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The hydrogen isotopic composition of planetary reservoirs can provide key constraints on the origin and history of water on planets. The sources of water and the hydrological evolution of Mars may be inferred from the hydrogen isotopic compositions of mineral phases in Martian meteorites, which are currently the only samples of Mars available for Earth‐based laboratory investigations. Previous studies have shown that δD values in minerals in the Martian meteorites span a large range of ?250 to +6000‰. The highest hydrogen isotope ratios likely represent a Martian atmospheric component: either interaction with a reservoir in equilibrium with the Martian atmosphere (such as crustal water), or direct incorporation of the Martian atmosphere due to shock processes. The lowest δD values may represent those of the Martian mantle, but it has also been suggested that these values may represent terrestrial contamination in Martian meteorites. Here we report the hydrogen isotopic compositions and water contents of a variety of phases (merrillites, maskelynites, olivines, and an olivine‐hosted melt inclusion) in Tissint, the latest Martian meteorite fall that was minimally exposed to the terrestrial environment. We compared traditional sample preparation techniques with anhydrous sample preparation methods, to evaluate their effects on hydrogen isotopes, and find that for severely shocked meteorites like Tissint, the traditional sample preparation techniques increase water content and alter the D/H ratios toward more terrestrial‐like values. In the anhydrously prepared Tissint sample, we see a large range of δD values, most likely resulting from a combination of processes including magmatic degassing, secondary alteration by crustal fluids, shock‐related fractionation, and implantation of Martian atmosphere. Based on these data, our best estimate of the δD value for the Martian depleted mantle is ?116 ± 94‰, which is the lowest value measured in a phase in the anhydrously prepared section of Tissint. This value is similar to that of the terrestrial upper mantle, suggesting that water on Mars and Earth was derived from similar sources. The water contents of phases in Tissint are highly variable, and have been affected by secondary processes. Considering the H2O abundances reported here in the driest phases (most likely representing primary igneous compositions) and appropriate partition coefficients, we estimate the H2O content of the Tissint parent magma to be ≤0.2 wt%.  相似文献   

We report on the results of an experimental study based on the petrology of the Tissint meteorite, an olivine-phyric shergottite that preserves evidence of an oxidation event during its petrogenesis. We find that oxidation occurring after olivine saturation modifies the Cr zoning profiles in experimental run products, and note that similar Cr-depleted olivine profiles occur in the natural sample. We consider processes that could operate to modify Cr zoning profiles in experimentally produced olivine, and find that diffusion operates too slowly; furthermore, peritectic resorption of olivine, which occurs during oxidation, does not adequately shorten the diffusion length to account for the depletion. Fine-grained (<10 μm) spinel grains are observed within olivine crystals exclusively in cooling rate experiments involving an oxidation step, suggesting that the mechanism causing modification of Cr zoning profiles in olivine is the oxidation-induced exsolution of Cr-spinel, consistent with observations of natural samples. A replicate experiment with V included in the composition shows that V is similarly affected. Known partitioning behavior suggests that Ni and Co should be similarly affected due to preferential partitioning into spinel. We consider implications of our observations for the interpretation of the petrogenetic histories of other olivine-phyric shergottites, and provide a new petrographic tool for recognizing oxidation events in olivine-phyric shergottites.  相似文献   

The recent witnessed fall of the meteorite Tissint represents the delivery of a pristine new sample from the surface of Mars. This meteorite provides an unprecedented opportunity to study a variety of aspects about the planet's evolution. Using the Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isotopic systems, we determined that Tissint, a depleted shergottite, has a crystallization age of 574 ± 20 Ma, an initial ε143Nd = +42.2 ± 0.5, and an initial 87Sr/86Sr = 0.700760 ± 11. These initial Nd and Sr isotopic compositions suggest that Tissint originated from a mantle source on Mars that is distinct from the source reservoirs of the other Martian meteorites. The known crystallization ages, geochemical characteristics, ejection ages, and ejection dynamics of Tissint and other similarly grouped Martian meteorites suggest that they are likely derived from a source crater up to approximately 90 km in diameter with an age of approximately 1 Ma that is located on terrain that is approximately 600 million years old.  相似文献   

