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K. Rages  J.B. Pollack 《Icarus》1983,55(1):50-62
Radial intensity scars of a Voyager 2 high phase angle image of Titan have been inverted to yield vertical extinction profiles at 1° intervals around the limb. A detached haze layer with peak particle number densities ~0.2 cm?3 exists at all latitudes south of ~45°N, and at an altitude of 300–350 km. The optical depth 0.01 level lies at a radius of 2932 ± 5 km at the equator and at a radius of 2915 ± 10 km over the poles (altitudes of 357 ± 5 and 340 ± 10 km, respectively). In addition to the haze layer at 300–350 km, there is a small enhancement in the extinction at ~450 km which exists at all latitudes between 75°S and ~60°N.  相似文献   

M. Podolak  N. Noy  A. Bar-Nun 《Icarus》1979,40(2):193-198
The optical properties of polymers, produced photolytically from ethylene, which was detected in Titan's atmosphere and from acetylene or hydrogen cyanide which may be present there, were studied experimentally. It is shown that an aerosol consisting of polyethylene provides an excellent fit to the variation of Titan's albedo with wavelength, while polymers of acetylene or hydrogen cyanide do not. This fit seems to remove the requirement of nitrogen-bearing polymers, which was proposed earlier to account for Titan's red coloration. Therefore, Titan's coloration does not necessarily imply the presence of nitrogen in its atmosphere. It is also proposed that above the layer of larger aerosol particles, whose scattering determines the phase function, there are smaller particles of the same material, which act as an absorbing haze to darken and slightly redden the underlying aerosol. This high-altitude haze also causes the observed strong limb-darkening.  相似文献   

A model of Titan's aerosol is presented which allows the particle size to vary with height. The model assumes a refractive index appropriate to an ethylene polymer and a mass flux independent of height equal to the value derived from laboratory measurements. The free parameters of the model are determined by fitting to the observed geometric albedo at 4000 and 6000 Å. A methane spectrum is derived which is in excellent agreement with observations. An aerosol optical depth of ~5 is found in the visible, with the particle radius varying from 0.01 to 8 μm. The presence of an optically thick methane cloud at the temperature minimum is indicated.  相似文献   

M. Podolak 《Icarus》1984,58(2):325-329
The consequences of the assumption that the mass flux through Titan's atmosphere is independent of height, when it is applied to the model of M. G. Tomasko and P. H. Smith (1982, Icarus51, 65–95) for the Voyager IPP polarization measurements, is explored. It is found that one of the basic assumptions of the constant flux model must be altered in order to make it consistent with both the polarization data and the observed equivalent widths of the methane bands.  相似文献   

Rate coefficients for several two- and three-body ion-molecule reactions involving hydrocarbons have been determined at thermal energies and above using drift tube-mass spectrometer techniques. The measured rates for clustering and breakup reactions involving CH5+ and C2H5+ ions in methane are found to be strongly temperature dependent in the range from 80 to 240 K. The equilibrium constants determined for these reactions differ somewhat from those of Hiraoka and Kebarle. Rate coefficients for two-body reactions of CH5+, C2H5+, N+, H+ and D+ ions with methane and/or ethane have been measured. The results indicate that the product yields of several of the fast ion-molecule reactions depend strongly on ion energy (temperature), and therefore previous room-temperature results may be of limited value for model calculations of Titan's atmosphere.  相似文献   

We have studied the possible synthesis of organic molecules by the absorption of galactic cosmic rays in an N2CH4H2 Titan model atmosphere. The cosmic-ray-induced ionization results in peak electron densities of 2 × 103 cm?3, with NH4+, C3H9+, and C4H9+ being among the important positive ions. Details of the ion and neutral chemistry relevant to the production of organic molecules are discussed. The potential importance of N(2D) reactions with CH4 and H2 is also demonstrated. Although the integrated production rate of organic matter due to the absorption of the cosmic ray cascade is much less than that by solar ultraviolet radiation, the production of nitrogen-bearing organic molecules by cosmic rays may be greater.  相似文献   

