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韩家岩体与天井山金矿空间上密切相关.对韩家岩体的成因存在不同看法:依据“斑状”外貌,有人主张是燕山期花岗斑岩;依据隐约可见的片麻状构造,有人认为是晋宁期灵山岩体.鉴于其具有重要的找矿指示意义,本文通过岩石学、岩石地球化学、同位素年代学等方面的研究,认为韩家岩体是由灵山岩体蚀变而成的绢英岩.天井山金矿中的金多以自然金形式产于石英大脉的晚期裂隙中,并与石英-绢云母-含铁碳酸盐-硫化物细脉共生.研究表明,这些裂隙与绢英岩体顶部的石英网脉带贯通,两者具有相同蚀变矿物组合和流体来源.据此,本文认为与绢英岩化有关的岩浆-构造-蚀变作用是天井山金矿的核心成矿事件.由于韩家绢英岩体具有区域尺度的找矿标志,这对天井山矿区及其外围进一步找矿具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

The newly discovered Baogudi gold district is located in the southwestern Guizhou Province,China,where there are numerous Carlin-type gold deposits.To better understand the geological and geochemical characteristics of the Baogudi gold district,we carried out petrographic observations,elemental analyses,and fluid inclusion and isotopic composition studies.We also compared the results with those of typical Carlin-type gold deposits in southwestern Guizhou.Three mineralization stages,namely,the sedimentation diagenesis,hydrothermal(main-ore and late-ore substages),and supergene stages,were identified based on field and petrographic observations.The main-ore and late-ore stages correspond to Au and Sb mineralization,respectively,which are similar to typical Carlin-type mineralization.The mass transfer associated with alteration and mineralization shows that a significant amount of Au,As,Sb,Hg,Tl,Mo,and S were added to mineralized rocks during the main-ore stage.Remarkably,arsenic,Sb,and S were added to the mineralized rocks during the late-ore stage.Element migration indicates that the sulfidation process was responsible for ore formation.Four types of fluid inclusions were identified in ore-related quartz and fluorite.The main-ore stage fluids are characterized by an H2O–NaCl–CO2–CH4±N2system,with medium to low temperatures(180–260℃)and low salinity(0–9.08%NaCl equivalent).The late-ore stage fluids featured H2O–NaCl±CO2±CH4,with low temperature(120–200℃)and low salinity(0–7.48%Na Cl equivalent).The temperature,salinity,and CO2and CH4concentrations of ore-forming fluids decreased from the main-ore stage to the late-ore stage.The calculated δ^13C,d D,and δ^18O values of the ore-forming fluids range from-14.3 to-7.0%,-76 to-55.7%,and 4.5–15.0%,respectively.Late-ore-stage stibnite had δ^34S values ranging from-0.6 to 1.9%.These stable isotopic compositions indicate that the ore-forming fluids originated mainly from deep magmatic hydrothermal fluids,with minor contributions from strata.Collectively,the Baogudi metallogenic district has geological and geochemical characteristics that are typical of Carlin-type gold deposits in southwest Guizhou.It is likely that the Baogudi gold district,together with other Carlin-type gold deposits in southwestern Guizhou,was formed in response to a single widespread metallogenic event.  相似文献   

Organic matter is related closely to mineralization of Lannigou gold deposit in southwestern Guizhou, China. Regionally, the distribution of organic carbon agrees well with that of faults within which gold deposits are hosted. Studies on organic petrology show that pyrobitumen, which is related most closely to mineralization, adheres to quartz vein or fills quartz veinlet. Proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) analysis shows an evident abundance of Au in pyrobitumen. Pyrobitumen paragenetically associates with pyrite and arsenopyrite which are the main carrier minerals of Au. The thermal simulation experiment indicates that about 99% of Au will be concentrated in oil phase in the coexisting system of oil and brine and rock. The role of crude oil in ore-forming process is: as carrier of Au, crude oil moves upwards, and undergoes thermal decomposition and thermochemical reduction when it encounters the oxidizing fluid within the Trassic turbidity; Au is thus released from crude oil, reduced and precipitated. Project supported by the Climbing Project (No. PA30) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49673190).  相似文献   

