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Presented is the technique for calculating the indicators characterizing the degree of organization of landscape, based on determining the parameters of carbon cycle which are amenable to accurate numerical accounting: the amount of C that oxidizes within the soil-ground layer, and the amount of organic C that is carried with the runoff. Published data on chemical composition of surface waters were used as input information for calculations. On the basis of the indicators obtained, the level of functional organization of landscape was assessed. It was assumed for the sake of convenience that the significance of all indicators was identical. For further assessments of the levels, it is suggested that the significance of the indicators determined by the range of their values be taken into account.  相似文献   

冰川系统模型及其应用——以金沙江流域为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球气候变化带来了一系列的影响,冰川的生存与发展也受到了它的影响.目前,全球变化下冰川的变化是国际冰川学界的研究热点之一.中国是世界上冰川分布最广的中纬度国家,冰川是中国西部干旱地区的重要水资源,冰川的变化对中国环境有重大影响.冰川系统模型是一种基于冰川系统理论的水文学冰川变化预测模型,该模型从系统论的角度对全球变化的背景下冰川融水的变化进行宏观预测,充分利用已有的冰川数据资料对冰川的变化趋势做出总体预测.本文以金沙江流域冰川系统为例,根据流域内的自然环境特征将其分为河源区冰川系统和非河源区冰川系统两个并列的系统,利用冰川系统模型对其在不同的气候变化情景下的响应趋势作了预测,证实了模型的正确性和可行性.这一模型的研究成果对应对全球变化可能产生的影响有积极作用.  相似文献   

Using the Tunkinsky rift as an example, this paper examines the morphostructural and geomorphological aspects concerning the manifestation of the elements of the Gobi orogenesis mechanism that is responsible for the formation of inversion uplifts in the rift hollows, a process that complicates the recent intracontinental riftogenesis in the south of East Siberia.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT During the Eocene in the Corbières–Minervois foreland basin, southern France, there was a transition from marine carbonate to fluvial–lacustrine sedimentation. This evolution took place in six depositional sequences, the first controlled by a eustatic rise or flexural downwarping, then following under compressive tectonic conditions. The second to the fourth sequences show marine to marshy, mainly carbonate sediments with a transgressive–regressive evolution, while the last two comprise terrigenous and carbonate continental sediments. The tectonic evolution is marked by blind fault-propagation folds which deformed the basin during the Ilerdian–Cuisian. A paroxysmal compressive tectonic phase occurred at the Bartonian when the ancient blind thrusts started to emerge. A model for the evolution of the basin is presented, involving the northward propagation of structural culminations, which focused shallow water or emergent conditions, and structural lows in which deeper water sedimentation took place. The diachronous migration of these structural zones can be constrained from the high biostratigraphic resolution of the foreland basin fill.  相似文献   

We propose and test a conceptual framework for evaluating the relative timing of different types of sedimentary indicators of tectonism in alluvial foreland basin settings. We take the first occurrence of a detrital grain from a newly exposed source‐area lithology to provide the best indicator of the onset of tectonic uplift in the source area. Source‐area unroofing may lag behind initial uplift because of the type, thickness and structure of rocks in the uplifted mountain block, drainage patterns and climate. However, once exposed, advective transport disperses grains quickly throughout fluvial systems. Because of increased subsidence rate from thrust belt loading, an increase in sedimentation rate begins coincident with tectonic load emplacement within the flexural half‐width of the basin. However, farther out into the basin increased sedimentation rates lag behind the composition signal because of time lags associated with propagation of the thrust load and attendant sediment loads into the basin. The progradation of syntectonic gravel lags behind all of these signals as a direct function of the relative proportion of gravel fraction within transported sediment and rates and geometry of subsidence, which selectively traps the coarsest grain‐size fractions in the most proximal parts of the basin. We demonstrate this signal attenuation in the syntectonic Horta–Gandesa alluvial system (late Eocene–Oligocene), exposed along the southeast margin of the Ebro Basin, Spain. The results demonstrate that: (1) the time spans between the compositional signal and the progradation of the gravel front can be geologically significant, on the order of more than a million years within as little as 20 km of the thrust front; and (2) time lags between the signals increase with distance away from the deformation front. No lag time was observed between the first appearance of a new clast composition and the arrival of gravel front when the thrust front was within a few tens of metres from the depositional site. In contrast, the time lag was 0.5–1 Myr when the thrust front was about 5–6 km away and it increased to >1 Myr when the deformation front was about 8 km away. At the most extreme position, when the thrust front was 15–20 km away, the gravel front never reached the study area.  相似文献   

