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The evolution of the large-scale magnetic field of the Sun has been studied using an algorithm of tomographic inversion. By analyzing line-of-sight magnetograms, we mapped the radial and toroidal components of the Sun??s large-scale magnetic field. The evolution of the radial and toroidal magnetic field components in the 11-year solar cycle has been studied in a time?Clatitude aspect. It is shown that the toroidal magnetic field of the Sun is causally related to sunspot activity; i.e., the sunspot formation zones drift in latitude and follow the toroidal magnetic fields. The results of our analysis support the idea that the high-latitude toroidal magnetic fields can serve as precursors of sunspot activity. The toroidal fields in the current cycle are anomalously weak and also show a barely noticeable equatorward drift. This behavior of the toroidal magnetic field suggests low activity levels in the current cycle and in the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

Makarov  V.I.  Tlatov  A.G.  CALLEBaUT  D.K.  Obridko  V.N.  Shelting  B.D. 《Solar physics》2001,198(2):409-421
Hα magnetic synoptic charts of the Sun are processed for 1915–1999 and the spherical harmonics are calculated. It is shown that the polarity distribution of the magnetic field on Hα charts is similar to the polarity distribution of the Stanford magnetic field observations during 1975–1999. The index of activity of the large-scale magnetic field A(t), representing the sum of the intensities of dipole and octupole components, is introduced. It is shown that the cycle of the large-scale magnetic field of the Sun precedes on the average by 5.5 years the sunspot activity cycle, W(t). This means that the weak large-scale magnetic fields of the Sun do not result from decay and diffusion of strong fields from active regions as it is supposed in all modern theories of the solar cycle. On the basis of the new data the intensity of the current solar cycle 23 is predicted and some aspects of the theory of the solar cycle are discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between solar activity and the large-scale axisymmetric magnetic field of the Sun, we inferred from sunspot data over the period 1964–1985 a latitude–time distribution of magnetic field associated with active regions. This has been done allowing for both bipolar structure of the active regions and inclination of their axes to parallels of latitude, so the inferred magnetic field characterizes latitudinal separation of magnetic polarities which might be related to the large-scale magnetic field of the Sun according to the Babcock–Leighton model. The inferred magnetic field, A z, is compared with the longitude-averaged (zonal) magnetic field of the Sun, B z, derived from series of magnetograms obtained at Mount Wilson Observatory in the years 1964–1976, and at Kitt Peak National Observatory during the period from 1976 to 1985. The inferred magnetic field, A z, exhibits a complex structure distribution of magnetic polarities with respect to latitude and time. Apart from concentration of the different polarity magnetic fields inside the high- and low-latitude portions of the sunspot belts, bipolar active regions produce an intensive, shorter-scale component of the magnetic field which varies on the time scale of about 2 years. Such a short-term variation of A z reveals substantial correlation with the short-term component of B z which has the form of the poleward-drifting streams of magnetic field. Most significant correlation takes place between the short-term variations of A z occurring at latitudes below 20° and those of the large-scale magnetic fields occurring at middle latitudes of 40–50°. Moreover we analyze harmonic coefficients a l and b l obtained by expanding A z and B z into series in terms of the spherical harmonics. Power spectra of the time-dependent harmonic coefficients indicate that both A z and B z reveal a number of resonant modes which oscillate either with the 22-year period in the case of the anti-symmetric (odd-l) modes or with periods of about 2 years in the case of the symmetric (even-l) modes, but the resonant modes of A z have significantly larger values of the spherical harmonic degree l (and, hence, smaller spatial scales) as compared to those of B z. It is found that there is a close relationship between the harmonic coefficients b l and a m for which either ml16 (even l=4,...,10) or ml=4 (odd l=5,...,15).  相似文献   

