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Sivas city, located in the inner east part of Anatolia (Turkey), is far from seismic sources. However, the city is under risk owing to strong earthquakes occurring around the area, and different soil conditions that can produce variation in the ground motion amplification. Microzonation of cities provides a basis for site-specific hazard analysis in urban settlements. In particular, seismic microzonation can be achieved by means of detailed seismic assessment of the area, including earthquake recordings and geological studies. In this paper, we propose a preliminary microzonation map for the city of Sivas, based on the variation in the dominant periods of the sediments covering the area. The periods are retrieved from microtremor measurements conducted at 114 sites, using the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio technique. The results of microtremor analysis were compared with those obtained from refraction microtremor measurements at two profiles crossing the studied area. According to the classification of dominant periods, Sivas area can be divided into four zones, probably prone to different levels of seismic hazard. However, specific studies including analysis of weak earthquakes are required in the future to validate our microzonation map.  相似文献   

Species composition, abundance, and seasonal distribution of the Gastropoda fauna and the physical and chemical variables of Upper Sakarya River System have been investigated between October 1998 and August 1999. Gastropod fauna in the Upper Sakarya River System was represented by 9 species of Prosobranchia and 7 species of Pulmonata. Diversity, dominance, and abundance of the Gastropoda species were recorded seasonally. The abundance of some of the 16 species was correlated positively with temperature, dissolved oxygen and negatively or positively with pH and nitrate. It was observed that Gyraulus albus (Müller, 1774), Physa acuta Draparnaud, 1805, Valvata pulchella Studer, 1820, and Oxyloma elegans (Risso, 1826) can tolerate a high level of NO‐N while V. piscinalis (Müller, 1774) spread out in unpolluted water. Although the species and their numbers change at the stations, the maximum numbers were found during autumn, while minimums were identified during the winter sampling. Gyraulus albus was the most widespread species in our research area. Only 5 species (Gyraulus albus, Physa acuta, Valvata cristata (Muller, 1774), Valvata pulchella, Melanopsis praemorsa costata (Olivier, 1804)) were determined each season. However, no Gastropoda were found at the station 3 that has high BOD, NO‐N, NO‐N, and NH3 levels.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and numerical verification of a test method to realistically simulate the seismic structural response of full‐scale buildings. The result is a new field testing procedure referred to as the linear shaker seismic simulation (LSSS) testing method. This test method uses a linear shaker system in which a mass mounted on the structure is commanded a specified acceleration time history, which in turn induces inertial forces in the structure. The inertia force of the moving mass is transferred as dynamic force excitation to the structure. The key issues associated with the LSSS method are (1) determining for a given ground motion displacement, xg, a linear shaker motion which induces a structural response that matches as closely as possible the response of the building if it had been excited at its base by xg (i.e. the motion transformation problem) and (2) correcting the linear shaker motion from Step (1) to compensate for control–structure interaction effects associated with the fact that linear shaker systems cannot impart perfectly to the structure the specified forcing functions (i.e. the CSI problem). The motion transformation problem is solved using filters that modify xg both in the frequency domain using building transfer functions and in the time domain using a least squares approximation. The CSI problem, which is most important near the modal frequencies of the structural system, is solved for the example of a linear shaker system that is part of the NEES@UCLA equipment site. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The qualitative and quantitative characteristics and seasonal distribution of macroinvertebrates in the Kirmir Creek are determined by samples of bottom sediments and water.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine the possible trends in annual total precipitation series by using the non-parametric methods such as the wavelet analysis and Mann-Kendall test. The wavelet trend (W-T) analysis is for the first time presented in this study. Using discrete wavelet components of measurement series, we aimed to find which periodicities are mainly responsible for trend of the measurement series. We found that some periodic events clearly affect the trend of precipitation series. 16-yearly periodic component is the effective component on Bal?kesir annual precipitation data and is responsible for producing a real trend founded on the data. Also, global wavelet spectra and continuous wavelet transform were used for analysis to precipitation time series in order to clarify time-scale characteristics of the measured series. The effects of regional differences on W-T analysis are checked by using records of measurement stations located in different climatic areas. The data set spans from 1929 to 1993 and includes precipitation records from meteorological stations of Turkey. The trend analysis on DW components of the precipitation time series (W-T model) clearly explains the trend structure of data.  相似文献   

