始脉冲式走滑;贝加尔湖裂谷开始形成。这些重大地质事件的发生都与日本海陨击事件相关。 相似文献
Tectonic migration is a common geological process of basin formation and evolution. However, little is known about tectonic migration in the western Pacific margins. This paper focuses on the representative Cenozoic basins of East China and its surrounding seas in the western Pacific domain to discuss the phenomenon of tectonic jumping in Cenozoic basins, based on structural data from the Bohai Bay Basin, the South Yellow Sea Basin, the East China Sea Shelf Basin, and the South China Sea Continental Shelf Basin. The western Pacific active continental margin is the eastern margin of a global convergent system involving the Eurasian Plate, the Pacific Plate, and the Indian Plate. Under the combined effects of the India-Eurasia collision and retrogressive or roll-back subduction of the Pacific Plate, the western Pacific active continental margin had a wide basin-arc-trench system which migrated or ‘jumped’ eastward and further oceanward. This migration and jumping is characterized by progressive eastward younging of faulting, sedimentation, and subsidence within the basins. Owing to the tectonic migration, the geological conditions associated with hydrocarbon and gashydrate accumulation in the Cenozoic basins of East China and its adjacent seas also become progressively younger from west to east, showing eastward younging in the generation time of reservoirs, seals, traps, accumulations and preservation of hydrocarbon and gashydrate. Such a spatio-temporal distribution of Cenozoic hydrocarbon and gashydrate is significant for the oil, gas and gashydrate exploration in the East Asian Continental Margin. Finally, this study discusses the mechanism of Cenozoic intrabasinal and interbasinal tectonic migration in terms of interplate, intraplate and underplating processes. The migration or jumping regimes of three separate or interrelated events: (1) tectonism-magmatism, (2) basin formation, and (3) hydrocarbon-gashydrate accumulation are the combined effects of the Late Mesozoic extrusion tectonics, the Cenozoic NW-directed crustal extension, and the regional far-field eastward flow of the western asthenosphere due to the India-Eurasia plate collision, accompanied by eastward jumping and roll-back of subduction zones of the Pacific Plate. 相似文献
东北亚大地构造发展经历了古亚洲洋、蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋和古太平洋的俯冲-碰撞作用。如何鉴别和厘定这三种构造体制的时空影响范围和叠合过程一直是一个难题。本文通过巨型岩浆岩带的建库编图,揭示了该地区晚古生代—中生代岩浆岩的时空迁移规律;据此,探讨和厘定了这三大板块构造体制的时空分布范围和构造叠合过程。二叠纪到三叠纪早期间,古亚洲洋体制经历了俯冲到碰撞,主要作用于阿拉善—华北北缘—大兴安岭一带;期间,鄂霍茨克洋主要为陆缘环境,影响范围限于中北部蒙古—外贝加尔一带,并在侏罗纪逐渐向蒙古—鄂霍茨克主缝合带迁移,到白垩纪,其造山带伸展垮塌阶段,影响范围增大,远程效应波及阿拉善—华北北缘—大兴安岭一带,叠加于古亚洲洋体制产物之上。古太平洋构造体制主要发育于三叠纪—侏罗纪时期,其平板俯冲影响范围抵达大兴安岭—太行山,在白垩纪,俯冲板片后撤,影响范围迁移至东亚大陆最东缘。这些作用叠加于古亚洲洋体制产物之上;并与蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋体制同时叠合于大兴安岭一带。 相似文献
CHEN Xuanhu DONG Shuwen SHI Wei DING Weicui ZHANG Yiping LI Bing SHAO Zhaogang WANG Ye 《《地质学报》英文版》2022,96(1):26-51
This is a review of the formation and tectonic evolution of the continental Asia in Phanerozoic.The continental Asia has formed on the bases of some pre-Cambrian cratons,such as the Siberia,India,Arabia,North China,Tarim,South China,and Indochina,through multi-stage plate convergence and collisional collages in Phanerozoic.The north-central Asia had experienced the expansion and subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean(PAO)in the early Paleozoic and the closure of the PAO in the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic,forming the PAO regime and Central Asian orogenic belt(CAOB).In the core of the CAOB,the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean(MOO)opened with limited expansion in the Early Permian and finally closed in the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous.The south-central Asia had experienced mainly multi-stage oceanic opening,subduction and collision evolution in the Tethys Ocean,forming the Tethys regime and Himalaya-Tibetan orogenic belt.In eastern Asia,the plate subduction and continental margin orogeny on western margin of the Pacific Ocean,forms the West Pacific regime and West Pacific orogenic belt.The PAO,Tethys,and West Pacific regimes,together with Precambrian cratons among or surrounding them,made up the major tectonic and dynamic systems of the continental Asia in Phanerozoic.Major tectonic events,such as the Early Paleozoic Qilian,Uralian,and Dunhuang orogeneses,the late Paleozoic East Junggar,Tianshan and West Junggar orogeneses,the Middle to Late Permian Ailaoshan orogeny and NorthSouth Lhasa collision,the early Mesozoic Indochina-South China and North-South China collisions,the late Mesozoic Mongolia-Okhotsk orogeny,Lhasa-Qiangtang collision,and intra-continental Yanshanian orogeny,and the Cenozoic IndoAsian,Arab-Asian,and West Pacific margin collisions,constrained the formation and evolution of the continental Asia.The complex dynamic systems have left large number of deformation features,such as large-scale strike-slip faults,thrustfold systems and extensional detachments on the continental Asia.Based on past tectonics,a future supercontinent,the Ameurasia,is prospected for the development of the Asia in ca.250 Myr. 相似文献
