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Numerous plant remains as the imprints of lycopsid strobili and stems and the sporadic imprints of articulate stems were first found in the Upper Carboniferous deposits from the Western Slope of the Southern Urals (Karantrav Settlement area). The brief stratigraphic characteristic of the studied locality is given. The studied plant assemblage is represented by Lepidodendron ophiurus Brongniart, L. vaselgense Anikeeva et O. Orlova, sp. nov., Lepidodendron sp., Lepidostrobus tevelevii O. Orlova, Mamontov et Anikeeva, sp. nov., L. ronnaensis Bek et Oplustil, Knorria sp., Calamites sp., and Mesocalamites ramifer (Stur) Hirmer. In-situ microspores of the Lycospora type were discovered in the sporangia of some strobili of the genus Lepidostrobus. Four lycopsid species (two are new) were described.  相似文献   

Reproductive pentoxylalean material from the Albian Triton Point Formation, Fossil Bluff Group of Alexander Island, Antarctica is the youngest record of this group globally. Leaves are referred to Taeniopteris daintreei McCoy, ovulate reproductive organs to Carnoconites cranwelli Harris, and stem material to Pentoxylon sp. Occurring in leaf litter layers on palaeosol surfaces the sedimentology suggests that pentoxylalean plants grew upon areas of the floodplain distal to the river channel, where they covered the forest floor in a similar habit to modern brambles. The forest floor was shared with Equisetales and liverworts, an abundance of ferns [Cladophlebis Brongniart, Gleichenites Goeppert, Phyllopteroides Medwell, Sphenopteris (Brongniart) Sternberg], as well as angiosperms. Bennettitales, Ginkgoites Seward and Nilssonia Brongniart were rare within these communities, as were coniferous trees.  相似文献   

本文研究了浙江省兰溪市马涧组植物化石,鉴定28属54种,描述2个新种,讨论了马涧植物群特征,论证马涧组时代为早、中侏罗世。  相似文献   

华北与东北南部地区缺失晚奥陶世至中石炭世早期地层(个别地点除外),这一论点长期以来已被中外地质学家所公认。本溪组自1926年创名以来,一直被认为属于中石炭世晚期(莫斯科期)。50年代中期,张文堂提出的论断,因无生物化石佐证,迄今未得到承认。80年代以来,吴秀元、赵修祜和刘发先后指出本溪田师付本溪组下部产纳缨尔期(或中石炭世早期)蜓和腕足类化石。 本文描述了辽宁本溪本溪组下部G层铝土矿顶板黑色页岩中所产植物化石7属12种,认为其时代为早石炭世晚期(维宪期—纳缪尔A期)。  相似文献   

Strata of Westphalian D age on the western coast of the Sydney Basin expose a fossil forest of approximately 30 lepidodendrid trees within one of several clastic splits of the Harbour Seam. A multidisciplinary approach was employed to interpret the origins of the coat bed, the depositional history of the site and the response of the fossil forest to changing edaphic conditions. The megaspore and miospore records indicate that the mire vegetation was dominated by arboreous lycopsids, especially Paralycopodites, with subdominant tree ferns. Petrographic, palynological and geochemical evidence suggest that the Harbour coal bed at Table Head originated as a rheotrophic (cf. planar) mire (eutric histosol). The mire forest is interpreted to have been engulfed by prograding distributary-channel sediments; sparse protist assemblages are suggestive of a freshwater delta-plain lake environment occasionally in contact with brackish waters. Lepidodendrids persisted as site colonizers of clastic substrates even after burial of the rheotrophic peatland and influenced the morphology of deposited sediment, but apparently were unable to colonize distributary channels. Equivocal taxonomic data (compression fossils) show the fossil forest to have been composed of both monocarpic (Lepidodendron) and polycarpic (Diaphorodendron, Paralycopodites, ?Sigillaria) lycopsids, genera recorded in the palynology of the uppermost ply of the underlying coal bed. Comparatively rare within the clastic beds of the fossil forest, however, is the stem compression of Paralycopodites, whose dispersed megapores and miospores dominate the underlying coal bed. Tree diameter data recorded equivalent to breast height indicate a forest of mixed age. These data would appear to suggest that some lepidodendrids employing a polycarpic reproductive strategy were better able to cross the ecological barrier imposed between peat and clastic substrates. Foliar compressions indicate that an understory or stand of Psaronius type tree ferns co-existed with the lepidodendrids on clastic substrates, which developed as incipient gleysol soils. The entombment of the forest can be ascribed to its distributary coastal setting, local subsidence and a seasonal climate that fostered wildfire and increased sedimentation.  相似文献   

