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We study the self-consistent, linear response of a galactic disc to vertical perturbations, as induced, say, by a tidal interaction. We calculate the self-gravitational potential corresponding to a non-axisymmetric, self-consistent density response of the disc using the Green's function method. The response potential is shown to oppose the perturbation potential because the self-gravity of the disc resists the imposed potential, and this resistance is stronger in the inner parts of a galactic disc. For the   m = 1  azimuthal wavenumber, the disc response opposes the imposed perturbation up to a radius that spans a range of 4–6 disc scalelengths, so that the disc shows a net warp only beyond this region. This physically explains the well known but so far unexplained observation that warps typically set in beyond this range of radii. We show that the inclusion of a dark matter halo in the calculation only marginally changes (by ∼10 per cent) the radius for the onset of warps. For perturbations with higher azimuthal wavenumbers, the net signature of the vertical perturbations can only be seen at larger radii – for example, beyond 7 exponential disc scalelengths for   m = 10  . Also, for the high- m cases, the magnitude of the negative disc response due to the disc self-gravity is much smaller. This is shown to result in corrugations of the mid-plane density, which explains the puzzling scalloping with   m = 10  detected in H  i in the outermost regions ∼30 kpc in the Galaxy.  相似文献   

We present an improved analytic calculation for the tidal radius of satellites and test our results against N -body simulations.
The tidal radius in general depends upon four factors: the potential of the host galaxy, the potential of the satellite, the orbit of the satellite and the orbit of the star within the satellite . We demonstrate that this last point is critical and suggest using three tidal radii to cover the range of orbits of stars within the satellite. In this way we show explicitly that prograde star orbits will be more easily stripped than radial orbits; while radial orbits are more easily stripped than retrograde ones. This result has previously been established by several authors numerically, but can now be understood analytically. For point mass, power-law (which includes the isothermal sphere), and a restricted class of split power-law potentials our solution is fully analytic. For more general potentials, we provide an equation which may be rapidly solved numerically.
Over short times (≲1–2 Gyr ∼1 satellite orbit), we find excellent agreement between our analytic and numerical models. Over longer times, star orbits within the satellite are transformed by the tidal field of the host galaxy. In a Hubble time, this causes a convergence of the three limiting tidal radii towards the prograde stripping radius. Beyond the prograde stripping radius, the velocity dispersion will be tangentially anisotropic.  相似文献   

We study spherical and disc clusters in a near-Keplerian potential of galactic centres or massive black holes. In such a potential orbit precession is commonly retrograde, that is, the direction of the orbit precession is opposite to the orbital motion. It is assumed that stellar systems consist of nearly-radial orbits. We show that if there is a loss-cone at low angular momentum (e.g. due to consumption of stars by a black hole), an instability similar to loss-cone instability in plasma may occur. The gravitational loss-cone instability is expected to enhance black hole feeding rates. For spherical systems, the instability is possible for the number of spherical harmonics   l ≥ 3  . If there is some amount of counter-rotating stars in flattened systems, they generally exhibit the instability independent of azimuthal number m . The results are compared with those obtained recently by Tremaine for distribution functions monotonically increasing with angular momentum.
The analysis is based on simple characteristic equations describing small perturbations in a disc or a sphere of stellar orbits highly elongated in radius. These characteristic equations are derived from the linearized Vlasov equations (combining the collisionless Boltzmann kinetic equation and the Poisson equation), using the action-angle variables. We use two techniques for analysing the characteristic equations: the first one is based on preliminary finding of neutral modes, and the second one employs a counterpart of the plasma Penrose–Nyquist criterion for disc and spherical gravitational systems.  相似文献   

