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The Engineering Geological Map of the Sakha(Yakutia) Republic covers about 3 million kilometers which is one-fifth of the territory of Russia.The map displays ground and geocryological conditions and active faults.Seismic intensity,schemes of zoning by factors of engineering geological conditions,and the general scheme of engineering geological zoning of the Sakha(Yakutia) Republic or the SR(Y),are shown on the inset maps.The map is required to provide information for planning,construction and exploitation of engineering structures in the SR(Y).A distinguishing feature of the map is the indication of almost blanket distribution of the frozen ground class.Types of the frozen ground class are separated by lithology,while ground varieties are separated by temperature.Fresh and ultra-fresh suprapermafrost water is predominant within the territory.The compiled map indicates parts of the Arctic-Asian and Baikalo-Stanovoi planetary seismic belts that make engineering geological conditions more complicated.  相似文献   

The fauna and flora of Lake Abalakh, a saline lake in Yakutia, eastern Siberia, Russian Federation, is described from a collection made in July, 1990. The fauna comprisedMoina mongolica, Metadiaptomus asiaticus, Brachionus plicatilis and larval ceratopogonids. The flora was much more diverse. It contained 82 taxa most of which were cyanophytes, bacillariophytes, and chlorophytes. Also present were cryptophytes (1 taxon), xanthophytes (5) and euglenoids (1).  相似文献   

The spatial distribution patterns of climatic changes in Yakutia are considered. For 26 meteorological stations of Yakutia we calculated the linear trend coefficients of climatic characteristics: air temperature (mean annual, January and July temperatures) and the mean annual amount of atmospheric precipitation from 1966 to 2016. Maps of climate change trends were compiled from linear trend coefficients. A spatial analysis of the zonal (regional) peculiarities of the climate of Yakutia has been carried out. An increase in air temperature was established for the 50-year period under consideration. It was found that the annual values of the air temperature trend are positive and, on average, a characteristic trend change interval is 0.3 to 0.6 °C/10 yr. Most of the meteorological stations recorded trends of air temperature with maximum values in winter and minimum values in summer. It was determined that the values of the trends in annual precipitation show different directions, and positive trends occur on more than 70% of the territory of Yakutia. Their maximum corresponds to the mountain-taiga regions of Southern Yakutia. Negative trends in precipitation with values of up to–15 mm/10 yr. are observed in tundra landscapes. The findings show that different regions of Yakutia respond differently to climate change. The trend of an increase in mean annual temperature is largely due to the rise in temperatures during the winter months. The rise in air temperature in Yakutia may be part of global warming. Over the last 50 years there has been an increase in the amount of precipitation in Yakutia as a whole.  相似文献   

中国城市休闲商业街区研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱鹤  刘家明  李玏  陶慧 《地理科学进展》2014,33(11):1474-1485
随着人们闲暇时间和收入的增长,休闲旅游不断发展,而城市休闲商业街区(RBD)作为城市旅游的重要游憩空间,受到普遍关注.城市RBD是传统商业与旅游业的融合,对于城市旅游业的发展、经济转型、城市形象的提升具有重要意义.本文以知网检索到的与RBD相关的246 篇文献为基础,以论文年发表数量和增长率作为主要的评价依据,首先分析国内RBD研究进程,将其分为起步发展、快速发展、巩固发展3 个阶段,从研究主题、使用方法、研究层次等角度对每个阶段特征进行分析.其次,分析文献内容,对RBD的相关研究方向进行划分,共分为12 大类,并从RBD的相关概念与定义、RBD的特征功能与分类、形成机制与过程、空间结构与布局、RBD发展对城市的影响、RBD的旅游形象与游客体验感知、RBD的开发与规划7 个方面对国内RBD研究现状进行了综述.最后对RBD的研究中存在的问题进行总结,其中,概念定义的统一、深化案例研究、细化研究方向、提炼理论层次、应用定量化研究方法、建立评价指标体系等都是今后的研究中应加强的环节,并对今后的研究方向和重点进行展望.  相似文献   

