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The drainage basin parameters of the groundwater-fed Chhoti Gandak River originating in the terai area of the Ganga Plain were analyzed using topographical sheets, satellite data, and field documentation with emphasis to its implication for flood mitigation and recharging of groundwater. The analyses indicate dominance of first order streams, gentle slope gradient, low surface run-off, low sediment production, high infiltration rate, and low value of basin relief. The low water storage capacity, spreading of water and concentration of peak discharge in the distal part of the river basin explain that whenever precipitation is high in the catchment area there is flood in the distal part of the basin. The bifurcation ratio value (4.34) of this basin describes that the drainage is carved naturally by slope and local relief and not influenced by geological structures like lineaments and faults.  相似文献   

A geomorphic unit Usri drainage basin (latitude: 24° 04′00″ N to 24° 34′00″ N and longitude 86°05′00″E to 86°25′00″E) lies in north-eastern parts of Chhotanagpur Plateau, India, has been selected for morphometric analysis. Digital elevation model (DEM) has been generated by Cartosat stereo pair data at 10-m resolution. The morphometric parameters considered for the analysis includes the linear, areal, and relief aspects of the basin. Morphometric analysis of the river network and the basin revealed that the Usri Basin has sixth-order river network with a dendritic drainage pattern. The dendritic drainage pattern indicates that the basin has homogeneous lithology, gentle regional slope, and lack of structural control. The bifurcation ratio between different successive orders varies but the mean ratio is low that suggests the higher permeability and lesser structural control. The low drainage density, poor stream frequency, and moderately coarse drainage texture values of the basin indicate that the terrain has gentle slope, is made up of loose material, and hence has good permeability of sub-surface material and significant recharge of ground water. The shape parameters indicate that the basin is elongated in shape with low relief, high infiltration capacity, and less water flow for shorter duration in basin. The 50 % of the basin has altitude below 300 m and gently sloping towards the southeast direction. All the morphometric parameters and existing erosional landforms indicated mature to early old stage topography.  相似文献   

Watershed prioritization is one of the most important processes in natural resource management system especially in areas of sustainable watershed development and planning. Morphometric characteristics are the viable entity to understand the hydrological behavior of the subwatershed. For prioritization of subwatershed, morphometric analysis was utilized by using the linear, areal, and relief aspects of the drainage basin. In this context, remote sensing and GIS has been proved to be an efficient tool to identify the morphological features. The Survey of India (SOI) topographical maps, satellite data IRS-LISS III, and Cartosat DEM data were utilized to understand the drainage pattern and also for prioritization of subwatershed areas. The prioritization of subwatershed has been attempted using novel and quantitative approaches based on compound parameter ranking for soil erosion. Lower compound factors were chosen as the most feasible for soil erosion. Based on the observation, eight subwatersheds with a higher degree of the slope were severely prone to soil erosion and remaining 21 subwatersheds occur in low-lying areas that can be developed as sustainable watersheds. The identified subwatershed requires immediate soil remediation and water conservation measures for efficient watershed planning and management. The proposed study might be helpful for resource planners, government agencies, private sectors, and other stake holders to take up soil conservation measures and fixation of water-harvesting structures for better decision making.  相似文献   

The Kali river basin of the southwest coast of India has been investigated to examine the influence of tectonic activity through an analysis of the geomorphic indices that were computed using geographical information system (GIS). Five geomorphic indices—stream length–gradient index, asymmetry factor, hypsometric integral, valley floor width-to-height ratio, and elongation ratio—were used for identification of evidences of tectonic activity. The results obtained from these indices were combined to develop an index of relative tectonic activity classes using GIS. The average of the five measured geomorphic indices was used to evaluate the distribution of relative tectonic activity in the study area. About 18 % of the study area (~726 km2) belongs to class?1; 37 % (~1506 km2) to class?2; and 44 % (~1,762 km2) to class 3. Sub-basins found at the Western Ghat region, relative tectonic activity classes show low and medium values which indicate the higher degree of tectonic activity compared to the upland plateau regions.  相似文献   

Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation(RUSLE) model coupled with transport limited sediment delivery(TLSD) function was used to predict the longtime average annual soil loss, and to identify the critical erosion-/deposition-prone areas in a tropical mountain river basin, viz., Muthirapuzha River Basin(MRB; area=271.75 km~2), in the southern Western Ghats, India. Mean gross soil erosion in MRB is 14.36 t ha~(-1) yr~(-1), whereas mean net soil erosion(i.e., gross erosion-deposition) is only 3.60 t ha~(-1) yr~(-1)(i.e., roughly 25% of the gross erosion). Majority of the basin area(~86%) experiences only slight erosion(5 t ha~(-1) yr~(-1)), and nearly 3% of the area functions as depositional environment for the eroded sediments(e.g., the terraces of stream reaches, the gentle plains as well as the foot slopes of the plateau scarps and the terrain with concordant summits). Although mean gross soil erosion rates in the natural vegetation belts are relatively higher, compared to agriculture, settlement/built-up areas and tea plantation, the sediment transport efficiency in agricultural areas and tea plantation is significantly high,reflecting the role of human activities on accelerated soil erosion. In MRB, on a mean basis, 0.42 t of soil organic carbon(SOC) content is being eroded per hectare annually, and SOC loss from the 4th order subbasins shows considerable differences, mainly due to the spatial variability in the gross soil erosion rates among the sub-basins. The quantitative results, on soil erosion and deposition, modelled using RUSLE and TLSD, are expected to be beneficial while formulating comprehensive land management strategies for reducing the extent of soil degradation in tropical mountain river basins.  相似文献   

Hydrogeological mapping and drainage analysis can form an important tool for groundwater development. Assessment of drainage and their relative parameters have been quantitatively carried out for the Morar River Basin, which has made positive scientific contribution for the local people of area for the sustainable water resource development and management. Geographical Information System has been used for the calculation and delineation of the morphometric characteristics of the basin. The dendritic type drainage network of the basin exhibits the homogeneity in texture and lack of structural control. The stream order ranges from first to sixth order. The drainage density in the area has been found to be low which indicates that the area possesses highly permeable soils and low relief. The bifurcation ratio varies from 2.00 to 5.50 and the elongation ratio (0.327) reveals that the basin belongs to the elongated shaped basin category. The results of this analysis would be useful in determining the effect of catchment characteristics such as size, shape, slope of the catchment and distribution of stream net work within the catchment.  相似文献   

Natural dams are caused by the blockage of streams as a result of the sudden arrival of detritus material during a glacial surge advance or fast slope collapse threatening downstream populations. Nevertheless, origin, morphological characteristics and stability of dammed lakes are frequently ignored. Six impounded palaeo-lakes were geomorphologically studied in the Benjamin Matienzo gully (32°14′ S–70°02′ W), denominated, from north to south: Goyete, Negro, Casa de Piedra, Lagunita, Susanita and Matienzo. We determined the origin, morphometric parameters, stability index and rate of streamflow rupture for these dammed ancient lakes in order to shed light on the potential outburst flood hazard in this Andean mountain region. According to our findings, we concluded that palaeo-lakes would have had a short life as they turned out to be unstable, except for the Goyete Lake, matching with the lack of fine lacustrine sediments in all river blockages. We also estimated the maximum peak discharge of a probable outburst flow generated during a drastic collapse of these dams. Obtained values range between 22 and 151 m3/s being notably higher than the average annual streamflow of Las Cuevas River (6.6 m3/s), but similar to the instantaneous streamflow of this river (157 m3/s, 2-year recurrence time).  相似文献   

A survey has been done of recently active faults in Morocco. In addition to field observations, morphometric methods were applied and an analysis was made of the drainage pattern. In the morphometric analysis, a map of vertical deformation was established from the elevations of summit level surfaces. This enables the recognition of neotectonic discontinuities and lithological contrasts; the actual discrimination of different rock-types can only be achieved by comparison with field observations. The analysis of drainage patterns — including their perturbations and anomalies — can also reveal the presence of features due to neotectonics, structural control or lithological variation. Certain faults can be detected which correspond to structures known from field geology or remote sensing (NE-SW and NW-SE oriented sets). Some new faults are observed which belong to these sets, as well as others which define a new N-S trending set. The present analysis leads to a distinction between ancient faults and currently active faults. The results of this study are shown on a map of recently active faults where the respective vertical displacements are also indicated.
Zusammenfassung Bei einer Untersuchung der heute aktiven Störungen in Marokko wurden zusätzlich zu Feldbeobachtungen morphometrische Untersuchungen sowie eine Analyse des Entwässerungsnetzes durchgeführt. Bei der morphometrischen Analyse wurde eine Karte der vertikalen Deformationen von Aufragungen aus den Gipfelfluren abgeleitet. Dadurch können neotektonische Diskontinuitäten sowie lithologische Kontraste erkannt werden; die wirkliche Unterscheidung verschiedener Gesteinstypen kann aber nur im Vergleich mit Feldbeobachtungen erreicht werden. Die Analyse des Gewässernetzes — auch seiner Komplikationen und Anomalien — kann gleichfalls Elemente aufdecken, welche neotektonischen Ursprungs bzw. strukturell bedingt oder aber auf lithologische Unterschiede zurückzuführen sind. Bestimmte Störungen korrespondieren mit Strukturen, die aus der Feldgeologie oder der Fernerkundung bekannt sind (NE/ SW- und NW/SE-gerichtete Scharen). Einige neu entdeckte Störungen gehören zu diesen Scharen, während andere ein neues, N/S-streichendes System deutlich machen. Die vorgelegte Analyse erlaubt, zwischen älteren und noch heute aktiven Störungen zu unterscheiden. Unsere Ergebnisse sind in einer Karte der aktiven Störungen zusammengefaßt, in die die vertikalen Versätze gleichfalls eingetragen wurden.

