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Abstract– We have performed six shock experiments at nominal peak‐shock pressures of 12.5, 20, 33, 46.5, 64, and 85 GPa using polycrystalline anhydrite discs embedded in ARMCO‐Fe sample containers and the shock reverberation technique. The recovered samples were analyzed using X‐ray powder diffraction and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The X‐ray diffraction patterns recorded on all samples are compatible with the anhydrite structure; extra‐peaks have not been observed. Peak intensities decrease and peak broadening increases progressively in the pressure range from 0 to 46.5 GPa. At higher pressures, peak broadening diminishes and the X‐ray diffraction pattern of the 85 GPa sample resembles essentially that of unshocked, well‐crystallized anhydrite. Related structural changes at the nanoscale include in the pressure regime up to 20 GPa “cold” deformation phenomena such as cracks and deformation twins. Dislocation density increases up to 33 GPa and the strain increases up to 46.5 GPa. In the pressure range from 46.5 to 85 GPa, high postshock temperatures caused annealing of the deformation features. Increasing density and size of voids in the anhydrite samples shocked at 64 and 85 GPa indicate partial decomposition of anhydrite. Recalculation of the peak‐shock pressure in the experiments to a more realistic natural loading path indicates the onset of degassing of anhydrite in the pressure range of 30–41 GPa.  相似文献   

We have investigated six impact glass spherules from the K‐Pg event bed at Beloc, Haiti, using optical and electron microscopy, electron microprobe and in situ laser ablation–mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS; 37 trace elements, spot size 90–35 μm), in order to understand geochemical changes during alteration. The mm‐sized glass spherules are partly or totally altered to smectite, but original textural features are preserved. The average trace‐element composition of glass matches that one of the upper continental crust. Hints for a “meteoritic component” are lacking (Ni/Cr < 1.3; Pt below detection limit). Compared to this fresh glass, smectites are strongly depleted in trace elements, except for Li, Sc, V, Ni, Ga, Ge, and Ba. The chondrite‐normalized REE distribution patterns are flat with subchondritic abundances, related to their very low degree of crystallinity. We observe a positive Eu and a strong negative Ce anomaly; the latter is explained by formation of an organic Ce4+‐complex, soluble under reducing conditions. Zr/Hf of glasses and smectites is chondritic to superchondritic (35–40), whereas Nb/Ta in smectite is subchondritic (5–12) compared to Nb/Ta in the glass (~14–18). The low Nb/Ta is due to the low Nb concentrations in the smectite. Using in situ techniques with high spatial resolution, we have documented for the first time the significant changes in diagnostic elemental ratios during alteration of glass spherules. This has to be taken into account in the interpretation of geochemical data of not only impact materials but also volcanic glass, especially if bulk rock methods are used.  相似文献   

Abstract— It is now established that a large extraterrestrial object hit the Earth at the end of the Cretaceous period, about 65 Ma ago. We have investigated Re‐Os, Hf‐W, and Mn‐Cr isotope systems in sediments from the Cretaceous and the Paleogene in order to characterize the type of impactor. Within the Cretaceous‐Tertiary (K‐T) boundary layer, extraterrestrial material is mixed with terrestrial material, causing a dilution of the extraterrestrial isotope signature that is difficult to quantify. A phase essentially composed of Ni‐rich spinel, formed in the atmosphere mainly from melted projectile material, is likely to contain the extraterrestrial isotopic signature of the impactor. We show that the analysis of spinel is indeed the best approach to determine the initial isotope composition of the impactor, and that W and Cr isotopes confirm that the projectile was a carbonaceous chondrite.  相似文献   

