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The Rb–Sr decay system is one of the most widely used geochronometers for obtaining ages and cooling rates of terrestrial magmatic, metamorphic, and hydrothermal events. It has also been extensively applied to date extraterrestrial, early solar system events. The accuracy of Rb–Sr ages, however, strongly depends on the accuracy of the 87Rb decay constant (λ87Rb). We determined λ87Rb relative to the decay constants of 235U and 238U by comparing Rb–Sr ages of minerals with U–Pb ages obtained from the same intrusion. Comparison of U–Pb emplacement ages with high-precision Rb–Sr mineral ages from three rapidly cooled igneous rocks covering an age range of ca. 2.5 Ga yields an unweighted mean λ87Rb of 1.393 ± 0.004 × 10?11 yr?1 (i.e., ± 0.3%), corresponding to a half-life of 49.76 × 109 years. Because this decay constant is 2% lower than the presently recommended one, many previously published ages are 2% too young and the resulting geologic interpretations may need revision.  相似文献   

The Adelaide rift complex in South Australia contains the type sections for Sturtian and Marinoan glacial deposits. The litho- and chemo-stratigraphy of these deposits play a central role in evaluating global Neoproterozoic ice age hypotheses and Rodinia supercontinent reconstructions, but reliable depositional age constraints have been extremely limited. We report results of in situ Th–U–total Pb (electron microprobe) dating of detrital and authigenic monazite in two samples from the Umberatana Group (Sturtian Holowilena Ironstone and pre-Marinoan Enorama Shale) in the Central Flinders Ranges. Several texturally and chemically distinct detrital and authigenic populations are recognized. Detrital dates range from 1600 Ma to 760 Ma and most relate to well-known orogenic or igneous events in surrounding cratonic regions. Authigenic monazite grew in three or more pulses ranging from 680 Ma to 500 Ma. The date of 680 ± 23 Ma (2σ) for the earliest generation of authigenic monazite in sandstone from the Enorama Shale (1) provides an estimate for the age of the base of the Trezona carbon isotopic anomaly just beneath the Marinoan glacial deposits, (2) provides an absolute minimum age constraint on the underlying Sturtian glacial deposits, and (3) supports proposed correlations between type Marinoan deposits and precisely dated glacial deposits in Namibia and China, which bracket the presumed Marinoan equivalents between 655 and 635 Ma. This age is inconsistent with a Re–Os isochron age of 643 ± 2.4 Ma (2σ) on shales near the bottom of the Sturtian–Marinoan interglacial succession, stratigraphically > 3000 m below the Enorama Shale sample, and militate against the hypothesis that the type Marinoan is correlative with the 580 Ma Gaskiers glaciation. Monazite growth near 600 Ma and again at about 500 Ma probably represent hydrothermal fluid-flow events, the latter of which also corresponds to the well-known Delamerian Orogeny during which the Adelaide sediments were folded into their present structural pattern.  相似文献   

Although vertebrate fossils are commonly abundant in museum palaeontological collections, they are only rarely accompanied by contextual data (e.g., stratigraphic and taphonomic information) that allow them to be placed independently into reliable temporal frameworks critical for testing significant evolutionary and extinction hypotheses. Moreover, where critical samples do exist in such collections, sampling for direct geochronological analyses becomes a significant concern, especially where such sampling is destructive in nature. Here we apply a direct fossil dating, micro-drilling sampling approach that minimises damage to and destruction of precious museum specimens. We carried out a systematic U–Th dating study (n = 28 ages) of an isolated museum specimen of the extinct Palorchestes azael (megafaunal ‘marsupial tapir’) originally collected in 1977 from Tea Tree Cave, Chillagoe, northeastern Australia. We obtained 21 U–Th ages and constructed 230Th-age profiles across three teeth exposed in cross-section, using micro-drilling and thermal ionisation mass spectrometry. Individual sample masses were as little as 0.18 mg (U concentration 33–82 ppm), meaning that the sampling resulted in only minimal destruction of the specimen. The results show no evidence of U leaching, suggesting that the dates represent reliable minimum ages. For independent age control, we also dated calcite that had encrusted the sample (thus, providing a minimum age; n = 6) and an older calcite clast that had been reworked into the surrounding breccia at the time of burial (thus, providing a maximum age; n = 1). U–Th ages of the teeth are older than the calcite overgrowths and younger than the reworked calcite, consistent with their demonstrable relative age relationships. Collectively, the results unequivocally bracket the age of the fossil between 199.1 ± 8.9 ka and 137.4 ± 1.1 ka (2σ), adding another rare datum to inform the timing and geographic distribution of last occurrences of the species. The benefits of our dating approach of museum fossil specimens are threefold: 1) it is minimally destructive even compared with laser-ablation method; 2) the use of U vs. apparent age approach allows direct testing for potential U leaching as occasionally seen in fossil dating; and 3) the combination of fossil and associated speleothem dating provides the most robust means of securely bracketing the age of fossils that lack firm stratigraphic control.  相似文献   