Résumé Un recensement des failles à jeu récent (néotectonique) a été fait sur l'ensemble du Maroc. Outre les observations de terrain, les méthodes de la morphométrie et celles de l'analyse du réseau hydrographique sont appliquées. En morphométrie, l'établissement d'une carte de la déformation verticale d'après la situation altimétrique de la surface sommitale permet la reconnaisance de structures (discontinuités) néotectoniques et d'alternances lithologiques (la discrimination ne peut être faite que sur le terrain). De même l'analyse du réseau hydrographique, de ses perturbations et de ses anomalies (cf. infra) met en évidence des discontinuités dues à la néotectonique, à la structure des terrains et à la lithologie. Les ensembles morphostructuraux marocains (Meseta, Rif, Atlas), ressortent nettement de la carte de synthèse. On y retrouve les failles connues par la géologie de terrain et par l'analyse des images satellitaires (ensembles de direction NE-SW et NW-SE), de nouvelles failles appartenant à ces deux familles, ainsi qu'un nouvel ensemble de failles de direction N-S. Cette analyse permet de distinguer failles actives et failles anciennes. Les résultats sont portés sur la carte des principales failles à jeu récent avec leurs rejets verticaux respectifs.

, , , , . . .. , , . , , , , , . , , , NE-SW NW-ES . , , . . , , , .

Remote Sensing and GIS techniques have been proved to be efficient tools in the delineation, updating and morphometric analysis of drainage basin. The present study incorporates a morphometric analysis of three sub-basins of Fatehabad area of Agra district using remote sensing and GIS techniques. The morphometric parameters of the sub-basins are classified under linear, areal and relief aspects. The drainage pattern exhibited by the main river Yamuna and its tributaries shows a dendritic pattern indicating homogenously underlain material while the mean bifurcation ratio values suggest that the geological structures are not disturbing the drainage pattern. The form factor value of sub-basins suggests that the main basin is more or less elongated. Circularity ratio values of the three sub-basins fall within range of elongated basin and low discharge. The area has low density indicating that the region has high permeable sub-soil material and dense vegetation. The values of drainage texture, drainage density and infiltration number indicate that sub-basin-III has the highest infiltration rate and low runoff, hence contributing most to the underground water resources. This study also indicates porous and permeable sub-soil condition in sub-basin-III. The values of sub-basin-I indicate low permeable subsoil material owning to high infiltration number value, hence low infiltration and high runoff.  相似文献   

Soil contamination by heavy metals has been a major concern for last few decades due to increase in urbanization and industrialization. The main objective of this research was to identify the heavy metal contaminated zones in the study area. Twenty five soil samples collected throughout the agriculture, residential and industrial areas were analysed by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF) for trace metals and major oxides. These metals can affect the quality of soil and infiltrate through the soil, thereby causing groundwater pollution. Based on the chemical analysis of major oxides (SiO2, Al2O3, ?Fe2O3, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, TiO2, and P2O5) and their distribution; it is observed that these soils are predominantly siliceous type with slight enrichment of alumina component in the study area. Correlation matrix (CM) and factor analysis (FA) is employed to the heavy metal variables, viz., Ba, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr, V, Y, Zn and Zr of the soil to determine the dominant factors contributing to the soil contamination in the area. In the analysis, five factors emerged as significant contributors to the soil quality. The total contribution of these five factors is about 90%. The contribution of the first factor is about 45% and has significant positive loadings of Co, Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn. The contribution of second factor is 22% and has significant positive loadings of Rb, Sr and Y. The contribution of third, fourth and fifth factors is 10, 8 and 5% and show positive loadings for lead, molybdenum and barium respectively to the soil contamination. The spatial variation maps deciphering different zones of heavy metal concentration in the soil were generated in a GIS (geographic information system) based environment using ArcGIS 9.3.1. The results reveal that heavy metal contamination in the area is mainly due to anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

