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Various kinds of geophysical surveys have been carried out in the Mizuho Plateau, East Antarctica by the Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions (JARE). The correlation between the high-level gravity anomaly and the bedrock elevation is examined along a route where both data are sufficient to permit deriving a crustal model from gravity, radio-echo sounding and explosion seismic data. The bedrock elevation usually correlates well with the high-level gravity anomaly. However, along the traverse route S-H-Z from the Syowa to Mizuho stations, the bedrock elevation has a weak negative correlation with the high-level gravity anomaly. Such a weak negative correlation is attributed to the deeper part of the crust.The crustal structure between the Syowa and Mizuho stations is modeled from the gravimetric data and the radio-echo sounding of bedrock elevations, so as to fit the P-wave velocity structure derived from the data of explosion seismic experiments. Then the structure is extended from Syowa Station seaward across Lützow-Holm Bay and from Mizuho Station southeastwards inland, where only gravimetric data are available. Thus, a crustal section about 600 km long is obtained on a margin of East Antarctica. The depth of the Moho increases by about 7 km from Syowa Station to the point Y200 (71° 46′S, 48° 56′E), about 500 km from the coast. A graben-like structure is obtained along the line across Lützow-Holm Bay. This suggests that both sides of the bay are bounded by faults.  相似文献   

Using seismic data of about one year recorded by 18 broadband stations of ASCENT project,we obtained 2547 receiver functions in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau.The Moho depths under 14 stations were calculated by applying the H-κ domain search algorithm.The Moho depths under the stations with lower signal-noise ratio(SNR) were estimated by the time delay of the PS conversion.Results show that the Moho depth varies in a range of ~40–60 km.The Moho near the Haiyuan fault is vague,and its depth is larger than those on its two sides.In the Qinling-Qilian Block,the Moho becomes shallower gradually from west to east.To the east of 105°E,the average depth of the Moho is 45 km,whereas the west is 50 km or even deeper.Combining our results with surface wave research,we suggest a boundary between the Qinling and the Qilian Mountains at around 105°E.S wave velocities beneath 15 stations have been obtained through a linear inversion by using Crust2.0 as an initial model,and the crustal thickness that was derived by H-κ domain search algorithm was also taken into account.The results are very similar to the results of previous active source studies.The resulting figure indicates that low velocity layers developed in the middle and lower crust beneath the transition zone of the Tibet Block and western Qinling,which may be related to regional faults and deep earth dynamics.The velocity of the middle and lower crust increases from the Songpan Block to the northeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau.Based on the velocity of the crust,the distribution of the low velocity zone and the composition of the curst(Poisson's ratio),we infer that the crust thickening results from the crust shortening along the direction of compression.  相似文献   

Deception Island is a volcanic island with a flooded caldera that has a complex geological setting in Bransfield Strait, Antarctica. We use P-wave arrivals recorded on land and seafloor seismometers from airgun shots within the caldera and around the island to invert for the P-wave velocity structure along two orthogonal profiles. The results show that there is a sharp increase in velocity to the north of the caldera which coincides with a regional normal fault that defines the northwestern boundary of the Bransfield Strait backarc basin. There is a low-velocity region beneath the caldera extending from the seafloor to > 4 km depth with a maximum negative anomaly of 1 km/s. Refracted arrivals are consistent with a 1.2-km-thick layer of low-velocity sediments and pyroclastites infilling the caldera. Synthetic inversions show that this layer accounts for only a small portion of the velocity anomaly, implying that there is a significant region of low velocities at greater depths. Further synthetic inversions and melt fraction calculations are consistent with, but do not require, the presence of an extensive magma chamber beneath the caldera that extends downwards from ≤ 2 km depth.  相似文献   

