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The Radio occultation experiment on board Mariner 9 has been used to demonstrate that the altitude of the main electron density peak in the Martian ionosphere is closely related to the height of Mars’ surface at the occultation point. This is direct evidence for topographic effects on the Martian ionosphere. Modeling indicates that topographic-induced modulations of the neutral density in the upper atmosphere can account for the observed ionospheric effects. The neutral density modulation is likely to be caused by nonmigrating tides in the Martian thermosphere.  相似文献   

I. López  J. Lillo 《Icarus》2008,195(2):523-536
Magellan data show that the surface of Venus is dominated by volcanic landforms including large flow fields and a wide range of volcanic edifices that occur in different magmatic and tectonic environments. This study presents the results from a comprehensive survey of volcano-rift interaction in the BAT region and its surroundings. We carried out structural mapping of examples where interaction between volcanoes and regional fractures results in a deflection of the fractures around the volcanic features and discuss the nature of the local volcano-related stress fields that might be responsible for the observed variations of the regional fracture systems. We propose that the deflection of the regional fractures around these venusian volcanoes might be related to volcanic spreading, a process recognized as of great importance in the tectonic evolution of volcanoes on Earth and Mars, but not previously described on Venus.  相似文献   

I. López 《Icarus》2011,213(1):73-85
Volcanoes on Venus are classified according to size with studies on the stratigraphic position of large volcanoes proposing that most of the large volcanoes postdate the regional volcanic materials. Some studies regarding intermediate volcanoes proposed that some of these volcanic features could be large volcanoes with embayed flow aprons, a situation that would alter the previous stratigraphic considerations about large volcanoes on Venus.In this work I analyze the global population of embayed intermediate-size volcanoes and compare their summits with that of other edifices classified as large volcanoes. Intermediate-size volcanoes are considered embayed when: (1) flows from another source clearly overlap the volcano slopes, and (2) display scarps related to flank-failure processes but with the associated collapse deposits being absent (i.e. interpreted as covered). As result of the survey 88 embayed intermediate-size volcanoes have been catalogued and integrated into a Geographic Information System. These embayed volcanoes have summit sizes and characteristics similar to large volcanoes and, therefore, could be interpreted as possible large volcanoes with their flow aprons embayed. Embayment materials for these volcanoes include all the units present in the history of the volcanic plains and would indicate that this type of central volcanic edifice would occur throughout the geologic history recorded in the venusian plains.  相似文献   

A number of voluminous, fine-grained, friable deposits have been mapped on Mars. The modes of origin for these deposits are debated. The feasibility for an origin by volcanic airfall for the friable deposits is tested using a global circulation model to simulate the dispersal of pyroclasts from candidate source volcanoes near each deposit. It is concluded that the Medusae Fossae Formation and Electris deposits are easily formed through volcanic processes, and that the Hellas deposits and south polar pitted deposits could have some contribution from volcanic sources in specific atmospheric regimes. The Arabia and Argyre deposits are not well replicated by modeled pyroclast dispersal, suggesting that these deposits were most likely emplaced by other means.  相似文献   

Wudalianchi volcanic field, located in northeast China, consists of 14 Quaternary volcanoes with each volcano as a steep-sided scoria cone surrounded by gently sloping lava flows. Each cone is topped with a bowl-shaped or funnel-shaped crater. The volcanic cones are constructed by the accumulation of tephra and other ejecta. In this paper, their geologic features have been investigated and compared with some Martian volcanic features at Ascraeus Mons volcanoes observed on images obtained from High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiments (HiRISE), Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC), Context Imager (CTX) and Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS). The results show that both Wudalianchi and Ascraeus Mons volcanoes are basaltic, share similar eruptive and geomorphologic features and eruptive styles, and have experienced multiple eruptive phases, in spite of the significant differences in their dimension and size. Both also show a variety of eruptive styles, such as fissure and central venting, tube-fed and channel-fed lava flows, and probably pyroclastic deposits. Three volcanic events are recognized at Ascraeus Mons, including an early phase of shield construction, a middle eruptive phase forming a low lava shield, and the last stage with aprons mantling both NE and SW flanks. We suggest that magma generation at both Wudalianchi and Ascraeus Mons might have been facilitated by an upwelling mantle plume or upwelling of asthenospheric mantle, and a deep-seated fault zone might have controlled magma emplacement and subsequent eruptions in Ascraeus Mons as observed in the Wudalianchi field, where the volcanoes are constructed along the northeast-striking faults. Fumarolic cones produced by water/magma interaction at the Wudalianchi volcanic field may also serve as an analogue for the pseudocraters identified at Isidis and Cerberus Planitia on Mars, suggesting existence of frozen water in the ground on Mars during Martian volcanic eruptions.  相似文献   

