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A periodic orbit of the restricted circular three-body problem, selected arbitrarily, is used to generate a family of periodic motions in the general three-body problem in a rotating frame of reference, by varying the massm 3 of the third body. This family is continued numerically up to a maximum value of the mass of the originally small body, which corresponds to a mass ratiom 1:m 2:m 3?5:5:3. From that point on the family continues for decreasing massesm 3 until this mass becomes again equal to zero. It turns out that this final orbit of the family is a periodic orbit of the elliptic restricted three body problem. These results indicate clearly that families of periodic motions of the three-body problem exist for fixed values of the three masses, since this continuation can be applied to all members of a family of periodic orbits of the restricted three-body problem. It is also indicated that the periodic orbits of the circular restricted problem can be linked with the periodic orbits of the elliptic three-body problem through periodic orbits of the general three-body problem.  相似文献   

E.W. Brown conjectured (1911) that the family of the long-periodic orbits in the Troian case of the restricted problem of three bodies terminates in an asymptotic orbit passing through the Lagrangian point L3 at t=±∞. In 1977 the author showed that such an orbit deviates from L3 by the epicyclic term mg (±∞). It is shown here that $$g\left( { \pm \infty } \right) = 0,$$ so that the Brown conjecture regarding L3 is false. Contrary to what Brown believed, there is an entire family ofhomoclinic orbits, doubly asymptotic to short-periodic orbits around L3. In the complex z-plane of the Poincaré eccentric variables, the latter orbits are circles of radius mR, with R bounded away from zero. The kinematics of the homoclinic family is investigated here in some detail.  相似文献   

We study the various families of periodic orbits in a dynamical system representing a plane rotating barred galaxy. One can have a general view of the main resonant types of orbits by considering the axisymmetric background. The introduction of a bar perturbation produces infinite gaps along the central familyx 1 (the family of circular orbits in the axisymmetric case). It produces also higher order bifurcations, unstable regions along the familyx 1, and long period orbits aroundL 4 andL 5. The evolution of the various types of orbits is described, as the Jacobi constanth, and the bar amplitude, increase. Of special importance are the infinities of period doubling pitchfork bifurcations. The genealogy of the long and short period orbits is described in detail. There are infinite gaps along the long period orbits producing an infinity of families. All of them bifurcate from the short period family. The rules followed by these families are described. Also an infinity of higher order bridges join the short and long period families. The analogies with the restricted three body problem are stressed.  相似文献   

Asymptotic motion near the collinear equilibrium points of the photogravitational restricted three-body problem is considered. In particular, non-symmetric homoclinic solutions are numerically explored. These orbits are connected with periodic ones. We have computed numerically the families containing these orbits and have found that they terminate at both ends by asymptotically approaching simple periodic solutions belonging to the Lyapunov family emanating from L3.  相似文献   

The third-order parametric expansions given by Buck in 1920 for the three-dimensional periodic solutions about the triangular equilibrium points of the restricted Problem are improved by fourthorder terms. The corresponding family of periodic orbits, which are symmetrical w.r.t. the (x, y) plane, is computed numerically for =0.00095. It is found that the family emanating from L4 terminates at the other triangular point L5 while it bifurcates with the family of three-dimensional periodic orbits originating at the collinear equilibrium point L3. This family consists of stable and unstable members. A second family of nonsymmetric three-dimensional periodic orbits is found to bifurcate from the previous one. It is also determined numerically until a collision orbit is encountered with the computations.  相似文献   

In a binary system with both bodies being luminous, the inner collinear equilibrium pointL 1 becomes stable for values of the mass ratio and radiation pressure parameters in a certain region. The kind of periodic motions aroundL 1 is examined in this case. Second-order parametric expansions are given and the families of periodic orbits generated fromL 1 are numerically determined for several sets of values of the parameters. Short- and long-period solutions are identified showing a similarity in the character of periodicity with that aroundL 4. It is also found that the finite periodic solutions in the vicinity ofL 1 are stable.  相似文献   

