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《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(2):79-84
AbstractIn much the same way as a spreadsheet is more appropriate to some needs than a fully relational DBMS, many users interested in analysis of spatially referenced data have fairly unsophisticated requirements for extensive data storage or complex retrieval functions, and limited needs for topographic detail, cartographic accuracy or advanced map editing; however, they do require access to a wide range of statistical functions for data transformation, reduction and smoothing, multivariate analysis, and the modelling of spatial relationships. This paper argues that the needs of such users are poorly met by the 'mainstream' model for GIS that is often presented in the literature. A PC-based system, equivalent in GIS terms to the spreadsheet, is described. It integrates simple data structures, limited map creation and editing, a powerful range of standard and spatially orientated statistical functions, and the ability to interactively present results through chloropleth, contour, proportionate symbol, or proximally shaded maps. It is particularly designed to be easily accessible and to encourage visual interactive analysis. For some users such a system has acted as an adequate solution in its own right and for others it has provided a useful educational transition to more extensive and powerful systems. 相似文献
DENG MinLI ChengmingLIU Wenbao 《地球空间信息科学学报》2001,4(4):43-48
1 IntroductionSpatialrelationsqueryisoneofbasicfunctionsinGIS’sapplication .MostofcurrentcommercialGISscanonlyqueryspatialrelationsforspatialob jectswithoutanyerrororuncertainty ,forexample ,tousecomputation geometryalgorithmtodeter minewhetherapointfalls… 相似文献
To design retrieval algorithm of spatial relations for spatial objects with randomness in GIS, this paper builds up the membership functions based on set theory idea, used for determination of topological spatial relations between random objects, such as between point and point, point and line or polygon, which provides theoretical basis for retrieving spatial relations between certain and random objects. Finally, this paper interprets detailed methods and steps of realizing them by means of some simple examples under the GIS's environment. 相似文献
Jean H.P. Paelinck 《Journal of Geographical Systems》2000,2(2):157-165
The spatial aggregation problem – also termed the modifiable areal unit problem – has attracted regular attention in spatial
statistics and econometrics. In this study econometric aggregation analysis is used to investigate the formal composition
of meso-areal parameters given micro-areal underlying relations with spatial dependence. Impact on stochastic terms (possible
meso-areal spatial autocorrelation) is also studied. Finally consequences for meso-areal estimation are derived, the general
finding having been that spatial aggregation leads to meso-region specific parameter values, with the estimation problems
this implies. 相似文献
A GIS-based statistical methodology for landslide susceptibility zonation is described and its application to a study area
in the Western Ghats of Kerala (India) is presented. The study area was approximately 218.44 km2 and 129 landslides were identified in this area. The environmental attributes used for the landslide susceptibility analysis
include geomorphology, slope, aspect, slope length, plan curvature, profile curvature, elevation, drainage density, distance
from drainages, lineament density, distance from lineaments and land use. The quantitative relationship between landslides
and factors affecting landslides are established by the data driven-Information Value (InfoVal) — method. By applying and
integrating the InfoVal weights using ArcGIS software, a continuous scale of numerical indices (susceptibility index) is obtained
with which the study area is divided into five classes of landslide susceptibility. In order to validate the results of the
susceptibility analysis, a success rate curve was prepared. The map obtained shows that a great majority of the landslides
(74.42%) identified in the field were located in susceptible and highly susceptible zones (27.29%). The area ratio calculated
by the area under curve (AUC) method shows a prediction accuracy of 80.45%. The area having a high scale of susceptibility
lies on side slope plateaus and denudational hills with high slopes where drainage density is relatively low and terrain modification
is relatively intense. 相似文献
Hu Shao 《International Journal of Digital Earth》2019,12(3):250-269
