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Trace fossils are recorded at two localities from the ‘Armorican Quartzite’ (Lower Ordovician) in the Salamanca area, western Spain. Sixteen ichnospecies, belonging to twelve ichnogenera, are described; all ichnospecies occur in the upper part of the unit, only four in the lower part. The ichnogenera comprise Arthrophycus, Cruziana, Daedalus, Didymaulichnus, Diplichnites, Diplocraterion, cf. Gor-. dia, Monomorphichnus, Muensteria, Palaeophycus, Planolites, and Rusophycus. The presence of Cruziana furcifera, C. goldfussi, C. rugosa, and C? cf. imbricata indicate that the upper part of the unit is of Arenig age. The lower part has yielded only the two former ichnospecies and may extend down into the Tremadoc. The species of Cruziana and their stratigraphical significance are discussed.  相似文献   

The late Carboniferous–early Permian was a period of major environmental change, with the rainforests that covered the equatorial zone during the Carboniferous disappearing due to increasing aridification. This environmental transition had significant impacts on the terrestrial biota, including a major extinction event among plant and vertebrate groups. A rich and unique ichnofauna from the Alveley Member (Moscovian: Westphalian D) of the Salop Formation at Alveley in Shropshire (England) has yielded important insights into late Carboniferous terrestrial communities. However, research to date has focused entirely on the vertebrate footprints. Abundant invertebrate ichnofossils also occur at Alveley, typically on the rippled upper surfaces of beds assigned to a floodplain facies that preserve the vertebrate tracks in hyporelief on their base. We provide the first detailed examination of the invertebrate ichnofauna from Alveley, identifying six ichnospecies within five ichnogenera (Diplichnites, Gordia, Paleohelcura, Palmichnium, Protichnites), including a new species of the common arthropod ichnogenus Diplichnites. This moderately diverse invertebrate ichnofauna is dominated by arthropod repichnia. There is no evidence of infaunal bioturbation and the single example of Gordia indicates limited sediment grazing activity. The Alveley ichnofauna is typical of Euramerican continental ichnoassemblages from the very latest Carboniferous, and indicates a moderate diversity of arthropods (crustaceans, arachnids and chelicerates) living alongside the marginal freshwater to terrestrial assemblage of temnospondyl amphibians, and basal synapsid, diadectomorph and captorhinomorph amniotes.  相似文献   

冀西南古元古界赵家庄组发育了一套独具特色的沉积地层,近年来在其碎屑岩中识别出“叠层”砂质MISS这种新的微生物成因沉积构造之后,寻找微生物化石的方向更加清晰。本文通过普通岩石薄片的详细观察,在赵家庄组砂岩的石英颗粒中首次发现了微生物化石,尽管部分样品并不太典型,但化石内部结构和外部形态特征及个体大小与元古宇汝阳群的Plicatidium比较一致,其个体的直径大小也在元古代微生物化石范围之内。通过保存状态和特点分析,认为本文在石英碎屑颗粒中发现的微生物化石可能形成于古元古代中期,也有可能来自太古代末期的风化产物,地质时间约为2 530~2 000 Ma或更加古老。石英碎屑颗粒中微生物化石的发现,证明冀西南古元古界赵家庄组地层中保存了较为丰富的微生物信息,碎屑岩的碎屑颗粒也可作为微生物研究的理想对象,这为前寒武纪微生物研究提供了新的线索和方向。  相似文献   

