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砖砌体是被广泛应用的建筑材料,大量学者对砖砌体的压缩和拉伸行为特性以及应力-应变关系进行了试验研究。研究发现:砖砌体表现出与混凝土相近的应力-应变关系,为基于混凝土应力-应变关系模型发展砖砌体的应力-应变关系模型提供了基础。对已经提出的几种不同的砖砌体应力-应变关系模型进行了比较,通过比较分析,基于中国混凝土应力-应变关系模型,推荐了可用于估计砖砌体单轴压缩和拉伸载荷下应力-应变曲线的简单分析模型,模型中使用的参数不仅可以很容易地通过实验获得,而且常在规范中被规定使用。  相似文献   

着眼于再生混凝土的应用,为了解再生混凝土与普通混凝土在循环荷载下损伤性能的差别,进行了本次试验研究。采用0%,50%和100%3种取代率,70mm×70mm×148mm棱柱体试件,电-液伺服试验机,等位移速率加载。试验结果表明,相同残余应变时再生混凝土的损伤系数随再生骨料取代率的增加而增加。  相似文献   

Summary Preliminary experiments conducted on rocks under uniaxial compression seem to indicate that the magnetic susceptibility parallel to the domain wallsK does not play an effective role in stress-induced anisotropy.  相似文献   

文中对15根普通箍筋约束工程纤维增强水泥基复合材料(ECC)方形截面短柱进行了轴心受压破坏试验,试验结果表明:PVA纤维的桥接增韧作用,改善了ECC基体的塑性变形能力,更有利于箍筋约束效果的发挥;减小箍筋间距、采用低强度ECC或复合箍筋,试件应力-应变全曲线的下降段更为平缓,试件破坏时的整体性较好;箍筋约束作用对ECC变形性能的影响明显大于强度,且对峰后延性的影响最为显著;基于试验与理论分析,提出了箍筋约束ECC力学特征参数的计算公式,可为ECC的实际工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   

钢管高强混凝土压弯构件滞回性能的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文根据适用于三向周期受力的钢材本构关系模型,和适用于三向周期受力改进的混凝土本构关系的边界面模型,采用有限元法对钢管高强混凝土压弯构件的荷载-位移滞回曲线进行了理论分析,并进行了6个核心混凝土的强度为77N/mm2的钢管高强混凝土压弯构件滞回性能的试验研究。将理论分析和本试验研究及其他试验研究结果进行了对比,分析了荷载-位移滞回曲线的特点。  相似文献   

Velocity as well as attenuation factorQ –1 ofP-wave in a dry granitic rock sample under uniaxial compressions were measured in the range of frequency between 100 kHz and 710 kHz by using the pulse transmission technique. Above the stress of 0.5 f , where f is the fracture stress, theP-wave velocity decreases with increasing axial stress, whereasQ –1 increases. Particularly, the change ofQ –1 is greater for high frequency than for low frequency. At a given stress level, the higher the frequency, the higher theP-wave velocity and the largerQ –1. This result means that the velocity decrease with increasing stress is smaller for higher frequency. Because of this frequency-dependence of velocity decrease, theP-wave in the rock under dilatant state shows dispersion. The body wave dispersion is more remarkable at higher stress, and is not found in a homogeneous material with no cracks. Thus the disperison is attributed to the generation of cracks. When the frequency-dependence ofQ –1 is approximated asf n in the present frequency range, the exponentn takes a value from 0.63 to 0.77.  相似文献   

To investigate the seismic behavior of I-section columns made of 460 MPa high strength steel(HSS), six specimens were tested under constant axial load and cyclic horizontal load. The specimens were designed with different width-to-thickness ratios and loaded under different axial load ratios. For each specimen, the failure mode was observed and hysteretic curve was measured. Comparison of different specimens on hysteretic characteristic, energy dissipation capacity and deformation capacity were further investigated. Test results showed that the degradation of bearing capacity was due to local buckling of flange and web. Under the same axial load ratio, as width-to-thickness ratio increased, the deformation area of local buckling became smaller. And also, displacement level at both peak load and failure load became smaller. In addition, the full extent of hysteretic curve, energy dissipation capacity, ultimate story drift angle decreased, and capacity degradation occurred more rapidly with the increase of width-to-thickness ratio or axial load ratio. Based on the capacity of story drift angle, limiting values which shall not be exceeded are suggested respectively for flange and web plate of 460 MPa HSS I-section columns when used in SMFs and in IMFs in the case of axial load ratio no more than 0.2. Such values should be smaller when the axial load ratio increases.  相似文献   

