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The bio-reef-chert suite is an important ore-bearing rock assemblage and one of the metallogenic rock suites of superlarge ore deposits. It is formed as a fixed and ordered suite in space and time, and composed of different rocks formed by different geological processes. It is the product of basin evolution at special stage in a special geological setting. It is also the comprehensive product of normal sedimentary process, biological process in basin, hydrothermal sedimentary process under basin base and magmatic process in the deep lithosphere.  相似文献   

The formation of many metallic and non-metallic ore deposits is a result of coupling of mineralization, related to anoxic environment and regional, or global background. Inter act~on, concordance and continual development of the mineralization and environmental background control the large to superlarge scale of ore deposits. Three kinds of ore-forming models related to anoxic environment and three important background patterns are suggested. The turning period of geological history is favorable to the formation of large to superlarge ore deposits.  相似文献   

A map showing the three-dimensional velocity anomaly on the southwestern edge of Yangtze craton is first compiled. Based on the map, it is suggested that there is a low-velocity plume on the edge of Yangtze craton. The low-velocity plume is the effect of mantle plume, plays an important role in controlling the upwelling of asthenosphere, mantle rise and the formation of intracrustal low-velocity lens, and is also the carrier and provider of vast amount of fluids, mineralizers, minerogenetic materials and energy. Therefore, it is concluded that the low-velocity plume is closely related to Mesozoic and Cenozoic superlarge ore deposits in time and space and genesis.  相似文献   

The new plants documented here, including a representative of the trimerophytesPsilophyton primitiuum sp. nov., a questionable rhyniophyte or trimerophyteHedeia sinica sp. nov., a prelycopodBragwanathia sp. and two species of zosterophyllophytes,Zosterophyllum australianum Lang and Cookson 1930 and2. sp. 1, from the Posongchong Formation of southeastern Yunnan, China, add to the known floral diversity of the Early Devonian of this region. Two sections of the Posongchong Formation, Changputang section of Wenshan district and Gegu section of Mengzi district also are introduced. After comparing the plants with those of the coeval flora of Australia and considering the data of recent paleocontinental reconstructions, the authors suggest that there is a northeastern Gondwana phytogeographic unit during the early Devonian comprising Australia, South China Block and perhaps Shan-Thai Block. The similarity of the floral component between Australia and South China is discussed. Because both Australia and South China also have dominant or endemic taxa, each might be recognized as a subunit, separately characterized byHedeia for Australia andEophyllophyton for South China. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 49372075 and 49742004)  相似文献   


The unique nature of four non-conventional superlarge deposits: the Bayan Obo deposit, the Shizhuyuan deposit, the Dachang deposit and the Franklin Furnace deposit is discussed. It is postulated that the unique nature of these deposits is related to the rare geological processes and their coupling.


Four large and superlarge copper-multimetal ore deposits hosted in the Mid-Proterozoic Zhartaishan Group along northwestern margin of North China Plate are stratabound hydrothermal sedimentary deposits, and these deposits formed in mid-late stage of the Mid-Proterozoic Langshan-Zhartaishan rifting system. Four necessary conditions are proposed for the formation of these large and superlarge ore deposits: (i) favorable geological background and tectonic environment; (ii) abundant sources of metallogenic material; (iii) favorable sedimentary lithofacies and paleogeographic conditions; (iv) sudden change events during metallogenic processes.  相似文献   

About three quarters of superlarge porphyry copper deposits throughout the world occur along the eastern Pacific basin rim, most of which were formed during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic. Porphyry copper deposits often occur in the upper parts of a subduction zone and in a within-plate orogenic belt. Some porphyry copper deposits are inconsistent with plate subduction with respect to their formation time, and most of them in the world are associated with tensional environment. Metallogenic porphyries originated from the mantle, and the involvement of the lower-crust or oceanic crust materials have played an important role. Based on the geochemical characteristics and tectonic settings of the ore-bearing porphyries in the Gandise and Yulong metallogenic zones, it is proposed that delamination may be the important mechanism of formation of porphyry copper deposits.  相似文献   

Analysis of tectonic settings of global superlarge porphyry copper deposits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
About three quarters of superlarge porphyry copper deposits throughout the world occur along the eastern Pacific basin rim, most of which were formed during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic. Porphyry copper deposits often occur in the upper parts of a subduction zone and in a within-plate orogenic belt. Some porphyry copper deposits are inconsistent with plate subduction with respect to their formation time, and most of them in the world are associated with tensional environment. Metallogenic porphyries originated from the mantle, and the involvement of the lower-crust or oceanic crust materials have played an important role. Based on the geochemical characteristics and tectonic settings of the ore-bearing porphyries in the Gandise and Yulong metallogenic zones, it is proposed that delamination may be the important mechanism of formation of porphyry copper deposits.  相似文献   

