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Platinum group element (PGE) concentrations have been determined in situ in ordinary chondrite kamacite and taenite grains via laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS). Results demonstrate that PGE concentrations in ordinary chondrite metal (kamacite and taenite) are similar among the three ordinary chondrite groups, in contrast to previous bulk metal studies in which PGE concentrations vary in the order H < L < LL. PGE concentrations are higher in taenite than kamacite, consistent with preferential PGE partitioning into taenite. PGE concentrations vary between and within metal grains, although average concentrations in kamacite broadly agree with results from bulk studies. The variability of PGE concentrations in metal decreases with increasing petrologic type; however, variability is still evident in most type six ordinary chondrites, suggesting that equilibration of PGEs does not occur between metal grains, but rather within individual metal grains via self‐diffusion during metamorphism. The constant average PGE concentrations within metal grains across different ordinary chondrite groups are consistent with the formation of metal via nebular condensation prior to the accretion of ordinary chondrite parent bodies. Post‐condensation effects, including heating during chondrule‐formation events, may have affected some element ratios, but have not significantly affected average metal PGE concentrations.  相似文献   

Abstract— I report here on an ion probe study of minor element spatial distributions and trace element concentrations in six pallasites. Pallasite olivines exhibit ubiquitous minor element zoning that is independent of grain size, morphology, and adjacent phases. Ca, Cr, Ti, V, and Ni concentrations decrease from center to rim by factors of up to 10, while Mn is generally unzoned or increases slightly at the very edge of some olivine grains. The maximum concentrations of these elements at the center of olivine vary from grain to grain within the same meteorite and among the pallasites studied. These zoning profiles are consistent with thermal diffusion during rapid cooling. The inferred cooling rates at high temperature regimes are orders of magnitude faster than the low‐temperature metallographic cooling rates (?0.5 to 2°C/Ma). This suggests that pallasites, like mesosiderites, have experienced rather complicated thermal histories, i.e., cooling rapidly at high temperatures and slowly at low temperatures. Pallasite olivines are essentially free of REEs. However, the phosphates display a wide range of REE abundances (0.001 to 100 x CI) with distinct patterns. REEs are generally homogeneous within a given grain but vary significantly from grain to grain by a factor of up to 100. Albin and Imilac whitlockite are highly enriched in HREEs (?50 x CI) but are relatively depleted in LREEs (?0.1 to 1 x CI). Eagle Station whitlockite has a very unusual REE pattern: flat LREEs at a 0.1 x CI level, a large positive Eu anomaly, and a sharp increase from Gd (0.1 x CI) to Lu (70 x CI). Eagle Station stanfieldite has a similar REE pattern to that of whitlockite but with much lower REEs by a factor of 10 to 100. Springwater farringtonite has relatively low REE concentrations (0.001 to 1 x CI) with a highly fractionated HREE‐enriched pattern (CI‐normalized Lu/La ?100). Postulating any igneous processes that could have fractionated REEs in these phosphates is difficult. Possibly, phosphates were incorporated into pallasites during mixing of olivine and IIIAB‐like molten Fe. These phosphates preserve characteristics of a previous history. Pallasites have not necessarily formed at the mantle‐core boundary of their parent bodies. The pallasite thermal histories suggest that pallasites may have formed at a shallow depth and were subsequently buried deep under a regolith blanket.  相似文献   