The Sulu Orogenic Belt in eastern China has experienced a multistage tectonic evolutionary history. However, its geological evolution has not yet been corroborated by sufficient direct evidence from basement rocks. Chaolian Island on the Qianliyan Uplift provides an opportunity to study the formation and evolution of the Sulu Orogenic Belt using direct geochronological and geochemical evidence. We determined that the characteristic mineral assemblage in the study region is quartz + K-feldspar + perthite + biotite + muscovite. The samples are silica- (SiO2 = 72.8%–75.8%) and alkali-rich (ALK(Na2O+K2O) = 8.7%–9.3%), with high iron-magnesium ratios (FeO*/(FeO*+MgO) = 0.92–0.96) and low CaO and MgO concentrations. Furthermore, they are rich in large-ion lithophile elements K, Rb, Ba, and U, but depleted in high field strength elements Nb, Ta, and Zr. They exhibit high Ga/Al values (Ga × 104/Al = 3.33–3.74) and significant fractionation between light and heavy rare earth elements. The samples are A-type granites. In the discrimination diagrams for granite genesis types, the samples plotted in the post-orogenic A2-type granite region. Secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) zircon U–Pb dating results indicated that the granitic gneiss formed ~782.6–802.3 Ma (Middle Neoproterozoic), consistent with the timing of the breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent on the northeastern margin of the Yangtze Plate. Comparing geochemical characteristics and zircon U–Pb ages of the A-type granitic gneisses of the Sulu Orogenic Belt, the Qianliyan Uplift appears to be an extension of the belt across the ocean and is affiliated with the Yangtze Plate. The granitic gneiss on Chaolian Island is related to the formation of a mantle superplume during the breakup of Rodinia, and the northeastern margin of the Yangtze Plate during the Middle Neoproterozoic was located in a back-arc extension setting induced by the subduction of oceanic plates.  相似文献   

Alfred Uchman   《Cretaceous Research》2007,28(6):980-1004
Twenty one ichnogenera and 30 ichnospecies are recognized in the Late Campanian – Maastrichtian Monte Antola Formation of Italy, most of them for the first time. They belong to a specific mixture of the Nereites and Ophiomorpha rudis ichnosubfacies of the Nereites ichnofacies. Composition and abundance of trace fossils vary from outcrop to outcrop. Chondrites intricatus, Ch. targionii, Nereites irregularis, Cladichnus fischeri and Trichichnus linearis are most common. Chondrites patulus, Ophiomorpha recta and “Spirophycusbicornis trace fossils are less common in outcrops, and the other trace fossils are rare or very rare. Generally, ichnogeneric diversity in Cretaceous–Cainozoic calcareous and mixed siliciclastic-calcareous flysch deposits is distinctly lower than in siliciclastic flysch. Significantly, the foremost pre-depositional forms are distinctly rare, probably due to preservational and depositional factors.  相似文献   

扬子陆块北缘新元古代中期的构造机制(是俯冲- 增生造山、还是后造山- 裂谷)是华南新元古代构造演化研究中长期争论的重要科学问题。本文在西大别造山带红安桃花地区新识别出双峰式火山岩,为进一步揭示扬子陆块新元古代中期岩浆- 构造演化过程和动力学机制提供了新的制约信息。SIMS和LA- ICP- MS锆石U- Pb定年结果表明,桃花双峰式火山岩形成年龄为750~740 Ma。基性火山岩为拉斑玄武质,显示由正常洋中脊型玄武岩向弧型玄武岩演化的微量元素特征,且具有变化的全岩εNd(t)值(0. 05~+5. 96)。这些基性火山岩可能是亏损的软流圈地幔在减压条件下部分熔融的产物,岩浆经历了结晶分异和围岩混染。酸性火山岩中,徐门寨样品富硅(SiO2≥75%)和碱(K2O+Na2O≥7%),富集REE和HFSE(如Zr、Hf、Nb、Y),其Zr+Ce+Y+Nb≥600×10-6,10000Ga/Al≥2. 6,与分异A型花岗岩类相似。它们同时具有富集的Hf- Nd同位素组成,其锆石εHf(t)值主要集中在12. 32~1. 88,而全岩εNd(t)值为13. 29~9. 60,可能是区域上新元古代早期的岩浆岩在高温低压条件下部分熔融形成的产物。综合本文和前人的资料表明,南秦岭- 桐柏- 大别- 苏鲁造山带在新元古代中期(780~635 Ma)的双峰式岩浆组合形成于一个软流圈上涌、岩石圈拉张减薄的大陆裂谷环境;高温- 低压条件下的软流圈、岩石圈地幔和地壳的熔融及其相互反应,是这一时期不同性质岩浆形成的主要原因。  相似文献   

