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INTRODUCTIONBased onthe results gathered after manyyears of seismic groundwater observation,itisfoundthatthe water level in deep wells responds to the earth’s tide and atmospheric pressure and changesaccordingly,not onlyin amplitude ,but also in the phase lag by different degrees .Some phase lagslast onlyfor several minutes ,while some last aslong as more than one hour (Zhang Zhaodong,1988 ;Wang Chengmin,1990) .The result of this theoretical research shows that the phase lag response to…  相似文献   

A Polish-made vertical ionosonde (VI) has been operated at the Kandilli Observatory in Istanbul, for almost one year (May 1993 - April 1994) as part of the COST 238, PRIME Project, The critical frequencies were obtained for every half-hour interval. The data obtained during this campaign, on the descending branch of solar cycle 22, and the data measured earlier in Istanbul for cycle 20 were analysed and the characteristic behaviour of the F2 region ionosphere over Istanbul has been determined. This is a unique data set for this area. Several markers of the solar cycle activities in terms of the daily relative sunspot numbers, F10.7 cm solar radio flux and solar flare index, and the magnetic daily index of Ap were then used to seek the possible influence of the solar and ionospheric activities on the critical frequencies observed in Istanbul. It was found that the solar flare index, as a solar activity index, was more reliable in determining quiet ionospheric days. It is shown that the minimum and maximum time values of the solar activity are more convenient for ionospheric prediction and modelling.  相似文献   

When the effect of a solar wind dynamic pressure pulse on the magnetospheric and ionospheric dynamics is studied, it is usually difficult to detect the effect of a sudden change in the density against the background of the other varying solar wind parameters, which often play a most pronounced role. Cases in which the solar wind plasma density gradient dominated in the dynamics of the different parameters of an interplanetary medium and its magnetic field are considered in this work. Variations in the Earth’s dayside magnetopause current caused by a change in the solar wind ion density are presented for two such cases (February 11 and January 11, 1997) based on the method developed by us previously. Variations in the dayside magnetopause current for collisions of the magnetosphere with corotating interacting flows in January 2004, studied in detail by us previously, are also presented for Saturn. The estimates are comparable with the current values in the transitional three-dimensional current systems of Saturn that were previously calculated by us.  相似文献   

A transient model, hereafter referred to as ROM-TM, was developed to quantify river ecosystem metabolic rates and reaeration rates from field observation of changes in dissolved O2 (DO) and the ratio of 18O to 16O in DO (δ18O-DO). ROM-TM applies an inverse modeling approach and is programmed using MATLAB. Parameters describing photosynthesis, ecosystem respiration, gas exchange, and isotopic fractionation, such as maximum photosynthetic rate (P m ), photosynthetic efficiency parameter (a), respiration rate at 20 °C (R 20 ), gas exchange coefficient (K), respiration isotopic fractionation factor (a R ), and photorespiration coefficient (β R ), can be abstracted by minimizing the sum of square errors between the fitted data and the observed field data. Then DO and δ18O-DO time series can be reconstructed using estimated parameters and input variables. Besides being capable of teasing apart metabolic processes and gas exchange to provide daily average estimates of metabolic parameters at the ecosystem scale, ROM-TM can be used to address issues related to light including light saturation phenomena at the ecosystem level, the effect of cloud cover on the metabolic balance, and photorespiration. Error and uncertainty analysis demonstrates that ROM-TM is stable and robust for the random errors of DO time series. The photosynthetic parameters P m and a are more sensitive than other parameters to lower-resolution time series data.  相似文献   

The response of the critical frequency of the ionosphere F2–layer, described by its main Fourier components (daily constant, diurnal and semidiurnal waves) and the lower thermosphere dynamics to the geomagnetic storms in July 1991 and February 1992 is studied. The daily constant displays a negative response, however, the magnitude of reaction depends on the season and latitude. The amplitudes of diurnal and semidiurnal waves increase during a geomagnetic storm, as this enhancement is very strong at high latitudes in winter. The prevailing neutral wind, especially the zonal wind, shows an inclination to decrease during the geomagnetic storm (the effect is more distinct in summer). The amplitudes of diurnal and semidiurnal tides also demonstrate a tendency toward reduction during high geomagnetic activity.  相似文献   

