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INTRODUCTIONBenthicdiatomscomPrisethemaininitialfoodforjuvenileabalone.ItisimPortanttocIJlturehighqualitybenthicdiatornsduringtheeariystageofjuvenileabaloneculture.AtpresentthespeCesofbenthicdiatomsusedinabalonebedingfannsprirnarilycomefromnaturalpopulations.SomespedesinseveralgenerasuchasNavicula,Ntzchia,Caroneis,Achnanthes,AmPhoraareusuallythedothenantspch(Chen,etal.,l977,Ukiandaxuchi,l979,Nonnan-Boudnauetal.,l986,Austinetal.l990).Inordertoselodsornespedeswithhighadaptability,fas…  相似文献   

rmDUCnONInthecultUreofbenthicdiatomsasfeedforabalone,itisnecesoptoaddsomnu-trientssuchasnitIngen,Phosphorus,ironandsilicontotheSeawatermwhum.Thecom-monraioofthenutrientswas(lO-25):(l-2.5):o.l:l(mg/L)(Chenetal.,1977).Anstinetal-(l99o)rePOrtedthatheratioofnibogenandphosphorusinfluencedthebio-massdensityofthePeriphyton,whichInainlyconsistedOfbenthicdiatomPOPulations.However,theirrestiltswerenotbasedonmonoalgalwwh,andtherewerenodetallsonthereasonableratioofthesenutrientsintheirreports-Ther…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONVariouscausativefactors,suchasincreasedscientificawareness,utilizationofcoastalwatersforaquaculture,eutrophicationandcysttransportation (Hallegreaffetal.,1 995)hasledtoextens ivestudiesontheglobalincreaseinHAB (HarmfulAlgalBloom) .YettheHABmechani…  相似文献   

3-factor experiment was used to study the combined effects of temperature, irradiance and salinity on the growth of an HAB species diatomSkeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve. The results showed that temperature (12, 19, 25, 32 °C), irradiance (0.02, 0.08, 0.3, 1.6)×1016 quanta/(s·cm2)) and salinity (10, 18, 25, 30, 35) significantly influenced the growth of this species. There were interactive effects between any two of and among all three physical factors on the growth. In the experiment, the most optimal growth condition forS. costatum was temperature of 25°C, salinity of 18–35 and irradiance of 1.6×1016 quanta/(s·cm2). The results indicatedS. costatum could divide at higher rate and were more likely to bloom under high temperature and high illumination from spring to fall. It was able to distribute widely in ocean and estuary due to its adaptation to a wide range of salinities. This study was supported by the PREPP and National Key Basic Research Project (2001CB4097) NNSFC No. 39950001, 20177023, 49576301, 49906007 and KZCX2-206.  相似文献   

Gracilaria tenuistipitata var Liui were mono-cultivated and co-cultivated with Pinctada martensii under high(33) and low(21) salinity conditions in laboratory.The daily growth rate of the alga was determined.Tissue carbon and nitrogen contents,the yield and fractional composition of agar were analyzed.Results showed that:1.Gracilaria grew better under low salinity conditions,the daily growth rate was twice that under high salinity conditions.Co-cultivated algae grew faster than mono-culti-vated algae under low salinity conditions,the daily growth rate was about 37.6?higher.2.Compared with mono-cultivated algae,tissue nitrogen contents of co-cultivated algae were higher,while the C:N ratios were much lower.3.The agar yields of co-cultivated algae were much lower than those of mono-culti-vated algae.Agar yield was found to be negatively correlated to the tissue nitrogen contents,and positively correlated to the C:N ratios.4.The highest fractional yields obtained from co-cultivated algae were extracted with 40?ethanol,while from mono-cultivated algae,the highest fractional yields obtained were extracted with distilled water at room temperature.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONInrecentyears,co culture (integratedculture )ofmarinespecies (algaeandanimals)hasreceivedgreatattention .Inco culturesystemthealgaeactivelyuptakeCO2 andthemetabolicwastes(suchasNH4 +,NO2 - ,NO3- etc)asnutrientsources,andreleaseO2 tothesurroundingenviron …  相似文献   

The effects of recombinant eel growth hormone (reGH).methyltestosterone (MT)and L-thyroxine (T4)on the growth of red sea bream. Pagrosomus major.were investigated.Administration of reGH to fry by immersion at 2 mg 1 for 2 hevery 5 dsys resulted in significant increase in both weight and length.but the condition factor (CF) diminished relative to that of similarly treated controls over the 37day treatment period.Immersion in 0.1 mg:1 T4 also resulted in significant increase in both weight and length and higher survival rate of test fry compared to the controls. Immersion in MT had less effect on growth and high-dose resulted in high mortality.In the second study.injection of 2 μg reGH(gwk)caused a significant increase in the specific growth rate (SGR) of test red sea bream fingerlings relative to that of the controls during the 4-week treatment period and maintained the increasing trend over the post-treatment period (weeks 4-6).Injection of MT at a dosage of 1μg (gwk) resulted in a significant in-creas  相似文献   

