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设D是复平面上的Jordan区域,其边界Γ∈C ̄(1+δ)。本文得到了一类在拟Fejer点上插值的复插值算子Γ在上一致收敛于f(z)∈C(Γ)的逼近阶。  相似文献   

丁佳波 《地图》1995,(2):15-16
等角、等积和等距离投影条件的扩充丁佳波(天津塘沽海军出版社300450)在现有的文献[1]上,等角、等积和等距离投影条件都是用主方向的长度比(或经纬线长度比)的函数关系,即a=f(b)[或m=f(n)]的形式来表示的。本文的目的是将这些投影条件方程式...  相似文献   

近卅年来,大地测量领域出现了三大全新的技术手段,即卫星定位技术(主要有卫星激光测距(SLR)和全球定位系统(GPS));甚长基线干涉(VLBI)和惯性定位系统(IPS九其中.SLR和VLBI可进行长距离(洲际)测量,精度达几厘米,IPS可在两已知点之间进行连续加密定位蓝可测定重力与垂线偏差,但定位精度目前仅达分米数,  相似文献   

值此纪念武汉测绘科技大学(原武汉测量制图学院)的老院长,中科院学部委员,著名的大地测量学家,天文学家夏坚白教授诞辰90周年之际,缅怀夏院长一生艰辛创业,奋勇开拓,发展中国测会科学的业绩,本文概要地叙述了在计算机科学和空间科学突飞猛当今形势下,测绘科学从细分走向综合的时代特点,介绍促进这种综合的五大现代技术:全球定位系统(GPS),数字摄影测量系统(DPS),遥感技术(RS),地理信息系统(GIS)  相似文献   

国际测量工作者联合会(FIG),是法语(Federation Internationale des Geometres)的简称,英语则为:International Fe Deration of Surveyors。成立于1878年7月8日,当时由法国、比利时、德国、英国、意大利、瑞士及西班牙的测绘学者在巴黎集会所发起。我国首次参加FIG大会是1981年8月在瑞士蒙特勒举行的第十六届大会,  相似文献   

西太平洋海域(北纬)海面动力地形的初步研究(续)梁振英,李明(中国测绘科学研究院)五、西太平洋海域(北纬)海面动力地形的计算1.资料依据本文计算西太平洋海域海面动力地形所依据的资料为东经100°-170°,北纬0°-50°的西太平洋海域,从1930—...  相似文献   

电子地图(集)及其发展   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本文给出了电子地图的一般形式,分类及其,介绍了电子地图(集)在国内外的应用情况。并对电子地图(集)的发展趋势作了展望。  相似文献   

英语之角(8)ScaleandGeneralization(2)Linesonamapmustoftenbesmoothedforthesakeofclarity.Wheretheterrainisrugged,highwaysdepictedona...  相似文献   

斜角坐标系组合图型的研究(二)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
斜角坐标系组合图型的研究(二)谷宝庆,胡文亮,张军海,韩宪生(河北师范大学050016)(河北省科学院050051)本文是“斜角坐标系组合图型的研究(一)”(《地图》1994第4期)的续篇,主要包括斜角坐标系的三面组合与反转组合等,即斜角坐标系重组合...  相似文献   

刘亚文 《测绘通报》2001,1(1):19-20
利用具有保护边缘的中值滤波消除图像的噪声,再用二阶微分算子(Laplace算子)提取图像边缘点,后经Hough变换,准确地检测出建筑物的平行直线。  相似文献   

利用两种z变换算法的PS-DInSAR相位解缠与等价性证明   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在介绍PS-DInSAR相位解缠函数模型的基础上,给出了应用LAMBDA方法求解模糊度和形变参数的过程,并将两种改进的z变换降相关算法——逆整乔列斯基和LLL应用于PS-DInSAR相位解缠。以z变换过程的迭代次数、z变换后的模糊度向量间的平均相关系数和协因数阵的谱条件数为准则,对两种算法进行仿真模拟和分析,结果表明逆整乔列斯基算法和LLL算法等价。最后从理论上对两种降相关算法的一致性进行了解释。  相似文献   

Monthly time series, from 2001 to 2016, of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) from MOD13Q1 products were analyzed with Seasonal Trend Analysis (STA), assessing seasonal and long-term changes in the mangrove canopy of the Teacapan-Agua Brava lagoon system, the largest mangrove ecosystem in the Mexican Pacific coast. Profiles from both vegetation indices described similar phenological trends, but the EVI was more sensitive in detecting intra-annual changes. We identified a seasonal cycle dominated by Laguncularia racemosa and Rhizophora mangle mixed patches, with the more closed canopy occurring in the early autumn, and the maximum opening in the dry season. Mangrove patches dominated by Avicennia germinans displayed seasonal peaks in the winter. Curves fitted for the seasonal vegetation indices were better correlated with accumulated precipitation and solar radiation among the assessed climate variables (Pearson’s correlation coefficients, estimated for most of the variables, were r ≥ 0.58 p < 0.0001), driving seasonality for tidal basins with mangroves dominated by L. racemosa and R. mangle. For tidal basins dominated by A. germinans, the maximum and minimum temperatures and monthly precipitation fit better seasonally with the vegetation indices (r ≥ 0.58, p < 0.0001). Significant mangrove canopy reductions were identified in all the analyzed tidal basins (z values for the Mann-Kendall test ≤ ?1.96), but positive change trends were recorded in four of the basins, while most of the mangrove canopy (approximately 87%) displayed only seasonal canopy changes or canopy recovery (z > ?1.96). The most resilient mangrove forests were distributed in tidal basins dominated by L. racemosa and R. mangle (Mann-Kendal Tau t ≥ 0.4, p ≤ 0.03), while basins dominated by A. germinans showed the most evidence of disturbance.  相似文献   

