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Galaxy disc formation must incorporate the multiphase nature of the interstellar medium. The resulting two-phase structure is generated and maintained by gravitational instability and supernova energy input, which yield a source of turbulent viscosity that is able to compete effectively in the protodisc phase with early angular momentum loss of the baryonic component via dynamical friction in the dark halo. Provided that star formation occurs on the viscous drag time-scale, this mechanism provides a means of accounting for disc sizes and radial profiles. The star formation feedback is self-regulated by turbulent gas pressure limited percolation of the supernova remnant heated hot phase, but can run away in gas-rich protodiscs to generate compact starbursts. A simple analytic model is derived for a Schmidt-like global star formation law in terms of the cold gas volume density.  相似文献   

We investigate the evolution of angular momentum in simulations of galaxy formation in a cold dark matter universe. We analyse two model galaxies generated in the N -body/hydrodynamic simulations of Okamoto et al. Starting from identical initial conditions, but using different assumptions for the baryonic physics, one of the simulations produced a bulge-dominated galaxy and the other one a disc-dominated galaxy. The main difference is the treatment of star formation and feedback, both of which were designed to be more efficient in the disc-dominated object. We find that the specific angular momentum of the disc-dominated galaxy tracks the evolution of the angular momentum of the dark matter halo very closely: the angular momentum grows as predicted by linear theory until the epoch of maximum expansion and remains constant thereafter. By contrast, the evolution of the angular momentum of the bulge-dominated galaxy resembles that of the central, most bound halo material: it also grows at first according to linear theory, but 90 per cent of it is rapidly lost as pre-galactic fragments, into which gas had cooled efficiently, merge, transferring their orbital angular momentum to the outer halo by tidal effects. The disc-dominated galaxy avoids this fate because the strong feedback reheats the gas, which accumulates in an extended hot reservoir and only begins to cool once the merging activity has subsided. Our analysis lends strong support to the classical theory of disc formation whereby tidally torqued gas is accreted into the centre of the halo conserving its angular momentum.  相似文献   

We argue for implementing star formation on a viscous time-scale in hydrodynamical simulations of disc galaxy formation and evolution. Modelling two-dimensional isolated disc galaxies with the Bhatnagar–Gross–Krook (BGK) hydrocode, we verify the analytic claim of various authors that if the characteristic time-scale for star formation is equal to the viscous time-scale in discs, the resulting stellar profile is exponential on several scalelengths whatever the initial gas and dark matter profile. This casts new light on both numerical and semi-analytical disc formation simulations that either (a) commence star formation in an already exponential gaseous disc, (b) begin a disc simulation with conditions known to lead to an exponential, i.e. the collapse of a spherically symmetric nearly uniform sphere of gas in solid-body rotation under the assumption of specific angular momentum conservation, or (c) in simulations performed in a hierarchical context, tune their feedback processes to delay disc formation until the dark matter haloes are slowly evolving and without much substructure so that the gas has the chance to collapse under conditions known to give exponentials. In such models, star formation follows a Schmidt-like law, which for lack of a suitable time-scale, resorts to an efficiency parameter. With star formation prescribed on a viscous time-scale, however, we find gas and star fractions after ∼12 Gyr that are consistent with observations without having to invoke a 'fudge factor' for star formation. Our results strongly suggest that despite our gap in understanding the exact link between star formation and viscosity, the viscous time-scale is indeed the natural time-scale for star formation.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation in spatially flat cold dark matter (CDM) cosmologies with and without a cosmological constant (Λ) are described. A simple star formation algorithm is employed and radiative cooling is allowed only after redshift z =1 so that enough hot gas is available to form large, rapidly rotating stellar discs if angular momentum is approximately conserved during collapse. The specific angular momenta of the final galaxies are found to be sensitive to the assumed background cosmology. This dependence arises from the different angular momenta contained in the haloes at the epoch when the gas begins to collapse and the inhomogeneity of the subsequent halo evolution. In the Λ-dominated cosmology, the ratio of stellar specific angular momentum to that of the dark matter halo (measured at the virial radius) has a median value of ∼0.24 at z =0. The corresponding quantity for the Λ=0 cosmology is over three times lower. It is concluded that the observed frequency and angular momenta of disc galaxies pose significant problems for spatially flat CDM models with Λ=0 but may be consistent with a Λ-dominated CDM universe.  相似文献   