Through the analysis and 2-D inversion for the 5 profiles in Haiyuan arcuate tectonic region (105°~107°E,36°~37.5°N) in the northeastern margin of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, we have obtained the electric structure within a range of 160 km in width (east-west) and 60 km in depth in the studied area. The results show that the crustal electric structure can be divided into 6 sections, corresponding respectively to Xiji basin (Ⅰ), Xihuashan-Nanhuashan uplift (Ⅱ), Xingrenbu-Haiyuan basin (Ⅲ), Zhongwei-Qingshuihe basin (Ⅳ), Zhongning-Hongsibu basin (Ⅴ) and west-margin zone of Ordos (Ⅵ) from the southwest to the northeast. The crustal electric structure is characterized by a broom-shaped pattern, which scatters to the northwest and shrinks to the southeast. The structures in the top part of Haiyuan arcuate tectonic region are complete and large, however, they diminish from the arc top to the northwest and southeast ends. In the depth from 0 km to 10 km, the resistivity is high in the sections Ⅱ and Ⅵ, but relatively low in the other four sections, showing a similar pattern of basin depression. The electrical basement in the section Ⅲ is the deepest, displaying a "dustpan" shape that is deep in the southwest and shallow in the northeast. A series of discontinuous zones with high conductivity exist in the middle-lower crust in Haiyuan arcuate tectonic region, which is possibly related to the moderate and strong earthquakes in the region. The resistivity distribution in the focal area of the 1920 Haiyuan earthquake is significantly heterogeneous with an obviously high conductivity zone near the hypocenter regime.  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘断裂密布, 强震频发, 是研究高原侧向挤出及深部孕震环境的理想实验室.为了解龙门山次级块体及其西界龙日坝断裂带在青藏高原东缘隆升过程中的作用, 我们基于四川地震台网64个宽频带地震台在2008年1月至2015年12月期间记录的震级≥3.0地震事件波形, 利用双差层析成像方法揭示了四川盆地及青藏高原东缘的地壳速度结构.结果表明: 夹持于龙门山断裂带(LMSF)与龙日坝断裂带(LRBF)之间的龙门山次级块体, 相对东侧龙门山断裂带和四川盆地呈现明显的低速特征.结合该区域的低阻、低密度结构特征, 以及块体内部、特别是龙日坝断裂带现今地震活动缺乏, 我们推测这是因为该块体"相对较软", 不易脆性破裂产生地震, 在青藏高原东缘与扬子块体西缘强烈相互作用过程中, 该块体主要通过地壳缩短增厚和地表隆升吸收板块挤压造成的累积应变能.依据本文获得的速度等值线变化特征及已有地球物理剖面探测结果, 推测龙日坝断裂带为深部向南东倾斜且向下切入基底, 该断裂倾角较陡, 主要以走滑运动调节应变能, 而东侧龙门山断裂带倾角较缓, 表现为逆冲运动导致的地壳缩短是其调节应变能的主要形式.此外, 据本文多条速度剖面及已有电性剖面、重力异常的联合约束, 我们推测鲜水河、安宁河断裂带均以较大倾角向南东倾斜, 至少延伸至中下地壳.  相似文献   

普里兹湾位于南极洲东部大陆边缘,其深部地壳结构特征对认识白垩纪冈瓦纳古陆裂解和新生代大陆边缘形成具有重要意义.本文利用重磁、多道反射地震、声纳浮标折射地震和ODP钻井数据对普里兹湾海域的深部地壳结构进行了研究.研究结果显示,普里兹凹陷表现为典型的盆地负重力异常特征,其沉积基底较深,而在四夫人浅滩为高幅重力正异常,其沉积基底普遍抬升.在大陆架中部存在SW-NE向条带状基底的抬升,且呈朝NE向逐渐变深的趋势.在中大陆架外侧,均衡残余重力异常呈V字形负异常条带状分布,其两翼分别与四夫人浅滩和弗拉姆浅滩外的大陆坡相连.该异常带在大陆架中部向陆的偏移可能是由于古大陆架边缘的地形影响,推测其与普里兹冲积扇同属于洋陆过渡带向陆的部分,在重力模拟剖面表现为地壳向海逐渐减薄.普里兹冲积扇的地壳厚度较薄,平均为6 km,最薄处可达4.6 km,并且根据洋陆过渡带向海端的位置,推测可能属于接近洋壳厚度的过渡壳.重力异常分区的走向与兰伯特地堑在普里兹湾的构造走向基本一致,可能主要反映了二叠纪—三叠纪超级地幔柱对普里兹湾的裂谷作用的影响.该区域的自由空间重力异常和均衡残余异常均表现为超过100×10-5m/s2的高幅正异常特征,可能由位于大陆架边缘的巨厚沉积体负载在高强度岩石圈之上的区域挠曲均衡作用所导致,可能与该区域第二期裂谷期之后的沉积间断以及快速进积加厚的演化过程有关.普里兹湾磁力异常的走向与重力异常明显不同,大致可分为东北高幅正异常区和西南低幅异常区.重磁异常在走向上的差异反映高磁异常主要来源于岩浆作用形成的铁镁质火成岩的影响,并且岩浆作用的时代不同于基底隆升的时代,而可能形成于前寒武纪或者南极洲和印度板块裂谷期间(白垩纪).  相似文献   