Petrological, geochemical and radiogenic isotopic data on ophiolitic‐type rocks from the Marlborough terrane, the largest (~700 km2) ultramafic‐mafic rock association in eastern Australia, argue strongly for a sea‐floor spreading centre origin. Chromium spinel from partially serpentinised mantle harzburgite record average Cr/(Cr + Al) = 0.4 with associated mafic rocks displaying depleted MORB‐like trace‐element characteristics. A Sm/Nd isochron defined by whole‐rock mafic samples yields a crystallisation age of 562 ± 22 Ma (2σ). These rocks are thus amongst the oldest rocks so far identified in the New England Fold Belt and suggest the presence of a late Neoproterozoic ocean basin to the east of the Tasman Line. The next oldest ultramafic rock association dated from the New England Fold Belt is ca530 Ma and is interpreted as backarc in origin. These data suggest that the New England Fold Belt may have developed on oceanic crust, following an oceanward migration of the subduction zone at ca540 Ma as recorded by deformation and metamorphism in the Anakie Inlier. Fragments of late Neoproterozoic oceanic lithosphere were accreted during progressive cratonisation of the east Australian margin.  相似文献   

In the Kinnerasani area in southeastern India, the terrain boundary between the Archean Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt and the Proterozoic Pakhal Supergroup overlying the Dharwar-Bastar cratons can be observed. We analyzed the mesoscopic and microscopic structural features of the highly deformed pebbles in the basal conglomerate bed of the Pakhal Supergroup that occurs at the terrain boundary. The results of the analysis of the pebbles suggest that: 1) deformation of pebbles resulted from ductile deformation during peak metamorphism 2) the mode of strain is plane strain to constrictive and maximum elongation located to be vertical and 3) the apparent stretch of the pebbles is up to 300%.In the Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt, quartz grains constituting the quartz layer of the feldspathized gneiss folded by the last-phase deformation also show vertical maximum stretching in constrictive strain. This observation suggests that the deformational features, at least the mode of strain, during the last-phase deformation is comparable to the deformation forming elongated pebbles of the Pakhal conglomerate. The last-phase deformation structures of the Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt are well observed near the terrain boundary. This indicates that the Pakhal deformation overprinted the rocks of the Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt near the boundary, and that their tectonic juxtaposition occurred during or before this deformation period. Because the Pakhal deformation took place during or soon after the peak metamorphism of the Pakhal Supergroup, which is known to be 1000 Ma, and the last metamorphism of the Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt in the Khammam area were reported to be 1100 Ma. The tectonic juxtaposition between the Pakhal Supergroup and Nellore-Khammam Schist Belt was around 10001100 Ma.  相似文献   

Deciphering the drastic changes of surface environment and the emergence of animals after the Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth event are important for understanding the changes of surface environment and its influence on the evolution of life through geologic time. Especially, the emergence of two types of Metazoan animals such as animal embryo fossils, cnidarians or sponges, and Ediacaran fauna in the late Neoproterozoic was one of the critical turning points in the biological evolution.Calcium is one of the essential elements for the growth of most animals. In this study, in order to evaluate the Ca cycles in the Neoproterozoic, we have measured Ca isotopic ratios (44Ca/42Ca and 43Ca/42Ca) for phosphorite, dolostone and phosphatic animal embryo fossils with a multiple collector, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS). The resulting 44Ca/42Ca ratio defined by the relative deviation from the ratio of NIST SRM915a (δ44/42CaNIST915) for phosphorite and dolostone ranges from 0.83 to 0.95‰, demonstrating that the fractionation between phosphorite/dolostone and seawater was very small. This evidence indicates that at the emergence of the Weng'an biota seawater was deficient in Ca probably due to mass deposition of phosphorite/dolostone and to the beginning of Ca-biomineralization.Three phosphatic animal embryo fossils have lower δ44/42Ca values than the phosphorite and dolomite, implying that the precursor of the phosphatic embryo fossils was able to fractionate Ca isotopes through Ca-biomineralization, consistent with marine gastropods.  相似文献   