Jinlongshan gold orebelt, a newly discovered one in sedimentary rock region in southern Qinling Mountains, is mainly located in upper Devonian and lower Carboniferous calcareous siltstone and argillic silty limestone of later Paleozoic era. Typical disseminated gold mineralization occurred in calcareous siltstone, which is major host rock and mainly composed of silt (SiO2 mostly varies from 38% to 73%) and calcite (CaO mostly varies from 10% to 25%). Pyrite created by living beings in Nanyangshan formation may be poor in gold. Faults and favorable layers jointly control disseminated gold mineralization. The significance of this opinion is very great for gold exploration.  相似文献   

During the period 2019–2020, size-segregated aerosol samples containing elemental and organic carbon (EC and OC) were investigated. These samples were collected weekly using an eight-stage cascade impactor from an urban site located at Aksaray University, Aksaray. The quantification of EC and OC was carried out through a thermal-optical transmission device. The results revealed consistent size distribution attributes of EC and OC between winter and summer. Although EC accounted for an insignificant percentage (4.4%) of particulate matter (PM) in the PM9.0–10.0 fraction during winter, a more substantial portion of OC in the same fraction (13.4%) comprised EC. Seasonal variations were distinct for EC but not significant for OC. Strong correlations between OC and EC were observed in coarse particle fractions, indicating a common source, with weaker correlations in fine particles. The highest OC/EC ratio was in the PM0.43–0.65 fraction, followed by PM2.1–3.3. The ratio of OC to EC in fine PM exceeded the threshold of 15 consistently. The observation indicates that as particle size increases, there is a noticeable decline in the OC to EC ratios. Secondary organic aerosols (SOA) accounted for 60.8% (winter) and 89.8% (summer) of OC values, emphasizing the substantial impact of SOA on Aksaray's atmosphere. Both seasons exhibited a multimodal distribution of ambient OC. In winter, the EC distribution was dominated by fine particles, with a bimodal pattern (PM1.1–2.1 and PM0.43–0.65 peaks). Common pollutant sources, including traffic emissions, road dust, biogenic emissions, and coal combustion, were identified for both seasons in coarse and fine particle fractions. These findings underscore the importance of emission control strategies targeting fine PM in Aksaray.  相似文献   

NH4 is the most common form of nitrogen found in rocks and may substitute for K in potas-sic minerals such as biotite, muscovite, and K-feldspar[1,2]. N2 has been observed in fluid inclu-sions, and thermodynamic calculations suggest that N2 is the most c…  相似文献   

The spatial distribution map of 65 mid-large gold-deposits hosted in the granite-greenstone terrains of the North China Craton is first drawn. These gold deposits mainly concentrate in the Mesozoic remobilized Yinshan-Yan-shan-Liaoning-Jilin intracontinental collisional orogenic belt, the northern Qinling and the Jiaodong Mesozoic collisional orogenic belts, and the Mesozoic intracontinental fault-magmatic belts developed along the Taihangshan and the Tan-Lu faults; their mineralizing time is predominantly Jurassic-Cretaceous, i. e. the Yanshanian. The metallogenic geodynamic background is exactly the compression-to-extension transition regime during continental collision. The results are partly from the project entitled “The main types of gold mineralizations in China and their metallogenic model” (89-El) supported by the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry of China, and projects “Geology and metallogenesis of the main type gold deposits in East Chinan” (Grant No. 9488010) and “Study on ore-forming fluids of the Wangfeng gold deposit, Xinjiang” supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49672119).  相似文献   

In this study we assessed changes in the contribution of terrigenous organic matter (OM) to the Gulf of Mexico over the course of the last deglaciation (the last 25 kyr). To this end, we combined optical kerogen analyses with bulk sedimentary, biomarker, and compound-specific carbon isotope analyses. Samples were obtained from core MD02-2550 from Orca Basin (2249 m water depth at 26°56.77N, 91°20.74W) with temporal resolution ranging from multi-decadal to millennial-scale, depending on the proxy. All proxies confirmed larger terrigenous input during glacial times compared to the Holocene. In addition, the kerogen analyses suggest that much of the glacial OM is reworked (at least 50% of spores and pollen grains and 40% of dinoflagellate cysts). The Holocene sediments, in contrast, contain mainly marine OM, which is exceptionally well preserved. During the deglaciation, terrigenous input was generally high due to large meltwater fluxes, whereby discrepancies between different proxies call for additional influences, such as the change in distance to the river mouth, local productivity changes, and hydrodynamic particle sorting. It is possible that kerogen particles and the terrigenous biomarkers studied here represent distinct pools of land-derived OM with inputs varying independently.  相似文献   

