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The Topsails igneous terrane of Western Newfoundland contains a diverse suite of igneous rocks, but consists mainly of Silurian alkaline to peralkaline granites and rhyolites. The terrane exhibits evidence for the coexistence of mafic and salic magmas in the form of composite dykes and flows, sinuous, boudined mafic dykes cutting granites and net vein complexes. Field data and major and trace element chemical data suggest that these magmas mixed to produce limited volumes of more or less homogeneous hydrids.Magma mixing, a process which has received recent prominence in petrogenetic models for calc-alkaline volcanic suites, has elicited less attention than restite separation and fractional crystallization as a cause of chemical dispersion in granites. Evidence from the Topsails igneous terrane suggests the possible importance of magma mixing to granite petrogenesis and a major role for transcurrent faulting in the origin and evolution of peralkaline magmas.  相似文献   

Anorthosite-gabbro-granite-granophyre suite of rocks occurring in the Precambrian migmatitic gneiss of Cannanore district, Kerala and spatially related to the Bavali lineament, constitute the Ezhimala igneous complex (EIC). The granophyres exhibit typical cuneiform and radiating fringe-type intergrowths. Geochemistry indicates a tonalitic—trondhjemitic to granitic composition of the residual magma. Petrochemical characters and lithologic association suggest that the EIC represents a complete differentiation sequence derived by strong fractionation and crystal cumulation of a parent basaltic magma which followed a tholeiitic differentiation trend, with no significant crustal participation as implied by the low initial strontium isotope levels. Occurrence of the complex along the Bavali lineament, which is a major rift-zone, emphasises a rift-controlled magmatism in this part of the Indian shield.  相似文献   

王超  刘良  张安达  杨文强  曹玉亭 《岩石学报》2008,24(12):2809-2819
阿尔金造山带南缘玉苏普阿勒克塔格岩体中的似斑状中粗粒黑云钾长花岗岩发育有岩浆成因的暗色包体,并且该花岗岩被花岗细晶岩呈脉状侵入。该岩体含有丰富的岩浆混合作用特征: 如暗色包体中的碱性长石斑晶、针状磷灰石、长石的环斑结构、石英/斜长石主晶和榍石眼斑等。暗色包体、寄主花岗岩和花岗细晶岩代表了岩浆混合演化过程中不同端元比例混合的产物。地球化学特征上,钾长花岗岩和暗色包体的主要氧化物含量在Harker图解中多呈线性变化。暗色包体主要为闪长质,MgO、K2O含量高,为钾玄岩系列,总体上高场强元素不亏损,显示了岩浆混合中的基性端元信息,可能为幔源熔体结晶分异或壳幔物质的混合产物。寄主花岗岩均为准铝质,富碱,为高钾钙碱性系列,亏损Nb、Ta、Sr、P、Ti等高场强元素,高K2O/Na2O,富集高不相容元素,Ga含量高,显示了A型花岗岩的特征,Th/U 和Nb/Ta比值分别介于为6.67~10.96、8.99~11.94,代表了下地壳源区。花岗细晶岩均为钠质、过铝质,TiO2、MgO含量低, Na2O和CaO含量高,具有混合岩浆侵位后分异的特征。岩相学和地球化学特征说明岩浆混合作用对于环斑结构花岗岩的形成起到重要作用。花岗细晶岩中环斑长石的斜长石外环与钾长石内核的厚度比大于钾长花岗岩中的环斑长石,指示混合岩浆在一定的减压条件下更有利于环斑结构的形成。玉苏普阿勒克塔格岩体中的钾玄质暗色包体、高钾钙碱性花岗岩和中钾钙碱性花岗细晶岩代表了岩浆演化不同阶段的产物,反映了一个幔源岩浆和下地壳不断相互作用,引起地壳连续伸展减薄的过程,指示阿尔金南缘在早古生代末期存在造山后伸展背景下的幔源岩浆底侵作用。同一岩体中两种不同时代岩性的环斑结构显示了该岩体形成历史中的一定时空演化关系,代表了伸展过程中不同阶段的产物。  相似文献   