M. Podolak  E. Podolak 《Icarus》1980,43(1):73-84
We present a simple model for the formation and growth of photochemical aerosols in the atmosphere of Titan. We show that, in general, an optically thick layer of particles in the size range required by models of Titan cannot be obtained at pressures less than about 2 mbar. Since the thin model of Titan's atmosphere requires that the inversion not extend below pressures of 0.11 mbar (D. M. Hunten and J. J. Caldwell, 1978, preprint), it seems to be ruled out by the calculations.  相似文献   

Atoms which escape Titan's atmosphere are unlikely to possess escape velocity from Saturn, and can orbit the planet until lost by ionization or collision with Titan. It is predicted that a toroidal ring of between ~1 and ~103 atoms or molecules cm?3 exists around Saturn at a distance of about 10 times the radius of the visible rings. This torus may be detectable from Earth-orbit and detection of nondetection of it may provide some information about the presence or absence of a Saturnian magnetic field, and the exospheric temperature and atmospheric escape rate of Titan. It is estimated that, if Titan has a large exosphere, ~97% or more of the escaping atoms can be recaptured by Titan, thereby decreasing the effective net atmospheric loss rate by up to two orders of magnitude. With such a reduction in atmospheric loss rates, it becomes more plausible to suggest that satellites previously thought too small to retain an atmosphere may have one. It is suggested that Saturn be examined by Lyman-α and other observations to search for the gaseous torus of Titan. If successful, these could then be extended to other satellites.The effect of a hypothetical Saturnian magnetosphere on the atmosphere of Titan is investigated. It is shown that, if Saturn has a magnetic field comparable to Jupiter's (~10 G at the planetary surface), the magnetospheric plasma can supply Titan with hydrogen at a rate comparable to the loss rates in some of the models of Trafton (1972) and Sagan (1973). A major part of the Saturnian ionospheric escape flux (~ 1027 photoelectrons sec?1) could perhaps be captured by Titan. At the upper limit, this rate of hydrogen input to the satellite could total ~0.1 atm pressure over the lifetime of the solar system, an amount comparable to estimates of the present atmospheric pressure of Titan.  相似文献   

Although lightning has not yet been observed in Titan's atmosphere, the presence of condensable vapors and the deposition of a significant amount of solar energy at the surface suggest the possibility of lightning activity. Based on an understanding of the relationship of lightning activity to the amount of convective energy available on Titan, a lightning energy dissipation rate of 4 × 10?6, W/m2 can be expected. This value is much lower than that for Earth or Jupiter, and is a result of both the reduced solar flux at Titan and the absorption of sunlight by the aerosols that lie above the convective layer. For this dissipation rate, the amount of HCN and C2N2 produced by lightning should be greater than that by solar UV, but could be less than that produced by electron precipitation and galactic cosmic rays. Equilibrium calculations indicate that large mole fractions of elemental solid phase carbon will also be produced. Using a simplified model of aerosol formation, coagulation, and settling, it is estimated that a lightning-produced aerosol could have a typical optical depth of 10?2, with values as high as 0.1. The accumulation of soot over geological time might reach a meter or more in depth.  相似文献   