Abstract— We examined the local iron environment in nine impact glasses from the Cretaceous‐Tertiary (K/T) boundary section at Beloc, Haiti, which formed as the result of impact melting during the Chicxulub impact event. The samples have been analyzed by Fe K‐edge high‐resolution X‐ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy to obtain data on both the Fe oxidation state and the coordination number. The pre‐edge peak of our high‐resolution XANES spectra display noticeable variations indicative of significant changes in the Fe oxidation state spanning a wide range from about 20 to 75 mol% trivalent Fe. All data plot along the same trend, falling between two mixing lines joining a point calculated as the mean of a group of tektites studied so far (consisting of four‐ and five‐coordinated Fe2+) to [4]Fe3+ and [5]Fe3+, respectively. Thus, the XANES spectra can be interpreted as a mixture of [4]Fe2+, [5]Fe2+, [4]Fe3+, and [5]Fe3+. There is no evidence for six‐fold coordinated Fe; however, its presence in small amounts cannot be excluded from XANES data alone. Our observations can be explained by two possible scenarios: either these impact glasses formed under very reducing conditions and, because of their small size, were easily oxidized in air while still molten, or they formed under a variety of different oxygen fugacities resulting in different Fe oxidation states. In the first case, the oxidation state and coordination number would imply similar formation conditions as splash‐form tektites, followed by progressive oxidation.  相似文献   

The Vargeão impact structure was formed in the Serra Geral basaltic and rhyodacitic to rhyolitic lava flows of southern Brazil, that belong to the Paraná‐Etendeka large igneous province. The Chapecó‐type rhyodacites contain small baddeleyite crystals recently dated at 134.3 (±0.8) Ma, which is regarded as the age of this acid volcanism coeval to the flood basalt eruption. Inside the impact structure, a brecciated rhyodacitic sample displays fine veinlets containing numerous lithic fragments in a former melt. This impact breccia contains newly formed zircons, either in the veins or at the contact between a vein and the volcanic matrix. The zircons are 10–50 μm in length, clear and nearly unzoned. In situ laser‐ablation dating of the zircons provides a concordant Early Aptian age of 123.0 ± 1.4 Ma that is regarded as the age of the impact event. As in situ age determination ensures the best possible selection of the analyzed mineral grains, the methodology employed in this study also represents a promising method for dating other impact structures.  相似文献   

Abstract– To better understand the impact cratering process and its environmental consequences at the local to global scale, it is important to know when in the geological record of an impact crater the impact‐related processes cease. In many instances, this occurs with the end of early crater modification, leaving an obvious sedimentological boundary between impactites and secular sediments. However, in marine‐target craters the transition from early crater collapse (i.e., water resurge) to postimpact sedimentation can appear gradual. With the a priori assumption that the reworked target materials of the resurge deposits have a different chemical composition to the secular sediments we use chemostratigraphy (δ13Ccarb, %Corg, major elements) of sediments from the Chesapeake Bay, Lockne, and Tvären craters, to define this boundary. We show that the end of impact‐related sedimentation in these cases is fairly rapid, and does not necessarily coincide with a visual boundary (e.g., grain size shift). Therefore, in some cases, the boundary is more precisely determined by chemostratigraphy, especially carbonate carbon isotope variations, rather than by visual inspection. It is also shown how chemostratigraphy can confirm the age of marine‐target craters that were previously determined by biostratigraphy; by comparing postimpact carbon isotope trends with established regional trends.  相似文献   

Abstract— Late Eocene microtektites and microkrystites recovered from Ocean Drilling Project Hole 689B at Maud Rise (Southern Ocean) are stratigraphically and geochemically compared to spherules from the North American and Pacific strewn fields, and to devitrified spherules from the Eocene-Oligocene global stratotype section and point section in Massignano, Italy. The ODP 689B microkrystites compare well to the Pacific strewn field microkrystites, which suggests that the geographic extent of the Pacific strewn field was much larger than previously documented. The elemental composition of microtektites of ODP Hole 689B is comparable to tektites of the North American strewn field. Their 87Sr/86Sr ratio, however, is different. We tentatively interpret this to reflect geochemical heterogeneity within the North American strewn field but can not exclude the option that the chemical discrepancies result from the existence of a third late Eocene impact site.  相似文献   

Abstract— Zag and Monahans (1998) are H‐chondrite regolith breccias comprised mainly of light‐colored metamorphosed clasts, dark clasts that exhibit extensive silicate darkening, and a halite‐bearing clastic matrix. These meteorites reflect a complex set of modification processes that occurred on the H‐chondrite parent body. The light‐colored clasts are thermally metamorphosed H5 and H6 rocks that were fragmented and deposited in the regolith. The dark clasts formed from light‐colored clasts during shock events that melted and mobilized a significant fraction of their metallic Fe‐Ni and troilite grains. The clastic matrices of these meteorites are rich in solar‐wind gases. Parent‐body water was required to cause leaching of chondritic minerals and chondrule glass; the fluids became enriched in Na, K, Cl, Br, Al, Ca, Mg and Fe. Evaporation of the fluids caused them to become brines as halides and alkalies became supersaturated; grains of halite (and, in the case of Monahans (1998), halite with sylvite inclusions) precipitated at low temperatures (≤100 °C) in the porous regolith. In both meteorites fluid inclusions were trapped inside the halite crystals. Primary fluid inclusions were trapped in the growing crystals; secondary inclusions formed subsequently from fluid trapped within healed fractures.  相似文献   