In the southern Brazilian state of Santa Catarina the Dom Feliciano Belt, formed by the tectonic juxtaposition of different crustal blocks during the Brasiliano-Pan African Orogenic cycle, can be divided into three domains. In the central domain, three granitic suites intrude the metavolcanosedimentary sequence of the Brusque Group: São João Batista (SJBS), Valsungana (VS) and Nova Trento (NTS), from the oldest to the youngest. This extensive magmatism, here referred to as granitic intrusions in the Brusqe Group (GIBG), is coeval with the thermal peak in the host metamorphic successions, but postdates its main foliation. A progressive deformation starting from the magmatic stage throughout the cooling history points to the influence of the late stages of deformation recorded in the Brusque Group.The SJBS consists of gray to white leucocratic, equigranular granites, with aluminous minerals such as muscovite, garnet and tourmaline. The porphyritic VS is the largest of the suites and is characterized by its cm-sized K-feldspar megacrysts in a coarse-grained biotite-rich matrix. The granites from the NTS are equigranular, light gray to pink in color and have biotite as the main mafic mineral, but magmatic muscovite, tourmaline and hornblende can occur as well.Geochemically, the GIBG are mildly peraluminous and show a calc-alkaline affinity. Most intrusions have a high REE fractionation, but some SJBS granites show a characteristic pattern with no fractionation and strong negative Eu anomalies (“seagull pattern”). Elevated Sr(i) values, between 0.707 and 0.735, and negative εNd values as low as −24 points to the melting of old evolved crust. The Nd (TDM) ages are scattered between 1.54 and 2.76 Ga, with a predominance of values around 2.0 Ga.The GIBG have a strong crustal signature that most closely connects, within the regional units, to that of the metasedimentary rocks of the Brusque Group and its crystalline basement, the Camboriú Complex. All three suites seem to have been produced during a same regional melting event, but at different crustal levels and reflecting heterogeneities within the same source rocks. Most evidences imply that sedimentary source rocks were especially important to the SJBS, which probably originated in a shallower environment, whilst the VS and NTS represent the melting of deeper crystalline crust, probably sharing some magmatic interaction.  相似文献   

通过岩心观察和标本鉴定,在济阳坳陷车镇凹陷古近系沙河街组沙一段深水沉积中识别出大量遗迹化石,包括Mermoides chezhenensis,Helminthopsis sp.、Gordia sp.、Helminthoidichnites sp.、Planolites beverlegensis、Neonereites uniserialis和Planolites sp.,它们是无脊椎动物线虫、节肢动物、环节动物和腹足类等形成的牧食迹和进食迹。这些遗迹化石中的Neonereites uniserialis为由一系列小球粒排成的蛇曲形痕迹,不分枝,长约7 cm,宽约2 mm,呈顶凸痕保存于灰色、深灰色页岩中。Mermoides chezhenensis为微小简单、不规则弯曲的觅食拖迹,长1~3 cm,宽1~2 mm,近平行或略倾斜层面分布于灰色、深灰色薄层状泥岩中,内迹保存。根据遗迹化石的共生组合特征及沉积环境,可分出两个遗迹组合:Mermoides chezhenensis遗迹组合和Neonereites uniserialis遗迹组合。Mermoides chezhenensis遗迹组合丰度和分异度较高,组成分子有Mermoides chezhenensis、Helminthopsis sp.、Gordia sp.、Helminthoidichnites sp. 和Planolites beverlegensis,其中以Mermoides chezhenensis的大量出现为组合代表。该组合出现于灰色、深灰色泥岩中,反映了富氧的半深湖环境。Neonereites uniserialis遗迹组合组成分子为Neonereites uniserialis和Planolites sp.。该组合分布于灰色、深灰色页岩中,反映了贫氧的半深湖-深湖沉积环境。Mermoides chezhenensis遗迹组合与Mermia遗迹相相比,其化石组成、丰度及分异度基本相似。但Neonereites uniserialis遗迹组合与Mermia遗迹相在化石组成、丰度及分异度等方面存在很大差异,所反映的水体化学性质也不相同。因此,目前所建立的陆相遗迹相模式还不完善,尚有许多遗迹相未被识别和建立。  相似文献   

