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对地下水动力学特征的观测与研究,是地震前兆监测的重要方法之一。地下水动力学研究中,利用地下水测年方法,可以对地下水的补给、径流特征及更新能力作出定性和定量的分析。本文介绍了近年来国际上常用的地下水测年方法,总结了前人在该领域的主要研究进展,重点分析了地下水更新能力与地震前兆信息的关系、地下水运动规律与地震构造活动的关系以及地下水浅层补给与异常干扰排除的方法等。已有的研究成果表明,地下水年龄的测定与分析方法对于了解监测点映震能力、评价构造活动与地震活动程度以及在观测资料异常变化的现场核实等方面,可以发挥重要作用。 相似文献
Soil moisture is a key hydrological variable in flood forecasting: it largely influences the partition of rain between runoff and infiltration and thus controls the flow at the outlet of a catchment. The methodology developed in this paper aims at improving the commonly used hydrological tools in an operational forecasting context by introducing soil moisture data into streamflow modelling. A sequential assimilation procedure, based on an extended Kalman filter, is developed and coupled with a lumped conceptual rainfall–runoff model. It updates the internal states of the model (soil and routing reservoirs) by assimilating daily soil moisture and streamflow data in order to better fit these external observations. We present in this paper the results obtained on the Serein, a Seine sub-catchment (France), during a period of about 2 years and using Time Domain Reflectivity probe soil moisture measurements from 0–10 to 0–100 cm and stream gauged data. Streamflow prediction is improved by assimilation of both soil moisture and streamflow individually and by coupled assimilation. Assimilation of soil moisture data is particularly effective during flood events while assimilation of streamflow data is more effective for low flows. Combined assimilation is therefore more adequate on the entire forecasting period. Finally, we discuss the adequacy of this methodology coupled with Remote Sensing data. 相似文献
Operational flood forecasting requires accurate forecasts with a suitable lead time, in order to be able to issue appropriate warnings and take appropriate emergency actions. Recent improvements in both flood plain characterization and computational capabilities have made the use of distributed flood inundation models more common. However, problems remain with the application of such models. There are still uncertainties associated with the identifiability of parameters; with the computational burden of calculating distributed estimates of predictive uncertainty; and with the adaptive use of such models for operational, real-time flood inundation forecasting. Moreover, the application of distributed models is complex, costly and requires high degrees of skill. This paper presents an alternative to distributed inundation models for real-time flood forecasting that provides fast and accurate, medium to short-term forecasts. The Data Based Mechanistic (DBM) methodology exploits a State Dependent Parameter (SDP) modelling approach to derive a nonlinear dependence between the water levels measured at gauging stations along the river. The transformation of water levels depends on the relative geometry of the channel cross-sections, without the need to apply rating curve transformations to the discharge. The relationship obtained is used to transform water levels as an input to a linear, on-line, real-time and adaptive stochastic DBM model. The approach provides an estimate of the prediction uncertainties, including allowing for heterescadasticity of the multi-step-ahead forecasting errors. The approach is illustrated using an 80 km reach of the River Severn, in the UK. 相似文献
The use of cloud tracking techniques and storm identification procedures is proposed in this paper with the aim of predicting the evolution of cloud entities associated with the highest rainfall probability within a given meteorological scenario. Suitable algorithms for this kind of analysis are based on the processing of digital images in the thermal infrared (IR) band from geostationary satellites: a selection of such algorithms is described in some detail together with a few real case applications. Three heavy rainfall events have been selected for this purpose with reference to the extreme meteorological situation observed during Fall 1992 and 1993 over the Mediterranean area. A window from 30 to 60 °N and from 20 °W to 30 °E has been identified for the analysis of data from the radiometer on board the ESA Meteosat platform. In conclusion, the suitability of cloud tracking techniques for predicting the probability of heavy rainfall events is discussed provided that the former are associated with proper modeling of small scale rainfall distribution. 相似文献