Abstract— Two dark lithic fragments and matrix of the Krymka LL3.1 chondrite were mineralogically and chemically studied in detail. These objects are characterised by the following chemical and mineralogical characteristics, which distinguish them from the host chondrite Krymka: (1) bulk chemical analyses revealed low totals (systematically lower than 94 wt%) due to high porosity; (2) enrichment in FeO and depletion in S, MgO and SiO2 due to a high abundance of Fe‐rich silicates and low sulfide abundance; (3) fine‐grained, almost chondrule‐free texture with predominance of a porous, cryptocrystalline groundmass and fine grains; (4) occurrence of a small amount of once‐molten material (microchondrules) enclosed in fine‐grained materials; (5) occurrence of accretionary features, especially unique accretionary spherules; (6) high abundance of small calcium‐ aluminium‐rich inclusions (CAIs) in one of the fine‐grained fragments. It is suggested that the abundance of CAIs in this fragment is one of the highest ever found in an ordinary chondrite. Accretionary, fine‐grained spherules within one of the fragments bear fundamental information about the initial stages of accretion as well as on the evolution of the clast, its incorporation, and history within the bulk rock of Krymka. The differences in porosity, bulk composition, and mineralogy of cores and rims of the fine‐grained spherulitic objects allow us to speculate on the following processes: (1) Low velocity accretion of tiny silicate grains onto the surface of coarse metal or silicate grains in a dusty region of the nebula is the beginning of the formation of accretionary, porous (fluffy) silicate spherules. (2) Within a dusty environment with decreasing silicate/(metal + sulfide) ratio the porous spherules collected abundant metal and sulfide particles together with silicate dust, which formed an accretionary rim. Variations of the silicate/(sulfide + metal) ratio in the dusty nebular environment result in the formation of multi‐layered rims on the surface of the silicate‐rich spherules. (3) Soft accretion and lithification of rimmed, fluffy spherules, fine‐grained, silicate‐rich dust, metal‐sulfide particles, CAIs, silicate‐rich microchondrules, and coarse silicate grains and fragments followed. (4) After low‐temperature processing of the primary, accretionary rock collisional fragmentation occurred, the fragments were subsequently coated by fine‐grained material, which was highly oxidized and depleted in sulfides. (5) In a final stage this accretionary “dusty” rock was incorporated as a fragment within the Krymka host.  相似文献   

Abstract— Cooling rate experiments were performed on P‐free Fe‐Ni alloys that are compositionally similar to ordinary chondrite metal to study the taenite ? taenite + kamacite reaction. The role of taenite grain boundaries and the effect of adding Co and S to Fe‐Ni alloys were investigated. In P‐free alloys, kamacite nucleates at taenite/taenite grain boundaries, taenite triple junctions, and taenite grain corners. Grain boundary diffusion enables growth of kamacite grain boundary precipitates into one of the parent taenite grains. Likely, grain boundary nucleation and grain boundary diffusion are the applicable mechanisms for the development of the microstructure of much of the metal in ordinary chondrites. No intragranular (matrix) kamacite precipitates are observed in P‐free Fe‐Ni alloys. The absence of intragranular kamacite indicates that P‐free, monocrystalline taenite particles will transform to martensite upon cooling. This transformation process could explain the metallography of zoneless plessite particles observed in H and L chondrites. In P‐bearing Fe‐Ni alloys and iron meteorites, kamacite precipitates can nucleate both on taenite grain boundaries and intragranularly as Widmanstätten kamacite plates. Therefore, P‐free chondritic metal and P‐bearing iron meteorite/pallasite metal are controlled by different chemical systems and different types of taenite transformation processes.  相似文献   

Abstract— Six large millimeter‐ to centimeter‐size regions of one specimen of the Krymka LL3.1 ordinary chondrite show evidence of having been completely or nearly completely shock‐melted in situ, a phenomenon rarely observed in primitive chondrites. The shock pressure, nominally in the range of 75–90 GPa, could only have been 30–35 GPa in a porous material like fine‐grained matrix. The melted regions have an igneous texture and their silicates are zoned and unequilibrated. Large metal‐troilite intergrowths formed in these regions. The metal has a nickel content corresponding to martensite and the troilite contains up to 4.2 wt% nickel. Melting must have been very short and cooling very fast (>100 °C/h at high temperature). The metal contains up to 0.7 wt% phosphorus. Abundant chromite crystals and sodium‐iron phosphate glass globules are found in troilite. The differences in composition between the opaque phases found in the melted regions and those generally observed in unmetamorphosed chondrules are assigned to melting under closed system conditions. Surprisingly high Co concentrations (up to 13 wt%) were found in some metal grains in or at the periphery of melted regions. They likely resulted from sulfurization of metal by sulfur vapor produced during the shock. After solidification, at least one other shock led to mechanical effects in the melted regions.  相似文献   