The observed rotation curves of dark matter-dominated dwarf galaxies indicate low-density cores, contrary to the predictions of CDM models. A possible solution of this problem involves stellar feedback. A strong baryonic wind driven by vigorous star formation can remove a large fraction of the gas, causing the dark matter to expand. Using both numerical and analytical techniques, we explore the maximum effect of the feedback with an instantaneous removal of the gaseous disc. The energy input depends on the compactness of the disc, hence the specific angular momentum of the disc. For the plausible cosmological parameters and a wide range of the disc angular momenta, the feedback is insufficient to destroy the central halo cusp, while the inner density is lowered only by a modest factor of 2 to 6. Any realistic modelling of the feedback would have even lesser impact on dark matter. We find that no star formation effect can resolve the problems of CDM cusps.  相似文献   

We compute the specific angular momentum distributions for a sample of low-mass disc galaxies observed by Swaters. We compare these distributions to those of dark matter haloes obtained by Bullock et al. from high-resolution N -body simulations of structure formation in a ΛCDM universe. We find that although the disc mass fractions are significantly smaller than the universal baryon fraction, the total specific angular momenta of the discs are in good agreement with those of dark matter haloes. This suggests that discs form out of only a small fraction of the available baryons, but yet manage to draw most of the available angular momentum. In addition we find that the angular momentum distributions of discs are clearly distinct from those of the dark matter; discs lack predominantly both low and high specific angular momenta. Understanding these findings in terms of a coherent picture for disc formation is challenging. Cooling, feedback and stripping, which are the main mechanisms to explain the small disc mass fractions found, seem unable to simultaneously explain the angular momentum distributions of the discs. In fact, it seems that the baryons that make up the discs must have been born out of angular momentum distributions that are clearly distinct from those of ΛCDM haloes. However, the dark and baryonic mass components experience the same tidal forces, and it is therefore expected that they should have similar angular momentum distributions. Therefore, understanding the angular momentum content of disc galaxies remains an important challenge for our picture of galaxy formation.  相似文献   

We re-examine the Fall & Efstathiou scenario for galaxy formation, including the dark halo gravitational reaction to the formation of the baryon disc, as well as continuous variations in the intrinsic halo density profile. The recently published rotation curves of low surface brightness (LSB) and dwarf galaxies together with previously known scaling relations provide sufficient information on the present-day structure of late-type disc galaxies to invert the problem. By requiring that the models reproduce all the observational restrictions we can fully constrain the initial conditions of galaxy formation, with a minimum of assumptions, in particular without the need to specify a cold dark matter (CDM) halo profile. This allows one to solve for all the initial conditions, in terms of the halo density profile, the baryon fraction and the total angular momentum. We find that a unique initial halo shape is sufficient to accurately reproduce the rotation curves of both LSB and normal late-type spiral galaxies. This unique halo profile differs substantially from that found in standard CDM models. A galactic baryon fraction of 0.065 is found. The initial value of the dimensionless angular momentum is seen to be the principal discriminator between the galaxy classes we examine. The present-day scalings between structural parameters are seen to originate in the initial conditions.  相似文献   

We present new models for the formation of disc galaxies that improve upon previous models by following the detailed accretion and cooling of the baryonic mass, and by using realistic distributions of specific angular momentum. Under the assumption of detailed angular momentum conservation, the discs that form have density distributions that are more centrally concentrated than an exponential. We examine the influence of star formation, bulge formation, and feedback on the outcome of the surface brightness distributions of the stars. Low angular momentum haloes yield disc galaxies with a significant bulge component and with a stellar disc that is close to exponential, in good agreement with observations. High angular momentum haloes, on the other hand, produce stellar discs that are much more concentrated than an exponential, in clear conflict with observations. At large radii, the models reveal distinct truncation radii in both the stars and the cold gas. The stellar truncation radii result from our implementation of star formation threshold densities, and are in excellent agreement with observations. The truncation radii in the density distribution of the cold gas reflect the maximum specific angular momentum of the gas that has cooled. We find that these truncation radii occur at H  i surface densities of roughly 1 M pc−2, in conflict with observations. We examine various modifications to our models, including feedback, viscosity, and dark matter haloes with constant-density cores, but show that the models consistently fail to produce bulge less discs with exponential surface brightness profiles. This signals a new problem for the standard model of disc formation: if the baryonic component of the protogalaxies out of which disc galaxies form has the same angular momentum distribution as the dark matter, discs are too compact.  相似文献   

