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F. Sheldon  M.C. Thoms   《Geomorphology》2006,77(3-4):270
Large rivers are often considered to retain less organic material than smaller streams primarily because of a decrease in retentive structures. From our observations on the Barwon–Darling River, a semi-arid river in southeastern Australia, we suggest that geomorphic complexity plays a fundamental role in the retention of organic matter. The Barwon–Darling River has a ‘complex’ river channel cross-section with large inset benches being a prominent morphological feature within the channel. The importance of geomorphic complexity for retaining organic material is likely to be significant in dryland rivers. These rivers spend extended periods at low flow with infrequent large floods that inundate the floodplain. They do, however, experience more frequent within channel floods that inundate in-channel ‘bench’ features. In-channel geomorphic complexity and its ability to retain organic material, therefore, means that although the dominant lateral movements of organic material will still occur during large overbank flows, smaller ‘pulse’ inputs will occur with each in-channel rise and fall in water level. In dryland rivers, where large overbank flows may only occur every seven or more years, these small ‘pulse’ inputs of organic material may well be vital for the integrity of the system.This paper describes the contemporary complexity of a channel in a regulated and an unregulated reach of the Barwon–Darling and compares this with cross-sections surveyed in 1886. We show that flow regulation has greatly reduced channel complexity. We estimate the potential organic matter input to each bench level within the channel (using data collected under near natural riparian conditions) and measure the contemporary organic loads within the channel of the regulated and unregulated reach. This modelling suggests that the development of water resources has reduced the complexity of the channel in the regulated reach, resulting in a potential decrease in the retention of organic matter in this region of the river. The importance of this organic matter to the aquatic food web of the Barwon–Darling River is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Dams are a major source of fragmentation and degradation of rivers. Although substantial research has been conducted on the environmental impacts of large structures in the United States, smaller dams have received less attention. This study evaluated the impact of two dams of moderate size, the Elwha Dams, on the downstream channel system using field data collection at river cross‐sections. The relationship of average boundary shear stress (τo) to critical shear stress (τcr) served as the basis for determining channel bed material mobility under the two‐year and ten‐year flood events. The channel had the greatest channel bed mobility at the natural cross‐section upstream from the dams, low bed mobility between the structures, and an increase in channel bed mobility in the low gradient river segment near the mouth of the river. Low bed mobility tended to be associated with a lack of channel system complexity, including reduction or loss of bars and low alluvial terraces and their associated young riparian communities. Although these run‐of‐the‐river dams do not modify streamflow greatly, the loss of sediment from the channel system has had a substantial impact on bed mobility and geomorphic and biotic complexity of the Elwha River.  相似文献   

Rivers in drylands typically are characterized by extreme flow variability, with long periods of little or no flow interspersed with occasional large, sometimes extreme, floods. Complete adjustment of river form and process is sometimes inhibited, resulting in a common assumption that equilibrium conditions may rarely, if ever, exist in dryland rivers, and that transient and unstable (nonequilibrium) behavior is the norm. Examples from the Channel Country and the Northern Plains in central Australia challenge that notion. Along the middle reaches of these intermediate and large, low-gradient rivers, where long duration floods generate moderate to low unit stream powers and boundary resistance is high as a result of indurated alluvial terraces, cohesive muds or riparian vegetation, there is evidence that: (1) channels have remained essentially stable despite large floods; (2) sediment transport discontinuities, while present at a catchment scale, are largely insignificant for channel form and process in individual reaches; (3) there are strong correlations between many channel form and process variables; and (4) many rivers appear to be adjusted to maximum sediment transport efficiency under conditions of low gradient, abundant within-channel vegetation and declining downstream discharge. In these middle reaches, rivers are characterized by equilibrium conditions. However, in the aggradational lower reaches of rivers on the Northern Plains, where upstream terraces are buried by younger sediments and channels are less confined, nonequilibrium conditions prevail. Here, channels sometimes undergo sudden and substantial changes in form during large floods, sediment transport discontinuities are readily apparent, and landforms such as splays remain out-of-balance with normal flows. Hence, dryland rivers can exhibit both equilibrium and nonequilibrium conditions, depending on factors such as catchment size, channel gradient, flood duration, unit stream power, channel confinement, sediment cohesion, and bank strength. [Key words: dryland rivers, floods, equilibrium, nonequilibrium, central Australia.]  相似文献   

