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We measured the electrical resistivity of face-centered-cubic (fcc) structured iron hydrides at high pressures up to 65 GPa and high temperatures in a laser-heated diamond anvil cell. The results indicate that the resistivity of stoichiometric fcc FeHx (x ~ 1.0) is smaller than that of fcc Fe at the same pressure and temperature conditions. The same behavior was also observed in fcc FeNiHx (x ~ 1.0). On the other hand, hydrogen-poor fcc FeHx (x < 0.77) showed a resistivity comparable to that of the fcc phase of pure iron. Therefore, we conclude that the stoichiometric fcc Fe (–Ni) hydride is more conductive than Fe (–Ni) with the same crystal symmetry, and the impurity resistivity of hydrogen in Fe is vanishingly small. Even if hydrogen is the major light element in the Earth's core, it would have little influence on the electrical and thermal conductivity of Fe–Ni alloys, and hence the thermal evolution of the core.  相似文献   

高温高压下石膏脱水相变的原位拉曼光谱研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周兴志  郑海飞孙樯 《岩石学报》2006,22(12):3047-3051
本文运用激光拉曼光谱仪,利用水热金刚石压腔装置对高温高压条件下石膏-水体系中的石膏脱水相变进行拉曼光谱研究.在压力0.1 MPa~837.9 MPa和温度16~200 ℃条件下通过系列实验对相变的过程进行了原位光谱分析.与人们已知的无水条件下石膏分两步脱水的过程不同,高压下石膏在饱和水环境下倾向于一次性的脱去所有结晶水而形成无水石膏,实验中没有观察到半水石膏的出现.通过实验数据得到石膏和无水石膏的转折温度和平衡压力间的关系式为P(MPa)=19.56·T(℃)-2926.5.  相似文献   

Electrical conductivity measurements on dry polycrystalline K-feldspar were performed at 1.0 to 3.0 GPa and 873 to 1,173 K with a multi-anvil high-pressure apparatus and the Solartron-1260 Impedance/Gain Phase Analyzer in the frequency range of 10?1 to 106 Hz. At each temperature the complex impedance displays a perfect semi-circular arc that represents the grain-interior conduction. Under the experimental conditions, electrical conductivity exponentially increases with increasing temperature and slightly decreases with increasing pressure; however, the effect of pressure on the conductivity is less pronounced than that of temperature. The activation enthalpy decreases slightly from 0.99 to 1.02 eV with increasing pressure, and the activation energy and activation volume for K-feldspar are 0.98 eV and 1.46?±?0.17 cm3/mol, respectively. According to these Arrhenius parameters, ionic conduction is proposed to be the dominant conduction mechanism in K-feldspar at high temperatures and pressures, and potassium ions are the charge carriers transporting by an interstitial mechanism. The diffusion coefficient of potassium at high temperatures was calculated from our conductivity data on K-feldspar using Nernst–Einstein equation, and the results were compared with the previous experimental results.  相似文献   

We used an in situ measurement method to investigate the phase transition of Fe2SiO4 polymorphs under high pressures and temperatures. A multi-anvil high-pressure apparatus combined with synchrotron X-ray radiation was used. The stability of each polymorph was identified by observing the X-ray diffraction data from the sample. In most experiments, the diffraction patterns were collected 10–30 min after reaching the desired pressure and temperature conditions. The transition boundary between the olivine and spinel phase at T = 1,000–1,500 K and P = 2–8 GPa was determined to occur at P (GPa) = 0.5 + 0.0034 × T (K). The transition pressure determined in this study was in general agreement with that observed in previous high-pressure experiments. However, the slope of the transition, dP/dT, determined in our study was significantly higher than that estimated by the previous study combined with the in situ X-ray method.  相似文献   

In order to confirm the possible existence of FeGeO3 perovskite, we have performed in situ X-ray diffraction measurements of FeGeO3 clinopyroxene at pressures up to 40 GPa at room temperature. The transition of FeGeO3 clinopyroxene into orthorhombic perovskite is observed at about 33GPa. The cell parameters of FeGeO3 perovskite are a=4.93(2) Å, b=5.06(6) Å, c=6.66(3) Å and V=166(3) Å3 at 40 GPa. On release of pressure, the perovskite phase transformed into lithium niobate structure. The previously reported decomposition process of clino-pyroxene into Fe2GeO4 (spinel)+GeO2 (rutile) or FeO (wüstite) +GeO2 (rutile) was not observed. This shows that the transition of pyroxene to perovskite is kinetically accessible compared to the decomposition processes under low-temperature pressurization.  相似文献   