An integrated study of earthquake seismic tomography in the Golmud-Tanggula Pass (west) and Gonghe-Yushu (east) with profiles traversing the East Kunlun-Qiangtang region of the northern Tibetan Plateau shows that the deep structure of the study region has the following characteristics: (1) from south to north the crustal thickness decreases from 70–75 km to 55–66 km, and the variation range of thickness (10 km) in the western part is smaller than that in the eastern part (20 km); (2) the crust has a sandwich-like structure and the middle crust has a lens-shaped low-velocity layer; (3) above 150 km in depth, the physical states of various terranes are marked by alternation of high-velocity and low-velocity bodies; and (4) the discontinuity of the lithospheric structure reveals the existence of three lithospheric shear faults on the the East Kunlun-Qiangtang region—the South Kunlun-A’nyêmaqên lithospheric shear fault, the Jinsha River lithospheric shear fault and the Xianshui River lithospheric shear fault. It is inferred that the easternward extrusion of northern Tibetan Plateau occurred in the lithospheric range.


The Cenozoic magmatic rocks of shoshonitic series in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau include potassic alkaline plutonic rocks, volcanic rocks, lamprophyres and acidic porphyries. Analytical results show that these different lithological rocks are extremely similar in Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions with the range of 0.705 187– 0.707 254 for87Sr/86Sr, 0.512 305–0.512 630 for143Nd/144Nd, 18.53–18.97 for206Pb/204Pb, 15.51–15.72 for207Pb/204Pb and 38.38–39.24 for208Pb/204Pb. They are isotopically similar to the EMII end-member. This indicates that mantle metasomatism must have taken place in their source region. The formation of these particular rocks is related to crustal thinning and mantle upwelling in a large-scale strike-slip and pull-apart fault zone at about 40 Ma in northern and eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau  相似文献   

青藏高原东北缘合作—大井剖面地壳电性结构研究   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
青藏高原东北缘合作—大井剖面的大地电磁探测结果表明,该区域的电性结构呈明显的纵向分层、横向分块的特点,中下地壳普遍存在高导层.青藏高原东北缘西秦岭北缘断裂带、北祁连南缘断裂带、北祁连北缘断裂带(海原断裂带)及龙首山南缘断裂带等区域性断裂带在电性结构模型中均表现为电性梯度带或低阻异常带.电性结构的横向分区与构造上的地块划分有明显的一致性,各个地块的电性结构存在明显差异.西秦岭北缘断裂带作是一个大型的板块边界,但板块结合带附近没有明显逆冲或俯冲痕迹,可能主要以左旋走滑为主.北祁连地块向北仰冲与阿拉善地块向南俯冲边界可能不是海原断裂带,而是龙首山南缘断裂带.西秦岭造山带内的壳内高导层与青藏高原内部存在的高导层具有可对比性,可能是由于部分熔融与含盐水流体共同作用的结果.中祁连地块内的高导层可能是含盐水流体引起的.而北祁连与河西走廊过渡带内的高导层则可能是板块俯冲或仰冲的构造运动痕迹,也可能是由含盐水流体引起的.  相似文献   

~~Properties of soils in Grove Mountains,East Antarctica@李潇丽$Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences!Beijing 100029,China @刘小汉$Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences!Beijing 100029,China @琚  相似文献   

