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As a widely-applied engineering material in cold regions, the frozen subgrade soils are usually subjected to seismic loading, which are also dramatically influenced by the freeze-thaw(F-T)cycles due to the varying temperature. A series of dynamic cyclic triaxial experiments were conducted through a cryogenic triaxial apparatus for exploring the influences of F-T cycles on the dynamic mechanical properties of frozen subgrade clay.According to the experimental results of frozen clay at the tempera...  相似文献   

Highway frost heave and thawing settlement caused by water migration towards the freezing front and ice lens development is widespread in the alpine meadow area of the southeast QinghaiTibet Plateau(QTP). A laboratory experiment on a highway reconstruction and expansion project in the QTP was carried out in this work to analyze the effects of fine particle content, initial water content, and the number of freeze-thaw cycles(FTCs) on frost depth, temperature gradient(Grad T), total water intake, ...  相似文献   

In China, seasonal frozen soil is widely distributed. The freezing damage of subgrade soil in Jilin Province has been one of major engineering geological problems troubling the safety of road, in which some common damage phenomena, such as frost heave, subsidence deformation and frost boiling, are all caused by water translocation. Aiming at the phenomenon, the changes of moisture content of seasonal frozen soil in Changchun City are mainly studied by long-term field observation and indoor testing of physical properties under different conditions, and then the variation characteristics of moisture content in soil under different compactness and temperature conditions are realized. The results show that the increasing section of moisture content and negative temperature section all lie in O. 0 - 1.0 m of subgrade. Both lowest air and earth temperature occur in January to February, and the most negative temperature ranges from -7℃ to -10℃.  相似文献   

In China, seasonal frozen soil is widely distributed. The freezing damage of subgrade soil in Jilin Province has been one of major engineering geological problems troubling the safety of road, in which some common damage phenomena, such as frost heave, subsidence deformation and frost boiling, are all caused bywater translocation. Aiming at the phenomenon, the changes of moisture content of seasonal frozen soil in Changchun City are mainly studied by long-term field observation and indoor testing of physical properties under different conditions, and then the variation characteristics of moisture content in soil under different compactness and temperature conditions are realized. The results show that the increasing section of moisture content and negative temperature section all lie in 0.0-1.0 m of subgrade. Both lowest air and earth temperature occur in January to February, and the most negative temperature ranges from -7 ℃ to -10 ℃.  相似文献   

Inundation of the Three Gorges Reservoir has created a 30-m water-level fluctuation zone with seasonal hydrological alternations of submergence and exposure, which may greatly affect soil properties and bank stability. The aim of this study was to investigate the response of soil pore structure to seasonal water-level fluctuation in the reservoir, and particularly, the hydrological change of wetting and drying cycles. Soil pore structure was visualized with industrial X-ray computed tomography and digital image analysis techniques. The results showed that soil total porosity(? 100 ?m), total pore number, total throat number, and mean throat surface area increased significantly under wetting and drying cycles. Soil porosity, pore number and throat numberwithin each size class increased in the course of wetting and drying cycles. The coordination number, degree of anisotropy and fractal dimension were indicating an increase. In contrast, the mean shape factor, pore-throat ratio, and Euler-Poincaré number decreased due to wetting and drying cycles. These illustrated that the wetting and drying cycles made soil pore structure become more porous, continuous, heterogeneous and complex. It can thus be deduced that the water-level fluctuation would modify soil porosity, pore size distribution, and pore morphology in the Three Gorges Reservoir, which may have profound implications for soil processes, soil functions, and bank stability.  相似文献   

