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Summary For the Worden, Sharpe and Scintrex gravity meters, the lever constants were derived from the amplitude response to the vertical motion and their relation to the sensitivity of the gravity meter was verified. It is then possible to calculate the lever constants for the actual sensitivity of the gravity meter without further measurements and to apply them to estimating the dynamic behaviour of the reading beam.  相似文献   

uu mnam a anu nuuauma Gs 15 No 228 u a m mnam m nua a n u — . (5). au u n¶rt; a 5 u a ¶rt;mu annaam n aa uu mnam — a. 1. ¶rt;: uum mmamuauauma (1/191), mamuu mnam uum annaam (–5,24 –2/°C), mamuu mnam uum uum umauma (–1 –2/°C). m u anum¶rt; u a amm aamumuu u uu — a. 2, 3 u u. 6, 7. aua uu auau mnam a anuauma nu nu¶rt; 6 a — a n¶rt; mamu mnam uu.  相似文献   

nuaa m¶rt;ua u mam unmauaumaGs 12 No. 129 a uauu ¶rt;uana amm 0.02–30. a uu a uau nam auu au u auma naamauma a mua ma u n¶rt;a mumm a ¶rt;uu ¶rt;ama ammau uu .  相似文献   

Summary The routine nulling procedure is modified on the basis of the theoretical decay of transient motion of the gravity meter beam and the time needed for its stabilizing.  相似文献   

本文通过对成都台重力仪器数据去掉固体潮汐理论值、去掉气温、气压、地下水的干扰因素来讨论重力观测曲线的变化。分析导致重力观测年变异常的因素。  相似文献   

Uncertainties in structural engineering are often arising from the modeling assumptions and errors, or from variability in input loadings. A practical approach for dealing with them is to perform sensitivity and uncertainty analysis in the framework of stochastic and probabilistic methods. These analyses can be statically and dynamically performed through nonlinear static pushover and IDA techniques, respectively. Of the existing structures, concrete gravity dams are infrastructures which may encounter many uncertainties. In this research, probabilistic analysis of the seismic performance of gravity dams is presented. The main characteristics of the nonlinear tensile behavior of mass concrete, along with the intensity of earthquake excitations are considered as random variables in the probabilistic analysis. Using the tallest non‐overflow monolith of the Pine Flat gravity dam as a case study, its response under static and dynamic situations is reliably examined utilizing different combinations of parameters in the material and the seismic loading. The sensitivity analysis reveals the relative importance of each parameter independently. It will be shown that the undamaged modulus of elasticity and tensile strength of mass concrete have more significant roles on the seismic resistance of the dam than the ultimate inelastic tensile strain. In order to propagate the parametric uncertainty to the actual seismic performance of the dam, probabilistic simulation methods such as Monte Carlo simulation with Latin hypercube sampling, and approximate moment estimation techniques will be used. The final results illustrate the possibility of using a mean‐parameter dam model to estimate the mean seismic performance of the dam. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

成都地震基准台重力仪20世纪90年代后期部件老化,在记录过程中出现固体潮曲线畸变现象,最后记录曲线完全变形,影响观测值可用性.2004年经过维修和调试,成功排除故障.资料内在质量检验计算,达到历史最好水平.  相似文献   

Summary A model, explaining the effect of air pressure changes in the space of the measuring system on the fine dial counter constant of the Worden and similar gravity meters, is presented. It is based on the changes of the bellows volume with compensating the gravity changes. It is shown that the resetting the gravity meter in the whole range has practically no influence on the fine dial counter constant.
u¶rt;a ¶rt;, na m uu ¶rt;au ¶rt;a nmam uum um a nm a umaauma ¶rt; u nuaum. ¶rt; aa a uu a ua umu uma nu nauu uu u mmu. aa, m nma ¶rt;uanaa um namuu um a uu nm a uma.