Here we report a new iguanodontian dentary found from the Lower Cretaceous Khok Kruat Formation, Nakhon Ratchasima, northeast Thailand. A unique character, which is an elongated and flat shape of the dentary ramus, makes it possible to assign the specimen to the new genus of non‐hadrosaurid iguanodontian, Ratchasimasaurus suranareae gen. et sp. nov. R. suranareae shows both primitive and derived characters, such as a caudally inclined coronoid process and alveolar trough with a primitive crown impression, and a derived buccal shelf between tooth row and coronoid process. The discovery of a new iguanodontian from the Indochina Terrene, considering that the previously reported “Probactrosaurus‐like” iguanodontian, points out a great diversity of this group in the late Early Cretaceous in Thailand, and corresponds to the Asian iguanodontian diversity at that time.  相似文献   

Based on the palynological data from Well Ta-19-36 and Well Ta-19-37 in the Ta'nan Sag, and Well Ta-22-1 and Well Ta-21-1 in the Bayin Gobi Sag, a spore-pollen assemblage from the Damoguaihe Formation is named as Cicatricosisporites minutaestriatus- Aequitriradites spinulosus-Protopinus sp. assemblage in the Tamutsag Basin, Mongolia. The assemblage is characterized by abundant gymnosperm pollen and diverse fern spores, counted 46.35%–65.57% and 34.43%–52.58% in percentage respectively. Among the gymnosperm pollen, Pinuspollenites sp.(2.66%–16.94%), Protopinus sp.(0–11.38%) and Protopicea sp.(0–10.81%) are dominant; and Alisporites sp., Cerebropollenites sp., Podocarpidites sp., and Abietineaepollenites sp. are common. Some important elements, such as Chasmatosporites sp., Callialasporites prominulus, Parvisaccites sp., Parcisporites sp., Jiaohepollis cf. annulatus, J. bellus, J. verus, Polycingulatisporites sp., Schizaeoisporites certus, Classopollis annulatus are seen. Within the fern spores, Osmundacidites wellamanii(0.85%–4.93%), Appendicisporites sp.(0–4.45%), Baculatisporites comaumensis(0.80%–2.87%), Cicatricosisporites sp.(0.51%–2.66%), C. minor(0–2.14%), Foraminisporis asymmetricus(0–2.40%), Aequitriradites sp.(0– 2.19%) and Cyathidites minor(0–2.13%) are dominant; and some specie of Densoisporites, Cooksonites, Impardecispora, Pilosisporites, Schizaeosprites, Fixisporites, Leptolepidites, Trilobosporites, Kuylisporites, Klukisporites, Hsuisporites, Couperisporites, Maculatisporites are seen. The angiosperm pollen are rare in the assemblage, characterized by Clavatipollenites sp.(0–0.80%) and Songipollis sp.(0–0.27%). The geological age of the Damoguaihe Formation is assigned to Hauterivian – Barremian of Early Cretaceous according to the palynological data, due to the fact that there existed a lot of diverse spores of the family Schizaeaceae and prosperous gymnosperm saccat pollen which the corpus and sacci are differentiated completely, and the presence of early angiosperm pollen of Clavatipollenites. However, the zircon U-Pb isotopic dating of the volcanic rocks in the Nantun Formation indicated that the overlying strata of the Nantun Formation, i.e. the Damoguaihe Formation must be younger than 127.0±2.0–137.9±1.5 Ma. This is consistent with the palynological data. Furthermore, the vegetation reconstructed on the palynological data of the Damoguaihe Formation is conifer forest with shrubs and grassland, belonging to the semi-humid or humid middle to south subtropical climate. Moreover, three new species, namely Biretisporites punctatus sp. nov., Chasmatosporites reticulates sp. nov. and Concentrisporites contractus sp. nov. are described here.  相似文献   