B.K. LEVELL 《Sedimentology》1980,27(2):153-166
Abundant wave ripples with wavelengths of up to 0.3 m, top-surface granule lags and tabular sand-stone beds suggest that the interbedded sandstones and siltstones of the Skaergårdnes Formation are shallow marine deposits. A simple orthogonal relationship between crestal trends of wave ripples and trough axes/cross-bed dip directions indicates that bottom currents and surface waves were closely related, suggesting that wind-drift currents were responsible for deposition. Interbedding of the tabular sandstones with siltstone is more probably due to the patchy nature of sand cover on the sea floor than to episodic sand derivation from the coast. The top-surface granule lags indicate local, temporary excess of sand removal over supply, and were probably formed by both wave-winnowing and non-depositional megaripple migration. The well developed lags in this and similar ancient sediments suggest that winnowing, leading to bed armouring and sediment bypassing may be an important shallow marine process.  相似文献   

Summary ?Gabbro Akarem is a Late-Precambrian concentrically-zoned mafic-ultramafic intrusion located along a major fracture zone trending NE-SW in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. It intruded low-grade metasedimentary rocks, and has a contact metamorphic aureole a few meters wide. This intrusion comprises a dunite core enveloped by clinopyroxene hornblende-bearing lherzolite, olivine-hornblende clinopyroxenite and plagioclase hornblendite. The contacts between the rock types are gradational. They have cumulate textures and the observed crystallization sequence is: olivine ( + cotectic spinel)-orthopyroxene (Opx)-clinopyroxene (Cpx)-hornblende. Mafic minerals from the core of the intrusion are highly magnesian, a consistent increase in the Mg# of olivine (from 69 to 87), Opx (from 62 to 89), Cpx (from 85 to 96) and hornblends (from 62 to 88) is observed from the mafic to the ultramafic units. Spinel has a wide range of Cr# and Mg# ratios. The various rock units define a fractionation trend. The mafic rocks are slightly LREE-enriched relative to the ultramafic units and chondrites. In many aspects, the Gabbro Akarem intrusion is similar to Alaskan-type complexes. Mineralogical and geochemical data suggest that the different rock units were fractionated from a hydrous picritic magma with no apparent crustal contamination. A petrogenetic model involving a rapid rise of hydrous mantle magma along a major fracture zone is proposed. Extensive fractional crystallization led to magma chamber stratification; internal circulation and strong vertical stretching up the center of the rapidly rising diapir increased the rate of magma ascent towards the core. Due to cooling and high viscosity the marginal mafic magma was partly crystallized while the unsolidified core ultramafic magma continued its ascent. As a result, different mineral phases crystallized at different pressure-temperature paths. Field relations, geophysical, petrological and experimental studies support this model which explains many of the characteristics of the Gabbro Akarem and some other concentrically zoned mafic-ultramafic intrusions. Received April 24, 2001; revised version accepted November 20, 2001  相似文献   