The role of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) in effecting changes in winter extreme high and low waters and storm surges in UK waters has been investigated with the use of a depth-averaged tide+surge numerical model. Spatial patterns of correlation of extreme high and low waters (extreme still water sea levels) with the NAO index are similar to those of median or mean sea level studied previously. Explanations for the similarities, and for differences where they occur, are proposed. Spatial patterns of correlations of extreme high and low and median surge with the NAO index are similar to the corresponding extreme sea-level patterns. Suggestions are made as to which properties of surges (frequency, duration, magnitude) are linked most closely to NAO variability. Several climate models suggest higher (more positive) average values of NAO index during the next 100 years. However, the impact on the UK coastline in terms of increased flood risk should be low (aside from other consequences of climate change such as a global sea-level rise) if the existing relationships between extreme high waters and NAO index are maintained. 相似文献
Using the technique of Message Passing Interface, a parallelized version of a coupled wave-circulation model was set up. The
tested model is a regional one for simulating the seas off China, which is comprised of 450,625 elements and 30 vertical sigma
layers. The implementation efficiency was evaluated on two kinds of computers, the HP Integrity Superdome and SGI Altix 4700
multiprocessor. The numerical results show that the low-communication high-extra-computation scheme (LCHC) produces higher
efficiency than the high-communication no-extra-computation scheme (HCNC) while the number of processors exceeds 24 for HP
Integrity Superdome and eight for SGI Altix 4700, respectively. The experiments with both LCHC and HCNC scheme show super-linear
speed-up when the number of processors is small. The model with the LCHC scheme is preferred as it achieves parallel efficiency
in excess of 90% on the HP machines for all experiments with the number of processors no more than 100, while the efficiency
decreases rapidly with the HCNC scheme after the number of processors increases to more than 24. Numerical results suggest
that the parallelization of this coupled wave-circulation model is efficient and portable to a variety of parallel architectures. 相似文献
Most of the carbonates in the Tarim Basin in northwest China are low-porosity and low-permeability rocks. Owing to the complexity of porosity in carbonates, conventional rockphysics models do not describe the relation between velocity and porosity for the Tarim Basin carbonates well. We propose the porous-grain-upper-boundary (PGU) model for estimating the relation between velocity and porosity for low-porosity carbonates. In this model, the carbonate sediments are treated as packed media of porous elastic grains, and the carbonate pores are divided into isolated and connected pores The PGU model is modified from the porous-grain-stiff-sand (PGST) model by replacing the critical porosity with the more practical isolated porosity. In the implementation, the effective elastic constants of the porous grains are calculated by using the differential effective medium (DEM) model. Then, the elastic constants of connected porous grains in dry rocks are calculated by using the modified upper Hashin-Shtrikman bound. The application to the Tarim carbonates shows that relative to other conventional effective medium models the PGU model matches the well log data well. 相似文献
This paper presented a new classified real-time flood forecasting framework by integrating a fuzzy clustering model and neural network with a conceptual hydrological model. A fuzzy clustering model was used to classify historical floods in terms of flood peak and runoff depth, and the conceptual hydrological model was calibrated for each class of floods. A back-propagation (BP) neural network was trained by using real-time rainfall data and outputs from the fuzzy clustering model. BP neural network provided a rapid on-line classification for real-time flood events. Based on the on-line classification, an appropriate parameter set of hydrological model was automatically chosen to produce real-time flood forecasting. Different parameter sets was continuously used in the flood forecasting process because of the changes of real-time rainfall data and on-line classification results. The proposed methodology was applied to a large catchment in Liaoning province, China. Results show that the classified framework provided a more accurate prediction than the traditional non-classified method. Furthermore, the effects of different index weights in fuzzy clustering were also discussed. 相似文献