Two petrographic settings of carbonaceous components, mainly filling open fractures and occasionally enclosed in shock‐melt veins, were found in the recently fallen Tissint Martian meteorite. The presence in shock‐melt veins and the deuterium enrichments (δD up to +1183‰) of these components clearly indicate a pristine Martian origin. The carbonaceous components are kerogen‐like, based on micro‐Raman spectra and multielemental ratios, and were probably deposited from fluids in shock‐induced fractures in the parent rock of Tissint. After precipitation of the organic matter, the rock experienced another severe shock event, producing the melt veins that encapsulated a part of the organic matter. The C isotopic compositions of the organic matter (δ13C = ?12.8 to ?33.1‰) are significantly lighter than Martian atmospheric CO2 and carbonate, providing a tantalizing hint for a possible biotic process. Alternatively, the organic matter could be derived from carbonaceous chondrites, as insoluble organic matter from the latter has similar chemical and isotopic compositions. The presence of organic‐rich fluids that infiltrated rocks near the surface of Mars has significant implications for the study of Martian paleoenvironment and perhaps to search for possible ancient biological activities on Mars.  相似文献   

Abstract— Martian meteorites (MMs) have been launched from an estimated 5–9 sites on Mars within the last 20 Myr. Some 80–89% of these launch sites sampled igneous rock formations from only the last 29% of Martian time. We hypothesize that this imbalance arises not merely from poor statistics, but because the launch processes are dominated by two main phenomena: first, much of the older Martian surface is inefficient in launching rocks during impacts, and second, the volumetrically enormous reservoir of original cumulate crust enhances launch probability for 4.5 Gyr old rocks. There are four lines of evidence for the first point, not all of equal strength. First, impact theory implies that MM launch is favored by surface exposures of near‐surface coherent rock (≤102 m deep), whereas Noachian surfaces generally should have ≥102 m of loose or weakly cemented regolith with high ice content, reducing efficiency of rock launch. Second, similarly, both Mars Exploration Rovers found sedimentary strata, 1–2 orders of magnitude weaker than Martian igneous rocks, favoring low launch efficiency among some fluvial‐derived Hesperian and Noachian rocks. Even if launched, such rocks may be unrecognized as meteorites on Earth. Third, statistics of MM formation age versus cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) age weakly suggest that older surfaces may need larger, deeper craters to launch rocks. Fourth, in direct confirmation, one of us (N. G. B.) has found that older surfaces need larger craters to produce secondary impact crater fields (cf. Barlow and Block 2004). In a survey of 200 craters, the smallest Noachian, Hesperian, and Amazonian craters with prominent fields of secondaries have diameters of ?45 km, ?19 km, and ?10 km, respectively. Because 40% of Mars is Noachian, and 74% is either Noachian or Hesperian, the subsurface geologic characteristics of the older areas probably affect statistics of recognized MMs and production rates of secondary crater populations, and the MM and secondary crater statistics may give us clues to those properties.  相似文献   

Several controversies are associated with the age and origin of the shergottite meteorites, a suite of basaltic samples from Mars. Here, it will be argued that (1) the shergottites have a young igneous age, ≤600 Myr, (2) their parent magmas were relatively dry, (3) the range of initial isotopic compositions in shergottites is most likely due to assimilation of crustal materials by mantle‐derived basaltic magmas, and (4) the intercumulus liquid compositions of shergottites such as Shergotty and Zagami are relatively well constrained.  相似文献   

