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桑沟湾楮岛近岸海域大叶藻生态学特征的基础研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2010年8月至2011年9月期间,对桑沟湾楮岛沿海的大叶藻(Zostera marina L.)进行了一周年调查.结果显示,大叶藻周年平均株高变化范围为(16.97±5.99)~(87.60±20.68)cm,大叶藻平均密度为(613±201)株/m2,单株生物量为0.97~5.31g/株,单位面积平均生物量为594.61~3255.03 g/m2,大叶藻高度和湿重的周年生长变化与水温的变化趋于一致,呈正相关性;大叶藻生长环境水温为5.3~25.6℃,平均温度16.3℃;盐度为28.9~31.3,平均盐度30.6;底质类型为砾砂.大叶藻根茎、叶鞘和叶中碳含量的平均值分别为32.68%±1.27%、33.78%±3.06%、37.01%±1.86%,氮含量平均值分别为1.62%±0.63%、2.79%±0.81%、3.10%±0.81%,磷含量的平均值分别为0.28%±0.04%、0.51%±0.10%、0.48%±0.07%.  相似文献   

天鹅湖大叶藻种苗补充情况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究以山东荣成典型潟湖——天鹅湖内的大叶藻(Zostera marina L.)海草床为研究对象,从2015年3月到6月对大叶藻种子萌发形成的幼苗进行进了月度调查,包括春季大叶藻种苗的密度、株高、叶鞘高、叶数、叶宽以及分枝情况。结果表明,天鹅湖大叶藻种子在3月即开始萌发,但萌发量较少,种苗密度较低;4月种子大量萌发,种苗密度不断升高,并达到峰值,为(481.77?303.42)株/m2;5月份种子萌发结束,种苗密度下降,同时开始克隆生长;6月份种苗不断生长,分枝数增多,种苗开始出现有性生殖枝。至此,春季种苗的萌发过程结束,进入有性生殖过程。  相似文献   

对威海双岛湾大叶藻的形态及生长发育特征进行了实地观察和精细解剖研究。结果表明, 大叶藻的形态特征主要表现为: 营养枝具4~8 片叶, 互生, 具管状叶鞘, 叶片线型; 根状茎匍匐于底泥; 每节生两簇不定根; 雌雄同株异花, 佛焰苞花序, 两雄一雌单性无花被花交互排列于花序轴两侧, 花粉胶质丝状; 瘦果。其主要生长发育特征表现为: 叶和节间的基部具有分生组织, 叶和节间生长主要体现为基部的生长; 腋芽的发育具有明显的窗口期; 先出叶先于侧枝萌发; 实生苗或克隆分株的端枝经过近一年的生长分化为成生殖枝, 开化结果后即死亡; 同一花序内的雌花先于雄花开放, 水中受精, 果实败育率较高。大叶藻营养、生殖器官形态结构的特化和它们生长发育的时序优化充分体现了该种对海洋水生环境的高度适应性。  相似文献   

大叶藻移植方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索适宜的大叶藻(Zostera marina)移植修复方法,2008年10~11月,利用沉子法、枚钉法、直插法、夹苗法和整理箱法,在山东荣成俚岛近岸海域进行了大叶藻移植试验,监测了移植后1个月内大叶藻的生长、存活与渗透压的变化,比较了天然大叶藻和移植大叶藻之间的差异,并分析了移植海区主要环境因子与大叶藻生长与存活之间的关系。结果显示,5种移植方法大叶藻的平均存活率为沉子法(100%)>枚钉法(86.7%)>直插法(66.7%)>夹苗法(20%)>整理箱法(0%);移植大叶藻的平均绝对生长率为沉子法(0.358 cm/d)>直插法(0.242 cm/d)>对照组(0.211 cm/d)>枚钉法(0.083 cm/d)>夹苗法(0.067 cm/d);与天然大叶藻相比,移植后大叶藻根的渗透压显著升高,而茎和叶的渗透压则显著降低(P<0.01);移植后大叶藻的生长与存活和移植海区水流、光照、底质等主要环境因子显著相关。研究结果为研发适宜的低成本大叶藻受损生物群落生态修复技术提供了参考。  相似文献   