Erofeev  D. V. 《Solar physics》1997,175(1):45-58
The rotation of large-scale solar magnetic fields has been investigated by analysing a 20-yr series of synoptic maps of the radial magnetic field. For this purpose, a specially adapted method of spectral analysis was used. We calculated rotation spectra of the magnetic field as functions of the rotation period, heliographic latitude, and longitudinal wave number, k. These spectra reveal the existence of a number of discrete, rigidly rotating components (modes) of the magnetic field, whose rotation periods lie in the wide range from 26.5 to 30.5 days. The significant spectral maxima lie in the (rotation period–latitude) plane close to the curve that represents the differential rotation of small-scale magnetic features. For the first harmonic of the magnetic field (k=1) the properties of the rotation spectra are consistent with those reported by Antonucci, Hoeksema, and Scherrer (1990). However, the distribution of the rigidly rotating modes over rotation period and their latitudinal structure change systematically with the harmonic number k. As k increases, the mean distance P in rotation period between the modes decreases, from 1.2 days for k=1 to 0.3–0.5 days for k=4. This decreasing period separation is accompanied by a decrease of the characteristic latitude separation between the mode maxima. The latitudinal and longitudinal discrete spatial scales of the non-axisymmetric magnetic field appear to be connected with each other, as well as with the temporal scale P.  相似文献   

本文在考虑磁光效应条件下,根据对斯托克斯参数转移方程组求得的数值解,计算了单极太阳黑子的线偏振讯号的单色像,并与美国马歇尔空间飞行中心的观测资料进行了对比,结果表明,径向黑子磁场模型给出与观测相似的单色像,而旋涡形模型导致与观测有显著差异的图像。因此可以认为径向模型更接近于实际情况。  相似文献   

Stokes profile inversion is very important to get the information on the vector magnetic field. Because the magnetic fields cannot be directly observed, adopting Stokes spectrum analysis to obtain vector magnetic field has become the major technique recently. Therefore, by Stokes profile inversion, we obtained vector magnetic fields of two layers based on the numerical solution (DELO solution, ReEs et al., 1989) to the polarized radiative transfer equation. We analyze the relationships of sunspot magnetic field strength with sunspot area, umbral area and penumbra-umbra radius ratio. By statistical research, it is found that the field strengths of the upper layer and the lower one decrease with the increasing penumbra-umbra radius ratio, and that the logarithmic expression is able to fit well the relationship between the maximum field strength of the upper layer and the sunspot area. Furthermore, we verify the result obtained by Ringnes and Jensen (1961) about the relationship between the maximum magnetic field strength and the umbral area, and the result obtained by Antalová (1991) of the relationship between the field strength and the penumbra-umbra radius ratio.  相似文献   

Verdes  P.F.  Granitto  P.M.  Ceccatto  H.A. 《Solar physics》2004,221(1):167-177
The sunspot record of solar magnetic activity is studied as a nonstationary time series by means of a previously developed algorithm for treating perturbed dynamical systems. This approach incorporates secular changes into the modeling process through an external driving parameter, whose temporal behavior is shown to correspond in this case to the long-term trend of the sunspot record. Our method is able to reduce by approximately 13% the prediction error of this series when compared to the standard stationary approach. Such a reduction is remarkable in view of the benchmark status of the sunspot record in the statistical literature and, moreover, the fact that this gain is obtained over the performance of an already very competitive modeling technique based on ensembles of artificial neural networks.  相似文献   

Small-scale solar magnetic fields demonstrate features of fractal intermittent behavior, which requires quantification. For this purpose we investigate how the observational estimate of the solar magnetic flux density \(B\) depends on resolution \(D\) in order to obtain the scaling \(\ln B_{D} = - k \ln D +a\) in a reasonably wide range. The quantity \(k\) demonstrates cyclic variations typical of a solar activity cycle. In addition, \(k\) depends on the magnetic flux density, i.e. the ratio of the magnetic flux to the area over which the flux is calculated, at a given instant. The quantity \(a\) demonstrates some cyclic variation, but it is much weaker than in the case of \(k\). The scaling obtained generalizes previous scalings found for the particular cycle phases. The scaling is typical of fractal structures. In our opinion, the results obtained trace small-scale action in the solar convective zone and its coexistence with the conventional large-scale solar dynamo based on differential rotation and mirror-asymmetric convection.  相似文献   