Abstract— Silica‐rich late‐stage crystallization pockets in the Martian meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 856 were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The pockets occur as wedges between maskelynite laths or between maskelynite and pyroxene. They consist of elongated grains of cristobalite and quartz embedded in a silica‐rich glass. Interstitial to the amorphous phase and silica minerals, a number of small accessory minerals have been identified, typical for late‐stage crystallization products. They are ilmenite, tranquillityite, fayalite, troilite, baddeleyite, apatite, and chloroapatite. Cristobalite and quartz are shocked, as revealed by the occurrence of numerous amorphous lamellae. This assemblage suggests metastable dendritic crystallization under hydrous conditions. Cristobalite crystallization was probably facilitated by the presence of impurities such as Na or H2O. Our observations show that silica minerals can be formed under magmatic conditions on Mars.  相似文献   

Elemental abundances for volatile siderophile and chalcophile elements for Mars inform us about processes of accretion and core formation. Such data are few for Martian meteorites, and are often lacking in the growing number of desert finds. In this study, we employed laser ablation inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) to analyze polished slabs of 15 Martian meteorites for the abundances of about 70 elements. This technique has high sensitivity, excellent precision, and is generally accurate as determined by comparisons of elements for which literature abundances are known. However, in some meteorites, the analyzed surface is not representative of the bulk composition due to the over‐ or underrepresentation of a key host mineral, e.g., phosphate for rare earth elements (REE). For other meteorites, the range of variation in bulk rastered analyses of REE is within the range of variation reported among bulk REE analyses in the literature. An unexpected benefit has been the determination of the abundances of Ir and Os with a precision and accuracy comparable to the isotope dilution technique. Overall, the speed and small sample consumption afforded by this technique makes it an important tool widely applicable to small or rare meteorites for which a polished sample was prepared. The new volatile siderophile and chalcophile element abundances have been employed to determine Ge and Sb abundances, and revise Zn, As, and Bi abundances for the Martian mantle. The new estimates of Martian mantle composition support core formation at intermediate pressures (14 ± 3 GPa) in a magma ocean on Mars.  相似文献   

Abstract– Major and trace element abundances were determined on powders prepared from four distinct chips from Allan Hills (ALH) 84001 to constrain the bulk rock composition, and to assess the trace element abundances of orthopyroxenes and phosphates. Our new determinations were used to evaluate the composition of the parental melt of this stone. An unrealistic light rare earth element (REE)‐enriched parental melt is calculated from the composition of the orthopyroxene and relevant equilibrium partition coefficients. The involvement of a small amount of trapped melt and subsolidus reequilibrations between orthopyroxene and the interstitial phases can account for this discrepancy. A parental melt that displays a trace element pattern (REE, Zr, and Hf) that closely resembles enriched shergottites such as Zagami or Los Angeles is calculated if these effects are taken into account. These results suggest that some shergottitic melts were already erupted on Mars during the Noachian.  相似文献   

Abstract— Through freeze-thaw disaggregation of the Murchison meteorite, we have recovered a refractory inclusion, HIB-11, that is unique in terms of its texture, mineral compositions, and bulk composition. It consists of anhedral, Y-rich (1.6 wt% Y2O3) perovskite and lathlike spinel grains enclosed in a matrix of fine-grained, Sc-rich (10.5 wt% SC2O3 avg.), Ti-rich (12.6 wt% TiO2 avg., reporting all Ti as TiO2) clinopyroxene. The chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) pattern is complex, with light REE (LREE) at ~10× C1, abundances increasing from Gd through Ho (the latter at ~104× C1), decreasing through Yb at 200× C1, and Lu at ~400× C1. The pattern reflects several stages of high-temperature volatility fractionation. Removal of Lu and Er from the source gas in the first condensation event was followed by partial to complete removal of the somewhat less refractory heavy REE, Gd through Ho, in the HIB-11 precursors by condensation from the fractionated residual gas in a second event. Both of these events probably reflect condensation of REE into ZrO2 or a mixed Zr-, Sc-, Ti-, Y-oxide at temperatures too high for hibonite stability. A second, lower-temperature component, which was subsequently added, had fractionated (Nd-poor, Ce-rich) LREE abundances that resulted from condensation from a gas that had undergone prior removal of the more refractory LREE, resulting in enrichment in Ce and the most volatile REE, Eu and Yb. The aggregate was then melted and quickly cooled, forming a fine-grained spherule. This is the first reported inclusion in which the two most refractory REE, Lu and Er, are strongly fractionated from the other REE. An absence of mass fractionation among the Ti isotopes indicates that HIB-11 is not an evaporative residue, implying that volatility fractionation of trace elements took place during condensation. The fact that the two most refractory heavy REE could be separated from the other, only slightly less refractory heavy REE suggests that a wide variety of REE patterns is possible, and that ultrarefractory inclusions with other unusual REE patterns, important recorders of nebular condensation, may yet be discovered.  相似文献   