Shear wave velocity (Vs) measurements from seismic piezocone penetration (SCPTU) soundings have been increasingly used for site characterization and liquefaction potential assessments. Several sites in Tangshan region, China liquefied during the Tangshan earthquake, Mw=7.8 in 1976 and these sites were characterized recently using the SCPTU device. Other sites in the same region where liquefaction was not observed are also included in the present field investigations. Three liquefaction assessment models-based on measured shear wave velocity, shear modulus and tip resistance parameters of SCPTU are evaluated in this paper for their accurate predictions of liquefaction or non-liquefaction at the test sites. Analyses showed that the shear wave velocity—liquefaction resistance model with normalized overburden vertical stress have yielded a success rate of 78% in predicting liquefied site cases and another similar approach with mean stress based normalization has a success rate of 67%. The correlation of qc/Go-CRR7.5 based on geological age has correctly assessed the liquefaction potential at most sites considered in this research. Overall, all three models based on shear wave velocity, shear modulus and cone tip resistance are proven valuable in the assessments of liquefaction at the present test sites in the Tangshan region.  相似文献   

The seismic vulnerability index(Kg) is a parameter that depends on the dynamic properties of soil. With this parameter, it is possible to evaluate the vulnerability of a point-based site under strong ground motion. Since it is related to the natural vibration period and amplification factor, the parameter can be calculated for both soil and structure. In this study, HVSR microtremor measurements are recorded at more than 200 points in the Van region to generate a seismic vulnerability index map. After generating the map, it is determined that the hazard potential and seismic vulnerability index is high at the sites close to Van Lake and at the densely populated city center. Damage information of the buildings investigated after the 2011 Van earthquakes(Mw = 7.1) are placed on the seismic vulnerability index map and it is realized that there may be a correlation between the damage and the seismic vulnerability index. There is a high correlation, approximately 80 percent, between the damage rate map based on the damaged building data and the K_g values. In addition, vulnerability indexes of buildings are calculated and the effect of local soil conditions and building properties on the damage levels are determined. From the results of this study and the site observations after the 2011 Van earthquakes, it is found that structural damage is not only structure-dependent but is also related to the dynamic behavior of soil layers and local soil conditions.  相似文献   

Each volcano has its own unique seismic activity. The aim of this work is to construct a system able to classify seismic signals for the Villarrica volcano, one of the most active volcanoes in South America. Since seismic signals are the result of particular processes inside the volcano's structure, they can be used to forecast volcanic activity. This paper describes the different kinds of seismic signals recorded at the Villarrica volcano and their significance. Three kind of signals were considered as most representative of this volcano's activity: the long-period, the tremor, and the energetic tremor signals. A classifier is implemented to read the seismic registers at 30-second intervals, extract the most relevant features of each interval, and classify them into one of the three kinds of signals considered as most representative of this particular volcano. To do so, 1033 different kinds of 30-s signals were extracted and classified by a human expert. A feature extraction process was applied to obtain the main characteristics of each of them. This process was developed using criteria which have been shown by others to effectively classify seismic signals, based on the experience of a human expert. The classifier was implemented with a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) artificial neural network whose architecture and training process were optimized by means of a genetic algorithm. This technique searched for the most adequate MLP configuration to improve the classification performance, optimizing the number of hidden neurons, the transfer functions of the neurons, and the training algorithm. The optimization process also performed a feature selection to reduce the number of signal features, optimizing the number of network inputs. The results show that the optimized classifier reaches more than 93% exactitude. identifying the signals of each kind. The amplitude of the signals is the most important feature for its classification, followed by its frequency content. The described methodology can be used to classify more seismic signals to improve the study of the activity of this volcano or to extend the study to other active volcanoes of the region.  相似文献   

In order to simulate earthquake ground motions for the Instanbul (Turkey) region, acceleration time series from western Turkey are modeled by transforming the series into a stationary one which can be described by an autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) process. The ARMA and other parameters used in the stationary transformation are related to physical parameters (e.g. magnitude, distance to epicenter, depth to hypocenter and duration) via a regression analysis. To create simulations for a given set of physical parameters, the modelling procedure is reversed.  相似文献   