青藏高原东南缘处于印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞的侧翼,揭示该地区的岩石圈结构有助于完整理解青藏高原碰撞造山的动力学过程,对构建大陆碰撞成矿理论框架至为关键.本研究对横过青藏高原侧向碰撞带的一条深反射地震剖面的15个大炮资料,进行了针对性静校正、去噪等处理和单次叠加成像,结果剖面显示了侧向碰撞带岩石圈结构的骨架特征:(1)双程走时(TWT)8~10 s的强反射(Tc)将地壳分为上、下两层;Tc可能是大型滑脱构造的拆离面,其存在使上地壳的变形与下地壳解耦;(2)Moho间断面反射(Tm)为3~4个同相轴的窄带反射波组,横向不连续,与深大断裂交汇处被错断,但断距不大;(3)在兰坪—思茅地块下方TWT21 s和扬子克拉通西缘下方TWT22~24 s存在相向倾斜的反射波组(TL);以Tc、Tm和TL构成的骨架结构,定性地描绘出剖面下方岩石圈地幔以汇聚为主、地壳块体以侧向滑移为主和上地壳为薄皮逆冲或滑脱的分层动力学模式.该岩石圈变形样式明显不同于以正向碰撞挤压、地壳缩短垂向增厚为主的"冈底斯模式".  相似文献   

青藏高原中东部地壳和上地幔顶部P波层析成像   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为获取青藏高原中东部地壳和上地幔顶部的精细结构,本文基于1万4 484条天然地震的P波(Pg和Pn)到时数据,对青藏高原中东部地壳和上地幔顶部进行P波三维速度结构层析成像,获取了该区域内地壳P波、上地幔顶部Pn波的速度结构和地壳厚度信息。层析成像结果显示,青藏高原中东部地壳P波速度范围为5.2—7.2 km/s,上地幔顶部Pn波速度范围为7.7—8.4 km/s,地壳厚度范围为48.0—68.6 km,地壳和上地幔顶部存在强烈的横向不均匀性,与地质块体分布有较好的对应关系。地壳P波速度结构显示,研究区中、下地壳分布有较大范围的低速区,上地壳与中下地壳P波分布存在明显的差异:羌塘地块和巴颜喀拉地块在上地壳主要表现为高速异常,随着深度增加逐渐表现为低速异常;而柴达木地块在上地壳主要表现为低速异常,下地壳则表现为高速异常;柴达木地块和拉萨地块在上地幔顶部表现为较高的Pn波速度,最高约为8.4 km/s,而在巴颜喀拉地块和羌塘地块东部,Pn波总体上表现为低速,最低约为7.7 km/s。研究区内地壳厚度的总体特征表现为南厚北薄,其中羌塘地块东部和拉萨地块的地壳较厚,而柴达木地块和巴颜喀拉地块东部的地壳相对较薄,羌塘地块西部存在局部的地壳变薄现象,反映了印度板块对欧亚板块北向俯冲作用下的岩石圈变形特征。   相似文献   

The historical data of phytoplankton and chlorophyll a(Chl a)(1990–2002)obtained during the Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition(CHINARE)in the Prydz Bay have been integrated.The results showed that the temperature,salinity,nutrients,and oxygen of seawater changed when El Nino/La Nina occurred.The variation of biological communities reflected the response of ecosystem to environmental changes.During El Ni?o period,Chl a concentration and phytoplankton community structure changed significantly,and the relative proportion of diatoms increased while dinoflagellates decreased.During La Ni?a period,the proportion of diatoms decreased,but the golden-brown algae and blue-green algae increased significantly.The variation of phytoplankton population directly affected the biodiversity of the bay,which were also quite sensitive to the marine environment changes.Meanwhile,the satellite remote sensing data of 2002–2011(December–March)have been used to study the temporal connection change of Chl a and phytoplankton in the Prydz Bay.We found that there were significant differences in the monthly variation characteristics of satellite remote sensing Chl a and sea surface temperature(SST),which had some links with sea ice melting and El Ni?o/La Ni?a events.We found that the start time of bloom advanced,lagged or synchronized with the changes of the SST,and we also found the occurrence time of phytoplankton bloom corresponded with the sea ice melting inner bay.To some extent,this study will help us understand the relationships between ENSO events and the phytoplankton bloom in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

