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Cadmium is a highly volatile element and its abundance in meteorites may help better understand volatility‐controlled processes in the solar nebula and on meteorite parent bodies. The large thermal neutron capture cross section of 113Cd suggests that Cd isotopes might be well suited to quantify neutron fluences in extraterrestrial materials. The aims of this study were (1) to evaluate the range and magnitude of Cd concentrations in magmatic iron meteorites, and (2) to assess the potential of Cd isotopes as a neutron dosimeter for iron meteorites. Our new Cd concentration data determined by isotope dilution demonstrate that Cd concentrations in iron meteorites are significantly lower than in some previous studies. In contrast to large systematic variations in the concentration of moderately volatile elements like Ga and Ge, there is neither systematic variation in Cd concentration amongst troilites, nor amongst metal phases of different iron meteorite groups. Instead, Cd is strongly depleted in all iron meteorite groups, implying that the parent bodies accreted well above the condensation temperature of Cd (i.e., ≈650 K) and thus incorporated only minimal amounts of highly volatile elements. No Cd isotope anomalies were found, whereas Pt and W isotope anomalies for the same iron meteorite samples indicate a significant fluence of epithermal and higher energetic neutrons. This observation demonstrates that owing to the high Fe concentrations in iron meteorites, neutron capture mainly occurs at epithermal and higher energies. The combined Cd‐Pt‐W isotope results from this study thus demonstrate that the relative magnitude of neutron capture‐induced isotope anomalies is strongly affected by the chemical composition of the irradiated material. The resulting low fluence of thermal neutrons in iron meteorites and their very low Cd concentrations make Cd isotopes unsuitable as a neutron dosimeter for iron meteorites.  相似文献   

High resolution spectra of six photospheric Eu ii lines have been studied using the method of spectrum synthesizing. The isotope ratio is found to be Eu153/Eu151 = (48 ± 6)/(52 6) and the solar abundance of europium equals log Eu = 0.7 ± 0.2 in the log H = 12.00 scale.  相似文献   

Abstract– High‐precision Cu isotopic compositions have been measured for the metal phase of 29 iron meteorites from various groups and for four terrestrial standards. The data are reported as the δ65Cu permil deviation of the 65Cu/63Cu ratio relative to the NIST SRM 976 standard. Terrestrial mantle rocks have a very narrow range of variations and scatter around zero. In contrast, iron meteorites show δ65Cu approximately 2.3‰ variations. Different groups of iron meteorites have distinct δ65Cu values. Nonmagmatic IAB‐IIICD iron meteorites have similar δ65Cu (0.03 ± 0.08 and 0.12 ± 0.10, respectively), close to terrestrial values (approximately 0). The other group of nonmagmatic irons, IIE, is isotopically distinct (?0.69 ± 0.15). IVB is the iron meteorite group with the strongest elemental depletion in Cu and samples in this group are enriched in the lighter isotope (δ65Cu down to ?2.26‰). Evaporation should have produced an enrichment in 65Cu over 63Cu (δ65Cu >0) and can therefore be ruled out as a mechanism for volatile loss in IVB meteorites. In silicate‐bearing iron meteorites, Δ17O correlates with δ65Cu. This correlation between nonmass‐dependent and mass‐dependent parameters suggests that the Cu isotopic composition of iron meteorites has not been modified by planetary differentiation to a large extent. Therefore, Cu isotopic ratios can be used to confirm genetic links. Cu isotopes thus confirm genetic relationships between groups of iron meteorites (e.g., IAB and IIICD; IIIE and IIIAB); and between iron meteorites and chondrites (e.g., IIE and H chondrites). Several genetic connections between iron meteorites groups are confirmed by Cu isotopes, (e.g., IAB and IIICD; IIIE and IIIAB); and between iron meteorites and chondrites (e.g., IIE and H chondrites).  相似文献   

The origin and transport of water in the early Solar System is an important topic in both astrophysics and planetary science, with applications to protosolar disk evolution, planetary formation, and astrobiology. Of particular interest for understanding primordial water transport are the unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (UOCs), which have been affected by very limited alteration since their formation. Using X-ray diffraction and isotope ratio mass spectrometry, we determined the bulk mineralogy, H2O content, and D/H ratios of 21 UOCs spanning from petrologic subtypes 3.00–3.9. The studied UOC falls of the lowest subtypes contain approximately 1 wt% H2O, and water abundance globally decreases with increasing thermal metamorphism. In addition, UOC falls of the lowest subtypes have elevated D/H ratios as high as those determined for some outer Solar System comets. This does not easily fit with existing models of water in the protoplanetary disk, which suggest D/H ratios were low in the warm inner Solar System and increased radially. These new analyses confirm that OC parent bodies accreted a D-rich component, possibly originating from either the outer protosolar nebula or from injection of molecular cloud streamers. The sharp decrease of D/H ratios with increasing metamorphism suggests that the phase(s) hosting this D-rich component is readily destroyed through thermal alteration.  相似文献   

