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通过对天山乌鲁木齐河源冰川底床基岩与沉淀物显微结构构造分析,对大陆性山岳冰川冰下过程的认识更加深入.沉积物微观结构和构造特性显示冰川底部存在较大的挤压应力作用,由显微滞碛等现象来看,压应力在微观上的空间分布很不均匀.沉淀物中块体碎裂和基岩上冰成裂隙反映,冰川底部冰体对基岩面有巨大的剪切应力作用.滑塌构造说明,冰川底部在微小的区域内压力分布不均匀,局部有重力作用过程存在.沉淀物中块体断裂和同生变形构造的存在说明沉淀物的形成过程为先期沉淀、后期受压.通过对冰川底部各种动力作用特征的阐述及沉淀物结构、构造的成因及特性的总结,认为大陆性山谷冰川底部冰岩界面处存在水膜,且冰川运动亦有滑动性.  相似文献   

本文首次报道了在山东鲁山南坡山谷发现混合岩表面的颤痕.颤痕是冰川底部携带的岩石碎块在下伏基岩表面刮凿而形成的一系列弧形裂隙,颤痕的弧形突出方向与冰川运动方向一致,而裂隙也是向下游方向深入基岩内部,其中突出的中间部位裂隙最深,向两端逐渐变浅直至消失.作者探讨了颤痕的形成机理,认为:颤痕相当于主剪切面上的伴生构造——R剪切面,在剖面上看就是一系列雁列式排列的R面,它不仅是冰川在基岩上运动留下的重要证据,而且还能指示冰体的运动方向.除了颤痕之外,在鲁山山麓还分布着大量的冰碛地貌:巨漂砾、冰碛堤等,在鲁山山脊上还见有典型的壶穴、冲刷槽等冰川融水侵蚀标志.这些标志与颤痕一起构成了强大的证据群,揭示了中国东部曾经发育过第四纪冰川的历史.中国东部是否发育过第四纪冰川?地学界已经争论了80多年,而颤痕的发现为进一步肯定中国东部存在第四纪冰川活动提供了最直接的证据.  相似文献   

吕洪波  徐兴永  易亮  李萍 《地质学报》2012,86(3):514-521
本文首次报道了在山东鲁山南坡山谷发现混合岩表面的颤痕。颤痕是冰川底部携带的岩石碎块在下伏基岩表面刮凿而形成的一系列弧形裂隙,颤痕的弧形突出方向与冰川运动方向一致,而裂隙也是向下游方向深入基岩内部,其中突出的中间部位裂隙最深,向两端逐渐变浅直至消失。作者探讨了颤痕的形成机理,认为:颤痕相当于主剪切面上的伴生构造——R剪切面,在剖面上看就是一系列雁列式排列的R面,它不仅是冰川在基岩上运动留下的重要证据,而且还能指示冰体的运动方向。除了颤痕之外,在鲁山山麓还分布着大量的冰碛地貌:巨漂砾、冰碛堤等,在鲁山山脊上还见有典型的壶穴、冲刷槽等冰川融水侵蚀标志。这些标志与颤痕一起构成了强大的证据群,揭示了中国东部曾经发育过第四纪冰川的历史。中国东部是否发育过第四纪冰川?地学界已经争论了80多年,而颤痕的发现为进一步肯定中国东部存在第四纪冰川活动提供了最直接的证据。  相似文献   

庐山东南麓冰川作用表皮构造特征及其意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
庐山东南麓第六阶地基座上,发现了早更新世冰川作用表皮构造。按其形态与成因可分为巨砾压入基岩、小型倒转构造与不协调褶皱、逆冲-贯入构造、大型片麻岩包裹体等四种类型。早更新世初期之庐山,确实多次发生过山麓冰川作用。  相似文献   

对冰川侵蚀形态的观测与分析得知:(1)冰川槽谷中冰川擦痕的大小和密度在中心较大,鲸背岩出现在冰川槽谷的中部,羊背石发育在槽谷两侧。因此,可以将槽谷分为强烈磨蚀的中部和弱磨蚀而强拔蚀的两侧。(2)冰坎的纵剖面上,迎冰面可见鲸背岩、羊背石以及倾角20°的剪切裂隙;背冰面以拔蚀为主,见倾角40°的张性裂隙。沿冰川槽谷纵向,剪切裂隙出现在压缩部位,张裂隙出现在伸张部位。它反映出冷底冰川的动力特性与冰床基岩的受力机制的一致性。  相似文献   

