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The concentration and distribution of Chlorophyll-a in surface seawater of Chinese Great Wall Bay and its adjacent waters, Antarctica were determined once monthly, altogether three times during an austral summer period from Dec. 1993 to Feb. 1994. The results obtained show:The concentration of Chl-a is about 1. 29 mg/m3, ranging from 0. 18-6. 75 mg/m3. The concentrations are higher inside the Bay than that outside and in Ardely Bay, This situation is consistent with that respect of the water temperature of surface layer in the area surveyed. However, the time for the occurrences of high and low values of Chl-a concentration are not the same as those for water temperature.The results of analysis correlation between each of the 4 concentrations of nutrient salts and Chl-a show that there is an apparent positive correlation only between (NO2-N) and Chl-a in the sea water surveyed.It is inferred from the results obtained that the distribution and changes of Chl-a in the Bay and its adjacent waters are still interfered with by other ecological factors including activities of the heterotrophic microbes.  相似文献   

The outdoor air borne microbial content over Great Wall Station, Antarctica has been monitored, including its diurnal variations and states in fair or foul weather conditions.The results obtained show: the concentration averaged 161. 9 CFU. m-3. When the weather condition was fair, its range of variation is 0~1 336. 2 CFU. m-3, the average value was 1488. 3 CFU. m-3,when the weather was foul, the range of variation was 471. 4-4 296. 8 CFU. m-3. The average value of air borne microbial number in either fair or foul weather was 383. 0 CFU. m-3. This value is over than 21 times that obtained during 1986/1987.The results seem to show that the influence of human activities have been increasing on Antarctic ecosystem. The diurnal variation of the outdoor air borne microbes shows that the peak of content appeared at about 01: 00, and the trough at about 13: 00 in a whole day. Analyses were made of the relationships between the microbial concentration with its related indexes, i. e. relevant air temperature relative humidity or wind force.The results showed some particularities as compared with those from the areas outside Antarctica.  相似文献   

土层冻结温度及未冻水含量指示着土的矿物成分、颗粒分散度,特别是化学成分,从而表征着土层的生成环境与发育条件。试验分析表明在中国南极长城站区土层中冻结温度及未冻水含量沿深度分布并非均匀或渐变,而在几个深度水平上出现突变区,它反映出长城站区在历史上有可能出现多次海进海退过程,或湿润与干旱期相间,或大量冰雪融水期与间冰期消融微弱期相间。  相似文献   

The concentrations and distributions of four species of inorganic nutrient salts in surface sea water of Chinese Great Wall Bay and its adjacent sea area, Antarctica were surveyed during austral summers of 1993~1994.The results obtained are as follows:The general concentrations of NH4-N, NO3-N, NO2-N and PO4-P are 2. 13, 7. 07, 0. 74 and 1. 12 μg. din-3, respectively. Generally speaking, the concentrations are higher inside the Bay than those  outside and the higher values of those inorganic salts often appear in December. The time for the station where their higher and lower concentrations appear are not completely the same. The descending order of the magnitudes of ΣN/P value according to the arrangement monthly is: Dec. Feb. Jan.. The  variations of water temperature are mostly consist with the concentrations of NH4-N, PO4-P and ΣN/P, but not often with NO2-N. The low concentrations of nutrient salts as shown in some stations may be related with absorption by phytoplankton, perhaps including autotrophic bacteria.The results suggest that the area surveyed has a typical characteristic of an inner shallow water bay, sub-Antarctica. The nutrients needed for phytoplankton are sufficient, and the Bay surveyed is still in a normal condition.  相似文献   

In this paper, supposing that the earth is a spherically symmetric, perfectly elastic and isotropic, we derive the equation of the variation of relative sea level, utilize our previous results of the surface load Love numbers for PREM (1981) model, and compute the global relative sea level rise on the assumption that 10 meters thickness of Antarctic ice sheet would be melted in the future fifty years.  相似文献   

南极海冰与温度变化关系的统计分析(英)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Temporal-spatial characteristics of Antarctic surface air temperature and sea ice variations have been statistically analyzed. Results show that, during the last 30 years there was an obvious warming trend in Antarctica, but there exists substantial difference in different sectors and different period. The most significant warming trend occurred in the Antarctic Peninsula, about 2-3 times greater than that in the whole east Antarctica. In recent 20 years the correlation between Antarctic mean temperature and mean sea ice area is low and insignificant, but its linear trends are found to be opposite related in each sector, that is, sea ice extent reductions when temperatures are high. The different climate sectors defined by cluster analysis clearly show a close relationship between two parameters on the inter-seasonal time scale. The most sensitive correlation sectors found are from south Atlantic to southwest Pacific ocean.  相似文献   

