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As a part of a consortium study, we analyzed the Martian meteorite Yamato (Y) 000097 by prompt gamma-ray analysis, instrumental neutron activation analysis, and instrumental photon activation analysis. For comparison, we also analyzed Allan Hills (ALH) 77005 using the same methods. The data confirm that Y000097 belongs to lherzolitic shergottites in terms of chemical composition. Although there exist slight differences in elemental abundances among lherzolitic shergottites due to differences in the modal abundances of constituent minerals, they have essentially the same chemical compositions, suggesting they are genetically related and experienced similar formation histories.Zr/Hf ratios obtained for Y000097 and ALH 77005 are subchondritic, consistent with values reported for other lherzolitic shergottites and olivine-phyric shergottites. Such fractionation can be explained by invoking clinopyroxene, ilmenite, or majorite in the petrogenesis of the shergottites' source material. CI-normalized Hf/Sm ratios obtained for Y000097 and ALH 77005 are 1.52 and 1.37, respectively, consistent with superchondritic Hf/Sm ratios reported for shergottites. Based on experimentally derived partition coefficients, majorite is the best candidate mineral for the fractionation of Hf and Sm in shergottites.  相似文献   

We have investigated secondary influences on the noble gas budget in rim and interior pairs of three Martian meteorites from Antarctica: the lherzolitic shergottites Y000027 and Y000097, and the nakhlite Y000593. Three factors have been found to influence the original Martian noble gas budget: shock metamorphic overprint, cosmic irradiation, and terrestrial weathering. The 3He/4He ratio of the shergottites is between 0.189 and 0.217, which indicates almost complete loss of radiogenic 4He. This is expected from the high shock pressure observed in the shergottite samples. The concentration of 4He in these shergottite samples ranges from 33.8 to 39.4 × 10−8 ccSTP/g. 22Ne in the shergottites is on the order of 14 × 10−9 ccSTP/g. The nakhlite has 800 × 10−8 ccSTP/g 4He and 26 × 10−9 ccSTP/g 22Ne. An indication for solar cosmic ray contribution to the neon budget can be found in the shergottites. As Y000027 and Y000097 are reported to be paired we conclude the cosmic ray exposure (CRE) age T(3+21) of this shergottite to be 4.41 ± 0.54 Ma. For the nakhlite Y000593 T(3+21) is 11.8 ± 0.3 Ma. Heavy noble gas concentrations show large differences between rim and interior samples with the rim samples having 1.3–2.9, 1.7–38, and 1.4–20 times as much 36Ar, 84Kr, and 132Xe, respectively. The enrichment of heavy noble gases in the rim samples indicates severe terrestrial contamination. The relation between 129Xe/132Xe and 84Kr/132Xe in the rim samples shows that the incorporation mechanism caused elemental fractionation of Kr and Xe to the extent that in the Y000027 shergottite samples any Martian signature is completely masked by terrestrial contamination, if the total is taken. Only the 1400 °C steps show clear evidence for Martian atmosphere. The Y000593 nakhlite interior sample, on the other hand, shows low 84Kr/132Xe in relation to 129Xe/132Xe, which is characteristic for fractionated Martian atmosphere observed in nakhlites.  相似文献   