庐山突峙于江西省北部、长江南岸,是驰名中外、风景秀丽的旅游胜地。在学术上,由于已故杰出地质学家李四光教授倡导,庐山被看作我国第四纪冰川的标准地点。早在1931年,李四光教授带领学生考察,发现第四纪冰川遗迹,尽管当时受到一些学者的反对,李仍力排众议,于1937年完成《冰期之庐山》专著(1947年印行),详细论述庐山多种地形和沉积物并给予冰川成因解释,划分出鄱阳、大姑、庐山三个冰期,认为在前二个冰期,庐山存在大规模的冰泛,即山麓冰川,直达鄱阳湖边;在后一冰期,庐山有规模较小的山谷冰川。限于山上,未达山麓。以后李讲一步将这三次冰期与欧洲阿尔卑  相似文献   

崔之久  熊黑钢 《冰川冻土》1997,19(3):193-201
对冰川侵蚀形态的观测与分析得知:(1)冰川槽谷中冰川擦痕的大小和密度在中心较大,鲸背岩出现在冰种槽谷的中部、羊背石发育在槽谷两侧。因此,可以将槽谷分为强烈磨蚀的中部和弱磨蚀而强拔蚀的两侧。(2)冰坎的纵剖面上,迎冰面可见鲸背岩、羊背石以及倾角20°的剪切裂隙;背冰面以拔蚀为主,见倾角40°的张性裂隙,沿冰川槽谷纵向,剪切裂隙出现在压缩部位,张裂隙出现在伸张部位,它反映出冷底冰川的动力特性与冰床基岩  相似文献   

庐山以其瀑布飞泉、苍松翠峦著称于世,但关于庐山古冰川学说的争论更加引人注目。本世纪30年代,杰出的地质学家李四光教授力排众议,创立了以庐山为代表的中国东部更新世冰川学说。他在1937年完成的巨著《冰期之庐山》,为这一学说提供了理论基础和大量确据。在这部著作中,李四光教授从地貌、沉积和古气候等方面证明了庐山确实存在更新世冰川,并划分出波阳、大姑和庐山三个冰期,进而与殴洲阿尔卑斯的恭兹、民德、里斯冰期相对比。但是事物的发展经常是不平衡的,从这个学说创立的第一天起,就有一些中外学者对庐山冰川持否定态度。例如1934年外国学者巴尔博、德日进等认为庐山冰蚀地形不明显,泥砾可用山崩、土滑、风化作用、冲积扇等成因解释之。又如1945年丁骕教授认为,海拔过低、纬度偏南的广西一带也可能没有发生过更新世冰川等等。总之,不同意见认为,中国东部(包括庐山)不可能有更新世冰川存在。  相似文献   

在前人研究和笔者长期地质观察的基础上,针对庐山跨世纪的第四纪冰川之争,介绍了庐山白垩纪以来由S形复背斜-地垒式断块山-变质核杂岩的成山过程、地层岩石分布状况及第四纪冰期时的山体地质结构与地貌;就庐山地区冰蚀地貌与冰期、间冰期沉积物争议问题介绍了观察结果与认识。通过更新世冰期与全新世亚热带湿润多雨气候形成的地貌与沉积物对比,揭示了二者的显著差异及泥石流与冰碛的不同;阐明了冰期后流水作用对冰蚀地形的强烈改造作用,以及庐山典型的冰蚀与水蚀复合地貌景观。最后指出,庐山第四纪山岳冰川的形成与其独特的地垒式断块山构造地貌、特凉的小气候等条件密切相关,特厚特硬的莲沱组砂岩是冰川遗迹保存的重要条件。因此,庐山成为中国第四纪冰川地质学的奠基之地和世界上中低纬度、中低山第四纪山岳冰川遗迹保存完美的唯一的地方。  相似文献   

庐山第四纪冰期研究的新认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
段万倜  何培元 《地球学报》1990,11(1):159-161
<正> 自从30年代李四光教授在庐山发现大量的第四纪冰川遗迹和发表了一系列论著以来,一方面,我国第四纪冰川学得到了很大的发展和提高;另一方面,对庐山是否发生过冰川作用质疑和非难,也一直时起时伏的延续到今天。这并不奇怪,应当说是一门学科建立和发展过程中的正常现象。  相似文献   

冰川构造是冰川“侵蚀-堆积-变形”三位一体的重要组成部分,比单纯的冰川地貌与沉积记录分布范围更广、保存能力更强,但中低纬地区研究程度较低。本文利用地貌学、运动地层学和释光年代学方法,对西藏东部玉曲河源地区冰川构造进行研究的结果表明,区内存在两期具有不同运动性质和运动方向的冰川构造作用,其性质特征具有显著的时空分异,在时间上主要与冰川规模及其派生的冰川动力条件差异有关,在空间上主要与冰床下伏基岩性质、区域和局部地貌条件以及排水条件的差异有关;根据上覆地层年代资料,推测其形成年代不晚于倒数第二次冰期。综合区域资料认为,约自中更新世晚期以来,河源区先后经历了分别由冰原过程、山谷冰川过程、泛冰过程和河流过程主导的四个阶段。本研究有助于区域较老冰川作用的识别与重建,也可为传统地质构造和冰川构造的甄别,区域变形特征解释和历史重建,以及断层活动性的有效鉴别提供理论与方法上的支持。  相似文献   

