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Numerical solutions of the Fokker-Planck equation governing the transport of solar protons are obtained using the Crank-Nicholson technique with the diffusion coefficient represented by Kr=K0rb where r is radial distance from the Sun and b can take on positive or negative values. As b ranges from +1 to ?3, the time to the observation of peak flux decreases by a factor of 5 for 1 MeV protons when VK0 = 3 AUb?1 where V is the solar wind speed. The time to peak flux is found to be very insensitive to assumptions concerning the solar and outer scattering boundary conditions and the presence of exponential time decay in the flux does not depend on the existence of an outer boundary. At VK0? 15 AUb?1, 1 MeV particles come from the Sun by an almost entirely convective process and suffer large adiabatic deceleration at b?0 but for b=+1, large Fermi acceleration is possible at all reasonable VK0 values. Implications of this result for the calculation and measurement of particle diffusion coefficients is discussed. At b?0, the pure diffusion approximation to transport overestimates by a factor 2 or more the time to peak flux but as b becomes more negative, the additional effects of convection and energy loss become less important.  相似文献   

An astrophysical electron acceleration process is described which involves turbulent plasma effects: the acceleration mechanism will operate in ‘collision free’ magnetoactive astrophysical plasmas when ion-acoustic turbulence is generated by an electric field which acts parallel to the ambient magnetic lines of force. The role of ‘anomalous’ (ion-sound) resistivity is crucial in maintaining the parallel electric field. It is shown that, in spite of the turbulence, a small fraction of the electron population can accelerate freely, i.e. runaway, in the high parallel electric potential. The number density n(B) of the runaway electron component is of order n(B)?n2(csU?)2, where n = background electron number density, cs = ion-sound speed and U? = relative drift velocity between the electron and ion populations. The runaway mechanism and the number density n(B) do not depend critically on the details of the non-linear saturation of the ion-sound instability.  相似文献   

A theory is presented for charged-particle collection by a cylindrical conducting object, such as a spacecraft or an electrostatic probe, which is moving transversely through a collisionless plasma, such as those in the upper atmosphere and space. The calculation is approximate, using symmetric potential profiles which are exact for the infinite-cylinder stationary case. Theoretical current predictions are presented for ratios of collector potential to electron thermal energy c/kTe from 0 to ?25, for ion-to-electron temperature ratios Ti/Tc = 1 and 0.5, ratio of collector radius to electron Debye length rc/λD from 0 to 100, and ratio of flow speed to ion thermal speed Si = U/(2kTi/mi12) from 0 to 10. Comparisons with existing exact calculations by other authors show that none of these fulfil all of the requirements for nontrivial comparison. Appropriate parameter ranges for future exact calculations are thereby suggested. These are as follows: (a) rc/λD should be large enough that the collector not be in or near orbit-limited conditions; (b) the ratio Si2/¦χc, i¦ of ion directed energy to potential energy change in the sheath, should be close to unity or if
Si2/¦χc,i¦? 1, then Si ? 1
.  相似文献   

I consider the range of Hill stability in the restricted circular problem of three bodies when the larger one of the two principal bodies has a finite oblateness. I show that the range r satisfies the equation
r = 1? μCcr ? 3μ + μr2 ? v (1? μ)r?3 ±(2 + 3v)(1 ? μ 1 + 3vr2r,
where μ is the mass parameter and v is an oblateness parameter. This result is applied to the solar system, the Earth-Moon system and binary star systems. It is then shown that, all the inner planets of the solar system, the great majority of asteroids and some short-period comets are Hill stable, that direct artificial satellites of the Earth are more stable than retrograde ones, and that contact binaries possess cores between which no mass exchange takes place.  相似文献   

Results are given of the calculations of the group delay time propagating τ(ω, φ0) of hydromagnetic whistlers, using outer ionospheric models closely resembling actual conditions. The τ(ω, φ0) dependencies were compared with the experimental data of τexp(ω, φ0) obtained from sonagrams. The sonagrams were recorded in the frequency range ? ? (0.5?2.5) Hz at observation points located at geomagnetic latitudes φ0 = (53?66)° and in the vicinity of the geomagnetic poles. This investigation has led us to new and important conclusions.The wave packets (W.P.) forming hydromagnetic whistlers (H.W.) are mainly generated in the plasma regions at L = 3.5?4.0. This is not consistent with ideas already expressed in the literature that their generation region is L ? 3?10. The overwhelming majority of the τexp values differ considerably from the times at which wave packets would, in theory, propagate along the magnetic field lines corresponding to those of the geomagnetic latitudes φ0 of the observation points. The second important fact is that the W.P. frequency ω is less than ΩH everywhere along its propagation trajectory, including the apogee of the magnetic force line (ΩH is the proton gyrofrequency). Proton flux spectra E ? (30?120) keV, responsible for H.W. generation, were determined. Comparison of the Explorer-45 and OGO-3 measurements published in the literature, with our data, showed that the proton flux density energy responsible for the H.W. excitation Np(MV622) ? (5 × 10?3?10?1) Ha2 where Ha is the magnetic field force in the generation region of these W.P. The electron concentration is Na ? (102?103) cm?3. The values given in the literature are Na ? (10?10?103) cm?3. The e data considered also leads to the conclusion that the generating mechanism of the W.P. studied probably always co-exists with the mechanism of their amplification.  相似文献   

