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Three key types of natural-territorial complexes (NTCs) ensuring geosystem stability are identified on the basis of assessing landscape diversity in the Russian part of the Lesser Khingan. Landscape representativity for special protected natural territories of the Lesser Khingan is outlined. A need to increase the protected area of taiga landscapes is revealed.  相似文献   

We examine the issues relating to the origin of conflagration fires, and the conditions for their emergence and occurrence in taiga landscapes of Central Siberia. We carry out an analysis of the natural-pyrological conditions of landscape where conflagration fires occur.  相似文献   

Presented are the results from taking an inventory and analyzing the land cover transformation during 2001–2012. The study revealed 246 types of transitions between land cover classes according to the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, including 229 types of changes with a change of land cover classes. The density of changes is highest in the taiga and steppe zones of Eurasia and North America, savannas and woodlands of Africa and South America, the Arctic tundras of North America and Eurasia. It was found that the natural zones with a complex structure of land cover (open woodlands, shrublands and savannas of the tropical belt and hard-leaved summer-dry open woodland and shrublands of the subtropical belt) have the largest number of transition types (17) and types of changes (10 and 8, respectively). The contribution from the particular transformation processes to the structure of land cover changes within the natural zones was calculated to show the principal land cover trajectories for each natural zone. The findings provide a means of assessing the degree and nature of land cover transformation within the natural zones and identifying, on this basis, the leading land use trends which would have a considerable influence on the structure and dynamics of present-day land surface landscapes across the globe.  相似文献   

A study is made of the northern spurs of the Tsagan-Daban Range in the Transbaikalia which are represented by Central-Asian and North-Asian taiga geosystems. The investigations of landscape structure were made in two key areas characterized by an alternation of mountain ranges and intermontane depressions (creek valleys).  相似文献   

The concept of geophysical systems of landscapes is suggested. This study identifies the energy components of the geophysical system of landscape and the most important functions that derive from them, which determine the boundaries and individuality of landscapes, and their differences in the rate of matter moisture transport. A methodological solution is suggested for the metric characteristic of landscapes from the system of intervals of basic hydrothermal indicators that control the rate of matter moisture transport and are used as a standard of functional stability of landscapes.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis is made of the landscape-forming factors, and their role in the formation of the spatial structure of landscapes in the Kuril and Hawaiian Islands is determined. The research has been done on the basis of landscape mapping at a scale of 1:200 000. A correlative study was made of the different genetic varieties of geosystems: classical landscapes, catenary and nuclear. In spite of the dissimilar character of manifestation of landscape-forming processes, there occur largely identical formation principles for the spatial structure of landscapes.  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the volcanic landscape structure of Mount Kerinci, the highest volcano in South-East Asia. Field observations, remote sensing methods, and also cartographic material were used in obtaining new evidence to gain a more penetrating insight into the characteristics of structure and altitudinal zonation of the landscapes along the equatorial belt that have shaped themselves and are evolving in conditions of intense volcanic activity, equatorial climate and heavy anthropogenic load. The analysis revealed natural and anthropogenic landscape-forming factors that determined the present-day landscape appearance of the Kerinci volcano. Within the boundaries of the volcanic structure, landscapes of the mountain class show the highest diversity of landscape taxa. They are represented largely by slope units. With an increase in altitude, there is an increase in the proportion of landscapes of steep and vertical slopes as well as moderately steep slopes, along with the disappearance of landscapes of smart slopes and valley bottoms. A less diverse landscape structure is characteristic for subclasses of aggraded-denudation plains where there occur only landscapes with bogs and waterlogged meadows predominating. Anthropogenic modifications of landscapes occur mostly within subclasses of smart slopes and aggraded-denudation plains. They are characterized by a predominance of agricultural plants.  相似文献   

The principle of structural-dynamical landscape science was used in mapping the taiga of the Ob’-Irtysh, Lower Irtysh and Tobol regions. The spatiotemporal dynamics of the regions’ geosystems is outlined, and their productivity is assessed from forest inventory data and NDVI indices as calculated on the basis of Landsat-5 TM images.  相似文献   

“传统”农业景观旅游保护困局的反思(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球范围对"文化景观"重新燃起兴趣需要从多维方式来解释。传统栖息地,人民和他们在特殊环境里的生活方式的价值改变过程是和与遗产地有关的"文化、社会和经济建设"的引入密不可分的。自上世纪90年代开始,文化景观作为一种新型遗产列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录,它强调人类与环境相互作用的重要性,需要了解景观在时空上的动态性。观念的变化产生了对标志性景观和传统社区的"动态保护"。从交叉学科的视角来理解这一交互过程对规划和保护可持续遗产景观至关重要。遍及全世界的各试点项目和案例研究都引起了关于遗产景观的可持续性和旅游的至高无上作用的批判性反思。全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)能否受益于旅游产生的经济资源,需要基于研究的方法来分析机会和预期,评估其战略政策和自上而下的政策。  相似文献   

The structure and dynamics of geosystems in the northwestern part of Western Siberia is considered using the Kazym-Lyamin interfluve, based on the landscape-assessment map for the middle part of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District. The study used the landscape structural-dynamical approach and the methods of studying the spatio-temporal dynamics of taiga geosystems.  相似文献   

A landscape diversity representativeness assessment is made of the system of specially protected territories in Nenets Autonomous Okrug having regard to natural regionalization and zonal division. It is shown that the existing specially protected natural territories are representative for a small number of landscapes. Maps have been generated, which display the distribution of rare and threatened groups of landscapes, and territories have been identified, which are high priority for the establishment of specially protected natural territories.  相似文献   