A number of Jupiter family comets such as Otermaand Gehrels 3make a rapid transition from heliocentric orbits outside the orbit of Jupiter to heliocentric orbits inside the orbit of Jupiter and vice versa. During this transition, the comet can be captured temporarily by Jupiter for one to several orbits around Jupiter. The interior heliocentric orbit is typically close to the 3:2 resonance while the exterior heliocentric orbit is near the 2:3 resonance. An important feature of the dynamics of these comets is that during the transition, the orbit passes close to the libration points L 1and L 2, two of the equilibrium points for the restricted three-body problem for the Sun-Jupiter system. Studying the libration point invariant manifold structures for L 1and L 2is a starting point for understanding the capture and resonance transition of these comets. For example, the recently discovered heteroclinic connection between pairs of unstable periodic orbits (one around the L 1and the other around L 2) implies a complicated dynamics for comets in a certain energy range. Furthermore, the stable and unstable invariant manifold tubes associated to libration point periodic orbits, of which the heteroclinic connections are a part, are phase space conduits transporting material to and from Jupiter and between the interior and exterior of Jupiter's orbit.  相似文献   

We studied systematically cases of the families of non-symmetric periodic orbits in the planar restricted three-body problem. We took interesting information about the evolution, stability and termination of bifurcating families of various multiplicities. We found that the main families of simple non-symmetric periodic orbits present a similar dynamical structure and bifurcation pattern. As the Jacobi constant changes each branch of the characteristic of a main family spirals around a focal point-terminating point in x- at which the Jacobi constant is C  = 3 and their periodic orbits terminate at the corotation (at the Lagrangian point L4 or L5). As the family approaches asymptotically its termination point infinite changes of stability to instability and vice versa occur along its characteristic. Thus, infinite bifurcation points appear and each one of them produces infinite inverse Feigenbaum sequences. That is, every bifurcating family of a Feigenbaum sequence produces the same phenomenon and so on. Therefore, infinite spiral characteristics appear and each one of them generates infinite new inner spirals and so on. Each member of these infinite sets of the spirals reproduces a basic bifurcation pattern. Therefore, we have in general large unstable regions that generate large chaotic regions near the corotation points L4, L5, which are unstable. As C varies along the spiral characteristic of every bifurcating family, which approaches its focal point, infinite loops, one inside the other, surrounding the unstable triangular points L4 or L5 are formed on their orbits. So, each terminating point corresponds to an asymptotic non-symmetric periodic orbit that spirals into the corotation points L4, L5 with infinite period. This is a new mechanism that produces very large degree of stochasticity. These conclusions help us to comprehend better the motions around the points L4 and L5 of Lagrange.  相似文献   

The collinear equilibrium position of the circular restricted problem with the two primaries at unit distance and the massless body at the pointL 3 is extended to the planar three-body problem with respect to the massm 3 of the third body; the mass ratio μ of the two primaries is considered constant and the constant angular velocity of the straight line on which the three masses stay at rest is taken equal to 1. As regards periodic motions ‘around’ the equilibrium pointL 3, four possible extensions from the restricted to the general problem are presented each of them starting with a simple or a doubly periodic orbit of the family α of the Copenhagen category (μ=0.50). Form 3=0.10, μ=0.50 (i.e. for fixed masses of all three bodies) the characteristic curve of the extended family α is found. The qualitative differences of the families corresponding tom 3=0 andm 3=0.10 are discussed.  相似文献   