The NEAR mission to 433 Eros provided detailed data on the geology, mineralogy, and chemistry of this S-class asteroid [McCoy, T.J., Robinson, M.S., Nittler, L.R., Burbine, T.H., 2002. Chem. Erde 62, 89-121; Cheng, A.F., 1997. Space Sci. Rev. 82, 3-29] with a key science goal of understanding the relationship between asteroids and meteorites [Cheng, A.F., 1997. Space Sci. Rev. 82, 3-29; Gaffey, M.J., Burbine, T.H., Piatek, J.L., Reed, K.L., Chaky, D.A., Bell, J.F., Brown, R.H., 1993a. Icarus 106, 573-602]. Previously reported major element data revealed a bulk surface similar to that of ordinary chondrites, with the notable exception of sulfur, which was highly depleted [Trombka, J.I., and 23 colleagues, 2000. Science 289, 2101-2105; Nittler, L.R., and 14 colleagues, 2001. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 36, 1673-1695]. The origin of this sulfur deficiency, and hence the fundamental nature of the asteroid's surface, has remained controversial. We report a new analysis of NEAR X-ray spectrometer data, indicating that Eros has Cr/Fe, Mn/Fe, and Ni/Fe ratios similar to ordinary chondrite meteorites of type LL or L. Chondritic levels of Cr, Mn, and Ni argue strongly against a partial melting explanation for the sulfur depletion. Instead, our results provide definitive evidence that Eros is a primitive body with composition and mineralogy similar to ordinary chondrites, but with a surface heavily modified by interactions with the solar wind and micrometeorites, processes collectively termed space weathering.  相似文献   

Abstract— The microstructure and composition of the matrix of one carbonaceous inclusion (K1) in the Krymka LL3.1 chondrite were studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). K1 has previously shown an enigmatic nature and similarities with volatile‐rich, fine‐grained, dark inclusions of Krymka called “mysterite.” In the present study, four minerals were identified by TEM. Olivine, pyroxene, and pyrrhotite typically have grain sizes of one micrometer; graphite occurs as flakes of a similar size. Olivine shows a moderately high dislocation density most probably caused by shock. Pyroxene shows coexisting ortho‐ and clinoenstatite lamellae that probably originated from shear stress after a shock event or from the rapid cooling of the protoenstatite stability field. However, we demonstrate that in this case, a shock trigger is more likely. Pyrrhotite in the studied sample occurs as a 4C monoclinic superstructure. The graphite flakes in the fragment are well crystallized, as can be seen by discrete spots in the diffraction pattern. In graphite, the degree of crystallization increases with the metamorphic grade. Based on the microstructure of this mineral we conclude that after a first moderate shock event, the residual temperature between 300 °C and 500 °C led to thermal metamorphism. A second shock event, possibly at excavation from the parent body, is responsible for the shock features observed in olivine, pyroxene, and graphite.  相似文献   

Abstract— Fayalitic olivine (Fa54–94) is a ubiquitous component in the matrix of Krymka (LL3.1) as well as in other highly unequilibrated chondrites (ordinary and carbonaceous). In Krymka, the fayalitic olivine has an unusual anisotropic platy morphology that occurs in at least five types of textural settings that can be characterized as: (1) isolated platelets, (2) clusters of platelets, (3) euhedral to subhedral crystals, (4) overgrowths of platelets on forsteritic olivine, and (5) fluffy (porous) aggregates. From transmission electron microscope (TEM) investigation, the direction of elongation of the platy olivine overgrowths on forsteritic olivine substrates is along the c axis and in most cases it corresponds with the c axis of the substrate olivine, which suggests that the fayalitic olivine grew in this unusual morphology and is not a replacement product of preexisting material. The fayalitic olivine in the matrix of Krymka is compositionally similar to olivine with platy morphology in the matrix of some CV3 chondrites and both have similar Fe/Mn ratios, but important morphological differences indicate that their relationship needs to be explored further. Textural and compositional data indicate that the fayalitic olivine in the matrix of Krymka, as well as in some other unequilibrated ordinary chondrites, formed prior to final lithification of the meteorite and probably prior to parent body accretion. We find that formation of the fayalitic olivine by vapor-solid growth provides the best explanation for our observations and data and is the only feasible mechanism for the formation of fayalitic olivine in the matrix of Krymka. We propose that the fayalitic olivine formed by vaporization and recondensation of olivine rich-dust, during a period of enhanced dust/gas ratio in the nebula.  相似文献   

