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Energetic particle (0.1 to 100 MeV protons) acceleration is studied by using high resolution interplanetary magnetic field and plasma measurements at 1 AU (HEOS-2) and at 5 AU (Pioneer 10). Energy changes of a particle population are followed by computing test particle trajectories and the energy changes through the particle interaction with the time varying magnetic field. The results show that considerable particle acceleration takes place throughout the interplanetary medium, both in the corotating interaction regions (CIR) (5 AU), and in quiet regions (1 AU). Although shocks may contribute to acceleration we suggest statistical acceleration within the CIRs is sufficient to explain most energetic particle observations (e.g., McDonaldet al., 1975; Barnes and Simpson, 1976).The first and second order statistical acceleration coefficients which include transit time damping and Alfvén resonance interactions, are found to be well represented byD T 8.5×10–6 T 0.5 MeV s–1 andD TT 4×10–6 T 1.5 MeV2 s–1 at 5 AU.By comparison, Fisk's estimates (1976), based on quasi-linear theory for transit-time damping, gaveD TT 5×10–7 T MeV2 s–1 at 1 AU.  相似文献   

An effect of the solar wind on the motion of interplanetary dust particles is investigated. An equation of motion is derived. It is pointed out that the Pseudo-Poynting-Robertson effect (and its special case — a corpuscular drag) and the corpuscular sputtering represent in reality one and the same effect within the framework of special relativity. In this context perturbation equations of celestial mechanics are also discussed.  相似文献   

Motion of the interplanetary dust particle under the action of collisions with much smaller interplanetary dust particles is investigated. The equation of motion is derived. Perturbation equations of celestial mechanics are also discussed. The results are compared with the Poynting-Robertson effect and the effect of solar wind on the motion of the interplanetary dust particles, from the point of view of observational data.  相似文献   

The problem of the action of the solar radiation on the motion of interplanetary dust particle is discussed. Differences between the action of electromagnetic solar radiation and that of the solar wind are explained not only from the point of view of the physical nature of these phenomena but also from the point of view of dust particle's orbital evolution. As for the electromagnetic solar radiation, general equation of motion for the particle is written and the most important consequences are: (i) the process of inspiralling toward the Sun is not the only possible motion - even spiralling from the Sun is also possible, and, (ii) the orbital plane of the particle (its inclination) may change in time. As for the solar wind, the effect corresponding to the fact that solar wind particles spread out from the Sun in nonradial direction causes that the process of inspiralling toward the Sun is in more than 50% less effective than for radial spread out; in the region of the asteroid belt (long period orbits) the process of inspiralling is changed into offspiralling. Also shift in the perihelion of dust particle's orbit exists.  相似文献   

We calculate the expected counting rate of a flat micrometeoroid detector of finite sensitivity passing in hyperbolic orbit near a planet. We assume that the distribution of particle sizes, s, can be expressed as a power law spectrum of index p, i.e. dN(s) = Cs?pds, and also that the particles encounter the sphere of influence of the planet with a certain speed v. The results of the calculations are then compared with the results returned by Pioneer 10 in its flyby of Jupiter. The observed increase in impact rate near Jupiter can be completely explained in terms of gravitational “focusing” of particles which are in heliocentric orbits; i.e., they are not in orbit about Jupiter. The absolute concentration of particles near the orbit of Jupiter is of the same order as at 1 AU: the exact ratio being a function of particle speed and spectral index. Data from one flyby are insufficient to determine a unique value for both the spectral index, p, and the particle velocity, v, but limits can be set. For reasonable encounter speeds (corresponding to eccentricities and inclinations of dust particles experienced near the Earth), the particles near Jupiter are characterized by a spectrum of index p ~ 3. The spectral index which best fits the data increases with increasing encounter speeds.  相似文献   