From a smaller open-pit area in the roof shale of the basal Cantabrian coal seam in Sydney Coalfield, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada, large amounts of the pteridosperm foliage Alethopteris zeilleri (Ragot) were found. This foliage is associated with abundant, naked medullosalean axes and dichotomies of varying sizes, up to 0.80-m long, cauline structures 0.90 m and 1.3 m long, detached ovules assigned to Pachytesta incrassata Brongniart, rare male-pollen organs of the type Dolerotheca Halle, rooted tree ferns in life position, and one specimen each of a juvenile medullosalean frond and root mantle. The fossils are compression/impression-preserved, and the foliage yielded thickly cutinized cuticles with unoriented cells (57–103 by 27–57 μm) in intercostal fields. Ultimate rachises, and abaxial surfaces (excluding costal fields) show a mixture of simple and complexly-branched trichomes, and two different structural bases. These, together with fractal dimensionality of curvatures of anticlinal walls in intercostal fields, have taxonomic potential for alethopterids.The finds suggest reconstructing A. zeilleri (Ragot) as a tree, 5–7 m high, that bore both P. incrassata Brongniart and Dolerotheca-type fructifications. Its habitat was low-land coastal plains in the Pennsylvanian coal swamps of ancestral Sydney Coalfield.  相似文献   

At Lingfeng, (34°17'N, 104°08'E) on the northern slopes of the Qinling Mountains, a stratigraphic survey was made of a 21-m-profile of floodplain sediments on the watershed between the Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) and Huang He (Yellow River) at 2500 m above sea level. The sediments contain <2 m thick layers of peat and detritical plant matter that had been deposited on the floodplain of the Langouhe. If the radiometric dates are reliable, the chronology of the site spans some 80,000 years, covering an accumulation process from the terminal Last Interglacial up to <24 ka BP. The phase >73 ka BP had cool and wet conditions with a coniferous forest vegetation. Between 73 ka and > 40 ka colder and drier conditions were likely. The vegetation changed from aPicea-Pinus forest to aPicea-Abies-Larix forest with a later increase of non-arboreal pollen. Around 40 ka the climate was warm and moist. The accumulation of silt and organic matter as well as the development of a mixed coniferous forest with high rates of thermophilous trees(Quercus, Castanea) characterize the interstadial conditions at this time. Later on, the climate changed to cool and moist conditions, evidenced by silt and peat accumulation and a coniferous forest vegetation up to <24 ka BP. The loess in this area was deposited after 24 ka and erosion by the tributaries of Chang Jiang and Huang He to a depth of at least 40 m created the watershed between the two river systems.  相似文献   