Estimation of petrophysical parameters is an important issue of any reservoirs. Porosity, volume of shale and water saturation has been evaluated for reservoirs of Upper Assam basin, located in northeastern India from well log and seismic data. Absolute acoustic impedance (AAI) and relative acoustic impedance (RAI) are generated from model based inversion of 2-D post-stack seismic data. The top of geological formation, sand reservoirs, shale layers and discontinuities at faults are detected in RAI section under the study area. Tipam Sandstone (TS) and Barail Arenaceous Sandstone (BAS) are the main reservoirs, delineated from the logs of available wells and RAI section. Porosity section is obtained using porosity wavelet and porosity reflectivity from post-stack seismic data. Two multilayered feed forward neural network (MLFN) models are created with inputs: AAI, porosity, density and shear impedance and outputs: volume of shale and water saturation with single hidden layer. The estimated average porosity in TS and BAS reservoir varies from 30% to 36% and 18% to 30% respectively. The volume of shale and water saturation ranges from 10% to 30% and 20% to 60% in TS reservoir and 28% to 30% and 23% to 55% in BAS reservoir respectively.  相似文献   

Groundwater modelling is widely used as a management tool to understand the behaviour of aquifer systems under different hydrological stresses, whether induced naturally or by humans. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of a subsurface barrier on groundwater flow in the Palar River basin, Tamil Nadu, southern India. Groundwater is supplied to a nearby nuclear power plant and groundwater also supplies irrigation, industrial and domestic needs. In order to meet the increasing demand for groundwater for the nuclear power station, a subsurface barrier/dam was proposed across Palar River to increase the groundwater heads and to minimise the subsurface discharge of groundwater into the sea. The groundwater model used in this study predicted that groundwater levels would increase by about 0.1?C0.3?m extending out a distance of about 1.5?C2?km from the upstream side of the barrier, while on the downstream side, the groundwater head would lower by about 0.1?C0.2?m. The model also predicted that with the subsurface barrier in place the additional groundwater requirement of approximately 13,600?m3/day (3 million gallons (UK)/day) can be met with minimum decline in regional groundwater head.  相似文献   

The morphometric analysis was carried out to determine the drainage characteristics of Panamaram watershed (PW) of Kabani river basin, Kerala, India with emphasis on fourth order sub-basins (FOSBs) using Geocoded imageries of IRS-IC LISS III FCCs (1997) of 1:50,000 scale, aerial photographs (1990) of 1:15,000 scale and Survey of India toposheets (1968) on 1: 50,000 scale. The main idea was to examine the stream properties based on the measurement of various stream attributes. The different drainage parameters studied and the measurements related to perimeter, area of sub-basins, basin length and number of rivers were determined by using Map Info 6.5 techniques. The drainage pattern of the PW is dendritic, a sixth order stream. There are 587, 135, 36 and 12 first, second, third and fourth order Hortonian streams, respectively in PW. The mean bifurcation ratio indicates that the drainage pattern is not much influenced by geological structures. The shape parameters reveal the elongation of the basin and sub-basins. The applicability of Horton’s Laws on Stream numbers, Stream lengths and Stream areas is tested by using the theory of regression by estimating theoretically bifurcation ratio, length ratio and area ratio. For the fourth order sub-basins of 1, 2, 4, 5 and 8 of PW, a second degree polynomial equation seems to be a better model than the Hortonian model.  相似文献   