在喜马拉雅碰撞造山带中,石榴石是变泥质岩的主要造岩矿物,也是花岗岩或淡色体的重要副矿物,保存了有关地壳深熔作用的关键信息,是揭示大型碰撞造山带中-下地壳物质的物理和化学行为的重要载体。在喜马拉雅造山带内,新生代花岗质岩石(淡色花岗岩和混合岩中的淡色体)含两类石榴石,大多数为岩浆型石榴石,自形-半自形,不含包裹体,但淡色体中含有港湾状的混合型石榴石。岩浆型石榴石具有以下地球化学特征:(1)从核部到边部,显示了典型的"振荡型"生长环带;(2)富集HREE,亏损LREE,从核部到边部,Hf、Y和HREE含量降低;(3)显著的Eu负异常;(4)相对于源岩中变质石榴石,Mn和Zn的含量显著增高。岩相学和地球化学特征都表明:变泥质岩熔融形成的熔体(淡色体)捕获了源岩的变质石榴石,熔体与石榴石反应导致大部分元素的特征被改变,只在核部保留了源岩的部分信息。同时,在花岗质熔体结晶过程中,形成少量的岩浆型石榴石。这些石榴石摄取了熔体中大量的Zn,浓度显著升高,在斜长石和锆石同步分离结晶作用的共同影响下,石榴石中Eu为明显负异常,Hf、Y和HREE浓度从核部到边部逐渐降低。上述数据和结果表明,花岗岩中石榴石的矿物化学特征记录了精细的有关花岗岩岩浆演化的重要信息。  相似文献   

南秦岭城口火山岩锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年和地球化学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
南秦岭大巴山城口断裂带出露一套玄武安山岩、安山岩组合,火山岩锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年测试结果为716±4Ma,表明其为新元古代岩浆产物;岩石地球化学研究表明火山岩富集轻稀土元素,原始地幔标准化微量元素蛛网图显示以富集大离子亲石元素Cs、Ba、Th、U及高场强元素分异为特征,Nb、Ta强烈亏损以及低的Ti(Ti O_20.85%)含量,与典型的岛弧火山岩相似;微量元素La/Nb、Th/Yb及Hf/Ta比值特征也显示岛弧岩浆属性,相对高的Zr/Y、Ta/Yb和低的Zr/Nb比值区别于大洋岛弧火山岩,具有明显的大陆亲缘性,表明城口火山岩形成于陆缘岛弧环境。综合已有的地质、地球化学及同位素年代学研究表明新元古代晚期扬子板块北缘及南秦岭地区为一活动陆缘岩浆杂岩弧,暗示中国华南板块很可能位于Rodinia超大陆的边缘部位。  相似文献   

The Borra caves, Vishakapatnam, India, can be described as a speleothem cave with significant amounts of unexplored microbial mats in spring waters. Here, we present the first observations and hypotheses on the possible impact of the microorganisms in these mats on the cave formation, focusing on their role on iron mineral precipitation. The spring waters (pH neutral 7.5–7.7) contained dissolved metals like iron and the organic mat sludge (pH 7.0–7.3) had a TOC content of approximately 5.4 wt%. Geochemically, the spring waters deep below the microbial mats contained Fe 369 ppb, Sr 198 ppb; and the organic mat sludge contained Mg 9 ppm, Fe 427 ppb, Zn 149 ppb, Sr 190 ppb. XRD observations displayed Fe minerals (dominantly hematite), minor amounts of zinc gallium sulfide and nitrofuryl compounds. At least four groups of bacteria identified by direct microscopy and SEM-EDX on the basis of morphology could be observed in all samples: Leptothrix-like organisms, entombed bacterial mineral sheaths, a few stalks of Gallionella-like organisms and some additional bacteria that could not be further identified. Leptothrix-like organisms contained 43.22–60.08 wt % Fe and the mineral precipitated near and around these bacteria (in the actual unaltered samples on site) contained 30.76–45.22 wt% Fe as identified and quantified by SEM-EDX. This study indicates that the precipitation of these iron-rich mats in the spring waters could be linked to the presence of abundant active communities of iron precipitating bacteria at Borra caves, Vishakapatanam.  相似文献   