This paper further develops the ideas of V. B. Sochava’s Siberian school of thematic mapping concerning an integral approach in generating synthesis and assessment maps of the habitat on objective grounds confirmed by quantitative calculations. Maps of the natural environment display the invariant structure of the sites of a territory and their variable states. Integral indicators of the state of environment combine differentquality spatial information on the geographical location of the sites having regard to the scientific principles of qualimetry. An unbiased calculation of integral indicators is ensured through the use of the method of principal component analysis. The first principal component characterizes a maximum of variation in information on the geosystem, and the second component refers to a stable environment background. Their difference for each location corresponds to the potential of geosystem variability. The resulting integral indicators are displayed on assessment cartograms. The entire array of independent principal components is used for a classification of geosystems using the method of k-means clustering to create the typological map of the territory. Calculations are based on data for forest management of the Slyudyanka Leskhoz within the boundaries of the Slyudyanka municipal district of Irkutsk oblast. The territorial norm of the geographical environment corresponds to geosystems of the mountain-taiga belt of the Siberian stone pine and larch taiga on different-aspect slopes. Negative deviations from the norm are induced by high-mountain goletz and subgoletz geosystems on steep slopes, and positive deviations correspond to flat interfluves and gentle slopes.  相似文献   

德国汉堡城市转型的产业-空间-制度协同演化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界上著名的港口城市大多都经历过因港而兴又因港而衰,但再次因港而兴的城市并不多,汉堡则是港口城市成功转型的典范。本文构建了德国汉堡城市转型的产业-空间-制度协同演化分析框架,研究揭示:汉堡城市转型紧紧围绕着港口功能和港口区域展开;城市产业转型过程中需要空间载体支撑和政策与协调机制保障;继承性地升级传统优势产业、实行可持续的空间开发计划、注重政策的系统性与协调性是城市转型成功的重要途径。在此基础上,本文得出了服务于我国大城市转型发展的经验和启示。  相似文献   

Abstract The Amadeus Basin, a broad intracratonic depression (800 times 300 km) in central Australia, contains a complex Late Proterozoic to mid-Palaeozoic depositional succession which locally reaches 14 km in thickness. The application of sequence stratigraphy to this succession has provided an effective framework in which to evaluate its evolution. Analysis of major depositional sequences shows that the Amadeus Basin evolved in three stages. Stage 1 began at about 900 Myr with extensional thinning of the crust and formation of half-grabens. Thermal recovery following extension was well advanced when a second less intense crustal extension (stage 2) occurred towards the end of the Late Proterozoic. Stage 2 thermal recovery was followed by a major compressional event (stage 3) in which major southward-directed thrust sheets caused progressive downward flexing of the northern margin of the basin, and sediment was shed from the thrust sheets into the downwarps forming a foreland basin. This event shortened the basin by 50–100 km and effectively concluded sedimentation. The two stages of crustal extension and thermal recovery produced large-scale apparent sea-level effects upon which eustatic sea-level cycles are superimposed. Since the style of sedimentation and major sequence boundaries were controlled to a large degree by basin dynamics, depositional patterns within the Amadeus and associated basin are, to a large degree, predictable. This suggests that an understanding of major variables associated with basin dynamics and their relationship to depositional sequences may allow the development of generalized depositional models on a basinal scale. The Amadeus Basin is only one of a number of broad, shallow, intracratonic depressions that appeared on the Australian craton during the Late Proterozoic. The development of these basins almost certainly relates to the breakup of a Proterozoic supercontinent and in large part, basin dynamics appears to be tied to this global tectonic event. Onlap and apparent sea-level curves derived from the sequence analysis appear to be composite curves resulting from both basin dynamics and eustatic sea-level effects. It thus appears likely that sequence stratigraphy could be used as a basis for inter-regional correlation; a possibility that has considerable significance in Archaean and Proterozoic basins.  相似文献   

