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山水林田湖草是一个生命共同体,山水林田湖草的系统治理观是水土流失治理与生态修复的重要指导思想.水土流失的发生、发展和变化是一个复杂的系统,有其自身规律,水土保持是一门多学科交叉学科,有其科学性与不可替代性,防治水土流失应坚持系统思维,整体施策,系统和综合是水土保持学科建立和事业发展的生命力所在.水土流失在中国广泛分布并... 相似文献
在冬小麦主要生育期(2002年4月初到5月底),对不灌溉的冬小麦测定了冠层温度、地温、气温以及土壤含水量,计算了冠气温差且分析了冠层温度和冠气温差与不同土层厚度的土壤含水量相关关系。结果表明:14:00的冠层温度能较好地反映20cm土层的土壤含水量变化,但与其它各土层相关性有较大的波动性;14:00的冠气温差能较好地反映40cm以上土层的土壤含水量变化,二者的相关性很高,在20cm、40cm土层,两者相关系数R2分别为0.98866、0.99389,这为用区域遥感数据反演主要生育期冬小麦的冠气温差进而监测区域40cm土壤含水量提供了实验性的依据;拔节期和灌浆期,用14:00冠气温差来拟合各土壤层的土壤含水量有较高的精度,从而为用区域遥感数据监测区域土壤含水量提供了经验性的模型。 相似文献
Two or more different fluids generally saturate chalk in oil reservoir, and therefore its behaviour can be very complicated. In this paper, a constitutive law is proposed for modelling the mechanical behaviour of a chalk saturated by two non‐miscible fluids, water and oil. The effects of the capillary pressure or suction are taken into account. They are considered as an independent variable, as in the Barcelona's basic model developed for unsaturated soils. On the other hand, internal friction and pore collapse are modelled as independent mechanisms. The determination of the parameters is based on triaxial and oedometer tests. Finally, in order to validate the model, predictions are compared with experimental results of water‐flooding test. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
库水位与岸坡体内地下水渗流场的动态变化密切相关。传统的饱和土渗流分析方法无法准确描述水位上升过程中岸坡内渗流场的规律。从饱和-非饱和非稳定渗流理论出发,在室内实验得到基质吸力和体积含水量关系的基础上,通过对实验数据拟合,得出Van Genuchten模型中土水特征参数。以三峡库区典型岸坡为例,模拟库水匀速上升时,坡体为粉质黏土、粉土、砂土和砾石土4种岩土介质类型下的渗流特征,并监测坡面高程为165 m和155 m竖直剖面上的孔隙水压力变化。结果表明:库水位匀速上升过程中岸坡体内浸润线呈\ 相似文献
新型砌块水土保持系统的应用研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
我国江河湖库众多,同时水土流失日趋严重,流失面积及速度已逐年增加。每年水库除险加固和河流治理等投资数百亿元,随着人们环保意识的加强,特别在近几年以长江和黄河为重点的堤防建设护岸工程中,联锁式砼砌块水土保持系统已逐渐成为我国水土保持领域中最重要的一种全新解决方案,被广泛采用。该系统既能有效防止水土流失、长久地防止坡面冲刷和保持坡体稳定,又能代替成本较高的常规护面,具有较广的推广应用前景。联锁式砼砌块水土保持系统是由多个独立的砼砌块相互啮合组合在一起的联锁矩阵,联锁式砼砌块铺面在各种动、静水条件下具有良好的整体稳定性,铺设于渗水土工布上。能有效保护土体不受水流冲刷和浸泡破坏。该系统在欧美已有多年的历史,是被工程实践证明了的性能卓越、经济实用、美观环保、可持续发展的水土保持系统,可广泛应用于河道和灌渠衬砌、沿海防潮堤、水库大坝边坡加固、铁路、高速公路边坡等防护和城市绿化工程。 相似文献
人类活动对于流域水文要素时变过程的影响显著,确定人类活动影响下水文要素时序的显著转折点、选出相对"天然"的序列,对于开展水土保持效益评价研究具有重要意义。以延河流域为例,采用数理统计方法推估获取人类活动影响下汛期径流时序的显著转折点,以显著转折点前的数据建立预测模型,对比分析汛期径流量的实测值与预测值,其差值即为人类活动对汛期径流的影响程度。较之传统研究方法,本文以汛期水文数据取代年均数据,以汛期降水径流综合系数代替年径流系数,从而减弱了黄土高原地区降水、径流变化幅度巨大的干扰影响。结果表明,从20世纪50年代末至80年代末,1970年为人类活动下延河流域径流时序的显著转折点,1970年以后人类活动对流域水文的影响更显著,1981年达到最大值,为72.04%。20世纪70、80年代人类活动对延河汛期径流量的影响一直处于负面减流状态。人为因素是延河径流量演变的主要驱动因子。 相似文献
Induced anisotropy in cohesionless material is an up to date topic: since 1980, some papers present experimental results which clearly demonstrate that the effects of induced anisotropy are quite pronounced, but, at this time few authors have checked the predictions of their constitutive relations in such experiments.