It is shown that the asymptotic σ1(r) and ψ1(r) relations can be derived very simply by using the method of double series expansion, where σ1, ψ1(r,0) and ψ1 are the surface density perturbation, the gravitational potential perturbation at the symmetric plane Z=0 and the average potential perturbation respectively. The results are accurate to the order of both m2(kr)?2 and k〈∣z∣〉, where m is the number of spiral arms, k is the radial wave number, r is the distance from the centre of the galaxy, and 〈∣z∣〉 is the average vertical distance of a star from the Symmetrie plane Z=0. Such an accuracy is usually sufficient for the discussion of spiral modes in a spiral galaxy of small but finite disk thickness. It is pointed out that ψ1(r,0)~(σ1(r) relation can be expressed in a unified form for different vertical density profiles if 〈∣z∣〉 is adopted as the thickness scale, and that ψ1(r,0)~(σ1(r) can be expressed in a unified form for different vertical density profiles if 〈∣z?z∣〉 the average vertical separation between two stars, is adopted as the thickness scale. Only the value of the ratio 〈|z?z′|〉z〈|z|〉 is a functional of the vertical density profile. However, for the usual physically meaningful profiles, these values are very close to each other: It is 2 for the Gaussian profile, 1Ln2 = 1.443 for the rmsech2(zz1(r)) profile, and 1.5 for the exp[?|z|z1(r)] profile.  相似文献   

S.V. Gavrilov  V.N. Zharkov 《Icarus》1977,32(4):443-449
We calculate the Love numbers kn for n = 2 to 10, and determine the “gravitational noise” from tides. The new values k2 for Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus yield new estimates for the planetary dissipation functions: QJ ? 2.5 × 104, QS ? 1.4 × 104, QU ? 5 × 103.  相似文献   

Six times of maxima of the ultrashort-period cepheid variable EH Librae were measured in 1980 May to June and in 1981 January, with a three-channel photocounting high-speed photoelectric photometer. These, together with all the photoelectric times of maxima over the past 30 years, are used to re-examine the nature of the change of the period. We found that we can fix the times of maxima by the following formula
Tmax = T0+P0E+12βE2+AsinEP0E0
where T0 = HJD 2433438.6088 and P0 = 0.0884132445 d represent the initial maximum epoch and the pulsation period, β = ?2.8 × 10?8/yr; A = 0.0015 d, P0 = 6251 d = 17.1 yr are the semi-amplitude and the period of the sine curve, and E is the number of periods elapsed since T0, and (E0 = 70700).If we interpret this 17.1 year periodicity as a modulation of the phase of maximum by binary motion, then the semi-amplitude of the orbital radial velocity variation is K = 2πasini/E0 = 0.45 km/s and the mass function is
f(m)=m32sin3i(m1m2)2=(asini)3E20=6 x 10?5M

The potential ? of the electric field at high latitudes has been obtained by solving numerically the second order differential equation in spherical coordinates:
, where θ is colatitude, λ is longitude, σH and σP are the height-integrated Hall and Perdersen ionospheric conductivities, r = sinθ, and ψ is the current function. The boundary condition is ? = 0 on the geomagnetic parallel θ = 34°. Values of ψ are determined from geomagnetic field variations at the Earth's surface from geomagnetic field variations at the Earth's surface for various conditions in interplanetary space. σP and σH are taken to vary with season, local time, tilt of the geomagnetic dipole axis (UT), and intensity of corpuscular precipitation (the model proposed by Wallis and Budzinski, 1981). The model distributions of ?M and EM = -▽?m so obtained are compared with observational results. The feasibility has been demonstrated of interpreting the statistical results and individual measurement data in terms of a unified dynamic model of ionospheric electric fields. The model makes allowance for the changes of electromagnetic “weather” in interplanetary space.  相似文献   

