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Carbon isotope chemostratigraphy has been used for worldwide correlation of Precambrian/Cambrian (Pc/C) boundary sections, and has elucidated significant change of the carbon cycle during the rapid diversification of skeletal metazoa (i.e. the Cambrian Explosion). Nevertheless, the standard δ13C curve of the Early Cambrian has been poorly established mainly due to the lack of a continuous stratigraphic record. Here we report high-resolution δ13C chemostratigraphy of a drill core sample across the Pc/C boundary in the Three Gorge area, South China. This section extends from an uppermost Ediacaran dolostone (Dengying Fm.), through a lowermost Early Cambrian muddy limestone (Yanjiahe Fm.) to a middle Early Cambrian calcareous black shale (Shuijingtuo Fm.). As a result, we have identified two positive and two negative isotope excursions within this interval. Near the Pc/C boundary, the δ13Ccarb increases moderately from 0 to + 2‰ (positive excursion 1: P1), and then drops dramatically down to − 7‰ (negative excursion 1: N1). Subsequently, the δ13Ccarb increases continuously up to about + 5‰ at the upper part of the Nemakit–Daldynian stage. After this positive excursion, δ13Ccarb sharply decreases down to about − 9‰ (N2) just below the basal Tommotian unconformity. These continuous patterns of the δ13C shift are irrespective of lithotype, suggesting a primary origin of the record. Moreover, the obtained δ13C profile, except for the sharp excursion N2, is comparable to records of other sections within and outside of the Yangtze Platform. Hence, we conclude that the general feature of our δ13C profile best represents the global change in seawater chemistry. The minimum δ13C of the N1 (− 7‰) is slightly lower than carbon input from the mantle, thus implying an enhanced flux of 13C-depleted carbon just across the Pc/C boundary. Hence, the ocean at that time probably became anoxic, which may have affected the survival of sessile or benthic Ediacaran biota. The subsequent δ13C rise up to + 5‰ (P2) indicates an increase of primary productivity or an enhanced rate of organic carbon burial, which should have resulted in lowering pCO2 and following global cooling. This scenario accounts for the cause of the global-scale sea-level fall at the base of the Tommotian stage. The subsequent, very short-term, and exceptionally low δ13C (− 9‰) in N2 could have been associated with the release of methane from gas hydrates due to the sea-level fall. The inferred dramatic environmental changes (i.e., ocean anoxia, increasing productivity, global cooling and subsequent sea-level fall with methane release) appear to coincide with or occur just before the Cambrian Explosion. This may indicate synchronism between the environmental changes and rapid diversification of skeletal metazoa.  相似文献   

寒武纪早期是地球海洋环境与生命演化的关键时期,但目前扬子东南缘深水相区的早寒武纪地层尚缺乏系统、精确 的地层对比工作。该文选取湖南省怀化地区会同钻孔剖面(深水相区) 的留茶坡组硅质岩、小烟溪组黑色页岩为研究对 象,进行了高分辨的有机碳同位素(δ13Corg) 地层对比,结果在会同剖面自下而上识别出四个正漂移(P1、P2、P3和P4) 与两个负漂移(N1和N2),结合其他剖面的生物化石记录和锆石U-Pb年龄资料,将会同剖面有机碳同位素与湖南其他 剖面,以及和云南和三峡等地浅水相区剖面的有机碳、无机碳同位素曲线进行对比,认为扬子东南缘埃迪卡拉系-寒武 系界线在湖南深水相区可放置于留茶坡组上部较大的有机碳同位素负漂移(Basal Cambrian Carbon isotope Excursion, BACE) 出现的位置,但由于钻孔深度不够,所以该负漂移未在会同剖面获得,而P1、P2和P3分别对应于寒武系的ZHUCE (ZHUjiaqing Carbon isotope Excursion,第二阶)、CARE (Cambrian Arthropod Radiation isotope Excursion,第三阶) 和MICE(MIngxinsi Carbon Isotope Excursion,第四阶) 正漂移,N1 和N2 分别对应于寒武系的SHICE (SHIyantou Carbon isotope Excursion,第二阶) 和AECE(Archaeocyathid Extinction Carbon isotope Excursion,第四阶) 负漂移,因此会同剖面留茶坡组顶部至小烟溪组底部属于寒武系第二阶,小烟溪组下部属于寒武系第三阶,而小烟溪组中-上部属于寒武系第四阶,而顶 部是否达到第四阶顶部尚无法确认。碳同位素的负漂移可能是海侵时期上升流水体将底层富含12C还原水体带至浅水地区所 致,并分别与埃迪卡拉动物群、小壳化石动物群和古杯动物的灭绝密切相关;而在生物繁盛时期,海洋初级生产力升高, 有机质埋藏增加,导致碳同位素的正漂移。  相似文献   