<正>The classification and phytogeny of the basal Vespina(=Orussoidea+Apocrita)are reconsidered based primarily on rich and well preserved material from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou in Inner Mongolia,China. Comparatively smooth morphological transitions are traced from a Xiphydriidae-like ancestor toward Orussoidea via the Jurassic family Karatavitidae,and through Karatavitidae and the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous family Ephialtitidae independently to Stephanidae,to Evanioidea,and,via the extinct Jurassic Kuafuidae fam.nov.to the remaining Apocrita.New hypothesis is proposed concerning development of the characteristic wasp-waist of Apocrita,which is supposed to appear independently and in different ways in Evanioidea and in the rest of Apocrita.As a result,six infraorders are proposed for the suborder Vespina with the following taxonomic structure:infraorder Orussomorpha including the only superfamily Orussoidea(Karatavitidae+Paroryssidae + Orussidae),infraorder Stephanomorpha with the only superfamily Stephanoidea(Ephialtitidae+Stephanidae), infraorder Evaniomorpha with the only superfamily Evanioidea of traditional composition,infraorder Ceraphronomorpha with the superfamilies Ceraphronoidea s.str.and monotypical Megalyroidea and Trigonaloidea,and the infraorders Proctotrupomorpha,Ichneumonomorpha,and Vespomorpha of traditional composition.The family Kuafuidae is unplaced to infraorder because it is putatively paraphyletic with respect to Ceraphronomorpha,Proctotrupomorpha,Ichneumonomorpha and Vespomorpha.Described as new are Karatavites junfengi sp.nov,Praeratavites wuhuaensis sp.nov.,P.perspicuus sp.nov.,Postxiphydria daohugouensis gen.et sp.nov.,P.ningchengensis gen.et sp.nov.,Postxiphydroides strenuus gen.et sp.nov.,Praeratavitoides amabilis gen.et sp.nov.,Proapocrtius densipediculus sp.nov.,P.sculptus sp.nov.,P.longantennatus sp.nov., P.formosus sp.nov.,P.atropus sp.nov.,P.elegans sp.nov.,Stephanogaster pristinus sp.nov.,Asiephialtites lini sp. nov.,Praeproapocritus vulgatus gen.et sp.nov.,Sinaulacogastrinus solidus gen.et sp.nov.,Sinevania speciosa gen. et sp.nov.,Eonevania robusta gen.et sp.nov.,Kuafua polyneura gen.et sp.nov.(all from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou),as well as Kuafuidae fam.nov.including Kuafua gen.nov.as well as Arthrogaster Rasnitsyn,1975,and Leptogastrella Rasnitsyn,1975 from the Upper Jurassic of Karatau in Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of pollen and charcoal analyses carried out in the sedimentary formation of Ponta da Passadeira, south of the Tejo River estuary, Portugal. The data provide information regarding the evolution of the coastline and ecosystem of the estuary during the mid and late Holocene. The study focuses on a group of upright woody fossilized tree remains that, together with those identified earlier by García‐Amorena et al. (2007), form part of the fossil forest of Ponta da Passadeira. Eight remains were identified as Pinus pinaster, four as Pinus pinea and one as Pinus sp. Two specimens of these species were dated to 6523 and 5805 cal. a BP. Pollen analysis was undertaken in a clay layer located at the same point as the fossil forest, which is currently below sea level; the base of the clay layer was dated to 4906 cal. a BP. The pollen spectra reflect the dynamics of the vegetation that grew on this deposit, whereas the sporopollinic input masks the contribution of the regional vegetation. Wood charcoal remains recovered at an adjacent Final Neolithic settlement were also analysed, and a Pinus sp. specimen was radiocarbon dated to 5050 cal. a BP. The correlation amongst the three records provides key ecological markers for the understanding of the evolution of coastline ecosystems, and helps to clarify and understand the Holocene sea rise on the Atlantic seaboard of Iberia. The geographical location of Ponta da Passadeira is strategic because it enables a more clear definition of the configuration of landscapes that show an inflection point in this area of central Portugal.  相似文献   