Studies of strong gravitational lensing in current and upcoming wide and deep photometric surveys, and of stellar kinematics from (integral-field) spectroscopy at increasing redshifts, promise to provide valuable constraints on galaxy density profiles and shapes. However, both methods are affected by various selection and modelling biases, which we aim to investigate in a consistent way. In this first paper in a series, we develop a flexible but efficient pipeline to simulate lensing by realistic galaxy models. These galaxy models have separate stellar and dark matter components, each with a range of density profiles and shapes representative of early-type, central galaxies without significant contributions from other nearby galaxies. We use Fourier methods to calculate the lensing properties of galaxies with arbitrary surface density distributions, and Monte Carlo methods to compute lensing statistics such as point-source lensing cross-sections. Incorporating a variety of magnification bias modes lets us examine different survey limitations in image resolution and flux. We rigorously test the numerical methods for systematic errors and sensitivity to basic assumptions. We also determine the minimum number of viewing angles that must be sampled in order to recover accurate orientation-averaged lensing quantities. We find that for a range of non-isothermal stellar and dark matter density profiles typical of elliptical galaxies, the combined density profile and corresponding lensing properties are surprisingly close to isothermal around the Einstein radius. The converse implication is that constraints from strong lensing and/or stellar kinematics, which are indeed consistent with isothermal models near the Einstein radius, cannot trivially be extrapolated to smaller and larger radii.  相似文献   

We detail an innovative new technique for measuring the two-dimensional (2D) velocity moments (rotation velocity, velocity dispersion and Gauss–Hermite coefficients h 3 and h 4) of the stellar populations of galaxy haloes using spectra from Keck DEIMOS (Deep Imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph) multi-object spectroscopic observations. The data are used to reconstruct 2D rotation velocity maps.
Here we present data for five nearby early-type galaxies to ∼three effective radii. We provide significant insights into the global kinematic structure of these galaxies, and challenge the accepted morphological classification in several cases. We show that between one and three effective radii the velocity dispersion declines very slowly, if at all, in all five galaxies. For the two galaxies with velocity dispersion profiles available from planetary nebulae data we find very good agreement with our stellar profiles. We find a variety of rotation profiles beyond one effective radius, i.e. rotation speed remaining constant, decreasing and increasing with radius. These results are of particular importance to studies which attempt to classify galaxies by their kinematic structure within one effective radius, such as the recent definition of fast- and slow-rotator classes by the Spectrographic Areal Unit for Research on Optical Nebulae project. Our data suggest that the rotator class may change when larger galactocentric radii are probed. This has important implications for dynamical modelling of early-type galaxies. The data from this study are available on-line.  相似文献   

We present stellar radial velocity data for the Draco dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy obtained using the AF2/WYFFOS instrument combination on the William Herschel Telescope. Our data set consists of 186 member stars, 159 of which have good quality velocities, extending to a magnitude   V ≈19.5  with a mean velocity precision of ≈2 km s−1. As this survey is based on a high-precision photometric target list, it contains many more Draco members at large radii. For the first time, this allows a robust determination of the radial behaviour of the velocity dispersion in a dSph.
We find statistically strong evidence of a rising velocity dispersion consistent with a dark matter halo that has a gently rising rotation curve. There is a <2 σ signature of rotation about the long axis, inconsistent with tidal disruption as the source of the rising dispersion. By comparing our data set with earlier velocities, we find that Draco probably has a binary distribution and fraction comparable to those in the solar neighbourhood.
We apply a novel maximum likelihood algorithm and fit the velocity data to a two parameter spherical model with an adjustable dark matter content and velocity anisotropy. Draco is best fit by a weakly tangentially anisotropic distribution of stellar orbits in a dark matter halo with a very slowly rising rotation law  ( v circ∝ r 0.17)  . We are able to rule out both a mass-follows-light distribution and an extended halo with a harmonic core at the 2.5 to 3 σ significance level, depending on the details of our assumptions about Draco's stellar binary population. Our modelling lends support to the idea that the dark matter in dwarf spheroidals is distributed in the form of massive, nearly isothermal haloes.  相似文献   

We examine the spatial stability of spherical adiabatic Bondi accretion on to a point gravitating mass against external perturbations. Both transonic critical and subsonic subcritical accretion are shown to be stable against purely radial acoustic, vortex or entropy perturbations. In the case of non-radial perturbations the amplitude of the perturbations grows without limit with smaller radii. Instability manifests itself only if the size of the accreting body is much less than the Bondi radius so that the inflow is highly supersonic or highly subsonic at the surface of the accretor in the case of critical or subcritical accretion respectively. These asymptotics hold and consequently the instability may develop for adiabatic index of accreting gas γ < 5/3. We suggest that this instability may lead to an essential thermalization of accreting flow thus, particularly, solving the problem of otherwise inefficient energy release in spherical accretion on to a black hole.  相似文献   