TheprincipleofcoupledstresreleasemodelanditsapplicationJIELIU1)(刘杰)DAVIDVEREJONES2)LIMA1)(马丽)YAOLINSHI3)(石耀林)JIANCANGZHUA... 相似文献
讨论研究了水文特征值预报的数学方法,统计回归模型、神经网络模型和模糊回归模型。三个计处实例表明如果系统的线性关系较好,统计回归模型的结果最好;如果系统的线民生关系差,神经网络模型的结果最好;如果用于率定模型的资料太短,任何一个模型都不可靠。 相似文献
The aim of this study is to assess the influence of sensor locations and varying observation accuracy on the assimilation of distributed streamflow observations, also taking into account different structures of semi-distributed hydrological models. An ensemble Kalman filter is used to update a semi-distributed hydrological model as a response to measured streamflow. Various scenarios of sensor locations and observation accuracy are introduced. The methodology is tested on the Brue basin during five flood events. The results of this work demonstrate that the assimilation of streamflow observations at interior points of the basin can improve the hydrological models according to the particular location of the sensors and hydrological model structure. It is also found that appropriate definition of the observation accuracy can affect model performance and consequent flood forecasting. These findings can be used as criteria to develop methods for streamflow monitoring network design. 相似文献
随着社会经济的快速发展,洪水灾害造成的损失日益严重.洪水预报作为一项重要的防洪非工程措施,对防洪、抗洪工作起着至关重要的作用.淮河洪水危害的严重性和洪水演进过程的复杂性使得淮河洪水预报系统的研究长期以来受到高度重视.本文以王家坝至小柳巷区间流域为例,以河道洪水演算为主线,采用新安江三水源模型进行子流域降雨径流预报,概化具有行蓄洪区的干流河道,进行支流与干流、行蓄洪区与干流的洪水汇流耦合计算,采用实时更新的基于多元回归的方法确定水位流量关系,并以上游站点降雨径流预报模型提供的流量作为上边界条件、以下游站点的水位流量关系作为下边界条件,结合行蓄洪调度模型,建立具有行蓄洪区的河道洪水预报系统,再与基于K-最近邻(KNN)的非参数实时校正模型耦合,建立淮河中游河道洪水预报系统.采用多年资料模拟取得了较好的预报效果,并以2003和2007年大洪水为例进行检验,模拟结果精度较高,也证明了所建预报系统的合理性和适用性. 相似文献
选择地震发生时刻、震级、震中烈度、建筑物倒塌和严重破坏率、抗震设防水准、人口密度、地震预报等7个评价指标,以20次严重地震灾害为示例(其中,17个作训练样本,3个作验证样本),建立了三层BP神经网络地震灾害人员伤亡预测模型。基于MATLAB6,5BP神经网络训练,得出的预测结果与各个示例的实际数值比较吻合。验证样本的训练结果表明,该模型适用于地震灾害人员伤亡评估。通过对评价指标的权重计算,确认人口密度、建筑物倒塌与严重破坏率、震中烈度是影响地震灾害人员伤亡的主要因素,地震预报、抗震设防水准、地震发生时刻和震级次之。作为人为可控预测指标,减少人口密度特别是城市人口密度,提高建(构)筑物抗震能力及预测预报水平,对于减少地震灾害人员伤亡起更重要的作用。 相似文献
We investigated the effectiveness of combining gauge observations and satellite-derived precipitation on flood forecasting. Two data merging processes were proposed: the first one assumes that the individual precipitation measurement is non-bias, while the second process assumes that each precipitation source is biased and both weighting factor and bias parameters are to be calculated. Best weighting factors as well as the bias parameters were calculated by minimizing the error of hourly runoff prediction over Wu-Tu watershed in Taiwan. To simulate the hydrologic response from various sources of rainfall sequences, in our experiment, a recurrent neural network (RNN) model was used. The results demonstrate that the merged method used in this study can efficiently combine the information from both rainfall sources to improve the accuracy of flood forecasting during typhoon periods. The contribution of satellite-based rainfall, being represented by the weighting factor, to the merging product, however, is highly related to the effectiveness of ground-based rainfall observation provided gauged. As the number of gauge observations in the basin is increased, the effectiveness of satellite-based observation to the merged rainfall is reduced. This is because the gauge measurements provide sufficient information for flood forecasting; as a result the improvements added on satellite-based rainfall are limited. This study provides a potential advantage for extending satellite-derived precipitation to those watersheds where gauge observations are limited. 相似文献
1INTRODUCTIONOnthemorningof30thJanuary1992,aNairobiboundpasengertrainfromMombasaonthemainlinederailedintoanembankmentthathadb... 相似文献
