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Beginning in 1990, 2,588 wells were sampled within the Inner Coastal Plain of Georgia in an effort to assess the quality of ground water in this major farm belt. The project was one aspect of an EPA-sponsored program to assess ground-water quality statewide. Several variables were measured, including pH, specific conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, nitrate, nitrite, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate. In some wells sulfate, chloride, potassium, iron, and manganese contents were also determined. Particular emphasis was placed, however, on pH, specific conductivity, temperature, and nitrite/nitrate content. Generally, pH was between 6 and 8, and temperatures were within a range of 18° and 24°Celsius. Measurements of specific conductivity varied, but averaged 250–275 microsiemens/cm. Nitrite contamination was negligible, and nitrate contamination of the ground water within the shallow aquifers did not appear to be significant. In fact, 56% of the wells sampled showed no detectable signs of nitrate or nitrite contamination. There were, however, a few isolated wells where nitrate as nitrogen measurements exceeded the EPA's Safe Drinking Water Standard of 10 ppm. The general lack of contamination may be the result of the nature of the agricultural practices used in this region and/or the effect of natural denitrification.  相似文献   

Concern about the public health consequences of possible contamination of farmstead wells led to a random statewide survey in Kansas. Results of the analyses showed that 8 percent of tested wells had detectable amounts of pesticides, 2 percent had detectable amounts of volatile organic chemicals, and 37 percent had some inorganic contaminant exceeding the maximum contaminant level (MCL). Nitrate was the most common source of inorganic contamination, exceeding the MCL in 28 percent of the wells. Selenium levels exceeded the MCL in 9 percent of the wells. A multiple regression model for nitrate-N was developed. The factors included the age of the well, land use around the well, and the distance to the closest possible source of organic contamination.  相似文献   

为进一步了解蔚县地区农村房屋的抗震性能,在该地区选取43个村庄、7732栋房屋进行实地调查和统计分析。主要调查房屋结构、建筑材料、房屋抗震构造措施等内容,分析各结构类型房屋抗震薄弱环节及房屋抗震性能,并统计分析经济、交通、地形等因素与房屋结构类型及抗震性能的关系,提出提高该地区农村房屋抗震性能的建议。  相似文献   

Detection of agricultural chemicals in ground water has prompted numerous studies. Federal, state, and regional studies were conducted in the last 10 years in order to assess the occurrence of agricultural chemicals in ground water. The results of the studies present the number or percentage of samples with agricultural chemicals above the drinking water standard or health advisory levels as well as samples with detections of one or more compounds. Data comparison from one state or region to another are frequently referred to by regulatory and agency personnel involved in water quality and agriculture issues. Unless the history of pesticide use, method of chemical analyses, detection limits, statistical design of the sampling plan, well type, well depth, geology of the formation material, and typical land use around the wellhead are known, such comparisons can be misleading. Reporting the limitations or presenting a disclaimer should be a key element for a study so that "apples and oranges" are not compared.  相似文献   

--Normal to reversed polarity transitions have been found in Mississippian limestones of Missouri at longitude 269.7 and latitude 38.6 in an area of approximately 2,000 sq.km centered on the city of St. Louis. The transitions suggest a reversal of the geomagnetic field during the time these limestones were deposited. The mean normal NRM direction of declination 323.2, inclination 14.8, alpha-95 10.0 and corresponding reversed direction declination 144.8, inclination of 11.7 with alpha-95 of 5.2, are each tightly grouped, while in between these two groups the circles of confidence reveal a large scatter. Six normally magnetized groups of sites and corresponding VGP positions were found while seven groups are reversed. The mean normal VGP was at longitude 146.2 and latitude 44.6 and the reversed one at longitude 313.9 and latitude ⪶.8. The large scatter in between these two groups is interpreted as being due to rapid changes in the direction of the geomagnetic field when compared with the rate of deposition of the sediments. Alternating field (AF) and thermal demagnetization (TH) techniques were used to remove secondary components of the NRM.  相似文献   

Assessing Arkansas Ground Water for Pesticides: Methodology and Findings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During 1985 to 1987, 119 wells, Springs and municipal drinking water supplies throughout Arkansas were monitored for the presence of pesticides. Pesticides selected for analysis included acifluorfen, alachlor, aldicarb, atrazine, benomyl, cyanazine, cypermethrin, 2,4-D, dichlorprop, diuron, fenvalerate, fluometuron, hexazinone, linuron, metolachlor, permethrin, picloram, and propanil. Not every sample was analyzed for every pesticide. Overall, results indicated that the 18 herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides were not present in the ground water samples studied. (Note: Detectable concentrations of three herbicides – alachlor, atrazine, and metolachlor – were found in one irrigation well, at 5.5,5.8, and 6.9 μg/L, respectively. However, since previous and subsequent sampling failed to detect these compounds, their presence is attributed to a localized spill or handling error rather than agricultural application.)  相似文献   

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