Mass balance of the Lambert Glacier basin, East Antarctica   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Since it is the largest glacier system in Antarctica, the Lambert Glacier basin plays an important role in the mass balance of the overall Antarctic ice sheet. The observed data and shallow core studies from the inland traverse investigations in recent years show that there are noticeable differences in the distribution and variability of the snow accumulation rate between east and west sides. On the east side, the accumulation is higher on the average and has increased in the past decades, while on the west side it is contrary. The ice movement measurement and the ice flux calculation indicate that the ice velocity and the flux are larger in east than in west, meaning that the major part of mass supply for the glacier is from the east side. The mass budget estimate with the latest data gives that the integrated accumulation over the upstream area of the investigation traverse route is larger than the outflow ice flux by 13%, suggesting that the glacier basin is in a positive mass balance state and the ice thickness will increase if the present climate is keeping.  相似文献   

The transitional area between the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Ordos Block and Alxa Block,also being the northern segment of the North-South Seismic Belt, is characterized by considerably high seismicity level and high risk of strong earthquakes. In view of the special tectonic environment and deep tectonic setting in this area, this study used two seismic wide-angle reflection/refraction cross profiles for double constraining, so as to more reliably obtain the fine-scale velocity structure characteristics in both the shallow and deep crust of individual blocks and their boundaries in the study area,and further discuss the seismogenic environment in seismic zones with strong historical earthquakes. In this paper, the P-wave data from the two profiles are processed and interpreted, and two-dimensional crustal velocity structure models along the two profiles are constructed by travel time forward modeling. The results show that there are great differences in velocity structure,shape of intra-crustal interfaces and crustal thickness among different blocks sampled by the two seismic profiles. The crustal thickness along the Lanzhou-Huianbu-Yulin seismic sounding profile(L1) increases from ~43 km in the western margin of Ordos Block to ~56 km in the Qilian Block to the west. In the Ordos Block, the velocity contours vary gently, and the average velocity of the crust is about 6.30 km s-1; On the other hand, the velocity structures in the crust of the Qilian Block and the arclike tectonic zone vary dramatically, and the average crustal velocities in these areas are about 0.10 km s-1 lower than that of the Ordos Block. In addition, discontinuous low-velocity bodies(LVZ1 and LVZ2) are identified in the crust of the Qilian Block and the arc-like tectonic zone, the velocity of which is 0.10–0.20 km s-1 lower than that of the surroundings. The average crustal thickness of the Ordos Block is consistently estimated to be around 43 km along both Profile L2(Tongchuan-Huianbu-Alashan left banner seismic sounding profile) and Profile L1. In contrast to the gently varying intra-crustal interfaces and velocity contours in the Ordos Block along Profile L1, which is a typical structure characteristic of stable cratons, the crustal structure in the Ordos Block along Profile L2 exhibits rather complex variations. This indicates the presence of significant structural differences in the crust within the Ordos Block. The crustal structure of the Helan Mountain Qilian Block and the Yinchuan Basin is featured by "uplift and depression" undulations, showing the characteristics of localized compressional deformation.Moreover, there are low-velocity zones with alternative high and low velocities in the middle and lower crust beneath the Helan Mountain, where the velocity is about 0.15–0.25 km s-1 lower than that of the surrounding areas. The crustal thickness of the Alxa Block is about 49 km, and the velocity contours in the upper and middle-lower crust of the block vary significantly. The complex crustal velocity structure images along the two seismic sounding profiles L1 and L2 reveal considerable structural differences among different tectonic blocks, their coupling relationships and velocity structural features in the seismic zones where strong historical earthquakes occurred. The imaging result of this study provides fine-scale crustal structure information for further understanding the seismogenic environment and mechanism in the study area.  相似文献   

Geology of the Grove Mountains in East Antarctica   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Grove Mountains consists mainly of a series of high-grade (upper amphibolite to granulite facies) metamorphic rocks, including felsic granulite, granitic gneiss, mafic granulite lenses and charnockite, intruded by late tectonic gneissic granite and post-tectonic granodioritic veins. Geochemical analysis demonstrates that the charnockite, granitic gneiss and granite belonged to aluminous A type plutonic rocks, whereas the felsic and mafic granulite were from supracrustal materials as island-arc, oceanic island and middle oceanic ridge basalt. A few high-strained shear zones disperse in regional stable sub-horizontal foliated metamorphic rocks. Three generations of ductile deformation were identified, in which D1 is related to the event before Pan-African age, D2 corresponds to the regional granulite peak metamorphism, whereas D3 reflects ductile extension in late Pan-African orogenic period. The metamorphic reactions from granitic gneiss indicate a single granulite facies event, but 3 steps from mafic granulite, with P-T condition of M1 800°C, 9.3×105 Pa; M2 800–810°C, 6.4 × 105 Pa; and M3 650°C have been recognized. The U-Pb age data from representative granitic gneiss indicate (529±14) Ma of peak metamorphism, (534±5) Ma of granite emplacement, and (501±7) Ma of post-tectonic granodioritic veins. All these evidences suggest that a huge Pan-African aged mobile belt exists in the East Antarctic Shield extending from Prydz Bay via Grove Mountains to the southern Prince Charles Mountains. This orogenic belt could be the final suture during the Gondwana Land assemblage.  相似文献   