The paper gives the results of detailed studies of the frequency spectra Ss(?) of the chain of the wave packets Fs(t) of geomagnetic pulsations PC-1 recorded at the Novolazarevskaya station. The bulk of the energy of Fs(t) is concentrated in the vicinity of the central frequencies ?s0 of spectra—the carrier frequencies of the signals. The velocity V0 ≌ 6.103km s?1 of the flux of protons generating these signals correspond to them. The spectra of the signals have oscillations—“satellites” irregularly distributed in frequency. These satellites, as the authors believe, testify to the presence of the individual groups of protons of low concentration whose velocities vary within 103–104 km s?1.Their energy is only of the order of 10?2–10?3 of the energy of the main proton flux. Clearly pronounced maxima on double and triple frequencies ? = 2?s0and 3?s0 are detected. They show that the generation of pulsations PC-1 is accompanied by the generation on the overtones of wave packets called in this paper “two-fold” and “three-fold” pulsations PC-1. Intensive symmetrical satellites of a modulation character have been discovered on frequencies ?±sK. Frequency differences Δ?sK± = ¦?s0 ? ?sK±¦ = (0.011,0.022 and 0.035) Hz correspond to them. The authors believe that the values of Δ?±sK are resonance frequencies of the magnetospheric cavity in which geomagnetic pulsations PC-1 are generated. It is established that the values of Δ?±sK coincide closely with the carrier frequencies of geomagnetic pulsations PC-3 and PC-4 generated in the magnetosphere. This leads to the conclusion that the resonance oscillations of the magnetospheric cavity are their source. Thus, the generation of geomagnetic pulsations of different types and resonance oscillations in the magnetosphere are integrated into a unified process. The importance of the results obtained and the necessity to check further their trustworthiness and universality, using experimental data gathered in different conditions, is stressed.  相似文献   

The photodissociation of water vapour in the mesosphere depends on the absorption of solar radiation in the region (175–200 nm) of the O2 Schumann-Runge band system and also at H-Lyman alpha. The photodissociation products are OH + H, OH + H, O + 2H and H2 + O at Lyman alpha; the percentages for these four channels are 70, 8, 12 and 10%, respectively, but OH + H is the only channel between 175 and 200 nm. Such proportions lead to a production of H atoms corresponding to practically the total photodissociation of H2O, while the production of H2 molecules is only 10% of the H2O photodissociation by Lyman alpha.The photodissociation frequency (s?1) at Lyman alpha can be expressed by a simple formula
JLyαH2O=4.5 ×10?61+0.2F10.7?65100exp[?4.4 ×10?19 N0.917]
where F10.7 cm is the solar radioflux at 10.7 cm and N the total number of O2 molecules (cm?2), and when the following conventional value is accepted for the Lyman alpha solar irradiance at the top of the Earth's atmosphere (Δλ = 3.5 A?) qLyα,∞ = 3 × 1011 photons cm?2 s1?.The photodissociation frequency for the Schumann-Runge band region is also given for mesospheric conditions by a simple formula
JSRB(H2O) = JSRB,∞(H2O) exp [?10?7N0.35]
where JSRB,∞(H2O) = 1.2 × 10?6 and 1.4 × 10?6 s?1 for quiet and active sun conditions, respectively.The precision of both formulae is good, with an uncertainty less than 10%, but their accuracy depends on the accuracy of observational and experimental parameters such as the absolute solar irradiances, the variable transmittance of O2 and the H2O effective absorption cross sections. The various uncertainties are discussed. As an example, the absolute values deduced from the above formulae could be decreased by about 25-20% if the possible minimum values of the solar irradiances were used.  相似文献   

The part that the energy transfer reaction N2(A3u+) + O(3P) → N2(X1g+) + O(1S) plays in the excitation of the auroral green line has been investigated. The contribution is estimated to be 40 per cent in this case, containing pulsating aurora in class IBC 1. Due to greater quenching of the A3u+ state, the centroid of the VK emission is displaced 10 km upwards of the green line height, which is centred at 110 km.  相似文献   

We analyze linear resonance oscillations in a non-uniform one-fluid finite-β plasma, which is oversimplified to understand easily fundamental characteristics of the resonance oscillations. A linear resonance oscillation of localized slow magnetosonic mode 2s = ω2A(1 + V2AV2s)], which has the diamagnetic property in a uniform plasma, is newly found to be excited in the radially non-uniform plasma. The localized slow resonance indicates a radially polarized compressional oscillation (δB ? δBH ? δBD). The sense of the Alfvénic polarizations in the H-D plane near the resonant point is a function of both the propagation in the azimuthal direction and the slope of wave amplitude in the radial direction, whereas the sense of the resonant slow magnetosonic polarizations changes in accordance only with the switch in the azimuthal propagation direction. Further multi-satellite studies are necessary to establish the resonant structures of the slow magnetosonic waves in the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