We used new analytical and theoretical methods to determine the major and minor element compositions of the primary trapped liquid (PTLs) represented by melt inclusions in olivine and augite in the Martian clinopyroxenite, Nakhla, for comparison with previously proposed compositions for the Nakhla (or nakhlite) parent magma. We particularly focused on obtaining accurate K2O contents, and on testing whether high K2O contents and K2O/Na2O ratios obtained in previous studies of melt inclusions in olivine in Nakhla could have been due to unrepresentative sampling, systematic errors arising from electron microprobe techniques, late alteration of the inclusions, and/or boundary layer effects. Based on analyses of 35 melt inclusions in olivine cores, the PTL in olivine, PTLoliv, contained (by wt) approximately 47% SiO2, 6.3% Al2O3, 9.6% CaO, 1.8% K2O, and 0.9% Na2O, with K2O/Na2O = 2.0. We infer that the high K2O content of PTLoliv is not due to boundary layer effects and represents a real property of the melt from which the host olivine crystallized. This melt was cosaturated with olivine and augite. Its mg# is model‐dependent and is constrained only to be ≥19 (equilibrium Fo = 40). Based on analyses of 91 melt inclusions in augite cores, the PTL in augite, PTLaug, contained (by wt) 53–54% SiO2, 7–8% Al2O3, 0.8–1.1% K2O, and 1.1–1.4% Na2O, with K2O/Na2O = 0.7–0.8. This K2O content and K2O/Na2O ratio are significantly higher than inferred in studies of melt inclusions in augite in Nakhla by experimental rehomogenization. PTLaug was saturated only with augite, and in equilibrium with augite cores of mg# 62. PTLaug represents the Nakhla parent magma, and does not evolve to PTLoliv by fractional crystallization. We therefore conclude that olivine cores in Nakhla (and, by extension, other nakhlites) are xenocrystic. We propose that PTLoliv and PTLaug were generated from the same source region. PTLoliv was generated first and emplaced to form olivine‐rich cumulate rocks. Shortly thereafter, PTLaug was generated and ascended through these olivine‐rich cumulates, incorporating fragments of wallrock that became the xenocrystic olivine cores in Nakhla. The Nakhla (nakhlite) mantle source region was pyroxenitic with some olivine, and could have become enriched in K relative to Na via metasomatism. A high degree of melting of this source produced the silica‐poor, alkali‐rich magma PTLoliv. Further ascension and decompression of the source led to generation of the silica‐rich, relatively alkali‐poor magma PTLaug. Potassium‐rich magmas like those involved in the formation of the nakhlites represent an important part of the diversity of Martian igneous rocks.  相似文献   