Y. H. Suo S. Z. Li S. J. Zhao I. D. Somerville S. Yu L. M. Dai L. Q. Xu X. Z. Cao P. C. Wang 《Geological Journal》2015,50(2):139-156
The East China Sea basins, located in the West Pacific Continental Margin (WPCM) since the late Mesozoic, mainly include the East China Sea Shelf Basin (ECSSB) and the Okinawa Trough (OT). The WPCM and its adjacent seas can be tectonically divided into five units from west to east, including the Min‐Zhe Uplift, ECSSB, the Taiwan–Sinzi Belt, OT, and the Ryukyu Island Arc, which record regional tectonic evolution and geodynamics. Among those tectonic units, the ECSSB and the OT are important composite sedimentary pull‐apart basins, which experienced two stages of strike‐slip pull‐apart processes. In seismic profiles, the ECSSB and the OT show a double‐layer architecture with an upper half‐graben overlapping on a lower graben. In planar view, the ECSSB and the OT are characterized by faulted blocks from south to north in the early Cenozoic and by a zonation from west to east in the late Cenozoic. The faulted blocks with planar zonation and two‐layer vertical architecture entirely jumped eastward from the Min‐Zhe Uplift to the OT during the late Cenozoic. In addition, the whole palaeogeomorphology of the ECSSB changed notably, from pre‐Cenozoic highland or mountain into a Late Eocene continental margin with east‐tilting topography caused by the eastward tectonic jumping. The OT opened to develop into a back‐arc basin until the Miocene. Synthetic surface geological studies in the China mainland reveal that the Mesozoic tectonic setting of the WPCM is an Andean‐type continental margin developing many sinistral strike‐slip faults and pull‐apart basins and the Cenozoic tectonic setting of the WPCM is a Japanese‐type continental margin developing dextral strike‐slip faults and pull‐apart basins. Thus, the WPCM underwent a transition from Andean‐type to Japanese‐type continental margins at about 80 Ma (Late Cretaceous) and a transition in topography from a Mesozoic highland to a Cenozoic lowland, and then to below sea‐level basins. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
东北亚中生代火山岩研究若干问题的思考 总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13
东北亚中生代火山岩包括大陆边缘北北东向线型火山岩带,以及大陆内部俄罗斯西伯利亚、蒙古、中国大兴安岭等面型火山岩带。它们是东北亚古亚洲洋构造域向太平洋构造域转换时期深部地幔地球化学过程以及东亚大陆与古太平洋板块相互作用的产物。对它们的研究涉及古生代古亚洲构造域闭合过程的深部地幔的动力学和地球化学演化历史,以及东亚大陆边缘由被动边缘向活动大陆边缘转换历史。古亚洲域大洋岩石圈向地幔深部潜入而引发的热地幔 相似文献
东天山大南湖岛弧带石炭纪岩石地层与构造演化 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
详细的地质解剖工作表明,东天山地区大南湖岛弧带石炭纪出露4套岩石地层组合,即早石炭世小热泉子组火山岩、晚石炭世底坎儿组碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩、晚石炭世企鹅山组火山岩、晚石炭世脐山组碎屑岩夹碳酸盐岩。根据其岩石组合、岩石地球化学、生物化石、同位素资料以及彼此的产出关系,认为这4套岩石地层组合的沉积环境分别为岛弧、残余海盆、岛弧和弧后盆地。结合区域资料重塑了大南湖岛弧带晚古生代的构造格架及演化模式。早、晚石炭世的4套岩石地层组合并置体现了东天山的复杂增生过程。 相似文献
CHEN Xuanhu HAN Lele DING Weicui XU Shenglin TONG Ying ZHANG Yiping LI Bing ZHOU Qi WANG Ye 《《地质学报》英文版》2024,98(4):819-842
The continental Asia is mainly composed of three major tectonic regimes, the Tethys, Paleo Asian Ocean, and West Pacific. It underwent multi-stage plate convergences, ocean-continent transformations, and subductions, collisions and/or collages, and post collisional (orogenic) extensions in Phanerozoic. Tectonic evolution of the Asia brings up a unique fault system and tectonic geomorphological features in the mainland China. Also, it provides a geodynamic background for the formation and evolution of metallogeneses and mineral systems, resulting in nonuniform distribution of tectono-metallogenic systems and metallogenic belts. The spatiotemporal distribution of mineral deposits in China and adjacent areas exhibits periodic variation under controlling of the full life Wilson cycle and tectonic evolution, forming the plate convergence-related mineral system in East Asia. Porphyry Cu deposits are mainly related to compressional systems in Paleozoic and early Mesozoic, and more closely related to post-collision extensional settings in late Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Orogenic Au deposits mainly formed in post-orogeny extensional setting. Alkaline rock related rare earth element deposits formed mainly at margins of the North China and Yangtze cratons. Granite-pegmatite Li and other rare metal deposits formed mainly in early Mesozoic, related to Indosinian post-orogeny extension. Tectono-metallogenic systems provide important basis for the prospecting of mineral resources. 相似文献