Over the past decades, > 50,000 dams and reforestation on the Yangtze River (Changjiang) have had little impact on water discharge but have drastically altered annual and particularly seasonal sediment discharge. Before impoundment of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) in June 2003, annual sediment discharge had decreased by 60%, and the hysteresis of seasonal rating curves in the upper reaches at Yichang station had shifted from clockwise to counterclockwise. In addition, the river channel in middle-lower reaches had changed from depositional to erosional in 2002.During the four years (2003–2006) after TGD impoundment, ~ 60% of sediment entering the Three Gorges Reservoir was trapped, primarily during the high-discharge months (June–September). Although periodic sediment deposition continues downstream of the TGD, during most months substantial erosion has occurred, supplying ~ 70 million tons per year (Mt/y) of channel-derived sediment to the lower reaches of the river. If sand extraction (~ 40 Mt/y) is taken into consideration, the river channel loses a total of 110 Mt/y. During the extreme drought year 2006, sediment discharge in the upper reaches drastically decreased to 9 Mt (only 2% of its 1950–1960s level) because of decreased water discharge and TGD trapping. In addition, Dongting Lake in the middle reaches, for the first time, changed from trapping net sediment from the mainstem to supplying 14 Mt net sediment to the mainstem. Severe channel erosion and drastic sediment decline have put considerable pressure on the Yangtze coastal areas and East China Sea.  相似文献   

Ecoregions are generally homogenous areas that comprise similar associations of geology, climate, soils, land use, and potential natural vegetation. However, a certain amount of physical variability exists in ecoregions which makes them spatially diverse in their characteristics. Euclidean Sum of Squares was used to calculate the amount of stream reach dissimilarity within and between three prominent eastern Oklahoma ecoregions: Boston Mountains, Ozark Highlands, and Ouachita Mountains. Dissimilarity proximity coefficients were used to cluster stream reaches and create exemplars for each cluster. Streams were classified using the Rosgen classification to evaluate whether dissimilarity values could be applied to the classification. Metrics used to calculate stream reach dissimilarity were median particle size, bankfull width, width–depth ratio, gradient, and sinuosity. Maximum stream reach dissimilarity between two sites within the same ecoregion is highest in the Ouachita Mountains (18.59) and followed by the Ozark Highlands (13.12) and Boston Mountains (9.58). Removal of ecoregion boundaries increased maximum proximity coefficient dissimilarity between two sites in the Ozark Highlands and Ouachita Mountains to 34.26. Utilizing the dissimilarity of channel morphology for the purpose of regional classification helps in the understanding of how broad-scale processes influence the fluvial system.  相似文献   

This is the second of two papers examining the surface hydrology of the Lake Eyre Basin (LEB) (1,140,000 km2) in Australia. The streams are unregulated and are characterised by extreme discharge variation. The analyses reported cover only surface hydrology and include comparisons with arid zone catchments globally. The paper discusses spatial runoff and annual streamflow characteristics, flow duration and baseflow index (BFI) analyses, annual flood frequency analysis and flood transmission losses, a water balance study, wet and dry run length analysis and, finally, yield from hypothetical reservoirs located across the LEB. There are 12 conclusions listed at the end of the paper. We identify two highlights as follows:
• The coefficient of variation of annual flows, Cv, varies from 0.98 to 2.62. Compared with 45 arid zone rivers world-wide excluding Australian rivers, the annual Cv of the LEB streams are approximately double the average variability found world-wide.
• Large transmission losses occur as flood flows move down the middle reaches of the major river systems. The transmission losses vary non-linearly with flood size as a result of differing transmission efficiencies between primary channels and the floodplain, and varying floodplain utilisation.
Keywords: Hydrology; Lake Eyre; Runoff; Surface hydrology; Yield  相似文献   

Forest vegetation in the southeastern United States extends westward beyond the Ozark and Ouachita plateaus in Arkansas and Missouri into the Central Plains. Along this transect, luxuriant forests give way to mixed forests and grasslands that include smaller trees and progressively fewer tree species and eventually to grassland‐dominated landscapes in central Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. This transition is directly related to decreasing precipitation with distance to the west of the Mississippi River valley. Many species, however, have abrupt western range boundaries related to physiography and hydrogeomorphic processes. The western range limits for many trees correspond to Coastal Plain boundaries that at a regional scale impose sharper range boundaries than would be expected on the basis of decreasing precipitation. Also, riparian habitats within stream valleys extending westward from the Coastal Plain provide suitable habitats for trees in the dry regions of the Great Plains. The presence of riparian trees in this region is determined largely by the presence or absence of groundwater conditions necessary for survival. For floodplain trees, then, it is primarily habitat—not climate—that determines the location of range boundaries.  相似文献   