New petrography, mineral chemistry, and whole rock major, minor, and trace element abundance data are reported for 29 dominantly unbrecciated basaltic (noncumulate) eucrites and one cumulate eucrite. Among unbrecciated samples, several exhibit shock darkening and impact melt veins, with incomplete preservation of primary textures. There is extensive thermal metamorphism of some eucrites, consistent with prior work. A “pristinity filter” of textural information, siderophile element abundances, and Ni/Co ratios of bulk rocks is used to address whether eucrite samples preserve endogenous refractory geochemical signatures of their asteroid parent body (i.e., Vesta), or could have experienced exogenous impact contamination. Based on these criteria, Cumulus Hills 04049, Elephant Moraine 90020, Grosvenor Range 95533, Pecora Escarpment 91245, and possibly Queen Alexander Range 97053 and Northwest Africa 1923 are pristine eucrites. Eucrite major element compositions and refractory incompatible trace element abundances are minimally affected by metamorphism or impact contamination. Eucrite petrogenesis examined through the lens of these elements is consistent with partial melting of a silicate mantle that experienced prior metal–silicate equilibrium, rather than as melts associated with cumulate diogenites. In the absence of the requirement of a large-scale magma ocean to explain eucrite petrogenesis, the interior structure of Vesta could be more heterogeneous than for larger planetary bodies.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report on major and trace element analyses of 17 eucrites, including three cumulate eucrites (Binda, Moore County, and Serra de Magé), determined by, respectively, inductively‐coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry and inductively‐coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The results obtained for Binda and Moore County are consistent with the model of Treiman (1997) for the formation of cumulate eucrites, which holds that these meteorites were produced from a eucritic melt. Our sample of Serra de Magé contains unusually large amounts of pyroxene and probably an accessory phase rich in heavy rare earth elements and is therefore not representative of this eucrite as known from literature data. Our results for the noncumulate eucrites Bereba, Bouvante, Cachari, Caldera, Camel Donga, Ibitira, Jonzac, Juvinas, Lakangaon, Millbillillie, Padvarninkai, Pasamonte, Sioux County, and Stannern are in good agreement with literature data. The observed decoupling between major and trace elements for noncumulate eucrites can be explained by in situ crystallization during the differentiation of an asteroidal magma ocean. This model can further account for both the Nuevo Laredo and the Stannern trends but has as a consequence that none of the analyzed eucrites represents a primary melt.  相似文献   

Abstract— Nitrogen abundances and isotopic compositions of four CK chondrites (ALH85002, EET92002, Yamato6903 and Karoonda) were measured by a stepped-combustion method. Neon and Ar were also measured for the same samples. Two types of isotopically light N were observed. One of them is labile N released at low temperatures (~300 °C). This N is observed only in ALH85002. The other N is extracted at high temperatures (900?1200 °C) from all CK chondrites; although, the isotopic compositions are somewhat variable. There is a fair correlation between the excess 15N values and the abundance of trapped 36Ar for the high-temperature component, suggesting presolar origin of these species. The light N (δ15N = ?106.8‰) observed in Karoonda is one of the lightest N components ever reported for bulk chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have analyzed the potassium isotopic composition of four tektites from the Australasian strewn field, spanning a wide diversity of thermal histories, inferred from textures and volatile element contents. Our results indicate no isotopic differences between tektites and terrestrial crustal rocks, placing stringent limits of ≤2% loss of potassium during the brief duration of high temperature heating experienced by these samples. This confirms that the chemical composition of tektites is entirely a reflection of source rock composition and has not been modified by the tektiteforming process for elements less volatile than potassium. Losses of more volatile components, e.g., the halogens and water, are not precluded by the present data. Coupling a radiative cooling temperature‐time path with potassium vapor pressure data indicates that tektite melt drops are not likely to develop bulk elemental fractionation during the brief heating episodes of tektites for peak temperatures <2273 K. The extent of K isotopic fractionation is independent of droplet size but dependent on peak heating temperature. The exact peak temperature depends on the choice of vapor pressure data used for K, which need to be better constrained.  相似文献   