The Yao'an Pb–Ag deposit, located in the Chuxiong Basin, western Yangtze Block, is an important component of the Jinshajiang–Ailaoshan alkaline porphyry–related polymetallic intrusive belt. This complex suite of rock bodies includes a vein of pseudoleucite porphyry within deposits of syenite porphyry and trachyte.The pseudoleucite is characterized by a variable greyish,greyish-white, and greyish-green porphyritic texture. Phenocrysts are mainly pseudoleucite with small amounts of alkali feldspar and biotite. In an intense event, leucite phenocrysts altered to orthoclase, kaolinite, and quartz.Both the pseudoleucite porphyry and the syenite porphyry samples were typical alkali-rich, K-rich, al-rich rocks with high LaN/YbNratios; enriched in light rare earth elements and large-ion lithophile elements, and depleted in high field strength elements; and with strongly negative Ta, Nb, and Ti(TNT) anomalies and slightly negative Eu anomalies—all characteristics of subduction-zone mantle-derived rock.We obtained a LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb age of 34.1 ± 0.3 Ma(MSWD = 2.4), which is younger than the established age of the Indian and Eurasian Plate collision.The magma derived from a Type-II enriched mantle formed in a post-collisional plate tectonic setting. The geochemical characteristics of the Yao'an pseudoleucite porphyry are powerful evidence that the porphyry'sdevelopment was closely linked to the Jinshajiang–Ailaoshan fault and to the Indian-Eurasian collision.  相似文献   


We examine the applicability of predicting the daily flow–duration curve (FDC) using mean monthly runoff represented in its stochastic form (MM_FDC) to aid in predictions in ungauged basins, using long-term hydroclimatic data at 73 catchments of humid climate, in the eastern USA. The analysis uses soil hydrological properties, soil moisture storage capacity and the predominant runoff generation mechanism. The results show that MM_FDC did not distinguish the shapes of the upper and lower thirds of the FDC. The upper third is where the precipitation pattern and the antecedent moisture conditions are dominant, while the lower third is where drought-induced low flows and the evapotranspiration effect are prevalent. It is possible to use the MM_FDC to predict the middle third of the FDC (exceedence probabilities between 33% and 66%). The method is constrained by the catchment flow variability (slope of FDC), which changes in accordance with landscape properties and the predominant runoff generation mechanism.  相似文献   

Water Resources - An Information–Modeling Complex has been developed for the information support of managerial decision making in the field of rational use, protection, and restoration of...  相似文献   

In this study, a novel and enhanced soil–structure model is developed adopting the direct analysis method using FLAC 2D software to simulate the complex dynamic soil–structure interaction and treat the behaviour of both soil and structure with equal rigour simultaneously. To have a better judgment on the inelastic structural response, three types of mid-rise moment resisting building frames, including 5, 10, and 15 storey buildings are selected in conjunction with three soil types with the shear wave velocities less than 600 m/s, representing soil classes Ce, De and Ee, according to Australian Standards. The above mentioned frames have been analysed under two different boundary conditions: (i) fixed-base (no soil–structure interaction) and (ii) flexible-base (considering soil–structure interaction). The results of the analyses in terms of structural displacements and drifts for the above mentioned boundary conditions have been compared and discussed. It is concluded that considering dynamic soil–structure interaction effects in seismic design of moment resisting building frames resting on soil classes De and Ee is essential.  相似文献   