鲜水河断裂形变场、重力场、磁场动态演化特征与地震   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
据鲜水河断裂跨断层形变测量、流动重力测量和流动磁力测量资料,求取各点的形变速度、重力变化速率及每年各点的总磁场强度,绘出每期 形变、重力、磁力的二维图像。引入分形理论的数盒子方法,计算每幅图的容量维。研究结果表明:鲜水河断裂形变场的二维图像在地震前后的演变与岩石破坏实验过程输出的图像相似,均经历了“复杂-简单-复杂”的演化过程。相应的分维值也同样呈“高值-低值-高值”变化,且地震发生在分维值达最低后恢复过程中。重力场的二维图像在地震前后的变化特征为“简单-复杂”,分维值呈低值向高值变化。磁场的图像变化则呈“复杂-简单”,分维值变化呈降维特征。  相似文献   

对姑咱台DZW型微伽重力仪的数字化观测资料记录情况、记录波形、资料的内在精度、仪器的稳定性、相对噪声水平、观测资料的干扰因素等方面进行了分析研究.为观测资料在分析及预报工作中排除干扰、提取映震信息打下基础.  相似文献   

We present a new method of transforming borehole gravity meter data into vertical density logs. This new method is based on the regularized spectral domain deconvolution of density functions. It is a novel alternative to the “classical” approach, which is very sensitive to noise, especially for high‐definition surveys with relatively small sampling steps. The proposed approach responds well to vertical changes of density described by linear and polynomial functions. The model used is a vertical cylinder with large outer radius (flat circular plate) crossed by a synthetic vertical borehole profile. The task is formulated as a minimization problem, and the result is a low‐pass filter (controlled by a regularization parameter) in the spectral domain. This regularized approach is tested on synthetic datasets with noise and gives much more stable solutions than the classical approach based on the infinite Bouguer slab approximation. Next, the tests on real‐world datasets are presented. The properties and presented results make our proposed approach a viable alternative to the other processing methods of borehole gravity meter data based on horizontally layered formations.  相似文献   

Marine gravimeters mounted on stabilized platforms are commonly used in aircraft to perform airborne gravity measurements. The role of the stabilized platform is to level the sensor mechanically, whatever the aircraft attitude. However, this compensation is generally insufficient due to the sensitivity of modern gravity sensors. Correcting the offlevel error requires that an offlevel correction calculated from positioning data be added to gravimeter measurements, which complicates not only the processing, but also the assessment of precision and resolution. This paper is a feasibility study describing the levelling of a completely strapped‐down LaCoste and Romberg gravimeter for airborne gravimetry operation, by means of GPS positioning data. It focuses on the calculation of the sensor offlevel correction needed for the complete gravity data processing. The precision of the offlevel correction that can be achieved, in terms of GPS data precision and gravity wavelengths, is theoretically studied and estimated using the gravity and GPS data acquired during the Alpine Swiss French airborne gravity survey carried out in 1998 over the French Western Alps. While a 1 cm precision of GPS‐determined baseline coordinates is sufficient to achieve a 5 mGal precision of the offlevel correction, we maintain that this precision has to reach 1 mm to ensure a 1 mGal precision of the offlevel correction at any wavelength. Without a stabilized platform, the onboard instrumentation becomes significantly lighter. Furthermore, the correction for the offlevel error is straightforward and calculated only from GPS data. Thus, the precision and the resolution of airborne gravity surveys should be estimated with a better accuracy.  相似文献   

汶川M_S8.0地震前后的重力场动态变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用国家重大科学工程"中国地壳运动观测网络"1998—2008年绝对重力和相对重力的观测资料,获得了南北地震带地区的重力场及其动态变化,从动态的观点研究了2008年5月12日汶川8.0级地震前后区域重力场演化特征及其与地震活动的关系.重力场变化既具有时-空分布的不均匀性,同时又具有与活动断裂构造密切相关和与地震孕育发展有着内在联系.重力场动态变化图象较清晰地反映了汶川大地震孕育、发生过程中出现的重力前兆信息.  相似文献   

