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Grain size distribution data for a large number of basal tills from different areas are presented. The Norwegian tills can be divided in two major groups: Tills derived from Precambrian bedrock and tills derived from Cambro-Silurian sedimentary rocks. Both types are significantly different from Danish tills where unconsolidated sediments are incorporatcd. Chemical and mineralogical composition of the 125–250 μm fraction of tills derived from Precambrian rocks and tills derived from phyllites are presented. These data are used to determine transport distances for the till material.
Due to a marked relief and short distances from the ice-divides to the coast, the tills found in the Norwegian mountains have generally had a short transport and are, unless large amounts of unconsolidated sediments are incorporated, strongly influenced by the underlying bedrock.  相似文献   

This study of tills from the Eastern Alps, Austria, illustrates the insights obtained using microsedimentology on subglacial tills in the context of palaeogeographical reconstructions of glacier advances. Investigations of several sites with tills derived from both local glaciers and the ice‐sheet streaming of the Inn Glacier during the Last Glacial Maximum and its termination reveal a detailed picture of subglacial sedimentology that provides evidence of soft sediment subglacial deformation under polythermal conditions. All the tills exhibit microstructures that are proxy evidence of significant changes in till rheology. The tills originate from multiple sources, incorporating older tills and other deposits picked up by the subglacial deformation within a polythermal but dominantly warm temperate subglacial thermal regime. The analyses of till microstructures reveal a direct relationship between basal ice strain conditions and their development. A hypothesis is derived, from the various microstructures observed in these Austrian tills formed under soft sediment deforming basal ice conditions, that suggests that with basal thermal changes and fluctuations in clay content, pore‐water content and pressure, microstructures form in a non‐random manner. It is postulated that in clay‐deficient sediments, edge‐to‐edge events are most likely to occur first; and where clay content increases, grain stacks, rotation structures, deformation bands and, finally, shear zones are likely to evolve in an approximate sequential manner. After repeated transport, emplacement, reworking and, probably, further shearing and deformation events, an emplaced ‘till’, as observed in these Austrian tills, will form that carries most, if not all of these microstructures, in varying percentages. Finally, the impact of the Inn Glacier Ice Stream on these tills is not easily detected and/or differentiated, but indications of high pore water and probable dilatant events leading to reductions in the number of edge‐to‐edge events point to the impact of fast or thick ice upon these subglacial tills.  相似文献   

Analysis of till micromorphology represents a relatively new technique that has been used most frequently to infer the importance of subglacial shear in till genesis. This study aims to calibrate the technique by comparing Pleistocene tills from United Kingdom with a modern till (the UpB till) from beneath Ice Stream B, West Antarctica. Despite the fact that all of the tills examined have been interpreted as deforming‐bed deposits, the modern till has significantly less abundant and diverse microstructures than those found in the Pleistocene tills. Seventeen examined thin‐sections of the UpB till contain recognisable microstructures over only 0–30% of individual thin‐section area. The most common microstructures are: (i) birefringent clay patterns that are interpreted as shear zones and (ii) adherent matrix structures, which we interpret as uncomminuted remnants of the parent glacial/glaciomarine diamictons. Fourteen thin‐sections of the Pleistocene tills were covered by microstructures in 10–95% of their area. The Pleistocene microstructures include birefringent clays and adherent matrix structures, as in the UpB till, but also laminations and deformed pods made of chalk and sorted sediments. We conclude that the same till‐forming process, i.e. subglacial deformation, may result in distinctly different till micromorphology. This is a consequence of the fact that microstructural characteristics are strongly influenced by factors other than shear deformation. We identify three controls that may be important for forming contrasting microstructural assemblages: (i) strain magnitude, (ii) the degree of heterogeneity of parent material, and (iii) relative importance of sediment sorting by flowing water in the subglacial environment. Thus till micromorphology is sensitive to multiple factors, which with proper calibration may enhance the existing capability to interpret past subglacial conditions from microstructures. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two lithologically distinct tills are present near the pre-Illinoian glacial boundary in northeastern Kansas and northwestern Missouri. The tills are probably early middle Pleistocene (780 000-620 000 BP) based on normal polarity and their stratigraphic relationship to dated terraces. The upper till is sandier than the lower till and contains more expandable clay minerals and less illite than the lower till. Glaciofluvial and supraglacial sediments are preserved between the tills, yet palaeosols, or other evidence of an interglacial, are not present, suggesting that the tills were deposited during a single glaciation. Southeasterly and southwesterly trending striae and till fabric suggest that the glacial succession was deposited by at least two fluctuations (phases) of a lobe, which probably advanced down the axis of the present Missouri River lowland. These tills probably correlate to early middle Pleistocene tills in southwestern Iowa and eastern Nebraska, although it is possible that the lower till may correlate to even older tills in these areas.  相似文献   