洪涝灾害是世界主要自然灾害之一,优化洪水预报方案对防洪决策至关重要,然而传统水文模型存在参数多、调参受人为因素影响,泛化能力弱等问题.针对上述问题,本文提出基于改进的鲸鱼优化算法和长短期记忆网络构建自动优化参数的WOA-LSTM模型,通过优化神经网络结构进一步增强该模型的稳定性和精确度,并且建立不同预见期下的洪水预报模型来分析讨论神经网络结构与预报期之间的关系.以横锦水库流域1986-1997年洪水资料为例,其中以流域7个雨量站点的降雨以及横锦站水文资料为输入,不同预见期下洪水过程作为输出,以1986-1993年作为模型的率定期,1994-1997年作为模型的检验期,研究结果表明:(1)以峰现时差、确定性系数、径流深误差和洪峰流量误差作为评价指标,相比较于LSTM模型和新安江模型对检验期的模拟结果表明WOA-LSTM模型拥有更高的精度、预报结果更稳定;(2)结合置换特征值和SHAP法分析模型特征值重要性,增强了神经网络模型的可解释性;(3)通过改变神经网络结构在一定程度避免由于预见期增加和数据关联性下降而导致的模型预报精度下降的问题,最终实验表明该模型在预见期1~6 h下都可以满足横锦水库的洪水预报要求,可以为当地的防洪决策提供依据. 相似文献
Risk is a scene in the future associated with some adverse incident. Scene means something seen by a viewer, or felt by individuals
or various societal groups. Any risk assessment is to model some aspects of the scene for risk. Different aspects for assessment
leads to different scene. In this paper, we suggest the integration degree of risk to distinguish characters of risks with
respect to the aspects. The total number of factors of a risk system determines the macro degree and the granulation scale
for measuring a risk reflects the micro degree. A simple framework depends on the degrees provides an explanation of the integrated
risk. The most common model for risk assessment is available for the two-freedom-degree serial risk. A case studying flood
risk shows the application to explain what the risk is, where the information is incomplete and we use the information diffusion
technique to estimate the risk.
Project 40771007 supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China. 相似文献
Distributed hydrological modelling using space–time estimates of rainfall from weather radar provides a natural approach to area-wide flood forecasting and warning at any location, whether gauged or ungauged. However, radar estimates of rainfall may lack consistent, quantitative accuracy. Also, the formulation of hydrological models in distributed form may be problematic due to process complexity and scaling issues. Here, the aim is to first explore ways of improving radar rainfall accuracy through combination with raingauge network data via integrated multiquadric methods. When the resulting gridded rainfall estimates are employed as input to hydrological models, the simulated river flows show marked improvements when compared to using radar data alone. Secondly, simple forms of physical–conceptual distributed hydrological model are considered, capable of exploiting spatial datasets on topography and, where necessary, land-cover, soil and geology properties. The simplest Grid-to-Grid model uses only digital terrain data to delineate flow pathways and to control runoff production, the latter by invoking a probability-distributed relation linking terrain slope to soil absorption capacity. Model performance is assessed over nested river basins in northwest England, employing a lumped model as a reference. When the distributed model is used with the gridded radar-based rainfall estimators, it shows particular benefits for forecasting at ungauged locations. 相似文献
Developing a hydrological forecasting model based on past records is crucial to effective hydropower reservoir management and scheduling. Traditionally, time series analysis and modeling is used for building mathematical models to generate hydrologic records in hydrology and water resources. Artificial intelligence (AI), as a branch of computer science, is capable of analyzing long-series and large-scale hydrological data. In recent years, it is one of front issues to apply AI technology to the hydrological forecasting modeling. In this paper, autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) models, artificial neural networks (ANNs) approaches, adaptive neural-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) techniques, genetic programming (GP) models and support vector machine (SVM) method are examined using the long-term observations of monthly river flow discharges. The four quantitative standard statistical performance evaluation measures, the coefficient of correlation ( R), Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient ( E), root mean squared error (RMSE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), are employed to evaluate the performances of various models developed. Two case study river sites are also provided to illustrate their respective performances. The results indicate that the best performance can be obtained by ANFIS, GP and SVM, in terms of different evaluation criteria during the training and validation phases. 相似文献