Abstract– Perryite [(Fe,Ni)x(Si,P)y], schreibersite [(Fe,Ni)3P], and kamacite (αFeNi) are constituent minerals of the metal‐sulfide nodules in the Sahara 97072 (EH3) enstatite chondrite meteorite. We have measured concentrations of Ni, Cu, Ga, Au, Ir, Ru, and Pd in these minerals with laser ablation, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS). We also measured their Fe, Ni, P, Si, and Co concentrations with electron microprobe. In kamacite, ratios of Ru/Ir, Pd/Ir, and Pd/Ru cluster around their respective CI values and all elements analyzed plot near the intersection of the equilibrium condensation trajectory versus Ni and the respective CI ratios. In schreibersite, the Pd/Ru ratio is near the CI value and perryite contains significant Cu, Ga, and Pd. We propose that schreibersite and perryite formed separately near the condensation temperatures of P and Si in a reduced gas and were incorporated into Fe‐Ni alloy. Upon further cooling, sulfidation of Fe in kamacite resulted in the formation of additional perryite at the sulfide interface. Still later, transient heating re‐melted this perryite near the Fe‐FeS eutectic temperature during partial melting of the metal‐sulfide nodules. The metal‐sulfide nodules are pre‐accretionary objects that retain CI ratios of most siderophile elements, although they have experienced transient heating events.  相似文献   

This study uses experimentally determined plagioclase‐melt D values to estimate the trace element concentrations of Sr, Hf, Ga, W, Mo, Ru, Pd, Au, Ni, and Co in a crystallizing lunar magma ocean at the point of plagioclase flotation. Similarly, experimentally determined metal‐silicate partition experiments combined with a composition model for the Moon are used to constrain the concentrations of W, Mo, Ru, Pd, Au, Ni, and Co in the lunar magma ocean at the time of core formation. The metal‐silicate derived lunar mantle estimates are generally consistent with previous estimates for the concentration of these elements in the lunar mantle. Plagioclase‐melt derived concentrations for Sr, Ga, Ru, Pd, Au, Ni, and Co are also consistent with prior estimates. Estimates for Hf, W, and Mo, however, are higher. These elements may be concentrated in the residual liquid during fractional crystallization due to their incompatibility. Alternatively, the apparent enrichment could reflect the inappropriate use of bulk anorthosite data, rather than data for plagioclase separates.  相似文献   

Micrometeorites that pass through the Earth's atmosphere undergo changes in their chemical compositions, thereby making it difficult to understand if they are sourced from the matrix, chondrules, or calcium–aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs). These components have the potential to provide evidence toward the understanding of the early solar nebular evolution. The variations in the major element and trace element compositions of 155 different type (scoriaceous, relict bearing, porphyritic, barred, cryptocrystalline, and glass) of S‐type cosmic spherules are investigated with the intent to decipher the parent sources using electron microprobe and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry. The S‐type cosmic spherules appear to show a systematic depletion in volatile element contents, but have preserved their refractory trace elements. The trends in their chemical compositions suggest that the S‐type spherules comprise of components from similar parent bodies, that is, carbonaceous chondrites. Large fosteritic relict grains observed in this investigation appear to be related to the fragments of chondrules from carbonaceous chondrites. Furthermore, four spherules (two of these spherules enclose spinels and one comprised entirely of a Ca‐Al‐rich plagioclase) show enhanced trace element enrichment patterns that are drastically different from all the other 151 cosmic spherules. The information on the chemical composition and rare earth elements (REEs) on cosmic spherules suggest that the partially to fully melted ones can preserve evidences related to their parent bodies. The Ce, Eu, and Tm anomalies found in the cosmic spherules have similar behavior as that of chondrites. Distinct correlations observed between different REEs and types of cosmic spherules reflect the inherited properties of the precursors.  相似文献   

