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Based on the EAP (East Asia/Pacific) teleconnection in the summer circulation anomalies over ther Northern Hemisphere, an index measuring the strength of the East Asian summer monsoon, i.e., the so-called EAP index, is defined in this paper. From the analyses of observed data, it is clearly shown that the EAP index defined in this study can well describe the interannual variability of summer rainfall and surface air temperature in East Asia, especially in the Yangtze River valley and the Huaihe River valley, Korea,and Japan. Moreover, this index can also reflect the interannual variability of the East Asian summer monsoon system including the monsoon horizontal circulation and the vertical-meridional circulation cell over East Asia. From the composite analyses of climate and monsoon circulation anomalies for high EAP index and for low EAP index, respectively, it is well demonstrated that the EAP index proposed in this study can well measure the strength of the East Asian summer monsoon.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONWith the methods of correlation and compositeanalyses,Ju et al.[1] discussed the relationship betweenlow-frequency oscillation in the summer monsoonregion in East Asia and droughts/floods in the middleand lower reaches of the Yangtze River and found thatstrong monsoon years usually cause more rain in theregion. Studying the interdecadal variation ofprecipitation in three rain zones over south China,thevalley of Yangtze River and north China,Tan et al.[2]showed that mid- a…  相似文献   

Drought events have become more frequent and intense over East Asia in recent decades, leading to hugesocioeconomic impacts. Although the droughts have been studied extensively by cases or for individual regions, theirleading variability and associated causes remain unclear. Based on the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index(SPEI) and ERA5 reanalysis product from 1979 to 2020, this study evealuates the severity of spring droughts in East Asiaand investigates their variations and associated drivers. The results indicate that North China and Mongolia have ex perienced remarkable trends toward dryness during spring in recent decades, while southwestern China has witnessed anopposite trend toward wetness. The first Empirical Orthogonal Function mode of SPEI variability reveals a similarseesawing pattern, with more severe dryness in northwestern China, Mongolia, North China, South Korea, and Japan butincreased wetness in Southwestern China and southeast Asia. Further investigation reveals that the anomalously dry (wet)surface in North (Southwestern) China is significantly associated with anomalously high (low) temperature, less (more)precipitation, and reduced (increased) soil moisture during the previous winter and early spring, regulated by an anomalousanticyclone (cyclone) and thus reduced (increased) water vapor convergence. The spring dry-wet pattern in East Asia isalso linked to cold sea surface temperature anomalies in the central-eastern Pacific. The findings of this study haveimportant implications for improving the prediction of spring drought events in East Asia.  相似文献   

Seasonal rainfall predictability over the Huaihe River basin is evaluated in this paper on the basis of 23-year(1981-2003) retrospective forecasts by 10 climate models from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) Climate Center(APCC) multi-model ensemble(MME) prediction system.It is found that the summer rainfall variance in this basin is largely internal,which leads to lower rainfall predictability for most individual climate models.By dividing the 10 models into three categories according to their sea surface temperature(SST) boundary conditions including observed,predicted,and persistent SSTs,the MME deterministic predictive skill of summer rainfall over Huaihe River basin is investigated.It is shown that the MME is effective for increasing the current seasonal forecast skill.Further analysis shows that the MME averaged over predicted SST models has the highest rainfall prediction skill,which is closely related to model’s capability in reproducing the observed dominant modes of the summer rainfall anomalies in Huaihe River basin.This result can be further ascribed to the fact that the predicted SST MME is the most effective model ensemble for capturing the relationship between the summer rainfall anomalies over Huaihe River basin and the SST anomalies(SSTAs) in equatorial oceans.  相似文献   

In present study,EOF analysis and extended singular value decomposition (ESVD) analysis are performed to explore the relationship between the winter tropical sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) in the Pacific and the following summer rainfall anomalies in China.The two leading modes of winter tropical SSTAs in the Pacific are the SSTAs pattern characterized by "positive anomalies in the East and negative anomalies in the West" like the typical eastern Pacific El Nio and negative anomalies in the West and the central Pacific warming pattern characterized by "positive anomalies in the central region but negative anomalies in the East and West".The intraseasonal variations of the rainfall anomalies during the following summer in China that are associated with the eastern Pacific warming mode are characterized by positive anomalies south of the Yangtze River and negative anomalies in the Yangtze-Huai River Valley in June,and negative anomalies in South China and positive anomalies in the Yangtze River Valley and North China in July and August.In contrast,after the central Pacific warming mode,the corresponding intraseasonal variations of China’s summer rainfall are characterized by a nearly consistent pattern during the three summer months,which is positive in the South China coast and North China and negative in the Yangtze River Valley except for the positive anomalies in the Yangtze-Huai River Valley in July.These results may provide a reference for the seasonal prediction of the summer drought and flood distributions in China.  相似文献   