We study the small perturbations in spherical and thin disc stellar clusters surrounding a massive black hole. Because of the black hole, stars with sufficiently low angular momentum escape from the system through the loss cone. We show that the stability properties of spherical clusters crucially depend on whether the distribution of stars is monotonic or non-monotonic in angular momentum. It turns out that only non-monotonic distributions can be unstable. At the same time, instability in disc clusters is possible for both types of distribution.  相似文献   

It is well known that the density and anisotropy profile in the inner regions of a stellar system with positive phase-space distribution function (DF) are not fully independent. Here, we study the interplay between density profile and orbital anisotropy at large radii in physically admissible (consistent) stellar systems. The analysis is carried out by using two-component  ( n - γ, γ1)  spherical self-consistent galaxy models, in which one density distribution follows a generalized γ profile with external logarithmic slope n , and the other a standard  γ1  profile (with external slope 4). The two density components have different 'core' radii, the orbital anisotropy is controlled with the Osipkov–Merritt recipe, and for simplicity we assume that the mass of the  γ1  component dominates the total potential everywhere. The necessary and sufficient conditions for phase-space consistency are determined analytically, also in the presence of a dominant massive central black hole, and the analytical phase-space DF of (   n - γ  ,1) models, and of   n - γ  models with a central black hole, is derived for  γ= 0, 1, 2  . It is found that the density slope in the external regions of a stellar system can play an important role in determining the amount of admissible anisotropy: in particular, for fixed density slopes in the central regions, systems with a steeper external density profile can support more radial anisotropy than externally flatter models. This is quantified by an inequality formally identical to the 'cusp slope-central anisotropy' theorem by An & Evans, relating at all radii (and not just at the centre) the density logarithmic slope and the anisotropy indicator in all Osipkov–Merritt systems.  相似文献   

We use the weighted integral form of spherical Bessel functions and introduce a new analytical set of complete and biorthogonal potential–density basis functions. The potential and density functions of the new set have finite central values and they fall off, respectively, similar to   r −(1+ l )  and   r −(4+ l )  at large radii, where l is the latitudinal quantum number of spherical harmonics. The lowest order term associated with   l = 0  is the perfect sphere of de Zeeuw. Our basis functions are intrinsically suitable for the modelling of three-dimensional, soft-centred stellar systems and they complement the basis sets of Clutton-Brock, Hernquist & Ostriker and Zhao. We test the performance of our functions by expanding the density and potential profiles of some spherical and oblate galaxy models.  相似文献   

We conduct high-resolution collisionless N -body simulations to investigate the tidal evolution of dwarf galaxies on an eccentric orbit in the Milky Way (MW) potential. The dwarfs originally consist of a low surface brightness stellar disc embedded in a cosmologically motivated dark matter halo. During 10 Gyr of dynamical evolution and after five pericentre passages, the dwarfs suffer substantial mass loss and their stellar component undergoes a major morphological transformation from a disc to a bar and finally to a spheroid. The bar is preserved for most of the time as the angular momentum is transferred outside the galaxy. A dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy is formed via gradual shortening of the bar. This work thus provides a comprehensive quantitative explanation of a potentially crucial morphological transformation mechanism for dwarf galaxies that operates in groups as well as in clusters. We compare three cases with different initial inclinations of the disc and find that the evolution is fastest when the disc is coplanar with the orbit. Despite the strong tidal perturbations and mass loss, the dwarfs remain dark matter dominated. For most of the time, the one-dimensional stellar velocity dispersion, σ, follows the maximum circular velocity, V max, and they are both good tracers of the bound mass. Specifically, we find that   M bound∝ V 3.5max  and     in agreement with earlier studies based on pure dark matter simulations. The latter relation is based on directly measuring the stellar kinematics of the simulated dwarf, and may thus be reliably used to map the observed stellar velocity dispersions of dSphs to halo circular velocities when addressing the missing satellites problem.  相似文献   