Methanesulphonate was investigated as a potential contributor to the sulphur budget based on the analysis on Antarctic snow/ice from Coffins Ice Cap, King George Island (62°10' S, 58°50,W). The anion was found to be present at a mean concentration of 0. 17 μeq. L-1 with a maximum of 0.73 μeq. L-1. A distinct seasonal variation exists in the top 10 m of the core, equivalent to more than two years of deposition. Dating resulted from δ18O profile suggests that the principal peaks of methanesulphonate are associated with snow deposited in autumn and secondary peaks in spring. The seasonal patterns of methanesulphonate in the subantarctic snow displays a phase difference from that observed in marine air from low and middle latitudes.  相似文献   

频繁的人类活动对南极生态环境的影响越来越受到关注,在南极长城站周边人类活动密集区对土壤进行采样的基础上,分析长城站周边地区表层土壤中重金属含量特征,并结合近20年来长城站周边土壤中主要重金属含量的分布,展开对比研究,探讨长城站区主要重金属元素的来源。结果表明,8种主要重金属在长城站表层土壤中都有不同程度的富集,站区频繁的车辆活动使得汽车尾气排放及汽车轮胎磨损产生大量含重金属的有害气体和粉尘,这些物质沉降在站区土壤表层或许是南极长城站区土壤重金属富集的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

王先兰 《沉积学报》1991,9(4):49-58
本文着重讨论南极长城湾及其沿岸表层沉积物的粒度、矿物、常量元素、微量元素、稀土元素、环境要素、有机组分以及微体古生物的特征、分区和分群问题。该区沉积物具有近源沉积特征,主要来自菲尔德斯半岛本身的基岩风化产物。长城湾沿岸属于侵蚀氧化环境区;长城湾内与南阿德雷湾内同属低能还原的沉积环境;长城湾口与南阿德雷湾口为弱氧化的沉积环境。  相似文献   

何若雪  李强  于奭  孙平安 《地球学报》2022,43(4):438-448
惰性有机碳(RDOC, Recalcitrant Dissolved Organic Carbon)作为难以被生物降解的有机碳, 可以在水体中保存数千年, 构成长期碳储。岩溶区浮游植物利用岩溶水中丰富的HCO– 3进行光合作用, 为异养细菌生长提供充足的有机质底物, 促进异养细菌代谢, 形成RDOC。本文以广西柳江为例, 通过δ14C示踪法、荧光实时定量PCR法、原位微生物法对流域内细菌基因丰度、RDOC浓度等进行培养和测试, 结合环境因子对流域内RDOC的变化趋势进行分析讨论。研究区RDOC浓度介于1.46~2.66 mg·L–1之间, 平均1.85 mg·L–1, 占DOC的48.16%~92.61%, 平均占65.83%, 表现出明显的时空变化特征: 平水期水温升高、水体浊度降低, 浮游生物初级生产力增加, 产生较多内源有机碳, 为异养细菌提供充足的有机质底物, 细菌丰度和初级生产力增加, RDOC浓度明显高于丰水期, 主要受流域内异养细菌生物效应影响; RDOC浓度在水库坝后明显减小, 该采样点较缓的流速使有机质和生物聚合物更易沉降, 进而留存在水体中的DOC及RDOC减少, 主要受水动力条件控制。研究结果表明流域内RDOC受生物效应和水体理化性质共同影响, 异养细菌是流域内RDOC的主要贡献者, 同时浮游生物产生的内源有机碳对RDOC形成有促进作用。  相似文献   

南极洲乔治王岛长城湾一年生海冰的发育特征和物理性质   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
秦大河 《冰川冻土》1991,13(2):115-130