Abstract— Modal abundances of Ca,Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) are poorly known and reported data scatter across large ranges. CAIs are Poisson distributed, and if only small areas (<1000 mm2) are studied, the data are probably not representative of the true CAI modal abundances, explaining their reported large scatter in a single chondrite group. We combine reported CAI modal abundances and our own set, and present a complete list of CAI modal abundances in carbonaceous chondrites. This includes (in area%): CV: 2.98, CM: 1.21, Acfer 094: 1.12, CO: 0.99, CK/CV (Ningqiang and Dar al Gani [DaG] 055): 0.77, CK: 0.2, CR: 0.12 and CB: 0.1. CAIs are Poisson distributed and if only small areas are studied, the data are probably not representative of the true CAI modal abundances, Carbonaceous chondrites have excess bulk Al concentrations when compared to the CI‐chondritic value. We find a correlation between this excess and CAI modal abundances and conclude that the excess Al was delivered by CAIs. The excess Al is only a minor fraction (usually ?10 rel%, but 25 rel% in case of CVs) of the bulk chondrite Al and cannot have contributed much 26Al to heat the chondrite parent body. Ordinary, enstatite, R and K chondrites have an Al deficit relative to CI chondrites and only very low CAI modal abundances, if any are present at all. Carbonaceous chondrites also had an initial Al deficit if the contribution of Al delivered by CAIs is subtracted. Therefore all chondrites probably lost a refractory rich high‐T component. Only minor amounts of CAIs are present in the matrix or have been present in the chondrule precursor aggregates. Most CAI size distributions contain more than one size population, indicating that CAIs from within a single meteorite group had different origins.  相似文献   

The geochemical coherence between the labile element Cl and more refractory F, K, REE and P in lunar soils is utilized to gain insight into the evolution of the lunar samples studied.Paper dedicated to Prof. Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April 1973.Work sponsored by USAEC and NASA.  相似文献   

Abstract– Despite the fact that Si is considered a potentially important metalloid in planetary systems, little is known about the effect of Si in metallic melts on trace element partitioning behavior. Previous studies have established the effects of S, C, and P, nonmetals, through solid metal/liquid metal experiments in the corresponding Fe binary systems, but the Fe‐Si system is not appropriate for similar experiments because of the high solubility of Si in solid metal. In this work, we present the results from 0.1 MPa experiments with two coexisting immiscible metallic liquids in the Fe‐S‐Si system. By leveraging the extensive available knowledge about the effect of S on trace element partitioning behavior, we explore the effect of Si. Results for 22 trace elements are presented. Strong Si avoidance behavior is demonstrated by As, Au, Ga, Ge, Sb, Sn, and Zn. Iridium, Os, Pt, Re, Ru, and W exhibit weak Si avoidance tendencies. Silicon appears to have no significant effect on the partitioning behaviors of Ag, Co, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pd, and V, all of which had similar partition coefficients over a wide range of Si liquid concentrations from Si‐free to 13 wt%. The only elements in our experiments to show evidence of a potentially weak attraction to Si were Mo and Rh. Applications of the newly determined effects of Si to problems in planetary science indicate that (1) The elements Ni, Co, Mo, and W, which are commonly used in planetary differentiation models, are minimally affected by the presence of Si in the metal, especially in comparison to other effects such as from oxygen fugacity. 2) Reduced enstatite‐rich meteorites may record a chemical signature due to Si in the metallic melts during partial melting, and if so, elements identified by this study as having strong Si avoidance may offer unique insight into unraveling the history of these meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— A large impact event 500 Ma ago shocked and melted portions of the L‐chondrite parent body. Chico is an impact melt breccia produced by this event. Sawn surfaces of this 105 kg meteorite reveal a dike of fine‐grained, clast‐poor impact melt cutting shocked host chondrite. Coarse (1–2 cm diameter) globules of FeNi metal + sulfide are concentrated along the axis of the dike from metal‐poor regions toward the margins. Refractory lithophile element abundance patterns in the melt rock are parallel to average L chondrites, demonstrating near‐total fusion of the L‐chondrite target by the impact and negligible crystal‐liquid fractionation during emplacement and cooling of the dike. Significant geochemical effects of the impact melting event include fractionation of siderophile and chalcophile elements with increasing metal‐silicate heterogeneity, and mobilization of moderately to highly volatile elements. Siderophile and chalcophile elements ratios such as Ni/Co, Cu/Ga, and Ir/Au vary systematically with decreasing metal content of the melt. Surprisingly small (?102) effective metal/silicate‐melt distribution coefficients for highly siderophile elements probably reflect inefficient segregation of metal despite the large degrees of melting. Moderately volatile lithophile elements such K and Rb were mobilized and heterogeneously distributed in the L‐chondrite impact breccias whereas highly volatile elements such as Cs and Pb were profoundly depleted in the region of the parent body sampled by Chico. Volatile element variations in Chico and other L chondrites are more consistent with a mechanism related to impact heating rather than condensation from a solar nebula. Impact processing can significantly alter the primary distributions of siderophile and volatile elements in chondritic planetesimals.  相似文献   