We report the petrography, mineral and whole-rock chemistry (major-, trace-, and highly-siderophile element abundances, and osmium and oxygen isotope compositions) of a newly recognized lherzolitic shergottite, Yamato (Y) 984028. Oxygen isotopes (Δ17O = 0.218‰) confirm a martian origin for this meteorite. Three texturally distinctive internal zones and a partially devitrified fusion crust occur in the polished section of Y 984028 studied here. The zones include: 1) a poikilitic region with pyroxene enclosing olivine and chromite (Zone A); 2) a non-poikilitic zone with cumulate olivine, interstitial pyroxene, maskelynite and Ti-rich chromite (Zone B) and; 3) a monomict breccia (Zone C). The pyroxene oikocryst in Zone A is chemically zoned from Wo3–7En76–71 in the core region to Wo33–36En52–49 at the rim, and encloses more Mg-rich olivine (Fo74–70) in the core, as compared with olivines (Fo69–68) located at the oikocryst rim. Constraints from Fe–Mg partitioning between crystals and melt indicate that constituent minerals are not in equilibrium with the corresponding bulk-rock composition, implying that Y 984028 represents a cumulate. The whole-rock major- and trace-element compositions, and initial 187Os/188Os value (0.1281 ± 0.0002) of Y 984028 are similar to other lherzolitic shergottites and this sample is probably launch-paired with Y 793602, Y 000027, Y 000047, and Y 000097. The Os isotopic composition and highly-siderophile element (HSE) abundances of Y 984028 and other lherzolitic shergottites are consistent with derivation from a martian mantle source that evolved with chondritic Re/Os.  相似文献   

Yamato 984028 (Y984028) is a newly identified lherzolitic shergottite, recovered from the Yamato Mountains, Antarctica, in 1999. As part of a consortium study, we conducted petrographic observations of Y984028 and its melt vein in order to investigate its shock metamorphism. The rock displays the typical non-poikilitic texture of lherzolitic shergottite, characterized by a framework of olivine, minor pyroxene (pigeonite and augite), and interstitial maskelynite. Shock metamorphic features include irregular fractures in olivine and pyroxene, shock-induced twin-lamellae in pyroxene, and the complete conversion of plagioclase to maskelynite, features consistent with those found in other lherzolitic shergottites. The melt vein is composed of coarse mineral fragments (mainly olivine) entrained in a matrix of fine-grained euhedral olivine (with several modes of compositional zoning) and interstitial glassy material. Some coarse olivine fragments consist of an assemblage of fine-grained euhedral to subhedral olivine crystals, suggesting shock-induced fragmentation, recrystallization, and/or a process of sintering. The implication is that the fine-grained olivine crystals in the matrix of the melt vein represent complicated crystallization environments and histories.  相似文献   

《Polar Science》2009,3(4):272-284
The first discovery of Yamato Meteorites by an inland survey team of the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE) in 1969 was reported by Yoshida et al. (1971). However, there are important events, issues, and data related to this discovery that have so far not been published. Prior to the author's departure for Antarctica, M. Gorai suggested the author to consider collecting meteorites during the trip. On 21 December 1969, when geodetic measurements for the 250 km span of a triangulation chain were approaching its completion, members of the inland survey team collected three stones on the surface of the ice sheet in the southeastern marginal area of the Yamato Mountains. The author realized that these rocks were possibly meteorites, recalled the suggestion by M. Gorai, and requested all members of the team to collect other possible meteorites while conducting the geodetic survey. After returning to Japan, the nine stones collected in Antarctica were all identified as meteorites by M. Gorai. The concept of a mechanism by which meteorites became concentrated in the area in which they were found, involving the flow, structure, and ablation of the ice sheet, was developed in the field in 1969 during the collection program, and was mentioned briefly in Yoshida et al. (1971); a schematic figure was shown in a Japanese newspaper in the same year. With all these as background, further collections of meteorites in the Yamato Mountains were conducted in the 1973 and 1974–1975 seasons, and a project involving the collection of meteorites was formally incorporated as an important component of the work undertaken by the geology group within JARE from the 1975–1976 season onwards.  相似文献   

Summary. A relation is obtained between the true value of the moment of inertia of a planet and the value calculated from the dynamical form factor, J 2, on the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium. The result is applied to Mars and it is shown that the difference between the true and calculated moments of inertia is probably insignificant in considering models of the interior of Mars and in particular does not affect an argument for a core based on models calculated by Lyttleton.  相似文献   