EUV and X-ray images of the Sun are used as tracers of the magnetic field structure in the Solar atmosphere in order to study the existence of currents in active regions. Criteria are suggested for comparing the data with theoretical extrapolations of magnetic field lines above the level of magnetograph observations. Analysis of the data presented in conjunction with force-free field calculations suggests the existence of currents flowing in opposite directions in nearby sets of loops in the active regions shown. Some simple qualitative implications of opposed current structures are suggested.  相似文献   

Dissociative recombination (DR) of ionospheric O2+ ions is an important source of suprathermal atomic oxygen in the exosphere as previous studies about the Martian upper atmosphere have shown. Because of the weaker gravitational attraction a hot oxygen corona on Mars should be denser than that observed on Venus. Since the most important mechanism for the production of the hot oxygen atoms in the Martian exosphere is DR, we investigated the variability of this production mechanism depending of solar activity. The Japanese Nozomi spacecraft will have the possibility to detect with the neutral mass spectrometer (NMS) for the first time in-situ the theoretically predicted hot oxygen corona on Mars, if the corona number density above the cold background atmosphere is of the order of 10,000 cm−3. Due to a problem in the propulsion system Nozomi failed its planned arrival rendevouzs with Mars in October 1999 and will, therefore, arrive at the red planet not before January 2004. Solar activity will reach its maximum in 2001, so the related production rate of hot oxygen atoms will be in the medium range during the new arrival date of Nozomi. We used the ionospheric profiles from the Viking mission for low solar activity conditions (F10.7≈70) and the Mariner 9 mission with a solar activity of about 120 for medium solar wind activity. The latter is comparable to the level we expect for the Mars arrival of Nozomi. The resulting influence of the hot oxygen corona number density distribution was calculated with a Monte Carlo technique. This technique is used to compute a hot particle density distribution function. We studied the atomic diffusion process in the Martian atmosphere by simulating the collision probability, particle direction and energy loss after collisions by generating random numbers. Compared to previous studies we have improved the Monte Carlo model by using more and smaller altitude steps and more detailed treatment of particles with a temporary downward motion. This has resulted in an increased amount of collisions and a shift to lower energies in the energy spectrum. Our results show that the hot oxygen component should begin to dominate above the cold background atmosphere at an altitude of about 500 km above the Martian surface. The NMS instrument on board of Nozomi should detect the hot oxygen component after its arrival at Mars in January 2004, at an altitude of about 600 km above the Martian surface. Since the solar activity will decrease during the mission the measurements during the first orbits will be the most significant ones. The first in-situ measurements of the hot oxygen number density would be very important for adjusting atmospheric escape models by separating ballistic, satellite and escape trajectories of the hot oxygen atoms, which are significant for studies of the evolution and solar wind interaction of the Martian atmosphere.  相似文献   

Here, we calculate the mineralogy of the Martian lower crust and upper mantle as a function of pressure and temperature with depth using four bulk compositions (average crust, Gusev basalt, olivine‐phyric shergottite, and primitive average mantle). We then use this mineralogy to extract rock properties such as density and seismic velocities, describe their changes with varying conditions and geotherms, and make predictions for the crust–mantle boundary. Mineralogically, all compositions produce garnet, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene in varying proportions at high pressures, with differences in minor minerals (spinel, ilmenite, rutile, and/or K‐feldspar). According to our calculations, the average crust and Gusev basalt compositions have the potential to yield higher densities than the average mantle composition, particularly for thicker crusts and/or colder geotherms. Therefore, recycling of the Martian crust into the mantle could occur through the process of crustal delamination, if not kinetically inhibited. However, our results show that, depending on crustal thickness, the crust may not be easily distinguishable from the mantle in seismic properties.  相似文献   