We present a pair of high-resolution smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations that explore the evolution and cooling behaviour of hot gas around Milky Way size galaxies. The simulations contain the same total baryonic mass and are identical other than their initial gas density distributions. The first is initialized with a low-entropy hot gas halo that traces the cuspy profile of the dark matter, and the second is initialized with a high-entropy hot halo with a cored density profile as might be expected in models with pre-heating feedback. Galaxy formation proceeds in dramatically different fashion depending on the initial setup. While the low-entropy halo cools rapidly, primarily from the central region, the high-entropy halo is quasi-stable for  ∼4 Gyr  and eventually cools via the fragmentation and infall of clouds from ∼100 kpc distances. The low-entropy halo's X-ray surface brightness is ∼100 times brighter than current limits and the resultant disc galaxy contains more than half of the system's baryons. The high-entropy halo has an X-ray brightness that is in line with observations, an extended distribution of pressure-confined clouds reminiscent of observed populations and a final disc galaxy that has half the mass and ∼50 per cent more specific angular momentum than the disc formed in the low-entropy simulation. The final high-entropy system retains the majority of its baryons in a low-density hot halo. The hot halo harbours a trace population of cool, mostly ionized, pressure-confined clouds that contain ∼10 per cent of the halo's baryons after 10 Gyr of cooling. The covering fraction for H  i and Mg  ii absorption clouds in the high-entropy halo is ∼0.4 and ∼0.6, respectively, although most of the mass that fuels disc growth is ionized, and hence would be under counted in H  i surveys.  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamical response, in terms of disc size and rotation velocity, to mass loss by supernovae in the evolution of spiral galaxies. A thin baryonic disc having the Kuzmin density profile embedded in a spherical dark matter halo having a density profile proposed by Navarro, Frenk & White is considered. For the purpose of comparison, we also consider the homogeneous and   r −1  profiles for dark matter in a truncated spherical halo. Assuming for simplicity that the dark matter distribution is not affected by mass-loss from discs and the change of baryonic disc matter distribution is homologous, we evaluate the effects of dynamical response in the resulting discs. We found that the dynamical response only for an adiabatic approximation of mass-loss can simultaneously account for the rotation velocity and disc size as observed particularly in dwarf spiral galaxies, thus reproducing the Tully–Fisher relation and the size versus magnitude relation over the full range of magnitude. Furthermore, we found that the mean specific angular momentum in discs after the mass-loss becomes larger than that before the mass-loss, suggesting that the mass-loss would most likely occur from the central disc region where the specific angular momentum is low.  相似文献   

We present a highly simplified model of the dynamical structure of a disc galaxy where only two parameters fully determine the solution, mass and angular momentum. We show through simple physical scalings that once the mass has been fixed, the angular momentum parameter λ is expected to regulate such critical galactic disc properties as colour, thickness of the disc and bulge-to-disc ratio. It is, hence, expected to be the determinant physical ingredient resulting in a given Hubble type. A simple analytic estimate of λ for an observed system is provided. An explicit comparison of the distribution of several galactic parameters against both Hubble type and λ is performed using observed galaxies. Both such distributions exhibit highly similar characteristics for all galactic properties studied, suggesting λ as a physically motivated classification parameter for disc galaxies.  相似文献   