Decadal variations of summer rainfall during 1951 through 1990 are analyzed by using summer rainfall data of 160 stations in China. Four major patterns of decadal variations are identified. The decadal variations of summer rainfall showed northward shift in the eastern China from South China through the Yangtze-Huaihe River to North China. Summer rainfall in the Yangtze-Huaihe River valley underwent two obvious decadal transitions during the 40 years: one from rainy period to drought period in the end of the 1950’s, the other from drought period to rainy period in the late 1970’s. Correspondingly, the atmospheric circulation over East Asia through the western North Pacific showed two similar obvious transitions. The East Asian/ Pacific (EAP) pattern switched from high index to low index in the end of the 1950’s and from low index to high index in the late 1970’s, respectively. Hence, summer rainfall in the Yangtze-Huaihe River valley is closely associated with the EAP pattern not only in the interannual variation but also in the decadal variation.  相似文献   

China is a monsoon country.The most rainfalls in China concentrate on the summer seasons.More frequent floods or droughts occur in some parts of China.Therefore,the prediction ofsummer rainfall in China is a significant issue.As we know,the obvious impacts of the sea surfacetemperature anomalies(SSTA)on the summer rainfall over China have been noticed.Thepredictions of the SSTA have been involved in the research.The key project on short-term climate modeling prediction system has been finished in 2000.The system included an atmospheric general circulation model named AGCM95,a coupledatmospheric-oceanic general circulation model named AOGCM95,a regional climate model overChina named RegCM95,a high-resolution Indian-Pacific OGCM named IPOGCM95,and asimplified atmosphere-ocean dynamic model system named SAOMS95.They became theoperational prediction models of National Climate Center(NCC).Extra-seasonal predictions in 2001 have been conducted by several climate models,which werethe AGCM95,AOGCM95,RegCM95,IPOGCM95,AIPOGCM95,OSU/NCC,SAOMS95,IAPAPOGCM and CAMS/ZS.All of those models predicted the summer precipitation over China and/or the annual SSTA over the tropical Pacific Ocean in the Modeling Prediction Workshop held inMarch 2001.The assessments have shown that the most models predicted the distributions of main rain beltover Huanan and parts of Jiangnan and droughts over Huabei-Hetao and Huaihe River Valleyreasonably.The most models predicted successfully that a weaker cold phase of the SSTA over thecentral and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean would continue in 2001.The evaluations of extra-seasonal predictions have also indicated that the models had a certaincapability of predicting the SSTA over the tropical Pacific Ocean and the summer rainfall overChina.The assessment also showed that multi-model ensemble(super ensembles)predictionsprovided the better forecasts for both SSTA and summer rainfall in 2001,compared with the singlemodel.It is a preliminary assessment for the extra-seasonal predictions by the climate models.Thefurther investigations will be carried out.The model system should be developed and improved.  相似文献   

In this paper,the synoptic-climatology of Meiyu in East Asia is discussed.It is proposed that the location of the rain band of Meiyu is stable from the viewpoint of climatology,even though the active(wet)and break(dry)Meiyu are influenced by synoptic systems.The duration and the onset and retreat dates of Meiyu exhibit tremendous interannual variabilities,and thus,they are almost unpredictable in seasonal climate prediction.The Meiyu has been used as a synoptic concept and applied to the operational forecast for many decades by meteorological agencies in East Asian countries.As a result,the prediction of the onset and retreat dates of Meiyu has become an important operational work for meteorological services.This has also misled the public’s and scientists’attention.The northward propagation of the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM)surge associated with the intraseasonal oscillation is closely related to the active and break Meiyu.The activities and propagation of the EASM surge modulate the active/break Meiyu that cause concentrative severe precipitation processes and floods or droughts;hence,the authors suggest changing the current forecasting methodology of Meiyu.It is more meaningful from the scientific as well as application viewpoints to establish the monitoring and forecasting of the EASM surge to replace the current operational forecast of Meiyu after the seasonal progress enters the climatological Meiyu period in a year.  相似文献   