Abstract— The northern lowland plains, such as those found in Acidalia and Utopia Planitia, have high percentages of impact craters with fluidized ejecta. In both regions, the analysis of crater geometry from Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) data has revealed large ejecta volumes, some exceeding the volume of excavation. Moreover, some of the crater cavities and fluidized ejecta blankets of these craters are topographically perched above the surrounding plains. These perched craters are concentrated between 40 and 70°N in the northern plains. The atypical high volumes of the ejecta and the perched craters suggest that the northern lowlands have experienced one or more episodes of resurfacing that involved deposition and erosion. The removal of material, most likely caused by the sublimation of ice in the materials and their subsequent erosion and transport by the wind, is more rapid on the plains than on the ejecta blankets. The thermal inertia difference between the ejecta and the surrounding plains suggests that ejecta, characterized by a lower thermal inertia, protect the underneath terrain from sublimation. This results in a decreased elevation of the plains relative to the ejecta blankets. Sublimation and eolian erosion can be particularly high during periods of high obliquity.  相似文献   

Abstract— Olivine from Martian meteorite Allan Hills (ALH) 84001 occurs as clusters within orthopyroxene adjacent to fractures containing disrupted carbonate globules and feldspathic shock glass. The inclusions are irregular in shape and range in size from ~40 μm to submicrometer. Some of the inclusions are elongate and boudinage-like. The olivine grains are in sharp contact with the enclosing orthopyroxene and often contain small inclusions of chromite. The olivine exhibits a very limited range of composition from Fo65 to Fo66 (n = 25). The δ18O values of the olivine and orthopyroxene analyzed by ion microprobe range from +4.3 to +5.3‰ and are indistinguishable from each other within analytical uncertainty. The mineral chemistries, O-isotopic data, and textural relationships indicate that the olivine inclusions were produced at a temperature >800 °C. It is unlikely that the olivines formed during the same event that gave rise to the carbonates in ALH 84001, which have more elevated and variable δ18O values, and were probably formed from fluids that were not in isotopic equilibrium with the orthopyroxene or olivine. The reactions most likely instrumental in the formation of olivine could be either the dehydration of hydrous silicates that formed during carbonate precipitation or the reduction of orthopyroxene and spinel. If the olivine was formed by either reaction during a postcarbonate heating event, the implications are profound with regards to the interpretations of McKay et al. (1996). Due to the low diffusion rates in carbonates, this rapid, high-temperature event would have resulted in the preservation of the fine-scale carbonate zoning, while partially devolatilizing select carbonate compositions on a submicrometer scale (Brearley, 1998a). This may have resulted in the formation of the minute magnetite grains that McKay et al. (1996) attributed to biogenic activity.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on physical parameters (flow rates and rheological properties) of lava flows observed in the Central Elysium Planitia (CEP) region of Mars. The flows are modeled as Newtonian fluids, using the Jeffrey's equation and the concept of Graetz number, or alternatively as Bingham fluids. In addition to these approaches, a theoretical model of the shape of shield volcanoes based on the solution for the porous flow of an unconfined aquifer is applied to 5 shields, providing independent quantifications of rheological variations between the shields. This analysis indicates that of the five volcanoes studied, two are partially buried by lava postdating their formation, a result which has been confirmed independently in one case by high resolution images. Our observations reveal that two types of lava flows may be found in the CEP region. The first group is composed of large lava flows with viscosities around ∼2.5×105 Pa s or yield strengths ranging from 100 to 500 Pa. The second group includes small lava flows of the shield volcanoes and large leveed lava channels on the plains with viscosities below 103 Pa s, or yield strengths less than 200 Pa. When compared with other volcanic regions on Mars investigated with similar approaches, these latter values are, at present, the lowest inferred for martian lava flows. Several hypotheses for the formation of these lavas are discussed in the context of CEP given that low viscosity can be the result of (1) high temperature, (2) low crystal content, (3) low Si abundance of the liquid phase, and/or (4) the presence of dissolved volatiles. Two scenarios are considered. In the first one, it is demonstrated that low viscosity lavas (of low silica content) can be produced in the context proposed by Schumacher and Breuer [Schumacher, S., Breuer, D., 2007. Geophys. Res. Lett. 34. L12202] for recent volcanism. However, geochemical maps derived from GRS measurements do not provide support for anomalously low silica concentrations in this region. In the second scenario, a water-rich magma is proposed, although arguments in favor of a water-rich mantle source below the CEP are not available at the present time.  相似文献   

