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Sea Level Pressure(SLP) data for the period 1950–2012 at 61 stations located in or around the Balkan Peninsula was used. The main concept is that intra-annual course of SLP represents the best different air masses that are situated over the Balkan Peninsula during the year. The method for differentiation of climatic zones is cluster analysis. A hierarchical clustering technique–average linkage between groups with Pearson correlation for measurement of intervals was employed in the research. The climate of the Balkan Peninsula is transitional between oceanic and continental and also between subtropical and temperate climates. Several major changes in atmospheric circulation over the Balkan Peninsula have happened over the period 1950–2012. There is a serious increase of the influence of the Azores High in the period January–Marchwhich leads to an increase of SLP and enhances oceanic influence. There is an increase of the influence of the north-west extension of the monsoonal low in the period June–September. This leads to more continental climatebut also to more tropical air masses over the Balkan Peninsula. Accordinglythe extent of subtropical climate widens in northern direction. There is an increase of the influence of the Siberian High in the period October–December. This influence covers central and eastern part of the peninsula in October and Novemberand it reaches western parts in December. Thusthe climate becomes more continental.  相似文献   

We give an outline of the scientific-methodological principles of using the regional-typological approach in geographical research. Based on analyzing cartographic products, we demonstrate the differences in understanding and implementing the approach. The structurallogical schematic diagram for the regional-typological approach has been developed, which opens up possibilities for its implementation in the study and mapping of geosystems and can provide an integral, systemic idea of this approach.  相似文献   

In this article we describe the basic framework of the computerized geologic mapping system cigma. The system, whic is based on a mathematical formulation of geologic concepts, consists of the following six subsystems: (1) input of geologic data set; (2) inference of stratigraphic sequence; (3) construction of logical models of geologic structures; (4) determination of three-dimensional geologic boundary surfaces; (5) construction of three-dimensional solid model of geologic structures; and (6) graphical presentation. Geologic structures are summarized in several tables called logical models of geologic structures. Each model is constructed automatically from input data on structural relations between geologic bodies. The model interprets the data automatically to create data files necessary to determine the shapes of geologic boundaries; it also provides a threedimensional solid model of geologic structures referring to the shapes of boundaries. As a prototype, we introduce two types of contacts corresponding to conformity and unconformity into the logical model and show that it is possible to draw a geologic map automatically. More complex geologic structures can be introduced into the geologic mapping system through further formulation of geologic structures.  相似文献   

The mechanisms and the specific character of flow-channel interaction and sediment transport that constitute the essence of river channel processes, vary over a wide range according to the flow rate of the rivers, their water regime, flow kinematics, the value of longitudinal gradient, and to the grain size and runoff of riverbed-forming sediments. Furthermore, the longitudinal gradient of a river is as important an energy characteristic as is the water flow rate, coupled with it, determines the capacity and character of a stream. Therefore the hydrological regime, varying over a wide range according to the longitudinal gradient, produces a variety of transport conditions for riverbed-forming sediments and – through them – the form of manifestation of channel processes.  相似文献   

Landslide inventory maps are necessary for assessing landslide hazards and addressing the role slope stability plays in landscape evolution over geologic timescales. However, landslide inventory maps produced with traditional methods — aerial photograph interpretation, topographic map analysis, and field inspection — are often subjective and incomplete. The increasing availability of high-resolution topographic data acquired via airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) over broad swaths of terrain invites new, automated landslide mapping procedures. We present two methods of spectral analysis that utilize LiDAR-derived digital elevation models of the Puget Sound lowlands, Washington, and the Tualatin Mountains, Oregon, to quantify and automatically map the topographic signatures of deep-seated landslides. Power spectra produced using the two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform and the two-dimensional continuous wavelet transform identify the characteristic spatial frequencies of deep-seated landslide morphologic features such as hummocky topography, scarps, and displaced blocks of material. Spatial patterns in the amount of spectral power concentrated in these characteristic frequency bands highlight past slope instabilities and allow the delineation of landslide terrain. When calibrated by comparison with detailed, independently compiled landslide inventory maps, our algorithms correctly classify an average of 82% of the terrain in our five study areas. Spectral analysis also allows the creation of dominant wavelength maps, which prove useful in analyzing meter-scale topographic expressions of landslide mechanics, past landslide activity, and landslide-modifying geomorphic processes. These results suggest that our automated landslide mapping methods can create accurate landslide maps and serve as effective, objective, and efficient tools for digital terrain analysis.  相似文献   