A 5-level spectral AGCM (ImPKU-5LAGCM) is used to examine the sensitivity of the simulated results of the summer monsoon rainfall and circulation in East Asia to different cumulus parameterization schemes in the climatological-mean case and in the cases of weak and strong Asian summer monsoons,respectively. The results simulated with the Arakawa-Schubert's(hereafter A-S's), Kuo's and Manabe's cumulus parameterization schemes show that these simulated distributions of the summer monsoon rainfall and circulation in East Asia depend strongly on the cumulus parameterization schemes either in the climatological-mean case or in the cases of weak and strong Asian summer monsoons. From the simulated results, it might be shown that the Kuo scheme appears to be more suitable for the simulation of the summer monsoon rainfall and circulation in East Asia than the A-S scheme or the Manabe scheme, although the A-S scheme is somewhat better in the simulations of the tropical rainfall. This might be due to that the Kuo's cumulus parameterization scheme is able to reflect well the characteristics of rainfall cloud system in the East Asian summer monsoon region, where the rainfall system used to be a mixing of cumulus and stratus.  相似文献   

Recent advances in dynamical climate prediction at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAP/CAS) during the last five years have been briefly described in this paper. Firstly,the second generation of the IAP dynamical climate prediction system (IAP DCP-II) has been described,and two sets of hindcast experiments of the summer rainfall anomalies over China for the periods of 1980-1994 with different versions of the IAP AGCM have been conducted. The comparison results show that the predictive skill of summer rainfall anomalies over China is improved with the improved IAP AGCM in which the surface albedo parameterization is modified. Furthermore, IAP DCP-II has been applied to the real-time prediction of summer rainfall anomalies over China since 1998, and the verification results show that IAP DCP-II can quite well capture the large scale patterns of the summer flood/drought situations over China during the last five years (1998-2002). Meanwhile, an investigation has demonstrated the importance of the atmospheric initial conditions on the seasonal climate prediction, along with studies on the influences from surface boundary conditions (e.g., land surface characteristics, sea surface temperature).Certain conclusions have been reached, such as, the initial atmospheric anomalies in spring may play an important role in the summer climate anomalies, and soil moisture anomalies in spring can also have a significant impact on the summer climate anomalies over East Asia. Finally, several practical techniques(e.g., ensemble technique, correction method, etc.), which lead to the increase of the prediction skill for summer rainfall anomalies over China, have also been illustrated. The paper concludes with a list of criticalre quirements needed for the further improvement of dynamical seasonal climate prediction.  相似文献   

The temporal variations during 1948-2010 and vertical structures of the summer Somali and Australia cross-equatorial flows(CEFs) and the implications for the Asian summer monsoon were explored in this study.The strongest southerly and northerly CEFs exist at 925 hPa and 150 hPa level,respectively.The low-level Somali(LLS) CEFs were significantly connected with the rainfall in most regions of India(especially the monsoon regions),except in a small area in southwest India.In comparison to the climatology,the lowlevel Australia(LLA) CEFs exhibited stronger variations at interannual time scale and are more closely connected to the East Asian summer monsoon circulation than to the LLS CEFs.The East Asian summer monsoon circulation anomalies related to stronger LLA CEFs were associated with less water vapor content and less rainfall in the region between the middle Yellow River and Yangtze River and with more water vapor and more rainfall in southern China.The sea-surface temperature anomalies east of Australia related to summer LLA CEFs emerge in spring and persist into summer,with implications for the seasonal prediction of summer rainfall in East Asia.The connection between the LLA CEFs and East Asian summer monsoon rainfall may be partly due to its linkage with El Nino-Southern Oscillation.In addition,both the LLA and LLS CEFs exhibited interdecadal shifts in the late 1970s and the late 1990s,consistent with the phase shifts of Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO).  相似文献   