Diamictons which have characteristics of both basal tills and lacustrine sedimenis have been called by various authors waterlaid tills, lacuatrotills, subaqueous tills, aqualills, underwater tills, and other terms with the word till replaced by moraine. It is proposed that a more restrictive definition of these terms be applied based on criteria indicative of the environment of deposition.
The term lacustrotill is proposed for the till-like sediments deposited in the lacustrine environment by flow mechanisms. Their clasts are often striated and may exhibit preferred orientation unrelated to glacier movement. Deformation structures suggestive of slumping or flowage during deposition are usually present.
The term waterlaid till is proposed for sediments deposited beneath a floating glacier, where the water depth does not allow appreciable size separation during settling: glacial drift dumped in standing water at the snout of a glacier grounded on a lake bottom: or till deposited during re advances (perhaps annually) into a lake basin and subsequently slightly reworked by lacustrine processes.
These sediments contain glacially abraded clasts which may even show a weak preferred orientation related to glacial movement; deformation and flow structures will not normally be present: and they may he massive, or exhibit crude stratification.  相似文献   

Computation of the grain-size distribution of the suspended load above a sand bed must take into consideration: (1) sorting processes from the bed to the bed layer and (2) sorting between the bed layer and suspension. Grain-size distributions of the bed layers above sand beds of three different types have been computed in this work, both by the Einstein and the Gessler methods. Using these as references, suspended load distributions have been obtained in each case by the Rouse suspension equation. A new formula has also been developed in partial modification of Hunt's method for direct computation of bed load and suspended load from a bed's grain-size distribution and flow parameters. Comparison of the computed data with actual observations in laboratory flumes show that no one method is particularly superior to the others, but the present method is advantageous because it affords direct computation of the suspended load from a bed's grain-size distribution, without going through an intermediate stage (bed load). The possible sources of error in each of the methods have been discussed.  相似文献   

Hilda Glacier, a small cirque glacier in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, yields two principal types of sediment: ablation till, deficient in fine material and produced by rockfalls and avalanches falling on to the glacier surface, and basal lodgement till, rich in fines and formed mainly by subglacial erosion. Recent recession from its Neoglacial maximum has exposed large areas of basal till with thin veneers of ablation till which, when combined with present subglacial and supraglacial debris, provide abundant material for erosion and transport by the mcltwatcr stream. Sediment transport measurements over two summers (1977–1978) showed that bed load and suspended load occur in approximately equal proportions and that dissolved loads are minor. Local source variations, especially bank slumps, are a major cause of scatter in sediment rating curves. Suspended-sediment concentrations are greater early in the melt season due to availability of loose sediment produced by freezing and thawing. Other contributors to scatter in suspended-sediment rating curves include rain showers and diurnal hysteretic effects. Although the distinction between bed load and suspended load is never sharp, available data suggest that the sand/ gravel grain-size boundary (-1ø) approximates the suspendcd-load/bed-load division for characteristic Hilda flows transporting gravel. This approximation, combined with till grain-size analyses, suspended-sediment measurements, and spatial distributions of till types, leads to the following computations of fluvial sediment sources: for suspended load - 6% supraglacial, 47% subglacial, 47% channel banks; for bed load - 46% supraglacial, 27% each subglacial and channel banks. Supraglacial debris provides only about one-fourth of all fluvial sediment, but nearly half of the bed load.  相似文献   