By using Birkhoff's regularizing transformation, we study the evolution of some of the infinite j-k type families of collision periodic orbits with respect to the mass ratio μ as well as their stability and dynamical structure, in the planar restricted three-body problem. The μ-C characteristic curves of these families extend to the left of the μ-C diagram, to smaller values of μ and most of them go downwards, although some of them end by spiralling around the constant point S* (μ=0.47549, C=3) of the Bozis diagram (1970). Thus we know now the continuation of the families which go through collision periodic orbits of the Sun-Jupiter and Earth-Moon systems. We found new μ-C and x-C characteristic curves. Along each μ-C characteristic curve changes of stability to instability and vice versa and successive very small stable and very large unstable segments appear. Thus we found different types of bifurcations of families of collision periodic orbits. We found cases of infinite period doubling Feigenbaum bifurcations as well as bifurcations of new families of symmetric and non-symmetric collision periodic orbits of the same period. In general, all the families of collision periodic orbits are strongly unstable. Also, we found new x-C characteristic curves of j-type classes of symmetric periodic orbits generated from collision periodic orbits, for some given values of μ. As C varies along the μ-C or the x-C spiral characteristics, which approach their focal-terminating-point, infinite loops, one inside the other, surrounding the triangular points L4 and L5 are formed in their orbits. So, each terminating point corresponds to a collision asymptotic symmetric periodic orbit for the case of the μ-C curve or a non-collision asymptotic symmetric periodic orbit for the case of the x-C curve, that spiral into the points L4 and L5, with infinite period. All these are changes in the topology of the phase space and so in the dynamical properties of the restricted three-body problem.  相似文献   

We study numerically the asymptotic homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits around the hyperbolic Lyapunov periodic orbits which emanate from Euler's critical points L 1 and L 2, in the photogravitational restricted plane circular three-body problem. The invariant stable-unstable manifolds associated to these Lyapunov orbits, are also presented. Poincaré surface of sections of these manifolds on appropriate planes and several homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits for the gravitational case as well as for varying radiation factor q 1, are displayed. Homoclinic-homoclinic and homoclinic-heteroclinic-homoclinic chains which link the interior with the exterior Hill's regions, are illustrated. We adopt the Sun-Jupiter system and assume that only the larger primary radiates. It is found that for small deviations of its value from the gravitational case (q 1 = 1), the radiation pressure exerts a significant impact on the Hill's regions and on these asymptotic orbits.  相似文献   

The effect of the eccentricity of a planet’s orbit on the stability of the orbits of its satellites is studied. The model used is the elliptic Hill case of the planar restricted three-body problem. The linear stability of all the known families of periodic orbits of the problem is computed. No stable orbits are found, the majority of them possessing one or two pairs of real eigenvalues of the monodromy matrix, while a part of a family with complex instability is found. Two families of periodic orbits, bifurcating from the Lagrangian points L1, L2 of the corresponding circular case are found analytically. These orbits are very unstable and the determination of their stability coefficients is not accurate, so we compute the largest Liapunov exponent in their vicinity. In all cases these exponents are positive, indicating the existence of chaotic motions  相似文献   

We investigate the escape regions of a quartic potential and the main types of irregular periodic orbits. Because of the symmetry of the model the zero velocity curve consists of four summetric arcs forming four open channels around the lines y = ± x through which an orbit can escape. Four unstable Lyapunov periodic orbits bridge these openings.We have found an infinite sequence of families of periodic orbits which is the outer boundary of one of the escape regions and several infinite sequences of periodic orbits inside this region that tend to homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits. Some of these sequences of periodic orbits tend to homoclinic orbits starting perpendicularly and ending asymptotically at the x-axis. The other sequences tend to heteroclinic orbits which intersect the x-axis perpendicularly for x > 0 and make infinite oscillations almost parallel to each of the two Lyapunov orbits which correspond to x > 0 or x < 0.  相似文献   

For 14 values of the mass parameter μ (from 0.0010 until 0.0150) the non-periodic Transtrojan orbits (aroundL 4 and L5) are investigated, which on the plane restricted problem of three bodies pass the point situated opposite to the body μ (looking from the main mass) with zero velocity in the rotating coordinate system. Results: The Transtrojan state contains a finite number of ‘double librations’ (aroundL 4 and L5); this number decreases with growing value of the mass parameter. Above a value of mass parameter between 0.010 and 0.015 no further double-libration takes place. Certain topologic properties of the Transtrojan state are found; for example this state has a phase of narrowing and a phase of widening of the single librations; thereby the amplitudes of the librations fluctuate in a characteristic manner. The investigations will be published inAstronomische Nachrichten in German language.  相似文献   