We analysed charcoal and pollen from sediments obtained from two lakes in the northwestern mixed‐wood Canadian boreal forest in order to reconstruct fire‐return intervals and vegetation dynamics over the last 8000 years. Sites were selected with contrasting soil properties (mesic versus dry‐sandy soils), allowing an estimation of the potential influence of soils on long‐term vegetation and fire dynamics. The sites likely experienced fewer fires during the period extending from 8000 to 4000 cal. a BP than over the last 4000 years. At both sites, eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) populations were most extensive shortly after deglaciation, with vegetation later shifting towards mixed woodlands with less P. strobus and more extensive Picea and Pinus banksiana populations. This gradual vegetation shift was probably induced by the establishment of colder and moister conditions along with a fire‐regime change. In spite of the parallel long‐term vegetation trajectories, vegetation composition differed between the two sites in both the past and present. Whereas Picea was more abundant at the mesic site, the fire‐adapted P. banksiana populations were more extensive at the sandy‐soil site. These differences in vegetation composition indicate that, in addition to climate changes and fire occurrence, soil properties also influenced vegetation dynamics. A likely increase in fire frequency in the Canadian boreal forest during the 21st century might therefore favour the expansion of these two disturbance‐adapted trees with spatial heterogeneity in the populations due to varying soil types. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fossils of forest habitat beetles and leaves of Nothofagus menziesii provide evidence of a forest refugium at times between ca. 34 000 and ca. 18 500 cal. a BP at an upland site in Howard Valley, located adjacent to glaciated valleys in South Island, New Zealand. The stratigraphy of the glacial‐aged terrace sequence of organic‐rich silts and fluvial sand/gravels indicates that soil development occurred episodically for around 15 000 a. Fifty‐four beetle taxa represent seven habitat types: forest, forest or scrub, riparian and aquatic, litter, grass/tussock, marshland and moss habitats. Leaf and beetle fossils indicate that forest dominated by N. menziesii persisted at the site for most of the time period represented, and tree line taxa such as Taenarthrus sp. 1 (Carabidae) and Podocarpus sp. (Podocarpaceae) indicate that the site may represent the upper tree limit for full‐glacial time. The finding of forest at this elevated site adds to the growing fossil evidence for multiple forest refugia in New Zealand during the last glaciation and is consistent with the pollen records, which have consistently indicated the presence of forest species during the last glaciations. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Some conodonts described by Tea Kolar-Jurkovsek and Bogdan Jurkovsek (2007) from the Permian-Triassic boundary section in the ?iri area of western Slovenia are revised in this paper. One specimen that they assigned to Hindeodus parvus is tentatively regarded as Hindeodus cf. scalaris Wu 2005. Two specimens that they assigned to Isarcicella sp. A is changed to Hindeodus parvus. One specimen that they described as Isarcicella lobata Perri and Farabegoli is changed to Hindeodus crenatus Wu (2006). One specimen that they assigned to Isarcicella turgida (Kozur, Mostler and Rahimi-Yazd) is changed to Hindeodus cf. parvus. Since these revisions, the three conodont zones that they defined have been correspondingly revised. Their first zone may belong to Hindeodus parvus zone, but it is not certain. Their second zone is changed to the Hindeodus parvus zone, and their third one remains as is.  相似文献   

The following new fossil trichopteran insects are described or revised from the Purbeck Limestone Group and Wealden Supergroup of southern England: Pteromixanum inviolatum gen. et sp. nov., P. ruderatum gen. et sp. nov., P. purbeckianum (Handlirsch) gen. et comb. nov. and P. poxwellense gen. et sp. nov. (Necrotauliidae);Purbimodus minor gen. et sp. nov., P. medius gen. et sp. nov., P. rasnitsyni gen. et sp. nov. and P. saxosus gen. et sp. nov. (Vitimotauliidae);Palaeoludus popovi gen. et sp. nov. (Dysoneuridae);Palaeotarsus desertus gen. et sp. nov. (Plectrotarsidae);Eucrunoecia ridicula gen. et sp. nov. (Lepidostomatidae);Palaeocentropus placidus gen. et sp. nov. (Calamoceratidae) and Helicophidae gen. et sp. incertae sedis. The general composition of the fauna is compared with Early Cretaceous faunas of Asia. The early appearance of several living families is noted.  相似文献   