We propose a new model for the magnetic field at different distances from the Sun during different phases of the solar cycle. The model depends on the observed large-scale non-polar (\({\pm}\, 55^{\circ }\)) photospheric magnetic field and on the magnetic field measured at polar regions from \(55^{\circ }\) N to \(90^{\circ }\) N and from \(55^{\circ }\) S to \(90^{\circ }\) S, which are the visible manifestations of cyclic changes in the toroidal and poloidal components of the global magnetic field of the Sun. The modeled magnetic field is determined as the superposition of the non-polar and polar photospheric magnetic field and considers cycle variations. The agreement between the model predictions and magnetic fields derived from direct in situ measurements at different distances from the Sun, obtained with different methods and at different solar activity phases, is quite satisfactory. From a comparison of the magnetic fields as observed and calculated from the model at 1 AU, we conclude that the model magnetic field variations adequately explain the main features of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) radial, \(B_{\mathrm{x}}\), component cycle evolution at Earth’s orbit. The modeled magnetic field averaged over a Carrington rotation (CR) correlates with the IMF \(B_{\mathrm{x}}\) component also averaged over a CR at Earth’s orbit with a coefficient of 0.691, while for seven CR-averaged data, the correlation reaches 0.81. The radial profiles of the modeled magnetic field are compared with those of already existing models. In contrast to existing models, ours provides realistic magnetic-field radial distributions over a wide range of heliospheric distances at different cycle phases, taking into account the cycle variations of the solar toroidal and poloidal magnetic fields. The model is a good approximation of the cycle behavior of the magnetic field in the heliosphere. In addition, the decrease in the non-polar and polar photospheric magnetic fields is shown. Furthermore, the magnetic field during solar cycle maxima and minima decreased from Cycle 21 to Cycle 24. This implies that both the toroidal and poloidal components, and therefore the solar global magnetic field, decreased from Cycle 21 to Cycle 24.  相似文献   

A nonlinear analysis of the daily sunspot number for each of cycles 10 to 23 is used to indicate whether the convective turbulence is stochastic or chaotic. There is a short review of recent papers considering sunspot statistics and solar activity cycles. The differences in the three possible regimes – deterministic laminar flow, chaotic flow, and stochastic flow – are discussed. The length of data sets necessary to analyze the regimes is investigated. Chaos is described and a chronology of recent results that utilize chaos and fractals to analyze sunspot numbers follows. The parameters necessary to describe chaos – time lag, phase space, embedding dimension, local dimension, correlation dimension, and the Lyapunov exponents – are determined for the attractor for each cycle. Assuming the laminar regime is unlikely if chaos is not indicated in a cycle by the calculations, the regime must be stochastic. The sunspot numbers in each of cycles 10 to 19 indicate stochastic behavior. There is a transition from stochastic to chaotic behavior of the sunspot numbers in cycles 20, 21, 22, and 23. These changes in cycles 20 – 23 may indicate a change in the scale of turbulence in the convection zone that could result in a change in the convective heat transfer and a change in the size of the convection region for these four cycles.  相似文献   

本文按常α无力场模型计算了1980年10月23日Boulder 2744活动区前导黑子的纵向磁场随高度的变化,并与用CIV 1548谱线观测得到的色球一日冕过渡区的磁场资料相结合,求得CIV 1548发射区的有效高度。这些结果与文献[4]中对同一黑子用势场模型推求的结果有很大差别。从而表明,势场和无力场在某些方面导致的结果是极不相同的。鉴于观测已表明活动区上空存在电流的事实,在活动区磁场的模拟中,特别是在强扭曲活动区磁场的计算中,应当避免采用势场,而尽可能采用无力场模型。  相似文献   

Y.-M. Wang 《Solar physics》2004,224(1-2):21-35
The Sun’s large-scale external field is formed through the emergence of magnetic flux in active regions and its subsequent dispersal over the solar surface by differential rotation, supergranular convection, and meridional flow. The observed evolution of the polar fields and open flux (or interplanetary field) during recent solar cycles can be reproduced by assuming a supergranular diffusion rate of 500 – 600 km2 s−1 and a poleward flow speed of 10 –20 m s−1. The nonaxisymmetric component of the large-scale field decays on the flow timescale of ∼1 yr and must be continually regenerated by new sunspot activity. Stochastic fluctuations in the longitudinal distribution of active regions can produce large peaks in the Sun’s equatorial dipole moment and in the interplanetary field strength during the declining phase of the cycle; by the same token, they can lead to sudden weakenings of the large-scale field near sunspot maximum (Gnevyshev gaps). Flux transport simulations over many solar cycles suggest that the meridional flow speed is correlated with cycle amplitude, with the flow being slower during less active cycles.  相似文献   