Laboratory culture experiments showed that < 100μmol/L nitrate, amonium or mixture of aminoacids promote the growth of the red tide organism Prorocentrum micans Ehrenb, but that >100μmol/Lof ammonium, or mixture of glycine and glutamate was harmful to growth, and that orthophosphatewas P. micrns’main phosphorous soruce in the ocean. Presence of 80μmol/L EDTA, 0.5 to 1μmol/LFe~(3+), 1.0 to 20.0 μmol/L Mn~(2+) 0.1 to 0.4 μmol/L Co~(2+) in the culture medium could improvethe growth of P. micans. Vitamin B_1 promoted growth, but vitamin B_(12) and biotin did not. Theestimated minimum cell quotaS (q_ο) for nitrogen and phosphorus being 0.74 pmole/cell and 0.045pmole/cell show that phosphorus (more than nitrogen) limits the growth of P. micans in the study area.  相似文献   

In 1979—1982, considerable research works on physical sciences of the oceans were done by Chinese scientists and some fruitful results were achieved. In the following, a brief account is given of the achievements in the studies of currents and circulation, hydrographic characteristics and watermasses, tides and sea level, surface waves, storm surges, air-sea interaction, numerical modelling, estuarine and coastal research, marine chemistry, marine acoustics and marine optics.  相似文献   

ImODUcnONThemacronutrientShitrogen,phosphorus,andsiliconhaveoftenboconsidedtodritthegroWthrateofmarinephytoplankton.RamtstudAsreveatalthattraeernetalAncronutrientSmaybeofsignilicanceintheerelogyofphytoplankton(RueterandUnsworth,l99l,Brandetal.,1983,HatheonandMore,l986).IronisacomPonentofmanyalgaeproteinsparticularlytwortantforbiosynthesisofchiorophyllandeleCtrntIansportrmCtionsofrespthetionandphotosynthesis,andisCrUdalfornitrogenmetaboljsmdriusehemeandiron-stilfUrcomPoundsarethecofact…  相似文献   

The morphology of larval and 1st postlarval stages of Penaeus penicillatus are described.Results from comparative studies on larval development of P.penicillatus,P.merguiensis and P.chinensis are as fol-lows: These three species could not be identified during their naupliar stages. In the 1st protozoea,the antennule L1/L2 value is 1.7—2.0 in P.merguiensis,but lessthan 1.7 in P.chinensis and P.penicillatus;in the 2nd protozoea,the supra-orbital spine in P.chinensis isnot bifurcated,while those of P.merguiensis and P.penicillatus are bifurcated;in the 3rd protozoea,thereis a minute(or no)dorso-median spine on the posterior margin of the 1st and 2nd abdominal somite in P.chinensis,but they are prominent in P.merguiensis and P.penicillatus.In the mysis and 1st postlarvalstages,P.chinensis differs from P.merguiensis and P.penicillatus in having 9(8 in the other 2 species)longsetae on the exopod of pereopods 1—3;additionally,one dorsal tooth appears on the rostrum of P.chinensis in the 2nd mysis and that o  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTriploidyinductionandgynogeneticdiploidinductionasmainpartsofchromosomalmanipula tionhavebeenplayingmoreandmoreimportantrolesinmodernfishbreeding .Mosttriploidfisharesterileandtheirreducedgonadaldevelopmentresultsinimprovementofgrowthratea…  相似文献   

The early effects of chromosomal manipulation of eggs and sperm on the yields of trip-loid and gynogenefic diploid larvae of Paralichthys olivaceus were investigated. Triploidy was achieved by cold shocking fen.ilized eggs at 0 - 2℃ for 45 minutes duration 5 minutes after fen.ilization, and the in-duced triploidy rates were 31.2% - 50% and the relative hatching rates were 53.3% - 99%. Gynnge-aetic diploids were obtained when eggs were inseminated with irradiated sperm and cold shocked at 0 -2℃ for 45 minutes duration 5 minutes after fertihzation. The induced gynogenetic diploid rates and the relative hatching rates were 94 % - 96 % and 48.5 % - 68.5 % respectively. The embryonic development of the triploid experimental group and of the gynogenetic diploid experimental group was delayed at first compared with the control group. But from the gastrula stage, it was not delayed anymore. There were no significant differences in the growth of the triploid experimental group larvae and the control group larvae, and in the growth of the gynogenetic diploid experimental group larvae and the control group larvae ac-cording to Student‘s t-test (α = 0.05). The relationship between the early growth of the triploid experi-mental group larvae and that of gynogenetic diploid experimental group larvae was also studied.  相似文献   

