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The 2-D shallow velocity structure along the north-south Palashi-Kandi profile in the West Bengal sedimentary basin has been updated by travel-time inversion of seismic refraction, wide-angle reflection and gravity data. A six-layer shallow model up to a depth of about 7 km has been derived. The first layer, which has an average velocity of 2.0 kms?1, represents the alluvium deposit, which rests over the shale formation with average velocity of 3.0 kms?1. The thin (200 m) Sylhet limestone, observed at a nearby Palashi well, remains hidden in the present data set. Hence a 200-m thin layer with a velocity of 3.7 kms?1, corresponding to the Sylhet limestone, has been assumed to be present throughout the profile. The fourth layer with a velocity of 4.5–4.7 kms?1 at a depth of 1.7–2.4 km represents the Rajmahal traps. The ‘skip’ phenomenon and rapid amplitude decay of first arrivals indicate a low-velocity zone (LVZ) in the study area. Using the ‘skip’ phenomena and wide-angle reflection data, identified on seismograms, the LVZ with a velocity of 4.0 kms?1, indicating the Gondwana sediments, has been delineated below the Rajmahal traps. The next layer with a velocity 5.4–5.6 kms?1 overlying the crystalline basement (5.8–6.25 kms?1) may be associated with the Singhbhum group of meta volcanic rock that has been exposed in the western part of the basin. The basement lies at a variable depth of 4.9 to 6.8 km. The overall uncertainties of various velocity and boundary nodes are ± 0.15 kms?1 and ± 0.5 km, respectively. The elevated basement feature in the north might have acted as a structural barrier for the deposition of Sylhet limestone during the Eocene epoch. The seismically derived shallow structure correctly explains the observed Bouguer gravity anomaly along the profile. The addition of reflections in the present analysis provides a stronger control on the depths and velocities of basement and overlying sedimentary formations, compared to the earlier model derived mainly by the first arrival seismic data.  相似文献   

The receiver functions of body waves of distant earthquakes obtained for the regions beneath 41 digital stations (Lhasa and GANZ in Tibet, Mandalay and Rangoon in Myanmar, SHIO in India, CHTO in Thailand, and station network in Sichuan and Yunnan) were used to invert for S-wave structure in the crust and upper mantle in Sichuan, Yunnan, and their surrounding areas. Meanwhile the distribution characteristics of the Poisson’s ration and the crustal thickness in Sichuan and Yunnan areas were also obtained. Results indicate that the depth of Moho beneath the eastern side of Qinghai-Tibetan plateau varies strikingly. It is obvious that the greatest changes in crustal thickness occur in a north-south direction. The crustal thickness decreases from north to south, being as thick as 70 km in eastern Tibet, the northern portion of our area of interest, and less than 30 km in Chaing Mai and Rangoon, the southern portion of our area. There are, however, exceptions regarding the trend. The thickness exhibits an east-west variation trend in the area from Ma’erkong-Kongding in Sichuan to Lijiang in Yunnan. In general the Jinpingshan-Longmenshan fault and Anninghe fault can be taken as the boundaries of this exception area. The thickness in Kongding in the west is 68 km, while it is only 39 km in Yongchuan in the east. Moreover the Poisson’s ratio values in the blocks of central Sichuan and Sichuan-Yunnan Diamond are high, and a low velocity layer in the crust of this area can be obviously detected. The distribution characteristics of the high Poisson’s ratio and the low velocity of the crust in this block correspond to the tectonic structure, being in contrast with the surrounding areas. Combining with the distribution features of the modern tectonic stress field, it is deduced that the Sichuan-Yunnan area is probably the channel through which the materials of the lithosphere flow eastward.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONQuanzhou Citylocates on the southeast coast of Fujian Province .Tectonically,it locates in thevolcanic fault depression zone in East Fujian betweenthe Wuyi-Daiyunfolded doming-upregion of theSouth China block and the depression zone of the Taiwan Straits . Being on the north segment of thesoutheast seismic belt of China , many destructive earthquakes inthe history affected the area and theregional seismicityis closelyrelated withfaulting.Inthe Quanzhou basin,large-scalelo…  相似文献   