Manganiferous rock varnish, silica glaze and iron skins have formed on 20- to 40-year-old slag piles near Fontana, southern California. Rapid rock-varnish formation is associated with an unidentified cocci bacterium that grows rapidly in culturing experiments, combined with the likelihood that Mn-rich solutions flow over slag surfaces. A new model is proposed for the formation of silica glaze, involving soluble Al-Si complexes and the nature of wetting films. Iron skins occur where runoff is concentrated, and where iron bacteria grow. Observations indicate: (i) substrate can be important in supplying Mn, as well as maintaining a stable surface and channelling runoff to microspots where varnish grows; (ii) ignorance of boundary layer pH/Eh conditions makes chemical-physical models of varnish formation speculative; (iii) the balance between cementation of recently nucleated varnishes and erosional shear stresses is poorly understood, but is probably an important limiting factor on varnish growth rates; and (iv) there must be at least two steps in biotic varnishing-accretion of Mn-Fe in casts, followed by cementation of clays by either in situ cast residue or Mn-Fe remobilized from casts. Varnish accretion may be limited by the rate at which both steps occur. Rapid development of readily distinguishable manganiferous rock varnishes at this post-1952 site highlights the danger of speculation on the ages of landforms based solely on the appearance of rock-varnish coatings.  相似文献   

The Jiaodong Peninsula is the largest repository of gold in China based on the production in history. It covers less than 0.2% of China’s territory, but production of gold accounts for about one fourth of the whole country. Thus, the Jiaodong Peninsula is a typical area or case of large-scale metallogenesis and a large clusters of mineral deposits in China. It is characterized by the large clusters of gold deposits in large scale, high reserve and short mineralizing stage. In this study, we suggest that the eastern boundary of the large clusters of gold deposits is as same as that of North China Block, the gold deposits are hosted by Archean metamorphic rocks or Mesozoic granites, and the age of gold mineralization is 121.6 to 122.7 Ma. Gold and related ore-forming materials are derived from multisources, i.e. Archean metamorphic rocks, granites and intermediate-mafic dikes, especially, intermediate-mafic dikes and calc-alkaline granites. The metallogenic geodynamic process is constrained by the tectonic evolution of eastern North China Block during Late Mesozoic, and it is the result of the interaction between mantle and crust as the boundary plates are playing role on the block.  相似文献   

The study of ore-forming chronology indicates that the superlarge gold deposits in the Jiaodong region were formed in 120±10 Ma. Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions from typical gold deposits suggest that ore-forming materials were derived from the multisources, mantle component was partly involved in mineralization, the deep dynamic processes are the major geological background of large-scale metallogenesis in the Jiaodong region in Mesozoic. The deep pro- cesses mainly include the effect of post deep-subduction of continental crust of the central orogen belt and the distant effect of subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate underneath the Eurasian continent. However, lithosphere thinning, crust-mantle interaction, crustal extension and formation of large-type ore-controlling structures would be the comprehensive consequences of the above- mentioned geodynamic processes in the region.  相似文献   

The combination of field surveys with analysis of microstructure of tectonite and Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) on quartz fabric indicated that three periods of ductile shear events developed in the Paishanlou gold deposits and the E-W and NE-striking ductile shear zones were formed during each event. The E-W-striking ductile shear zone, accompanied by compressional and dextral shear slip, was shear-cut by the NE-striking shear zones, accompanied by compressional-sinistral shear slip and sinistral-normal shear slip, successively. An E-W-striking ductile shear zone developed at a deeper tectonic level and at middle- to high-temperatures, accompanied by abundant microstructures, including microlayering between a polycrystal quartz belt and mica, and quartz deformation was depended on cylinder (10-10) 〈a〉 or 〈c〉 glide. The development of an E-W-striking shear zone can be seen as a tectonic pattern in the region of the Paishanlou gold deposits of the collision between the Mongolian tectonic belt and the North Archean Craton from Suolun to the Linxi suture zone during the Indosinian. The NE-striking ductile shear zone developed approximately 160 Ma during the early Yianshanian at middle to shallow tectonic levels and at middle- to low-temperatures, accompanied by typical microstructures, including polycrystal quartz aggregation and quartz subgrain rotation recrystallization, etc., and quartz deformation was depended on prismatic (1011) 〈a〉 glide. The last ductile shear event around the NE-striking shear zone developed at low temperatures and shallow tectonic levels, yielding to a pre-existing NE-striking shear zone, accompanied by abundant microstructures, including low-temperature quartz grain boundary migration and bulging recrystallization. The last ductile shear movement may be related to lithosphere thinning and the destruction of the North China Craton from approximately 130-120 Ma, and this shear event resulted directly in the mineralization in the Paishanlou region.  相似文献   