Abstract— Diogenites are orthopyroxenites that may contain chromite and olivine as accessory minerals. Howardite breccias contain orthopyroxenite clasts with similar properties compared to monomict diogenites. We used statistical methods and variation plots of major and minor elements in orthopyroxene and chromite to show whether or not howardite orthopyroxenites are related to monomict diogenites, and to assess their petrogenesis. Our results fail to establish any evidence that monomict diogenites are significantly different from howardite orthopyroxenites in terms of major and minor elements. We also found no differences between Antarctic diogenites and non-Antarctic diogenites. Although element variation plots show compelling evidence that most diogenites originated by igneous fractionation, linear trends among the various diogenites and howardite orthopyroxenite clasts are either non-existent or ill-defined. This militates against an origin from a single magma body, but suggests an origin from multiple magma bodies in the parent planetoid.  相似文献   

We used two different methods of statistical analysis—cluster analysis and principal component analysis—to analyze the concentrations of principal chemical components (Si, Mg, Ca, Fe, Ni) and Co in ordinary chondrites. The analysis is based predominantly on published data (metadata). In total, chemical composition data from 646 ordinary chondrites were used in the statistical analysis. The aim of this analysis was to establish whether it would be possible or not to distinguish H, L, and LL chondrites based on the concentrations of major elements and Co in their bulk chemical compositions. It was also important to determine what conclusions such an analysis could enable to draw about matter differentiation in the formation environments of primordial parent bodies of particular ordinary chondrite groups (H, L, and LL). Another aim of the statistical analysis was to determine whether the distribution of Fe and Ni (with Co admixtures) is independent of petrographic types within particular groups of chondrites. This is of crucial importance for determining the distribution of FeNi(Co) ore occurrences in potential extraterrestrial deposits on modern asteroids—the sources of ordinary chondrites. The obtained results of statistical analyses confirmed that a clear-cut distinction between particular groups of ordinary chondrites is only possible for group H, while distinguishing L chondrites from LL chondrites is not always obvious. The results of the statistical analyses relating to the question of the possible existence of several primordial parent bodies (formation environments) of each group of ordinary chondrites are consistent with the results of contemporary astronomical spectroscopy research. What is particularly interesting is obtaining indications of the existence of common formation environments of the matter of L and LL chondrites, possibly on a few primordial parent bodies. The statistical analyses indicate that there is no correlation between the concentration of principal chemical components and the petrographic type of ordinary chondrites. This proves homogenous distributions of these elements within the parent bodies of each group of ordinary chondrites. Hence, the distribution of these elements in individual present-day asteroids is also homogenous.  相似文献   