We analyse spatial and spectral characteristics of various refined gravity data used for modelling and gravimetric interpretation of the crust–mantle interface and the mantle-lithosphere structure. Depending on the purpose of the study, refined gravity data have either a strong or weak correlation with the Moho depths (Moho geometry). The compilation of the refined gravity data is purely based on available information on the crustal density structure obtained from seismic surveys without adopting any isostatic hypothesis. We demonstrate that the crust-stripped relative-to-mantle gravity data have a weak correlation with the CRUST2.0 Moho depths of about 0.02. Since gravitational signals due to the crustal density structure and the Moho geometry are subtracted from gravity field, these refined gravity data comprise mainly the information on the mantle lithosphere and sub-lithospheric mantle. On the other hand, the consolidated crust-stripped gravity data, obtained from the gravity field after applying the crust density contrast stripping corrections, comprise mainly the gravitational signal of the Moho geometry, although they also contain the gravitational signal due to anomalous mass density structures within the mantle. In the absence of global models of the mantle structure, the best possible option of computing refined gravity data, suitable for the recovery/refinement of the Moho interface, is to subtract the complete crust-corrected gravity data from the consolidated crust-stripped gravity data. These refined gravity data, that is, the homogenous crust gravity data, have a strong absolute correlation of about 0.99 with the CRUST2.0 Moho depths due to removing a gravitational signal of inhomogeneous density structures within the crust and mantle. Results of the spectral signal decomposition and the subsequent correlation analysis reveal that the correlation of the homogenous crust gravity data with the Moho depths is larger than 0.9 over the investigated harmonic spectrum up to harmonic degree 90. The crust-stripped relative-to-mantle gravity data correlate substantially with the Moho depths above harmonic degree 50 where the correlation exceeds 0.5.  相似文献   

Since Schlanger and Jenkyns (1976)[1] first ad-vanced the ?oceanic anoxic events ?(OAEs) model to explain the origin of the worldwide distributed Early Cretaceous Aptian-Albian (115—103 MaBP) and Late Cretaceous Cenomanian-Turonian (95—88 MaBP) black shales, the OAEs and responses to them have been one of the 揾ot spots?in geological circles. Up till now, researchers at home and abroad have exten-sively studied the sedimentary and geochemical re-sponses to the two anoxic events, espe…  相似文献   

Widespread Cretaceous remagnetization is documented in several Mesozoic basins in North Central Spain. Organyà Basin (South Central Pyrenean foreland) is atypical in the sense that the lower part of the rock sequence (Berriasian-Barremian limestones) is remagnetized while the upper portion (Aptian-Albian marls) is not (Dinarès-Turell and García-Senz, 2000). Here, this view is confirmed by the analysis of 41 new paleomagnetic sites over the entire basin, so that a 3D view is obtained. Thermoviscous resetting of the natural remanent magnetization can be ruled out, hence the remagnetization is chemical in origin. A positive breccia-test on remagnetized strata constrains the remagnetization age to older than the Paleocene-Eocene, when the backthrust system was active. The remagnetization is argued to have occurred early in the geological history of the Organyà Basin either in the elevated geothermal gradient regime during the syn-rift extension or at the earliest phase of the later compression. Burial is considered the most important cause combined with the lithological effect that limestones are more prone to express remagnetization than marls. The observed pressure solution in the remagnetized limestone is likely associated with the remagnetization, whereas it is unlikely that externally derived fluids have played an important role.  相似文献   

Clay mineralogy, texture size and statistical analyses were carried out on surface sediments from the continental shelf of Chennai, Bay of Bengal, India. The purpose of this study is to characterize the clay mineral distribution and its relation to the hydrodynamics off Chennai to identify the sources and transport pathways of the marine sediments. Characterization of clay minerals in coastal sediments by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy has provided the association of quartz, feldspar, kaolinite, chlorite, illite and iron oxides (magnetite and hematite) derived from river catchments and coastal erosion. Kaolinite, chlorite, illite, iron oxides, and organic matter are the dominant minerals in Cooum, and Adayar region. High quartz and feldspar zones were identified in Marina, which are being confined the sand zone and paralleling the coast. The strong relationships among the wave energy density, sand, quartz and carbonate revealed that wave induced littoral drift system play a dominant role in transportation and deposition of sediments in the Chennai coast. The sediment texture and minerals data are in agreement well with the previous results of hydrodynamics and littoral drift models in this region. Multivariate statistical analyses (correlation, cluster and factor analyses) were carried out and obtained results suggested that clay minerals and organic matter are trapped in silt and clay particles, whereas quartz, feldspar and carbonate are associated with sand particles. Results of sediment sources and transport processes from this study will be useful to predict the fate of the pollutants released from land or the potential change in sediment delivery to coastal areas.  相似文献   