The structural changes associated with the incommensurate (IC)-normal (N) phase transition in akermanite have been studied with high-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction up to 3.79?GPa. The IC phase, stable at room pressure, transforms to the N phase at ~1.33?GPa. The structural transformation is marked by a small but discernable change in the slopes of all unit-cell parameters as a function of pressure. It is reversible with an apparent hysteresis and is classified as a tricritical phase transition. The linear compressibility of the a and c axes are 0.00280(10) and 0.00418(6)?GPa?1 for the IC phase, and 0.00299(11) and 0.00367(8)?GPa?1 for the N phase, respectively. Weighted volume and pressure data, fitted to a second-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state (K′≡4.0), yield V0=307.4(1)?Å3 and K0=100(3)?GPa for the IC phase and V0=307.6(2)?Å3 and K0=90(2)?GPa for the N phase. No significant discontinuities in Si–O, Mg–O and Ca–O distances were observed across the transition, except for the Ca–O1 distance, which is more compressible in the IC phase than in the N phase. From room pressure to 3.79?GP the volume of the [SiO4] tetrahedron is unchanged (2.16?Å3), whereas the volumes of the [MgO4] and [CaO8] polyhedra decrease from 3.61 to 3.55(1)?Å3 and 32.8 to 30.9(2)?Å3, respectively. Intensities of satellite reflections are found to vary linearly with the isotropic displacement parametr of Ca and the librational amplitude of the [SiO4] tetrahedron. At room pressure, there is a mismatch between the size of the Ca cations and the configuration of tetrahedral sheets, which appears to be responsible for the formation of the modulated structure; as pressure increases, the misfit is diminished through the relative rotation and distortion of [MgO4] and [SiO4] tetrahedra and the differential compression of individual Ca–O distances, concurrent with a displacement of Ca along the (110) mirror plane toward the O1 atom. We regard the high-pressure normal structure as a result of the elimination of microdomains in the modulated structure.  相似文献   

A compressional study of (Na,Ca)(Ti3+,Mg)Si2O6-clinopyroxenes was carried out at high pressures between 10−4 and 10.2 GPa using in situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and optical absorption spectroscopy. Compressional discontinuities accompanied by structural changes, in particular, the appearance of two distinct Ti3+–Ti3+ distances within the octahedral chains at 4.37 GPa, provide evidence for the occurrence of a phase transition in NaTi3+Si2O6. Equation-of-state parameters are K 0 = 115.9(7) GPa with K′ = −0.9(3) and K 0 = 102.7(8) GPa with K′ = 4.08(5) for the low- and high-pressure range, respectively. The transition involves a C2/c–P [`1] \overline{1} symmetry change, which can be confirmed by the occurrence of new modes in Raman spectra. Since no significant discontinuity in the evolution of the unit-cell volume with pressure has been observed, the transition appears to be second-order in character. The influence of the coupled substitution Na+Ti3+↔Ca2+Mg2+ on the static compression behavior and the structural stability has been investigated using a sample of the intermediate composition (Na0.54Ca0.46)(Mg0.46Ti0.54)Si2O6. No evidence for a deviation from continuous compression behavior has been found, neither in lattice parameter nor in structural data and the fit of a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation-of-state to the pressure–volume data yields a bulk modulus of K 0 = 109.1(5) GPa and K′ = 5.02(13). Raman and polarized absorption spectra have been compared to NaTiSi2O6 and reveal major similarities. The main driving force for the phase transition in NaTi3+Si2O6 is the localization of the Ti3+ d-electron and the accompanying distortion, which is suppressed in the (Na,Ca)(Ti3+,Mg)Si2O6-clinopyroxene.  相似文献   

A thermochemical data base for phases in the system Fe-Mg-Si-O at high pressures up to 300 kbar is established by supplementing the available calorimetric data with data calculated from experimental high pressure synthesis studies. Phases included in the data base are the SiO2 polymorphs, rock salt solid solutions (Fe-Mg-O), Fe2O3, Fe3O4, (Mg, Fe)2SiO4 olivine, spinel, modified spinel and (Mg, Fe)SiO3 perovskite and pyroxene. Phases not included are the MgSiO3-ilmenite and -garnet. Fe-Mg solution properties of olivine, spinel, perovskite and wustite (rock salt) are estimated. The wüstite solid solution has been modeled as a nonideal solution of three end members; FeO, FeO1.5 and MgO. The new data base is made consistent with most of the available information on high pressure phase studies. The data base is useful in generating phase diagrams of various different compositions for the purpose of planning new experiments and analysing existing phase synthesis data.  相似文献   

天然岩样由于孔隙结构复杂、骨架成分非单一,导致复电阻率研究困难。考虑到根据理想模型制作的人工岩样能够更好地进行实验研究,选用黄铜粉、黄铁矿砂、石墨粉、环氧树脂等材料,人工合成了不同矿物含量的柱状标准岩样,在不同高压条件下使用AutoLab-1000设备测量了标样的复电阻率,并基于Debye分解模型反演获得了人工砂岩标样的零频电阻率、极化率、时间常数等参数;详细讨论了各个模型参数与导电矿物含量、连通性、地层压力等因素的关系,研究发现地层压力和矿物成分对极化率有较大的影响。研究结果对认识高压条件下人工砂岩标样的电性特征具有实际意义。  相似文献   