The finite-element method was used to simulate the currents of Jiaozhou Bay and the nearcoast areas, and then established the model of the transport and diffusion of suspended particulate matter there. The transport and diffusion of dredged matter near the discharging field were estimated ; and the results were used to analyze the effects of the suspended particulate matter on the marine environment.  相似文献   

The viral disease of penaeids is indistinct but highly dangerous because their symptoms are often masked by some secondary ones.In order to gain knowledge on how to prevent the occurrence and spread of this viral disease, diagnostic studies on the early phase of the hepatopancreatic parvo-like viral (HPV)disease of cultured Penaeus chinensis was conducted using immuno-serological techniques. The purification of HPV was successfully done by density gradient ultracentrifugation of cane sugar.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONColloids (orsub micrometerparticles)areoperationallydefinedasparticlesbetween 1nmand1 μm (Vold ,R .D .andVold ,M .J.,1 983) .Thedistributionbetween“dissolved”and“particu late”phaseinaquaticchemistryusedtobedefinedbyafiltrationwith 0 .45 μmporesizefilters.Th…  相似文献   

In this paper, the morphological characters of eggs and larvae of Sardinella aurita (Cuvier & Valenciennes), its spawning ground, spawning seasons and spawning conditions have been studied.Sardinella curita likes lo breed in the upwelling area and selects the Waixie fishing ground as its main spawning ground. The months from February to September are its spawning seasons, reaching its peak in April. In the main spawning ground, the temperature of the surface layer was found to be 24.4-25.2 ℃, the salinity 33.87-34.07‰, and the depth of water between 34-60m.The distribution of the larvae is closely related to the distribution of plankton, the path of migration of adult fish, and the current direction of the water system.In order to protect fishery resources, it is necessary to prohibit catching the spawning fish in the Waixie fishing ground in April, and the catching of immatures from March to June.  相似文献   

The in vitro effects of steroids, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and cyanoketone on germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) of striped mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) oocytes were investigated. All concentrations of HCG (5,10,50 I.U./ml), progesterone and pregnenolone at the highest concentrations(lug/ml) were moderately effective in inducing GVBD, whereas 17B-estrodiol, cortisol, testosterone, 11B-hydroxyandrostenedione and 11-ketotestosterone did not stimulate GVBD. 17a, 20Bdihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17a, 20BdiOHprog) and deoxycorticosterone (DOC) were the most potent steroids in stimulating final oocyte maturation. The results indicate that C21 hydroxylated steroids are potent inducers of final maturation in mullet. Further, co-incubations with 17B-eslradiol, cortisol and testosterone did not alter the maturation-inducing effects of HCG or 17a,200diOHprog. Cyanoketone, a blocker of 3BHSD activity, was only partially effective in blocking GVBD induced by HCG. This suggests that A5 (pregnenolone derived) and  相似文献   

IR spectra of Cu (Ⅱ)-marine solid particle systems show that Cu (Ⅱ)-marine solid particle ion exchange causes a stepwise change in the surface H-bonding hydroxyl groups on illite . montmorillonite, CaCO3,r. AlOOH and goethite, but that this does not affect the surface free hydroxyl groups on illite. montmorillonite and CaCO3. and framework hydroxyl group on goethite and on γ- AlOOH . Over the range of Cu(Ⅱ) exchange amounts in the present experiment, four stepwise changes were discovered for the surface H- bonding hydroxyl group on illite. while two stepwise changes were observed on the other marine solids. The interfacial stepwise ion exchange theory was first demonstrated by the above experimental evidence .  相似文献   

Heavy metal is a main pollutant in the marine ecosystem . so study on the effect of heavy metal on phytoplankton is important . Algae (Chaetoceros sp . , Dunaliella sp . ., Dicrateria zhanjiangenis Hu . var . sp .) were laboratory cultured to observe the effect of heavy metals on their growth . The effect of different metal ion concentration , the detoxication effect of complexation agents and the growth of algae in different media and different nutrition levels were studied to evaluate the effect of metal speciation . It is proved that trace amount of heavy metals can stimulate the growth of algae cells but that high concentration is lethal . The sequence of toxicity is Cd2+>Zn2+>Pb2+ . In ordinary nutrition conditions , the detoxication sequence of complexation agents to Chaetoceros sp . is EDTA > sodium salicylate > sodium oxalate > sodium citrate > sulfanilic acid > O-phenanthroline . This is in good conformity with the stability constant sequence of these agents with copper and good evidence that t  相似文献   

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