First, this paper describes experimental results performed on a true triaxial apparatus which allows 90°-rotations of principal stress directions. Therefore induced anisotropy created by an initial loading may be studied. Then, an elastoplastic model with isotropic and kimematic hardening is developed. Its predictions for anisotropic effects are in good agreement with experiments. 相似文献
In Algeria, water and soil, vital resources of production, are currently experiencing degradation in terms of quantity and quality. The deficit of rainfall, the frequency and intensity of droughts, and torrential rains exacerbate growing water stress and erosion phenomenon. These conditions involve adaptation strategies and the development of management techniques for the scarcity of excess water. The strategies for the conservation and management of water and soil (WSC) will be one option, among others, to reduce the risks and impacts of climate change. In this sense and to highlight the strategies of WSC, we identified the different techniques of conservation of water and soil; we evaluated their effectiveness and suitability and identified some trends in these techniques. This evaluation has shown the positive role of these techniques in controlling water and conserving natural environments and suitability to the harsh conditions of semi-arid and arid areas. 相似文献
Managing groundwater rise: Experimental results and modelling of water pumping from a quarry lake in Milan urban area (Italy) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
An innovative approach to solve the problem of lowering water table was carried out in a quarry lake south of the city of Milan (northern Italy): the project, based upon pumping out water at a rate of 1,000 L/s can be considered a strategic medium to long-term solution to hinder the rise of groundwater level interfering with underground structures (foundation, construction, subway) in urban areas. The basic idea is to pump a high groundwater rate as close as possible to the stagnation point of the piezometric depression located in the city. After a pilot-test was carried out in November 1998, experimental activities started in July 2001 and lasted one year; water withdrawal was discharged into artificial channels used in agricultural practice. Maximum drawdowns measured in the quarry lake by the monitoring network resulted in more than 5 m, and a significant drawdown was registered up to 1.5 km of distance from the quarry in the important historical site of Chiaravalle Abbey, threatened by groundwater rise. The results of this pumping activity confirm the importance of the project, its lower cost compared with traditional solutions (such as drainage by wells) and remarkable effects on the improvement of surface water quality. A groundwater model was implemented to evaluate further scenarios of discharge rate and pumping location, too. 相似文献