Fission track analyses of detrital components in the Permo-Triassic Karoo Basin (South Africa), highlight the potency of tectono-magmatically driven fluids to penetrate wide and far in foreland basins. The data, together with the data published on Karoo tectonics and magmatism, support a model which requires that fluids were driven north out of the Cape-Karoo orogen during the Cape Orogeny (270–200 Ma). Later fluids were redistributed and aquifers rejuvenated during (and after) the final break-up of Gondwana (<200 Ma). The fission track data indicate that thermal annealing of fission tracks in zircon occurs non-uniformly between individual zircon grains. This model is in agreement with recent models applied to deformed foreland basins and implicates tectonic fluids in U metallogenesis.  相似文献   

The evolution of ground thermal state has been studied to assess impacts of current climatic warming on permafrost in Central Yakutia. The analysis of long-term data of regional weather stations has revealed one of the highest increasing trends in mean annual air temperature in northern Russia. A forecast of surface air temperature fluctuations has been made by applying a frequency analysis method. Monitoring of ground thermal conditions allows us to identify inter-annual and long-term variability among a wide range of natural conditions. Experimental research has indicated a long-term dynamics of ground thermal state evolution: ground temperatures at the depth of zero annual amplitude and seasonally thawed layer depth. Long-term variability of thaw depth shows near-zero to weak positive trends in small valleys in contrast to weak negative trends on slopes. With significant climatic warming, the thermal state of near-surface layers of permafrost demonstrates steadiness. Anthropogenic impacts on ground thermal regime in various terrain types have been qualitatively evaluated. Clear-cutting, ground cover stripping, and post-fire deforestation in inter-alas type terrains result in a significant increase of temperature and seasonal ground thaw depth, as well as adverse cryogenic processes. The dynamics of mean annual ground temperature in slash and burn sites have been evaluated in reference to stages of successive vegetation recovery.  相似文献   

On the basis of space-acquired images from the Landsat 7,7 satellites (1992, 2002) and the topographic map at a scale of 1:200 000 (1969), we investigated the patterns of spatio-temporal changes of glaciation of the plexus of the Turgan-Kharkhira mountains (Western Mongolia). The study ascertained the dynamics of the areas and volumes of the glaciers for 33 years as well as the changes in glacier runoff for five mountain river basins.  相似文献   

The Western Pyrenees presents a diffuse and moderate ( M ≤ 5.7) instrumental seismicity. It nevertheless historically suffered from strong earthquakes (I = IX MSK). The seismic sources of these events are not yet clearly identified. We focus on the Arudy (1980) epicentral area ( M = 5.1) and propose here the reactivation of early Cretaceous normal faults of the Iberian margin as a potential source. The late Cretaceous inversion of this basin, first in a left-lateral strike-slip mode and then in a more frontal convergence, resulted in a pop-up geometry. This flower structure attests of the presence of a deep crustal discontinuity.
The present-day geodynamic arrangement suggests that this accident is reactivated in a right lateral mode. This reactivation leads to a strain partitioning between the deep discontinuity that accommodates the lateral component of the motion and shallow thrusts, rooted on this discontinuity. These thrusts accommodate the shortening component of the strain. The distribution of the instrumental seismicity fits well the structural model of the Arudy basin. Whatever the compressive regional context, the structural behaviour of the system explains too the extensive stress tensor determined for the Arudy crisis if we interpret it in terms of strain ellipsoid. Indeed numerical modelling has shown that this concomitant activity of strike-slip and thrust faulting results in an extensive component that can rise 50 per cent of the finite strain.
We identify too a 25–30 km long potential seismic source for the Arudy area. The size of the structure and its potential reactivation in a strike-slip mode suggest that a maximum earthquake magnitude of ∼6.5 could be expected. The extrapolation of this model at the scale of the Western Pyrenees allows to propose other potential sources for major regional historical earthquakes.  相似文献   