通过2007年秋季对辽东湾北部海域表层沉积物氧化还原电位(Eh)的现场调查,分析了该海域表层沉积物Eh的现状,并从底质特性、上覆海水以及河流输入等方面深入探讨了Eh的影响因素。结果表明,该海域表层沉积物Eh变化范围在-24.8 mV~-366.7 mV之间,已由20世纪90年代的O2/H2O、有机物、MnO2/Mn2+、Fe(OH)3/Fe2+体系控制的弱还原环境转变为由SO2-4/HS-、S/HS-体系控制的还原环境,分布基本呈现自辽东湾东北部向西南部逐渐降低的趋势。表层沉积物中有机质是氧化还原反应必不可少的因子,但可能由于调查海域沉积速率较高和较强的还原环境的影响,有机质对Eh的分布及变化影响不明显;表层沉积物中硫化物含量和温度的高低直接影响到Eh,Eh随着硫化物含量和温度的升高而降低。上覆海水中溶解氧含量的高低也是影响Eh的一个重要因素,尤其是在溶解氧含量相对较高的调查海域影响更为显著,Eh呈现随着溶解氧的降低而降低的趋势。另外,河流输入也是影响该调查区域Eh的一个重要因素,但影响范围主要在以双台子河口为中心的冲淡水能达到扇形区域内。近二十年来,陆源排污及海上养殖等人类活动不断加强,造成了有机质与硫化物等污染物质的不断增加,使得辽东湾北部海域表层沉积物Eh逐渐降低,氧化还原环境发生了明显转变,同时表层沉积物的温度、上覆海水溶解氧、河流的输入及其与海水的混合作用等多种因素造就了该海域目前的氧化还原电位的分布变化特征,也一定程度上反映着该地区的污染分布状况,因此有必要采取相应措施,加强对该海区的环境保护力度,保持地区经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

南极长城站区松散沉积物的粒度特征及环境意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
南极长城站区地表松散沉积物按成因分为冰碛、冰缘沉积、冲积、湖积和海岸沉积。对其部分沉积的3.52mm以下粒度分析表明,其粒度特征有明显的差别,能很好地反映其形成过程和环境特征。按冰缘沉积、冰碛、冲积和海岸沉积的次序,其粒度组成中砂粒级的含量增加,粉砂和粘土的含量减少;分选性由分选差变为分选较差和分选好;平均粒径分别落在极细砂、细砂、中砂和粗砂粒级;偏度由极正偏变为近对称。粒度参数散点图中各种沉积物的分布有明显的区别。粒度频率曲线的差别能很好地反映沉积物各自的形成过程特点。而冲积和海岸沉积服从正态概率分布,其累积图表现为直线形;冰缘沉积和冰碛服从罗辛概率分布,在累积图中表现为直线形  相似文献   

利用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪测定了中国南极科考21~27航次期间获取的普里兹湾表层沉积物中Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr、Co、Al、Fe、Mn的含量,分析了普里兹湾微量元素的分布特征,结合沉积物粒度分布、生物硅含量,并利用富集系数和主成分分析的方法,探讨了微量元素的物源指示意义。研究结果表明:普里兹湾沉积物中的微量元素含量与南大洋其他海域具有很好的可比性。Cu、Zn、Cr、Co、Fe、Mn含量在陆坡深海区明显高于冰架边缘区和陆架区;Al、Pb含量在冰架边缘区较高;而Cd含量在陆架区相对较高。人类活动对普里兹湾沉积物中的微量元素没有明显的影响,南极大陆岩石风化产物和海洋生物源性沉降是其主要来源。冰架边缘区及陆架破折处P2-9站位的微量元素主要为岩源性输入。陆架区、陆坡深海区的微量元素Cu、Zn、Cr、Co、Fe、Mn明显受到生源性物质输入的影响。而普里兹湾沉积物中Cd则主要来源于硅藻的吸收利用及硅质软泥的富集。  相似文献   

福建省龙海市表层土壤硒含量及影响因素研究   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
曹容浩 《岩矿测试》2017,36(3):282-288
在龙海市土壤地球化学调查数据基础上,开展土壤硒含量特征、影响因素分析等项研究工作,可为研究区富硒土地资源开发提供依据。本文通过采用原子荧光光谱法(AFS)对福建省龙海市表层土壤4394件样品硒全量进行了分析测试,结果表明:龙海市表层土壤的硒含量为0.031~2.361 mg/kg,平均值为0.354mg/kg,足硒、富硒土壤面积占全地区面积的88.69%。同时发现,成土母质、土地利用方式、土壤pH、有机质含量以及海拔高度是影响龙海市土壤硒含量的重要因素。火山凝灰岩区、花岗岩区成土母质发育的土壤硒含量较高;在不同土地利用方式中,林地土壤的硒含量最高,园地、耕地土壤的硒含量适中;土壤硒含量与有机质含量、海拔高度呈正相关,与pH呈负相关,说明在酸性、富含有机质的土壤环境中硒元素易于富集,尤其是高海拔的山地丘陵区土壤中硒的富集作用更加明显。本研究成果对龙海市土地的合理规划利用、富硒产业的科学发展具有重要价值。  相似文献   

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