Until recently, it was thought that dugongs (Dugong dugon) were extinct in the Seychelles. However, a collection of sightings at Aldabra Atoll, a World Heritage Site in the Seychelles, has renewed interest in dugong distribution in the western Indian Ocean. This article consolidates the records of dugong sightings held in the Aldabra Research Station library and explores their spatial patterning. The locations of sightings (2001–2009) are plotted onto a high-resolution benthic habitat map of the Aldabra lagoon created by classifying a QuickBird satellite remote-sensing image in January 2009. A spatial cluster detection procedure is applied to point records of sightings to reveal a statistically significant cluster of sightings in the north-west of the lagoon, at Bras Monsieur Clairemont, suggesting a mutual co-existence of dugongs and seagrass beds. A habitat suitability model combines the point data set of dugong sightings within the continuous benthic habitat map and identifies the central western area as containing the most suitable habitat for dugong inside the Aldabra lagoon.  相似文献   

Street profile analysis is a new method for analyzing temporal and spatial crime patterns along major roadways in metropolitan areas. This crime mapping technique allows for the identification of crime patterns along these street segments. These are linear spaces where aggregate crime patterns merge with crime attractors/generators and human movement to demonstrate how directionality is embedded in city infrastructures. Visually presenting the interplay between these criminological concepts and land use can improve police crime management strategies. This research presents how this crime mapping technique can be applied to a major roadway in Burnaby, Canada. This technique is contrasted with other crime mapping methods to demonstrate the utility of this approach when analyzing the rate and velocity of crime patterns overtime and in space.  相似文献   

地质矿产信息化成果集中体现在两个方面:包含地质矿产空间数据库的高速发展和空间分析方法的极大丰富.上述两个方面的高效应用均以前人研究成果(地质概念、理论、规律)为基础和依据,地质概念、理论、规律同空间分析方法的结合是地质矿产数据库高效应用的技术关键,实现这一结合的纽带是地质概念、理论和规律所包含的空间分析思想.以矿集区概...  相似文献   

赵淑玲  丁登山  赵清 《地理研究》2005,24(4):572-580
对山区进行旅游保护性区划,是旅游可持续发展战略在时空推进上的具体落实。遵循山区生态系统客观存在的地域分异规律,采用自上而下的自然环境要素宏观分析与自下而上的生态、经济旅游等要素微观分析相结合的方法,既避免了仅仅对指标数据的简单聚类,又克服了传统区划中缺乏对人类经济活动影响分析,以及行政区域不完整、可操作性差等问题,使区划的结果综合程度更高,对山区旅游可持续发展更具有指导性。以典型山地县龙门为例,进行旅游保护性区划,确定旅游的重点开发区,并提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   


This is the first of two papers elaborating a framework for embedding urban models within GIS. This framework is based upon using the display capabilities of GIS as the user interface to the conventional modelling process, beginning with data selection and analysis, moving to model specification and calibration, and thence to prediction. In this paper, we outline how various stages in this process based on purpose-built software outside the system, are accessed and operated through the GIS. We first deal with display based on thematic maps, surfaces, graphs and linked windows, standard to any data from whatever source, be it observations, model estimates or predictions. We then describe how various datasets are selected, how the spatial system can be partitioned or aggregated, and how rudimentary exploratory spatial data analysis enables scatterplots to be associated with thematic maps. We illustrate all these functions and operations using the proprietary GIS ARC-INFO applied to population data at the tract level in the Buffalo region. In the second part of the paper, various residential location models are outlined and the full modelling framework is assembled and demonstrated.  相似文献   

西方创新地理研究的知识图谱可视化分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,创新问题日益受到西方人文地理学者的关注,并成为西方人文地理学研究的新方向。本文选择WOS(Web of Science)作为文献搜索引擎,选取在创新主题下刊发文章最多的500本期刊中的14本被社会科学引文索引SSCI收录的地理学期刊作为文献来源,以1982-2015年共2048篇英语创新主题文献记录作为数据源,基于显示知识发展进程与结构关系的可视化工具CiteSpace对数据进行关键词共现分析和文献共被引分析,绘制了西方创新地理研究的知识图谱,实现了本领域热点主题、知识基础和演进轨迹的可视化。研究发现:西方创新地理研究近30年来发文量和新兴关键词数量增长显著,研究者分布形成西欧、北美两大核心地区,近期研究指向热点关键词技术、溢出、集聚、研发、企业家精神;拥有较为明显的演进主体,研究内容宽广,主题尚不集中,全球城市、全球蜂鸣、空间化模式、产业、生命周期、剑桥地区(或剑桥现象)、知识、产业发展、区域创新战略是建立在32篇高被引文献之上的9个热点主题;经济地理学导向明显,尤其受新区域主义、转向潮流、演化经济地理学的发展影响显著,具有较为清晰的发展脉络。  相似文献   