Caleb I. Fassett 《Icarus》2007,189(1):118-135
Ceraunius Tholus, a Hesperian-aged volcano in the Tharsis region, is characterized by small radial valleys on its flanks, and several larger valleys originating near its summit caldera. All of these large valleys drain from near the lowest present portion of the caldera rim and down the flanks of the volcano. The largest valley debauches into Rahe Crater (an oblique impact crater), forming a depositional fan. Recent study of climate change on Mars suggests that many low-latitude regions (especially large volcanic edifices) were periodically the sites of snow accumulation, likely triggered by variations in spin orbital parameters. We apply a conductive heat flow model to Ceraunius Tholus that suggests that following magmatic intrusion, sufficient heating would be available to cause basal melting of any accumulated summit snowpack and produce sufficient meltwater to cause the radial valleys. The geometry of the volcano summit caldera suggests that meltwater would also accumulate in a volumetrically significant caldera lake. Analysis of the morphology and volumes of the largest valley, as well as depositional features at its base, suggest that fluvial erosion due to drainage of this summit caldera lake formed the large valleys, in a manner analogous to how valleys were formed catastrophically from a lake in Aniakchak caldera in Alaska. Moreover, the event which carved the largest valley on Ceraunius Tholus appears to have led to the formation of a temporary lake within Rahe Crater, at its base. The more abundant, small valleys on the flanks are interpreted to form by radial drainage of melted ice or snow from the outside of the caldera rim. Comparison of Ceraunius Tholus with the volcano-capping Icelandic ice sheet Myrdalsjokull provides insight into the detailed mechanisms of summit heating, ice-cap accumulation and melting, and meltwater drainage. These observations further underline the importance of a combination of circumstances (i.e., climate change to produce summit snowpack and an active period of magmatism to produce melting) to form the valley systems on some martian volcanoes and not on others.  相似文献   

NWA 2737, a Martian meteorite from the Chassignite subclass, contains minute amounts (0.010 ± 0.005 vol%) of metal‐saturated Fe‐Ni sulfides. These latter bear evidence of the strong shock effects documented by abundant Fe nanoparticles and planar defects in Northwest Africa (NWA) 2737 olivine. A Ni‐poor troilite (Fe/S = 1.0 ± 0.01), sometimes Cr‐bearing (up to 1 wt%), coexists with micrometer‐sized taenite/tetrataenite‐type native Ni‐Fe alloys (Ni/Fe = 1) and Fe‐Os‐Ir‐(Ru) alloys a few hundreds of nanometers across. The troilite has exsolved flame‐like pentlandite (Fe/Fe + Ni = 0.5–0.6). Chalcopyrite is almost lacking, and no pyrite has been found. As a hot desert find, NWA 2737 shows astonishingly fresh sulfides. The composition of troilite coexisting with Ni‐Fe alloys is completely at odds with Chassigny and Nahkla sulfides (pyrite + metal‐deficient monoclinic‐type pyrrhotite). It indicates strongly reducing crystallization conditions (close to IW), several log units below the fO2 conditions inferred from chromites compositions and accepted for Chassignites (FMQ‐1 log unit). It is proposed that reduction in sulfides into base and precious metal alloys is operated via sulfur degassing, which is supported by the highly resorbed and denticulated shape of sulfide blebs and their spongy textures. Shock‐related S degassing may be responsible for considerable damages in magmatic sulfide structures and sulfide assemblages, with concomitant loss of magnetic properties as documented in some other Martian meteorites.  相似文献   

Two petrographic settings of carbonaceous components, mainly filling open fractures and occasionally enclosed in shock‐melt veins, were found in the recently fallen Tissint Martian meteorite. The presence in shock‐melt veins and the deuterium enrichments (δD up to +1183‰) of these components clearly indicate a pristine Martian origin. The carbonaceous components are kerogen‐like, based on micro‐Raman spectra and multielemental ratios, and were probably deposited from fluids in shock‐induced fractures in the parent rock of Tissint. After precipitation of the organic matter, the rock experienced another severe shock event, producing the melt veins that encapsulated a part of the organic matter. The C isotopic compositions of the organic matter (δ13C = ?12.8 to ?33.1‰) are significantly lighter than Martian atmospheric CO2 and carbonate, providing a tantalizing hint for a possible biotic process. Alternatively, the organic matter could be derived from carbonaceous chondrites, as insoluble organic matter from the latter has similar chemical and isotopic compositions. The presence of organic‐rich fluids that infiltrated rocks near the surface of Mars has significant implications for the study of Martian paleoenvironment and perhaps to search for possible ancient biological activities on Mars.  相似文献   