江西省瑞昌市港南金矿是上世纪八十年代发现的小型金矿床,前人称之为"铁帽"型。本文通过对以往勘查资料的进一步分析和野外调查,发现矿体受F1硅化破碎带及溶蚀侵蚀洼地控制,产于破碎带之上的溶蚀侵蚀洼地粘土层中,顶板较平整,底板随基岩侵蚀面的起伏而波动,初步认为属残积红土型金矿,矿区及外围具有进一步找矿的前景。  相似文献   

The characteristics of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) were studied in Hudson Bay and Hudson Strait in the Canadian Arctic. Hudson Bay receives a disproportionately large influx of river runoff. With high dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentrations in Arctic rivers the influence of CDOM on coastal and ocean systems can be significant, yet the distribution, characteristics and potential consequences of CDOM in these waters remain unknown. We collected 470 discrete water samples in offshore, coastal, estuarine and river waters in the region during September and October 2005. Mixing of CDOM appeared conservative with salinity, although regional differences exist due to variable DOM composition in the rivers discharging to the Bay and the presence of sea-ice melt, which has low CDOM concentrations and low salinity. There were higher concentrations of CDOM in Hudson Bay, especially in coastal waters with salinities <28<28, due to river runoff. Using CDOM composition of water masses as a tracer for the freshwater components revealed that river runoff is largely constrained to nearshore waters in Hudson Bay, while sea-ice melt is distributed more evenly in the Bay. Strong inshore–offshore gradients in the bio-optical properties of the surface waters in the Hudson Bay cause large variation in penetration of ultraviolet radiation and the photic depth within the bay, potentially controlling the vertical distribution of biomass and occurrence of deep chlorophyll maxima which are prevalent only in the more transparent offshore waters of the bay. The CDOM distribution and associated photoprocesses may influence the thermodynamics and stratification of the coastal waters, through trapping of radiant heating within the top few meters of the water column. Photoproduction of biologically labile substrates from CDOM could potentially stimulate the growth of biomass in Hudson Bay coastal waters. Further studies are needed to investigate the importance of terrestrial DOM in the Hudson Bay region, and the impact of hydroelectric development and climate change on these processes.  相似文献   

Spectral analysis is applied to geochemical data from a deep-water Permian-Triassic Boundary (PTB) section across PTB in Dongpan, Guangxi for high-resolution cyclostratigraphic research. The characteristics of the Milankovitch Cycles have been well recorded in the strata of the Dongpan section. Spectrum on Ce/La records shows especially that the ratios among its three preponderant cycles in the section are 5:2:1, which well displays the phenomenon of the sedimentary cycles driven by orbital force. The Milankovitch theory is further confirmed by the Paleozoic records.  相似文献   

Chemical reactions of plagioclase, biotite and their singleminerals, as well as a mineral mixture of (plagioclase +biotite+quartz), with KCl and (KCl+KHCO3) solutions were carried out at 150400℃ and 5080 MPa. Experiments show that alkaline fluid promotes plagioclase’s changing into potash feldspar, while acid fluid helps plagioclase, potash feldspar and biotite alteration form chlorite and sericite. After chemical reaction the acidity-alkalinity of solutions often changes reversely. It was observed that gold dissolved from the tube wall and recrystallized on the surfaces of biotite and pyrite. Therefore the transportation and enrichment of gold are related to the elementary effect of the fluid-mineral interfaces. Fe3+-Fe2+, as an oxidition-reduction agent, and volatile components Cl? and CO2 play important roles in the reaction process.  相似文献   


近年来, 随着油气资源勘探开发的不断发展, 火成岩储层越来越受到关注.岩性矿物和孔隙结构的复杂程度造成了蚀变火成岩储层测井评价困难的问题.蚀变程度、润湿性、蚀变矿物种类、孔隙结构以及复杂的流体分布形式对其导电机理的影响尚不明确, 这也制约了蚀变火成岩导电和饱和度模型的研究.本文基于多组分数字岩心, 利用有限元和数学形态法进行岩石电性模拟, 并依据地质客观规律合理构造变蚀变程度、变孔隙度和混合润湿性的数字岩心, 有效分析了上述因素对蚀变火成岩导电机理的影响机制.多组分数字岩心构建和蚀变火成岩储层的低阻成因分析, 为蚀变火成岩储层测井评价提供了理论基础, 也为蚀变火成岩数字岩心数值模拟提供了技术支撑.