The early Early Cambrian strata within the bounds of Guizhou Province are almost predominated by black shale deposition. Recently, however, the authors have found a section consisting of a set of mudstones interbedded with limestones at the basement of the Cambrian at Yingping, Fuquan County,Guizhou Province, which provides favorable conditions for the study of marine geochemical characteristics of the early Early Cambrian. The characteristics of intense negative carbon isotopic anomalies near the Precambrian/Cambrian boundary at Yingping, Fuquan County, Guizhou Province, can be correlated with those of global carbon isotopic anomalies at the same time on a global scale, corresponding to the intense negative carbon isotopic anomalies near the Neoproterozoic/Cambrian boundaries at the bottom of the Xiaowaitoushan Member, Huize, Yunnan Province, at the top of the Tsagaan 0loom Formation of Mongolia and at the top of the Salarmy Gol Formation of Siberia, as well as those observed in southwestern United States, Iran, Amman, Poland, Newfoundland, the Great Britain, Canada, etc. Negative carbon isotopic anomalies can be used as the important basis for the division of the Precambrian/Cambrian boundaries.There have been found 8 m-thick black shales and cherts below the intense negative carbon isotopic anomalies in this profile. In the black shales there have been found large amounts of fossils such as Bradoricla,gernus Archotuba, indicating that during the period of sedimentation of black shales under anaerobic conditions there would be large quantities of organic species living in the sea. But in the section of grayish-green mudstones interbedded with limestones with intense negative carbon isotopic anomalies almost no organic fossil has been found. This may imply that the anaerobic event seems to have little bearing on the mass extinction near the Precambrian/Cambrian boundary, whereas the intense negative carbon isotopic anomaly event appears to be more closely related to the mass extinction occurring near the Precambrian/Cambrian boundary.  相似文献   

This work deals with the evolution of carbon isotope composition in the Luoyixi (罗依溪) Section, a candidate of the Global Standard Stratotype-section and Point (GSSP), defining the base of the as-yet-undefined seventh stage of Cambrian System at the first appearance of the cosmopolitan agnostoid Lejopyge laevigata. This level is favored in a vote of International Subcommission on Cambrian Stratigraphy (ISCS) as the biohorizon for defining the base of a global stage. Two hundred and sixty-four samples for carbon and oxygen isotope analysis have been collected from the carbonate successions at an interval of 0.25 to 0.5 m in this section. Results of the carbon isotope data exhibit a remarkable disciplinarian trend. The pattern of the carbon isotope evolution is gently undulant with a relatively long period during the underlying Drumian Stage, and then the values of δ13C fluctuate sharply with a short period in provisional seventh stage. The onset of sharp fluctuation in the δ13C values begins at the proposed GSSP level, defining the base of the global seventh stage, where δ13C values change from a gentle trend to a sharp trend. Distinct covariant-relationships among δ13C, δ13O, and sea level fluctuations suggest that a warming change in paleoclimate took place during the early global seventh stage, which led to a positive shift in δ13C values.  相似文献   

在野外沉积特征研究、室内薄片观察的基础上,对四川盆地东部龙王庙组22个碳酸盐岩样品的碳、氧同位素进行测试,在充分论证样品的有效性后,分析研究区龙王庙组碳、氧同位素特征,进而探讨龙王庙组沉积期的古气候及古海洋环境。样品实验数据显示δ13C值分布在-1.533‰~2.619‰,平均为0.046‰;δ18O值分布在-9.916‰~-3.580‰,平均为-7.746‰;碳、氧同位素整体变化趋势与扬子地台其他区域基本相同。古海洋环境恢复表明,龙王庙组沉积期四川盆地东部整体处于海相环境,海水盐度呈先降低、后增高、复又降低的多段式变化;海水温度主要分布在20~30℃,属于温暖或炎热的亚热带气候;在海平面缓慢波动性下降、陆架暴露、生物灭绝的沉积环境影响下,龙王庙组δ13C值具有负漂移的演化趋势。龙王庙组沉积中期的水体深度最浅,古盐度最高,是白云岩最为有利的发育阶段。  相似文献   