希夏邦马峰东南富曲河谷的冰川沉积和冰川构造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在希夏邦马峰(海拔8012m)东南富曲河谷,中更新世以来有三次冰期;即聂拉木、富曲和普罗冰期。它们均可再分为两个亚阶段。聂拉木南的高冰碛平台长3.5m,宽1.5km,厚200m。属于中更新世聂拉木冰期(聂聂雄拉冰期)的巨大山谷冰川沉积,中尼公路从高冰碛平台尾端通过,形成数公里长的冰碛剖面,呈现出美丽多姿的冰川成因类型沉积和冰川构造现象,包括冰下,冰上融出碛,冰内.冰下河道沉积,冰湖沉积,坠碛,流磺等。冰川运动时造成的冰川构造,如断层、滑动面-…等也很清楚,代表了海洋型(暖冰川)冰川沉积和冰川构造特征,是中国目前研究冰川构造最理想的场所。  相似文献   

Three wells in New Hampshire were sampled bimonthly over three years to evaluate the temporal variability of arsenic concentrations and groundwater age.All samples had measurable concentrations of arsenic throughout the entire sampling period and concentrations in individual wells had a mean variation of more than 7 μg/L.The time series data from this sampling effort showed that arsenic concentrations ranged from a median of 4 μg/L in a glacial aquifer well(SGW-65)to medians of 19μg/L and37 μg/L in wells(SGW-93 and KFW-87)screened in the bedrock aquifer,respectively.These high arsenic concentrations were associated with the consistently high pH(median≥8)and low dissolved oxygen(median0.1 mg/L)in the bedrock aquifer wells,which is typical of fractured crystalline bedrock aquifers in New Hampshire.Groundwater from the glacial aquifer often has high dissolved oxygen,but in this case was consistently low.The pH also is generally acidic in the glacial aquifer but in this case was slightly alkaline(median = 7.5).Also,sorption sites may be more abundant in glacial aquifer deposits than in fractured bedrock which may contribute to lower arsenic concentrations.Mean groundwater ages were less than 50 years old in all three wells and correlated with conservative tracer concentrations,such as chloride;however,mean age was not directly correlated with arsenic concentrations.Arsenic concentrations at KFW-87 did correlate with water levels,in addition,there was a seasonal pattern,which suggests that either the timing of or multiple sampling efforts may be important to define the full range of arsenic concentrations in domestic bedrock wells.Since geochemically reduced conditions and alkaline pHs are common to both bedrock and glacial aquifer wells in this study,groundwater age correlates less strongly with arsenic concentrations than geochemical conditions.There also is evidence of direct hydraulic connection between the glacial and bedrock aquifers,which can influence arsenic concentrations.Correlations between arsenic concentrations and the age of the old fraction of water in SGW-65 and the age of the young fraction of water in SGW-93 suggest that water in the two aquifers may be mixing or at least some of the deeper,older water captured by the glacial aquifer well may be from a similar source as the shallow young groundwater from the bedrock aquifer.The contrast in arsenic concentrations in the two aquifers may be because of increased adsorption capacity of glacio-fluvial sediments,which can limit contaminants more than fractured rock.In addition,this study illustrates that long residence times are not necessary to achieve more geochemically evolved conditions such as high pH and reduced conditions as is typically found with older water in other regions.  相似文献   

中国第四纪亚冰期划分之商讨   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文举例概述中国第四纪冰川流行之证据,包括漂砾、冰溜面及冰川刮痕、表皮构造、冰碛和冰水堆积、冰期时期冰川条痕砾和冰蚀地形等以及动植物遗迹。关于亚冰期之划分及其依据,有的地区亚冰期划分次数最多者可有五、六次。主要依据是:冰碛、冰水沉积特征与其所在地层层位以及新、老冰川地貌的叠加与其干扰现象。  相似文献   