Characteristics of the atmospheric general circulation during the catastrophic floods over the Changjiang- Huaihe River Valley(CHRV)are investigated.There are two precipitation patterns over China in the CHRV flood years:the CHRV flood-whole country-wet(P1)pattern and the CHRV flood-south(north)side-dry (P2)pattern.The circulation analysis results show that there are obvious differences between the NH 500- hPa geopotential height fields of P1 and P2 precipitation patterns.The establishment of East Asia-Atlantic (EAA)correlation chain(the South China Sea(SCS)high-the Meiyu trough-the Okhotsk Sea high over East Asia)is a critical condition for excessive summer precipitation over the CHRV,while the European blocking high plays an important role in determining the precipitation pattern over China in the CHRV flood years.Besides,the relation between the EAA correlation chain and the sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA)in the North Pacific is also studied.  相似文献   

Based on the NCAR/NCEP monthly and pentad reanalysis dataset of 1961-2003, the progress of seasonal evolution of the summer atmospheric circulation in the East Asia in July to August, including the advanced and delayed cases, and their relationships with the subseasonal processes over the western North Pacific are analyzed and compared with that of climatology. The results show that the progress of seasonal cycle is advanced about a month ahead of the climatological time when the convection during 20-29 July is active in the region of the subtropical West Pacific (15°-25°N, 150°-165°E), while it is delayed about one month when weaker convections appear in the same region. Instead, the relative active convection for the latter occurs in Pentad 46 (14-18 August). It is proved that the convective activities in the early July in the equatorial central and east Pacific, and then the convective anomalies in the subtropical western North Pacific can excite the formation of the acceleration and delay of the seasonal circulation evolution in the East Asia in the late summer. The preceding subseasonal processes over the western North Pacific, including the time-lag interactions among the active convection in the late June and early July, the Northwest Pacific anticyclone, the underlying sea surface temperature and low-level winds anomalies, and their relationships with the anomalous seasonal evolution of the summer atmospheric circulation in the East Asia in late July are also investigated. However, further study, especially the numerical experiments, is needed on the mechanism of the anomaly summer seasonal cycle in the East Asia and the Northwest Pacific.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between the soil temperature in May and the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) precipitation in June and July using station observed soil temperature data over Northwest China from 1971 to 2000.It is found that the memory of the soil temperature at 80-cm depth can persist for at least 2 months,and the soil temperature in May is closely linked to the EASM precipitation in June and July.When the soil temperature is warmer in May over Northwest China,less rainfall occurs over the Yangtze and Huaihe River valley but more rainfall occurs over South China in June and July.It is proposed that positive anomalous soil temperature in May over Northwest China corresponds to higher geopotential heights over the most parts of the mainland of East Asia,which tend to weaken the ensuing EASM.Moreover,in June and July,a cyclonic circulation anomaly occurs over Southeast China and Northwest Pacific and an anticyclonic anomaly appears in the Yangtze and Huaihe River valley at 850 hPa.All the above tend to suppress the precipitation in the Yangtze and Huaihe River valley.The results also indicate that the soil temperature in May over Northwest China is closely related to the East Asia/Pacific (EAP) teleconnection pattern,and it may be employed as a useful predictor for the East Asian summer monsoon rainfall.  相似文献   

In this paper, a 5-level spectral AGCM is used to examine the sensitivity of simulated East Asian summer mon-soon circulation and rainfall to cumulus parameterization schemes. From the simulated results of East Asian mon-soon circulations and rainfalls during the summers of 1987 and 1995, it is shown that the Kuo’s convective parameterization scheme is more suitable for the numerical simulation of East Asian summer monsoon rainfall and circulation. This may be due to that the cumulus in the rainfall system is not strong in the East Asian monsoon region.  相似文献   

The skill of probability density function (PDF) prediction of summer rainfall over East China using optimal ensemble schemes is evaluated based on the precipitation data from ˉve coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models that participate in the ENSEMBLES project. The optimal ensemble scheme in each region is the scheme with the highest skill among the four commonly-used ones: the equally-weighted ensemble (EE), EE for calibrated model-simulations (Cali-EE), the ensemble scheme based on multiple linear regression analysis (MLR), and the Bayesian ensemble scheme (Bayes). The results show that the optimal ensemble scheme is the Bayes in the southern part of East China; the Cali-EE in the Yangtze River valley, the Yangtze-Huaihe River basin, and the central part of northern China; and the MLR in the eastern part of northern China. Their PDF predictions are well calibrated, and are sharper than or have approximately equal interval-width to the climatology prediction. In all regions, these optimal ensemble schemes outperform the climatology prediction, indicating that current commonly-used multi-model ensemble schemes are able to produce skillful PDF prediction of summer rainfall over East China, even though more information for other model variables is not derived.  相似文献   