We present results from the Numerical Spectral Model (NSM), which focus on the temperature environment of the mesopause region where polar mesospheric clouds (PMC) form. The PMC occur in summer and are observed varying on time scales from months to years, and the NSM describes the dynamical processes that can generate the temperature variations involved. The NSM simulates the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO), which dominates the zonal circulation of the lower stratosphere at equatorial latitudes. The modeled QBO extends into the upper mesosphere, due to gravity wave (GW) filtering, consistent with UARS zonal wind and TIMED temperature measurements. While the QBO zonal winds are confined to equatorial latitudes, the associated temperature variations extend to high latitudes. The meridional circulation redistributes the QBO energy—and the resulting temperature oscillations away from the equator produce inter-annual variations that can exceed 5 K in the polar mesopause region, with considerable differences between the two hemispheres. The NSM shows that the 30-month QBO produces a 5-year or semi-decadal (SD) oscillation, and stratospheric NCEP data provide observational evidence for that. This SD oscillation extends in the temperature to the upper mesosphere, where it could contribute to the long-term variations of the region.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—This review discusses the major milestone results yielded by the regional seismological studies of the deep structure of the Earth’s...  相似文献   

IntroductionUntilnow,manyobservationsandstudiesshowthatinacertainareasandduringacertainperiodmajorearthquakesfrequentlyocured...  相似文献   

Gusev  E. M.  Nasonova  O. N.  Shurkhno  E. A.  Dzhogan  L. Ya.  Aizel’  G. V. 《Water Resources》2019,46(4):493-503
Water Resources - The applicability of the previously developed technique for simulating the runoff hydrographs of northern rivers to the Ob River, which has largest basin area among Russian rivers...  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—Current problems of combining the results of mathematical modeling for the geodynamical evolution of the Earth’s crust in Central Asia...  相似文献   

The Qiangtang basin is one of the large-scale basins in China, which is located in the high-altitude and cold area. In 1994 the preliminary gravity, magnetic and electric prospecting work was undertaken in this area. Over three years the gravity, magnetic and electric reconnaissance work had been completed. The integrated interpretation of complex gravity, magnetic and electric data had identified the boundary of the basin. The relationship between the basin and mountains is a south-north ramp structure. The basin structure consisted of one uplift and two sags, five depressions and two arches. The complex evaluation showed that the regions of Baitanhu and Youyiquan in the Qiangtang basin were considered to be the most perspective ones in sense of oil-gas bearing.  相似文献   

Study of geothermal field data,terrestrial heat flow values,and other geophysical data from the Xingtai-Shulu area of Hebei Province made us more understanding of the distribution of geothermal fields and deep structures and their interrelation.The study illustrates that the geothermal field has an apparent lateral inhomogeneity and is evidently correlated by the structure of the crust and upper mantle in the area.The relation of the geothermal field distribution to the structure indicates that in comparison with the depression zone,the uplift zone has a higher heat flow value and a larger geothermal gradient.The analysis of the relation between distribution of earthquake epicenters and geothermal field and mathematical simulation of thermal stress in the area suggests that thermal stress plays an important role in the process of earthquake generation.  相似文献   

Bitumen from the Nanpanjiang Basin occurs mainly in the Middle Devonian and Upper Permian reef limestone paleo-oil reservoirs and reserves primarily in holes and fractures and secondarily in minor matrix pores and bio-cavities. N2 is the main component of the natural gas and is often associated with pyrobitumen in paleo-oil reservoirs. The present study shows that the bitumen in paleo-oil reservoirs was sourced from the Middle Devonian argillaceous source rock and belongs to pyrobitumen by crude oil cracking under high temperature and pressure. But the natural gas with high content of N2 is neither an oil-cracked gas nor a coal-formed gas generated from the Upper Permian Longtan Formation source rock, instead it is a kerogen-cracked gas generated at the late stage from the Middle Devonian argilla- ceous source rock. The crude oil in paleo-oil reservoirs completely cracked into pyrobitumen and methane gas by the agency of hugely thick Triassic deposits. After that, the abnormal high pressure of methane gas reservoirs was completely destroyed due to the erosion of 2000--4500-m-thick Triassic strata. But the kerogen-cracked gas with normal pressure was preserved under the relatively sealed condition and became the main body of the gas shows.  相似文献   