土壤含水层处理系统(soil aquifer treatment,SAT)是一种重要的人工回灌地下水方式。以再生水为回灌水源时,水中含有的“三氮”可能会对回灌区地下水造成污染风险。研究各种因素对在SAT中去除再生水中“三氮”的影响具有重要意义。本研究中,通过高200 cm、内径50 cm土柱试验,研究了SAT系统中粒径、干湿比(落干期与淹水期的比值)、在系统表层增加生物炭及渗透流速对实际再生水“三氮”去除效果的影响。结果表明,在干湿比1∶1条件下,实际河道细砂和中细砂柱底部出水中NH4-N平均去除率分别为73%和66%,去除机理主要为吸附和硝化作用,NO2-N基本被去除。系统中硝化作用导致NO3-N浓度升高,出水中NO3-N浓度平均增长了3.0%4.1%。在深度115 cm以上, 中细砂柱内比细砂柱内的硝化作用更强,这导致了更高的NH4-N去除率和更低的NO3-N去除率。延长落干期后(干湿比3∶1),系统具有了更强的复氧能力,促进了硝化作用,使得NH4-N的平均去除率提高了20%,而NO3-N的降低了3%4%,增加了NO3-N污染风险。在中细砂层添加5%重量生物炭后,吸附性能增强,使其对NH4-N平均去除率增加了20%32%,但对NO3-N影响不明显。渗透流速与NH4-N的去除和NO3-N的增加均呈负相关。综合分析可得出,影响SAT系统去除“三氮”的最主要因素是干湿比和渗透流速,在回补水源中NH4-N浓度较高时,可考虑在SAT系统表层添加生物炭以增强其去除效果。 相似文献
Eelko Bergsma 《GeoJournal》2000,50(1):47-54
Many studies of soil and water conservation in third world situations show that among the farmers' incentives the commercial view on rural management is important and that at the same time intangible considerations are playing an important role. Traditional belief, local customs as well as inner conviction are also significant in the farmer's life. An example of incentives of land husbandry in the first world is given by a case of the Swiss Alp-farming. Their great attachment to this type of farming as well as the national support for mountain farmers' income play a role. In activities aimed at improvement of rural development in a third world country, the viewpoint of the expert may easily dominate any kind of plan making because of his position in the projects. However, his cultural background may limit his understanding of the rural situation in countries foreign to him. This has frequently lead to misjudging the importance of other than commercial incentives. A critical self-appraisal of motives and attitude to life by the adviser would often be needed in order to take immaterial incentives into account in development projects and in the achievement of agricultural policy. From the experience obtained in the third world and from the case study of the european alp-farming, the weight of intangibles in the land users' incentives appears as one of the crucial factors in rural management. This weight will grow with the present increasing need for sustainable agricultural productivity as well as with the need to create a sustained use of the environment in many parts of the world. 相似文献
将一种称为Duxseal的工业填料用于自由场主动隔振,发展了一种带孔波阻板(WIB)填充Duxseal的隔振方法,即Duxseal-WIB隔振系统。采用薄层法基本解答作为格林函数的三维半解析边界元法,分析了Duxseal的隔振效果及性能,并对提出的Duxseal-WIB隔振系统进行了现场试验。结果表明,采用Duxseal作为主动隔振屏障可以有效起到振动隔振作用,对距离振源较远处地表位移的隔振效果优于距离振源较近处;土质参数的变化对Duxseal的隔振效果具有显著的影响;在一定范围内增加Duxseal直径、厚度或埋深均可有效提高其隔振效果,其中Duxseal顶面距地表埋深的影响尤为显著;此外,与传统WIB对比,Duxseal-WIB隔振效果较高且相对平稳,在列车运行250 km/h条件下,距离振源中心12 m处测振点X、Y、Z向的地表隔振可分别达到40%、39%和51%。 相似文献
将制样含水率分别小于和大于最优含水率制备得到的红黏土(称为干侧样和湿侧样),通过轴平移技术(ATT)或蒸汽平衡技术(VET)施加吸力后,用非饱和土三轴仪开展同一净应力下的吸力控制三轴剪切试验,分析制样含水率对压实红黏土强度特性的影响。试验结果表明:无论是干侧样还是湿侧样,土体的峰值强度和剪胀量都随着吸力的增大而增大,且高吸力试样表现出明显的剪胀和软化力学特性。此外,相同吸力下,干侧样的峰值强度和剪胀量均大于相应湿侧样的试验结果,证实了制样含水率会对压实红黏土的力学特性产生重要影响。相同吸力和孔隙比的干侧样和湿侧样压汞试验结果表明,干侧样和湿侧样的孔径分布曲线存在明显差异,干侧样为双峰型孔径结构,湿侧样则为典型的单峰型孔径结构。进一步量化分析后确定,干侧样峰值强度大于相应的湿侧样,主要是由于干侧样的大孔径(d>0.2 μm)累计体积量小于相应湿侧样的大孔径累计量引起的。而且,土体的峰值强度随大孔径累积体积量的增大而呈指数减少。 相似文献
为了研究西北干旱地区盐渍土在自然气候条件下的水-热场变化特征与盐胀变形规律,在4.5 m深试验坑内埋设了若干套竖向变形观测设备、含水率和温度传感器,对坑内不同深度土层的温度场、水分场和盐胀变形随季节性变化状况进行了为期1 a的动态监测和分析研究。结果表明:0.6 m以上土层相较于其他土层对气候温度变化的响应更加积极、温差变化幅值也更大,且土层间的温差幅值随降温期的不断深入而增大;土体含水率变化主要受降水、蒸发和温度梯度的耦合影响, 0.4 m以上土层水分的变化幅度较其他土层而言更为显著,土层水分迁移沿深度方向表现出分带现象;盐胀变形主要受温度和水分迁移的影响,盐胀变形主要发生在距地表1.0 m土层深度内,主要发展时间在当年11月至次年2月之间。 相似文献