蚌埠闸及上游闸坝对淮河自然水文情势的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡巍巍 《地理科学》2012,(8):1013-1019
淮河流域建设了许多闸坝,为揭示如此密集的闸坝对河流自然水文情势的影响,选取比较典型的淮河干流上的蚌埠闸作为控制节点,用成熟的IHA法和RVA法,研究蚌埠闸及其上游闸坝对水文情势的影响程度,同时通过蚌埠水文站水文情势变化的估算来分析闸坝对淮河河流生态水文条件的影响。结果显示,这些闸坝对河流水文情势的影响强烈,特别是在枯水季节。由此得出的淮河蚌埠段生态水文目标可为蚌埠闸开展生态系统管理、生态修复以及进行生态调控提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Impacts of colonial settlement upon catchment-scale fluvial geomorphic relationships are reported for a relatively small catchment in northern Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Structural controls have induced the type and patterns of rivers in Macaé Basin. Fault block activity has resulted in steep, incised headwater streams above the escarpment. Confined and partly confined rivers in mid-catchment reaches of the rounded foothills have limited potential for geomorphic adjustment. Fluvial, estuarine and marine sediments in low relief landscapes of the lowland plain have supported the development of meandering sand bed rivers, with many cut-and-fill (intact valley fill) deposits in tributary systems. Indigenous people exerted relatively minor, localized impacts upon the geomorphology of this river system. Portuguese settlement since the sixteenth century brought about clearance of much of the Atlantic Forest of lowland reaches, and subsequent establishment of sugar cane and coffee plantations. Lowland reaches were channelized from the 1940s-1980s for flood protection and to support the expansion of pastoral agriculture. Significant adjustments have occurred to these geomorphologically sensitive reaches. In contrast, although rivers in the rounded foothills were impacted by forest clearance, the limited availability of sediment stores along these reaches has limited the extent of geomorphic responses to human disturbance. Relatively inaccessible upland reaches were even less impacted, and are now major conservation areas. Building on principles of the River Styles framework, catchment-scale evolutionary trajectories of rivers in the Macaé Basin are assessed based on analysis of patterns of river types, their capacity for adjustment and connectivity relationships, and responses to disturbance events. From this, three future scenarios of prospective evolutionary traits are developed: a ‘steady as she goes’ scenario, an optimistic (effective, proactive management) scenario, and a ‘doomsday’ scenario.  相似文献   

Studies of the effects of dams have emphasized large and very large dams; less well understood are the impacts caused by smaller dams. Using Texas as an example area, this article highlights the role of small- and medium-sized dams in affecting the surface hydrology of river systems. Analysis of data from the National Inventory of Dams (NID) in a geographic information system showed that small and medium dams comprise about 97 percent of the dams registered in Texas. A small-or medium-sized dam is found approximately every 100 km2 of area and about 120 km of river length. Different from large dams, which affect water storage the most, the major impact of these smaller dams is fragmentation of river landscapes. Analysis of data for dams extracted from digital orthoquads and for water bodies from the National Hydrography Dataset indicates that the extent of river fragmentation is likely greater than that suggested by data from the NID, because the NID underrepresents the smaller dams. Such extent of river fragmentation can degrade stream habitats and pose barriers to the migration of aquatic species and transport of sediment. Because small and medium dams are largely built for fire protection and stock ponds, mitigating the impacts associated with these dams likely involves working with the private individuals who own them.  相似文献   

Oliver Korup   《Geomorphology》2005,66(1-4):167
Quantitative assessments of landslide hazard usually employ empirical, heuristic, deterministic, or statistical methods to derive estimates of magnitude–frequency distributions of landsliding. The formation and failure of landslide dams are common geomorphic processes in mountain regions throughout the world, causing a series of consequential off-site hazards such as catastrophic outburst floods, debris flows, backwater ponding, up- and downstream aggradation, and channel instability.Conceptual and methodological problems of quantifying geomorphic hazard from landslide dams result from (a) aspects of defining “landslide-dam magnitude”, (b) scaling effects, i.e. the geomorphic long-range and long-term implications of river blockage, and (c) paucity of empirical data. Geomorphic hazard from a landslide dam-break flood on the basis of conditional probabilities is being analysed for the alpine South Westland region of New Zealand, where formation and failure of landslide dams is frequent. Quantification of the annual probability of landsliding and subsequent dam formation in the area is limited by historical and only partially representative empirical data on slope instability. Since landslide-dam stability is a major control governing the potential of catastrophic outburst flooding, the ensuing hazard is best assessed on a recurring basis. GIS-based modelling of virtual landslide dams is a simple and cost-effective approach to approximate site-specific landslide dam and lake dimensions, reservoir infill times, and scaled magnitude of potential outburst floods. Although crude, these order-of-magnitude results provide information critical to natural hazard planning, mitigation, or emergency management decisions.  相似文献   