VSP data collected in the KTB (Germany) borehole to a depth of 8.5 km in 1999 show a surprising spectral modulation of the downgoing wavefield. After filtering the data with the singular value decomposition technique it was found that below about 6.2 km there are two depth intervals where the modulation can be explained in terms of a basic wavelet plus two weighted and delayed copies of that wavelet, with the delay for each wavelet remaining almost constant in each interval. The boundary between the two intervals is at about 7.25 km depth and above and below this depth the delay for the second wavelet is almost the same, while the delay for the third wavelet is significantly different. Neither the modulation nor its depth variation are source related and cannot be explained in terms of multiple reflections in a subhorizontal low-velocity layer. On the other hand, finite difference synthetic data show that subvertical layering (which is prevalent in the borehole area) provides a mechanism that can explain the observations. This mechanism has analogies with the generation of the standard refracted (i.e. head) waves. When a plane wave front propagates perpendicular to the boundaries of a vertical low-velocity layer surrounded by two vertical high-velocity layers, refracted wave fronts are generated in the low-velocity layer, which in turn generate secondary wave fronts in the high-velocity layers. These wave fronts trail the primary wave fronts by a constant delay whose magnitude has a simple dependence on the thickness of the low-velocity layer and the velocities involved. This process creates multipath arrivals that in geological settings with steeply inclined and faulted layers may appear and disappear rather abruptly, which may contribute to a scattered appearance of the wavefield.  相似文献   

中国西北干旱区发源于山地的河流为中下游地区带来了丰富的水土资源,在荒漠中孕育出绿洲,过渡带位于其间,构成荒漠-过渡带-绿洲地理景观单元。界定荒漠、过渡带、绿洲的空间分布,可为干旱区生态系统格局、过程和服务方面的精确认知评价提供空间参考。以石羊河流域为例,选取训练样本,利用常用遥感指标和景观格局指数,通过判别分析方法,对荒漠、过渡带和绿洲空间范围进行界定。结果表明:采用通过逐步判别分析筛选出的6项遥感指标和2项景观指数构建的判别函数,与单独利用遥感指标或景观指数构建的判别函数,计算出训练样本的判别准确率分别为92.4%、84.0%、70.2%。采用遥感指标结合景观指数的综合判别分析,比单独利用遥感指标或景观指数判别准确率分别提高了8.4%\,22.2%。经综合指标判别分析,得出除主要山地外的石羊河流域荒漠、过渡带和绿洲面积分别为133万、49万、58万hm2。  相似文献   

The landscape evolution in Neogene intramontane basins is a result of the interaction of climatic, lithologic, and tectonic factors. When sedimentation ceases and a basin enters an erosional stage, estimating erosion rates across the entire basin can offer a good view of landscape evolution. In this work, the erosion rates in the Guadix–Baza basin have been calculated based on a volumetric estimate of sediment loss by river erosion since the Late Pleistocene. To do so, the distribution of a glacis surface at ca. 43 kyr, characterised by a calcrete layer that caps the basin infilling, has been reconstructed. To support this age, new radiometric data of the glacis are presented. The volume of sediment loss by water erosion has been calculated for the entire basin by comparing the reconstructed geomorphic surface and the present-day topography. The resulting erosion rates vary between 4.28 and 6.57 m3 ha− 1 yr− 1, and are the consequence of the interaction of climatic, lithologic, topographic, and tectonic factors. Individual erosion rates for the Guadix and Baza sub-basins (11.80 m3 ha− 1 yr− 1 and 1.77 m3 ha− 1 yr− 1 respectively) suggest different stages of drainage pattern evolution in the two sub-basins. We attribute the lower values obtained in the Baza sub-basin to the down-throw of this sub-basin caused by very recent activity along the Baza fault.  相似文献   