Abstract– The Moss meteorite is the first CO chondrite fall after a time period of 70 yr and the least terrestrially contaminated member of its group. Its cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) age (T3 ~ 13.5 Ma; T21 ~ 14.6 Ma) is distinct among CO chondrites and, within witnessed falls is the shortest after Lancé, which we have reanalyzed. Gas retention ages are approximately 3.95 × 109 yr (U/Th‐He) and approximately 4.43 × 109 yr (K/Ar), respectively. Trapped Ar, Kr, and Xe are present in Moss in abundances typical for CO chondrites, with “planetary” elemental and isotopic compositions. Presence of HL‐xenon from presolar diamonds is observed in the stepwise release analysis of Lancé. It may also be present in Moss, but it is difficult to ascertain in single‐step bulk analyses. It follows from our new data combined with a survey of the literature that the abundance of trapped gases in CO chondrites is not a good indicator of their petrological subtype.  相似文献   

NWA 10214 is an LL3‐6 breccia containing ~8 vol% clasts including LL5, LL6, and shocked‐darkened LL fragments as well as matrix‐rich Clast 6 (a new kind of chondrite). This clast is a dark‐colored, subrounded, 6.1 × 7.0 mm inclusion, consisting of 60 vol% fine‐grained matrix, 32 vol% coarse silicate grains, and 8 vol% coarse opaque grains. The large chondrules and chondrule fragments are mainly Type IB; one small chondrule is Type IIA. Also present are one 450 × 600 μm spinel‐pyroxene‐olivine CAI and one 85 × 110 μm AOI. Clast 6 possesses a unique set of properties. (1) It resembles carbonaceous chondrites in having relatively abundant matrix, CAIs, and AOIs; the clast's matrix composition is close to that in CV3 Vigarano. (2) It resembles type‐3 OC in its olivine and low‐Ca pyroxene compositional distributions, and in the Fe/Mn ratio of ferroan olivine grains. Its mean chondrule size is within 1σ of that of H chondrites. The O‐isotopic compositions of the chondrules are in the ordinary‐ and R‐chondrite ranges. (3) It resembles type‐3 enstatite chondrites in the minor element concentrations in low‐Ca pyroxene grains and in having a high low‐Ca pyroxene/olivine ratio in chondrules. Clast 6 is a new variety of type‐3 OC, somewhat more reduced than H chondrites or chondritic clasts in the Netschaevo IIE iron; the clast formed in a nebular region where aerodynamic radial drift processes deposited a high abundance of matrix material and CAIs. A chunk of this chondrite was ejected from its parent asteroid and later impacted the LL body at low relative velocity.  相似文献   

We report the first combined atom‐probe tomography (APT) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) study of a kamacite–tetrataenite (K–T) interface region within an iron meteorite, Bristol (IVA). Ten APT nanotips were prepared from the K–T interface with focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB‐SEM) and then studied using TEM followed by APT. Near the K‐T interface, we found 3.8 ± 0.5 wt% Ni in kamacite and 53.4 ± 0.5 wt% Ni in tetrataenite. High‐Ni precipitate regions of the cloudy zone (CZ) have 50.4 ± 0.8 wt% Ni. A region near the CZ and martensite interface has <10 nm sized Ni‐rich precipitates with 38.4 ± 0.7 wt% Ni present within a low‐Ni matrix having 25.5 ± 0.6 wt% Ni. We found that Cu is predominantly concentrated in tetrataenite, whereas Co, P, and Cr are concentrated in kamacite. Phosphorus is preferentially concentrated along the K‐T interface. This study is the first precise measurement of the phase composition at high spatial resolution and in 3‐D of the K‐T interface region in a IVA iron meteorite and furthers our knowledge of the phase composition changes in a fast‐cooled iron meteorite below 400 °C. We demonstrate that APT in conjunction with TEM is a useful approach to study the major, minor, and trace elemental composition of nanoscale features within fast‐cooled iron meteorites.  相似文献   

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