Rocks of the Archaean Kuhmo greenstone belt and the fine fraction (− 63 μm) of 236 till samples were analysed for Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn and Fe mainly with the AAS method. The influence of bedrock upon the lithology and geochemistry of till is clear, and can be seen immediately at the proximal contact. Expected trace-metal contents for the fine fraction of till were calculated using the average metal contents of the rock types and the proportions of these rock types in the till (2–6 cm pebbles). The expected values were then compared with the measured values in the fine fraction of till at the same locality. This approach seems effective for lithological comparison between various grain-size fractions of till.In general, the measured metal contents are clearly lower than expected. This indicates that the proportion of the greenstone material in the fine fraction of the till is smaller than in the coarse fraction. Correlations between measured and expected values of individual trace metals as well as their correlation with the different rock types are low, in most cases indicating inconsistent variation in the lithology of the coarse and fine fraction of the till. Good positive correlations between the number of pebbles of mafic metavolcanics and contents of Cu, Co, Mn and Fe in the fine fraction of till show that the influence of these rocks on the trace-element geochemistry of the tills in the study area is most significant as might be expected.  相似文献   

The results described relate to an investigation into the nature of Au dispersion in glacial till, undertaken to identify optimum search techniques for use in exploration for Au mineralization.The diversity of Au mineralization, in terms of the host rock lithologies, mineralogy and grain size of the Au, would be expected to give rise to differences in the secondary response in the associated overburden. Common exploration procedures involve the analyses of the heavy-mineral fraction or a particular size fraction of the tills. However, having regard to the expected variable response of Au in associated glacial till, attributed to variations in primary mineralization, effective exploration requires that the methodology employed is capable of locating all types of Au mineralization.Bulk till samples were collected from various sites associated with the Owl Creek deposit near Timmins and the Hemlo deposits. Grain size analyses were carried out on the till samples and on the heavy-mineral concentrates. The concentration of the Au in the various fractions was determined by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis.Preliminary results allow a number of provisional conclusions to be drawn:
1. (1) Grain size analysis of the −2 mm fraction of tills indicates that the silt and clay fraction constitutes 20–50%, whereas, in contrast, the equivalent heavy-mineral concentrates are dominantly composed of the coarser −500 + 63 μm material.
2. (2) The amount of Au present in the heavy-mineral concentrates of tills represents only a minor proportion of the total Au in the original till samples. In addition, the proportion of the total Au recovered in the heavy-mineral concentrate varies from 4 to 15%. Both factors indicate that caution is necessary in interpreting the significance of heavy-mineral Au data.
3. (3) Examination of the size distribution of Au within the heavy-mineral concentrate indicates that the majority of the Au is contained in the −125 μm fraction.
4. (4) The concentration factor (the original sample weight divided by the heavy-mineral concentrate weight) varies up to 7-fold between samples due presumably to the differing proportions of heavy minerals. Hence, in Au deposits of equivalent economic significance this gives rise to varying Au concentrations in heavy-mineral concentrates according to the quantity of heavy minerals present. Significant interpretation can only be achieved by re-expressing the Au contents of heavy-mineral concentrates in terms of the absolute amount of Au in heavy-mineral concentrates.
5. (5) A comparison of the heavy-mineral concentrates produced by different laboratories indicates marked differences in the weight of the heavy-mineral concentrate, the Au concentration of the heavy-mineral concentrate, the total weight of Au in the heavy-mineral concentrate and the size distribution of the Au in the heavy-mineral concentrate.
6. (6) Analysis of the −63 μm silt and clay size fraction indicates anomalous Au contents within this fraction of the tills collected from Owl Creek and Hemlo, extending over 500 m down-ice from mineralization at Hemlo.
7. (7) Analysis of the −63 μm silt and clay size fraction is suitable for the detection of fine-grained Au deposits that are not amenable to detection on the basis of heavy-mineral concentrate analyses.
8. (8) The analysis of the silt and clay fraction reduces the sample representativity problems associated with analyzing coarser fractions.
9. (9) A comparison of the Au distribution in heavy-mineral concentrates and the −63 μm fraction of till down-ice from the Owl Creek deposit indicates broadly similar dispersion patterns.
In conclusion, although the results are based on relatively few samples, their consistency permits some general conclusions to be drawn. The silt and the heavy-mineral concentrate analyses provide different information and in view of the diversity of exploration targets and surface environments exploration reliability can be increased by analyzing both the −63 μm silt and clay fraction and the heavy-mineral concentrate.  相似文献   