Abstract— The N-isotopic composition of acid-resistant residues of three low petrologic type ordinary chondrites (Adrar 003, LL3.2; Inman, L3.4; Tieschitz, H3.6) and an enstatite chondrite (Indarch, EH4) have been measured by static mass spectrometry. All of these samples have been shown by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to contain silicon nitride (Si3N4), and no other nitrides were detected in any of the residues (Lee et al., 1995). Stepped combustion has demonstrated the presence of at least two components with low C/N ratios, which have been interpreted as Si3N4. The most abundant component, common to all the meteorites studied, released during combustion at temperatures >1150 °C, may have formed during metamorphism of the meteorite's parent body. In addition, the ordinary chondrites Tieschitz and Inman show evidence for a second component of Si3N4 that is less stable to combustion than the first and is enriched in 15N. The unusual N-isotope signature suggests that this second type of Si3N4 may constitute a new type of interstellar grain. A comparison of the isotope and microscope data suggests that the >1150 °C component can be related to nierite (α-Si3N4) and the less stable component to β-Si3N4.  相似文献   

Apatite was analyzed by electron microprobe in 3 cumulate and 10 basaltic eucrites. Eucritic apatite is fluorine‐rich with minor chlorine and hydroxyl (calculated by difference). We confirmed the hydroxyl content by measuring hydroxyl directly in apatites from three representative eucrites using secondary ionization mass spectroscopy. Overall, most eucritic apatites resemble fluorine‐rich lunar mare apatites, but intriguing OH‐ and Cl‐rich apatites suggest a role for water and/or hydrothermal fluids in the Vestan interior or on other related differentiated asteroids. Most late‐stage apatite found in mesostasis has little hydroxyl or chlorine and is thought to have crystallized from a degassed magma; however, several apatites exhibit atypical compositions and/or textural characteristics. For example, the isotopically anomalous basaltic eucrite Pasamonte has apatite in the mesostasis with significant OH. Apatites in Juvinas also have significant OH and occur as veinlets crosscutting silicates. Euhedral apatites in the Moore County cumulate eucrite occur as inclusions in pyroxene and are also hydroxyl‐rich (0.62 wt% OH). The OH was confirmed by SIMS analysis and this apatite clearly points to the presence of water, at least locally, in the Vestan interior. Portions of Elephant Moraine (EET) 90020 have large and abundant apatites, which may be the product of apatite accumulation in a zone of melt‐rock reaction. Relatively chlorine‐rich apatites occur in basaltic eucrite Graves Nunataks (GRA) 98098 (approximately 1 wt% Cl). Particularly striking is the compositional similarity between apatite in GRA 98098 and apatites in lunar KREEP, which may indicate the presence of residual magmas from an asteroid‐wide magma ocean on Vesta.  相似文献   

Abstract— The C contents and δ13C values of eleven individual micrometeorites have been determined using a combination of stepped combustion and static mass spectrometry. A new low-blank procedure, involving pretreatment of the samples with a solvent to remove surficial contaminants, has enabled samples of 6–84 μg to be analysed successfully. The eleven samples (seven separated from Greenland cryoconite and four from Antarctic ice) were each split prior to C determination and a fragment taken for study using analytical electron microscopy. In this way, the chemical compositions were obtained thereby allowing comparison with other investigations. As with previous studies of micrometeorites collected at the Earth's surface, the major difficulty with interpreting the results involves distinguishing indigenous components from terrestrial contaminants. Overall C contents were typically <0.2 wt%, although one of the Greenland samples contained 1.5 wt% C, considered to arise mainly from algal contamination. For the other samples, around 0.05–0.15 wt% of the total C in each micrometeorite was considered to be organic in nature with at least some of this (if not all) being terrestrial in origin; the remainder was probably indigenous, being analogous to the macromolecular organic material found in primitive carbonaceous chondrites. The generally low content of this indigenous organic material, compared to conventional meteorites, is presumably a reflection of C loss from the micrometeorites either during atmospheric heating, or subsequent weathering. For that C combusting between 500 and 600 °C, ten of the samples appeared to show a simple two-component system (i.e., a mixture of blank and an isotopically light component; δ13C > ?32%). It is possible that the light component is Cδ, a fine-grained form of presolar diamond which is known to be prevalent in primitive chondritic meteorites. If so, then it is present in the micrometeorites at concentrations of ~30–600 ppm (typically 200 ppm), which is a similar level to that in meteorites. An analysis of algae separated from Greenland cryoconite shows tentative evidence for the presence of extraterrestrial silicon carbide; however, further work will be needed to substantiate this  相似文献   

