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A newly Integrated Hydrological Modelling System (IHMS) has been developed to study the impact of changes in climate, land use and water management on groundwater and seawater intrusion (SWI) into coastal areas. The system represents the combination of three models, which can, if required, be run separately. It has been designed to assess the combined impact of climate, land use and groundwater abstraction changes on river, drainage and groundwater flows, groundwater levels and, where appropriate, SWI. The approach is interdisciplinary and reflects an integrated water management approach. The system comprises three packages: the Distributed Catchment Scale Model (DiCaSM), MODFLOW (96 and 2000) and SWI models. In addition to estimating all water balance components, DiCaSM, produces the recharge data that are used as input to the groundwater flow model of the US Geological Survey, MODFLOW. The latter subsequently generates the head distribution and groundwater flows that are used as input to the SWI model, SWI. Thus, any changes in land use, rainfall, water management, abstraction, etc. at the surface are first handled by DiCaSM, then by MODFLOW and finally by the SWI. The three models operate at different spatial and temporal scales and a facility (interface utilities between models) to aggregate/disaggregate input/output data to meet a desired spatial and temporal scale was developed allowing smooth and easy communication between the three models. As MODFLOW and SWI are published and in the public domain, this article focuses on DiCaSM, the newly developed unsaturated zone DiCaSM and equally important the interfacing utilities between the three models. DiCaSM simulates a number of hydrological processes: rainfall interception, evapotranspiration, surface runoff, infiltration, soil water movement in the root zone, plant water uptake, crop growth, stream flow and groundwater recharge. Input requirements include distributed data sets of rainfall, land use, soil types and digital terrain; climate data input can be either distributed or non‐distributed. The model produces distributed and time series output of all water balance components including potential evapotranspiration, actual evapotranspiration, rainfall interception, infiltration, plant water uptake, transpiration, soil water content, soil moisture (SM) deficit, groundwater recharge rate, stream flow and surface runoff. This article focuses on details of the hydrological processes and the various equations used in DiCaSM, as well as the nature of the interface to the MODFLOW and SWI models. Furthermore, the results of preliminary tests of DiCaSM are reported; these include tests related to the ability of the model to predict the SM content of surface and subsurface soil layers, as well as groundwater levels. The latter demonstrates how the groundwater recharge calculated from DiCaSM can be used as input into the groundwater model MODFLOW using aggregation and disaggregation algorithms (built into the interface utility). SWI has also been run successfully with hypothetical examples and was able to reproduce the results of some of the original examples of Bakker and Schaars ( 2005 ). In the subsequent articles, the results of applications to different catchments will be reported. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Detecting co-seismic displacements in glaciated regions: An example from the great November 2002 Denali earthquake using SPOT horizontal offsets 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Michael H. Taylor Sebastien Leprince Jean-Philippe Avouac Kerry Sieh 《Earth and Planetary Science Letters》2008,270(3-4):209-220
We use SPOT image pairs to determine horizontal offsets associated with the Mw 7.9 November 2002 Denali earthquake in the vicinity of Slate Creek, AK. Field measurements and aerial photographs are used to further characterize the geometry of the surface rupture. Aerial photographs show that shear localization occurs where the rupture trace is linear, and distributed off-fault deformation is common at fault bends and step-overs, or at geologic contacts between rock, glacial sediments, and ice. The displacement field is generated using a sub-pixel cross correlation technique between SPOT images taken before and after the earthquake. We identify the effects of glacier motion in order to isolate the tectonic displacements associated with the Denali earthquake. The resulting horizontal displacement field shows an along-strike variation in dextral shear, with a maximum of approximately 7.5 m in the east near 144° 52′W, which decreases to about 5 m to the west near 145° 45′W. If the November 2002 earthquake represents the long-term behavior of the Denali fault, it implies a westward decrease in the long-term dextral slip rate. A possible mechanism to accommodate the westward decreasing slip on the Denali fault is to transfer fault slip to adjacent east-trending contractional structures in the western region of the central Alaskan Range. 相似文献