Quartile-deviation (QDa) and median-diameter (Md) values have been calculated from the grain-size distributions of a variety of Pleistocene and modern glacial and para-glacial sediments. The QDa—Md pairs are plotted on double-log graph paper to determine whether their graphic distributions are distinctive, and to examine their sedimentological implications. Three distributions emerge. The first has a shallow gradient and represents coarse bi-modal tills consisting largely of rock fragments — distribution (a). The second, with an intermediate gradient, represents fine uni- or non-modal tills consisting mainly of monomineralic grains — distribution (b). The third (c) has a steep gradient and consists of bi-modal tills with a dominant proportion of monomineralic grains. Each of these distributions is explained by using the grain-size characteristics of physically weathered rock debris as a starting point for discussion. By a process dominated by the continual addition of weathered-grain populations (population addition), tills with (a) characteristics are formed. By a process dominated by comminution and the selective removal of grains by ablation (population subtraction), tills with (b) characteristics are formed. Any of these tills, when subjected to flowing water, rapidly lose their glacial characteristics and assume QDa—Md characteristics of fluvial deposits (although they are fluvioglacial).  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of tills below the culmination zones of the Weichsclian inland ice has been studied an an upland area with a relief of 1500 m. The thickness of the tills varies considerably, depending principally on gee-morphology, ice-movement directions, and glaciofluvial drainage during the last deglaciation period. The thickest tills, found in valleys, accumulated in three ways. Glaciofluvial/lacustrine sediments of prcsumed Mid-Weichselian age have been discovered beneath the tills at niorc than 10 localities. The overlying tills are correlated with different phases of ice movement reconstructed on the basis of detailed studies of stt-iae. The till stratigraphy of one locality, Stenseng, is described in detail. Based upon combined analyses of texture, structure, and fabric, four different hasal tills are recognized, each corresponding to a particular ice direction. A characteristic boulder layer represents a change in thc direction of glacial movement. Boulder layers in till are thought to he essential for the development of earth pillars.  相似文献   

Variations in composition between and within Saalian till types of The Netherlands are demonstrated with reference to grain-size distribution, fine-gravel petrography and heavy-mineral composition. Several factors explain different aspects of the compositional variations. Firstly, a compositional layering results from differences in the amount of local material that has been assimilated in successive till hands. Secondly, a petrographic stratification is present in the erratic components, which is most strikingly expressed by the occurrence of flint-poor till overlying till rich in flints. This feature is interpreted to have been inherited from an englacial debris stratification which is related to the distribution of source rock types in the up-glacier area. Finally, a predominantly lateral variation in till composition is present, reflected best in the assemblages of the indicator pebbles, resulting from deposition by ice streams of different source and direction of flow.  相似文献   

粒度分布曲线是土壤最基本的土性参数之一,通过数学方程预测粒度分布曲线将为工程勘察节省大量成本。Fred? lund建立在Fredlund和Xing土水特征曲线方程基础上的粒度分布曲线方程已被证明适用于多种土类,但其对中国黄土的有 效性很少得到验证。本文采用Fredlund粒度分布曲线方程对黄土高原7个地区18个黄土样的粒度分布曲线进行了拟合,结 果表明Fredlund粒度分布曲线方程与中国黄土的粒度分布曲线拟合度高,拟合参数稳定且呈规律性变化,能够很好地反映 中国黄土的地域性。本文得到的参数可用于各个地区的粒度分布曲线预测,并对黄土粒径分析及分类具有指导意义。  相似文献   