Mantle xenoliths (lherzolites, clinopyroxene dunites, wehrlites, and clinopyroxenites) in the Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks of Makhtesh Ramon (alkali olivine basalts, basanites, and nephelinites) represent metasomatized mantle, which served as a source of basaltic melts. The xenoliths bear signs of partial melting and previous metasomatic transformations. The latter include the replacement of orthopyroxene by clinopyroxene in the lherzolites and, respectively, the wide development of wehrlites and olivine clinopyoroxenites. Metasomatic alteration of the peridotites is accompanied by a sharp decrease in Mg, Cr, and Ni, and increase of Ti, Al, Ca contents and 3+Fe/2+Fe ratio, as well as the growth of trace V, Sc, Zr, Nb, and Y contents. The compositional features of the rocks such as the growth of 3+Fe/2+Fe and the wide development of Ti-magnetite in combination with the complete absence of sulfides indicate the high oxygen fugacity during metasomatism and the low sulfur concentration, which is a distinctive signature of fluid mode during formation of the Makhtesh Ramon alkali basaltic magma. Partial melting of peridotites and clinopyroxenites is accompanied by the formation of basanite or alkali basaltic melt. Clino- and orthopyroxenes are subjected to melting. The crystallization products of melt preserved in the mantle rock are localized in the interstices and consist mainly of fine-grained clinopyroxene, which together with Ti-magnetite, ilmenite, amphibole, rhenite, feldspar, and nepheline, is cemented by glass corresponding to quartz–orthopyroxene, olivine–orthopyroxene, quartz–feldspar, or nepheline–feldspar mixtures of the corresponding normative minerals. The mineral assemblages of xenoliths correspond to high temperatures. The high-Al and high-Ti clinopyroxene, calcium olivine, feldspar, and feldspathoids, amphibole, Ti-magnetite, and ilmenite are formed at 900–1000°. The study of melt and fluid inclusions in minerals from xenoliths indicate liquidus temperatures of 1200–1250°C, solidus temperatures of 1000–1100°C, and pressure of 5.9–9.5 kbar. Based on the amphibole–plagioclase barometer, amphibole and coexisting plagioclase were crystallized in clinopyroxenites at 6.5–7.0 kbar.  相似文献   

The geological setting, ages, petrography and geochemistry of late Pan-African ( 580 Ma) calc-alkaline and tholeiitic dike rocks in the Bir Safsaf igneous complex of south-west Egypt are discussed. These basaltic to rhyolitic dikes intruded contemporaneously and shortly after the intrusion of granitoids. The major and trace element data, Sr and Nd isotope relations, in combination with textural observations, confirm complex interactions between most of the intermediate calcalkaline dike melts and plutonic melts, with different degrees of mixing, assimilation, replenishment and tapping of magma chambers. Trachytic and rhyolitic dikes are strongly differentiated melts from the granitic pluton. The tholeiitic dikes evolved dominantly by fractional crystallization processes. It is inferred that open system and closed system processes operated in calc-alkaline magma chambers, and that the calc-alkaline melts came from a garnet-and amphibole-bearing mantle, modified by a subduction component. Tholeiitic rocks were formed later by fractional crystallization and assimilation processes. Magma ascent of both dike types took place in an extensional environment and the presumed subduction zone has to be seen in connection with the Atmur-Delgo suture zone.  相似文献   

小兴安岭晚石炭世花岗岩具有明显的岩浆混合特征。岩体中暗色岩浆包体发育,主要为细粒闪长质岩浆包体,包体形态多样、大小不一,与寄主岩石呈截然、模糊或过渡关系。包体的矿物组合明显不平衡,如出现了寄主岩石中的碱性长石捕虏晶,有时可见其具暗色矿物镶边,发育针状磷灰石。这表明小兴安岭晚石炭世花岗岩的岩浆混合表现为基性岩浆和酸性岩浆的混合。这为探讨这些花岗岩的成因提供了岩石学依据,同时也暗示晚古生代佳木斯—松嫩古陆可能发生过地壳的垂向生长。  相似文献   

