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We present the results of TRIFFID simultaneous V - and B -band observations of the cores of the globular clusters M15, M92 and NGC 6712. A variability search of their dense centres was made feasible through performing post-exposure image sharpening on the images, increasing the image resolution by a factor of ∼2. The isis implementation of the image subtraction technique developed by Alard & Lupton was then used to detect flux variations in our image sets. We have obtained periods for all observable variables (in our field of view) in NGC 6712 and we have found two new RR Lyrae variables (an RRab and an RRc). We have confirmed three variables in our field of view of the M92. For M15, we detect 48 variables in our field of view, 23 of which are new discoveries. We obtain periods and amplitudes for all variables and classify new ones based on the light-curve shape, the most significant period and the mean magnitude in the V band. Among the detected RR Lyrae we find 19 RRc, 12 RRab and two RRd types. In the subsequent analysis we find a marked increase in RRc over RRab variables in the core. In a refined procedure to search for fainter objects we find no dwarf novae in our field of view of M15. Simulations performed on the data set to quantify our sensitivity to such objects indicate that an upper limit of 10 dwarf novae (at 92 per cent probability) exist in our field of view. The implications this result has on globular clusters are discussed.  相似文献   

New BVI CCD photometry is presented for 60 RR Lyrae variables in the globular cluster M3. Light curves have been constructed and ephemerides have been (re)-derived for all of them. Four stars (i.e. V29, V136, V155 and V209), although recognized as variables, had no previous period determinations. Also, the period derived for V129 is significantly different from the one published by Sawyer-Hogg. Light curve parameters, i.e. mean magnitudes, amplitudes and rise times, have been derived.   The discussion of these results in the framework of the stellar evolution and pulsation theories will be presented in a forthcoming paper.  相似文献   

A66是位于球状星团M4红巨星支最底部(近亚巨星支顶部)的一颗红星.按其在C-M图上的位置,A66可能是星团成员.目前尚无自行或视线速度的测定.发现A66为一小变幅的新变星,周期约一天, v波段的总变幅约0.05等.但是,如果自行或视线速度测定证实为其成员星,那么变光的原因也许不是脉动.因为按照熊氏理论,这样低光度的红星其脉动周期不可能长于0.1天.对于A66这样的周期和变幅,又很难想像变光原因是黑子星的自转或EW型双星的交食.或者,A66不是星团成员.  相似文献   

We present V -band light curves of 61 variables from the core of the globular cluster M5 obtained using a newly developed image subtraction method (ISM). Four of these variables were previously unknown. Only 26 variables were found in the same field using photometry obtained with dophot software. Fourier parameters of the ISM light curves have relative errors up to 11 times smaller than parameters measured from dophot photometry. We conclude that the new method is very promising for searching for variable stars in the cores of the globular clusters and gives very accurate relative photometry with quality comparable to photometry obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope . We also show that the variable V104 is not an eclipsing star as has been suggested, but is an RRc star showing non-radial pulsations.  相似文献   

A globular cluster distance scale based on Hipparcos parallaxes of subdwarfs has been used to derive estimates of M K for cluster Miras, including one in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) globular cluster NGC 121. These lead to a zero-point of the Mira infrared period–luminosity (PL) relation, PL( K ), in good agreement with that derived from Hipparcos parallaxes of nearby field Miras. The mean of these two estimates together with data on LMC Miras yields a Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) distance modulus of     in evident agreement with a metallicity-corrected Cepheid modulus     .
The use of luminous asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars as extragalactic population indicators is also discussed.  相似文献   

We present B and V CCD photometry for variables in the cluster central region, adding new data for 32 variables and giving suitable light curves, mean magnitudes and corrected colours for 17 RR Lyrae variables. Adding the data given in this paper to similar data that have already appeared in the literature, we discuss a sample of 42 variables, as given by 22 RRab and 20 RRc, in the light of recent predictions from pulsational theories. We find that the observational evidence concerning M5 pulsators appears in marginal disagreement with predictions concerning the colour of the first overtone blue edge (FOBE), whereas a clear disagreement appears between the zero-age horizontal branch (ZAHB) luminosities predicted through evolutionary and pulsational theories.  相似文献   

A wide-field time-series CCD photometric survey of variable stars in the field of the open cluster NGC 2168 was carried out using the BATC Schmidt telescope. In total 13 new variable stars are discovered with three W UMa systems, one EA type and two EB type eclipsing binaries (one of them could be a W UMa system), and seven pulsating stars including three candidates of δScuti stars.  相似文献   

Photoelectric Vilnius seven-color photometry is presented and analyzed for a sample of 24 red giant branch and clump stars in the open cluster NGC 7789. For each star we have determined photometric spectral type, absolute magnitude, interstellar reddening, effective temperature, metallicity, and surface gravity. From averages over the stars in the sample we find the mean reddening to the cluster E YV = 0.21± 0.02 (s.d.), or E BV = 0.25, and the apparent distance modulus (mM) V = 12.21± 0.10 (s.d.), which yield a distance of 1840 pc. The mean overall metallicity is found to be [Fe/H] = −0.18± 0.09 (s.d.). The clump stars, on average, appear to be slightly more metal-rich than the other red giants, which is most probably caused by evolutionary changes of carbon and nitrogen molecular bands falling in the photometric passbands. A difference in mass between the two groups of stars has also been detected, which suggests that the clump stars might have undergone extra mass loss before reaching their core He-burning phase of evolution.  相似文献   