A total of 1008 samples were collected from the eight major riverine runoff outlets in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) during 2005-2006 to estimate the fluxes of total organic carbon (TOC) to the coastal ocean off South China. The average dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration was 1.67 mg/L with a range of 1.38-2.13 mg/L. Concentrations of particulate organic carbon (POC) ranged from 2.66-4.12% of total suspended particulate matter (SPM). The fluxes of TOC and SPM from the PRD via the eight outlets were 9.2 x 10(5) and 2.5 x 10(7)tons/yr, respectively. Temporal variations in POC and DOC were observed at all outlets due to the large variability in runoff levels because of the seasonality of rainfall, and the riverine discharge amount was an important factor controlling TOC flux. The net contribution of organic carbon from the PRD to the coastal ocean represented approximately 0.1-0.2% of total organic carbon transported by rivers worldwide.  相似文献   

对苏北盆地兴化1#钻孔岩心沉积物进行了质量磁化率、频率磁化率、变化曲线、等温剩磁和磁滞回线等参数的测试分析,结果表明,粘土质沉积物中的主要载磁矿物为磁铁矿和赤铁矿;砂质沉积物中的磁性矿物除了磁铁矿和赤铁矿外,还含有少量的磁赤铁矿和针铁矿.针铁矿普遍存在于钻孔下部的样品中.整个钻孔沉积物中的磁性矿物颗粒都是介于单畴和多畴之间的准单畴颗粒,但粘土质沉积物中的磁性矿物颗粒更趋近于单畴颗粒,而砂质沉积物中的磁性矿物颗粒更趋近于多畴.根据不同的磁性矿物组合特征,选择合理的温度和磁场强度区间对古地磁退磁结果进行分析,得到沉积物可靠的特征剩磁方向,为古地磁年代学提供依据.  相似文献   

Field observation showed that there are many irregular leucocratic intrusive rocks in pillow lavas in the Danfeng Group in the Xiaowangjian area, north Qinling orogenic belt. Photomicrographs indicated that the protoliths of those altered leucocratic intrusive rocks are dioritic rocks. Geochemical analyses showed that pillow lavas have a range of SiO2 from 47.35% to 51.20%, low abundance of TiO2 from 0.97% to 1.72%, and percentages of MgO (MgO#=41―49). Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of pillow lavas are even, indicative of a weak differentiation between LREE and HREE (La/YbN=1.52―0.99). N-MORB-normalized trace element abundances showed that pillow lavas are enriched in incompatible elements (e.g., K, Rb, and Ba). Leucocratic intrusive rocks in pillow lavas have a wide range of SiO2 from 53.85%―67.20%, low abundances of TiO2 from 0.51%―1.10%, and MgO (MgO#=40―51), and higher percentages of Al2O3 (13.32%―16.62%) and concentration of Sr (342-539 μg/g), ratios of Na2O/K2O (2―7) and Sr/Y (17―28). Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of leucocratic intrusive rocks showed highly differentiation between LREE and HREE (La/YbN=12.26―19.41). N-MORB-normalized trace element abundances showed that leucocratic intrusive rocks are enriched in incompatible elements (e.g., K, Rb, and Ba), and significantly depleted in HFSE (e.g., Nb, Ta, Zr and Ti), indicative of a relationship to subduction. Isotopically, leucocratic intrusive rocks have a similar εNd(t) ( 7.45― 13.14) to that of MORB ( 8.8― 9.7), which indicates that those leucocratic intrusive rocks sourced from depleted mantle most likely. SHRIMP U-Pb analyses for zircon showed that those leucocratic intrusive rocks were formed at 442±7 Ma, yielding an age of subduction in the early Paleozoic in the north Qinling orogenic belt.  相似文献   

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