The action of the solar electromagnetic radiation on the motion of interplanetary dust particle of the plane mirror form is investigated. It is shown that for rapidly rotating plane mirror the speed of inspiralling toward the Sun is about a factor of 4 lower than that for spherical mirror of the same cross-sectional area. In principle, it is also possible that the plane mirror can be expelled from the inner part of the Solar System. Presented derivation is a little more general - it is considered that some parts of the incident radiation can be also absorbed or transmitted, not only reflected.Obtained results show that the Poynting-Robertson effect is strongly model-dependent. It is suggested that for real irregular porous particles the speed of inspiralling toward the Sun can be smaller than that for perfectly absorbing sphere. Orbital plane can change in time.  相似文献   

Forecasting space weather more accurately from solar observations requires an understanding of the variations in physical properties of interplanetary (IP) shocks as solar activity changes. We examined the characteristics (occurrence rate, physical parameters, and types of shock driver) of IP shocks. During the period of 1995 – 2001, a total of 249 forward IP shocks were observed. In calculating the shock parameters, we used the solar wind data from Wind at the solar minimum period (1995 – 1997) and from ACE since 1998 including the solar maximum period (1999 – 2001). Most of IP shocks (68%) are concentrated in the solar maximum period. The values of physical quantities of IP shocks, such as the shock speed, the sonic Mach number, and the ratio of plasma density compression, are larger at solar maximum than at solar minimum. However, the ratio of IMF compression is larger at solar minimum. The IP shock drivers are classified into four groups: magnetic clouds (MCs), ejecta, high speed streams (HSSs), and unidentified drivers. The MC is the most dominant and strong shock driver and 150 out of total 249 IP shocks are driven by MCs. The MC is a principal and very effective shock driver not only at solar maximum but also at solar minimum, in contrast to results from previous studies, where the HSS is considered as the dominant IP shock driver.  相似文献   

A new class of magnetic field signatures in the solar wind has been studied using interplanetary data obtained in the vicinity of Earth. Typical behavior of these signatures is a slow rise of the total magnetic field to a sharp peak and then a gradual and almost symmetric decrease to the background interplanetary magnetic field. These events last from a minimum of 30 min to a maximum of more than 11 hr. The background magnetic field is enhanced from 13 to up to 168%. However, there is no correlation between the amplification of the background field and the duration of each event. A total of 45 events have thus been found in a survey of the magnetometer data of two spacecraft (ISEE-3 and IMP-8), corresponding to a total of more than 6 years of available survey data. The peak magnetic pressure of these events is always less than the solar wind dynamic pressure by a factor of 10 or more. These signatures are similar to those observed at Venus by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter. Based on these observations and the previously discovered signatures at Venus, the cause of these events is postulated to be small outgassing bodies which have passed by the spacecraft. These bodies must outgas enough to produce the field distortion observed and yet they must be small enough to be generally undetected by observers on Earth.  相似文献   

Abrupt or gradual disintegration of the interplanetary dust particle causes increase of its distance from the Sun due to the solar radiation pressure. The problem of the orbital evolution of the interplanetary dust particles under such disintegration processes is discussed. The process of gradual disintegration due to the solar wind particles is calculated in detail. Obtained results represent corrections to the changes of orbital elements for the Poynting-Robertson effect and effect of the solar wind.  相似文献   