研究了广西柳桥地区东攀剖面有机碳同位素的组成,并和浙江煤山剖面进行了对比。结果表明东攀剖面在1δ3Corg变化趋势上,既具有全球PTB剖面普遍存在的共性,又具有其独特性。在东攀剖面一个显著的1δ3Corg负漂移出现在事件界线(EB)之上和二叠系/三叠系界线(PTB)之下,这与煤山剖面具有相似性。显著的1δ3Corg负漂移指示了P/T之交生物绝灭后海水表层水原始生产率的降低以及大气和海水中CO2含量的增加,并得到放射虫绝灭事件、火山事件和海退事件的响应。煤山剖面1δ3Corg负漂移从第27层就开始向13C富集的方向恢复,而东攀剖面1δ3Corg在下Induan阶仍持续亏损,表明东攀剖面早三叠世的生物复苏明显滞后于煤山剖面的。  相似文献   

Secular variations of carbon isotopic composition of organic carbon can be used in the study of global environmental variation, the carbon cycle, stratigraphic delimitation, and biological evolution, etc. Organic carbon isotopic analysis of the Nangao and Zhalagou sections in eastern Guizhou reveals a negative excursion near the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary that correlates with a distinct carbonate carbon isotopic negative excursion at this boundary globally. Our results also demonstrate that several alternating positive and negative shifts occur in the Meishucunian, and an obvious negative anomaly appears at the boundary between the Meishucunian and Qiongzhusian. The isotope values are stable in the middle and lower parts but became more positive in the upper part of the Qiongzhusian. Evolution of organic carbon isotopes from the two sections in the deepwater facies can be well correlated with that of the carbonate carbon isotopes from the section in the shallow water facies. Integrated with other stratigraphic tools, we can precisely establish a lower Cambrian stratigraphic framework from shallow shelf to deep basin of the Yangtze Platform.  相似文献   

Diverse small shelly fossils and other associated fossils were recently recovered from the Cambrian Hanaeri section, southwestern Mungyeong, Korea. The fauna includes conoidal problematica, poriferans (sponge spicules), coeloscleritophorans (chancelloriids), brachiopods, monoplacophorans, trilobite (?) fragments, echinoderms, and conodonts. A preliminary assessment of faunal associations, stratigraphic implications, and the correlation of these skeletal fossils is given, based on occurrences of Actinotheca cf. mira (He), Microcornus sp., Torellela laevigata (Linnarsson), Torellela sp., Archiasterella quadratina Lee, Chancelloria sp., Lingulella sp., Prototreta sp., Phakelodus tenuis (Müller), Phakelodus elongates (An), Hertzina sp., and Furnishina sp.  相似文献   

Diverse small shelly fossils and other associated fossils were recently recovered from the Cambrian Hanaeri section, southwestern Mungyeong, Korea. The fauna includes conoidal problematica, poriferans (sponge spicules), coeloscleritophorans (chancelloriids), brachiopods, monoplacophorans, trilobite (?) fragments, echinoderms, and conodonts. A preliminary assessment of faunal associations, stratigraphic implications, and the correlation of these skeletal fossils is given, based on occurrences of Actinotheca cf. mira (He), Microcornus sp., Torellela laevigata (Linnarsson), Torellela sp., Archiasterella quadratina Lee, Chancelloria sp., Lingulella sp., Prototreta sp., Phakelodus tenuis (Müller), Phakelodus elongates (An), Hertzina sp., and Furnishina sp.  相似文献   

The lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation, a widespread black shale deposition, is of geological interest because of its polymetallic beds, Cambrian explosion, depositional ages, dramatic environmental changes and so on. Previous study focused mainly on inorganic geochemistry and few studies have investigated the organic fractions of upper Neoproterozoic-lower Cambrian strata in South China. Here we report a study of biomarkers plus organic carbon isotopes for black shales from Ganziping, Hunan Province (China). All the saturated hydrocarbon fractions have a unimodal distribution of n-alkanes, a high content of short-chain alkanes and maximize at C 19 or C 20 (C 23 for sample Gzh00-1). The C 27 /C 29 sterane ratio ranges from 0.77 to 1.20 and 4-methylsteranes are in low abundance. These parameters indicate that algae and bacteria are the important primary producers. Furthermore, biomarker maturity proxies show the samples to be higher maturity. The low Pr/Ph values (<0.7) suggest that the samples were deposited under anoxic conditions and, likely, under stratified water columns. In addition, 25-norhopanes and gammacerane are present as diagnostic indicators of normal marine salinity and dysoxic to anoxic conditions. During the Early Tommotian, known to coincide with a transgression event, small shelly fossils increased in abundance and diversity. Moreover, positive δ 13 C org excursions close to 1.4‰ occur at the base of the Tommotian stage. In summary, the Early Cambrian black shales were deposited under dramatic paleoenvironmental changes, including oceanic anoxia, higher primary productivity and sea-level rise.  相似文献   

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