We have collected data on 241 galaxies from 13 sources and made a statistical analysis after reduction to a uniform system. We found that the Hubble sequence is one of increasing MHMT and MHLB, these mean values increasing monotonically from .0016 and .024 at E to .084 and .83 at Im, but the dispersion is large.The HI content in barred spiral is greater than that in ordinary spirals, and this is consistent with their statistics of angular momentum and colour.The HI content is related to colour; it is greater in bluer systems. The large dispersion suggests that it also depends on some other factors, but these are smoothed out when averaged over each type, resulting in a linear relation between 〈log(MMMT and 〈(B ? VOT)〉. Unlike the colour-colour diagram, the large dispersion on the log (MHLB) ? (B ? V0T) is not related to peculiar galaxies.  相似文献   

In the recent estimation by Maltsev and Lyatsky (1984) of the group velocity of surface waves on the inner boundary of the plasma sheet, the effect of the curvature of the field lines of the ambient magnetic field of the Earth on the spectrum has been assessed. The authors have not accounted for the fact, however, that the group velocity of the compressional surface magnetohydrodynamic waves itself is nonzero transverse to the magnetic field—a characteristic which has been omitted in the spectrum of Chen and Hasegawa (1974), being used by Maltsev and Lyatsky.This characteristic of compressional surface MHD waves is inherent for the spectrum ω = (k6k)VA(k26 + 2k2)12, obtained by Nenovski (1978) in the cold plasma limit VA ? VS(VA is Alfvén velocity, and VS, sound velocity). A comment has been made on the restrictions, proceeding from the approximation, used by Maltsev and Lyatsky. The estimation of the velocities for movements of auroral riometer absorption bays have been reviewed.  相似文献   

It is shown that the interplanetary quantity ε(t), obtained by Perreault and Akasofu (1978), for intense geomagnetic storms, also correlates well with individual magnetospheric substonns. This quantity is given by ε(t) = VB2sin4 (θ2)lo2, where V and B denote the solar wind speed and the magnitude of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), respectively, and θ denotes the polar angle of the IMF; lo is a constant ? 7 Earth radii. The AE index is used in this correlation study. The correlation is good enough to predict both the occurrence and intensity of magnetospheric substonns observed in the auroral zone, by monitoring the quantity ε(t) upstream of the solar wind.  相似文献   

The timing of the plasma-sheet thinning relative to the onset of the expansion phase of substorms is examined by the analysis of the OGO 5 electron (79 ± 23 keV) and proton (100~150 keV) data with the aid of simultaneous magnetic field observations. It is found that the timing of the thinning is significantly dependent on the distance. At x2 + y2 ? 15 RE the thinning often starts before the onset, while at x2 + y2 ? 15 RE it tends to occur after the onset, where x and y refer to solar magnetospheric coordinates. The thinning that precedes the expansion-phase onset has been found to reduce the thickness to ~1 RE, and further thinning may occur in a spatially limited region. Hence it is conceivable that the formation of the neutral line characterizing the substorm expansion phase is the consequence of the thinning of the plasma sheet in the near-Earth region.  相似文献   

Recent laboratory measurements of the deactivation rate constants for O(1S) have suggested that the dominant production mechanism for the green line in the nightglow is a two-step process. A similar mechanism involving energy transfer from an excited state of molecular oxygen is considered as a potential source of the OI (5577 Å) emission in the aurora. It is shown that the mechanism, O2 + e → O21 + e O21 + O → O2 + O(1S), is consistent with auroral observations; the intermediate excited state has been tentatively identified as the O2(c1?u) state. For the proposed energy transfer mechanism to be the primary source of the auroral green line, the peak electron impact cross-section for O21 production must be approximately 2 × 10?17 cm2.  相似文献   

In order to analyse the convective instability of the force-free magnetic field, an exact solution of the MHD equation for the magnetic field (1) together with the flow field (2) of constant speed V0 making an angle θ with the magnetic field, was chosen as the unperturbed state. The stability of the fields between two parallel conducting walls of seperation d was studied by a linear perturbation method, which led to the eigenvalue problem (12), X being given by (13). It was shown by an approximate variational method that instability will set in by the flow field if V0 is greater than 1/ 3 times Alfven velocity VA. For β=V2oV2A < 13, the stability of the force-free field (1) is not influenced by the flow field, which may still be significant in other respects. Perturbations transverse to the magnetic field were found to be the most unstable modes.  相似文献   

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