基于 Markov 理论的加权非等距GM(1,1)预测优化模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李志伟  李克昭 《测绘工程》2016,25(12):38-43
背景值的构造方法是影响加权非等距GM(1,1)预测模型的精度和适应性的关键因素。文中通过等分函数法构造新的背景值对传统的加权非等距GM(1,1)模型进行优化,优化后的模型使其同时适应于高增长指数序列和低增长指数序列,提高传统模型的预测精度和适应性能力。但是优化后的模型依然易受建模数据随机扰动影响。马尔科夫(Markov)模型具有削弱建模数据的随机扰动性的优势。基于此,将优化的加权非等距GM(1,1)模型和Markov理论有机结合,构建优化的加权非等距Markov-GM(1,1)预测模型。最后,结合秀山湖二期工程的变形实测数据,运用新陈代谢的计算模式进行预测验证。结果表明:优化的加权非等距Markov-GM(1,1)预测模型的拟合和预测精度都优于传统的加权非等距GM(1,1)预测模型,新的预测模型的适用性更强,具有实际的参考价值。  相似文献   

3DGIS中空间对象的存储与快速查询   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
空间对象的存储和快速查询是三维地理信息系统研究的基本问题。本文采用面向对象的方法将三维空间对象抽象为点、线、面、体四类,点对象用一个坐标点(x,y,z)来表示,线对象用一组首尾相接的线段表示,面对象与体对象用三角网表示,然后采用SQL Server 2005来组织存储数据。为了提高空间数据库的检索速度,作者编程实现了线性八叉树空间索引,应用程序采用目前比较流行的ADO.net技术来访问数据库。  相似文献   

本文以高层建筑物沉降变形预测为主要研究目的,讨论了GM(1,1)方法适用于单一指数增长模型、对预测序列数据异常情况难以准确预测的局限性,利用线性回归适用短期预测的特点,提出了基于GM(1,1)与线性回归组合预测高层建筑物沉降变形的方法;对组合模型预测精度起决定性作用的灰指数v和参数m进行了分析,给出了求解灰指数v和参数m的最优值算法,最后利用组合模型对某高层建筑物沉降变形数据进行了解算,应用结果表明,该方法使预测结果更为可靠、准确。  相似文献   

CASS软件在工程测量中的使用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用CASS软件可进行土方量计算,利用Dat文件生成等高线、纵横断面图。CASS结合AutoCAD及M i-crosoft EXCEL软件,可将3维坐标加常数后,形成DWG文件,提高了工程测量的工作效率。CASS是比较适用于工程测量的一种软件。  相似文献   

Real-time kinematic GPS precise positioning has been playing an increasing role in both surveying and navigation. Based on the city‘s fibre LAN network, Shenzhen Continuous Operating Reference Stations (SZCORS) system has been established and consists of GPS reference stations, system control center, user‘s data center, and real-time datacom network. The SZCORS system provides users the real-time centimeter positioning or post-processing millimeter positioning. This paper makes discussion on the structure of SZCORS system. Some experiments have been made to test the usablity, and then the data has been analyzed.  相似文献   

To support decisions relating to the use and conservation of protected areas and surrounds, the EU-funded BIOdiversity multi-SOurce monitoring System: from Space TO Species (BIO_SOS) project has developed the Earth Observation Data for HAbitat Monitoring (EODHaM) system for consistent mapping and monitoring of biodiversity. The EODHaM approach has adopted the Food and Agriculture Organization Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) taxonomy and translates mapped classes to General Habitat Categories (GHCs) from which Annex I habitats (EU Habitats Directive) can be defined. The EODHaM system uses a combination of pixel and object-based procedures. The 1st and 2nd stages use earth observation (EO) data alone with expert knowledge to generate classes according to the LCCS taxonomy (Levels 1 to 3 and beyond). The 3rd stage translates the final LCCS classes into GHCs from which Annex I habitat type maps are derived. An additional module quantifies changes in the LCCS classes and their components, indices derived from earth observation, object sizes and dimensions and the translated habitat maps (i.e., GHCs or Annex I). Examples are provided of the application of EODHaM system elements to protected sites and their surrounds in Italy, Wales (UK), the Netherlands, Greece, Portugal and India.  相似文献   

In interpretation of Landsat imagery that are obtained in different spectral bands, it is often desirable to superimpose some sort of ‘z’ information like terrain height, gravity or magnetic field of the Earth over these imagery. This can be achieved by decomposition of Landsat imagery into synthetic stereo pair by using known ‘z’ information. This enhances interpretation capabilities and such stareo decomposition is quite useful in many practical applications. Here, a method of stereo decomposition of Landsat image when ‘z’ information is available has been developed and implemented. As an illustrative example, a method has been applied for a Landsat scene and the results of the same are shown in the plates.  相似文献   

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