沙丘是柴达木盆地可类比火星的重要地貌类型,沙丘形态是类火星风沙地貌研究的重要内容。基于数字地形分析(DTA)的方法,采用高程、坡度、坡向及地表复杂程度4个地形计量学指标对火星(北极地区)和地球(柴达木盆地)格状沙丘的地貌形态特征进行定量对比分析。结果表明:(1)两个研究区的高程剖面、坡度、坡向的地理学空间分布格局具有较大相似性;(2)高程、高程梯度、坡度和坡向的直方图相似度指数均大于0.7;(3)不同尺度上的分形维数近似相等,即地表复杂程度相似。用数字地形分析与直方图相似度指数结合的方法,定量或半定量地分析两个研究区沙丘地貌形态的相似性,这对类火星风沙地貌研究中科学选择试验点是一种新的尝试,以期为反演火星风沙地貌的形成与演化提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The geomorphology of the martian valley networks is examined from a hydrological perspective for the compatibility with an origin by rainfall, globally higher heat flow, and localized hydrothermal systems. Comparison of morphology and spatial distribution of valleys on geologic surfaces with terrestrial fluvial valleys suggests that most martian valleys are probably not indicative of a rainfall origin, nor are they indicative of formation by an early global uniformly higher heat flow. In general, valleys are not uniformly distributed within geologic surface materials as are terrestrial fluvial valleys. Valleys tend to form either as isolated systems or in clusters on a geologic surface unit leaving large expanses of the unit virtually untouched by erosion. With the exception of fluvial valleys on some volcanoes, most martian valleys exhibit a sapping morphology and do not appear to have formed along with those that exhibit runoff morphology. In contrast, terrestrial sapping valleys form from and along with runoff valleys. The isolated or clustered distribution of valleys suggests localized water sources were important in drainage development. Persistent groundwater outflow driven by localized, but vigorous hydrothermal circulation associated with magmatism, volcanism, impacts, or tectonism is, however, consistent with valley morphology and distribution. Snowfall from sublimating ice-covered lakes or seas may have provided an atmospheric source of water for the formation of some valleys in regions where the surface is easily eroded and where localized geothermal/hydrothermal activity is sufficient to melt accumulated snowpacks.  相似文献   

沙漠倒置河床是干旱区一种特殊的河流状正地貌,这种地形倒置现象蕴含着河床由负转正的重要环境变化信息。本文遵循地貌学思路,基于全球范围内对沙漠倒置河床的研究报道以及野外勘察工作,对该地貌的空间分布、形态特征、物质组成、沉积结构以及形成机制进行了详细梳理。总体而言,世界各大主要沙漠地区均发育该地貌类型,其表层多为岩石碎屑或胶结物硬层,下伏质地相对松软的砂、黏土物质,由于河床和河岸周边沉积物的差异化侵蚀,河床被相对抬高。基于此,对火星倒置河床的成因机制、物质组成和形成时间进行了讨论。尽管对地球上沙漠倒置河床的研究已经取得一定进展,但未来研究仍需对其形成年代及其代表的气候意义进行深入分析;同时还应更多地与不同类型的火星倒置河床进行类比研究,这将对揭示火星水文活动和环境变化等科学问题提供重要依据。  相似文献   