Dolomitization in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin has been extensively researched, producing vast geochemical datasets. This provides a unique opportunity to assess the regional sources and flux of dolomitizing fluids on a larger scale than previous studies. A meta‐analysis was conducted on stable isotope, strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr), fluid inclusion and lithium‐rich formation water data published over 30 years, with new petrographic, X‐ray diffraction, stable isotope and rare‐earth element (REE+Y) data. The Middle to Upper Devonian Swan Hills Formation, Leduc Formation and Wabamun Group contain replacement dolomite (RD) cross‐cut by stylolites, suggesting replacement dolomitization occurred during shallow burial. Stable isotope, REE+Y and 87Sr/86Sr data indicate RD formed from Devonian seawater, then recrystallized during burial. Apart from the Wabamun Group of the Peace River Arch (PRA), saddle dolomite cement (SDC) is more δ18O(PDB) depleted than RD, and cross‐cuts stylolites, suggesting precipitation during deep burial. SDC 87Sr/86Sr data indicate contributions from 87Sr‐rich basinal brines in the West Shale Basin (WSB) and PRA, and authigenic quartz/albite suggests basinal brines interacted with underlying clastic aquifers before ascending faults into carbonate strata. The absence of quartz/albite within dolomites of the East Shale Basin (ESB) suggests dolomitizing fluids only interacted with carbonate strata. We conclude that replacement dolomitization resulted from connate Devonian seawater circulating through aquifers and faults during shallow burial. SDC precipitated during deep burial from basinal brines sourced from basal carbonates (ESB) and clastic aquifers (WSB, PRA). Lithium‐rich formation waters suggest basinal brines originated as residual evapo‐concentrated Middle Devonian seawater that interacted with basal aquifers and ascended faults during the Antler and Laramide Orogenies. These results corroborate those of previous studies but are verified by new integrated analysis of multiple datasets. New insights emphasize the importance of basal aquifers and residual evapo‐concentrated seawater in dolomitization, which is potentially applicable to other regionally dolomitized basins.  相似文献   

Seismic reflection and well stratigraphic data are used to investigate the post‐Jurassic evolution of the Northern Lusitanian Basin, offshore west Iberia. Stratigraphic correlations between 11 exploration wells were attained in order to characterize the variations in depositional facies associated with salt tectonics. Latest Triassic–Hettangian salt, which generated multiple salt pillows during the Jurassic rifting, was reactivated after the early Aptian in two main phases. The first phase stretches from the late Turonian to the Maastrichtian. The second relates to Miocene tectonic inversion. The compression of the post‐salt overburden caused the amplification of Jurassic detachment folds, forming barriers to the westward progradation of sediment into distinct salt‐withdrawal sub‐basins. Particularly during the Miocene, thin‐skinned overburden shortening was accommodated by growing salt structures that suffered thrusting and extrusion. This structural style contrasts with that of salt‐scarce areas where a simple westerly tilted, fault‐bounded monocline was generated.  相似文献   

The article assesses the influence of permafrost weathering on the rate of destruction of technogenic land forms, as exhibited on as illustrated by the railway embankment of the Amur-Yakut mainline in the Sakha Republic(Yakutia). Studies were carried out on a railway section more than 375 km long. The subsidence rate of the embankment slopes and structural excavations was determined using laboratory methods that simulate various mechanisms of temperature(with a transition through 0 ℃) impact on rocks. For the first time, a quantitative assessment of the influence of cryogenic weathering on the stability of the railway in the region belonging to the northern building-climatic zone is given. For the territory under consideration, embankment rocks were experimentally determined to undergo more than 100 freezing and thawing cycles during a year. Under the existing climatic conditions, cryogenic weathering actively affects the embankment of the railway to a depth of 30 cm. Most of the embankment deformations detected during field observations are due to defects in the integrity of this particular layer. The size of the disintegrating layer of particular types of rock comprising the railway embankment has been established as reaching 10 cm per year. In 5 years following the formation of embankments comprising the upper structure of the railroad tracks, the physical and mechanical properties of rocks, which initially had a tensile strength for uniaxial compression in the range of 40-70 MPa, were reduced by more than 50%. According to the authors, the establishment of regional cryohypergenesis features is universal in nature and can be applied to solving a wide range of tasks related to the assessment and prediction of the degree of cryogenic transformation of rocks having different structural properties.  相似文献   