 The viscosity of albite (NaAlSi3O8) melt was measured at high pressure by the in situ falling-sphere method using a high-resolution X-ray CCD camera and a large-volume multianvil apparatus installed at SPring-8. This system enabled us to conduct in situ viscosity measurements more accurately than that using the conventional technique at pressures of up to several gigapascals and viscosity in the order of 100 Pa s. The viscosity of albite melt is 5.8 Pa s at 2.6 GPa and 2.2 Pa s at 5.3 GPa and 1973 K. Experiments at 1873 and 1973 K show that the decrease in viscosity continues to 5.3 GPa. The activation energy for viscosity is estimated to be 316(8) kJ mol−1 at 3.3 GPa. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that a gradual decrease in viscosity of albite melt at high pressure may be explained by structural changes such as an increase in the coordination number of aluminum in the melt. Received: 6 January 2001 / Accepted: 27 August 2001  相似文献   

Geophysical reconnaissance in 1995 provided information useful in developing a successful strategy for the 1996 field season in resistivity mapping of subsurface cultural features at Talgua Village, an archaeological site in eastern Honduras. Ground truth excavations confirmed that high-resistivity anomalies detected by modified dipole–dipole apparent resistivity pseudosections correlate with a layer of small cobbles imported to fill low spots of this prehistoric settlement. Resistivity measurements reveal that mounds on this site were erected on normal subsoil, while at least one plaza was originally a topographic low that has been filled. The volume of imported stones is at least 500 m3, which represents a significant public improvement effort. Similar imported fill under the rest of Talgua Village could be mapped by similar means, and other prehistoric sites of the region could be geophysically tested for similar features. Resistivity profiles provide archaeologists with a quick, inexpensive, accurate, and noninvasive method of determining the extent of landscape modification at Talgua Village. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Solid solubility of Al2O3 in orthorhombic enstatite by the substitution AlAl=MgSi is, in the range studied, mainly a function of temperature and not strongly pressure-dependent. Even at 1 kb up to 9 wt.-% Al2O3 can be substituted at 1200° C. The thermal stability of the orthorhombic pyroxene phase is strongly increased by the incorporation of Al.In crustal rocks the alumina content of orthopyroxene might be used as a geothermometer but not, as sometimes suggested, as a barometer.  相似文献   

Recent comparisons of CO2 sorption by coals at high pressures have shown major differences between the results obtained by different laboratories. These need to be resolved for laboratory estimation of CO2 sequestration in coal seams to be useful. A compilation of potential sources of error in determination of sorption characteristics and their impact on sorption measurements is provided here. A series of tests is also provided that can be used to identify and reduce such errors in measurement. For example, an error in temperature produces a characteristic distortion of the sorption curve for carbon dioxide, which can be corrected to some extent. A negative value for excess sorption at high pressure is almost certainly diagnostic of either a cell volume that has been overestimated or that some part of the substrate that is inaccessible to the gas is accessible to helium. The major source of variation between results from the different laboratories that supplied the closest sorption values was found to be variations in the assumed free space volume, which could be due to discrepancies in determined helium density or measured cell volume. Including a term in the sorption model that is proportional to gas density will markedly reduce the influence of such errors in estimating sorption capacity or heats of sorption. The influence of swelling and moisture on sorption isotherms is also quantified here. Correction for swelling of coals in carbon dioxide changes the estimated sorption capacity by less than 1%, if a term that is proportional to gas density is included as a free parameter in the model fitting the isotherm.  相似文献   

The electrical conductivities of alkali feldspar solid solutions ranging in chemical composition from albite (NaAlSi3O8) to K-feldspar (KAlSi3O8) were measured at 1.0 GPa and temperatures of 873–1,173 K in a multi-anvil apparatus. The complex impedance was determined by the AC impedance spectroscopy technique in the frequency range of 0.1–106 Hz. Our experimental results revealed that the electrical conductivities of alkali feldspar solid solutions increase with increasing temperature, and the linear relationship between electrical conductivity and temperature fits the Arrhenius formula. The electrical conductivities of solid solutions increase with the increasing Na content at constant temperature. At 1.0 GPa, the activation enthalpy of solid solution series shows strong dependency on the composition, and there is an abrupt increase from the composition of Or40Ab60 to Or60Ab40, where it reaches a value of 0.96 eV. According to these results in this study, it is proposed that the dominant conduction mechanism in alkali feldspar solid solutions under high temperature and high pressure is ionic conduction. Furthermore, since the activation enthalpy is less than 1.0 eV for the alkali feldspar solid solutions, it is suggested to be a model where Na+ and K+ transport involves an interstitial mechanism for electrical conduction. The change of main charge carriers can be responsible for the abrupt increase in the activation energy for Or60Ab40. All electrical conductivity data were fitted by a general formula in order to show the dependence of activation enthalpy and pre-exponential factor on chemical composition. Combining our experimental results with the effective medium theory, we theoretically calculated the electrical conductivity of alkali feldspar granite, alkali feldspar quartz syenite, and alkali feldspar syenite with different mineral content and variable chemical composition of alkali feldspar at high temperatures at 1.0 GPa, and the calculated results are almost in agreement with previous experimental studies on silicate rocks.  相似文献   