IntroductionGeopotential model, expressed by a spherical harmonic function, gives the global distribution of disturbed gravimetric potential. It is widely applied in the research of many disciplines of science, such as geodetics, geophysics, geodynamics, oceanography and space science. In geophysics, geopotential model shows the large-dimensional gravity variety, which is the reflection of anomalous density distribution in a large area or in the deep of the earth. Therefore, it is useful in th…  相似文献   

Noise levels in marine and airborne full tensor gravity gradiometer surveys together with conventional land, marine and airborne gravity surveys are estimated and analysed in gridded form, resulting in relations that detail how these different survey systems can be compared analytically. After defining survey parameters including line spacing, speed and instrument bandwidth, the relations estimate the noise levels that result on either grids of gravity (gz) or gravity gradient (Gzz) as a function of the spatial filtering often applied during geological interpretation. Such comparisons are believed to be a useful preliminary guide for survey selection and planning.  相似文献   

三维物性反演参数多,计算量巨大,传统的方法难以实现.本文使用BP神经网络实现重力三维物性反演,介绍了BP神经网络的基本原理及特性,并构造一个适用于重力位场反演的BP神经网络.并用其对模型进行反演计算,结果表明:BP网络具有较好的泛化能力和容错能力,反演速度快、准确,并且较好的反应了场源的分布情况.  相似文献   

重力场动态变化与汶川MS8.0地震孕育过程   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
基于中国大陆1998~2007年(复测周期2~3年)流动重力观测数据,结合GPS、水准观测成果和区域地质构造动力环境,分析研究了汶川8.0级地震区域重力场动态变化演化特征和孕震机理.结果表明:区域重力场动态演化大体反映了青藏高原物质东流的动态效应和汶川大震孕育的中长期(2~10年)信息;汶川大震孕育的显著重力标志为震中西南持续多年的正重力变化(上升)和出现较大规模的重力变化梯级带,前者有利于地震能量的不断积累,后者有利于地震剪切破裂的发生;与地震孕育相关重力场变化总体呈增大-加速增大-减速增大-发震的过程;8年累积重力变化幅差最大约200×10-8m·s-2;2001年昆仑山口8.1级地震孕育发生和震后恢复调整,对区域重力场动态变化和汶川大震的孕育发展具有重要影响;松潘-甘孜块体一般呈现负重力变化,可能反映深部壳幔局部上隆、壳内温度较高而膨胀,有利于逆冲或推覆体运动的形成和大震的发生.  相似文献   

We present a practical method for parameterization of gravity wave drag based on the Medvedev and Klaassen (1995. Journal of Geophysical Research 100, 25,841–25,853) theory of gravity wave spectral evolution and saturation. The only tuning necessary for the scheme involves assumptions about the nature of the source spectrum of subgrid-scale gravity waves, i.e. the wavenumbers, launch heights and amplitudes of the spectral components. In this paper we employ a column model with representative distributions of mean wind and temperature to examine the sensitivity of the parameterized wave drag to the source spectra. For the range of anticipated variability of source spectra in the troposphere the scheme produces plausible results consistent with observations and with theoretical estimates. Computationally, the scheme is as efficient as a multiple-wave Lindzen scheme, and suitable for use in general circulation models (GCMs) of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

蒋成进  李芳 《地球物理学报》2006,49(5):1250-1256
建立尘埃等离子体中重力波的基本方程,推导尘埃等离子体中重力波的色散关系,分析地球极区中间层顶处尘埃等离子体层中的重力波特性,研究了重力波在电子密度垂直分层的尘埃等离子体中的反射. 结果表明尘埃等离子体改变了通常大气中的重力内波的色散关系,限制了小水平波数重力内波的传播,改变了波的能量特性,减小了重力波在不均匀大气中垂直向上传播时振幅的增长;在尘埃等离子体中传播时重力波可被电子密度垂直分层的结构反射而导致波能量的集中, 它产生的湍动所导致的空间电子密度的不均匀性分布是极区上空PMSEs的可能机制.  相似文献   

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