Joanna Korpak   《Geomorphology》2007,92(3-4):166
The purpose of this paper is to explain the influence of river training on channel changes in mountain rivers. Also considered are the causes of failure of different training schemes. The research was conducted on the regulated Mszanka and Porębianka Rivers, belonging to the Raba River drainage basin in the Polish Flysh Carpathian Mountains. Channel mapping carried out in 2004 drew attention to the contemporary morphology of the channels and the development of their dynamic typology. General changes in channel morphometry and land cover were identified by comparing cartographic sources from various years. Archive material from Cracow's Regional Water Management Authority (RZGW) was used to analyse the detailed channel changes caused by each regulation structure. The material consisted of technical designs of individual training works, as well as plans, longitudinal profiles and cross-sections of trained channel reaches. A series of minimum annual water stages at the Mszana Dolna gauging station was used to determine the tendency of channel bed degradation over 53 years. During the first half of the 20th century, the middle and lower courses of the Mszanka and Porębianka Rivers had braided patterns. The slopes, mostly covered with crops, were an important source of sediment delivery to the river channels. Today, both channels are single-threaded, narrow and sinuous. Downcutting is the leading process transforming the channels. They cut down to bedrock along about 60% of their lengths. The main type of channel is an erosion channel, which occurs also in the middle and lower courses of the rivers. The channel sediment deficit is an important cause for river incision. Sediment supply to the channels was reduced after a replacement of crops on the slopes by meadows or forests. Gravel mining has also caused channel downcutting. The rapid channel changes began after 1959, as systematic training was introduced. Channel regulation seems therefore to be a major factor determining channel adjustment. Debris dams and groynes were built before 1980 and these caused the greatest change of channel pattern, increase of channel gradient and magnitude of river incision. After that date the measures mostly involved drop structures. From then on, the rate of downcutting decreased considerably, but has not ceased. The rivers continued to incise until bedrock was exposed or training structures were destroyed. After that, a tendency to lateral migration and local braiding were observed in the deepened channel. The channels displayed a tendency to return to their morphology and dynamic from before the training. The results demonstrate that river training distorts the equilibrium of channel systems. A channel becomes divided into artificial reaches, which later follow different evolutionary patterns. Most training schemes on mountain channels are ineffective in the long term, as river managers seem to consider a channel at a reach scale only. Individual channel reaches, however, are not independent but rather form a system that must be managed at the entire channel scale.  相似文献   

This study evaluates an experiment in river rehabilitation which uses large wood to stimulate and emulate natural system processes in an effort to reverse channel degradation, excess sediment transport and habitat simplification that has resulted from two centuries of human induced disturbances, particularly desnagging. The experiment involved the reintroduction of 436 logs (350 t) within 20 engineered log jams (ELJs) over an 1100 m reach. Commencing in 1999, the experiment was set up as a standard BACI design, with a control reach 3 km upstream. In the 5 years since implementing the rehabilitation strategy, the study reach has experienced five floods greater than the mean annual, and a further five events capable of mobilising the gravel bed. Five surveys of channel terrain have been completed since treatment implementation, and the changes to net sediment storage and morphologic diversity assessed in comparison to the control reach. Seven surveys of the fish population in the reach have also been undertaken during the project to measure the ecological response to the introduced wood. The experiment has demonstrated the effectiveness of ELJ technology in achieving engineering and geomorphic goals. To date, the treatment has halted further degradation of the river and increased sediment storage, with the test reach now storing, on average, 40 m3/1000 m2 more sediment than in the control. These values, it would appear, represent a new reach-scale dynamic equilibrium storage level over decadal timescales. Additional sediment storage amounts to 3.5 m3/m3 of wood added. At the reach scale this additional storage represents a reduction of just 2% or less of the post-European expansion in channel capacity, suggesting far greater efforts are required than those employed here to reverse the cumulative effects of 180 years of channel erosion and simplification.Pool and bar area in the test reach increased by around 5% and 3.5%, respectively, while the corresponding values in the control were around 1.5% and 1%, respectively. Two indices of morphologic diversity were measured for each bed survey: the standard deviation of 3D residuals of change compared with the baseline survey (SDiΔ3D); and the standard deviation of thalweg residuals from the line of best fit (SDiTR). The SDiΔ3D index shows both reaches increased in complexity through the study with the treatment increasing more than the control (0.37 and 0.29, respectively). The SDiTR index does not detect clear changes because of the low signal to noise ratio, however, it does suggest the test reach was more complex than the control at the outset. The observed increase in fish abundance after the first 12 months of monitoring, reported previously, is now far less distinct 4 years on — a pattern seemingly reflecting the relatively minor increases in critical pool habitat and habitat diversity over the same period. Although no significant differences were detectable in fish species richness or total abundance from the reach aggregate data after 4 years, analysis of individual structures show them to be high quality habitat for native fish compared to the rest of the reach and the upstream control.These results highlight the challenges river managers face in achieving measurable improvements in the health of aquatic ecosystems in highly altered rivers. Managers must confront hysteresis in a biophysical and institutional sense when attempting to reverse the degradation of rivers. The scale of treatment implemented in this experiment was at the upper end of the spectrum of rehabilitation efforts currently being undertaken in Australia, suggesting that far greater resources and longer timescales are required to achieve the levels of improvement in the diversity of stream habitat expected by the community. The study also highlights problems with the strategy of attempting to meet multiple objectives within a reach scale rehabilitation project. While this treatment successfully met some geomorphic study objectives, maximising the benefits for fish habitat would require a strategy focused primarily on the creation of complex woody habitat within deeper pools, particularly pools immediately below riffles.  相似文献   