The study by the eddy covariance technique in the alpine shrub meadow of the Qing-hai-Tibet Plateau in 2003 and 2004 showed that the net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE) exhibited noticeable diurnal and annual variations, with more distinct daily changes during the warmer seasons. The CO2 emission of the shrub ecosystem culminated in April and September while the CO2 absorption capacity reached a maximum in July and August. The absorbed carbon dioxide during the two consecutive years was 231.4 and 274.8 g CO2·m-2 respectively, yielding an average of 253.1 gCO2·m-2 per year: that accounts for a large proportion of absorbed CO2 in the region. Obviously, the diurnal carbon flux was negatively related to temperature, radiation and other atmospheric factors. Still, minute discrepancies in kurtosis and duration of carbon emission/absorption were detected between 2003 and 2004. It was found that the CO2 flux in the daytime was similarly affected by photosynthetic photon flux density in both years. Temperature appears to be the most important determinant of CO2 flux: specifically, the high temperature during the plant growing season inhibits the carbon absorption capacity. One potential explanation is that soil respiration is enhanced under such condition. Analysis of biomass revealed that the annual net carbon fixed capacity of aboveground and belowground biomass was 544.0 in 2003 and 559.4 g Cm"2 in 2004, which coincided with the NEE absorption capacity (63.1 g C·m-2 in 2003 and 74.9 g C·m-2 in 2004) in the corresponding plant growing season.  相似文献   

During the 22nd Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition (CHINARE-22), the atmospheric gas samples above the oceanic surface and near the surface were collected on the track for the scientific ship "Xuelong" and on Millor Peninsula of eastern Antarctica, respectively, using the Tedlar gas bags. Every day the sampling times were 10:00 and 22:00 (local time), respectively. In the laboratory, high-precision measurement of the isotopic compositions for N2O in these gas samples was conducted using Thermo Finnigan MAT-253 Isotopic Mass Spectrometer with a fully automated interface for the pre-GC concen-tration (PreCon) of trace gases. The temporal and spatial variations of δ 15N and δ 18O in atmospheric N2O were analyzed. The mean δ 15N and δ 18O-N2O values above the oceanic surface were (7.21±0.50)‰ and (44.52±0.52)‰, respectively. From 30°N to Antarctica, the δ 15N (6.05‰―7.88‰) linearly increased with the rate of about 0.01‰ with the latitude while the δ 18O (43.05‰―48.78‰) showed a large fluctua-tion. The δ 15N negatively correlated with air temperature and N2O concentration, and slightly positively correlated with δ 18O. The summertime variations of δ 15N and δ 18O-N2O appeared the same trend on Millor Peninsula of eastern Antarctica. They significantly positively correlated with each other and negatively with N2O concentration. The δ 15N and δ 18O-N2O at different sites averaged (7.42±0.35)‰ and (44.69±0.49)‰, respectively, slightly higher than those above the oceanic surface, significantly higher than those of atmospheric N2O in the low-latitude regions of Northern Hemisphere. The predominant factors affecting the spatial variations of δ 15N and δ 18O values were also discussed. The isotopic data given in this study can help to investigate the global and regional N2O budgets.  相似文献   

During the 22nd Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition (CHINARE-22), the atmospheric gas samples above the oceanic surface and near the surface were collected on the track for the scientific ship “Xuelong” and on Millor Peninsula of eastern Antarctica, respectively, using the Tedlar gas bags. Every day the sampling times were 10:00 and 22:00 (local time), respectively. In the laboratory, high-precision measurement of the isotopic compositions for N2O in these gas samples was conducted using Thermo Finnigan MAT-253 Isotopic Mass Spectrometer with a fully automated interface for the pre-GC concentration (PreCon) of trace gases. The temporal and spatial variations of δ 15N and δ 18O in atmospheric N2O were analyzed. The mean δ 15N and δ 18O-N2O values above the oceanic surface were (7.21±0.50)‰ and (44.52±0.52)‰, respectively. From 30°N to Antarctica, the δ 15N (6.05‰–7.88‰) linearly increased with the rate of about 0.01‰ with the latitude while the δ 18O (43.05‰–48.78‰) showed a large fluctuation. The δ 15N negatively correlated with air temperature and N2O concentration, and slightly positively correlated with δ 18O. The summertime variations of δ 15N and δ 18O-N2O appeared the same trend on Millor Peninsula of eastern Antarctica. They significantly positively correlated with each other and negatively with N2O concentration. The δ 15N and δ 18O-N2O at different sites averaged (7.42±0.35)‰ and (44.69±0.49)‰, respectively, slightly higher than those above the oceanic surface, significantly higher than those of atmospheric N2O in the low-latitude regions of Northern Hemisphere. The predominant factors affecting the spatial variations of δ 15N and δ 18O values were also discussed. The isotopic data given in this study can help to investigate the global and regional N2O budgets. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40676005 and 40406001)  相似文献   

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