Electric resistance and emissions of hydrogen and radon isotopes of concrete (which is somewhat similar to fault-zone materials) under increasing uniaxial compression were continuously monitored to check whether they show any pre- and post-failure changes that may correspond to similar changes reported for earthquakes. The results show that all these parameters generally begin to increase when the applied stresses reach 20% to 90% of the corresponding failure stresses, probably due to the occurrence and growth of dilatant microcracks in the specimens. The prefailure changes have different patterns for different specimens, probably because of differences in spatial and temporal distributions of the microcracks. The resistance shows large co-failure increases, and the gas emissions show large post-failure increases. The post-failure increase of radon persists longer and stays at a higher level than that of hydrogen, suggesting a difference in the emission mechanisms for these two kinds of gases. The H2 increase may be mainly due to chemical reaction at the crack surfaces while they are fresh, whereas the Rn increases may be mainly the result of the increased emanation area of such surfaces. The results suggest that monitoring of resistivity and gas emissions may be useful for predicting earthquakes and failures of concrete structures.  相似文献   

Masonry buildings worldwide exhibited severe damage and collapse in recent strong earthquake events. It is known that their brittle behavior, which is mainly due to the combination of low tensile strength, large mass and insufficient connection between structural elements, is the main limitation for their structural implementation in residential buildings. A new construction system for masonry buildings using concrete blocks units and trussed reinforcement is presented here and its seismic behavior is validated through shaking table tests. Dynamic tests of two geometrically identical two-story reduced scale (1:2) models have been carried out, considering artificial accelerograms compatible with the elastic response spectrum defined by the Eurocode 8. The first model was reinforced with the new proposed system while the second model was built with unreinforced masonry. The experimental analysis encompasses local and global parameters such as cracking patterns, failure mechanisms, and in-plane and out-of-plane behavior in terms of displacements and lateral drifts from where the global dynamic behavior of the two buildings is analyzed comparatively. Finally, behavior factors for the design recommendations in case of unreinforced masonry are also evaluated.  相似文献   

通过2根圆钢管普通混凝土柱与5根圆钢管钢渣混凝土柱在高轴压比下的水平低周反复加载试验,研究圆钢管钢渣混凝土柱的轴压比、钢管壁厚、钢渣砂替代率和长细比对其破坏形态、滞回耗能能力、骨架曲线、延性及耗能、刚度退化的影响规律。研究结果表明:钢渣混凝土试件破坏过程和破坏形态与普通混凝土试件基本相同,主要表现为钢管底部鼓曲的压弯破坏;所有试件滞回曲线饱满,无明显“捏缩”现象;高轴压比试件存在明显承载力突降现象,合理的径厚比(钢管直径/钢管壁厚)对高轴压比试件承载力突降有明显改善作用;低轴压比试件延性系数大于4.0,高轴压比试件延性系数介于1.57~3.76之间,轴压比增大,试件延性下降;试件破坏时等效粘滞阻尼系数ξeq介于0.259~0.437之间;建议采用《钢管混凝土混合结构技术标准》(GB/T51446-2021)或《钢管混凝土结构技术规程》(DBJ/T13-51-2010)计算地震作用下钢管钢渣混凝土柱压弯承载力,但高轴压比钢管钢渣混凝土柱计算结果需乘以折减系数0.8。  相似文献   

在自行改装高频振动系统基础上,通过对干砂土进行高频振动压缩室内试验,研究了干砂土变形特性。试验研究表明:在18~27 Hz的频率范围内,塑性压缩变形随着频率的增加而减少速度很快;在27~37 Hz的频率范围内,塑性压缩变形随着频率的增加而减少速度减缓。重点分析了相对密实度、动应力幅值等因素对高频振动下频率与塑性压缩变形之间关系的影响。分析结果表明,虽然在频率较低时,这2个因素对塑性压缩变形影响很大,在高频时,塑性压缩变形对这2个因素不敏感;但是它们并不会改变频率与塑性压缩变形关系曲线变化的趋势。  相似文献   

A lot of researches onb value have been made in seismology. Since the 1960’s Mogi, Scholz and others have studied AE of rock specimens in laboratory and discovered that it is related to natural earthquakes. All former researchers used integral specimens to studyb value in the laboratory. However a major earthquake is usually related to a existing seismic-fault in that area. For this reason, a series of fracture experiments with rock and glass specimens having pre-existing crack or notch is performed in order to examine the effect of preexisting crack tob value. The experimental results show that theb value begins to decrease as soon as the initiation of the crack and finally drop to a very low value when the specimen breaks unstably. Based on these, a brief discussion on the possible mechanism ofb value change for natural earthquakes is given.  相似文献   