At 11:46 UT on 9 September 2011, the Wind spacecraft encountered an interplanetary (IP) fast-forward shock. The shock was followed almost immediately by a short-duration (~?35 minutes) extremely dense pulse (with a peak ~?94 cm?3). The pulse induced an extremely large positive impulse (SYM-H = 74 nT and Dst = 48 nT) on the ground. A close examination of other in situ parameters from Wind shows that the density pulse was associated with i) a spike in the plasma \(\upbeta\) (ratio of thermal to magnetic pressure), ii) multiple sign changes in the azimuthal component of the magnetic field (\(B_{\phi}\)), iii) a depressed magnetic field magnitude, iv) a small radial component of the magnetic field, and v) a large (>?90°) change in the suprathermal (~?255 eV) electron pitch angle across the density pulse. We conclude that the density pulse is associated with the heliospheric plasma sheet (HPS). The thickness of the HPS is estimated to be \({\sim}\,8.2\times10^{5}\ \mbox{km}\). The HPS density peak is about five times the value of a medium-sized density peak inside the HPS (~?18 cm?3) at 1 AU. Our global three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulation results (Wu et al. in J. Geophys. Res. 212, 1839, 2016) suggest that the extremely large density pulse may be the result of the compression of the HPS by an IP shock crossing or an interaction between an interplanetary shock and a corotating interaction region.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of solar particle events, observed by the GSFC-UNH charged particle detector on board Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 from March 1972 to December 1974 (from 1 to 5 AU for each spacecraft), is carried out with the goal of experimentally determining the statistical average interplanetary propagation conditions from 3 to 30 MeV. A numerical propagation model is developed that includes diffusion with a diffusion coefficient of the form k r =k o r , convection, adiabatic deceleration, and a variable coronal injection profile. The statistical analysis is carried out by individually analyzing each of five parameters (t max, (tmax), t 5, ) that are uniquely defined in a solar particle event. Each of the five parameter data sets were analyzed in terms of both a spacecraft-solar flare connection longitude 50°, and a numerical model that employed a variable exponential decaying coronal injection profile.The five individual parameter analyses are combined with the results that the statistical average radial interplanetary diffusion coefficient from 1 to 5 AU is given by k r = (1.2 ± 0.4) × 1021 cm2 s-1 with = 0.0± 0.3 for 3.4 to 5.2 MeV protons and k r = (2.6 ± 0.6) × 1021 cm2 s-1 with () = 0.0± 0.3 for 24 to 30 MeV protons. Using the classical relationship for the radial scattering mean free path r, i.e. k r = r/3, we obtain r = 0.09 ± 0.03 AU and 0.075 ± 0.020 AU for the low and high energy data, respectively. These results show, from 1 to 5 AU and from 3 to 30 MeV, that r is both independent of radial distance and approximately independent of rigidity (for r~P , where P = rigidity, = -0.15 ± 0.20).The above diffusion coefficients are inconsistent With both the predictions of the diffusion coefficient from present theoretical transport models and with the diffusion coefficient used in modulation studies at low energies.  相似文献   

A new class of disturbance in the interplanetary magnetic field has been discovered. This disturbance consists of an enhancement in the magnetic field strength lasting tens of minutes to hours. The strength of the enhancement is variable ranging up to over double the background field strength. The peak field pressure can be as high as 10% of the solar wind dynamic pressure. These events occur randomly with respect to the position of the spacecraft relative to Venus but not randomly with respect to Venus solar ecliptic longitude. There is a significant tendency for these events to cluster near certain ecliptic longitudes. The field distortion is often greater in the direction perpendicular to the solar wind flow rather than along it. These characteristics suggest that the source of the disturbances are weakly outgassing objects, possibly dispersed along their orbits such as in meteor streams.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive survey of 230 interplanetary CMEs (ICMEs) during 1995 – 2004 using Wind and ACE in situ observations near one AU, and examine the solar-cycle variation of the occurrence rate, shock association rate, scale size, velocity change, and other properties of ICMEs. The ICME occurrence rate increases (from 5 in 1996 to 40 in 2001) with solar activity; and 66% of all ICMEs occurred with shock(s). A compound parameter, the total pressure perpendicular to the magnetic field (Pt), i.e., the sum of magnetic and perpendicular plasma thermal pressures, assists us in effectively distinguishing ICMEs from other solar-wind structures such as stream interactions, and in quantifying the interaction strength. We interpret the characteristic signatures of the Pt temporal variation in terms of the inferred distance perpendicular to the flow to the center of the obstacle. Group 1 includes events that appear to be traversed near the ICME center, showing an apparent enhanced central Pt; Group 3 represents ICMEs passed far away from the center, displaying a rapid rise and then gradual decay in Pt; and Group 2 includes events with intermediate signatures. About 36% of 198 classifiable ICMEs are Group 1 events, consistent with the conventional wisdom that at one AU a magnetic cloud is found during crossings of only ~1/3 of ICMEs. Our set of Group 1 ICMEs and the set of magnetic clouds from other researchers have significant overlap and a similar solar-cycle dependence. The rough decline of the Group 1 fraction as solar activity increases, is consistent with rough increases of scale size, shock percentage, and peak Pt. These results call into question the need to have different mechanisms to create differently appearing ICMEs. Rather it is possible that all ICMEs have a central flux rope that is traversed about 33% of the time, but in the majority of cases is missed by the spacecraft. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