The Late Pleistocene sea-level history of Antarctica is key to understanding and predicting the responses of icesheets, which significantly contribute to the global sea level, to changing climates. Coastal sediments at Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica, have yielded radiocarbon ages of Holocene and Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 from deposits above the present sea level, suggesting that there have been two episodes of sea-level highstand. However, radiocarbon dating is likely to be less accurate for dating sediments close to or older than 40–50 ka, the upper limit of its application. We thus explored the applicability of luminescence dating to coastal sediments newly sampled from Langhovde on the eastern coast of Lützow-Holm Bay. Samples were collected from a trench <1 m deep and at several meters above the present sea level. Quartz coarse and fine grains, K-feldspar coarse grains, and polymineral fine grains were extracted from the samples. Quartz coarse and fine grains both showed very low optically stimulated luminescence sensitivity and no fast component and thus were not considered further. Dose-recovery tests on post-infrared infrared-stimulated luminescence (post-IR IRSL) signals of K-feldspar and polymineral grains yielded variable results and suggested acceptable measurement conditions for each grain size fraction and expected equivalent dose. Preliminary measurements revealed that the trench section can be divided into the upper and lower layers, corresponding to the Holocene and MIS 7, respectively. Further application of post-IR IRSL dating to coastal sediments, including to previously radiocarbon-dated sections, could refine our understanding of the late Quaternary relative sea-level history in East Antarctica.  相似文献   

The choice of a crustal model for a spherically symmetrical earth presents special problems for it is important that the averaging process should correspond to that which occurs in the case of the observed free oscillations. It may not be possible to find a spherically symmetrical crustal model with velocities and densities resembling those of real earth materials.  相似文献   

首次基于2017—2019年西藏自治区区域台网27个宽频带固定台站记录的757次地震的波形资料,利用反双台法开展了青藏高原南部地区1 Hz的Lg波Q值层析成像研究.研究中采用3.5—2.4 km/s的速度窗截取了1981条Lg波,计算得到13543条路径上的Q值,测试了1°×1°和0.5°×0.5°网格下的棋盘格恢复情...  相似文献   

用接收函数方法研究云南及其邻区地壳上地幔结构   总被引:24,自引:20,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
利用云南和中国地震台网30个台站记录的远震资料,采用接收函数扫描法和线性反演方法对云南及其邻区的壳幔速度结构进行了研究,获得了研究区内地壳厚度、Vp/Vs以及壳幔速度的分布特征.利用接收函数扫描(H-k)法和线性反演方法获取的台站下方地壳厚度结果表明,研究区地壳厚度变化剧烈.速度结构研究结果表明,红河断裂以西的腾冲-保山地块和思茅地块,以及南华板块北部地区的台站(如攀枝花、丽江、东川、永胜等)下方地壳均存在下地壳低速层,且具有高的地壳平均Vp/Vs值.这些不仅暗示研究区的下地壳低速异常可能为高温甚至高温导致的部分熔融所致,同时,也意味着该区下地壳的物质易于发生塑性流动,为地壳的变形和增厚创造了条件.红河断裂带作为云南地区的一个主要边界断裂,其西侧地区地壳厚度变化较东侧剧烈,另一方面,红河断裂西侧的平均地壳Vp/Vs值较其东侧要高.综合前人关于研究区岩石圈速度结构、地热流值、重力场和上地幔各向异性等地球物理场的研究结果.我们推断,现今的思茅块体和保山-腾冲块体在大地构造上应归属于冈瓦纳板块.  相似文献   

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