The instability of soil bank slopes induced by freeze-thaw cycles at the northern foot of Tianshan Mountain is very common.The failure not only caused a large amount of soil erosion,but also led to serious reservoir sedimentation and water quality degradation,which exerted a lot of adverse effects on agricultural production in the local irrigation areas.Based on field investigations on dozens of irrigation reservoirs there,laboratory tests were carried out to quantitatively analyze the freeze-thaw effect on the soil engineering characteristics to reveal the facilitation on the bank slope instability.The results show that the softening characteristics of the stressstrain curves gradually weaken,the effective cohesions decline exponentially,the seepage coefficients enlarge,and the thermal conductivities decrease after 7 freeze-thaw cycles.The freeze-thaw effect on the specimens with low confining pressures,low dry densities and high water contents is more significant.The water migration and the phase transition between water and ice result in the variations of the soil internal microstructures,which is the main factor affecting the soil engineering characteristics.Sufficient water supply and the alternation of positive and negative temperatures at the reservoir bank slopes in cold regions make the water migration and phase transition in the soil very intensely.It is easy to form a large number of pores and micro cracks in the soil freezing and thawing areas.The volume changes of the soil and the water migration are difficult to reach a dynamic balance in the open system.Long-term freeze-thaw cycles will bring out the fragmentation of the soil particles,resulting in that the micro cracks on the soil surfaces are developing continuously.The soil of the bank slopes will fall or collapse when these cracks penetrate,which often happens in winter there.  相似文献   

为了研究水敏效应对低渗油藏微观孔隙结构特征的影响,将CT在线扫描技术和岩心驱替实验相结合,开展了低渗油藏不同渗透率岩心水敏性评价实验,对水敏过程中孔、喉半径分布特征、配位数、孔隙变化特征、物性参数变化及对储层渗流能力的影响进行了实验研究,并绘制了水敏前后极限注采井距对比图版。结果表明,随着渗透率降低,水敏效应对孔隙、喉道伤害程度越大、平均孔喉配位数减少越多。两者共同作用是造成储层启动压力梯度增加的主要原因;水敏效应对储层喉道伤害程度远大于对孔隙伤害程度;水敏效应造成黏土膨胀、颗粒运移几乎发生在所有孔隙中,但对岩心整体孔隙结构和分布特征影响不大。通过极限注采井距可知,水敏效应造成新沟嘴组低渗油藏极限注采井距减少了153 m,需要通过加密井来调整注采井距,改善注水波及范围。该研究结果对长期注水的水敏性低渗储层开发调整具有现场指导意义。  相似文献   

Soil microorganisms are sensitive indicator of soil health and quality. Understanding the effects of vegetation biomass and seasonal change on soil microorganisms is vital to evaluate the soil quality and implement vegetation restoration. This study analyzed the soil phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) in fresh and withered Kudzu (Pueraria montana var. lobata) vegetation conditions in different seasons. The results showed that vegetation biomass and seasonal change significantly affected microbial biomass and its community structure. Both fresh and withered Kudzu cover significantly increased soil microbial biomass, and the growth effect of microbes in the soil with fresh Kudzu cover was more obvious than that with withered Kudzu cover. Compared with the dry season, the rainy season significantly increased the microbial biomass and the B/F (the ratio of bacterial to fungal PLFAs) ratio but dramatically reduced the G+/G- (the ratio of gram-positive to gram-negative bacteria PLFAs). Kudzu cover and seasonal change had a significant effect on microbial structure in soil covered by higher vegetation biomass. Furthermore, soil temperature and moisture had different correlations with specific microbial biomass in the two seasons. Our findings highlight the effect of Kudzu vine cover on the soil microenvironment and soil microhabitat, enhancing the soil quality in the Dry-hot Valley of Jinsha River, Southwest China.  相似文献   