荣成俚岛近岸海域大叶藻的生态学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年6月,对山东荣成俚岛南起马他角,北至俚岛湾东端"外遮岛"之间2 m以浅近岸海域大叶藻的分布、生物量、形态特征、花及栖息环境进行了调查。结果显示,该海域大叶藻呈片状分布,每片面积在1.5~2.0 m2之间,平均分布密度1 650株/m2;大叶藻平均生物量为3.754 g/株;平均根质量0.432 4 g/株,根长范围2~14 cm,平均根长4.829 5cm,根的平均直径为0.1 mm;平均茎质量0.460 9 g/株,平均茎长4.407 cm/株,茎的平均直径为2.159 mm;平均节数为9.27节/株,平均节长5.144 mm;平均叶质量2.294 g/株,叶长范围17~70 cm,平均叶宽5.28 mm,平均叶长45.23 cm,平均叶鞘长6.824 cm;单性花,雌雄同株,2个雌花之间有2个雄花,每个花序轴上有雄花13~19个,雌花7~11个;底质环境为砾砂。调查结果丰富了大叶藻生态学的研究内容,也为大叶藻受损生物群落的生态修复技术奠定了先期工作基础。  相似文献   

于2009年和2010年在青岛汇泉湾用根茎棉线绑石法进行大叶藻(Zostera marina L.)移植, 并于2012年4月20日至11月19日对移植大叶藻的生长情况进行观察(包括形态学变化、密度、茎枝高度、地上生物量、底质粒径几个方面)。观察期间水温为7.8~26.1℃。结果显示, 移植底质可定性为粉砂质;移植大叶藻的有性繁殖期为2012年4~8月; 无性繁殖在秋季达到高峰; 密度在6月和9月分别高达411茎枝/m2和481茎枝/m2; 高度与地上生物量的最大值出现在6~7 份。与2009年青岛湾天然大叶藻进行比较后可以发现, 移植大叶藻的高度、地上生物量及其季节变化与天然大叶藻基本保持一致,说明移植大叶藻的生长状况良好, 同时说明根茎棉线绑石法是一种高效且实用的海草床生态恢复方法。  相似文献   

提要:选取辽宁獐子岛近岸海域大叶藻样品,对其根系、根状茎和不同生长阶段叶片的灰分含量、热值和元素含量(碳、氮、磷)及其相关性进行研究,结果表明:在不同生长阶段,叶片长度随着生长顺序先增大后减小;灰分含量随着叶片生长逐渐升高,且极显著小于根状茎和根系(P<0.01);不同部位干质量热值差异极显著(P<0.01),以初生叶最高,为14894.36±40.25 Jg-1,后逐渐减小,在根系中最小,为8153.81±78.91 Jg-1;不同生长阶段叶片的去灰分热值差异不大,但大于根系和根状茎;碳氮磷含量均呈同一趋势:初生叶>幼叶>成熟叶1>成熟叶2>衰老叶>根状茎>根系;N/P比值为12.23,说明大叶藻存在N限制;N/P比值在根状茎中最大,根系中最小,这说明大叶藻存在能量的转移和存贮;大叶藻不同部位灰分含量与干质量热值、去灰分热值、碳含量、氮含量、磷含量之间呈极显著的负相关(P<0.01),干质量热值与碳含量、氮含量、磷含量之间呈极显著的正相关(P<0.01);大叶藻不同部位的热值与碳氮磷元素含量之间均呈显著的线性关系(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

大叶藻碎屑作为刺参食物来源的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用室内模拟实验方法研究了刺参(Apostichopus japonicus Selenka)与大叶藻(Zostera marina L.)碎屑之间的营养关系, 将大叶藻碎屑与泥质沉积物按照一定的配比作为饵料投喂刺参, 测定刺参的特定生长率和排粪率。按照添加大叶藻碎屑比例的不同, 实验分为5 个处理组, 分别为ES0、ES10、ES20、ES40 和ES100, 大叶藻碎屑含量分别为0%, 10%, 20%, 40%和100%。结果表明, 饵料组成显著影响刺参的生长, 大叶藻碎屑与泥质沉积物混合物中的有机质含量为17%~20%, 水温为13~17℃, 刺参的生长效果较好, 最大特定生长率为1.54%/d, 最大排粪率为1.31g/(个· d)。海草床为刺参提供栖息地的同时, 大叶藻脱落腐败后的有机碎屑可以为刺参提供重要的食物来源, 这对于刺参的资源恢复和营养生态学方面的研究有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

对广西沿岸海草优势种日本大叶藻(Zostera japonica)根状茎、幼叶、成熟叶和老叶的灰分含量、干质量热值和去灰分热值进行了初步研究。结果表明, (1) 日本大叶藻叶片从幼叶到成熟叶再到老叶的生长发育过程中, 灰分含量升高, 而干质量热值和去灰分热值下降; (2) 日本大叶藻根状茎的灰分含量和去灰分热值大于叶片...  相似文献   