Landslides are among the most costly and damaging natural hazards in mountainous regions, triggered mainly under the influence of earthquakes and/or rainfall. In the present study, Landslide Hazard Zonation (LHZ) of Dikrong river basin of Arunachal Pradesh was carried out using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS). Various thematic layers namely slope, photo-lineament buffer, thrust buffer, relative relief map, geology and land use / land cover map were generated using remote sensing data and GIS. The weighting-rating system based on the relative importance of various causative factors as derived from remotely sensed data and other thematic maps were used for the LHZ. The different classes of thematic layers were assigned the corresponding rating value as attribute information in the GIS and an “attribute map” was generated for each data layer. Each class within a thematic layer was assigned an ordinal rating from 0 to 9. Summation of these attribute maps were then multiplied by the corresponding weights to yield the Landslide Hazard Index (LHI) for each cell. Using trial and error method the weight-rating values have been re-adjusted. The LHI threshold values used were: 142, 165, 189 and 216. A LHZ map was prepared showing the five zones, namely “very low hazard”, “low hazard”, “moderate hazard”, “high hazard” and “very high hazard” by using the “slicing” operation.  相似文献   

Journal of Earth System Science - The annual and seasonal trend analysis of different surface temperature parameters (average, maximum, minimum and diurnal temperature range) has been done for...  相似文献   

This paper examines the interrelationships and interactions of the geomorphic features and the various hydrological parameters which control the development of water potential zones in the central Luni basin. Aerial photo-interpretation techniques were used to delineate the boundaries of geomorphological features, and facilitated the identification of twelve types of aquifers in eight geomorphological settings. The water potentials of these aquifers have been evaluated by taking into consideration nine important hydrological parameters which together govern water quality and yield. This investigation has revealed that the development of zones of ground-water potential is principally governed by the geomorphic characteristics of the terrain, which in turn is controlled by lithological variability, geological structure, drainage pattern, climatic characteristics, etc. The relevance of geomorphic characteristics has been evaluated by weight point analysis. Based on these findings, it is suggested that detailed studies of geomorphic features are of paramount significance for the rapid delineation of possible ground-water potential zones in arid and semi-arid regions.  相似文献   

Urban flooding needs to be understood holistically and addressed geospatially by all stakeholders. In the present study, an attempt is made to understand the problem of urban flooding in part of Hyderabad city (Zone-12) geospatially considering the satellite-based changes in land use/land cover between 1989 and 2016, identifying low-lying areas vulnerable to flooding using HAND (height above nearest drainage) model in conjunction with the analysis of high-resolution satellite images and ground based validation of affected locations during rains of September 2016. The study shows that Zone-12 has undergone significant increase in impervious cover by 42% between 1989 and 2016. The impact of urbanization has obliterated the footprints of stream network, significantly changing the hydrological landscape due to burial of channels and concretization of lake beds. The interconnected channel network and lake system acting as sinks to absorb high runoff during monsoons have been encroached upon aggravating the urban flooding problem. The study shows that HAND model can be an effective tool under data scarce environments, limited cloud-free high-resolution satellite data availability during floods to have first cut baseline information on flood vulnerable areas.  相似文献   

In the management of water resources, quality of water is just as important as its quantity. In order to know the quality and/or suitability of groundwater for domestic and irrigation in upper Gunjanaeru River basin, 51 water samples in post-monsoon and 46 in pre-monsoon seasons were collected and analyzed for various parameters. Geological units are alluvium, shale and quartzite. Based on the analytical results, chemical indices like percent sodium, sodium adsorption ratio, residual sodium carbonate, permeability index (PI) and chloroalkaline indices were calculated. The pre-monsoon waters have low sodium hazard as compared to post-monsoon season. Residual sodium carbonate values revealed that one sample is not suitable in both the seasons for irrigation purposes due the occurrence of alkaline white patches and low permeability of the soil. PI values of both seasons revealed that the ground waters are generally suitable for irrigation. The positive values of Chloroalkaline indices in post-monsoon (80%) and in pre-monsoon (59%) water samples indicate absence of base-exchange reaction (chloroalkaline disequilibrium), and remaining samples of negative values of the ratios indicate base-exchange reaction (chloroalkaline equilibrium). Chadha rectangular diagram for geochemical classification and hydrochemical processes of groundwater for both seasons indicates that most of waters are Ca–Mg–HCO3 type. Assessment of water samples from various methods indicated that majority of the water samples in both seasons are suitable for different purposes except at Yanadipalle (sample no. 8) that requires precautionary measures. The overall quality of groundwater in post-monsoon season in all chemical constituents is on the higher side due to dissolution of surface pollutants during the infiltration and percolation of rainwater and at few places due to agricultural and domestic activities.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - Landslides are one of the critical geological processes, which cause enormous damage to civil engineering structures and also lead to loss of life. The present study is an attempt...  相似文献   

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