We consider the planar restricted three-body problem and the collinear equilibrium point L 3, as an example of a center × saddle equilibrium point in a Hamiltonian with two degrees of freedom. We explore numerically the existence of symmetric and non-symmetric homoclinic orbits to L 3, when varying the mass parameter μ. Concerning the symmetric homoclinic orbits (SHO), we study the multi-round, m-round, SHO for m ≥ 2. More precisely, given a transversal value of μ for which there is a 1-round SHO, say μ 1, we show that for any m ≥ 2, there are countable sets of values of μ, tending to μ 1, corresponding to m-round SHO. Some comments on related analytical results are also made.  相似文献   

We present the biparametric family I of symmetric periodic orbits of the three-dimensional general three-body problem, found by numerical continuation of the vertical critical orbit I of the circular restricted three-body problem. The periodic orbits refer to a suitably chosen rotating frame of reference.  相似文献   

We study numerically the asymptotic homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits associated with the triangular equilibrium points L 4 and L 5, in the gravitational and the photogravitational restricted plane circular three-body problem. The invariant stable-unstable manifolds associated to these critical points, are also presented. Hundreds of asymptotic orbits for equal mass of the primaries and for various values of the radiation pressure are computed and the most interesting of them are illustrated. In the Copenhagen case, which the problem is symmetric with respect to the x- and y-axis, we found and present non-symmetric heteroclinic asymptotic orbits. So pairs of heteroclinic connections (from L 4 to L 5 and vice versa) form non-symmetric heteroclinic cycles. The termination orbits (a combination of two asymptotic orbits) of all the simple families of symmetric periodic orbits, in the Copenhagen case, are illustrated.  相似文献   

We describe and comment the results of a numerical exploration on the evolution of the families of periodic orbits associated with homoclinic orbits emanating from the equilateral equilibria of the restricted three body problem for values of the mass ratio larger than μ 1. This exploration is, in some sense, a continuation of the work reported in Henrard [Celes. Mech. Dyn. Astr. 2002, 83, 291]. Indeed it shows how, for values of μ. larger than μ 1, the Trojan web described there is transformed into families of periodic orbits associated with homoclinic orbits. Also we describe how families of periodic orbits associated with homoclinic orbits can attach (or detach) themselves to (or from) the best known families of symmetric periodic orbits. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The paper deals with different kinds of invariant motions (periodic orbits, 2D and 3D invariant tori and invariant manifolds of periodic orbits) in order to analyze the Hamiltonian direct Hopf bifurcation that takes place close to the Lyapunov vertical family of periodic orbits of the triangular equilibrium point L4 in the 3D restricted three-body problem (RTBP) for the mass parameter, μ greater than (and close to) μR (Routh’s mass parameter). Consequences of such bifurcation, concerning the confinement of the motion close to the hyperbolic orbits and the 3D nearby tori are also described.  相似文献   

This paper studies the asymmetric solutions of the restricted planar problem of three bodies, two of which are finite, moving in circular orbits around their center of masses, while the third is infinitesimal. We explore, numerically, the families of asymmetric simple-periodic orbits which bifurcate from the basic families of symmetric periodic solutions f, g, h, i, l and m, as well as the asymmetric ones associated with the families c, a and b which emanate from the collinear equilibrium points L 1, L 2 and L 3 correspondingly. The evolution of these asymmetric families covering the entire range of the mass parameter of the problem is presented. We found that some symmetric families have only one bifurcating asymmetric family, others have infinity number of asymmetric families associated with them and others have not branching asymmetric families at all, as the mass parameter varies. The network of the symmetric families and the branching asymmetric families from them when the primaries are equal, when the left primary body is three times bigger than the right one and for the Earth–Moon case, is presented. Minimum and maximum values of the mass parameter of the series of critical symmetric periodic orbits are given. In order to avoid the singularity due to binary collisions between the third body and one of the primaries, we regularize the equations of motion of the problem using the Levi-Civita transformations.  相似文献   

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