从专利视角出发,对全球卤水镁矿产资源开发技术的发展现状与态势进行了分析,通过专利量的年度走势、区域分布、申请人分布、IPC分布、文本聚类、主题关联等信息,展示了百年卤水镁矿产资源开发的技术概况;为了了解近期卤水镁资源开发的状况,分析了近5年全球卤水镁矿产资源开发技术的专利,通过对比分析,清晰而客观地展现了卤水镁矿产资源研发的热点与态势。  相似文献   

Trials conducted at Dry Creek, a solar saltfield north of Adelaide, Australia, indicate that manganese, as manganous sulphate, can increase both the purity and strength of salt crystals grown at an ambient or neutral-slightly acid pH range resulting in a salt suitable for high purity uses. The improved load bearing strength of the crystals indicates that manganous sulphate could also be useful in salt floor maintenance. However, the impact of an apparently slight rise in pH to 8.5 was significant. Crystals produced at the higher pH from the manganese enriched brine were opaque with many tiny, almost colloidal crystals. The salt did not drain well, had low load bearing strength and was notably impure.  相似文献   

We outline the natural conditions of the area of the Ozyornoye deposit, the population and economy of the territory, the geological structure of the deposit, and the technological patterns of its development. We examine the sources of environmental impact, and the technical means of resolving this problem. Some ways to optimize the ecological situation in the area of development of the deposit are discussed.  相似文献   

The method of harmonic analysis has been used to study the patterns of air and permafrost temperature changes across time for the city of Yakutsk spanning the previous 200 years of observation. The analysis revealed three harmonic functions which describe this temperature trend in a generalized form. These functions were used to develop the formula for calculating the temperature variation over time, and to predict the changes of climate and of the permafrost thickness in Central Yakutia into the year 2200.  相似文献   

Natural Resources Research - Many arid regions in the world suffer from over-exploitation of local groundwater resources leading to the degradation of freshwater aquifer systems, drying of spring...  相似文献   

We report results from a hydrochemical and microbiological investigation of Soda Lake Beloye characterized by high pH values (8.30–9.21). It is shown that the water of the lake under investigation is dominated by magnesium, chlorine and hydrocarbonate ions. A study is made of the numbers of different physiological groups of destructive bacteria, the most numerous of which are saprophytic bacteria (up to 10 mil. cells/mm).  相似文献   

Summary. Palaeomagnetic results from 212 horizons spread evenly through an 18 m sedimentary sequence in southern British Columbia are reported. Radiocarbon ages suggest that the sequence spans the interval from 31 200 to 19 500 yr bp. No evidence for any large geomagnetic excursions (such as the so-called Mono Lake Excursion) is found, but a distinctive pattern of 'normal' secular variation is observed with declination and inclination swings of 45° and 25° peak to peak amplitude respectively. For the most part the secular variation consists of low amplitude oscillations about the field vector of a geocentric axial dipole expected at the site latitude, but three relatively large perturbations occur at approximately 4000 yr intervals. These perturbations systematically bias the overall mean to shallow inclinations and easterly declinations in a manner reminiscent of the spatially non-isotropic secular variation model proposed by Cox. The bias involved is about 6° in declination and 3° in inclination (overall mean D = 5.8°E, I = 64.2°, α95 = 0.9°, N = 212 horizons), which leads to a pole which is both 'far-sided' and 'right-handed'. If the horizons involved in the three major perturbations are eliminated the mean direction ( D = 1.2°E, I = 67.2°, α95 = 0.8°, N = 125 horizons) does not differ from that of a geocentric axial dipole despite the small cone of confidence.  相似文献   

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