Structural control of the deposition of endogenic ores, among which the ores of volcanic affinity play an important role, has been studied by the author in several regions of four continents. Correlation of the results has revealed that generally there is a repetition of four sets of ore-controlling basement fracture zones. All the four sets of basement fracture zones are not always well developed in the sub-surface level and in the morphology of a region, and some of them usually play a dominant role depending on the geological development of the territory (Table 1). The strike of the ore-controlling basement fractures and their distribution have shown similarities with the pattern of fractures distribution in the floor of the adjoining oceans in three of the studied areas. The most important feature is the joint development of east-west trending fracture zones in both the oceanic areas and the basement of continental areas. One of these zones, defined as the «Fourty-north Fracture Zone » has been traced for a considerable distance on a global scale, the Mendocino fracture zone being considered as its prolongation. The results do not exclude the possibility of a continental drift in some areas, but require the presence of a rigid layer with a rather uniform global fracture pattern existing in the period before rifting and drifting apart of the plates.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the geology and geochemistry of the Gacun and Laochang large-sized marine volcanic rock-type Ag deposits in the Sanjiang (Tri-River) area of southwestern China and of the continental volcanic-subvolcanic rock-type Ag deposits in the Tianshan area of Xinjiang, and in the East area, China. It is considered that the marine volcanic rock-type Ag deposits occur mainly in the second-ordered volcano-sedimentary basins developed in island-arc and rift tectonic environments. The Ag deposits show an obvious zonation, with vein-network mineralization in the lower parts and hot water sedimentary rock-hosted stratified mineralization in the upper parts. From the Earth's surface downwards the ore-forming elements follows the order of As(Au))→Ag, Pb, Zn→Cu. The whole rock Rb-Sr isotopic isochron age of layered orebodies in the Gacun deposit is 204±14 Ma, indicating that the main stage of mineralization is Late Triassic in age. The continental volcanic-subvolcanic (porphyry) rock-type Ag deposits were formed later than the country rocks. The ores exhibit disseminated, veinlet disseminated, network and lumped structures. In addition, this study also deals with the geochemical characteristics of the continental volcanic-subvolcanic rock-type Ag deposits and the relations between Ag deposits or silver itself and fluorite, halogen-family elements and manganese.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the geology and geochemistry of the Gacun and Laochang large-sized marine volcanic rock-type Ag deposits in the Sanjiang (Tri-River) area of southwestern China and of the continental volcanic-subvolcanic rock-type Ag deposits in the Tianshan area of Xinjiang, and in the East area, China. It is considered that the marine volcanic rock-type Ag deposits occur mainly in the second-ordered volcano-sedimentary basins developed in island-arc and rift tectonic environments. The Ag deposits show an obvious zonation, with vein-network mineralization in the lower parts and hot water sedimentary rock-hosted stratified mineralization in the upper parts. From the Earth’s surface downwards the ore-forming elements follows the order of As(Au)) →Ag, Pb, Zn→Cu. The whole rock Rb-Sr isotopic isochron age of layered orebodies in the Gacun deposit is 204±14 Ma, indicating that the main stage of mineralization is Late Triassic in age. The continental volcanic-subvolcanic (porphyry) rock-type Ag deposits were formed later than the country rocks. The ores exhibit disseminated, veinlet disseminated, network and lumped structures. In addition, this study also deals with the geochemical characteristics of the continental volcanic-subvolcanic rock-type Ag deposits and the relations between Ag deposits or silver itself and fluorite, halogen-family elements and manganese.  相似文献   

Water–rock–gas system is simulated using a technique based on the fundamental principles of modern hydrogeochemistry regarding the formation parameters of natural-water chemistry to show that groundwater pollution hazard at a gold-bearing placer is acute for any site of water exchange changing from passive to active. Under passive water exchange, the products of sulfide oxidation are accumulated; whereas under active water exchange, the oxidation products are leached out to form acid drainage flows. The treatment of acid drainage water and the neutralization of acid solutions are more effective under reduction or weakly alkaline conditions.  相似文献   

The alkali-rich igneous rocks in China occur as fifteen linear distributed belts of each extending several hundreds to several thousands kilometers in length. These include most types of alkali-rich igneous rock categories discovered worldwide. The related Au, Cu large and superlarge deposits or metallogenic focus-areas include Dongping, Guilaizhuang, Yulong, etc. Direct and indirect genetic links have been found between alkali-rich igneous rocks and Au, Cu mineralization. The petrogenesis and metallogenesis of the alkali-rich igneous rocks are mainly controlled by (1) mantle enrichment, (2) strong interaction between mantle and crust, (3) lower contens of sulfur, high and high contents of volatiles, (4) the significant turn of regional tectonic framework from compress to extension and (5) the strong change of regional lithosphere structure.  相似文献   