小型腹足类生物在我国种类繁多,但其相关研究在国内基本属于空白.本文对荣成天鹅湖大叶藻间的2种小型腹足类生物进行了形态学及分子生物学(16S和28S rRNA基因片段)研究.结果表明,根据形态学所鉴定的短剑螺属未定种Machaeroplax sp.,应为畦螺属未定种Lirularia sp.;分子生物学研究结果支持形态学对刺绣翼螺Alaba picta的鉴定.同时,与A.picta有一定形态学差异的其它4种相近形态的小型腹足类,在基因序列及遗传距离上与刺绣翼螺非常接近,亦应为刺绣翼螺Alaba picta.  相似文献   

山东荣成天鹅湖海草场大型底栖贝类时空分布研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了了解天鹅湖不同微生境条件下底栖贝类的群落结构及时空分布特征,于2013年12月至2014年11月,对天鹅湖矮大叶藻区、空白区、大叶藻区边缘及其内部的底栖贝类和环境特征进行了调查。共发现15种大型底栖贝类,隶属14科15属;贝类种类组成、分布密度、生物量以及物种多样性指数在4种生境中差异显著,但均无明显的季节变化。空白区域中贝类总密度和单位面积生物量最高,大叶藻区内部最低,但矮大叶藻区和大叶藻区内部多样性指数较高。大叶藻区内部的贝类以腹足类锈凹螺、日本月华螺、刺绣翼螺等刮食者为主,而双壳贝类则更倾向于选择无海草覆盖的空白区或者海草较为稀疏的草场边缘。综合分析表明,天鹅湖底栖贝类的分布和多样性受底质特征和海草覆盖影响最为显著,同时与水深密切相关。  相似文献   

Short-term tidal and diel variations of autumn fish assemblage in a Zostera marina bed were investigated using 3 h interval samplings for 24 h in both spring and neap tide using a small beam trawl. A total of 1 346 fishes belonging to 19 species were collected at spring tide, whereas 1 115 fishes belonging to 17 species were at neap tide. The common fish species were Nuchequula nuchalis, Acanthogobius flavimanus, Takifugu niphobles, Acentrogobius pflaumii, and Pholis nebulosa with the former three species dominating at spring tide, while the latter two species being abundant at neap tide. Diel variation in abundance was significant with higher abundance at night than day, but there were no significant differences between spring and neap tides, and between ebb and flood tides (three-way ANOVAs). Diel variation in the abundance of fishes may be influenced by tidal range and cycle, and day-night differences of food availability and behaviors of fishes indirectly. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) ordination and analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) results revealed significant differences in species compositions both between day and night, and between spring and neap tide. Eelgrass beds are highly productive marine ecosystem, and thus, our results will contribute to conservation of seagrass ecosystem in the study area.  相似文献   

根据2019年1月、4月、7月和10月四个季度10个站位定置张网调查资料, 对福建三沙湾游泳动物的种类组成及季节变化进行分析研究。结果表明: 调查共获得游泳动物209种, 隶属于3门4纲19目73科144属, 其中鱼类154种, 甲壳类48种, 头足类7种。游泳动物种类数以秋季出现最多, 四个季节共同出现的种类有42种。鲈形目种类最多, 其次是十足目。鱼类适温性以暖水性种类居多, 占71.43%, 暖温性种类次之(27.92%); 生态类型以底层、近底层鱼类居多, 两者合占75.97%。鹰爪虾(Trachypenaeus curvirostris)、大黄鱼(Larimichthys crocea)、棘头梅童鱼(Collichthys lucidus)、红星梭子蟹(Portunus sanguinolentus)和日本蟳(Charybdis japonica)等14个种类是三沙湾游泳动物的优势种类, 季节性优势种居多。三沙湾定置张网调查渔业资源质量密度为111.09 kg/km2, 尾数密度为13.72×103 ind./km2, 均以夏季最高, 春季最低。应该进一步加强对三沙湾渔业资源的合理利用和有效保护, 同时重视对外来物种的监测。  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics of Zostera noltii was studied during 1984 in Arcachon Bay, France. In this Bay, Z. noltii colonizes 70 km2, i.e. approximately 50% of the total area, while Z. marina occupies only 4 km2. Densities and length of vegetative and generative shoots and above-ground and below-ground biomasses were monitored in four meadows which differed according to their location in the Bay, tidal level and sediment composition. Three of these meadows were homogeneous, well-established beds whilst the fourth was under colonization and patchy. Shoot densities and maximal below-ground biomass were lower in the inner silty seagrass bed than in the sandy meadows located in the centre of the Bay. Maximal above-ground biomasses were similar in the two population types. In the well-established beds, vegetative shoot densities, above-ground and below-ground biomasses showed a unimodal pattern with minima in winter (4000 to 9000 shoots·m−2, 40 to 80 g DW·m−2, and 40 to 60 g DW·m−2, respectively) and maxima in summer (11000 to 22000 shoots·m−2, 110 to 150 g DW·m−2, and 140 to 200 g DW·m−2, respectively). Reproductive shoots were observed from the beginning of June until the end of September, except in the colonizing bed where they persisted until December. Furthermore, in the latter, maximal reproductive shoot density was higher (2600 shoots·m−2) than in the established beds (650 to 960 shoots·m−2). The total production of Z. noltii in Arcachon Bay was estimated to approximately 35.6·106 kg DW·y−1 (19.4·106 kg DW·y−1 for above-ground parts and 16.2·106 kg DW·y−1 for below-ground parts).  相似文献   