Two sedimentary cores with pollen, charcoal and radiocarbon data are presented. These records document the Late‐glacial and Holocene dry forest vegetation, fire and environmental history of the southern Cauca Valley in Colombia (1020 m). Core Quilichao‐1 (640 cm; 3° 6′N, 76° 31′W) represents the periods of 13 150–7720 14C yr BP and, following a hiatus, from 2880 14C yr BP to modern. Core La Teta‐2 (250 cm; 3° 5′N, 76° 32′W) provides a continuous record from 8700 14C yr BP to modern. Around 13 150 14C yr BP core Quilichao‐1 shows an active Late‐glacial drainage system and presence of dry forest. From 11 465 to 10 520 14C yr BP dry forest consists mainly of Crotalaria, Moraceae/Urticaceae, Melastomataceae/Combretaceae, Piper and low stature trees, such as Acalypha, Alchornea, Cecropia and Celtis. At higher elevation Andean forest comprising Alnus, Hedyosmum, Quercus and Myrica was common. After 10 520 14C yr BP the floral composition of dry forest changed, with extensive open grass vegetation indicative of dry climatic conditions. This event may coincide with the change to cool and dry conditions in the second part of the El Abra stadial, an equivalent to the Younger Dryas. From 8850 14C yr BP the record from La Teta indicates dry climatic conditions relative to the present, these prevailing up to 2880 14C yr BP at Quilichao and to 2720 14C yr BP at La Teta. Severe dryness reached maxima at 7500 14C yr BP and 4300 14C yr BP, when dry forest reached maximum expansion. Dry forest was gradually replaced by grassy vegetation, reaching maximum expansion around 2300 14C yr BP. After 2300 14C yr BP grassy vegetation remains abundant. Presence of crop taxa (a.o. Zea mays), disturbance indicators (Cecropia) and an increase in charcoal point to the presence of pre‐Columbian people since 2300 14C yr BP. After 950 14C yr BP, expansion of secondary forest taxa may indicate depopulation and abandonment of previously cultivated land. After 400 14C yr BP, possibly related to the Spanish conquest, secondary forest expanded and charcoal concentrations increased, possibly indicating further reduction of cultivated land. During the past century, Heliotropium and Didymopanax became abundant in an increasingly degraded landscape. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The tephrostratigraphy of lake sediments in the Endinger Bruch provides the first robust age model for the Lateglacial palynological records of Vorpommern (north‐east Germany). Cryptotephra investigations revealed six tephra layers within sediments spanning from Open vegetation phase I (~Bølling, ~15 ka) to the Early Holocene Betula/Pinus forest phase (~Pre‐boreal, ~10.5 ka). Four of these layers have been correlated with previously described tephra layers found in sites across Europe. The Laacher See Tephra (Eifel Volcanic Field) is present in very high concentrations within sediments of the Lateglacial Betula (/Pinus) forest phase (~Allerød). The Vedde Ash (Iceland) lies midway through Open vegetation phase III (~Younger Dryas). The Hässeldalen and the Askja tephras (Iceland) lie in the Early Holocene Betula/Pinus forest phase (~Preboreal). These tephra layers have independently derived age estimates, which have been imported into the Endinger Bruch record. Furthermore, the layers facilitate direct correlation of the regional vegetation record with other palaeoenvironmental archives, which contain one or more of the same tephra layers, from Greenland to Southern Europe. In doing this, localized variations are confirmed in some aspects of the pollen stratigraphy; however, transitions between the main vegetation phases appear to occur synchronously (within centennial errors) with the equivalent environmental transitions observed in sites across the European continent. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Three new species of the extinct genus of Eoptychopterina from the Eoptychopteridae  相似文献   

The Lower–Middle Albian coaly clay bed of the Escucha Formation, which is exposed at Rubielos de Mora (eastern Iberian Ranges, Spain), contains a diverse fossil plant assemblage. Among the taxa present in this layer, Mirovia gothanii Gomez sp. nov. differs from other species of the genus by its greater leaf length, margins typically overhanging the depressed stomatal groove, a single short, blunt, papilla borne by each subsidiary cell, non-stomatal cells inside the groove and margins, and a higher number of resin ducts in the mesophyll. Morphological study of the well-preserved cuticles demonstrates that the species also occurs in Lower Cretaceous coals of Santa Maria de Meià (Pyrenees, Spain) where Gothan (1954) described it as Sciadopitytes sp. Both localities constitute the southernmost extent of the genus in Laurasia when the family was likely to have reached its climax in terms of abundance and diversity.  相似文献   

A relatively diverse microbiota, preserved in-situ, has been discovered in cherty stratiform stromatolites of the middle Proterozoic Wumishan Formation (c. 1200–1300 Maold), Jixian Group, in the Ming Tombs area of Beijing. This microfossil assemblage consists of two parts: (1) the mat-building and mat-dwelling benthos which mostly belong to “long-lasting” taxa and are mostly common with those of other Proterozoic microbiotas; and (2) allochthonous elements including some plankton and peculiar structures which are either new forms first described here or taxa shared with some contemporaneous or penecontemporaneous microbiotas elsewhere. The latter may have more stratigraphic significance.Bivariate analysis on two characters measured (length and width) has been used in the classification of the elongate microfossils, and the results demonstrate that biometrical methods are effective in the taxonomy of some Precambrian microfossils.The following new taxa are described:Archaeoellipsoides obesus sp. nov., Archaeoellipsoides conjunctivus sp. nov., Bactrophycus oblongum gen. et sp. nov., Bactrophycus dolichum gen. et sp. nov., Callosicoccus crauros gen. et sp. nov.  相似文献   

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