Seasonal snow is one of the most important influences on the development and distribution of permafrost and the hydrothermal regime in surface soil. Alpine meadow, which constitutes the main land type in permafrost regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, was selected to study the influence of seasonal snow on the temperature and moisture in active soil layers under different vegetation coverage. Monitoring sites for soil moisture and temperature were constructed to observe the hydrothermal processes in active soil layers under different vegetation cover with seasonal snow cover variation for three years from 2010 to 2012. Differences in soil temperature and moisture in areas of diverse vegetation coverage with varying levels of snow cover were analyzed using active soil layer water and temperature indices. The results indicated that snow cover greatly influenced the hydrothermal dynamics of the active soil layer in alpine meadows. In the snow manipulation experiment with a snow depth greater than 15 cm, the snow cover postponed both the freeze-fall and thawrise onset times of soil temperature and moisture in alpine LC (lower vegetation coverage) meadows and of soil moisture in alpine HC (higher vegetation coverage) meadows; however, the opposite response occurred for soil temperatures of alpine HC meadows,where the entire melting period was extended by advancing the thaw-rise and delaying the freeze-fall onset time of the soil temperature. Snow cover resulted in a decreased amplitude and rate of variation in soil temperature, for both alpine HC meadows and alpine LC meadows, whereas the distinct influence of snow cover on the amplitude and rate of soil moisture variation occurred at different soil layers with different vegetation coverages. Snow cover increased the soil moisture of alpine grasslands during thawing periods. The results confirmed that the annual hydrothermal dynamics of active layers in permafrost were subject to the synergistic actions of both snow cover and vegetation coverage.  相似文献   

Soil fauna have been receiving more and more attention because they play an important role in nutrient cycling. However, there is a lack of information on soil arthropods in the forest-steppe ecotone in the mountainous region of northern Hebei, which makes it difficult to meet the need of protecting biodiversity in this area. Soil arthropod communities were investigated in the forest-steppe ecotone in northern Hebei province to provide basic information on changes in mountain soil fertility, which could promote the development of soil arthropod communities in mountain ecotones. From the preliminary identification, a total of 7994 individual soil arthropods were collected, which belonged to 25 groups, 6 classes and 24 orders. Acarina, Hymenoptera and Collembola were the dominant groups in the ecotone. The number of Acarina was higher than Collembola, and this phenomenon was obviously different from other areas in the same climate zone. The increased abundance of rare groups in the Forest zone with the richer vegetation, higher arthropod abundance and more substantial litter depth, could be interpreted as a reaction to the suitable soil environment and food supply. And these rare groups were sensitive to environmental changes, which could be regarded as biotic indicators for evaluating soil quality. The analysis of community diversity showed that the abundance index (d), the Shannon-Wiener index (H′), the evenness index (J) and the density-group index (DG) were significantly higher in the forest zone, lower in the forest-steppe zone, and lowest in the meadow-steppe zone. Seasonal variations in community composition correlated with changes in average air temperature and precipitation in this ecotone. Groups and individuals of soil arthropod communities in the three zones were present in greater numbers in the middle of the rainy season than in the early or late periods of the rainy season as a whole. At the same time, seasonal changes in soil arthropod communities from different plots were also influenced by habitat condition.  相似文献   

Compacted loess is widely used as fills of road embankments in loess regions of northern China. Generally, densely-compacted loess can satisfy the requirements of embankment strength and post-construction deformation. I lowever, uneven subsidence, pavement cracks and other related damages can affect the integrity of loess subgrade after several years of operation, and even cause some hazards, especially in North China, where the strong freeze-thaw erosion occurs. In this study, cyclic freeze-thaw tests for both densely and loosely compacted loess samples were performed to determine the variation in engineering properties such as volume, void ratio, collapsible settlement, microstructure, and the related mechanisms were addressed. The experimental results showed that an obvious water migration and redistribution occurred within the samples during freeze-thaw cycles. Ice lenses and fissures could be identified in the upper frozen layers of the samples. After freeze-thaw cycles, the dry densities of the nipper layers of samples changed significantly due to strong freeze-thaw erosion. The dry densities decreased for the dense sample and increased for the loose sample. It can be found that dense samples become loose, while loose samples became dense with the increasing number of freeze-thaw cycles. Their related void ratios changed reversely. Both void ratios tended to fall into a certain range, which verified the concept of a residual void ratio proposed by Viklander. The loosening process of densely compacted samples involves the formation of large pores, volume increase and density reduction as well as the related changes in mechanical properties because freeze-thaw cycles may be important contribution to problems of loess road embankments. Adverse effects of freeze-thaw cycles, therefore, should be taken into account in selecting loess parameters for the stability evaluation of road embankment in seasonally frozen ground regions.  相似文献   