Mapping groundwater discharge zones at broad spatial scales remains a challenge, particularly in data sparse regions. We applied a regional scale mapping approach based on thermal remote sensing to map discharge zones in a complex watershed with a broad diversity of geological materials, land cover and topographic variation situated within the Prairie Parkland of northern Alberta, Canada. We acquired winter thermal imagery from the USGS Landsat archive to demonstrate the utility of this data source for applications that can complement both scientific and management programs. We showed that the thermally determined potential discharge areas were corroborated with hydrological (spring locations) and chemical (conservative tracers of groundwater) data. This study demonstrates how thermal remote sensing can form part of a comprehensive mapping framework to investigate groundwater resources over broad spatial scales. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
水文遥测系统工作制式不同,系统的验收标准也不同,水文遥测系统的组网结构不同,系统可靠性的分析也不同。本文用概率方法对太湖流域水文遥测系统的可靠性进行探讨,对带存储功能的应答系统采用系统可靠度衡量,而不采用月平均数据畅通率衡量;同时讨论不同的系统结构对可靠性的影响,这种以概率统计的方法分析水文遥测系统的可靠性,对水文遥测系统建设的验收标准制定和水文遥测系统结构设计具有重要意义。 相似文献
Soil water regimes and water balances are presented for a series of drained and undrained experimental grassland plots, intended to examine the agronomic consequences of drainage. Although drainage has lowered the watertables and reduced the duration of waterlogging in the drained plots, its effects in terms either of the total water quantities leaving the site or of peak flows is quite small. The major effect of drainage is to alter the route of water loss from the site. In its undrained state, the soil is waterlogged for the majority of the winter, incident rainfall cannot infiltrate, and water leaves as surface runoff or near-surface flow. The introduction of fissures by mole drainage both provides an outlet and enhances the macroporosity, so that the rain moves rapidly through the soil and appears as drainflow. Consequently, the additional delay in generating peak runoff through the drainage system is only of the order of 30 minutes on this site. 相似文献
A field study of surface water and groundwater interactions during baseflow and stormflow conditions was performed at the Reedy Creek watershed in the Virginia Coastal Plain. Three estimates of the average saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of the unconfined aquifer were in reasonable agreement (ranging from 0.0033 to 0.010 cm/s), indicating that baseflow in the creek is entirely from the drainage of shallow groundwater from the relatively thin (1–6 m thick) unconfined aquifer. This relatively permeable surficial aquifer was found to be underlain by dark, olive grey, clay-silt and diatomaceous Miocene deposits of low permeability known as the Calvert Formation, which is believed to function as a confining bed in the area. A chemical hydrograph separation technique was used to resolve the contributions of [old] (pre-event) and [new] (event) water to stormflow. Results from a major rainstorm indicated that old water dominated the stormflow response of the watershed, although the new water contribution approached 40% at the hydrograph peak. Stormflow at Reedy Creek appears to result from saturation overland flow from variable source areas which include the stream channels and a significant part of the riparian wetland area. This response appears to be attributable to the transient dynamics of the shallow groundwater flow system and to the formation of localized groundwater mounds which raise the water-table to the wetland surface. 相似文献
Nonpoint source pollution and hydromodification are the leading causes of impairment to our nation's rivers and streams. Roadside ditch networks, ubiquitous in both rural and urban landscapes, intercept and shunt substantial quantities of overland runoff and shallow groundwater to stream systems. By altering natural flowpaths, road ditches contribute not only to hydromodification but also potentially to nonpoint‐source (NPS) pollution by acting as hydrological links between agricultural fields and natural streams. Unfortunately, the impacts of these alterations on watershed hydrology and water quality are not well understood. Through a series of field measurements, including field surveys and discharge monitoring, this study examined the effect of road ditch networks on basin morphometry, field‐ and watershed‐scale hydrology, and pollutant transport in a 38 km2 agricultural watershed in south‐central NY. Salient findings include the following: (i) 94% of road ditches discharged to natural streams, effectively doubling the drainage density; (ii) on average, road ditches increased peak and total event flows in their receiving streams by 78% and 57%, respectively, but displayed significant variation across ditches; and (iii) ditches intercepted large quantities of surface and subsurface runoff from agricultural fields and therefore represent efficient conduits for the transport of agricultural NPS pollutants to sensitive receiving waterbodies. Our results provide useful information for hydrologists who wish to further understand how artificial drainage may be affecting watershed hydrology and for managers and engineers tasked with designing appropriate flood and NPS pollution control measures. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
An algorithm for automating the mapping of land components from digital elevation data is described. Land components are areas of relatively uniform slope and aspect and often correspond with ridge crests, shoulders, head slopes, back slopes or foot slopes. Aspect regions, which generally span from stream to ridge, are first identified by generalizing an aspect map derived from digital elevation data. The aspect regions are then split successively into land components by grouping pixels above or below an automatically determined contour of elevation or ‘distance from stream’. The contour approximates a slope break. The land components mapped in this way give a complete polygonization of a hilly landscape and are a reasonable approximation of manually mapped land components. 相似文献