The post-collision late-kinematic Tismana pluton belongs to the shoshonitic series. It is part of a Late Precambrian basement within the Alpine Danubian nappes of the South Carpathians (Romania). This pluton displays an exceptionally complete range of compositions from ultramafic to felsic rocks (granites). Widespread mingling/mixing relationships at all scales give rise to a variety of facies. A liquid line of descent from the diorites to the granites is reconstructed by considering the variation in major and trace elements (REE, Sr, Rb, Ba, Nb, Zr, Hf, Zn, V, Co, Cr, U, Th, Ga, Pb) from 33 selected samples as well as mineral/melt equilibrium relationships. The first step of fractional crystallization is the separation from a monzodioritic parent magma of a peridotitic cumulate similar to the ultramafic rock found in the massif. A possible contamination by lower crustal mafic component takes place at this stage. The second step marks the appearance of apatite and Fe–Ti oxide minerals as liquidus phases, and the third step, saturation of zircon. Mixing by hybridisation of magmas produced at different stages of the evolution along the liquid line of descent is also operating (endo-hybridisation). As depicted by Nd and Sr isotopes, fractional crystallization was combined to an important early contamination by a mafic lower crust in a deep-seated magma chamber and to a later and mild contamination by a felsic medium crust in an intermediate chamber. The mingling essentially occurred during the final emplacement in the high-level magma chamber. The monzodioritic parent magma, identified by major and trace element modelling, is shown by Sr and Nd isotopes to have its source in the lithospheric mantle or in a juvenile mafic lower crust derived from it. The necessarily recent enrichment in K2O and associated elements of the lithospheric mantle is likely to be related to the preceding Pan-African subduction period. The partial melting of this newly formed deep source has to be linked to a major change in the thermal state of the plate.  相似文献   

Progressive thermal demagnetization of samples from the Tan y Grisiau granite defines a coherent easterly positive characteristic remanence (D/I = 124.9/60.3°;, 42 samples, R = 40–51, a95 = 4.8°;) residing in magnetite. An ancient reversal of magnetization is recovered in the highest blocking temperature spectrum of a few samples and suggests that a cooling-related dipolar axis is recorded by this pluton. Only facies of the granite which have been reddened, probably by submagmatic streaming, have recorded a stable remanence. Adjustment for tilt yields a very steep remanence (D/I = 193/88°;) incompatible with any known Early Palaeozoic and younger field direction from Britain. The in situ remanence has a similar declination to the primary magnetization in Late Ordovician dolerites from the Welsh Borderlands and yields a comparable palaeolatitude (41.5°;S). It is concluded that the Tan y Grisiau pluton was magnetized in Late Ordovician times after deformation. Folding in this region is therefore interpreted to be substantially of Taconic (Late Ordovician) origin and not Acadian in age. As both in situ and tilt-adjusted remanence directions are incompatible with Silurian and younger palaeofield directions from Britain, the pluton is interpreted as a subvolcanic component of the North Wales igneous province. Large anticlockwise rotation of Avalonia is identified between Late Ordovician and Late Silurian times.  相似文献   

扬子地块南缘晚古生代洋壳存在的Nd同位素证据   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
总结我国扬子地块南缘新元古代—早中生代沉积岩目前已发表的Nd同位素资料发现,这些沉积岩具有随时间变化而其Nd同位素组成发生漂移的现象。在绝大多数时间里,它们具有2000Ma左右的Nd模式年龄,但在1000~700Ma的新元古代和<400Ma的晚古生代—早中生代时间段中,Nd同位素模式年龄急剧降低,反映在此时间段内,新生地幔物质已经进入沉积物的物源区。1000~700Ma期间的Nd同位素变化归因于晋宁期的碰撞造山作用而晚古生代-早中生代沉积岩的Nd同位素变异起因于海盆发育阶段洋壳的出现。即扬子地块南缘在晚古生代—早中生代期间曾经存在过洋壳,且该洋盆可能是古特提斯大洋分支的一部分。  相似文献   