For geospatial cyberinfrastructure-enabled web services, the ability of rapidly transmitting and sharing spatial data over the Internet plays a critical role to meet the demands of real-time change detection, response and decision-making. Especially for vector datasets which serve as irreplaceable and concrete material in data-driven geospatial applications, their rich geometry and property information facilitates the development of interactive, efficient and intelligent data analysis and visualization applications. However, the big-data issues of vector datasets have hindered their wide adoption in web services. In this research, we propose a comprehensive optimization strategy to enhance the performance of vector data transmitting and processing. This strategy combines: (1) pre- and on-the-fly generalization, which automatically determines proper simplification level through the introduction of appropriate distance tolerance speed up simplification efficiency; (2) a progressive attribute transmission method to reduce data size and, therefore, the service response time; (3) compressed data transmission and dynamic adoption of a compression method to maximize the service efficiency under different computing and network environments. A cyberinfrastructure web portal was developed for implementing the proposed technologies. After applying our optimization strategies, substantial performance enhancement is achieved. We expect this work to facilitate real-time spatial feature sharing, visual analytics and decision-making. 相似文献
During the HAPEX-Sahel experiment (1991–94), water redistribution processes were studied at the meso-scale (10 000 km2 ) near Niamey, Niger. A project now under way at ORSTOM aims at modelling the regional water balance through a spatial approach combining GIS data organization and distributed hydrological modelling. The main objective is to extend the surface water balance, by now available only on a few, small (around 1 km2 ) unconnected endoreic catchments, to a more significant part of the HAPEX-Sahel square degree, a 1500 km2 region called SSZ that includes most of the environmental and hydrology measurement sites. GIS architecture and model design consistently consider data and processes at the local, catchment scale, and at the regional scale. The GIS includes spatial and temporal hydrological data (rainfall, surface runoff, ground water), thematic maps (topography, soil, geomorphology, vegetation) and multi-temporal remote sensing data (SPOT, aerial pictures). The GIS supports the simulation of the composite effect at the regional scale of highly variable and discontinuous component hydrologic processes operating at the catchment scale, in order to simulate inter-annual aquifer recharge and response to climatic scenarios at the regional scale. 相似文献
山区土地评价的GIS空间分析建模研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了因地制宜地开发利用地形地貌复杂、土层较薄、基岩裸露率较高的山区土地,需要提前进行适宜性评价,目前主要采用Arc GIS空间分析方法进行分析处理,但是处理过程繁杂,易出错。本研究采用Arc GIS空间分析模型生成器对分析过程进行模型化处理,对每个评价因子数据处理过程进行处理流程建模,关联各个因子模型进行多因子综合评价,可得出山区土地资源建设适宜性评价模型。采用上述方法对研究区域进行相关分析处理,再结合大量地面调查,分析出的评估结果与实际土地开发利用适宜性有较高吻合度,验证了该GIS模型方法的科学性与可靠性,而且较常规的方法数据处理效率明显提高,数据处理模型也可以共享。 相似文献
基于GIS的开采沉陷空间建模及计算研究 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
本文针对开采沉陷地表移动变形计算问题,在GIS平台利用空间数据模型给出了预测计算中不同坐标系的转换公式及其空间数据库的构建,并讨论GIS与专业工程模型的耦合方法,提出了基于COM的模型耦合方法应用于系统的构架。实践证明,该方式下GIS与开采沉陷专业工程模型结合具有明显的优越性,对其他相关专业领域的耦合应用具有一定的借鉴意义。 相似文献
针对点位误差、线元在对称、旋转变换过程中不确定性的传播规律,该文采用误差椭圆和εm模型描述GIS空间数据对象模型中最常用的点、线元素的误差域,讨论几何变换(如对称、旋转变换)过程中不确定性的积累和传播规律,结合区间算法给出了变换后误差域模型。基于区间运算的INTLAB模拟结果验证了该模型的有效性和实用性。研究结果对进一步探讨其他几何变换过程中不确定性的积累传播规律具有一定参考。 相似文献
R数据统计分析软件是Linux平台下的一个优秀的数据统计软件,现在也已提供了在Windows平台下的安装版本并且具有简单的图形用户界面。它使用简单、功能强大且完全免费,因此与SPSS、SAS等较为流行的数据统计分析软件相比具有与一定的经济优势。同时,R语言的灵活性、可扩充性使得R能很容易地应用到GIS领域,在GIS空间数据分析、地统计分析以及图像处理等方面具有很好的应用前景。本文概要介绍了R语言的一些功能特点及其与GIS开源软件GRASS的集成。 相似文献
空间信息可视化挖掘研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
空间信息的可视化挖掘是数据挖掘领域的热点 ,具有很强的应用前景。本文从数据挖掘的基本概念入手 ,详细介绍了可视化数据挖掘的两种分类体系 :Keim分类体系和Card分类体系 ,同时分析了这两种分类体系中各种可视化数据挖掘方法的基本思路 ,探讨了可视化数据挖掘技术与空间信息领域应用相结合的各种途径 ,并给出了空间信息可视化挖掘的常用方法 相似文献
Barry Boots 《Journal of Geographical Systems》2000,2(1):17-21
This paper examines why GIS has made little contribution to the dissemination of spatial analysis procedures. In the future,
it is anticipated that GIS is more likely to embrace procedures which are exploratory and local and which are capable of performing
multiple roles. To facilitate this, there is a need to develop more interdisciplinary interaction, new texts, and integrated
software. 相似文献