The macro‐ and micro‐sedimentology of a supraglacial melt‐out till forming at the Matanuska Glacier was examined in relationship to the properties of the stratified basal zone ice and debris from which it is originating. In situ melting of the basal ice has produced a laminated to bedded diamicton consisting mainly of silt. Macroscopic properties include: discontinuous laminae and beds; lenses of sand, silt aggregates and open‐work gravel; deformed and elongate clasts of clay; widely dispersed pebbles and cobbles, those that are prolate usually with their long axes subparallel to parallel to the bedding. Evidence for deformation is absent except for localized bending of beds over or under rock clasts. Microscopic properties are a unique element of this work and include: discontinuous lineations; silt to granule size laminae; prolate coarse sand and rock fragments commonly with their long axis subparallel to bedding; subangular to subrounded irregular shaped clay clasts often appearing as bands; sorted and unsorted silt to granule size horizons, sometimes disrupted by pore‐water pathways. Limited deformation occurs around rock clasts and thicker parts of lamina. This study shows that in situ melting of debris‐rich basal ice can produce a laminated and bedded diamicton that inherits and thereby preserves stratified basal ice properties. Production and preservation of supraglacial melt‐out till require in situ melting of a stagnant, debris‐rich basal ice source with a low relief surface that becomes buried by a thick, stable, insulating cover of ice‐marginal sediment. Also required are a slow melt rate and adequate drainage to minimize pore‐water pressures in the till and overlying sediment cover to maintain stability and uninterrupted deposition. Many modern and ancient hummocky moraines down glacier of subglacial overdeepenings probably meet these process criteria and their common occurrence suggests that both modern and pre‐modern supraglacial melt‐out tills may be more common than previously thought.  相似文献   

A three–till section in eastern Overijssel, eastern Netherlands, represents the most complete till sequence of the Older Saalian glaciation presently known from The Netherlands and adjacent Germany. On the basis of structural analyses, four different glacial events within one continuous glacial cover can be distinguished: (1) deposition of till 1 (lowest till) by ice probably moving in a southerly direction, (2) glaciotectonic dislocation of till 1 under a compressive strain regime acting towards the west, (3) deposition of till 2 by ice moving in a westerly direction, and (4) deposition of till 3 by southeasterly moving ice. During deposition of tills 2 and 3, the underlying older tills were subjected to a strong extensional tectonic regimc, leading among other things to the development of characteristic sheath folds. On the basis of directional and compositional characteristics, the three tills can be correlated with the till stratigraphy of the northern Netherlands.  相似文献   

Whittecar, G.R. & Mickelson, D. M. 1977 06 01: Sequence of till deposition and erosion in drumlins.
Extensive sand and gravel workings have exposed structural and compositional features of 17 gravel-cored drumlins of late Wisconsin age in eastern Wisconsin. The drumlins are blanketed by 3 m of sandy basal till which truncates lower tills of earlier advanccs, outwash gravels, and an overlying till which is conformable to the gravel bedding and indistinguishable in composition from the surface till. Sands and gravels in the interior of some drumlins are deformed into large overturned folds, and into elastic dikes of fine sand and silt which penetrate to the top of the drumlin and warp overlying gravels. Both the folds and horizontal bedding are truncated by either the drumlin edge or the till blanket.
We interpret the conformable, truncated, and in some cases folded, till as a basal till deposited during glacial advance. The capping, truncating till is viewed as a basal till left by retreating ice.
The following sequence of events is suggested: (1) advance of ice over outwash, and deposition of till in a zone mar the margin; (2) thickening of the ice and erosion of the drumlin shapes; (3) local folding of the gravels and continued erosion; (4) retreat of ice and deposition of basal till under thin ice; (5) deposition of localized ablation till and stratified deposits.  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地沉积物粒度特征与土地沙漠化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了研究毛乌素沙地沉积物的粒度特征与土地沙漠化的地质成因类型,通过系统研究沙地及相邻地区晚更新世以来在沙地内部、覆沙黄土区、黄土高原和河流谷地与湖泊等不同地质构造地貌条件下所形成的沉积物粒度特征,指出不同地质成因类型的沉积物是这些地区土地沙漠化的物质基础,区分不同类型的沉积物也是构成不同地质成因类型土地沙漠化分类的理论基础,探讨了不同地质作用对土地沙漠化的贡献及其对土地沙漠化防治方面的意义。研究表明,研究区的土地沙漠化是以各种类型的就地起沙为主要特征,地表径流的水力搬运是沙漠化物质搬运的重要途径。现代毛乌素沙地及其邻区的土地沙漠化是对地质历史时期形成的各种沉积物的进一步搬运、分选和再沉积过程,具有相对复杂的粒度特征。  相似文献   