Measurement of the isotopic composition of iron in primary cosmic rays will yield valuable information about the site (or sites) of its production. A solar-like composition could have several explanations but even a very crude concurrent measurement of the isotopes of nickel could clarify the situation. Enhancements of54Fe or58Fe relative to56Fe would be indicative of acceleration of material from regions typically more neutron-rich than those responsible for solar abundances. Slight enhancements of54Fe could be explained by taking as a cosmic-ray source supernovae of a different typical mass or higher initial metallicity than those responsible for solar nucleosynthesis.Dominance of54Fe or58Fe would be indicative of very neutron-rich matter such as can only occur in the deep interior of a highly evolved star and would be strong evidence for the acceleration of relatively unmixed material from deep inside a supernova.Supported in part by the National Science Foundation (GP-28027, MPS75-01398).  相似文献   

Rhenium is an important element with which to test hypotheses of isotope variation. Historically, it has been difficult to precisely correct the instrumental mass bias in thermal ionization mass spectrometry. We used W as an internal standard to correct mass bias on the MC‐ICP‐MS, and obtained the first precise δ187Re values (~±0.02‰, 2SE) for iron meteorites and chondritic metal. Relative to metal from H chondrites, IVB irons are systematically higher in δ187Re by ~0.14 ‰. δ187Re for other irons are similar to H chondritic metal, although some individual samples show significant isotope fractionation. Since 185Re has a high neutron capture cross section, the effect of galactic cosmic‐ray (GCR) irradiation on δ187Re was examined using correlations with Pt isotopes. The pre‐GCR irradiation δ187Re for IVB irons is lower, but the difference in δ187Re between IVB irons and other meteoritic metal remains. Nuclear volume‐dependent fractionation for Re is about the right magnitude near the melting point of iron, but because of the refractory and compatible character of Re, a compelling explanation in terms of mass‐dependent fractionation is elusive. The magnitude of a nucleosynthetic s‐process deficit for Re estimated from Mo and Ru isotopes is essentially unresolvable. Since thermal processing reduced nucleosynthetic effects in Pd, it is conceivable that Re isotopic variations larger than those in Mo and Ru may be present in IVBs since Re is more refractory than Mo and Ru. Thus, the Re isotopic difference between IVBs and other irons or chondritic metal remains unexplained.  相似文献   

A handful of events, such as the condensation of refractory inclusions and the formation of chondrules, represent important stages in the formation and evolution of the early solar system and thus are critical to understanding its development. Compared to the refractory inclusions, chondrules appear to have a protracted period of formation that spans millions of years. As such, understanding chondrule formation requires a catalog of reliable ages, free from as many assumptions as possible. The Pb‐Pb chronometer has this potential; however, because common individual chondrules have extremely low uranium contents, obtaining U‐corrected Pb‐Pb ages of individual chondrules is unrealistic in the vast majority of cases at this time. Thus, in order to obtain the most accurate 238U/235U ratio possible for chondrules, we separated and pooled thousands of individual chondrules from the Allende meteorite. In this work, we demonstrate that no discernible differences exist in the 238U/235U compositions between chondrule groups when separated by size and magnetic susceptibility, suggesting that no systematic U‐isotope variation exists between groups of chondrules. Consequently, chondrules are likely to have a common 238U/235U ratio for any given meteorite. A weighted average of the six groups of chondrule separates from Allende results in a 238U/235U ratio of 137.786 ± 0.004 (±0.016 including propagated uncertainty on the U standard [Richter et al. 2010]). Although it is still possible that individual chondrules have significant U isotope variation within a given meteorite, this value represents our best estimate of the 238U/235U ratio for Allende chondrules and should be used for absolute dating of these objects, unless such chondrules can be measured individually.  相似文献   

Morris Podolak 《Icarus》1977,30(1):155-162
Models of Jupiter's interior were computed using a new molecular hydrogen equation of state, and a more precise algorithm for computing gravitational moments. Models with H/He ratios of 13.5, 11.25, and 10 were computed, and it was found that the models had rocky cores of 16 to 18 Earth masses and envelopes with 20 to 50 Earth masses of water. Models with temperatures of less than 180°K at 1 bar had water-to-rock ratios which were less than the solar value, thus removing a difficulty of previous computations. Models were also constructed in which rock was put into the envelope in place of water. It was found that, to a good approximation, a given mass of rock will replace an equal mass of water. At present the two cases are indistinguishable.  相似文献   