Land surface morphology is fundamental to geomorphological mapping and many GIS applications. Review and comparison of various approaches to segmentation of the land surface reveals common features, and permits development of a broad theoretical basis for segmentation and for characterization of segments and their boundaries. Within the context of defining landform units that maximise internal homogeneity and external differences, this paper introduces the concept of elementary forms (segments, units) defined by constant values of fundamental morphometric properties and limited by discontinuities of the properties. The basic system of form-defining properties represents altitude and its derivatives, constant values of which provide elementary forms with various types of homogeneity. Every geometric type of elementary form can be characterized by a defining function, which is a specific case of the general polynomial fitted function. Various types of boundary discontinuity and their connections and transformations into other types of morphological unit boundaries are analysed.The wealth of types of elementary forms and their boundaries is potentially unbounded and thus is sufficient to cover the real variety of landforms. Elementary forms in the basic set proposed here have clear potential for genetic and dynamic interpretation. A brief worked example documents the possibility of analytical computation of various models of ideal elementary forms for particular segments of landform. Ideal elementary forms can be considered as attractors, to which the affinity of surface segments can be measured by multivariate statistical methods. The use of the concept of elementary forms in landscape segmentation is promising and it could be adapted for elementary segmentation of various other spatial fields.  相似文献   

Reasonable development and utilization of spatial resources in the coastal zone not only affects the development quality of the marine economy but also impacts the utilization efficiency of spatial resources, playing an important role in regional sustainable development. Depending on the natural, economic, and societal characteristics of a region, research topics such as using relevant methods to divide the coastline, proper spatial development of the coast, protecting coastal zones, and achieving higher spatial resource distribution efficiency have recently become hot topics in geographic research. Most of the scholars construct the evaluation index system from the perspective of economic and ecological factors and undertake some exploration of the division methods. However, the selection of indicators for a coastal zone needs a different and more scientific approach. There is a need for emphasizing the overall strategy of land-ocean integration in developing spatial resources in a coastal zone. Taking the coastal zone in Ningbo as an example, this paper develops a new evaluation framework and spatial function regionalization method that is used to divide the coastline and coastal zone. Based on the perspective of overall strategy for the land and ocean, we evaluate the suitability of coastline development. We then propose the spatial function regionalization of the coastal zone. Finally, based on the status quo of spatial development in Ningbo, we divide the coastal zone into ecological space, production space and living space, and propose adjustment directions and control requirements for the different types of spatial layouts.  相似文献   

Eco-geographic regional system is formed by division or combination of natural features based on geographic relativity and comparison of major ecosystem factors (including biological and non-biological) and geographic zonality. In previous studies, soil types were often taken as a basis for soil regionalization. However, the quantitative characteristics of soil indicators are fitter than the qualitative ones of soil types for modern regionalization researches. Based on the second China’s national soil survey data and the provincial soil resource information, by principal analysis and discriminant analysis, this paper discusses the appropriate soil indicators as the complement of eco-geographic region indicator systems and the relationships between these soil indicators and soil types in regionalization. The results show that five indicators are used in eco-geographic zonality in mid-temperate zone of eastern China which are organic matter content, cation exchange capacity, pH, clay content and bulk density in topsoils. With a regression-kriging approach, the maps of soil indicators in mid-temperate zone of eastern China are compiled with a resolution of 1 km in every grid and the indicative meanings of these soil indicators are discussed. By cluster analysis it is proved that these soil indicators are better than the soil types and soil regionalization in delineating eco-geographic regions. Foundation: National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40771016 Author: Liu Ye (1980–), Ph.D, specialized in integrated physical geography.  相似文献   