We have performed a survey of the characteristics of two types of large spatial-scale solar-wind structures, stream interaction regions (SIRs), and interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs), near 5.3 AU, using solar-wind observations from Ulysses. Our study is confined to the three aphelion passes of Ulysses, and also within ± 10° of the solar ecliptic plane, covering a part of 1992, 1997 – 1998, and 2003 – 2005, representing three slices of different phases of the solar activity cycle. Overall, there are 54 SIRs and 60 ICMEs in the survey. Many are merged in hybrid events, suggesting that they have undergone multiple interactions prior to reaching Jovian orbit. About 91% of SIRs occur with shocks, with 47% of such shocks being forward – reverse shock pairs. The solar-wind velocity sometimes stays constant or even decreases within the interaction region near 5.3 AU, in contrast with the gradual velocity increase during SIRs at 1 AU. Shocks are driven by 58% of ICMEs, with 94% of them being forward shocks. Some ICMEs seem to have multiple small flux ropes with different scales and properties. We quantitatively compare various properties of SIRs and ICMEs at 5.3 AU, and study their statistical distributions and variations with solar activity. The width, maximum dynamic pressure, and peak perpendicular pressure of SIRs all become larger than ICMEs. Dynamic pressure (P dyn) is expected to be important for Jovian magnetospheric activity. We have examined the distributions of P dyn of SIRs, ICMEs, and general solar wind, but these cannot explain the observed bimodal distribution of the location of the Jovian magnetopause. By comparing the properties of SIRs and ICMEs at 0.72, 1, and 5.3 AU, we find that the ICME expansion slows down significantly between 1 and 5.3 AU. Some transient and small streams in the inner heliosphere have merged into a single interaction region. Electronic Supplementary Material  The online version of this article () contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

During its cruise phase, prior to encountering Jupiter, the Cosmic Dust Analyser (CDA) onboard the Cassini spacecraft returned time of flight mass spectra (TOF MS) of two interplanetary dust particles. Both particles were found to be iron-rich, with possible traces of hydrogen, carbon, nickel, chromium, manganese, titanium, vanadium and minor silicates. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and potassium are also present as possible contaminants of the impact target of CDA. Silicates and magnesium do not feature predominantly in the spectra; this is surprising considering the expected dominance of silicate-rich minerals in interplanetary dust particles. The particle masses are and . The corresponding radii ranges for the particles, assuming densities from 7874-2500 kg m−3 are 0.7-4 μm and 2.6-6.8 μm, respectively. With the same density assumptions the β values (ratio of radiation pressure to gravitational force) are estimated as 0.027-0.21 and 0.016-0.06 respectively, allowing possible orbits to be calculated. The resulting orbits are bound and prograde with semi-major axes, eccentricities and inclinations in the region of 0.3-1.26 AU, 0.4-1.0 and 0-60° for the first particle and 0.8-2.5 AU, 0.2-0.9 and 0-30° for the second. The more probable orbits within these ranges indicate that the first particle is in an Aten-like orbit, whilst the second particle is in an Apollo-like orbit, despite both grains having very similar, predominantly metallic compositions. Other possible orbital solutions for both particles encompass orbits which more closely resemble those of Jupiter-family comets.  相似文献   