Abstract— The fall and recovery of the Tagish Lake meteorite in British Columbia in January 2000 provided a unique opportunity to study relatively pristine samples of carbonaceous chondrite material. Measurements of the oxygen isotopic composition of water extracted under stepped pyrolysis from a bulk sample of this meteorite have allowed us to make comparisons with similar data obtained from CI and CM chondrites and so further investigate any relationships that may exist between these meteorites. The much lower yield of water bearing a terrestrial signature in Tagish Lake is indicative of the pristine nature of the meteorite. The relationship between the isotopic composition of this water and reported isotopic values for carbonates, bulk matrix and whole rock have been used to infer the extent and conditions under which parent‐body aqueous alteration occurred. In Tagish Lake the difference in Δ17O isotopic composition between the water and other phases is greater than that found in either CM or CI chondrites suggesting that reaction and isotopic exchange between components was more limited. This in turn suggests that in the case of Tagish Lake conditions during the processes of aqueous alteration on the parent body, which ultimately controlled the formation of new minerals, were distinct from those on both CI and CM parent bodies.  相似文献   

The Martian meteorites record a wide diversity of environments, processes, and ages. Much work has been done to decipher potential mantle sources for Martian magmas and their interactions with crustal and surface environments. Chlorine isotopes provide a unique opportunity to assess interactions between Martian mantle‐derived magmas and the crust. We have measured the Cl‐isotopic composition of 17 samples that span the range of known ages, Martian environments, and mantle reservoirs. The 37Cl of the Martian mantle, as represented by the olivine‐phyric shergottites, NWA 2737 (chassignite), and Shergotty (basaltic shergottite), has a low value of approximately ?3.8‰. This value is lower than that of all other planetary bodies measured thus far. The Martian crust, as represented by regolith breccia NWA 7034, is variably enriched in the heavy isotope of Cl. This enrichment is reflective of preferential loss of 35Cl to space. Most basaltic shergottites (less Shergotty), nakhlites, Chassigny, and Allan Hills 84001 lie on a continuum between the Martian mantle and crust. This intermediate range is explained by mechanical mixing through impact, fluid interaction, and assimilation‐fractional crystallization.  相似文献   

Abstract— This paper surveys the experimental material on the Rb-Sr systematics of eucrites accumulated in the literature for the last two decades. Among the meteorites studied, those representatives have been chosen for which the absence of disturbances of isotope systems seems reliably fixed (according to evidence from Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and U-Pb isotope data). These data have been subjected to joint statistical treatment. For ordinary eucrites the age has been estimated as T = 4.548 ± 0.058 Ga, and initial Sr isotope ratio, Iord = 0.698925 ± 14. For cumulate eucrites, the initial Sr isotope ratio has been estimated as Icum = 0.698872 ± 14. The substantial difference in initial Sr isotope composition suggests that those two eucrite groups originate from distinct parent bodies. Joint treatment of the available Rb-Sr data for angrites has been carried out for comparison, and the angrites initial Sr ratio has been estimated. On the basis of the estimates obtained formation intervals for the corresponding parent bodies have been calculated.  相似文献   

Abstract— Electron and ion microprobe measurements of major, minor, and trace element concentrations were made in individual grains of pyroxene, plagioclase, and Ca phosphates in Pomozdino and Peramiho, two eucrites previously classified as anomalous. Although Pomozdino pyroxene is highly magnesian, minor and trace element concentrations in both pyroxene and plagioclase of this meteorite are similar to those in other noncumulate eucrites. High incompatible element concentrations (similar to those in Stannern) coupled with mg# typical of cumulate eucrites confirm the anomalous character of this meteorite but do not allow us to distinguish unequivocally between different possible modes of origin. Peramiho has mg# and trace element concentrations similar to main group eucrites, indicating that this meteorite most probably belongs to this group. A previously reported low incompatible element concentration for Peramiho may be due to a sampling problem.  相似文献   

High‐precision Zn isotopic compositions measured by MC‐ICP‐MS are documented for 32 iron meteorites from various fractionally crystallized and silicate‐bearing groups. The δ66Zn values range from ?0.59‰ up to +5.61‰ with most samples being slightly enriched in the heavier isotopes compared with carbonaceous chondrites (0 < δ66Zn < 0.5). The δ66Zn versus δ68Zn plot of all samples defines a common linear fractionation line, which supports the hypothesis that Zn was derived from a single reservoir or from multiple reservoirs linked by mass‐dependent fractionation processes. Our data for Redfields fall on a mass fractionation line and therefore refute a previous claim of it having an anomalous isotopic composition due to nonmixing of nucleosynthetic products. The negative correlation between δ66Zn and the Zn concentration of IAB and IIE is consistent with mass‐dependent isotopic fractionation due to evaporation with preferential loss of lighter isotopes in the vapor phase. Data for the Zn concentrations and isotopic compositions of two IVA samples demonstrate that volatile depletion in the IVA parent body is not likely the result of evaporation. This is important evidence that favors the incomplete condensation origin for the volatile depletion of the IVA parent body.  相似文献   

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