The Tissint meteorite is a geochemically depleted, olivine‐phyric shergottite. Olivine megacrysts contain 300–600 μm cores with uniform Mg# (~80 ± 1) followed by concentric zones of Fe‐enrichment toward the rims. We applied a number of tests to distinguish the relationship of these megacrysts to the host rock. Major and trace element compositions of the Mg‐rich core in olivine are in equilibrium with the bulk rock, within uncertainty, and rare earth element abundances of melt inclusions in Mg‐rich olivines reported in the literature are similar to those of the bulk rock. Moreover, the P Kα intensity maps of two large olivine grains show no resorption between the uniform core and the rim. Taken together, these lines of evidence suggest the olivine megacrysts are phenocrysts. Among depleted olivine‐phyric shergottites, Tissint is the first one that acts mostly as a closed system with olivine megacrysts being the phenocrysts. The texture and mineral chemistry of Tissint indicate a crystallization sequence of: olivine (Mg# 80 ± 1) → olivine (Mg# 76) + chromite → olivine (Mg# 74) + Ti‐chromite → olivine (Mg# 74–63) + pyroxene (Mg# 76–65) + Cr‐ulvöspinel → olivine (Mg# 63–35) + pyroxene (Mg# 65–60) + plagioclase, followed by late‐stage ilmenite and phosphate. The crystallization of the Tissint meteorite likely occurred in two stages: uniform olivine cores likely crystallized under equilibrium conditions; and a fractional crystallization sequence that formed the rest of the rock. The two‐stage crystallization without crystal settling is simulated using MELTS and the Tissint bulk composition, and can broadly reproduce the crystallization sequence and mineral chemistry measured in the Tissint samples. The transition between equilibrium and fractional crystallization is associated with a dramatic increase in cooling rate and might have been driven by an acceleration in the ascent rate or by encounter with a steep thermal gradient in the Martian crust.  相似文献   

Tissint is an olivine‐phyric shergottite from an incompatible element depleted Martian mantle source. Oxythermobarometry applied to Tissint mineral phases demonstrates that the Tissint magma underwent an increase in oxygen fugacity, from ~3.5 log units below the quarz‐fayalite‐magnetite (QFM ) buffer during the early stages of crystallization, to QFM ?1.4 during the latter stages. This is the first time that such an oxidation event has been observed in a depleted shergottite. The reason for the oxidation event is unclear; however, calculations using the MELTS thermodynamic model suggest that auto‐oxidation is insufficient to cause more than ~1 log unit of oxidation, and therefore an external oxidation mechanism—such as oxidation by degassing—is required. If volatiles are responsible for the oxidation, then it indicates that volatiles are not exclusively tied to the enriched Martian mantle reservoir. A series of experiments using the Tissint parental magma were carried out under fixed (isothermal) or variable (cooling rate) temperature control, and at either reducing (QFM ?3.2) or oxidizing (QFM ?1) redox conditions. The observed liquid line of descent supports a potential genetic relationship between basaltic shergottites and olivine‐phyric shergottites. A peritectic relation where olivine is resorbed to form pyroxene is favored by increased oxygen fugacity; if oxidation during crystallization is more common than presently believed, it may explain why olivine is typically anhedral in olivine‐phyric shergottites. Results from a cooling‐rate experiment in which the oxygen fugacity was changed during the latter stages of crystallization resulted in olivine with a Cr compositional profile consistent with oxidized isothermal experiments, despite forming primarily under reducing conditions. A similar profile is observed in Tissint olivines, consistent with its redox history. Our results provide insights into the potential influence of oxidation events on the compositional zoning of minor or trace elements in olivine in olivine‐phyric basalts.