Abstract– The fluence of dust particles <10 μm in diameter was recorded by impacts on aluminum foil of the NASA Stardust spacecraft during a close flyby of comet 81P/Wild 2 in 2004. Initial interpretation of craters for impactor particle dimensions and mass was based upon laboratory experimental simulations using projectiles less than >10 μm in diameter and the resulting linear relationship of projectile to crater diameter was extrapolated to smaller sizes. We now describe a new experimental calibration program firing very small monodisperse silica projectiles (470 nm–10 μm) at approximately 6 km s?1. The results show an unexpected departure from linear relationship between 1 and 10 μm. We collated crater measurement data and, where applicable, impactor residue data for 596 craters gathered during the postmission preliminary examination phase. Using the new calibration, we recalculate the size of the particle responsible for each crater and hence reinterpret the cometary dust size distribution. We find a greater flux of small particles than previously reported. From crater morphology and residue composition of a subset of craters, the internal structure and dimensions of the fine dust particles are inferred and a “maximum‐size” distribution for the subgrains composing aggregate particles is obtained. The size distribution of the small particles derived directly from the measured craters peaks at approximately 175 nm, but if this is corrected to allow for aggregate grains, the peak in subgrain sizes is at <100 nm.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Brunflo fossil meteorite was found in the 1950s in mid‐Ordovician marine limestone in the Gärde quarry in Jämtland. It originates from strata that are about 5 million years younger than similar limestone that more recently has yielded >50 fossil meteorites in the Thorsberg quarry at Kinnekulle, 600 km to the south. Based primarily on the low TiO2 content (about 1.8 wt%) of its relict chromite the Brunflo meteorite had been tentatively classified as an H chondrite. The meteorite hence appears to be an anomaly in relation to the Kinnekulle meteorites, in which chromite composition, chondrule mean diameter and oxygen isotopic composition all indicate an L‐chondritic origin, reflecting an enhanced flux of meteorites to Earth following the disruption of the L chondrite parent body 470 Ma. New chondrule‐size measurements for the Brunflo meteorite indicate that it too is an L chondrite, related to the same parent‐body breakup. Chromite maximum diameters and well‐defined chondrule structures further show that Brunflo belongs to the L4 or L5 type. Chromites in recently fallen L4 chondrites commonly have low TiO2 contents similar to the Brunflo chromites, adding support for Brunflo being an L4 chondrite. The limestone in the Gärde quarry is relatively rich (about 0.45 grain kg−1) in sediment‐dispersed extraterrestrial chromite grains (>63 μm) with chemical composition similar to those in L chondrites and the limestone (1–3 grains kg−1) at Kinnekulle, suggesting that the enhanced flux of L chondrites prevailed, although somewhat diminished, at the time when the Brunflo meteorite fell.  相似文献   

Results from a survey of the northern Galactic plane (at declination ≳ 30°) at 151 MHz made with the Cambridge Low Frequency Synthesis Telescope are presented. This survey is designated the 7C(G) — i.e. the Galactic portion of the ongoing 7C surveys. This covers the regions 80° <  l  104° and 126° <  l  < 180°, for | b | ≤ 55°., and has some coverage to | b | ≈ 9°, with a resolution of ≈ 70 × 70 cossec (δ) arcsec2 (RA × Dec.). The observations, data reduction and calibration of this survey are described, and a catalogue of 6262 compact sources, with a completeness limit of ≈ 0.25 Jy over most of the survey region, is presented. The catalogue has an rms positional accuracy of better than 10 arcsec, and the flux densities are tied to the scale of Roger, Bridle & Costain with an accuracy of better than 10 per cent.  相似文献   

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