We have constructed a model of the physical processes controlling Titan's clouds. Our model produces clouds that qualitatively match the present observational constraints in a wide variety of model atmospheres, including those with low atmospheric pressures (25 mbar) and high atmospheric pressures. We find the following: (1) high atmospheric temperatures (160°K) are important so that there is a large scale height in the first few optical depths of cloud; (2) the aerosol mass production occurs at very low aerosol optical depth so that the cloud particles do not directly affect the photochemistry producing them; (3) the production rate of aerosol mass by chemical processes is probably greater than 3.5 × 10?14 g cm?2 sec?1; (4) and the eddy diffusion coefficient is less than 5 × 106 cm2 sec?1 except perhaps in the top optical depth of the cloud. Our model is not extremely sensitive to particle shape, but it is sensitive to particle density. Higher particle densities require larger aerosol mass production rates to produce satisfactory clouds. Particle densities of unity require a mass production rate on the order of 3.5 × 10?13 g cm?2 sec?1. We also show that an increase in mass input causes a decrease in the mean particle size, as required by J. B. Pollack et al. (1980, Geophys. Res. Lett. 7, 829–832), to explain the observed correlation between the solar cycle and Titan's albedo; that coagulation need not be extremely inefficient in order to obtain realistic clouds as proposed by M. Podolak and E. Podolak (1980, Icarus43, 73–83); that coagulation could be inefficient due to photoelectric charging of the particles; and, that the lifetime of particles near the altitude of unit optical depth is a few months, as required to explain the temporal variability observed by S. T. Suess and G. W. Lockwood and D. P. Cruikshank and J. S. Morgan (1979, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc.11, 564). Although Titan's aerosols are ottically thick in the vertical direction, the atmosphere is so extended that the horizontal visibility is greater than that found anywhere at Earth's surface.  相似文献   

In discussions of the circulation of planetary atmospheres, the atmospheric efficiency factor η is overestimated when the atmosphere is very thin, or when latent heat transfer is neglected.  相似文献   

M. Podolak  A. Bar-Nun 《Icarus》1979,39(2):272-276
The physics of aerosols in Titan's atmosphere is examined, and a simple relatioshi particle size, optical depth, and aerosol replacement rate is derived. The consequences for current models of Titan's aerosol distribution are discussed.  相似文献   

The current state of the theory of Jupiter's outer atmosphere is briefly reviewed. The similarities and dissimilarities between the terrestrial and Jovian upper atmospheres are discussed, including the interaction of the solar wind with the planetary magnetic fields. Estimates of Jovian parameters are given, including magnetosphere and auroral zone sizes, ionospheric conductivity, energy inputs, and solar wind parameters at Jupiter. The influence of the large centrifugal force on the cold plasma distribution is considered. The Jovian Van Alien belt is attributed to solar wind particles diffused in towards the planet by dynamo electric fields from ionospheric neutral winds and consequences of this theory are given.  相似文献   

The interaction of energetic auroral protons with the atmosphere is investigated. The results of a random number algorithm that describes the proton-hydrogen interconversion reactions as the beam loses energy are adopted to construct an energy deposition curve applicable over a wide range of initial proton energies. lonization rates and production rates of ejected electrons are computed and emission rates of hydrogen Balmer alpha and beta lines are evaluated using recently available low energy cross-sections.  相似文献   

We review the evidence that the Earth's atmosphere is regulated by life on the surface so that the probability of growth of the entire biosphere is maximized. Acidity, gas composition including oxygen level, and ambient temperature are enormously important determinants for the distribution of life. We recognize that the earth's atmosphere deviates greatly from that of the other terrestrial planets in particular with respect to acidity, composition, redox potential and temperature history as predicted from solar luminosity. These deviations from predicted steady state conditions have apparently persisted over millions of years. We explore the concept that these anomalies are evidence for a complex planet-wide homeostasis that is the product of natural selection. Possible homeostatic mechanisms that may be further investigated by both theoretical and experimental methods are suggested.  相似文献   