We present here the results of a U–Th dating project at Qesem Cave, a Middle Pleistocene, late Lower Paleolithic site in Israel. It provides 54 new MC-ICP-MS U–Th ages for speleothems from the cave. The results indicate that human occupation started sometime between ~420 and 320 ka and ended between 220 and 194 ka. A survey of dates from culturally similar sites in the Levant indicates that the general range of ca. 400–ca. 200 ka is an appropriate estimate for the life span of the Acheulo-Yabrudian Cultural Complex (AYCC).  相似文献   

A large number of Eocene-Oligocene alkaline/alkali-rich igneous rocks were developed in the Tuotuohe region of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.In this study,we present zircon U-Pb ages,Hf isotope data,and major and trace element compositions of the Cenozoic alkaline rocks from the Tuotuohe region in order to constraint the petrogenesis and tectonic evolution history of Qiangtang Block.Zircon U-Pb ages were measured via LA-ICP-MS to be39.6,37.6 and 32.0 Ma.The 39.6 Ma trachyte was characterized by low SiO2 and high K2O and MgO contents.The 37.6 and 32.0 Ma orthophyres show enrichment in SiO2 and K2O,but deficient in MgO.All of the samples belong to the alkaline rocks.These rocks display enrichment in REE,LREE,and LILE,depletion in HFSE,and no obvious Eu anomalies.Geological and geochemical features suggest that there were two possible mechanisms for the origin of the alkaline rocks in the Tuotuohe region:(1)the removed mafic lower crust dropped into the asthenosphere,forming the mix magma(Nariniya trachyte);(2)the upwelling asthenosphere triggered the crustal melting(Nariniya and Zamaqu orthophyre).The Eocene-Oligocene alkaline rocks in the study and adjacent areas are likely to be the result of the same tectonic-magmatic event of deep lithospheric evolution that is the crustal material melting triggered by lithospheric delamination.This conclusion extends the influence scope of lithospheric delamination eastward to the Tuotuohe region(*92°E)from Banda Co(*82°E).  相似文献   

This paper explores the effectiveness of the widely-used functional relationship between drainage area (A in m2) and slope (S in m/m) to identify local process domains and aid interpretation of process interactions in a complex badland landscape. In order to perform this investigation, a series of sub-basins tributary to the Formone River in the Orcia catchment (central Italy) were selected as a suitable study area within which to explore our questions, given these basins' general representativeness of local terrain, the availability of a high resolution digital terrain model and previous extensive geomorphological research. Eroding basins containing both calanchi and landslides are common in the sub-humid badland landscape of central Italy, where field observation identifies a complex pattern of erosive processes associated with a history of uplift, despite which parts of the local landscape appear disconnected. Results reveal that the shape of all S–A curves (plotted using S data binned on log A) is comparable with that described in the literature, although sub-basins containing calanchi generally plot with higher S values than non-calanchi ones, except in the ‘fluvial’ section of the plots. Second, when viewed on total data (non-binned) S–A plots, landslide source area domains and calanchi domains are entirely coincident in all basins, supporting a cause–effect relationship. Additional plotting of the frequency characteristics of the raw data in a new way supports the interpretation that calanchi frequently initiate in landslide scars. In general though, although the S–A plots can contribute to the disentanglement of geomorphological behaviour in some complex erosional landscapes, it became apparent that in this landscape, process domains do not separate out with clarity along the A axis as suggested by theory. Despite this, an alternative, broader-scale morphoevolutive model can be proposed for the development of within-landslide calanchi, driven by changes to basin connectivity to the base channel. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stalagmites occasionally present laminae which, when demonstrated to be annual, may be used to construct an annually resolved chronology. Such annually laminated records provide an opportunity to improve the precision of age models based on other dating techniques. Since annually laminated stalagmites sometimes present a complex stratigraphy with lateral variations in lamina thickness associated with changing macroscopic growth shapes, a procedure for lamina counting is developed here, which complements other methods of speleothem lamina counting. Regardless of the complexity of laminae, when the exact date of a laminated section is unknown, lamina counting provides a floating chronology. This paper describes a method to anchor floating chronologies in speleothems using the least-squares fit of the lamina counting to the radiometric dates (typically U–Th). The estimation of uncertainties in the age model is also considered, which accounts for uncertainties in the lamina counting as well as the fit of the lamina count to the radiometric dates. The uncertainty of this fit does not depend on the analytical uncertainty of the radiometric dates or the precision in the lamina counting, and simply considers all the available dates and their distance to the proposed age model. As an example, the method was applied to a stalagmite from Northern Spain and its accuracy was compared with the annually resolved and cross-dated Greenland chronology during the 8.2 ka event. Although this method has been described for stalagmites, it could be applied to other records in which cross-dating techniques would not be suitable.  相似文献   