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present an isotope study of noble gases in Divnoe, an anomalous meteorite, and also Rb-Sr and K-Ar dating of this meteorite. The relatively young Rb-Sr age obtained (3.39 Ga) seems doubtful and, most probably, results from weathering or contamination. The ancient K-Ar age (4.67+0.20–0.40), together with clear excess of 129Xe, allows the suggestion of very early formation of the Divnoe meteorite. Concentrations and isotope ratios of noble gases in Divnoe are: 17.9 ≤ 3He ≤ 29.0 × 10?8; 20Ne = 6.22 × 10?8; 2.44 ≤ 36Ar ≤ 5.10 × 10?8; 130Xe = 41.3 × 10?12 cm3/g; 0.079 ≤ 3He/4He ≤ 0.193; 20Ne/22Ne = 0.860; 21Ne/22Ne = 0.927; 3.47 ≤ 40Ar/36Ar ≤ 9.47; 2.22 ≤ 36Ar/38Ar ≤ 3.27; 129Xe/132Xe = 1.09. The exposure age calculated from cosmogenic 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar is 17.9 ± 0.9 Ma. On the basis of the isotope data for the noble gases and O, and abundances of K, Rb, and Sr, an attempt was made to estimate the relationship of Divnoe to other meteorite types. The O-isotope characteristics of Divnoe are clearly distinct from those of ordinary chondrites, acapulcoites/lodranites, and SNC meteorites (Petaev et al., 1994, Clayton, 1993). In plots of 136Xe vs. 129Xe/130Xe, the Divnoe data fall outside of the data fields for carbonaceous and enstatite chondrites. The light noble gas data, especially the 40Ar/38Ar ratio, and the 40Ar, 38Ar, 3He, and 4He contents of Divnoe differ significantly from those of all meteorite types except diogenites. The K, Rb, and Sr abundances in Divnoe are substantially lower than in most other meteorites. In the concentrations of these elements, as well as in the REE pattern, the Divnoe meteorite is similar only to diogenites. Divnoe probably should be treated as a restite remaining after partial melting of the chondritic mantle of a parent asteroid body.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report noble gas data for the second chassignite, Northwest Africa (NWA) 2737, which was recently found in the Moroccan desert. The cosmic ray exposure (CRE) age based on cosmogenic 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar around 10–11 Ma is comparable to the CRE ages of Chassigny and the nakhlites and indicates ejection of meteorites belonging to these two families during a discrete event, or a suite of discrete events having occurred in a restricted interval of time. In contrast, U‐Th/He and K/Ar ages <0.5 Ga are in the range of radiometric ages of shergottites, despite a Sm‐Nd signature comparable to that of Chassigny and the nakhlites (Misawa et al. 2005). Overall, the noble gas signature of NWA 2737 resembles that of shergottites rather than that of Chassigny and the nakhlites: NWA 2737 does not contain, in detectable amount, the solar‐like xenon found in Chassigny and thought to characterize the Martian mantle nor apparently fission xenon from 244Pu, which is abundant in Chassigny and some of the nakhlites. In contrast, NWA 2737 contains Martian atmospheric noble gases trapped in amounts comparable to those found in shergottite impact glasses. The loss of Martian mantle noble gases, together with the trapping of Martian atmospheric gases, could have occurred during assimilation of Martian surface components, or more likely during shock metamorphism, which is recorded in the petrology of this meteorite.  相似文献   