The hydromagnetic instability of a self-gravitating, incompressible rotating plasma of variable density has been examined in the presence of Hall currents. The system is assumed to be permeated by a variable horizontal magnetic field. The solution of the relevant linearized perturbation equations has been obtained by the normal mode technique through a variational principle which is shown to characterize the problem. Proper solutions have been obtained for a semi-infinite plasma having exponential density stratification along the vertical. The dispersion relation has been derived and solved numerically for different values of the physical parameters involved. It is found that Hall currents and Coriolis forces have both destabilizing influence as the growth rate of the unstable modes is found to increase with the increase of both Hall currents and Coriolis forces.  相似文献   

A new survey of Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) narrow-angle images of gullies in the 30°-45° S latitude band includes their distribution, morphology, local topographic setting, orientation, elevation, and slopes. These new data show that gully formation is favored over a specific range of conditions: elevation (−5000 to +3000 m), slope (>10°), and orientation (83.8% on pole-facing slopes). These data, and the frequent occurrence of gullies on isolated topographic highs, lead us to support the conclusion that climatic-related processes of volatile accumulation and melting driven by orbital variations are the most likely candidate for processes responsible for the geologically recent formation of martian gullies.  相似文献   

Abstract— Terrestrial impact structures provide field evidence for cratering processes on planetary bodies that have an atmosphere and volatiles in the target rocks. Here we discuss two examples that may yield implications for Martian craters: 1. Recent field analysis of the Ries crater has revealed the existence of subhorizontal shear planes (detachments) in the periphery of the crater beneath the ejecta blanket at 0.9–1.8 crater radii distance. Their formation and associated radial outward shearing was caused by weak spallation and subsequent dragging during deposition of the ejecta curtain. Both processes are enhanced in rheologically layered targets and in the presence of fluids. Detachment faulting may also occur in the periphery of Martian impacts and could be responsible for the formation of lobe‐parallel ridges and furrows in the inner layer of double‐layer and multiple‐layer ejecta craters. 2. The ejecta blanket of the Chicxulub crater was identified on the southeastern Yucatán Peninsula at distances of 3.0–5.0 crater radii from the impact center. Abundance of glide planes within the ejecta and particle abrasion both rise with crater distance, which implies a ground‐hugging, erosive, and cohesive secondary ejecta flow. Systematic measurement of motion indicators revealed that the flow was deviated by a preexisting karst relief. In analogy with Martian fluidized ejecta blankets, it is suggested that the large runout was related to subsurface volatiles and the presence of basal glide planes, and was influenced by eroded bedrock lithologies. It is proposed that ramparts may result from enhanced shear localization and a stacking of ejecta material along internal glide planes at decreasing flow rates when the flow begins to freeze below a certain yield stress.  相似文献   

Two constraints placed upon the cratering flux at Mars by the SNC meteorites are examined: crystallization ages as a constraint on surface ages and cosmic ray exposure ages and number of impacts as a constraint on absolute rates. The crystallization ages of the SNC meteorites appear to constrain the Martian cratering rate to be 4xLunar or more if the parent lavas are in the north of Mars and the number of SNC ejecting impacts are small. If the SNCs result from a single impact that formed the Lyot basin then the cratering rate must be at least 7xLunar or higher to produce a basin age less than the SNC crystallization age because the basin ages are themselves determined by crater counting. Assuming multiple uncorrelated impacts for SNC ejection from Mars over 10 million years a cratering rate of approximately 4xLunar is also found for ejecting impacts that form craters over 12km in diameter. Therefore, both crystallization ages and ejection ages and number of impacts appear consistent with a 4xLunar cratering rate at Mars. The effect on Martian chronologies of such a high cratering rate is to place the SNC crystallization ages partly within the epoch of channel formation on Mars and to extend this liquid water epoch over much of Mars history.  相似文献   

The effect of Hall currents have been studied on the instability of a stratified layer of a self-gravitating finitely conducting plasma of varying density. It is assumed that the plasma is permeated by a variable horizontal magnetic field stratified vertically. The stability analysis has been carried out for longitudinal mode of wave propagation. The solution has been obtained through integral equation approach. The dispersion relation has been derived and solved numerically. It is found that both the Hall currents and finite conductivity have a destabilizing influence on the growth rate of the unstable mode of disturbance.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the spectral reflectance of Martian meteorites from 0.3‐2.6 microns for the purpose of cataloguing spectra and the association of their spectral properties with mineralogy and petrology. We fit the spectra to a series of overlapping, modified Gaussian absorptions using least squares fitting. The results are validated against established relationships between photon interactions with mineral chemistry and the band parameters. These resultant band parameters can be used to constrain interpretations of Martian reflectance spectra in the search for the source region of meteorites from Mars. The limitations of the fitting method are discussed.  相似文献   

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