Since droughts are natural phenomena, their occurrence cannot be predicted with certainty and thus it must be treated as a random variable. Once drought duration and magnitude have been found objectively, it is possible to plan for the transport of water in known quantities to drought-stricken areas either from alternative water resources or from water stored during wet periods. The summation of deficits over a particular period is referred to as the drought magnitude. Drought intensity is the ratio of drought magnitude to its duration. These drought properties at different truncation levels provide significant hydrological and hydrometeorological design quantities. In this study, the run analysis and z-score are used for determining drought properties of given hydrological series. In addition, kriging is used as a spatial drought analysis for mapping. This study is applied to precipitation records for Istanbul, Edirne, Tekirdag and Kirklareli in the Trakya region, Turkey and then the drought period, magnitude and standardized precipitation index (SPI) values are presented to depict the relationships between drought duration and magnitude.  相似文献   

<正>2014年2月《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Dynamics》出版文章《地震中线性与非线性系统结构碰撞的概率风险分析》,地震引起的结构碰撞对高密度人口城市中的建筑物和其他应用性构筑物,如大跨度桥梁中的相邻桥台,是一种极大的风险。当地震发生时,建筑结构间发生碰撞,导致重大灾害的发生,如1985年墨西哥地震和1995年日本神户地震,造成了巨大损失。  相似文献   

In the monitoring of earthquakes and nuclear explosions using a sparse worldwide network of seismic stations, it is frequently necessary to make reliable location estimates using a single seismic array. It is also desirable to screen out routine industrial explosions automatically in order that analyst resources are not wasted upon detections which can, with a high level of confidence, be associated with such a source. The Kovdor mine on the Kola Peninsula of NW Russia is the site of frequent industrial blasts which are well recorded by the ARCES regional seismic array at a distance of approximately 300 km. We describe here an automatic procedure for identifying signals which are likely to result from blasts at the Kovdor mine and, wherever possible, for obtaining single array locations for such events. Carefully calibrated processing parameters were chosen using measurements from confirmed events at the mine over a one-year period for which the operators supplied Ground Truth information. Phase arrival times are estimated using an autoregressive method and slowness and azimuth are estimated using broadband f{-}k analysis in fixed frequency bands and time-windows fixed relative to the initial P-onset time. We demonstrate the improvement to slowness estimates resulting from the use of fixed frequency bands. Events can be located using a single array if, in addition to the P-phase, at least one secondary phase is found with both an acceptable slowness estimate and valid onset-time estimate. We evaluate the on-line system over a twelve month period; every event known to have occured at the mine is detected by the process and 32 out of 53 confirmed events were located automatically. The remaining events were classified as “very likely” Kovdor events and were subsequently located by an analyst. The false alarm rate is low; only 84 very likely Kovdor events were identified during the whole of 2003 and none of these were subsequently located at a large distance from the mine. The location accuracy achieved automatically by the single-array process is remarkably good, and is comparable to that obtained interactively by an experienced analyst using two-array observations. The greatest problem encountered in the single array location procedure is the difficulty in determining arrival times for secondary phases, given the weak Sn phase and the complexity of the P-coda. The method described here could be applied to a wide range of locations and sources for which the monitoring of seismic activity is desirable. The effectiveness will depend upon the distance between source and receiver, the nature of the seismic sources and the level of regional seismicity.  相似文献   

The linear traveltime interpolation (LTI) method is a suitable ray‐tracing technique for modelling first‐arrival times in isotropic media. LTI is extended to elliptical anisotropic media and applied to a tomographic inversion procedure. A theoretical formulation is first derived and then LTI implementation is discussed in terms of source–receiver arrays and cell size. The method is then combined with the tomographic inversion procedure adopted. The matching of the ray tracing with inversion in elliptical anisotropic media posed a double non‐linear problem. Thus two assumptions were made: the velocity in each cell is uniform and the main directions of anisotropy are known. To take into account the geometrical characteristics of the area under investigation (depth and velocity of the weathering, and thickness of the inner media), cells of varying size were considered. No hypothesis was made on anisotropy weakness.
The algorithm was first tested on synthetic models and then applied to a field survey. On comparing the results of the synthetic models and the field survey with those obtained with a linear raypath approximation, it was found that there were fewer data misfits.  相似文献   

A probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of Andalusia (Southern Spain) in terms of peak ground acceleration, PGA, and spectral accelerations, SA(T), is presented in this paper. In contrast to most of the previous studies in the region, which were performed for PGA, making use of Intensity-to-PGA relationships, hazard was here calculated in terms of magnitude, using published spectral ground-motion models. Moreover, we considered different ground-motion models for the Atlantic sources, since the attenuation of those motions seems to be slower, as evidenced in the case of the extensive macroseismic areas of earthquakes like those occurred in the years 1755, 1969 and 2007. A comprehensive review of the seismic catalogue and of the seismogenic models proposed for the region was carried out, including those for Northern Africa, which is part of the influence area. Hazard calculations were performed following the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) methodology using a logic tree, which accounts for six different seismic source zonings and five different ground-motion attenuation relationships. Hazard maps in terms of PGA and SA (0.2 s) and SA (1 s) and coefficient of variation (COV) maps, for the 475-year return period were first obtained in rock sites. A geotechnical classification and amplification factors were proposed and new hazard maps including local effects were represented, showing PGA values ranging from 24 to 370 cm/s2 for the whole Andalusian territory, with the highest expected values (PGA > 300 cm/s2) in some parts of the Granada Province and in the town of Vélez Málaga. Lowest values (PGA < 50 cm/s2) correspond to some towns of the Huelva and Córdoba provinces. The inclusion of soil effects provides a more detailed picture of the actual hazard the region is subjected to.  相似文献   

Algiers city is located in a seismogenic zone. To reduce the impact of seismic risk in this Capital city, a realistic modelling of the seismic ground motion (SGM) is conducted by using the hybrid method that combines the finite differences method and the modal summation. For this purpose, a complete database of geological, geophysical and earthquake data is constructed. A critical re-appraisal of the seismicity of the zone [2.25°E–3.50°E, 36.50°N–37.00°N] is performed and an earthquake list, for the period 1359–2002, is compiled. The analysis of existing and newly retrieved macroseismic information allowed the definition of earthquake parameters of macroseismic events for which a degree of reliability is assigned. Geological cross sections have been built up to model the SGM in the city, caused by the 1989 Mont-Chenoua and the 1924 Douéra earthquakes. Synthetic seismograms and response spectral ratio is produced for Algiers, and they show that the soft sediments in Algiers centre are responsible of the noticed amplification of the SGM.  相似文献   

Southwest Turkey, along Mediterranean coast, is prone to large earthquakes resulting from subduction of the African plate under the Eurasian plate and shallow crustal faults. Maximum observed magnitude of subduction earthquakes is Mw = 6.5 whereas that of crustal earthquakes is Mw = 6.6. Crustal earthquakes are sourced from faults which are related with Isparta Angle and Cyprus Arc tectonic structures. The primary goal of this study is to assess seismic hazard for Antalya area (SW Turkey) using a probabilistic approach. A new earthquake catalog for Antalya area, with unified moment magnitude scale, was prepared in the scope of the study. Seismicity of the area has been evaluated by the Gutenberg-Richter recurrence relationship. For hazard computation, CRISIS2007 software was used following the standard Cornell-McGuire methodology. Attenuation model developed by Youngs et al. Seismol Res Lett 68(1):58–73, (1997) was used for deep subduction earthquakes and Chiou and Youngs Earthq Spectra 24(1):173–215, (2008) model was used for shallow crustal earthquakes. A seismic hazard map was developed for peak ground acceleration and for rock ground with a hazard level of a 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years. Results of the study show that peak ground acceleration values on bedrock change between 0.215 and 0.23 g in the center of Antalya.  相似文献   

The rapid urban development in Istanbul has lead to an increase in the exposure levels of the urban vulnerability. Due to the steadily increasing population, with improper land-use planning, inappropriate construction techniques and inadequate infrastructure systems, associated with an existing high hazard level, Istanbul is one of the most risky cities in the Mediterranean region. Estimations of casualties and losses, expected for given earthquake scenarios, are necessary to develop sustainable rehabilitation programs and for improving preparedness. Deterministic hazard scenarios and time-dependent probabilistic hazard assessment were used as input to a GIS-based loss estimation model, to evaluate the earthquake risk for Istanbul.  相似文献   

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