The alkali-rich igneous rocks in China occur as fifteen linear distributed belts of each extending several hundreds to several thousands kilometers in length. These include most types of alkali-rich igneous rock categories discovered worldwide. The related Au, Cu large and superlarge deposits or metallogenic focus-areas include Dongping, Guilaizhuang, Yulong, etc. Direct and indirect genetic links have been found between alkali-rich igneous rocks and Au, Cu mineralization. The petrogenesis and metallogenesis of the alkali-rich igneous rocks are mainly controlled by (1) mantle enrichment, (2) strong interaction between mantle and crust, (3) lower contens of sulfur, high f O2 and high contents of volatiles, (4) the significant turn of regional tectonic framework from compress to extension and (5) the strong change of regional lithosphere structure.  相似文献   

庐枞盆地浅表地壳速度成像与隐伏矿靶区预测   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
利用反射地震初至波可以精确反演地壳速度结构和构造信息.对庐枞盆地采集的高分辨地震数据,运用初至波层析成像方法,反演得到了该区1200 m以上的浅表地壳速度结构信息.找矿信息总是同地球化学异常联系紧密,对采集于炮孔深处的岩屑、泥砂样品进行了地球化学分析,发现了多处显著的金属元素异常.对五条测线的速度成像结果及其映射的地下岩性结构和炮孔地球化学分析结果进行了相关性对比分析.结果显示,庐枞盆地的沉积岩、火山岩和侵入岩具有不同的速度范围,侵入岩具有高波速特征,地球化学信息高异常往往出现在高速侵入岩体的上方;精细的速度信息蕴含着丰富的浅表地壳结构变化特征,与庐枞矿集区已知的地质、岩体、构造和矿体分布存在着良好的对应关系.速度成像结果可以准确刻画地下隐伏侵入岩体的空间分布形态,结合地球化学分析异常和重磁探测等信息,预测隐伏矿床,提供深部找矿靶区.  相似文献   

Two deep-sea cores in the northwest Pacific have been analysed for sedimentology, mineralogy and environmental magnetism. The results show that after eliminating the interference from volcanism, several proxies such as quartz content, mass susceptibility and anhysteretic magnetic remanence can be used to indicate the eolian deposit from East Asia, and provide information on paleo-atmospheric circulation. A comparison of eolian record in Cure RC10-175 with its oxygen isotopic curve has revealed that the peaks of eolian accumulation occurred at the climatic “optimum” of the Holocene and the last interglaciation, showing the fairly complex nonlinear relationship between continental/pelagic eolian records and the global glacial cycles as well as within the climatic and environmental system. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 9291104)  相似文献   


A correlative study of geology and metallogenic process in the bordering zones between China, Russia and Mongolia shows that the region of the western slope of the Da Hingan Mts. -Eastern Transbaikalia-Eastern Mongolia is a metallogenic focus-area associated with Late Mesozoic intraplate tectono-magmatic activation. During the period of 160–120 Ma a great number of multiplex deposits with similar genesis including large and superlarge mineral deposits were formed.


Fluid inclusions from the Dajing and Caijiaying deposits have nearly the same ho-mogenization temperature. Correlation between temperature and salinity shows that both Sn-and Cu-bearing fluids Sn and Cu were present in the Dajing deposit but only one kind of fluids continuously evolved in the Caijiaying deposit. Study on rare earth elements (REE) in ancient fluid from the inclusions indicates that the fluid of Sn mineralizing stage in Dajing was derived from remelting magma of the continental crust, and the fluid of Cu-Pb-Zn mineralizing stage in the Dajing deposit and the fluid of Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization in the Caijiaying deposit were derived from the mantle. It is concluded that the Cu-Pb-Zn mineralizations in the Dajing and Caijiaying deposits resulted from the identical tectono-thermal event of magma-fluids induced by Mesozoic tectonic transition and extension in the eastern part of North China Craton.  相似文献   

The study of ore-forming chronology indicates that the superlarge gold deposits in the Jiaodong region were formed in 120±10 Ma. Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions from typical gold deposits suggest that ore-forming materials were derived from the multisources, mantle component was partly involved in mineralization, the deep dynamic processes are the major geological background of large-scale metallogenesis in the Jiaodong region in Mesozoic. The deep processes mainly include the effect of post deep-subduction of continental crust of the central orogen belt and the distant effect of subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate underneath the Eurasian continent. However, lithosphere thinning, crust-mantle interaction, crustal extension and formation of large-type ore-controlling structures would be the comprehensive consequences of the above-mentioned geodynamic processes in the region.  相似文献   

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