A 2-D boundary problem formulation in terms of pore pressure in Biot poroelasticity model is discussed, with application to a vertical contact model mechanically excited by a lunar-solar tidal deformation wave, representing a fault zone structure. A problem parametrization in terms of permeability and Biot’s modulus contrasts is proposed and its numerical solution is obtained for a series of models differing in the values of the above parameters. The behavior of pore pressure and its gradient is analyzed. From those, the electric field of the electrokinetic nature is calculated. The possibilities of estimation of the elastic properties and permeability of geological formations from the observations of the horizontal and vertical electric field measured inside the medium and at the earth’s surface near the block boundary are discussed.  相似文献   

—A ten-level axi-symmetric primitive equation model with cylindrical coordinates is used to simulate the tropical cyclone evolution from a weak vortex for the Bay of Bengal region. The physics of the model comprises the parameterization schemes of Arakawa-Schubert cumulus convection (Lord et al., 1982) and Deardorff’s (1972) planetary boundary layer. The initial conditions have been taken from the climate mean data for November of Port Blair (92.4 E, 11.4 N) in the Bay of Bengal, published by the India Meteorological Department. An initial vortex has been designed to have tangential wind maximum of 10 m/s at 120-km radius with a central surface pressure of 1008 hPa. As a control experiment, referred to as ASBB1, the model is integrated for 240 h maintaining the sea-surface temperature (SST) constant at 301 K. The results of the control experiment reveal a slow decrease of the Central Surface Pressure (CSP) from the initial value of 1008 hPa to 970 hPa at 156 h. After 156 h the CSP decreased sharply until 186 h, attaining 890 hPa. The tangential wind at 1 km level attained the Cyclone Threshold Intensity (CTI) of 17 m/s around 78 h and a maximum of 87 m/s was found at 210 h. These features indicate a predeveloping stage up to 156 h, a deepening stage of 30 h from 156–186 h followed by the mature stage. The mature stage is characterized by the simulation of the central eye region, warm core, strong cyclonic circulation in the central 300 km with low-level inflow; strong vertical motion at the eye wall and outflow aloft. The convection features of the different cloud types conform with the circulation features. The control experiment clearly indicates the evolution of a cyclone with hurricane intensity from a weak vortex. In part two of the paper, results from sensitivity experiments with respect to variations in latitude, SST and initial thermodynamic state have been presented.  相似文献   

The Kachchh Basin and the Jaisalmer Basin are two neighboring Mesozoic sedimentary basins at the western margin of the Indian craton. The Jurassic succession of the Kachchh Basin is more complete and more fossiliferous than that of the Jaisalmer Basin. Consequently, intrabasinal correlation of the sedimentary units has been possible in the Kachchh Basin, but not in the Jaisalmer Basin. However, some marker beds existing in the Kachchh Basin can be recognized also in the Jaisalmer Basin. Ammonite evidence shows that they are time-equivalent. The following four units form marker intervals in both basins: (1) the pebbly rudstone unit with Isastrea bernardiana and Leptosphinctes of the Kaladongar Formation (Kachchh Basin) and the Isastrea bernardiana-bearing rudstone of the Jaisalmer Formation (Jaisalmer Basin) both represent transgressive systems tract deposits dated as Late Bajocian; (2) bioturbated micrites with anomalodesmatan bivalves within the Goradongar Yellow Flagstone Member (Kachchh Basin) and bioturbated units in the Fort Member (Jaisalmer Basin) represent maximum flooding zone deposits of the Middle to Late Bathonian; (3) trough-crossbedded, sandy pack- to grainstones of the Raimalro Limestone Member (Kachchh Basin) and the basal limestone-sandstone unit of the Kuldhar section of the Jaisalmer Formation (Jaisalmer Basin) correspond to Late Bathonain transgressive systems tract deposits; and (4) ferruginous ooid-bearing carbonates with hardgrounds of the Dhosa Oolite member (Kachchh Basin) and the middle part of the Jajiya Member (Jaisalmer Basin) are Oxfordian transgressive systems tract deposits. The fact that in both basins similar biofacies prevailed during certain time intervals demonstrates a common control of their depositional history. As the two basins represent different tectonic settings, the most likely controlling factors were the relative sea-level changes produced by eustatic processes, a common subsidence history of the northwestern margin of the Indian craton, and the paleoclimate.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONGeological investigations since the1970s have shown that the sub_longitudinal Jinshajiang andHonghe(Red River)fault zones constitutethe western boundary of“Rhombic Sichuan_Yunnan Block”onthe Sichuan_Tibet border and display mainly dextral sh…  相似文献   

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