基于扶余油层和杨大城子油层典型河道砂岩岩心样品,利用CT扫描物理实验和数字岩心重建技术,开展低渗透砂岩微观孔隙结构表征及渗流机理分析。通过矿物组分定量分析和扫描电镜拼图成像技术,识别出岩心矿物种类及其含量,划分出粒间孔、粒内孔和填隙物内孔共3种孔隙类型。针对总孔隙空间进行等效半径分布曲线计算,呈现明显的双峰结构,峰值主要集中在约50 μm和约1μm。利用重构的数字岩心模型模拟油水两相渗流,模拟结果显示,扶余油层油水共渗区较宽,残余油饱和度为30%~45%;杨大城子油层油水共渗区较窄,残余油饱和度为40%~55%。在毛管力和亲水性的作用下,水相优先进入小孔道,小孔道先于大孔道形成水锁,相较于扶余油层,杨大城子油层的喉道半径小,数量多,更易形成水锁,残余油饱和度较高。   相似文献   

The three-river source region(TRSR), located in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China, suffers from serious freeze-thaw(FT) erosion in China. Considering the unique eco-environment and the driving factors of the FT process in the TRSR, we introduce the driving force factors of FT erosion(rainfall erosivity and wind field intensity during FT period) and precipitation during the FT period(indicating the phase-changed water content). The objective was to establish an improved evaluation method of FT erosion in the TRSR. The method has good applicability in the study region with an overall precision of 92%. The spatial and temporal changes of FT erosion from 2000 to 2015 are analyzed. Results show that FT erosion is widely distributed in the TRSR, with slight and mild erosion being the most widely distributed, followed by moderate erosion. Among the three sub-regions, the source region of the Yellow River has the slightest erosion intensity, whereas the erosion intensity of the source region of Yangtze River is the most severe. A slight improvement can be observed in the condition of FTerosion over the whole study region from 2000 to 2015. Vegetation coverage is the dominant factor affecting the intensity of FT erosion in the zones with sparse vegetation or bare land, whereas the climate factors play an important role in high vegetation coverage area. Slopes28° also have a significant effect on the intensity of FT erosion in the zones. The results can provide a scientific basis for the prevention and management of the soil FT erosion in the TRSR.  相似文献   

Vegetation cover is the main factor of soil loss prevention. The C-factor of the RUSLE (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) was predicted with NDVI, ground data and exponential regression equation for mountain rangelands of Kyrgyzstan. Time series of C-factor, precipitation and temperature were decomposed into seasonal and trend components with STL (seasonal decomposition by loess) to assess their interrelations. C-factor, precipitation and temperature trend components indicated significant lagged correlation, whereas seasonal components indicated more complex relations with climate factors which can be promoting as well as limiting factors for vegetation development, depending on the season. Rainy springs and hot summers may increase soil loss dramatically, whereas warm and dry springs with rainy summers can decrease it. Steep slopes indicated higher soil loss ratio, whereas flat areas were better protected by vegetation.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONXuetal.(1993)studiedthebasiccharacteristicsofthethermoclineinthecontinentalshelfandinthedeepsearegionoftheSouthChinaSea(SCS)andthedifferencesbetweenthembyanalyzing1907-1990historicaldataontheSCS.Hepointedoutthatthethermoclineinthedeepsearegionexis…  相似文献   