Neoproterozoic (690±19 Ma) felsic magmatism in the south Khasi region of Precambrian northeast Indian shield, referred to as south Khasi granitoids (SKG), contains country-rock xenoliths and microgranular enclaves (ME). The mineral assemblages (pl-hbl-bt-kf-qtz-mag) of the ME and SKG are the same but differ in proportions and grain size. Modal composition of ME corresponds to quartz monzodiorite whereas SKG are quartz monzodiorite, quartz monzonite and monzogranite. The presence of acicular apatite, fine grains of mafic-felsic minerals, resorbed maficfelsic xenocrysts and ocellar quartz in ME strongly suggest magma-mixed and undercooled origin for ME. Molar Al2O3/CaO+Na2O+K2O (A/CNK) ratio of ME (0.68–0.94) and SKG (0.81–1.00) suggests their metaluminous (I-type) character. Linear to sub-linear variations of major elements (MgO, Fe2O3 t, P2O5, TiO2, MnO and CaO against SiO2) of ME and SKG and two-component mixing model constrain the origin of ME by mixing of mafic and felsic magmas in various proportions, which later mingled and undercooled as hybrid globules into cooler felsic (SKG) magma. However, rapid diffusion of mobile elements from felsic to mafic melt during mixing and mingling events has elevated the alkali contents of some ME.  相似文献   

黑龙江伊春地区晚三叠世-早侏罗世正长-碱长花岗岩的岩石学和主、微量元素及同位素分析结果表明,岩石中大多含有高温自形或锥形石英、副矿物萤石和文象结构、晶洞构造等;岩石化学特征上具有高硅、富碱和低钙镁、偏铝质-过铝质特点,稀土元素配分模式呈轻稀土元素略微富集的、缓向右倾斜而重稀土元素较为平坦、铕亏损的海鸥型,富集高场强元素(HFS)Zr和Ga,亏损Ba、Sr、Eu等;岩石中的石英包裹体均一温度为750~950℃,具有高温岩浆浅成被动就位的特征.岩石富SiO2、K2O、Al2O3,δ18O值为5.1‰~10.3‰,属正常略偏低δ18O值花岗岩类;ISr值较高、εNd值较低,暗示了其源区物质来源主要与古老下地壳变质基底物质有关,并涉及到一定程度的壳幔岩浆混合作用.综合这些特征,首次提出伊春地区晚三叠世-早侏罗世正长-碱长花岗岩属于铝质A2型花岗岩,这说明此后该地区进入了古亚洲洋最终闭合之后大陆碰撞后跨塌、伸展动力学体制的构造背景.  相似文献   

Field relations and whole-rock geochemistry indicate that magma mixing has been important in the genesis of the late Mesozoic I-type igneous complexes at Pingtan and Tonglu in SE China. Morphological and trace-element studies of zircon populations in rocks from each of these complexes have defined several distinct growth stages [Mineral. Mag. (2001)]. In-situ LAM-MC-ICPMS microanalysis shows large variations in 176Hf/177Hf (up to 15 Hf units) between zircons of different growth stages within a single rock, and between zones within single zircon grains (up to 9 Hf units). These variations suggest that each of the observed magmas in both complexes developed through hybridisation of ≥2 magmas with different sources. Although this mixing has produced similar Sr and Nd isotopic compositions in the different rock types of each complex, the zircons have functioned as “tape recorders” and have preserved details of the assembly of the different magmas.

In the Tonglu complex the most primitive magma is a mafic monzonite (preserved as enclaves), whose isotopic composition suggests derivation from the lower crust; rhyodacites, rhyolites and quartz diorites reflect the mixing of the monzonite with ≥2 more felsic magmas, derived from older crustal materials. In the Pingtan complex, zircons in a quartz diorite enclave suggest mixing between a crustal magma and a more primitive mantle-derived component. Zircons from granites and granodiorite enclaves indicate mixing between the quartz diorite and more felsic melts with lower 176Hf/177Hf. Major changes in 176Hf/177Hf correlate with discontinuous changes in the trace-element composition and morphology of the zircons, in particular the development of sector zoning that suggests rapid disequilibrium crystallisation. We suggest that the magma mixing recorded by the changes in 176Hf/177Hf occurred during transport in magma conduits. The in-situ analysis of Hf-isotopic stratigraphy in zircons is a new and powerful tool for the detailed study of magma generation processes.  相似文献   