 P–V–T measurements on magnesite MgCO3 have been carried out at high pressure and high temperature up to 8.6 GPa and 1285 K, using a DIA-type, cubic-anvil apparatus (SAM-85) in conjunction with in situ synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction. Precise volumes are obtained by the use of data collected above 873 K on heating and in the entire cooling cycle to minimize non-hydrostatic stress. From these data, the equation-of-state parameters are derived from various approaches based on the Birch-Murnaghan equation of state and on the relevant thermodynamic relations. With K′0 fixed at 4, we obtain K0=103(1) GPa, α(K−1)=3.15(17)×10−5 +2.32(28)×10−8 T, (∂KT/∂T)P=−0.021(2) GPaK−1, (dα/∂P)T=−1.81×10−6 GPa−1K−1 and (∂KT/∂T)V= −0.007(1) GPaK−1; whereas the third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state with K′0 as an adjustable parameter yields the following values: K0=108(3) GPa, K′0=2.33(94), α(K−1)=3.08(16)×10−5+2.05(27) ×10−8 T, (∂KT/∂T)P=−0.017(1) GPaK−1, (dα/∂P)T= −1.41×10−6 GPa−1K−1 and (∂KT/∂T)V=−0.008(1) GPaK−1. Within the investigated P–T range, thermal pressure for magnesite increases linearly with temperature and is pressure (or volume) dependent. The present measurements of room-temperature bulk modulus, of its pressure derivative, and of the extrapolated zero-pressure volumes at high temperatures, are in agreement with previous single-crystal study and ultrasonic measurements, whereas (∂KT/∂T)P, (∂α/∂P)T and (∂KT/∂T)V are determined for the first time in this compound. Using this new equation of state, thermodynamic calculations for the reactions (1) magnesite=periclase+CO2 and (2) magnesite+enstatite=forsterite+CO2 are consistent with existing experimental phase equilibrium data. Received September 28, 1995/Revised, accepted May 22, 1996  相似文献   

The electric conductivity of gabbro has been measured at 1.0 - 2.0 GPa and 320-700℃, and the conduction mechanism has been analyzed in terms of the impedance spectra.Experimental results indicated that the electric conductivity depends on the frequency of alternative current. Impedance arcs representing the conduction mechanism of grain interiors are displayed in the complex impedance plane, and the mechanism is dominated at high pressure.These arcs occur over the range of 102 - k× 105 Hz (k is the positive integer from 1 to 9). On the basis of our results and previous work, it is concluded that gabbro cannot form any high conductivity layer (HCL) in the middle-lower crust.  相似文献   

Raman spectra of γ-Mg2SiO4 taken to 200 kbar were used to calculate entropy and heat capacity at various P-T conditions. These new thermodynamic data on γ-MgSiO4, similar data on MgSiO3 perovskite (pv), previous data on β-MgSiO4 and MgO (mw), and previous volumetric data of all phases were used to calculate the phase boundaries in the Mg2SiO4 phase diagram. Our resulting slope for the β→γ transition (50±4 bar K-1) is in excellent agreement with recent multi-anvil studies. The slopes for the β→pv+MgO and γ→pv+MgO are-7±3 and -25±4 bar K-1, respectively, and are consistent with our CO2 laser heated diamond anvil studies. These slopes result in a β-γ-MgO+pv triple point at approximately 229 kbar and 2260 K for the iron free system.  相似文献   

Abstract In situ observations of the zircon-reidite transition in ZrSiO4 were carried out using a multianvil high-pressure apparatus and synchrotron radiation. The phase boundary between zircon and reidite was determined to be P (GPa) = 8.5+0.0017×(T-1200) (K) for temperatures between 1100–1900 K. When subducted slabs, including igneous rocks and sediments, descend into the upper mantle, the zircon in the subducted slab transforms into reidite at pressures of about 9 GPa, corresponding to a depth of 270 km. Reidite found in an upper Eocene impact ejecta layer in marine sediments is thought to have been transformed from zircon by a shock event. The peak pressure generated by the shock event in this occurrence is estimated to be higher than 8 GPa.Editorial responsibility: J. Hoefs  相似文献   

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