The NGC 5044 galaxy group is dominated by a luminous elliptical galaxy that is surrounded by ∼160 dwarf satellites. The projected number density profile of this dwarf population deviates within ∼1/3 of the virial radius from a projected Navarro, Frenk and White (NFW) profile, which is assumed to approximate the underlying total matter distribution. By means of a semi-analytic model, we demonstrate that the interplay between gravitation, dynamical friction and tidal mass loss and destruction can explain the observed number density profile. We use only two parameters in our models: the total to stellar mass fraction of the satellite haloes and the disruption efficiency. The disruption efficiency is expressed by a minimum radius. If the tidal radius of a galaxy (halo) falls below this radius, it is assumed to become unobservable. The preferred parameters are an initial total to stellar mass fraction of ∼20 and a disruption radius of  4 kpc  . In that model, about 20 per cent of all the satellites are totally disrupted on their orbits within the group environment. Dynamical friction is less important in shaping the inner slope of the number density profile because the reduction in mass by tidal forces lowers the impact of the friction term. The main destruction mechanism is tide. In the preferred model, the total B -band luminosity of all disrupted galaxies is about twice the observed luminosity of the central elliptical galaxy, indicating that a significant fraction of stars are scattered into the intragroup medium. Dwarf galaxy satellites closer to the centre of the NGC 5044 group may exhibit optical evidence of partial tidal disruption. If dynamical friction forces the satellite to merge with the central elliptical, the angular momentum of the satellite tends to be removed at the apocentre passage. Afterwards, the satellite drops radially towards the centre.  相似文献   

We study how well the complex gas velocity fields induced by massive spiral arms are modelled by the hydrodynamical simulations that we used recently to constrain the dark matter fraction in nearby spiral galaxies. More specifically, we explore the dependence of the positions and amplitudes of features in the gas flow on the temperature of the interstellar medium (assumed to behave as a one-component isothermal fluid), the non-axisymmetric disc contribution to the galactic potential, the pattern speed  Ωp  , and finally the numerical resolution of the simulation. We argue that, after constraining the pattern speed reasonably well by matching the simulations to the observed spiral arm morphology, the amplitude of the non-axisymmetric perturbation (the disc fraction) is left as the primary parameter determining the gas dynamics. However, owing to the sensitivity of the positions of the shocks to modelling parameters, one has to be cautious when quantitatively comparing the simulations to observations. In particular, we show that a global least-squares analysis is not the optimal method for distinguishing different models, as it tends to slightly favour low disc fraction models. Nevertheless, we conclude that, given observational data of reasonably high spatial resolution and an accurate shock-resolving hydro-code, this method tightly constrains the dark matter content within spiral galaxies. We further argue that, even if the perturbations induced by spiral arms are weaker than those of strong bars, they are better suited for this kind of analysis because the spiral arms extend to larger radii where effects like inflows due to numerical viscosity and morphological dependence on gas sound speed are less of a concern than they are in the centres of discs.  相似文献   

We present new Planetary Nebula Spectrograph observations of the ordinary elliptical galaxy NGC 4494, resulting in positions and velocities of 255 planetary nebulae out to seven effective radii (25 kpc). We also present new wide-field surface photometry from MMT/Megacam, and long-slit stellar kinematics from VLT/FORS2. The spatial and kinematical distributions of the planetary nebulae agree with the field stars in the region of overlap. The mean rotation is relatively low, with a possible kinematic axis twist outside  1 R e  . The velocity dispersion profile declines with radius, though not very steeply, down to  ∼70 km s−1  at the last data point.
We have constructed spherical dynamical models of the system, including Jeans analyses with multi-component Λ cold dark matter (CDM) motivated galaxies as well as logarithmic potentials. These models include special attention to orbital anisotropy, which we constrain using fourth-order velocity moments. Given several different sets of modelling methods and assumptions, we find consistent results for the mass profile within the radial range constrained by the data. Some dark matter (DM) is required by the data; our best-fitting solution has a radially anisotropic stellar halo, a plausible stellar mass-to-light ratio and a DM halo with an unexpectedly low central density. We find that this result does not substantially change with a flattened axisymmetric model.
Taken together with other results for galaxy halo masses, we find suggestions for a puzzling pattern wherein most intermediate-luminosity galaxies have very low concentration haloes, while some high-mass ellipticals have very high concentrations. We discuss some possible implications of these results for DM and galaxy formation.  相似文献   