We explore the predictions of the standard hierarchical clustering scenario of galaxy formation, regarding the numbers and metallicities of PopIII stars that are likely to be found within our Galaxy today. By PopIII we refer to stars formed at large redshift ( z >4), with low metallicities ([ Z /Z]<−2.5) and in small systems (total mass ≲ 2×108 M) that are extremely sensitive to stellar feedback, and which through a prescribed merging history end up becoming part of the Milky Way today. An analytic, extended Press–Schechter formalism is used to obtain the mass functions of haloes which will host PopIII stars at a given redshift, and which will end up in Milky Way sized systems today. Each of these is modelled as a mini-galaxy, with a detailed treatment of the dark halo structure, angular momentum distribution, final gas temperature and disc instabilities, all of which determine the fraction of the baryons that are subject to star formation. The use of new primordial metallicity stellar evolutionary models allows us to trace the history of the stars formed, and give accurate estimates of their expected numbers today and their location in L /L versus T /K Hertzsprung–Russell (HR) diagrams. A first comparison with observational data suggests that the initial mass function (IMF) of the first stars was increasingly high-mass weighted towards high redshifts, levelling off at z ≳9 at a characteristic stellar mass scale m s=10–15 M.  相似文献   

The processes are investigated by which gas loses its angular momentum during the protogalactic collapse phase, leading to disc galaxies that are too compact with respect to the observations. High-resolution N -body/SPH simulations in a cosmological context are presented including cold gas and dark matter (DM). A halo with quiet merging activity since redshift   z ∼ 3.8  and with a high-spin parameter is analysed that should be an ideal candidate for the formation of an extended galactic disc. We show that the gas and the DM have similar specific angular momenta until a merger event occurs at   z ∼ 2  with a mass ratio of 5:1. All the gas involved in the merger loses a substantial fraction of its specific angular momentum due to tidal torques and dynamical friction processes falls quickly into the centre. In contrast, gas infall through small subclumps or accretion does not lead to catastrophic angular momentum loss. In fact, a new extended disc begins to form from gas that was not involved in the 5:1 merger event and that falls in subsequently. We argue that the angular momentum problem of disc galaxy formation is a merger problem: in cold dark matter cosmology substantial mergers with mass ratios of 1:1 to 6:1 are expected to occur in almost all galaxies. We suggest that energetic feedback processes could in principle solve this problem, however only if the heating occurs at the time or shortly before the last substantial merger event. Good candidates for such a coordinated feedback would be a merger-triggered starburst or central black hole heating. If a large fraction of the low angular momentum gas would be ejected, late-type galaxies could form with a dominant extended disc component, resulting from late infall, a small bulge-to-disc ratio and a low baryon fraction, in agreement with observations.  相似文献   

We use semi-analytic models of galaxy formation combined with high-resolution N -body simulations to make predictions for galaxy–dark matter correlations and apply them to galaxy–galaxy lensing. We analyse cross-power spectra between the dark matter and different galaxy samples selected by luminosity, colour or star formation rate. We compare the predictions with the recent detection by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We show that the correlation amplitude and the mean tangential shear depend strongly on the luminosity of the sample on scales below 1  h −1 Mpc, reflecting the correlation between the galaxy luminosity and the halo mass. The cross-correlation cannot, however, be used to infer the halo profile directly because different halo masses dominate on different scales and because not all galaxies are at the centres of the corresponding haloes. We compute the redshift evolution of the cross-correlation amplitude and compare it with those of galaxies and dark matter. We also compute the galaxy–dark matter correlation coefficient and show that it is close to unity on scales above 1  h −1 Mpc for all considered galaxy types. This would allow one to extract the bias and the dark matter power spectrum on large scales from the galaxy and galaxy–dark matter correlations.  相似文献   