大别山北坡北淮阳构造带的柳林-定远-王母观一线, 断续分布着带状产出的辉长岩体, 构成一条NWW向的基性岩带, 以往被认为是形成于海西期的造山后伸展环境.对该带西缘鸡公山北坡柳林辉长岩进行了锆石SHRIMPU-Pb定年和辉石、斜长石的矿物化学研究.辉长岩中的岩浆锆石SHRIMPU-Pb年龄为(611±13) Ma, 代表岩体结晶时代, 这一年龄远远老于其围岩上奥陶统定远组的时代.岩体主要矿物辉石属普通辉石, Na2O、FeO和MnO较高, 长石属中长石, 低CaO, 这些特征明显区别于岛弧或活动大陆边缘环境中的同类矿物, 而与板内伸展环境中形成的辉长岩的矿物特征相似.研究表明, 大别山北部新元古代晚期(610Ma左右) 发育了一次陆内裂解事件.   相似文献   

滇东南老君山地区出露了一套穹隆状变形-变质岩系,新近完成的1:5万都龙幅、麻栗坡县幅区域地质矿产调查报告,将其分解为晚志留纪南温河花岗岩、新元古界新寨岩组和古元古界猛硐岩群。首次对猛硐岩群的石英角闪斜长片麻岩进行了SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年,结合阴极发光图像分析,获得两组岩浆锆石的结晶年龄分别为761±12Ma和829±10Ma,指示滇东南老君山地区存在新元古代岩浆活动,同时从同位素年代学上,表明猛硐岩群是一套前寒武纪的变质沉积-岩浆杂岩。此外,还获得一些年龄为≈1.83Ga的残留锆石,表明该区存在古元古代的结晶基底。石英角闪斜长片麻岩及共存的斜长角闪岩,它们的原岩具有大陆裂谷背景下玄武质-玄武安山质岩浆系列的地球化学特征,可能与新元古代Rodinia超大陆聚合-裂解过程中的岩浆活动有关,本区在新元古代可能位于南华裂谷与康滇裂谷的交汇部位。  相似文献   

The recently identified Huashan ophiolitic melange was considered as the eastern part of the Mianliie suture in the Qinling orogenic belt. SHRIMP zircon U-Pb geochronology on gabbro from the Huashan ophiolite and granite intruding basic volcanic rocks indicates crystallization ages of 947±14 Ma and 876±17 Ma respectively. These ages do not support a recently proposed Hercynian Huashan Ocean, but rather favor that a Neoproterozoic suture assemblage (ophiolite) is incorporated into the younger (Phanerozoic) Qinling orogenic belt.  相似文献   

Currently, sedimentologists focus on the challenging issue of microbial carbonates, which are regarded as "one of the sedimentary rocks most difficult to study", having complicated sedimentary fabric. Their characteristic features closely related to microbial activity, distributed over a long period of geological time, and formed in diversified sedimentary environments. The main research concentrations are the calcified microbial mats and biofilms in geological records as the products of lithification and diagenesis. Starting from the origin, this paper systematically reviewed and explained the processes dwelling within two types of microbial communities, the thinner biofilm and the thicker microbial mat, which enabled them to convert into microbial carbonates through biomineralization and lithification. This study proposed that the existence of multiple microbial mats was another important cause for the diversification and complexity of microbial carbonates in addition to its complex depositional process. Moreover, the sedimentary characteristics and classification of different types of microbial carbonates were reviewed, exemplifying the Cambrian microbial carbonates in the North China Platform. These microbial carbonates are suggested to be placed under "bindstone" after Embry and Kloven, which can be further divided into 5 types, stromatolites, thrombolites, oncolites, laminites and leiolites. Dendrolite is not categorized as a separate class, instead attributed to thrombolites. The microbial carbonates may possess good source rock potential because of the enriched organic content, and may also serve as hydrocarbon reservoirs because of certain microbial textures and fabrics leading to significant porosity and permeability. Because of their biomineralization processes related to microbial activity, the microbial carbonates are not only an important window to understand the evolution of the earth's surface environment, but also capable of forming large-scale reservoirs, and their scientific and economic values are self-evident.  相似文献   

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