We present the results of a photometric survey for variable stars in the central region of the nearby globular cluster NGC 6397. Time-series photometry was obtained for 30 variable objects. The sample includes 12 new objects, of which six show periodic light curves and two are eclipsing binaries of unknown period. Six variables possess certain and three possess likely X-ray counterparts detected with the Chandra observatory. Among them, four are cataclysmic variables and one is a foreground eclipsing binary. The cataclysmic variable CV2 exhibited a likely dwarf nova type outburst in 2003 May. The cataclysmic variable CV3 was observed at  18.5 < V < 20.0  during five observing runs, but went into a low state in 2003 May when it reached   V > 22  . We have found that the light curve of the optical companion to the millisecond pulsar PSR J1740−5340 exhibits noticeable changes of its amplitude on a time-scale of a few months. A shallow eclipse with  Δ V = 0.03 mag  was detected in one of the cluster turn-off stars suggesting the presence of a large planet or brown dwarf in orbit.  相似文献   

Measuring solar-like oscillations in an ensemble of stars in a cluster, holds promise for testing stellar structure and evolution more stringently than just fitting parameters to single field stars. The most-ambitious attempt to pursue these prospects was by Gilliland et al. who targeted 11 turn-off stars in the open cluster M67 (NGC 2682), but the oscillation amplitudes were too small (<20 μmag) to obtain unambiguous detections. Like Gilliland et al. we also aim at detecting solar-like oscillations in M67, but we target red giant stars with expected amplitudes in the range 50–  500 μmag  and periods of 1 to 8 h. We analyse our recently published photometry measurements, obtained during a six-week multisite campaign using nine telescopes around the world. The observations are compared with simulations and with estimated properties of the stellar oscillations. Noise levels in the Fourier spectra as low as  27 μmag  are obtained for single sites, while the combined data reach  19 μmag  , making this the best photometric time series of an ensemble of red giant stars. These data enable us to make the first test of the scaling relations (used to estimate frequency and amplitude) with an homogeneous ensemble of stars. The detected excess power is consistent with the expected signal from stellar oscillations, both in terms of its frequency range and amplitude. However, our results are limited by apparent high levels of non-white noise, which cannot be clearly separated from the stellar signal.  相似文献   

以球状星团NGC (New General Catalogue) 104、NGC 5139、NGC 6121为实验样区, 选取了视差等10个恒星参数, 通过引入地学中的空间分析理论和相应的分析框架为定量描述球状星团成员星的空间分布特征提出了一种基于地学的研究范式. 通过计算全局和局部莫兰(Moran)指数得到球状星团成员星各恒星参数的空间分布特征. 研究结果表明: 球状星团NGC 104、NGC 5139、NGC 6121成员星的各恒星参数在总体上呈现出空间正相关特性, 表现出空间集聚特征, 但不同恒星参数之间存在差异; 局部空间分布也呈现聚集特征, 而不同的成员星呈现出不同的空间分布特性和趋势. 总体而言, 用地学空间相关分析系统地定量化描述球状星团成员星空间分布特征, 能够为球状星团的研究提供新的思路.  相似文献   

We report on an ambitious multisite campaign aimed at detecting stellar variability, particularly solar-like oscillations, in the red giant stars in the open cluster M67 (NGC 2682). During the six-week observing run, which comprised 164 telescope nights, we used nine 0.6-m to 2.1-m class telescopes located around the world to obtain uninterrupted time series photometry. We outline here the data acquisition and reduction, with emphasis on the optimization of the signal-to-noise ratio of the low-amplitude (50–500 μmag) solar-like oscillations. This includes a new and efficient method for obtaining the linearity profile of the CCD response at ultrahigh precision (∼10 parts per million). The noise in the final time series is 0.50 mmag per minute integration for the best site, while the noise in the Fourier spectrum of all sites combined is 20 μmag. In addition to the red giant stars, this data set proves to be very valuable for studying high-amplitude variable stars such as eclipsing binaries, W UMa systems and δ Scuti stars.  相似文献   

New photometry of RRab and RRc stars in ω Centauri is used to calibrate their absolute magnitudes MV as a function of (a) metallicity and (b) the Fourier parameters of light curves in the V band. The zero point of both calibrations relies on the distance modulus to the cluster derived earlier by the Cluster AgeS Experiment (CASE) project based on observations of the detached eclipsing binary OGLE GC17. For RRab variables, we obtained a relation of   MV = (0.26 ± 0.08)[ Fe/H ] + (0.91 ± 0.13)  . A dereddened distance modulus to the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) based on that formula is  μ0= 18.56 ± 0.14 mag  . The second calibration of MV , which is based on Fourier coefficients of decomposed light curves, results in the LMC distance of  μ0= 18.51 ± 0.07 mag  .  相似文献   

We review the available observational data to show that the slope of the RR Lyrae MV –[Fe/H] relation is 0.18±0.03. The recent claim by Feast that, because of biases, the true slope is much steeper is not justified.  相似文献   

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