I present a model for the formation and evolution of a massive disk galaxy, within a growing dark halo whose mass evolves according to cosmological simulations of structure formation. The galactic evolution is simulated with a new three-dimensional chemo-dynamical code, including dark matter, stars and a multi-phase ISM. We follow the evolution from redshift z= 4.85 until the present epoch. The energy release by massive stars and supernovae prevents a rapid collapse of the baryonic matter and delays the maximum star formation until redshift z ≈ 1. The galaxy forms radially from inside-out and vertically from top-to-bottom. Correspondingly, the inner halo is the oldest component, followed by the outer halo, the bar/bulge, the thick and the thin disk. The bulge in the model consists of at least two stellar subpopulations, an early collapse population and a population that formed later in the bar. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present a generalization of the multiphase chemical evolution model (CEM) applied to a wide set of theoretical galaxies with different masses and evolutionary rates. This generalized set of models has been computed using the so-called universal rotation curve from Persic, Salucci & Steel to calculate the radial mass distribution of 44 theoretical protogalaxies. This distribution is a fundamental input which, besides its own effect on the galaxy evolution, defines the characteristic collapse time-scale or gas infall rate on to the disc. We have adopted 10 sets of values, between 0 and 1, for the molecular cloud and star formation efficiencies, as corresponding to their probability nature, for each one of the radial distributions of total mass. Thus, we have constructed a biparametric grid of models, depending on those efficiency sets and on the rotation velocity, whose results are valid in principle for any spiral or irregular galaxy. The model results provide the time-evolution of different regions of the disc and the halo along galactocentric distance, measured by the gas (atomic and molecular) and stellar masses, the star formation rate (SFR) and chemical abundances of 14 elements, for a total of 440 models. This grid may be used to estimate the evolution of a given galaxy for which only present time information, such as radial distributions of elemental abundances, gas densities and/or star formation, which are the usual observational constraints of chemical evolution models (CEMs), is available.  相似文献   

We predict the Tully–Fisher (TF) and surface-brightness–magnitude relations for disc galaxies at     and discuss the origin of these scaling relations and their scatter. We find that both halo dynamics and the star formation history play important roles, and we show that the variation of the TF relation with redshift can be a potentially powerful discriminator of galaxy-formation models. In particular, the TF relation at high redshift might be used to break parameter degeneracies among galactosynthesis models at     , as well as to constrain the redshift distribution of collapsing dark-matter haloes, the star formation history and baryon fraction in the disc and the distribution of halo spins.  相似文献   

We consider the sensitivity of the circular-orbit adiabatic contraction approximation to the baryon condensation rate and the orbital structure of dark matter haloes in the Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) paradigm. Using one-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations including the dark matter halo mass accretion history and gas cooling, we demonstrate that the adiabatic approximation is approximately valid even though haloes and discs may assemble simultaneously. We further demonstrate the validity of the simple approximation for ΛCDM haloes with isotropic velocity distributions using three-dimensional N -body simulations. This result is easily understood: an isotropic velocity distribution in a cuspy halo requires more circular orbits than radial orbits. Conversely, the approximation is poor in the extreme case of a radial orbit halo. It overestimates the response of a core dark matter halo, where radial orbit fraction is larger. Because no astronomically relevant models are dominated by low angular momentum orbits in the vicinity of the disc and the growth time-scale is never shorter than a dynamical time, we conclude that the adiabatic contraction approximation is useful in modelling the response of dark matter haloes to the growth of a disc.  相似文献   

Observations are presented of the isolated dwarf irregular galaxy And IV made with the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys and the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope in the 21 cm HI line. We determine the galaxy distance of 7.17 ± 0.31 Mpc using the Tip of Red Giant Branch method. The galaxy has a total blue absolute magnitude of –12.81 mag, linear Holmberg diameter of 1.88 kpc, and an HI ‐disk extending to 8.4 times the optical Holmberg radius. The HI massto‐blue luminosity ratio for And IV amounts 12.9 M/L. From the GMRT data we derive the rotation curve for the HI and fit it with different mass models. We find that the data are significantly better fit with an iso‐thermal dark matter halo, than by an NFW halo. We also find that MOND rotation curve provides a very poor fit to the data. The fact that the isothermal dark matter halo provides the best fit to the data supports models in which star formation feedback results in the formation of a dark matter core in dwarf galaxies. The total mass‐to‐blue luminosity ratio of 162 M/L makes And IV among the darkest dIrr galaxies known. However, its baryonic‐to‐dark mass ratio (Mgas + M *)/MT = 0.11 is close to the average cosmic baryon fraction of 0.15. (© 2016 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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