Geomorphic analysis of large alluvial rivers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geomorphic analysis of a large river presents particular challenges and requires a systematic and organised approach because of the spatial scale and system complexity involved. This paper presents a framework and blueprint for geomorphic studies of large rivers developed in the course of basic, strategic and project-related investigations of a number of large rivers. The framework demonstrates the need to begin geomorphic studies early in the pre-feasibility stage of a river project and carry them through to implementation and post-project appraisal. The blueprint breaks down the multi-layered and multi-scaled complexity of a comprehensive geomorphic study into a number of well-defined and semi-independent topics, each of which can be performed separately to produce a clearly defined, deliverable product. Geomorphology increasingly plays a central role in multi-disciplinary river research and the importance of effective quality assurance makes it essential that audit trails and quality checks are hard-wired into study design. The structured approach presented here provides output products and production trails that can be rigorously audited, ensuring that the results of a geomorphic study can stand up to the closest scrutiny.  相似文献   

In efforts to rehabilitate regulated rivers for ecological benefits, the flow regime has been one of the primary focal points of management strategies. However, channel engineering can impact channel geometry such that hydraulic and geomorphic responses to flow reregulation do not yield the sought for benefits. To illustrate and assess the impacts of structural channel controls and flow reregulation on channel processes and fish habitat quality in multiple life stages, a highly detailed digital elevation model was collected and analyzed for a river reach right below a dam using a suite of hydrologic, hydraulic, geomorphic, and ecological methods. Results showed that, despite flow reregulation to produce a scaled-down natural hydrograph, anthropogenic boundary controls have severely altered geomorphic processes associated with geomorphic self-sustainability and instream habitat availability in the case study. Given the similarity of this stream to many others, we concluded that the potential utility of natural flow regime reinstatement in regulated gravel-bed rivers is conditional on concomitant channel rehabilitation.  相似文献   

The extensive Gangetic alluvial plains are drained by rivers which differ strongly in terms of hydrological and sediment transport characteristics. These differences are manifested in the geomorphic diversity of the plains. The Western Gangetic Plains (WGP) are marked by a degradational topography with incised channels and extensive badland development in some parts, while the Eastern Gangetic Plains (EGP) are characterized by shallow, aggrading channels with frequent avulsions and extensive flooding. We interpret such geomorphic diversity in terms of differences in stream power and sediment supply from the catchment areas. The rivers draining the western plains are marked by higher stream power and lower sediment yield that result in degradation. In comparison, the rivers draining the eastern Gangetic Plains have lower stream power and higher sediment yield that result in aggradation. The variation of stream power, a function of channel slope and high sediment yield, is attributed to differences in rainfall and rate of uplift in the hinterland. It is suggested that such differences have resulted in a marked geomorphic diversity across the plains. It is also suggested that such diversity has existed for a fairly long time because of climatic and tectonic variance.  相似文献   