This paper proposes an innovative, non‐intrusive method for mapping waterway characteristics in riverine areas. The technique uses photogrammetry to provide quantitative information about the dry area in the vicinity of the waterways (banks and floodplain) and image processing algorithms to characterize the flow. Riverside images of a riverine area are decomposed into quasi‐planar areas and ortho‐rectified and re‐assembled to obtain a panoramic ortho‐view of the area of interest. Morphological features of interest (such as river bank positions, flood plain edges, mud deposits, vegetation and erosion patterns) are then identified on the ortho‐view and mapped digitally. Image sequences of the river flow are recorded, allowing a surface velocity analysis to be obtained through Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry (LSPIV). Finally, the mapped elements and the surface velocities are displayed together in a GIS‐like visualization. Through the presentation of a case study of a flood event at a culvert site, this paper demonstrates the capability of the technique to monitor characteristics of waterways over time. The method is inexpen‐sive (a conventional video or digital camera can be used), fast and requires minimum preparation. It can be applied in such important river‐related research areas as morphodynamic and sediment transport studies. It also fosters an improved understand‐ing of the coupling between the river and its banks, which is essential for river restoration and eco‐habitat studies. The present methodology is readily available for implementation in routine bridge inspections, fitted with an easy‐to‐use graphical interface. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
阐述了在地形复杂、地貌破碎、作业组较多时一种改良的数字化测图新方法的作业流程。该方法发挥了数字化测图的高精度高效率和模拟法测图善于处理勾绘复杂地貌等高线的长处,为针对不同情况制定合适的测图作业方案增加了一种选择。 相似文献
Time series analysis of optical remote sensing data for the mapping of temporary surface water bodies in sub-Saharan western Africa 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A map of temporary small water bodies (TSWB) at 1 km resolution was derived for the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid regions of sub-Saharan western Africa where the spatio-temporal distribution of actual surface water occurrence exhibits high inter- and intra-annual variability. Water bodies and humid areas have been mapped and characterized by the analysis of 10 daily small water bodies (SWB) maps based on SPOT VEGETATION (VGT) data spanning the period January 1999–September 2007. Further analysis of the SWB time series provided additional information about the seasonal recurrence of water bodies as well as their hydrological function. A map derived from a continuous time series assures the inclusion of temporary features, a clear advantage compared to other datasets, which are based on several single date observations. The method described in this paper targets at a rapid creation of TSWB maps based on the SWB time series for different time intervals and regions.An accuracy assessment has been carried out with a stratified random sampling approach and a one-stage cluster analysis that relies on high-resolution satellite data to verify the detected water bodies. The overall accuracy, considering only the commission error, is 95.4% for the whole study region, with best results in the arid and semi-arid climate zone. The method to map water bodies delivers satisfactory results, particularly for sparsely vegetated areas as well as flat areas of the study region. In more humid, more vegetated areas and in mountainous areas, the possibility of false detections increases due to surface characteristics. 相似文献
研究适应信息化时代特征的矿产资源潜力制图新技术、新方法对推动矿产资源评价理论与技术的发展具有重要的意义.笔者把GIS技术、图像分类算法和空间统计学理论进行有机集成,在空间统计学的空间结构分析技术和遥感图像纹理分类算法的基础上,提出了一种以综合地学数据(地质、地球物理、地球化学和遥感图像数据等)为基本数据源的矿产资源潜力自动制图方法.该方法的技术流程为:①数据准备,即对地球物理和地球化学勘探数据进行预处理,生成一个物化遥综合图像文件;②图像空间结构性分析和纹理图像生成,以综合地学图像为研究对象,用空间统计学的结构分析技术研究地学数据综合图像的空间结构性,生成纹理图像;③纹理图像多元分类,用实验变差函数纹理分类方法对研究区进行多元分类,生成分类专题图;④分类后处理,用叠置分析修正空间分类结果,生成区域矿产资源潜力分布图. 相似文献
昆仑山口西 8. 1级地震发生在青藏高原北部可可西里无人区,这里气候寒冷、空气稀薄,野外考察极其艰难。利用高分辨率卫星影像进行地震地表破裂带解译, 10m分辨率SPOT卫星影像能够清楚地反映出地震地表破裂主破裂带的形迹; 1m分辨率IKONOS影像,是一幅真实的地表微缩景观,形象、直观地反映出地震地表破裂的精细结构及运动特征。研究表明:昆仑山口西 8 .1级地震地表破裂带位于东昆仑断裂南麓冲洪积台地或冲洪积台地后缘的地貌陡变带,在布喀达坂峰以东的地表破裂带长近 350km,由 3条次级破裂组成,走向 100°,是一条叠置在先存地震破裂带上的地震地表破裂带。流经破裂带的一系列沟谷发生左旋同步扭曲,平均滑动速率为 13. 4~16. 8mm/a。宏观震中位于 93°17′E, 35°47′N玉西峰附近的地震破裂带上,这里最大地震位错为 7 8m,地震破裂带最宽达1 250m,这与中国地震局推测的宏观震中 93. 3°E, 35. 8°N非常接近 相似文献
Study on geometric correction of airborne multiangular imagery 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
An automatic image matching algorithm, and its application to geometric correction of airborne multiangular remote sensed
imagery, are presented in this paper. The image-matching algorithm is designed to find correct match for images containing
localized geometric distortion and spectral variation. Mathematical tools such as wavelet decomposition, B-spline, and multi-variant
correlation estimator are integrated in the frame of pyramidal matching. The simulated experiment and our practice in correcting
airborne multiangular images show that the matching algorithm is robust to the few random abnormal points and can achieve