L. Trafton 《Icarus》1984,58(2):312-324
Triton's seasons differ materially from those of Pluto owing to four important differences in the governing physics: First, the obliquity of Triton is significantly less than Pluto's obliquity. Second, Triton's inclined orbit precesses rapidly about Neptune so that a complicated seasonal variation in the latitude of the Sun occurs for Triton. Third, Neptune's orbit is much more circular than Pluto's orbit so that the sunlight intercepted by Triton's disk does not vary seasonally. Finally, Triton's atmosphere cannot be saturated at the lower latitudes so that the mass of the atmosphere is controlled by the temperature of the high-latitude ices or liquids (polar caps), as for CO2 on Mars. The consequences of Triton's entire surface being covered with volatile substances have been examined. It is found that the circularity of Neptune's orbit then implies that Triton would have hardly any seasonal variation at all in surface temperature or atmospheric bulk, in spite of the complicated precessional effects of Triton's orbit. The only seasonal effect would be the migration of surface ices and liquids. This scenario is ruled out because it implies a column CH4 abundance much higher than that observed and because it quickly depletes the lower latitudes of volatiles. It is concluded that Triton's most volatile surface substances are probably relegated to latitudes higher than 35° and probably form polar caps. The temperature of the polar caps should be nearly equal, even during midwinter/midsummer when the insolation of the summer pole is greatest. If the summer pole completely sublimates during one of the “major” summers, Triton's atmosphere may begin to freeze out over the winter caps. It is therefore expected that Triton's atmosphere undergoes large and complex seasonal variations. Triton is currently approaching a “maximum southern summer”, and over the remainder of this century, a dramatic increase in CH4 abundance above the current upper limit of 1 m-Am may be witnessed.  相似文献   

Significant variations in the near-infrared brightness of Neptune during July and August 1980 were observed. These observations show a well-defined, large-amplitude variation in Neptune's J-K color, with a period of 17.73 ± 0.1 hr and are interpreted as diurnal variations resulting from the 17.73-hr rotation period of the upper atmosphere of Neptune in the presence of inhomogeneous weather. These results qualitatively corroborate those of D. P. Cruikshank (1978, Astrophys. J.220, L57-L59) in an earlier study using similar techniques. In addition, variations were observed in the 5-μm spectral region which are in phase with the variations seen at shorter wavelengths. A new 5-μm measurement of Uranus is also reported.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the binary recombination coefficient, α2, for the reaction NO++NO2? → products has been obtained over the range 185–530 K. It is found that the corresponding mean cross section σ is described by the power law σ ? A · T?0.9, and that α2 ? B · T?0.4. Data has also been obtained for two cluster ion recombination reactions which indicate that their recombination cross sections are only about 40% larger than for the parent ions at a given temperature, the cross sections for these reactions also apparently increasing with decreasing temperature. In the light of this data and by considering the most probable positive and negative ions existing at various altitudes up to 90km in the atmosphere, the most appropriate ionic recombination coefficients in various altitude ranges are deduced. Thus, between 30 and 90 km, where the recombination process is two-body, the coefficient varies over the narrow range 5–9 × 10?8 cm3s?1, while below 30 km the process is predominantly three-body with an effective two-body rate increasing rapidly to a maximum value ≈3 × 10?6 cm3s?1 in the troposphere, these deductions being based on published laboratory determinations of three-body recombination coefficients.  相似文献   

Michael J. Price 《Icarus》1977,30(4):760-768
Visual photometric function data for Saturn's rings are analyzed in terms of elementary anisotropic scattering radiative transfer models which involve the Henyey-Greenstein function. Limits are placed on the combinations of single scattering albedo and backscattering directivity which are permitted by observation. Particles with both microscopic and macrscopic lunar-like scattering properties are excluded by the analysis. Results are consistent with the ring particles being nearly pure spherical conglomerates of H2O frost.  相似文献   

The formation of methylamine (CH3NH2) in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere of Jupiter is investigated. Translationally hot hydrogen atoms are produced in the photolysis of ammonia, phosphine, and acetylene which react with methane to produce methyl (CH3) radicals; the latter recombine with NH2 to form CH3NH2. Also, methane is catalytically dissociated to CH3 + H by the species C2 and C2H produced in the photolysis of acetylene. It is shown that the combined production of CH3NH2 and subsequent photolysis to HCN is unlikely to account for the HCN observed near Jupiter's tropopause. Recombination of NH2 and C2H5N followed by photolysis to HCN is the preferred path. Production of C2H6 by these two processes is negligible in comparison to the downward flux of C2H6 from the Lyman α photolysis region of CH4. An upper limit column density on CH3PH2 is estimated to be ~1013 cm?2 as compared to 1015 cm?2 for CH3NH2. Hot H atoms account for a negligible fraction of the total ortho-para conversion by the reaction H + H2  相似文献   

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