We carry out a detailed orbit analysis of gravitational potentials selected at different times from an evolving self-consistent model galaxy consisting of a two-component disc (stars+gas) and a live halo. The results are compared with a pure stellar model, subject to nearly identical initial conditions, which are chosen so as to make the models develop a large-scale stellar bar. The bars are also subject to hose-pipe (buckling) instability which modifies the vertical structure of the disc. The diverging morphological evolution of both models is explained in terms of gas radial inflow, the resulting change in the gravitational potential at smaller radii, and the subsequent modification of the main families of orbits, both in and out of the disc plane.   We find that dynamical instabilities become milder in the presence of the gas component, and that the stability of planar and 3D stellar orbits is strongly affected by the related changes in the potential — both are destabilized, with the gas accumulation at the centre. This is reflected in the overall lower amplitude of the bar mode and in the substantial weakening of the bar, which appears to be a gradual process. The vertical buckling of the bar is much less pronounced and the characteristic peanut shape of the galactic bulge almost disappears when there is a substantial gas inflow towards the centre. Milder instability results in a smaller bulge, the basic parameters of which are in agreement with observations. We also find that the overall evolution in the model with a gas component is accelerated because of the larger central mass concentration and the resulting decrease in the characteristic dynamical time.  相似文献   

We have explored the hypothesis that the total mass ratio of the two main galaxies of the Local Group, the Andromeda galaxy (M31) and the Milky Way (MW), can be constrained by measuring the tidal force induced by the surrounding mass distribution, M31 included, on the MW. We argue that the total mass ratio between the two groups can be approximated, at least qualitatively, by finding the tidal radius where the internal binding force of the MW balances the external tidal force acting on it. Since M31 is the massive tidal 'perturber' of the local environment, we have used a wide range of M31 to MW mass-ratio combinations to compute the corresponding tidal radii. Of these, only a few match the distance of the zero-tidal shell, i.e. the shell identified observationally by the outermost dwarf galaxies which do not show any sign of tidal effects. This is the key to constraining the best mass-ratio interval of the two galaxies. Our results favour a solution where the mass ratio ranges from 2 to 3, implying a massive predominance of M31.  相似文献   

Recent images taken with the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) of the interacting disc galaxies NGC 4038/4039 (the Antennae) reveal clusters of many dozens and possibly hundreds of young compact massive star clusters within projected regions spanning about 100 to 500 pc. It is shown here that a large fraction of the individual star clusters merge within a few tens to a hundred Myr. Bound stellar systems with radii of a few hundred parsecs, masses ≲ 109 M⊙ and relaxation times of 1011 − 1012 yr may form from these. These spheroidal dwarf galaxies contain old stars from the pre-merger galaxy and much younger stars formed in the massive star clusters, and possibly from later gas accretion events. The possibility that star formation in the outer regions of gas-rich tidal tails may also lead to superclusters is raised. The mass-to-light ratio of these objects is small, because they contain an insignificant amount of dark matter. After many hundred Myr such systems may resemble dwarf spheroidal satellite galaxies with large apparent mass-to-light ratios, if tidal shaping is important.  相似文献   

We use N -body simulations to study the tidal evolution of globular clusters (GCs) in dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies. Our models adopt a cosmologically motivated scenario in which the dSph is approximated by a static Navarro, Frenk & White halo with a triaxial shape. We apply our models to five GCs spanning three orders of magnitude in stellar density and two in mass, chosen to represent the properties exhibited by the five GCs of the Fornax dSph. We show that only the object representing Fornax's least dense GC (F1) can be fully disrupted by Fornax's internal tidal field – the four denser clusters survive even if their orbits decay to the centre of Fornax. For a large set of orbits and projection angles, we examine the spatial and velocity distribution of stellar debris deposited during the complete disruption of an F1-like GC. Our simulations show that such debris appears as shells, isolated clumps and elongated overdensities at low surface brightness (≥26 mag arcsec−2), reminiscent of substructure observed in several Milky Way dSphs. Such features arise from the triaxiality of the galaxy potential and do not dissolve in time. The kinematics of the debris depends strongly on the progenitor's orbit. Debris associated with box and resonant orbits does not display stream motions and may appear 'colder'/'hotter' than the dSph's field population if the viewing angle is perpendicular/parallel to the progenitor's orbital plane. In contrast, debris associated with loop orbits shows a rotational velocity that may be detectable out to a few kpc from the galaxy centre. Chemical tagging that can distinguish GC debris from field stars may reveal whether the merger of GCs contributed to the formation of multiple stellar components observed in dSphs.  相似文献   

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