荒漠化发育方式和过程的各不相同 ,具有明显的地域性和成因差异性特点。半干旱区季节性河流在荒漠化地貌发育中的作用是引人注目的一个科学问题。内蒙古四子王旗塔布河流域内有丰富的第三系和第四系河湖相冲 (洪 )积沉积物。该流域正发生着内蒙古乌兰察布盟最严重的荒漠化。本文基于LandsatTM图像的处理与分析 ,对该区季节性河流流域的荒漠化程度、分布及其成因作了研究 ,探讨了风 -水复合作用下荒漠化发育的具体模式。在干旱 -半干旱的气候背景下 ,地表植被稀疏、甚至裸露 ,在暴雨作用下 ,形成的洪流搬运大量泥沙碎屑物质沉积在中下游的宽谷地带 ,随着河道的淤积、抬高与加宽 ,干燥的流沙向两岸蔓延 ;再在特殊地段河道的“狭管效应”与局部气流循环共同作用下 ,流沙向四周进一步扩展 ,与山前洪积扇相连 ,造成荒漠化大范围的发生和发展 ,并可能导致整个地区的荒漠化。  相似文献   

A major problem in palaeomagnetic studies of intrusive rocks lies in determining whether or not such rocks have been subjected to post-emplacement tilting. Structural analysis of dyke emplacement directions can be used to show the current attitude of the extension direction for the dyke swarm. If the original extension direction, at the time of emplacement, can be deduced from geological evidence, this then provides a field test for post-emplacement tilting of the dyke swarm and its host rocks. In the example given from northern Chile, we were able to make a palaeomagnetic study of and structurally analyse three successively younger dyke swarms that intrude similarly younging plutons. All three dyke swarms yielded extension directions close to horizontal but with markedly different azimuths. It is argued that the similarity in the plunge of the extension directions cannot be coincidental and that the dykes and their host plutons have not suffered significant post-emplacement tilting. This simple technique should be widely applicable in the assessment of post-emplacement tilting of dykes in palaeomagnetic studies.  相似文献   

It is challenging to find relevant data for research and development purposes in the geospatial big data era. One long-standing problem in data discovery is locating, assimilating and utilizing the semantic context for a given query. Most research in the geospatial domain has approached this problem in one of two ways: building a domain-specific ontology manually or discovering automatically, semantic relationships using metadata and machine learning techniques. The former relies on rich expert knowledge but is static, costly and labor intensive, whereas the second is automatic and prone to noise. An emerging trend in information science takes advantage of large-scale user search histories, which are dynamic but subject to user- and crawler-generated noise. Leveraging the benefits of these three approaches and avoiding their weaknesses, a novel methodology is proposed to (1) discover vocabulary-based semantic relationships from user search histories and clickstreams, (2) refine the similarity calculation methods from existing ontologies and (3) integrate the results of ontology, metadata, user search history and clickstream analysis to better determine their semantic relationships. An accuracy assessment by domain experts for the similarity values indicates an 83% overall accuracy for the top 10 related terms over randomly selected sample queries. This research functions as an example for building vocabulary-based semantic relationships for different geographical domains to improve various aspects of data discovery, including the accuracy of the vocabulary relationships of commonly used search terms.  相似文献   