青藏高原南部拉萨地块晚白垩世岩浆岩带的岩石成因和动力学对于揭示大陆碰撞之前的特提斯演化过程具有重要意义。本文报道了南木林县南部的辉绿岩岩株及侵入其中的正长花岗岩脉的锆石U-Pb年龄、Hf同位素和微量元素以及岩石地球化学数据,并探讨了晚白垩世构造-岩浆作用过程。辉绿岩年龄为93.8Ma,正长花岗岩脉年龄为92.4Ma,为同期晚白垩世岩浆活动产物。辉绿岩富集大离子亲石元素,亏损高场强元素,锆石εHf(t)为+8.5~+14.2,具有亏损的岛弧岩浆特征,可能是俯冲交代的地幔楔熔体与软流圈熔体相互作用发生部分熔融的产物;正长花岗岩具有富Si O2(74.76%~76.02%)、富K2O(4.75%~6.18%)、富碱(K2O+Na2O=7.57%~8.44%),以及过铝质特征(A/CNK=1.10~1.18),εHf(t)为+7.7~+13.0,岩石属于高分异的I型花岗岩,可能源于新生的镁铁质下地壳的部分熔融。从南木林地区产出的基性岩和酸性脉岩构成的"双峰式"岩石组合、靠近弧后的伸展构造背景、软流圈和岩石圈的共同参与、上地幔和下地壳同时产生岩浆作用等过程,结合78~100Ma岩浆作用大规模东西向带状分布等研究结果,本文认为南木林南部岩浆岩可能是在新特提斯洋壳北向俯冲挤压的同时,在大约90~100Ma时期,深部发生了板片断离或者板片回转,浅部造成了弧后伸展的构造背景。位于板片窗上方,源于交代地幔楔和软流圈相互作用产生了镁铁质岩浆,上侵后诱发下地壳部分熔融形成花岗质岩浆。基性岩石、花岗质岩石以及特殊类型的紫苏花岗岩、埃达克岩等多种岩石类型并存,表明晚白垩世时期,特提斯洋向着拉萨地块之下的总体俯冲背景下,可能存在洋脊俯冲、板片断离、板片回转等多种构造-岩浆体制。  相似文献   

阿尔金南缘鱼目泉岩浆混合花岗岩LA-ICP-MS测年与构造意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
阿尔金南缘鱼目泉花岗质岩体中含有大量暗色闪长质包体,岩相学及地球化学特征研究表明该岩体是由同期的幔源基性岩浆和酸性岩浆在近于液相(或"晶粥状")状态下发生不均匀混合作用的产物。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素测年结果显示其形成年龄(496.9±1.9Ma)与南阿尔金山大陆深俯冲超高压变质岩的峰期变质年龄(504~487Ma)相一致,且在地球化学特征上具有高Al2O3(平均15.88%),较高的K2O/Na2O值(平均1.26),高Sr(平均446×10-6),高(La/Yb)N值(平均24.04)和Sr/Y值(平均40),极低的Y(平均14.0×10-6)及Yb含量(平均1.5×10-6),类似于加厚地壳背景下形成的高Sr、低Y及Yb型花岗岩,反映出约500Ma时的南阿尔金造山带总体上处于地壳相互叠覆增厚的陆-陆碰撞造山作用阶段。分析认为,约500Ma时,南阿尔金山地区伴随着增厚地壳发生熔融作用产生大规模酸性岩浆活动的同时,还存在幔源基性岩浆的底侵,其原因可能与同时期大陆深俯冲作用所诱发的深部热地幔上升有关。  相似文献   

The late Archaean Closepet granite of southern India is bounded by N-S trending shear zone. At the southern end of the granite both charnockite and granite veins are spatially associated with ductile shears. These shears continue further north and are confined to the contact zones in the central part of the granite outcrop. The main component of the shear zone are highly deformed granite sheets, augen gneisses and mylonites. Field observations and microstructural fabric of mylonites indicate a dextral sense of shear movement. Field evidence suggests that shear deformation was active throughout the evolution of the Closepet granite  相似文献   

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