颤痕是冰川作用地区由冰川携带岩屑做周期性或间歇性运动在冰床基岩和冰碛石表面形成的新月形或弧形破裂形态,特征尺度一般不大于1 m。其主要形成机制类似Riedel构造模式中的(R)剪切破裂和(T)拉张破裂,且遵循脆性破裂原理。根据国内外文献报道和野外考察,从术语学角度将冰川颤痕分为狭义和广义两种。广义冰川颤痕,包括曲锥形擦口(狭义颤痕)、半月形裂口、新月形凿口、新月形裂纹和新月形断口5种。测量统计结果显示,23组新月形断口的排列间距,KS和JB检验均符合正态和伽玛分布(置信度95%),与岩石节理(破裂)的间距特征一致;25组新月形凿口和35组新月形裂纹的排列间距,KS检验符合正态分布和伽玛分布,JB检验不符合正态分布(置信度95%)。证明颤痕在空间分布上大体保持相等的破裂间距,基本符合饱和模式理论。颤痕的定向性、成组特征具有明确的环境意义,与擦痕、擦面的地貌组合是重要的冰川遗迹判别标志。缺少冰蚀地貌组合的孤立“颤痕”,不具有指示冰川作用的价值。近年报道的山东鲁山没有“颤痕”等冰川遗迹。  相似文献   

Lian, O. B. & Hicock, S. R. 2009: Insight into the character of palaeo‐ice‐flow in upland regions of mountain valleys during the last major advance (Vashon Stade) of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet, southwest British Columbia, Canada. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2009.00123.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. A detailed glacial geological study was done on Vashon till, formed during the last (Fraser) glaciation, in upland areas of two relatively short and narrow mountain valleys which open onto the Fraser Lowland in southwest British Columbia. The orientation and association of glaciotectonic structures in till and bedrock, a‐axis fabrics of stones in till and abrasion features, indicate that Vashon till formed initially by lodgement and that brittle deformation processes dominated at least during the latter stages of glaciation. The presence of local glacigenic bedrock quarrying suggests that ice flow experienced localized enhanced compressive flow along valley sides. These observations indicate that ice flow was relatively slow and they contrast with a previous study of bedrock geomorphology undertaken in some larger south Coast Mountains valleys and a model of ice‐flow velocity in the Puget Lowland that suggest rapid ice flow. This indicates that either ice‐flow conditions in the larger valleys were different from those in the valleys studied here, or that the observations from our study reflect subglacial conditions following the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), but immediately prior to deglaciation when ice had thinned and slowed. If the latter scenario is correct, and if processes inferred from this study were also common along the upland parts of other southwest Coast Mountains valleys after the LGM, then the rate at which ice was supplied to lowland piedmont glaciers would have been reduced, and this may have accelerated decay of the southwest margin of the last Cordilleran Ice Sheet.  相似文献   

Saks, T., Kalvans, A. & Zel?s, V. 2012 (January): Subglacial bed deformation and dynamics of the Apri?i glacial tongue, W Latvia. Boreas, Vol. 41, pp. 124–140. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00222.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. We evaluate the glacial dynamics and subglacial processes of the Apri?i glacial tongue in western Latvia during the Northern Lithuanian (Linkuva) oscillation of the last Scandinavian glaciation. The spatial arrangement of glacial bedforms and deformation structures are used to reconstruct the ice dynamics in the study area. The relationship between geological structures at the glacier bed and the spatial distribution of drumlins and glacigenic diapirs, on the one hand, and the permeability of sediment and bedrock, on the other, is ascertained. Drumlins are found in the upper part of the Apri?i glacial tongue area and are composed of soft deformable sediments overlying highly permeable Devonian dolomite. The soft deformable clayey silty bed with low hydraulic conductivity is conducive to the development of diapirs. The occurrence of diapirs and drumlins is controlled by the fluctuation of pore‐water pressure at the glacier bed and is considered to be an indicator of fast ice flow of the Apri?i glacial tongue during its reactivation at the end of the Oldest Dryas (18–15 ka BP).  相似文献   

Glaciotectonic structures in subglacial till and substrate, as well as stone fabric, provenance and surface features in till, indicate that complex interactions of late Wisconsinan glacial lobes occurred along a mountain front in the western Fraser Lowland of southwestern British Columbia. Tills of this study represent subglacial deposition through the maxima of two stades in the Fraser Glaciation, the Coquitlam and the Vashon. Through each stadial maximum, temperate glacial ice was grounded and commonly overrode proglacial outwash while superimposing deformations in subglacial till during three phases: (1) pre-maximum glacier flow down valleys and into lowland piedmont ice, (2) coalescent piedmont ice during stadial maxima when flow was westward along the mountain front and across valley mouths, and (3) post-maximum glacier flow down valleys into lowland piedmont ice but prior to general deglaciation. Valley glaciers appear to have shifted flow directions during phases 1 and 3. During stadial maxima (phase 2), Fraser Lowland piedmont ice may have been part of an outlet glacier-ice stream complex that terminated in salt water over the continental shelf.  相似文献   

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