Fission track thermogeochronology using detrital apatite and zircon from a synorogenic foreland basin on the northern margin of the Betic Cordillera Internal Zone is used to reconstruct the cooling and unroofing history of the sediment source areas in the Oligo-Miocene mountain belt. Previously, a heavy mineral study on the same sedimentary rocks showed that progressively deeper tectonometamorphic units were being unroofed during the latest Oligocene to middle Miocene at a minimum rate of 3  km Myr−1. The fission track data have further constrained the exhumation history showing that the structurally highest (i.e. shallowest) parts of the mountain belt (Malaguide Complex) cooled relatively slowly during the latest Oligocene–Aquitanian, while the deeper metamorphic units (Alpujarride Complex) cooled at much higher rates (up to 300 °C Myr−1) during the Burdigalian–Langhian. These fast cooling rates from synorogenic detritus are consistent with cooling rates calculated previously for the deeper parts of the early Miocene orogenic belt, using 39Ar–40Ar dating of muscovite, biotite and amphibole from basement metamorphic rocks. Rapid cooling in the early Miocene, which commenced at ≈21  Ma, is attributed to the change in process from erosional to tectonic denudation by orogen-scale extension within the eastern Betic Cordillera.


During the Messinian—Pleistocene, the Peninsular Tyrrhenian margin underwent a NE—SW orientated stretching regime, with the formation of a NW—SE normal fault system and basins which are linked by NE—SW transfer fault zones. These fault zones border narrow and deep asymmetric basins. This paper uses geological and geophysical analysis (structural and stratigraphical data, seismic lines and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) data) to look at the evolution of one of these transfer-related basins, located south of Rome (Ardea basin). Comparison with other similar features indicates that the common characteristics of these transfer structures are: (i) the slip vector along the transfer fault is mostly dip-slip, which means that the local extensional direction is orthogonal to the regional extensional direction; (ii) development of a narrow and deep half-graben basin.  相似文献   

Zones of anomalously high topography within continental interiors, distant from active plate boundaries, are interpreted as being either dynamically supported by viscous flow in the underlying mantle or influenced by plate tectonics. Constraining the models of their genesis requires accurate data on the timing and dimensions of such features. New apatite fission‐track and thermal maturity data from the Illizi Basin in Algeria quantify the magnitude and timing of kilometre–scale uplift and exhumation of the northern flank of the Hoggar swell in North Africa. The findings of this study, integrated with previously published thermochronological data, confirm that long‐wavelength regional uplift occurred during the Cenozoic extending over a distance in excess of 1500 km from north to south. The uplift, centred on the Hoggar Massif, significantly impacted the flanking Illizi and Tim Mersoï basins. The combination of thermal history modelling and regional stratigraphic observations indicates that the onset of exhumation of the Illizi Basin likely occurred during the Eocene, broadly coincident with magmatism on the Hoggar Massif to the south and the onset of tectonic shortening in the Atlasic belt to the north.  相似文献   

Most calibration data sets used to infer past environmental conditions from biological proxies are derived from many sites. An alternative strategy is to derive the calibration data set from within a single site. Transfer functions derived from such intra-site calibration data sets are usually applied to fossil assemblages from the focal lake, but a recent development has been to apply these transfer functions to other sites. Transfer functions derived from intra-site calibration data sets can have impressive cross-validation performance, but that gives little indication of their performance when applied to other sites. Here, we develop transfer functions for lake depth from intra-lake chironomid calibration data sets in Norway and Alaska and test the resulting models by cross-validation and against known depth in external lakes. Lake depth is a statistically significant predictor of chironomid assemblages at all these lakes, and most intra-lake transfer functions perform reasonably well under cross-validation, but their performance against external data is erratic. Downcore reconstructions from transfer functions developed on different lakes are dissimilar. Ignoring the poorly performing transfer functions, only 3 of 14 downcore reconstructions are statistically significant. Few assemblages downcore had good modern analogues in the calibration data set, even when the core was from the same lake as the calibration data set. We conclude that intra-site calibration data sets can find site-specific rather than general relationships between species and the environment and thus should be applied with care and to external sites only after careful and critical validation.  相似文献   

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