Based on the single-fluid MHD model of Mars space simulation, this paper has studied the magnetic field structure in the near-Mars space and investigated the influence of Martian crustal magnetic anomalies on the magnetic field structure. In the process of the solar wind interaction with Mars, the bow shock and magnetic pile-up region are produced. The interplanetary magnetic lines are curved and deformed while they are towed toward the two poles by the solar wind. The majority of magnetic lines bypass the two poles, then leave behind a ‘V-shaped’ structure in the magnetotail behind Mars. In the crust of Mars, the local magnetic anomalies have a noticeable influence on the magnetic field structure. The magnetic anomalies at different positions and in different intensities interact with the solar wind to form the mini-magnetospheres of different structures and morphologies, such as the towed mini-magnetosphere and the mini-magnetosphere with open magnetic lines. The local magnetic anomalies have changed the near-Mars magnetic field structure, and probably changed the plasma distribution as well.  相似文献   

Mordvinov  A.V.  Salakhutdinova  I.I.  Plyusnina  L.A.  Makarenko  N.G.  Karimova  L.M. 《Solar physics》2002,211(1-2):241-253
We investigate the topological properties and evolution of background magnetic fields on synoptic maps from Wilcox Solar Observatory using mathematical morphology methods in terms of the Minkowski functionals. The total length of the neutral line, the total areas occupied by positive and negative polarities, and the Euler characteristics of background magnetic fields vary over an eleven-year cycle. Changes in the length of the neutral line that separates the polarities of the background magnetic field correlate well with flare activity. A time–longitude analysis of solar flare activity revealed a complicated organization and rotation of the entire flare ensemble. On the time–longitude diagram, flare activity is organized into the patterns which follow the rearrangements in background magnetic field and exhibit coexisting and alternating modes of rigid rotation. The character of rotation of the entire flare ensemble is similar to the rotation of background magnetic fields. The emergence of background magnetic fields and changes in their topology and rotation are often accompanied by enhancements in flare activity. A comparative analysis of the topological changes in background magnetic fields and flare activity reveals their causal relation.  相似文献   

Measurements from the Mount Wilson Observatory (MWO) were used to study the long-term variations of sunspot field strengths from 1920 to 1958. Following a modified approach similar to that presented in Pevtsov et al. (Astrophys. J. Lett. 742, L36, 2011), we selected the sunspot with the strongest measured field strength for each observing week and computed monthly averages of these weekly maximum field strengths. The data show the solar cycle variation of the peak field strengths with an amplitude of about 500?–?700 gauss (G), but no statistically significant long-term trends. Next, we used the sunspot observations from the Royal Greenwich Observatory (RGO) to establish a relationship between the sunspot areas and the sunspot field strengths for cycles 15?–?19. This relationship was used to create a proxy of the peak magnetic field strength based on sunspot areas from the RGO and the USAF/NOAA network for the period from 1874 to early 2012. Over this interval, the magnetic field proxy shows a clear solar cycle variation with an amplitude of 500?–?700 G and a weaker long-term trend. From 1874 to around 1920, the mean value of magnetic field proxy increases by about 300?–?350 G, and, following a broad maximum in 1920?–?1960, it decreases by about 300 G. Using the proxy for the magnetic field strength as the reference, we scaled the MWO field measurements to the measurements of the magnetic fields in Pevtsov et al. (2011) to construct a combined data set of maximum sunspot field strengths extending from 1920 to early 2012. This combined data set shows strong solar cycle variations and no significant long-term trend (the linear fit to the data yields a slope of ??0.2±0.8 G?year?1). On the other hand, the peak sunspot field strengths observed at the minimum of the solar cycle show a gradual decline over the last three minima (corresponding to cycles 21?–?23) with a mean downward trend of ≈?15 G?year?1.  相似文献   