The process of laboratory compilation of the natural landscape chorological map of one of the uluses (administrative districts) of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic is presented at a scale of 1:2 500 000. The GIS tools were used to reference thematic cartographic documents to the topographic base of the ulus containing contour lines, elevations and the main river network. The final river network is drawn on the basis of other data sources. A significant role in the subsequent map compilation stages was played by data from the Google Earth website: 2D and 3D images were used to identify floodplains. Units of glacial landforms of foothill areas and the main types of geological and geomorphological units of the ulus were determined using both published data sources and the Google Earth imagery. The map of natural vegetation has been compiled having regard to the humidity conditions and the vertical zonation of the climate and soils. The digital map layers in GIS were gradually combined into the synthetic natural landscape map of the ulus, and the identified natural landscape units were also incorporated into the regional classification of the landscapes of Siberia. It is established that the hierarchical system of natural landscapes of the ulus differentiates three levels of classification: high (the landscapes are differentiated with respect to their geographical location into the landscapes of lowlands and high mountains), intermediate (the differentiation of the landscapes with respect to the genesis and topography dissection in a relevant climatic zone) and low (the natural landscapes are determined by a combination of vegetation covering the type of soil that developed on a given geological substrate).  相似文献   

曲阜是中国历史文化名城,拥有“孔子故里”“东方圣城”“儒家文化发源地”等多个文化符号。然而,曲阜今日的景观格局是在历史发展过程中逐渐形成的。在这一过程中,为什么有些景观保留了下来,且影响日益扩大,而有的却湮没无闻?其背后的运行机制是什么?这些便是文章要探索的问题。已有关于文化景观的研究对景观的层累特性以及形成原因多有涉及,但较少分析层累过程中景观的筛选问题以及具体的机制效应。采用文献分析法,利用历史文物、历史文献和规划资料,以曲阜为例分析了城市文化景观的历史层累过程及其机制。结论如下:1)国家文化认同需要是造就曲阜文化景观历史层累及演变的主要原因。历史上,国家对儒学正统的不断强化,使曲阜与孔子和儒学有关的景观地位被不断抬高,而其他人文景观则被有意无意地忽略,导致最终消失。2)经济动机是当代曲阜文化景观维护与建设的重要标准。在当代,曲阜人文景观建设以服务旅游经济为目的,儒家文化的物质表征成为招揽游客的招牌和被消费的对象。3)鉴于曲阜在中国传统社会中的特殊地位,其人文景观被贴上了孔子与儒学的标签;但从另一方面看,这也限制了其城市景观多元化发展的可能性。  相似文献   

Geografisk Tidsskrift—Danish Journal of Geography 109(2):161–179, 2009

A key feature of globalization is the way that local landscapes are progressively opened up to the influence of global markets, consumers and capital. The transformations that result are frequently politically contested, and can profoundly and quickly affect cultural landscapes that have evolved slowly over long periods. The contests over policy direction may draw upon long established ideals of occupancy and ownership, and such ‘policy myths’ may paradoxically serve to undermine the very landscapes from which they are drawn. The New Zealand South Island High Country is a distinctive continuing cultural landscape that is currently undergoing radical change as a result of land tenure reform. The unarticle demonstrates the way that cultural and political narratives and ideals are critical factors in mediating the relationship between globalization and local landscape change in this iconic landscape.  相似文献   

The perfect landscape   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The “perfect storm” metaphor describes the improbable coincidence of several different forces or factors to produce an unusual outcome. The perfect landscape is conceptualized as a result of the combined, interacting effects of multiple environmental controls and forcings to produce an outcome that is highly improbable, in the sense of the likelihood of duplication at any other place or time. Geomorphic systems have multiple environmental controls and forcings, and degrees of freedom in responding to them. This allows for many possible landscapes and system states. Further, some controls and forcings are causally contingent. These contingencies are specific to time and place. Dynamical instability in many geomorphic systems creates and enhances some of this contingency by causing the effects of minor initial variations and small disturbances to persist, and grow disproportionately large, over time. The joint probability of any particular set of global controls is low, as the individual probabilities are < 1, and the probability of any set of local, contingent controls is even lower. Thus, the probability of existence of any landscape or earth surface system state at a particular place and time is negligibly small: all landscapes are perfect. Recognition of the perfection of landscapes leads away from a worldview holding that landforms and landscapes are the inevitable outcomes of deterministic laws, such that only one outcome is possible for a given set of laws and initial conditions. A perfect landscape perspective leads toward a worldview that landforms and landscapes are circumstantial, contingent results of deterministic laws operating in a specific environmental context, such that multiple outcomes are possible.  相似文献   

Presented are the results from investigating the cenotic structure, structural-dynamical characteristics and spatial differentiation in vegetation of taiga geosystems in the south of the Lena-Katanga plateau of the interfluves between the Lower Tunguska and Nepa rivers. The 1:75 000 map for the present status of vegetation in the key area has been compiled.  相似文献   

书法景观是一种代表中国特色文化符号的文化景观,景观知觉维度研究是了解这种景观基本特征的手段。本文将尝试开放问卷对书法知觉场所地方记忆报告结果进行编码,并构建专门计算公式进行权重计算,结果表明书法景观主要知觉维度可归为6 类:知觉时间、地理环境、书法特性、书法载体形式、价值和个体心理,并揭示了热点景点书法景观的知觉维度特征。眼动仪分析结果表明旅游景点的书法景观作为地域标志和景观标志,在公众知觉过程中占有重要地位。相对园林、湖泊和海滨景点内的书法景观,公众更多知觉到了山岳和宫殿庙宇内的书法景观。利用知觉频数描述了不同类型书法景观的地理场所公众知觉特征,根据书法景观知觉频率可将这些场所划分为景点、与人们生活息息相关的场所、新闻媒体和广场三个层次。本文的研究实际上也为中国特色文化景观的实证研究提供了一个有效的方法。  相似文献   

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