温室气体排放评价指标及其定量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHG) emission and related global warming issues have been the focus of international communities for some time. The international communities have reached a consensus to reduce anthropogenic GHG emissions and restrain global warming. The quantitative assessment of anthropogenic GHG emissions is the scientific basis to find out the status of global GHG emission, identify the commitments of each country, and arrange the international efforts of GHG emission reduction. Currently the main assessment indicators for GHG emission include national indicator, per capita indicator, per GDP indicator, and international trade indicator etc. The introduction to the above indi- cators is put forward and their merits and demerits are analyzed. Based on the GHG emission data from the World Resource Institute (WRI), the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), and the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC), the results of each indictor are calculated for the world, for the eight G8 industrialized countries (USA, UK, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Italy and Russia), and the five major developing countries including China, Brazil, India, South Africa and Mexico. The paper points out that all these indicators have some limitations. The Indicator of Industrialized Accumulative Emission per Capita (IAEC) is put forward as the equitable indicator to evaluate the industrialized historical accumulative emission per capita of every country. IAEC indicator can reflect the economic achievement of GHG emission enjoyed by the current generations in every country and their commitments. The analysis of IAEC indicates that the historical accumulative emission per capita in indus- trialized countries such as UK and USA were typically higher than those of the world average and the developing countries. Emission indicator per capita per GDP, consumptive emission indicator and survival emission indicator are also put forward and discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHG) emission and related global warming issues have been the focus of international communities for some time. The international communities have reached a consensus to reduce anthropogenic GHG emissions and restrain global warming. The quantitative assessment of anthropogenic GHG emissions is the scientific basis to find out the status of global GHG emission, identify the commitments of each country, and arrange the international efforts of GHG emission reduction. Currently the main assessment indicators for GHG emission include national indicator, per capita indicator, per GDP indicator, and international trade indicator etc. The introduction to the above indicators is put forward and their merits and demerits are analyzed. Based on the GHG emission data from the World Resource Institute (WRI), the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), and the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC), the results of each indictor are calculated for the world, for the eight G8 industrialized countries (USA, UK, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Italy and Russia), and the five major developing countries including China, Brazil, India, South Africa and Mexico. The paper points out that all these indicators have some limitations. The Indicator of Industrialized Accumulative Emission per Capita (IAEC) is put forward as the equitable indicator to evaluate the industrialized historical accumulative emission per capita of every country. IAEC indicator can reflect the economic achievement of GHG emission enjoyed by the current generations in every country and their commitments. The analysis of IAEC indicates that the historical accumulative emission per capita in industrialized countries such as UK and USA were typically higher than those of the world average and the developing countries. Emission indicator per capita per GDP, consumptive emission indicator and survival emission indicator are also put forward and discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

A comparison of methods used to estimate the height of sand dunes on Mars   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
The collection of morphometric data on small-scale landforms from other planetary bodies is difficult. We assess four methods that can be used to estimate the height of aeolian dunes on Mars. These are (1) stereography, (2) slip face length, (3) profiling photoclinometry, and (4) Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA). Results show that there is good agreement among the methods when conditions are ideal. However, limitations inherent to each method inhibited their accurate application to all sites. Collectively, these techniques provide data on a range of morphometric parameters, some of which were not previously available for dunes on Mars. They include dune height, width, length, surface area, volume, and longitudinal and transverse profiles. The utilization of these methods will facilitate a more accurate analysis of aeolian dunes on Mars and enable comparison with dunes on other planetary surfaces.  相似文献   

Lithology and physical properties of strata exposed at the Earth's surface have direct influence on the erosion and geomorphic expression of landforms. While this is well known on our planet, examples on Mars are just coming to light among the tens of thousands of airphoto-quality images (resolutions 1.5–12 m/pixel) acquired since 1997 by the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC). Specific examples occur among martian north polar layered materials, which MOC images reveal are divided into two distinct stratigraphic units: a lower, dark-toned layered unit and a younger, upper, lighter-toned layered unit. The lower unit is less resistant to wind erosion than the upper unit. The upper unit most likely consists of stratified dust and ice, while the lower unit contains abundant, poorly cemented sand. Sand is more easily mobilized by wind than dust; the lower resistance to erosion of the lower unit results from the presence of sand. Where wind erosion in polar troughs has penetrated to the lower unit, geomorphic change has proceeded more rapidly: sand has been liberated from the lower unit, and arcuate scarps have formed as the upper unit has been undermined. Wind erosion of the lower unit thus influences the geomorphology of the north polar region; this result likely explains the genesis of the large polar trough, Chasma Boreale, and the relations between dunes and arcuate scarps that have puzzled investigators for nearly three decades. The properties of the stratigraphic units suggest that the upper limit for the amount of water contained in the north polar layered materials may be 30–50% less than previously estimated.  相似文献   