The Haustorius canadensis population at Long Sands beach in southern Maine was studied over a period of 45 months. The length-weight relationship was examined over 24 months; it showed no difference due to either sex or month. Caloric content of the population displayed a seasonal cycle around a mean of 18·381 KJ gm−1 dry weight, peaking in mid to late summer. The increment summation, instantaneous growth, removal summation and size-frequency methods of calculating production were used and the results compared. The increment summation and instantaneous growth methods provided the best estimates of production, averaging 98·1 gm m−1 y−1 and 100·2 gm m−1 y−1, respectively. The annual production to mean biomass ratio averaged 1·48. The population exhibited strong peaks of production; the four summer months accounting for 4·65 times the production during the remainder of the year. Most of the production was due to one-year-old individuals.  相似文献   

Nutrients, chlorophyll-a, particulate organic carbon (POC), and environmental conditions were extensively investigated in the northern East China Sea (ECS) near Cheju Island during three seasonal cruises from 2003 to 2005. In spring and autumn, relatively high concentrations of nitrate (2.6~12.4 μmol kg-1) and phosphate (0.17~0.61 μmol kg-1) were observed in the surface waters in the western part of the study area because of the large supply of nutrients from deep waters by vertical mixing. The surface concentrations of nitrate and phosphate in summer were much lower than those in spring and autumn, which is ascribed to a reduced nutrient supply from the deep waters in summer because of surface layer stratification. While previous studies indicate that upwellings of the Kuroshio Current and the Changjiang (Yangtze River) are main sources of nutrients in the ECS, these two inputs seem not to have contributed significantly to the build-up of nutrients in the northern ECS during the time of this study. The lower nitrate:phosphate (N:P) ratio in the surface waters and the positive correlation between the surface N:P ratio and nitrate concentration indicate that nitrate acts as a main nutrient limiting phytoplankton growth in the northern ECS, contrary to previous reports of phosphate-limited phytoplankton growth in the ECS. This difference arises because most surface water nutrients are supplied by vertical mixing from deep waters with low N:P ratios and are not directly influenced by the Changjiang, which has a high N:P ratio. Surface chlorophyll-a levels showed large seasonal variation, with high concentrations (0.38~4.14 mg m-3) in spring and autumn and low concentrations (0.22~1.05 mg m-3) in summer. The surface distribution of chlorophyll-a coincided fairly well with that of nitrate in the northern ECS, implying that nitrate is an important nutrient controlling phytoplankton biomass. The POC:chlorophyll-a ratio was 4~6 times higher in summer than in spring and autumn, presumably because of the high summer phytoplankton death rate caused by nutrient depletion in the surface waters.  相似文献   

Zosteramarina, a monocotyledonous angiosperm, is one of themost important seagrass species. To investigate the salt-tolerancemechanismand discover salt-tolerant genes in Z. marina, a cDNA library was constructed. Single-pass sequencing of the 5' ends of 4 081 clones yielded 4 002 high quality expressed sequence tags (ESTs), which were assembled into 241 contigs and 1 673 singletons, representing 1 914 unigenes. The average length of the ESTs was 582 bp, with sizes ranging from100-1 500 bp. Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLASTX) analysis revealed that 1 664 unigenes had significant homology to known genes in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) non-redundant (nr) database (E-value≤5-10). Among them, the twomost abundant genes encoded metallothionein (157 ESTs) and chlorophyll a/b-binding protein (38 ESTs), accounting for 7.1% and 1.7% of the total ESTs, respectively. Using Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), 1 462 unigeneswere assigned to 1 161 pathways (E-value≤5-10). A total of 938 unigenes were assigned Gene Ontology (GO) terms based on the GO hierarchy analysis, and InterProScan searches recognized 1 003 InterPro families. Three genes formetallothionein in Z. marina that belonged to Class II was identified. Results of this study will improve understanding of the molecular mechanisms of saline tolerance in Z.marina.  相似文献   

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