The Afro-Asian summer monsoon is a zonally planetary-scale system, with a large-scale rainbelt covering Africa, South Asia and East Asia on interdecadal timescales both in the past century(1901–2014) and during the last three decades(1979–2014). A recent abrupt change of precipitation occurred in the late 1990 s. Since then, the entire rainbelt of the Afro-Asia monsoon system has advanced northwards in a coordinated way. Consistent increases in precipitation over the Huanghe–Huaihe River valley and the Sahel are associated with the teleconnection pattern excited by the warm phase of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation(AMO). A teleconnection wave train, with alternating cyclones/anticyclones, is detected in the upper troposphere. Along the teleconnection path, the configuration of circulation anomalies in North Africa is characterized by coupling of the upper-level anticyclone(divergence) with low-level thermal low pressure(convergence), facilitating the initiation and development of ascending motions in the Sahel. Similarly, in East Asia, a coupled circulation pattern also excites ascending motion in the Huanghe–Huaihe River valley. The synchronous increase in precipitation over the Sahel and Huanghe–Huaihe River valley can be attributed to the co-occurrences and in-phase changes of ascending motion. On the other hand, the warm phase of the AMO results in significant warming in the upper troposphere in North Africa and the northern part of East Asia. Such warming contributes to intensification of the tropical easterly jet through increasing the meridional pressure gradient both at the entrance region(East Asia) and the exit region(Africa). Accordingly, precipitation over the Sahel and Huanghe–Huaihe River valley intensifies, owing to ageostrophic secondary cells. The results of this study provide evidence for a consistent and holistic interdecadal change in the Afro-Asian summer monsoon.  相似文献   

The heavy rainfall in the summer of 1998 over China has been simulated with the NCCRegional Climate Model(RegCM_NCC).It was successful for RegCM_NCC to reproduce thelocation and seasonal shift of the seasonal rain belt in the summer of 1998 over China.The rainyseason in the summer of 1998 over China can be divided into 7 episodes,including the pre-summerrainy season in South China.the Meiyu onset over the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin,shortappearance of North China rain season and the retreat of seasonal rain belt,the second Meiyuseason over the Yangtze River Valley,the rainy period over the Yellow and Huaihe River Valleyand the seasonal retreat of rain belt over North China.The shortcoming of the RegCM_NCC isover-estimation of precipitation amounts.The regions with large latent heat flux,upper soilmoisture and total runoff are located in the rainy area and move with the simulated rain belt duringthe different episodes.On the contrary,the regions with small sensible heat flux are located in thesimulated rainy area and move with the simulated rain belt during the different episodes.  相似文献   

Interdecadal variability of temperature and precipitation in China since 1880   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Reconstruction of a homogeneous temperature and precipitation series for China is crucial for a proper understanding of climate change over China. The annual mean temperature anomaly series of ten regions are found from 1880 to 2002. Positive anomalies over China during the 1920s and 1940s are noticeable.The linear trend for the period of 1880-2002 is 0.58℃ (100a)^-1, which is a little less than the global mean (0.60℃ (100a)^-l). 1998 was the warmest year in China since 1880, which is in agreement with theestimation of the global mean temperature. The mean precipitation on a national scale depends mainly on the precipitation over East China. Variations of precipitation in West China show some characteristics which are independent of those in the east. However, the 1920s was the driest decade not only for the east, but also for eastern West China during the last 120 years. The most severe drought on a national scale occurred in 1928. Severe droughts also occurred in 1920, 1922, 1926, and 1929 in North China.It is noticeable that precipitation over East China was generally above normal in the 1950s and 1990s;severe floods along the Yangtze River in 1954, 1991, and 1998 only occurred in these two wet decades.An increasing trend in precipitation variations is observed during the second half of the 20th century in West China, but a similar trend is not found in East China, where the 20- to 40-year periodicities are predominant in the precipitation variations.  相似文献   

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