The loess-paleosol sequence on the Chinese Loess Plateau provides a unique archive that records climate change in East Asia in the Quaternary, yet absolute dating of the loess deposits is challenging due to the lack of directly datable materials. Fossil land snail shells, which are made from aragonite, are widely preserved in the loess deposits and have long been used to reconstruct past environmental changes. U-series dating of fossil land snail shells has the potential to provide a route for absolute dating of the loess deposits but remains largely unexplored. In this study, we present the first systematic investigation on the U-series isotope geochemistry as well as the early diagenetic imprints of fossil land snail shells (Cathaica sp.) from the Mangshan loess-paleosol sequence in Henan province, central China. Several geochemical techniques, including Raman microscopy, SEM, LA-ICPMS, LA-MC-ICPMS, solution-MC-ICPMS, and AMS 14C dating, were employed to investigate the mineralogy, chemical and isotopic compositions of both modern and fossil snail shells to micrometer level. Our results show that the fossil Cathaica sp. shells are overall characterized by a higher degree of porosity and elevated contents of organic matter compared to live-collected shells of the same species. The layers with higher porosity and organic matter content in the fossil Cathaica sp. shell are also found to be enriched in Na, Mg, Mn, Ba, and U, indicating diffusion and adsorption of these elements by specific surface binding sites of either aragonitic lattice or organic compounds of the fossil shell. Combining in-situ measurements using LA-MC-ICPMS with solution U-series determination, we further demonstrate that fossil Cathaica sp. shell is relatively homogeneous regrading both [234U/238U] and [230Th/238U] values although the distribution of U in the fossil shell is sample-specific. The comparison of different dating results suggests that the calculated apparent closed system U–Th ages are all systematically younger (∼6000 to 13,000 years) than the corresponding shell 14C ages and quartz SAR (single-aliquot regenerative-dose) ages from the Mangshan section. We suggest that the underestimation of U–Th ages of fossil Cathaica sp. shells is very likely caused by diagenetic uptake of U that started immediately after the burial of the shell and effectively ceased when the fossil shell was isolated from the pore waters due to persistent deposition of eolian dust at the Mangshan section. Our work on both modern and fossil Cathaica sp. shells thus provides detailed morphological and geochemical characterization for the diagenetic alteration of fossil snail shells and suggests that U-series dating of fossil land snail shells may provide age constraints for dust deposits in the semi-arid region although the timing of early diagenetic U-uptake by the fossil shells need to be better quantified for reliable age determination.  相似文献   

We present data on the volumes of material discharged during the main phases of the volcano’s recent activity from its start in October 1955 until December 2009. The amount of ash discharged onto the ground surface during the preculmination period (October 1955 to March 1956) is estimated as 400 million tons; the paroxysmal eruption of March 30, 1956 discharged more than 400 million tons, the volume of pyroclastic flows was estimated as 1416 million tons. The following estimates were obtained for the material discharged onto the ground surface for the period from 1956 to 2009. The weight of the lava cone that grew in the newly formed crater is 941 million tons, the deposits of pyroclastic flows weighed 491 million tons, and the ash weight was 117 million tons. Effusive activity was insignificant; the weight of the lava flows was ∼9.2 million tons. The amount of material erupted during the third phase is estimated as 1560 million tons. The mean annual discharge between April 1956 and December 2009 was 29 million tons. This figure is half that for the giant Klyuchevskoi volcano and six times larger than the mean discharge found for the 5000–5500 years of the existence of Bezymyannyi Volcano.  相似文献   

Geochemistry, zircon U–Pb geochronology, and Hf isotope data for the Early Paleozoic granites in the Baoshan Block reveal the Early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Proto-Tethys. The samples are high-K, calcalkaline, strongly peraluminous rocks with A/CNK values of 1.37–1.46, are enriched in SiO2, K2O, and Rb, and are depleted in Nb, P, Ti, Eu, and heavy rare earth elements,which indicates the crystallization fractionation of the granitic magma. Zircon U–Pb dating indica...  相似文献   