作为一种风蚀地貌,雅丹地貌是对环境长期适应的一种表现,其形态特征可以反映所受内外营力的作用。对火星埃律西昂平原和地球柴达木盆地雅丹体的形态参数进行对比分析。结果显示:(1)埃律西昂平原雅丹体的长宽比(3.49)与柴达木盆地雅丹体的长宽比(3.57)较为接近,同时也与理想状态下的长宽比(4)接近,它们都具有流线型的形态,且处于雅丹体发育的成熟期。(2)柴达木盆地雅丹体是鲸背状,埃律西昂平原雅丹体是椭圆状,原因是柴达木盆地雅丹体常年受盛行风的影响,埃律西昂平原雅丹体受两种反向风的影响。柴达木盆地雅丹体表面崩裂的痕迹不明显,埃律西昂平原雅丹体表面崩裂的痕迹比较明显,原因是形成雅丹体的物质基础和温差环境不同:柴达木盆地雅丹体的物质基础是湖相沉积物,雅丹体表面有减弱风化的盐壳;埃律西昂平原雅丹体的物质基础是火山熔岩流,而且火星的昼夜温差大于地球。  相似文献   

Measurements of dissolved N2, O2, Ar, CO2, and CH4 were made in perennially ice-covered Lake Hoare. Results confirm previous reports that O2 concentrations in the upper water column exceed atmospheric equilibrium and that N2 and Ar are supersaturated throughout the water column. The mean supersaturation of N2 was found to be 2.0 (+/- 0.37) and Ar was 3.8 (+/- 1.1). The ratios of N2/Ar (20.3 +/- 13.8), and O2/Ar (22.5 +/- 4.0) at the ice-water interface are consistent with those previously measured, suggesting that bubble formation is the main process for removing gas from the lake. However, the saturations of N2 and Ar greatly exceed those previously predicted for degassing by bubble formation only at the ice-water interface. The data support the hypothesis that removal of gas by bubbles occurs in the water column to a depth of 11 m in Lake Hoare. CO2 concentration increases from near zero at the ice-water interface to 80-100 times saturation at and below the chemocline at c. 28 m. There is considerable variability in the gas concentrations throughout the water column; samples separated in depth by one metre may vary by more than 50% in gas content. It is likely that this phenomenon results from the lack of turbulent mixing in the water column. Methane (c. 2 micrograms l-1) was detected below the chemocline and immediately above the sediment/water interface at a depth of 30 m. Samples from lakes Vanda, Joyce, and Miers, also show supersaturations of O2, N2, and Ar at levels similar to levels found in Lake Hoare.  相似文献   

Summary. Over 80 earthquakes, exclusively from the Hindukush focal region, which were recorded at the Gauribidanur seismic array (GBA) have been used in this study. These events have similar epicentral distances and a narrow azimuthal range from GBA but varying focal depths from 10 to 240 km. A fault plane dipping steeply (75°) in the north-west direction and striking N 66° E has been investigated on the basis of the spatial distribution of earthquakes in two vertical planes through 68° E and 32° N. Short period P -wave recordings up to 30 s were processed using the adaptive cross-correlation filtering technique. Slowness and azimuthal anomalies were obtained for first arrivals. These anomalies show positive as well as negative bias and are attributed to a steep velocity gradient in the upper mantle between the 400–700 km depth range where the seismic rays have their maximum penetration. Relative time residuals between the stations of GBA owe their origin very near to the surface beneath the array. A search of the signals across the array revealed that most of the events occurring at shallower depths had complex signatures as compared to the deeper events. The structure near the source region, complicated source functions and the scattering confined to the crust—upper mantle near source are mainly responsible for the complexity of the Hindukush earthquakes as the transmission zone of the ray tubes from turning point to the recording station is practically the same.  相似文献   

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