Eco-geographic regional system is formed by division or combination of natural features based on geographic relativity and comparison of major ecosystem factors (including biological and non-biological) and geographic zonality. In previous studies, soil types were often taken as a basis for soil regionalization. However, the quantitative characteristics of soil indicators are fitter than the qualitative ones of soil types for modern regionalization researches. Based on the second China’s national soil survey data and the provincial soil resource information, by principal analysis and discriminant analysis, this paper discusses the appropriate soil indicators as the complement of eco-geographic region indicator systems and the relationships between these soil indicators and soil types in regionalization. The results show that five indicators are used in eco-geographic zonality in mid-temperate zone of eastern China which are organic matter content, cation exchange capacity, pH, clay content and bulk density in topsoils. With a regression-kriging approach, the maps of soil indicators in mid-temperate zone of eastern China are compiled with a resolution of 1 km in every grid and the indicative meanings of these soil indicators are discussed. By cluster analysis it is proved that these soil indicators are better than the soil types and soil regionalization in delineating eco-geographic regions.  相似文献   

Ecological shelter zones reconstruction is an ecosystem restoration and conserva-tion project aimed to the ecological safety of nations, regions and basins. Reconstruction of ecological shelter zones of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River became one of the most important tasks of Western Development strategy. This article, taking Zhaotong as an exam-ple, studies the functional regionalization of ecological shelter zones. The study supplies a case for functional regionalization of small and medium regions whose main tasks are envi-ronment reservation. With the guidance of theories of functional regionalization, and based on the analysis of Zhaotong’s natural, ecological and socioeconomic factors, the paper suggests five principles for factors selection. These principles include: (1) reversing order evaluation; (2) selecting main factors; (3) keeping the integrality of administrative regions of towns; and (4) making the products acceptable by local government. To analyze spatial status of selected factors, LUCC data in 2002, 1:50,000 relief maps and town-unit socioeconomic statistical data in 2004 are used. RS and GIS tools are also applied to melt traditional and modern geo-graphical methods. This would be useful to functional regionalization research in mountain-ous areas. As a conclusion, the leading functional regions of ecological conservation or economic development are suggested, respectively. Zhaotong city is divided into two-level functional regions. The first-level includes three leading functional regions and they will lead developing direction of sub-regions. The second-level includes eight sub-regions, which are policy implemented regions, and will supply guidance to Zhaotong’s ecological shelter zones reconstruction.  相似文献   

Ecological shelter zones reconstruction is an ecosystem restoration and conserva-tion project aimed to the ecological safety of nations,regions and basins. Reconstruction of ecological shelter zones of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River became one of the most important tasks of Western Development strategy. This article,taking Zhaotong as an exam-ple,studies the functional regionalization of ecological shelter zones. The study supplies a case for functional regionalization of small and medium regions whose main tasks are envi-ronment reservation. With the guidance of theories of functional regionalization,and based on the analysis of Zhaotong's natural,ecological and socioeconomic factors,the paper suggests five principles for factors selection. These principles include: (1) reversing order evaluation; (2) selecting main factors; (3) keeping the integrality of administrative regions of towns; and (4) making the products acceptable by local government. To analyze spatial status of selected factors,LUCC data in 2002,1:50,000 relief maps and town-unit socioeconomic statistical data in 2004 are used. RS and GIS tools are also applied to melt traditional and modern geo-graphical methods. This would be useful to functional regionalization research in mountain-ous areas. As a conclusion,the leading functional regions of ecological conservation or economic development are suggested,respectively. Zhaotong city is divided into two-level functional regions. The first-level includes three leading functional regions and they will lead developing direction of sub-regions. The second-level includes eight sub-regions,which are policy implemented regions,and will supply guidance to Zhaotong's ecological shelter zones reconstruction.  相似文献   

Ecohydrology, aiming to study the interactions between terrestrial ecological systems and hydrological cycles as well as their impacts on water management, has been an emerging interdisciplinary research field since the 20th century. It hosts both natural and human regulated processes that are potentially coupled in complex ways. Understanding the ecological-hydrological processes, the fundamental mechanisms and the connections between them is critical since these processes are not isolated but integrated to impact basin- scale hydrological and biogeochemical functioning of a larger river system, especially in arid environment where water resources are considered to be the source of life. Thus, research on ecological-hydrological processes in arid environment is not only a scientific focus area but also important to sustainable development. Research projects and initiatives involved in observation, measurement, modeling and data assimilation have been well-developed for those purposes over the past 20 years. This review summarizes the historical development of ecohydrology science in China and the state-of-the-art tools available in the research framework. Five grand scientific challenges are listed as prospects and exciting opportunities for the scientific community. To advance the current ecological-hydrological processes research, scientists from multidisciplinary backgrounds (such as geography, geology, geomorphology, hydrology, geochemistry and ecology), need to unite to tackle the many open problems in new dimensions.  相似文献   

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