山西应县护驾岗冲沟阶地地层形成于66.46~33.62 ka,根据该剖面地层的粒度分布特征对该地区冲沟阶地的沉积环境进行了探讨。护驾岗冲沟阶地剖面的粒度分布特征显示:(1)剖面地层总体表现为自下而上由粗到细的正韵律沉积特征,结合野外观察将其分为4段(A—D段);(2)A段粒度分布特征变化不大,均以细砂为主,频率曲线为不对称单峰,概率累积曲线为2段式,以跃移搬运为主,分选相对较好,水动力较强,沉积环境稳定;(3)B—C段粒度分布特征变化较大,以粉砂和细砂为主,频率曲线为不对称双峰,概率累积曲线为2段式,以跃移搬运为主,分选较差,水动力较强,沉积环境不稳定;(4)D段粒度分布特征变化不大,以粉砂为主,频率曲线为不对称单峰,概率累积曲线为2段式,以悬移搬运为主,分选相对较好,水动力较弱,沉积环境稳定。总体来说,冲沟阶地形成于河流沉积环境,顶部为河漫滩沉积环境。粒度分布特征与古里雅冰芯氧同位素变化基本一致,因此护驾岗冲沟阶地粒度特征与沉积环境的变化归因于气候变化。  相似文献   

Lusardi, B. A., Jennings, C. E. & Harris, K. L. 2011: Provenance of Des Moines lobe till records ice‐stream catchment evolution during Laurentide deglaciation. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00208.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Mapping and analysis of deposits of the Des Moines lobe of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, active after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), reveal several texturally and lithologically distinct tills within what had been considered to be a homogeneous deposit. Although the differences between tills are subtle, minor distinctions are predictable and mappable, and till sheets within the area covered by the lobe can be correlated for hundreds of kilometres parallel to ice flow. Lateral till‐sheet contacts are abrupt or overlap in a narrow zone, coincident with a geomorphic discontinuity interpreted to be a shear margin. Till sheets 10 to 20 m thick show mixing in their lower 2 to 3 m. We suggest that: (i) lithologically distinct till sheets correspond to unique ice‐stream source areas; (ii) the sequence of tills deposited by the Des Moines lobe was the result of the evolution and varying dominance of nearby and competing ice streams and their tributaries; and (iii) in at least one instance, more than one ice stream simultaneously contributed to the lobe. Therefore the complex sequence of tills of subtly different provenances, and the unconformities between them record the evolution of an ice‐catchment area during Laurentide Ice Sheet drawdown. Till provenance data suggest that, after till is created in the ice‐stream source area, the subglacial conditions required for transporting till decline and incorporation of new material is limited.  相似文献   

Samples of Middle Devonian (Eifelian age; 387–380 Ma) indurated and non‐cemented sandstone were compared with Pleistocene basal tills in Estonia and Latvia to test a hypothesis that glacial SEM (scanning electron microscopy) microtextures are distinctly different from those produced in a fluvial depositional environment. The deposits of Middle Devonian Aruküla Stage were emplaced in a continental water basin close to sea level and well away from any glacial source. Therefore, the SEM microtextures on quartz grains from the Aruküla Stage should show mainly the effect of stream transport. The basal tills are of Late Weichselian age deposited as ground moraine directly over the sandstone. Additional glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine samples were included with the tills to determine whether glacial and fluvial‐lacustrine transport could be differentiated by the SEM microtextures. Samples of oriented blocks of till from a limited number of sites were studied without pretreatment to determine whether sand clast orientation could provide a method for determining glacial flow vectors. While there are some microtextural similarities between grains from glacial and glaciofluvial‐lacustrine depositional environments, the vast majority of grains from till deposits (50%–60%) are faceted, sharp edged, angular to subangular, and comprised of numerous and distinct microfeatures including abraded surfaces over microfractures, deep linear and curved troughs (striations), step features, and a preponderance of conchoidal and linear microfractures. Glaciofluvial and lacustrine grains contain abundant abrasion features and v‐shaped percussion cracks that make them very distinct from glacial grains. Fluvial transport produces primarily rounded grains, well abraded, with v‐shaped percussion scars dominating. Thus, it is possible to use microtextural differences between the three sample suites to identify particular depositional environments. Oriented till blocks provide information on sand clast orientation. Although carbonate coatings often obscure sand clasts in untreated blocks, it is possible to determine some microfabric information that can be useful in determining flow direction of the ice.  相似文献   

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