This research evaluates the impact of rural-to-urban land use conversion on channel morphology and riparian vegetation for three streams in the Central Redbed Plains geomorphic province (central Great Plains ecoregion) of Oklahoma. The Deep Fork Creek watershed is largely urbanized; the Skeleton Creek watershed is largely rural; and the Stillwater Creek watershed is experiencing a rapid transition from rural to urban land cover. Each channel was divided into reaches based on tributary junctions, sinuosity, and slope. Field surveys were conducted at transects in a total of 90 reaches, including measurements of channel units, channel cross-section at bankfull stage, and riparian vegetation. Historical aerial photographs were available for only Stillwater Creek watershed, which were used to document land cover in this watershed, especially changes in the extent of urban areas (impervious cover).The three streams have very low gradients (< 0.001), width-to-depth ratios < 10, and cohesive channel banks, but have incised into red Permian shales and sandstone. The riparian vegetation is dominated by cottonwoods, ash, and elm trees that provide a dense root mat on stream banks where the riparian vegetation is intact. Channels increased in width and depth in the downstream direction as is normally expected, but the substrate materials and channel units remained unchanged. Statistical analyses demonstrated that urbanization did not explain spatial patterns of changes in any variables. These three channels in the central Redbed Plains are responding as flumes during peak flows, funneling runoff and the wash-load sediment downstream in major runoff events without any effect on channel dimensions. Therefore, local geological conditions (similar bedrock, cohesive substrates and similar riparian vegetation) are mitigating the effects of urbanization.  相似文献   

Large-scale dune activity in the Nebraska Sand Hills and elsewhere on the western Great Plains has been linked to prehistoric “megadroughts” that triggered the activation of regional dune fields. The effect of megadroughts on the smaller dune fields east of the Nebraska Sand Hills has never been assessed, however. This study focuses on the Duncan dune field near the confluence of the Loup and Platte rivers in eastern Nebraska. Seventeen optically stimulated luminescence age estimates were obtained and reveal two periods of dune activation that occurred between 4.4 to 3.4 ka and 0.8 to 0.5 ka. Significantly, both periods chronologically overlap large-scale dune activity identified in the Nebraska Sand Hills. Geochemical evidence indicates that the Duncan dunes received sand not only from the terrace underlying them, but also from the Loup River. These data link dune activity in the Duncan area, at least indirectly, to increased sediment supply from streams that drain the Sand Hills during megadroughts, implying the activation of the dunes occurred as an indirect response to regional megadroughts. Calculations of dune migration rates, however, argue in favor of local, drought-driven hydrologic changes as a causative factor in dune activation, in other words, a direct effect of megadroughts. Whether the impact was direct or indirect, it is highly likely that the repeated reactivation of the Duncan dunes resulted in some way from regional, large-magnitude droughts. Other paleoclimate proxies from the Great Plains tend to support this conclusion. We conclude that the megadroughts that have been identified in the Sand Hills and other Great Plains dune fields were indeed regional events with far-reaching effects.  相似文献   

河西黑河(弱水)水系的变迁   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
冯绳武 《地理研究》1988,7(1):18-26
中更新世晚期以来黑河流量逐渐减少,由外流河变为内流河,由统一水系变为各自的独立水系,中、下游由地面水和地下水相互转化,不少河道随流量变化及新构造运动影响而改道,从而沿岸新老绿洲互不相连。  相似文献   

J.M. Hooke   《Geomorphology》2007,84(3-4):277
This paper addresses questions of the spatial pattern of instability and the mechanisms of change in an active meandering river, particularly whether and how change is propagated. More than 20 years of monitoring of a sequence of nearly 100 bends on one dynamic meandering river, combined with historical data and previous analyses of processes of change, provide a unique insight into the link between annual changes produced by erosion and deposition and the longer-term changes in planform. The study reach of the River Dane in NW England exhibits stable and unstable sections adjacent to one another. Rates of movement range up to 3 m a− 1, with maxima occurring in high curvature, free bends. Stable reaches are due to factors of gradient, curvature and bank resistance. Analysis of the large amount of data on occurrence of erosion and deposition in each bend each year reveals no definite association of changes in one bend with another. The detailed evidence of the morphological features in the bends shows that changes do not take place by bars moving progressively through reaches. Case studies of bends upstream of constrained, stable reaches indicate an oscillation of widening and narrowing of the channel, over a period of a few years, producing a net rotation of the bend. These areas are zones of stalling of sediment and change takes place by absorption and lateral movement. Overall, changes tend to be localised and fit the bend theory of meanders, but with low sensitivity reaches pinning the planform for longer periods in certain locations.  相似文献   

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