Recent helioseismic observations have found strong fluctuations at a period of about 1.3 years in the rotation speed around the tachocline in the deep solar convection layer. Similar mid-term quasi-periodicities (MTQP; periods between 1–2 years) are known to occur in various solar atmospheric and heliospheric parameters for centuries. Since the deep convection layer is the expected location of the solar magnetic dynamo, its fluctuations could modulate magnetic flux generation and cause related MTQP fluctuations at the solar surface and beyond. Accordingly, it is likely that the heliospheric MTQP periodicities reflect similar changes in solar dynamo activity. Here we study the occurrence of the MTQP periodicities in the near and distant heliosphere in the solar wind speed and interplanetary magnetic field observed by several satellites at 1 AU and by four interplanetary probes (Pioneer 10 and 11 and Voyager 1 and 2) in the outer heliosphere. The overall structure of MTQP fluctuations in the different locations of the heliosphere is very consistent, verifying the solar (not heliospheric) origin of these periodicities. We find that the mid-term periodicities were particularly strong during solar cycle 22 and were observed at two different periods of 1.3 and 1.7 years simultaneously. These periodicities were latitudinally organized so that the 1.3-year periodicity was found in solar wind speed at low latitudes and the 1.7-year periodicity in IMF intensity at mid-latitudes. While all heliospheric results on the 1.3-year periodicity are in a good agreement with helioseismic observations, the 1.7-year periodicity has so far not been detected in helioseismic observations. This may be due to temporal changes or due to the helioseismic method where hemispherically antisymmetric fluctuations would so far have remained hidden. In fact, there is evidence that MTQP fluctuations may occur antisymmetrically in the northern and southern solar hemisphere. Moreover, we note that the MTQP pattern was quite different during solar cycles 21 and 22, implying fundamental differences in solar dynamo action between the two halves of the magnetic cycle.  相似文献   

Whereas the inner planets' perturbations on meteoroids' and larger interplanetary bodies' orbits have been studied extensively, they are usually neglected in studies of the dynamics of smaller particles producing the zodiacal light through scattering of sunlight. Forces acting on these dust particles are fairly well known and include radiation forces and interaction with the solar wind. This article is the first in a series aimed at improving our knowledge of the dynamical evolution of dust in interplanetary space by studying the combined effects of these perturbations including gravitational perturbations by the planets Venus, Earth, Mars, and Jupiter. The necessity of including effects of the inner planets in dust dynamics investigations is established. Sample trajectories are presented to illustrate commonly occurring phenomenae, such as nonmonotonic changes in semimajor axis, eccentricity, inclination, and in the line of nodes. These perturbations are shown to be due to the inner planets as opposted to Jupiter or nongravitational forces.  相似文献   

Z. Smith  M. Dryer 《Solar physics》1991,131(2):363-383
A parametric study of the evolution within, and signatures at, 1 AU of high-speed streams is performed with the use of a MHD, 21/2-D, time-dependent model. This study is an extension of an earlier one by Smith and Dryer (1990) who examined the ecliptic plane consequences of relatively short-duration, energetic solar disturbances. The present study examines both the erupting and corotating parts of long-duration, high-speed streams characteristic of coronal hole flows. By examining the variation of the simulated plasma velocity, density, temperature, and magnetic field at 1 AU, as well as the location of the solar coronal hole sources relative to the observer at 1 AU, we are able to provide some insight into the identification of the solar sources of interplanetary disturbances. We present and discuss two definitions for angle locating the solar source of interplanetary disturbances at 1 AU.We apply our results to the suggestion by Hewish (1988) that low-latitude coronal holes are suitably positioned to be the sources of major geomagnetic storms when the holes are in the eastern half of the solar hemisphere at the time of the commencement of the storm. Our results indicate that, for these cases, the streams emanating from within the hole must be very fast, greater than 1000 km s–1, or very wide, greater than 60°, at the inner boundary of 18 solar radii in our simulation.  相似文献   

The solar wind flow behind shock fronts on June 25–26 and August 11, 1967 was studied using data from two spacecraft. For the last event the spacecraft were separated by 0.1 AU. In both cases there is a high degree of correlation between plasma parameters observed from the two spacecraft indicating that the features retain their identity over radial distances of at least 0.1 AU.  相似文献   

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