Melt inclusions in igneous minerals can provide constraints on magma compositions, especially for planetary samples where mass is severely limited. Small inclusions (<15 μm diameter) are more abundant than large ones, but have been used little from concern that they did not entrap average magma, but are rich in melt of a diffusional layer against the host mineral. We compared bulk compositions and calculated original compositions of small and large melt inclusions in the Martian basalt meteorite (shergottite) Tissint. Small and large melt inclusions are consistent with the same line of igneous differentiation, have the same abundance ratios for incompatible elements (P, Ti, Al, K, Na), and are consistent with derivation from the bulk composition of Tissint (inferred to represent its parent melt composition). For Tissint, then, small melt inclusions show no evidence of entrapping diffusional boundary layers, and appear to have entrapped bulk magma. Thus, its small inclusions can be as useful as larger ones; this may be so for other planetary samples, and thus provides an additional tool for investigating planetary magmas.  相似文献   

Abstract Shock recovery experiments to determine whether magnetite could be produced by the decomposition of iron‐carbonate were initiated. Naturally occurring siderite was first characterized by a variety of techniques to be sure that the starting material did not contain detectable magnetite. Samples were shocked in tungsten‐alloy holders (W = 90%, Ni = 6%, Cu = 4%) to further ensure that any iron phases in the shock products were contributed by the siderite rather than the sample holder. Each sample was shocked to a specific pressure between 30 to 49 GPa. Transformation of siderite to magnetite as characterized by TEM was found in the 49 GPa shock experiment. Compositions of most magnetites are >50% Fe+2 in the octahedral site of the inverse spinel structure. Magnetites produced in shock experiments display the same range of sizes (?50–100 nm), compositions (100% magnetite to 80% magnetite‐20% magnesioferrite), and morphologies (equant, elongated, euhedral to subhedral) as magnetites synthesized by Golden et al. (2001) and as the magnetites in Martian meteorite Allan Hills (ALH) 84001. Fritz et al. (2005) previously concluded that ALH 84001 experienced ?32 GPa pressure and a resultant thermal pulse of ?100–110°C. However, ALH 84001 contains evidence of local temperature excursions high enough to melt feldspar, pyroxene, and a silica‐rich phase. This 49 GPa experiment demonstrates that magnetite can be produced by the shock decomposition of siderite as a result of local heating to > 470°C. Therefore, magnetite in the rims of carbonates in Martian meteorite ALH 84001 could be a product of shock devolatilization of siderite as well.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 7533 is a Martian regolith breccia. This meteorite (and its pairings) offers a good opportunity to study (near‐) surface processes that occurred on early Mars. Here, we have conducted a transmission electron microscope study of medium‐ and coarse‐grained (a few tens to hundreds of micrometers) Ca‐rich pyroxene clasts in order to define their thermal and shock histories. The pyroxene grains have a high‐temperature (magmatic) origin as revealed by the well‐developed pigeonite–augite exsolution microstructure. Exsolution lamella characteristics (composition, thickness, and spacing) indicate a moderately slow cooling. Some of the pyroxene clasts display evidence for local decomposition into magnetite and silica at the submicron scale. This phase decomposition may have occurred at high temperature and occurred at high oxygen fugacity at least 2–3 log units above the QFM buffer, after the formation of the exsolution lamellae. This corresponds to oxidizing conditions well above typical Martian magmatic conditions. These oxidizing conditions seem to have prevailed early and throughout most of the history of NWA 7533. The shock microstructure consists of (100) mechanical twins which have accommodated plastic deformation. Other pyroxene shock indicators are absent. Compared with SNC meteorites that all suffered significant shock metamorphism, NWA 7533 appears only mildly shocked. The twin microstructure is similar from one clast to another, suggesting that the impact which generated the (100) twins involved the compacted breccia and that the pyroxene clasts were unshocked when they were incorporated into the NWA 7533 breccia.  相似文献   

Abstract— Using visual observations that were reported 140 years ago in the Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, we have determined the atmospheric trajectory and the orbit of the Orgueil meteorite, which fell May 14, 1864, near Montauban, France. Despite the intrinsic uncertainty of visual observations, we were able to calculate a reasonably precise atmospheric trajectory and a moderately precise orbit for the Orgueil meteoroid. The atmosphere entry point was ?70 km high and the meteoroid terminal point was ?20 km high. The calculated luminous path was ?150 km with an entry angle of 20°. These characteristics are broadly similar to that of other meteorites for which the trajectory is known. Five out of six orbital parameters for the Orgueil orbit are well constrained. In particular, the perihelion lies inside the Earth's orbit (q ?0.87 AU), as is expected for an Earth‐crossing meteorite, and the orbital plane is close to the ecliptic (i ?0°). The aphelion distance (Q) depends critically on the pre‐atmospheric velocity. From the calculated atmospheric path and the fireball duration, which was reported by seven witnesses, we have estimated the pre‐atmospheric velocity to be larger than 17.8 km/sec, which corresponds to an aphelion distance Q larger than 5.2 AU, the semi‐major axis of Jupiter orbit. These results suggest that Orgueil has an orbit similar to that of Jupiter‐family comets (JFCs), although an Halley‐type comet cannot be excluded. This is at odds with other meteorites that have an asteroidal origin, but it is compatible with 140 years of data‐gathering that has established the very special nature of Orgueil compared to other meteorites. A cometary origin of the Orgueil meteorite does not contradict cosmochemistry data on CI1 chondrites. If CI1 chondrites originate from comets, it implies that comets are much more processed than previously thought and should contain secondary minerals. The forthcoming return of cometary samples by the Stardust mission will provide a unique opportunity to corroborate (or contradict) our hypothesis.  相似文献   

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