On the basis of the soil environment investigation in Da'an City, Jilin Province, China, 40 soil samples from main land use types were obtained and tested by standard method. Soil organic matter (SOM), total N (TN), total P (TP), total K (TK), available N (AN), available P (AP) and available K (AK) were chosen as the evaluation factors. A regional soil nutrient evaluation model was developed based on the matter-element model. The results show that the soil samples with nutrient grade Ⅱ-Ⅴ respectively account for 10%, 30%, 32.5% and 27.5%, and those with grade Ⅳ and Ⅴ account for 60% in all samples. The relationship between soil nutrients and land types indicates that the nutrients of farmland are relatively good, with 41.7% of soil samples with the nutrient grade Ⅳ and Ⅴ. The nutrients of saline-alkali land and sandy land are the worst, with 100% of soil samples with the nutrient grade Ⅳ and Ⅴ. And the ratios of soil samples grade Ⅳ and Ⅴ in grassland and wasteland are respectively 62.5 % and 54.55%. Generally speaking, the soil nutrients status in Da'an City is poor, 60% of soil samples are in poor and extremely poor conditions, indicating that the soil has been severely eroded. Being a relatively superior evaluation method with more accurate resuits and spatial distribution consistency, matter-element analysis is more suitable for regional soil nutrient evaluation than previous models.  相似文献   

Gully erosion has caused soil degradation and even reduced soil productivity.However,only few studies on the effects of gully erosion and artificial controlling measures on soil degradation in the Black Soil Region of Northeast China are available.Thus,this study explores the relationships between gully erosion,gully filling and soil parameters.Two sets of soil samples were collected in the field at:(1) 72 sample points in the gully erosion study area,60 sample points in the ephemeral and classical gully erosion area(3,518 m2),12 sample points in the deposition zone(443 m2),(2)10 reference points along a slope unaffected by gully erosion representing the original situation before the gully was formed.All soil samples were analyzed for gravel content(GC),soil organic matter(SOM),total nitrogen(TN),available nitrogen(AN),available phosphorus(AP),and available potassium(AK).The soil property values on unaffected slope were fitted by the polynomial curves as the reference values in no gully erosion area.The interpolated soil property values in gully eroded study area were compared with these polynomial curves,respectively,and then,changes of soil property values were analyzed.Gully erosion caused an increase in GC and a decrease in SOM,TN,AN,AP and AK.The change of GC,SOM,TN,AN,AP,AK was 8.8%,-9.04 g kg-1,-0.92 g kg-1,-62.28 mg kg-1,-29.61 mg kg-1,-79.68 mg kg-1.The soil property values in the study area were below optimal values.Thus,we concluded that gully erosion and gully filling caused both on-site and off-site soil degradation.Soil degradation area was 0.65 % of the cultivated land.In addition,it was proved that gully filling were an improper soil and water conservation measure,which seems to exacerbate the problem.Thus,it is suggested that soil where soil is deep is moved to fill the gully,and then the area around the filled gullies should be covered by grass for preventing the formation and development of the gully.  相似文献   

Scrub rangelands support livestock grazing and provide ecosystem services to their inhabitants.The present study was conducted in Chakwal,an important tract of ...  相似文献   

Biography:CHEN Fu(1974- ), male,a native of Sheyang County, Jiangsu Province, doctoral candidate.His research interests include land use management.1 INTRODUCTION Land use change may influence a variety of natural and ecological processes, including soil nutrient, soil moisture, soil erosion, land productivity (FU et al., 1999), biodiversity, cycle of biographical geochemistry, and so on (VITOUSEK, 1994). So, it is very important that the studies of land use changes understand re…  相似文献   

西北地区土壤资源特征及其开发利用与保护   总被引:2,自引:8,他引:2  
在分析西北地区土壤分布规律的基础上,研究了不同类型区土壤的资源特征及其在开发利用中存在的问题,认为黄土地区土壤土质疏松、粉砂含量高、富含碳酸钙是水土流失的物质基础;干旱区广为分布的荒漠土壤资源的性能低劣、绿洲区水土资源的利用比例失调是造成土地荒漠化、土壤盐渍化的根本原因;而高原土壤的粗骨性、土层浅薄、有效肥力低则加速了草场的退化和沙漠化.提出了西北地区土壤资源的合理利用与生态环境保护相协调的途经,即搞好农田基本建设,采用旱作技术节水和合理用水,扩大林草植被,保护天然草场和林木.并认为西北土壤资源的开发利用要在充分发挥其生产潜力的同时,首先应遵循生态规律,开发与保护并重,防止土壤资源衰竭和破坏.  相似文献   

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