subpixel match accuracy in most area of the image. After geometric correction and registration, multiangular observations
for each ground pixel are extracted and sun/view geometry is also simultaneously derived. 相似文献
The feasibility of using small-scale digital elevation models (DEMs) to extract various drainage basin characteristics was evaluated by comparing basin parameters derived from the 1:250 000 DEMs with those from the 1:24 000 DEMs. Twenty basins ranging approximately from 150 km2 to 1000 km2 in West Virginia, a geologically complex region, were examined in this study. The basin parameters examined included those commonly used in hydrology and geomorphology such as elevation, slope, stream length, drainage density, relief ratio and ruggedness number. Our results suggested that the 1:250 000 DEMs can provide accurate estimates for elevation-based and stream-length-based basin parameters, but not for slope-based parameters. After examining the differences between the DEM-derived basin parameters from the two different scales, we found that the performance of the 1:250 000 DEMs was not significantly influenced by basin size, while terrain complexity seems to be an important factor of accuracy of the estimated basin parameters. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Hydrological modeling using a dynamic neuro-fuzzy system with on-line and local learning algorithm 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper introduces the dynamic neuro-fuzzy local modeling system (DNFLMS) that is based on a dynamic Takagi–Sugeno (TS) type fuzzy inference system with on-line and local learning algorithm for complex dynamic hydrological modeling tasks. Our DNFLMS is aimed to implement a fast training speed with the capability of on-line simulation where model adaptation occurs at the arrival of each new item of hydrological data. The DNFLMS applies an on-line, one-pass, training procedure to create and update fuzzy local models dynamically. The extended Kalman filtering algorithm is then implemented to optimize the parameters of the consequence part of each fuzzy model during the training phase. Local generalization in the DNFLMS is employed to optimize the parameters of each fuzzy model separately, region-by-region, using subsets of training data rather than all training data. 相似文献
Flow network derivation from a high resolution DEM in a low relief,agrarian landscape 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Wolfgang Schwanghart Geoff Groom Nikolaus J. Kuhn Goswin Heckrath 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2013,38(13):1576-1586
Digital flow networks derived from digital elevation models (DEMs) sensitively react to errors due to measurement, data processing and data representation. Since high‐resolution DEMs are increasingly used in geomorphological and hydrological research, automated and semi‐automated procedures to reduce the impact of such errors on flow networks are required. One such technique is stream‐carving, a hydrological conditioning technique to ensure drainage connectivity in DEMs towards the DEM edges. Here we test and modify a state‐of‐the‐art carving algorithm for flow network derivation in a low‐relief, agricultural landscape characterized by a large number of spurious, topographic depressions. Our results show that the investigated algorithm reconstructs a benchmark network insufficiently in terms of carving energy, distance and a topological network measure. The modification to the algorithm that performed best, combines the least‐cost auxiliary topography (LCAT) carving with a constrained breaching algorithm that explicitly takes automatically identified channel locations into account. We applied our methods to a low relief landscape, but the results can be transferred to flow network derivation of DEMs in moderate to mountainous relief in situations where the valley bottom is broad and flat and precise derivations of the flow networks are needed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
P.R.C. Fearns W. KlonowskiR.C. Babcock P. EnglandJ. Phillips 《Continental Shelf Research》2011,31(12):1249-1259
During April 2004 the airborne hyperspectral sensor, HyMap, collected data over a shallow coastal region of Western Australia. These data were processed by inversion of a semi-analytical shallow water optical model to classify the substrate. Inputs to the optical model include water column constituent specific inherent optical properties (SIOPs), view and illumination geometry, surface condition (based on wind speed) and normalised reflectance spectra of substrate types. A sub-scene of the HyMap data covering approximately 4 km2 was processed such that each 3×3 m2 pixel was classed as sand, seagrass, brown algae or various mixtures of these three components. Coincident video data were collected and used to estimate substrate types. We present comparisons of the habitat classifications determined by these two methods and show that the percentage validation of the remotely sensed habitat map may be optimised by selection of appropriate optical model parameters. The optical model was able to retrieve classes for approximately 80% of all pixels in the scene, with validation percentages of approximately 50% for sand and seagrass classification, and 90% for brown algae classification. The semi-analytical model inversion approach to classification can be expected to be applied to any shallow water region where substrate reflectance spectra and SIOPs are known or can be inferred. 相似文献