L形短肢剪力墙由于其肢短的特点,已经广泛应用于民用建筑的外围结构。为研究使用高性能材料加强后的新型L形短肢剪力墙的抗震性能,本文基于不同轴压比、高宽比和配箍率,设计制作了六片短肢剪力墙试验模型,对其进行了低周往复荷载试验,根据试验结果,对试件的滞回性能、刚度退化、破坏形态、耗能能力等抗震性能指标进行分析与研究。结果表明:高强材料的使用提高了试件的整体承载能力;在满足最小配箍率的前提下适当增大配箍率有利于提高试件的承载力和延性;轴压比大小是影响试件破坏形态的主要因素,随着轴压比逐渐增大,试件趋于脆性破坏;高厚比大小是影响试件抗震性能的次要因素,其影响程度主要根据工程实际情况来确定,但可以肯定的是,较大高厚比有利于提升墙体的稳定性和承载能力。  相似文献   

The critical parameters that influence the nonlinear seismic response of asymmetric‐plan buildings are identified by evaluating the effects of different asymmetries that may characterize the structure of a building as well as exploring the influence of the ground motion features. First, the main findings reported in the literature on both the linear and nonlinear dynamic response of asymmetric‐plan buildings are presented. The common findings and the conflicting conclusions reached in different investigations are pointed out. Then, the results of comprehensive nonlinear dynamic analyses performed for evaluating the seismic response of systems characterized by different strength and stiffness configurations, representative of a large class of asymmetric‐plan buildings, are reported. Findings from the study indicate that the building response changes when moving from the linear to the nonlinear range, so that the seismic behavior of asymmetric‐plan buildings, apart from the source of asymmetry, can be always classified as irregular. Additionally, it was observed that as the seismic demands cause amplification of system nonlinearity with increasing earthquake intensity, the maximum displacement demand in the different resisting elements tends to be reached with the same deformed configuration of the system. The resultant of the seismic forces producing such a maximum demand is located at the center of resistance and corresponds to the collapse mechanism of the system that provides the maximum lateral strength in the exciting direction of the seismic action. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes a quasi-static test program featuring lateral cyclic loading on single piles in sandy soil. The tests were conducted on 18 aluminum model piles with different cross sections and lateral load eccentricity ratios, e/d, (e is the lateral load eccentricity and d is the diameter of pile) of 0, 4 and 8, embedded in sand with a relative density of 30% and 70%. The experimental results include lateral load-displacement hysteresis loops, skeleton curves and energy dissipation curves. Lateral cap...  相似文献   

This paper describes a quasi-static test program featuring lateral cyclic loading on single piles in sandy soil. The tests were conducted on 18 aluminum model piles with different cross sections and lateral load eccentricity ratios, e/d, (e is the lateral load eccentricity and d is the diameter of pile) of 0, 4 and 8, embedded in sand with a relative density of 30% and 70%. The experimental results include lateral load-displacement hysteresis loops, skeleton curves and energy dissipation curves. Lateral capacity, ductility and energy dissipation capacity of single piles under seismic load were evaluated in detail. The lateral capacities and the energy dissipation capacity of piles in dense sand were much higher than in loose sand. When embedded in loose sand, the maximum lateral load and the maximum lateral displacement of piles increased as e/d increased. On the contrary, when embedded in dense sand, the maximum lateral load of piles decreased as e/d increased. Piles with a higher load eccentricity ratio experienced higher energy dissipation capacity than piles with e/d of 0 in both dense and loose sand. At a given level of displacement, piles with circular cross sections provided the best energy dissipation capacity in both loose and dense sand.  相似文献   

Summary The relation between remanent magnetization and volumetric strain for gabbro samples stressed in uniaxial compression inside a near zero-field -metal shield has been examined. For samples with an induced IRM parallel to the axis of compression, remanent magnetization decreased linearly up to the onset of dilatancy. As increased stress produced additional dilatancy, the variation of remanent magnetization became nonlinear, and the stress dependence continually decreased until the rock failed. Stress cycling with the peak stress augmented for each cycle produced a continuous decrease in the zero stress value of the IRM although an appreciable amount of recovery was observed during unloading. When the sample was loaded in constant stress increments after the onset of dilatancy and held for several minutes at each level, time-dependent variations in remanent magnetization coincided with time-dependent increases in inelastic volumetric strain. In general as the inelastic creep rate increases, the rate of change in remanent magnetization increases. These results suggest that dilatancy related effects of the intensity of rock magnetization should be observed in magnetic rocks in epicentral regions prior to earthquakes and may serve as both long- and short-term precursors.  相似文献   

针对目前我国尚无CFRP约束混凝土方柱在不同应变率下的动态试验研究,设计了一套能够满足不同应变速率的动态单轴受压试验装置,并对83个碳纤维布约束混凝土在不同应变速率、不同包裹层数、不同混凝土强度下进行了单轴受压试验研究,得到了不同应变速率下CFRP约束混凝土的轴向应力应变关系.试验结果表明,不同应变率下其应力应变曲线的形状大致相同,随着加载速率的提高,CFRP约束混凝土的抗压强度也也随之提高.  相似文献   

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