Characterizing the spatio-temporal distribution of groundwater–surface water (GW–SW) exchange fluxes is of paramount importance in understanding catchment behavior. A wide range of field-based techniques are available for such characterization. The objective of this study is to quantify the spatio-temporal distribution of the exchange fluxes along the Çakıt stream (Niğde, Turkey) through coupling a set of geophysical techniques and in-stream measurements in a hierarchical manner. First, geological and water quality information were combined at the catchment scale to determine key areas for reach-scale focus. Second, electromagnetic induction (EMI) surveys were conducted along the reach to pinpoint potential groundwater upwelling locations. EMI anomalies guided our focus to a 665 m-long reach of the stream. Along this selected reach, a fibre-optic distributed temperature sensing (FO-DTS) system was utilized to investigate streambed temperature profiles at fine spatial and temporal scales. Furthermore, vertical hydraulic gradients and exchange fluxes were investigated using nested piezometers and vertical temperature profiles, respectively, at two potential upwelling locations and a potential downwelling location identified by previous surveys. The results of the study reveal heterogeneity of vertical water-flow components with seasonal variability. The EMI survey was successful in identifying a localized groundwater upwelling location. FO-DTS measurements revealed a warm temperature anomaly during cold air temperature and low streamflow conditions at the same upwelling site. Our point-based methods, namely vertical temperature profiles and vertical hydraulic gradient estimates, however, did not always provide consistent results with each other and with EMI and FO-DTS measurements. This study, therefore, highlights the opportunities and challenges in incorporating multi-scale observations in a hierarchical manner in characterization of the GW–SW exchange processes that are known to be highly heterogeneous in time and space. Overall, a combination of different methods helps to overcome the limitations of each single method and increases confidence in the obtained results.  相似文献   

A recently extended and spatially rich English Channel sea level dataset has been used to evaluate changes in extreme still water levels throughout the 20th century. Sea level records from 18 tide gauges have been rigorously checked for errors and split into mean sea level, tidal and non-tidal components. These components and the interaction between surge and tide have been analysed separately for significant trends before determining changes in extreme sea level. Mean sea level is rising at 0.8–2.3 mm/year, depending on location. There is a small increase (0.1–0.3 mm/year) in the annual mean high water of astronomical tidal origin, relative to mean sea level, and an increase (0.2–0.6 mm/year) in annual mean tidal range. There is considerable intra- and inter-decadal variability in surge intensity with the strongest intensity in the late 1950s. Storm surges show a statistically significant weak negative correlation to the winter North Atlantic Oscillation index throughout the Channel and a stronger significant positive correlation at the boundary with the southern North Sea. Tide–surge interactions increase eastward along the English Channel, but no significant long-term changes in the distribution of tide–surge interaction are evident. In conclusion, extreme sea levels increased at all of the 18 sites, but at rates not statistically different from that observed in mean sea level.  相似文献   


A new physics-based rainfall–runoff method of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was developed, which integrates a water balance (WB) approach with the variable source area (WB-VSA). This approach was further compared with four methods—soil-water-dependent curve number (CN-Soil), evaporation-dependent curve number (CN-ET), Green and Ampt equation (G&A) and WB—in a monsoonal watershed, Eastern China. The regional sensitivity analysis shows that volumetric efficiency coefficient (VE) with river discharges is sensitive to the most parameters of all approaches. The results of model calibration against VE demonstrate that WB-VSA is the most accurate owing to its reflection of the spatial variation of runoff generation as affected by topography and soil properties. Other methods can also mimic baseflow well, but the G&A and CN-ET simulate floods much worse than the saturation excess runoff approaches (WB-VSA, WB and CN-Soil). Meanwhile, CN-Soil as an empirical method fails to simulate groundwater levels. By contrast, WB-VSA captures them best.
Editor M.C. Acreman; Associate editor S. Kanae  相似文献   

The effect of maximal design water extraction on groundwater levels, lake budgets, and vegetation in the Volzhsko–Kamskii Reserve was assessed with the use of a hydrodynamic scheme of interaction between groundwater and surface water, specially developed for the territory of the Zelenodol’skoe Fresh Groundwater Deposit and mathematical simulation. The first stage of deposit development was proved to have no such effect. A scheme of the further development of the deposit by the results of environmental monitoring is recommended.  相似文献   

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