Based on 11 years of SOHO/MDI observations from the cycle minimum in 1997 to the next minimum around 2008, we compare observed and modeled axial dipole moments to better understand the large-scale transport properties of magnetic flux in the solar photosphere. The absolute value of the axial dipole moment in 2008 is less than half that in the corresponding cycle-minimum phase in early 1997, both as measured from synoptic maps and as computed from an assimilation model based only on magnetogram data equatorward of 60° in latitude. This is incompatible with the statistical fluctuations expected from flux-dispersal modeling developed in earlier work at the level of 7 – 10 σ. We show how this decreased axial dipole moment can result from an increased strength of the diverging meridional flow near the Equator, which more effectively separates the two hemispheres for dispersing magnetic flux. Based on the combination of this work with earlier long-term simulations of the solar surface field, we conclude that the flux-transport properties across the solar surface have changed from preceding cycles to the most recent one. A plausible candidate for such a change is an increase of the gradient of the meridional-flow pattern near the Equator so that the two hemispheres are more effectively separated. The required profile as a function of latitude is consistent with helioseismic and cross-correlation measurements made over the past decade.  相似文献   

Zhanle Du 《Solar physics》2012,278(1):203-215
Smoothed monthly mean coronal mass ejection (CME) parameters (speed, acceleration, central position angle, angular width, mass, and kinetic energy) for Cycle 23 are cross-analyzed, showing that there is a high correlation between most of them. The CME acceleration (a) is highly correlated with the reciprocal of its mass (M), with a correlation coefficient r=0.899. The force (Ma) to drive a CME is found to be well anti-correlated with the sunspot number (R z), r=?0.750. The relationships between CME parameters and R z can be well described by an integral response model with a decay time scale of about 11 months. The correlation coefficients of CME parameters with the reconstructed series based on this model (\(\overline{r}_{\mathrm{f1}}=0.886\)) are higher than the linear correlation coefficients of the parameters with R z (\(\overline{r}_{\mathrm{0}}=0.830\)). If a double decay integral response model is used (with two decay time scales of about 6 and 60 months), the correlations between CME parameters and R z improve (\(\overline{r}_{\mathrm{f2}}=0.906\)). The time delays between CME parameters with respect to R z are also well predicted by this model (19/22=86%); the average time delays are 19 months for the reconstructed and 22 months for the original time series. The model implies that CMEs are related to the accumulation of solar magnetic energy. These relationships can help in understanding the mechanisms at work during the solar cycle.  相似文献   

Yurchyshyn  Vasyl B.  Wang  Haimin 《Solar physics》2001,202(2):309-318
In this paper we study the evolution of magnetic fields of a 1F/2.4C solar flare and following magnetic flux cancellation. The data are Big Bear Solar Observatory and SOHO/MDI observations of active region NOAA 8375. The active region produced a multitude of subflares, many of them being clustered along the moat boundary in the area with mixed polarity magnetic fields. The study indicates a possible connection between the flare and the flux cancellation. The cancellation rate, defined from the data, was found to be 3×1019 Mx h–1. We observed strong upward directed plasma flows at the cancellation site. Suggesting that the cancellation is a result of reconnection process, we also found a reconnection rate of 0.5 km s–1, which is a significant fraction of Alfvén speed. The reconnection rate indicates a regime of fast photospheric reconnection happening during the cancellation.  相似文献   

Letfus  V. 《Solar physics》2000,197(1):203-213
The extremely low sunspot activity during the period of the Maunder minimum 1645–1715 was confirmed by group sunspot numbers, a new sunspot index constructed by Hoyt and Schatten (1998a,b). Neither sunspots nor auroral data time behavior indicate the presence of 11-year solar cycles as stated by Eddy (1976). The evidence for solar cycles was found in the butterfly diagram, constructed from observations made at Observatoire de Paris. After Clivier, Boriakoff, and Bounar (1998) the solar cycles were reflected also in geomagnetic activity. Results are supported by the variation of cosmogenic isotopes 10Be and 14C. The majority of the observed 14 naked-eye sunspots occurred on days when telescopic observations were not available. A part of them appeared in the years when no spot was allegedly observed. Two-ribbon flares appear in plages with only very small or no sunspots. Some of these flares are geoactive. Most aurorae (90%), which were observed during the Maunder minimum, appeared in years when no spot was observed. Auroral events as a consequence of proton flares indicate that regions with enhanced magnetic field can occur on the Sun when these regions do not produce any sunspots.  相似文献   

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